Showing posts with label NCERT CBSE Class 10 English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCERT CBSE Class 10 English. Show all posts

Study Material for CBSE Class X English Language Literature 2020 - 2021







MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

PASSAGE 1: Read the passage given below

   During our growing up years we as children were taught - both at home and school - to worship the photos and idols of the Gods of our respective religions. When we grew a little older, we were to read holy books like the Bhagwad Gita, Bible and Quran; we were told that there are a lot of life lessons to be learnt from these holy books. We were then introduced to stories from our mythologies which taught us about ethics and morality- what is good and what is bad. I also learnt to be respectful towards my parents who made my life comfortable with their hard work and love and care, and my teachers who guided me to become a good student and a responsible citizen.

   Much later in life, I realised that though we learn much from our respective holy books, there is a lot to learn from our surroundings. This realization dawned upon me when I learnt to enquire and explore. Everything around us- the sun, the moon, the stars, rain, rivers, stones, rocks, birds, plants and animals - teach us many valuable life lessons.

     No wonder that besides the scriptures, in many cultures nature is also worshipped. The message that we get is to save our environment and maintain ecological balance. People are taught to live in harmony with nature and recognize that there is God in all aspects of nature.

   Nature is a great teacher. A river never stops flowing. If it finds an obstacle in its way in the form of a heavy rock, the river water fights to remove it from its path or finds an alternative path to move ahead. This teaches us to be progressive in life, and keep the fighting spirit alive.

    Snakes are worshipped as they eat insects in the field that can hurt our crops, thus protecting the grains for us. In fact, whatever we worship is our helper and makes our lives easy for us. There are many such examples in nature, but we are not ready to learn a lesson. Overcome with greed, we are destroying nature. As a result, we face natural disasters like droughts, floods and landslides. We don’t know that nature is angry with us.

 However, it is never too late to learn. If we learn to respect nature, the quality of our life will improve.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the 12 that follow.                                                                (1 x 10=10)                                                                          i)    We are told to worship photos and idols of Gods during our _________. 

a.       childhood

b.      adulthood

c.       growing up years

d.      none of these


ANSWER-(a) childhood


(i)                 Parents should be worshiped because __________

a.       they gave us Holy books to read

b.      they taught us what is good and what is bad

c.       they work hard to make our lives easier

d.      they have read many mythical stories


ANSWER – (c)they work hard to make our lives easier


(ii)               One can learn life lessons from _________

1.      Mythology                                    2. Reading Holy books     

                  3. Nature                                             4. Worshiping photos and idols of God

a.       1,2,4

b.      1,3,4

c.       1,2,3

d.      2,3,4


ANSWER – (c)1,2,3


(iii)             The natural disaster that has not been talked about in the passage is:

a.       Drought

b.      Earthquake

c.       Flood

d.      Landslide


ANSWER – (b)Earthquake



(iv)             A river teaches us to be ___________

a.       Stubborn

b.      Obstinate

c.       Progressive

d.      Docile


ANSWER- (c)Progressive


(v)               Snakes are worshipped because they protect ____________

a.       Crops from animals

b.      Crops from insects

c.       Us from rodents

d.      Us from insects


ANSWER- (b)Crops from insects


(vi)             According to the passage, the reason for not a worshiping nature is ___________

a.       Anger

b.      Ethics

c.       Harmony

d.      Greed


ANSWER – (e)Greed



(vii)           The most suitable meaning of the word “guided” is __________

a.       Answered

b.      Directed

c.       Fought

d.      Polished


ANSWER –(b)Directed



(viii)         The word which means the same as “explore” is ___________


a.       Search

b.      Frequent

c.       Describe

d.      Request


ANSWER – (a)Search


(ix)             The word which is synonym of “valuable” is _________

a.        Proper

b.      Desirable

c.       Available

d.      Useful


ANSWER – (d)Useful


(x)               Choose the option which means the same as “harmony”

a.       Beauty

b.      Agreement

c.       Discomfort

d.      Honesty


ANSWER- (b)Agreement


(xi)             Which word means the same as “ethics”

a.       Conduct

b.      Deed

c.       Action

d.      Morals

ANSWER – (d)Morals

xii)     Antonym of “progressive” is

a.       broad -minded

b.      conservative

c.       liberal

d.      advanced


ANSWER- (b) conservative



 Read the passage given below.


Subhash Chandra Bose passed through quarters inhabited by Englishmen and also met a large number of them in the tram cars. The British using these cars were purposely rude and offensive to Indians in various ways. The sensitive mind of Subhash revolted against such insulting and rude behavior of the British. On many occasions, there was an exchange of hot words between him and misbehaving British. Majority of the students of the Presidency College, where he studied, were free thinkers. The college continued to be a storm centre and was looked upon by the British Government “as a hotbed of sedition, rendezvous of revolutionaries” and was frequently searched by the police. The first two years of his life were greatly influenced by the group, which styled itself as the neo-Vivekananda group and Subhash developed intellectually during this period. The group generally followed the teachings of Rama Krishna and Vivekananda with special emphasis on social service as means of spiritual development and was non-aligned to a revolutionary group. The shock of the Great World War roused his political consciousness. He graduated at the age of 22 and enrolled himself for the postgraduate with experimental psychology as a special subject.


His father, however, wanted him to go to England to appear for the Indian Civil Services. In spite of his mental reservations, Subhash took it as a challenge. In England, he was greatly impressed with the freedom allowed to students at Cambridge. Every student behaved in a dignified manner. Notwithstanding his preoccupation with his studies, he displayed his public spirit and fearlessness throughout his stay in England. He and K. L. Gouba were selected by the Indian Majlis, to represent the British Government the difficulties the Indian students encountered for admission to the University Officers’ Training Corps. Though he took a harsh view of the British high handedness and racial arrogance, he did admire their qualities which exacted him. He himself behaved there in a dignified way and was of the view that Indians who go abroad, must consider themselves to be unofficial ambassadors of the country, who should uphold their country’s prestige. He was quite serious in purpose and disliked anybody wasting time on trivialities.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions.                                                                                       (1X10=10)



(i)Who were selected by the Indian Majlis?


a)       Subhash Chandra Bose and KL Gouba                        b) Jawahar Lal Nehru

c)       Mahatma Gandhi                                               d) none of the above


ANSWER – (a)Subhash Chandra Bose and KL Gouba


(ii) Majority of the students of the Presidency college were _______________.


a)       radical                                                               b)          arrogant

c)       unhappy                                                 d)         free thinkers


ANSWER – (d)free thinkers


(iii) Whose teachings did the group generally followed?


a)       Mahatma Gandhi                                           b) Rabindranath Tagore

c)       Rama Krishna                                                d) Lala Lajpat Rai


ANSWER – (c)Rama Krishna


(iv) Subhash Chandra’s father wanted him to go to England and appear for what?


a)       Barrister’s exam                                     b)         Indian Civil Services

c)       Start the freedom movement                 d)         Judiciary exam


ANSWER – (b) Indian Civil Services


(v) At what age Subhash enrolled for his postgraduation?


a)       20 years                                                 b)         25 years

c)       22 years                                                 d)         21 years


ANSWER – (c) 22 years


(vi) Where is Cambridge University?


a)       England                                                 b)         Germany

c)       United States of America                                  d)         France


ANSWER- (a) England


(vii) Indians who go abroad must consider themselves to be unofficial _______________ of the country.


a)       Chancellors                                                      b)           Ambassadors

c)       Ministers                                                            d)         Governors


ANSWER- (b) Ambassadors


(viii) Subhash met lot of rude Englishmen while travelling in _______________.


a)       buses                                                      b)         tram cars

c)       trains                                                      d)         taxi

ANSWERS – (b)tram cars


(ix) What aroused political consciousness in Subhash Chandra Bose?


a)       Great World War                                               b)         The Great Depression

c)       Travel                                                               d)           all of the above


ANSWER- (a)Great World War


(x) Why was the college frequently searched by the police?


a)       Spiritualism                                                      b)           Noise from the students

c)       Illegal immigrants                                              d)         Acts of sedition


ANSWER –(d) Acts of sedition


(xi)  What does 'inhabited by' mean in the passage?

(a)    Occupied by                  b) living with      c) destroyed by           d) owned by


ANSWER – (a) Occupied by 



(xii) Identify synonym of trivial

a) Insignificant         b) simple                c) significant                                    d) rare


ANSWER – (a) Insignificant 


One day Nandu rode his horse to the village fair. On his way back he met Somendra, the merchant. The merchant was a crafty man, ready to do anything to earn some money. The villagers knew this. In fact no one knew what trick he would be up to next. Now, Nandu was poor and had no one in the world to call his own except a beautiful, white horse. He loved it more than anything else in the world. The merchant had his eye on the horse for a long time and tried to think of a way to get it for himself. Seeing Nandu, the merchant thought, Nandu is a simpleton. Let me see if I can trick him out of his horse. So he said to Nandu, You live all alone. How do you manage? What does a young boy like you need with a horse? Sell it to me and I shall make you rich in return. Nandu replied, "No I don’t want to sell my horse." 

But the merchant refused to give up so easily. He offered Nandu more money. Finally, when the offer reached five hundred gold coins, Nandu paused and said. Five hundred gold coins seems like a good price. But I have a condition. If you agree to it, I shall give you my horse. "What is it?", the merchant asked impatiently. "Give me the money right now and I shall give you my horse when I have given you ten lashes." After all he would resell the horse for over a thousand gold coins in the market. He would take twenty lashes for such a gain. He agreed instantly. He ran home and got the money for Nandu and brought along his whip as well. Nandu counted the money carefully. He then took the whip and the lashes fell on the merchant’s back in quick succession. By the eighth lash the merchant was almost in tears but he told himself that there were only two lashes to go and the horse would be his. The merchant held his breath waiting for the final lashes. But Nandu had mounted his horse and was riding off. "Wait!", shouted the merchant in anger. "What about the last lashes? Where are you going with the horse? We had a deal. 

Nandu stopped and said, "I agree to give you the horse only after I had given you ten lashes. But it is upsetting my horse. I’ll give you the last lashes later. Till then goodbye!" "Come back you cheat!", the merchant shouted. But the crowd that had gathered around agreed with Nandu. A deal was a deal. Till the last lash was given, the horse could not belong to the merchant. Nandu rode away richer by five hundred gold coins and Somendra waited in vain for several days for the final lash which never came.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions out of the twelve that follow.                                                   (1x10=10)


i)Why did the merchant offer to buy Nandu’s horse?

a)      He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

b)      It was his way of helping Nandu who was poor.

c)      The horse would be useful for carrying goods to the market.

d)     He hated Nandu and wanted to deprive him of something he loved.


             ANSWER – (a)He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

    ii)Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?

1. Nandu was an orphan.   

2. The merchant was very persevering.       

3. The merchant was fond of Nandu's horse.


a)      None

b)      Only 1

c)      Both 1 & 2

d)     All 1, 2 and 3


             ANSWERS – (d) All 1, 2 and 3


    iii)Why did Nandu set the condition of giving the merchant ten lashes?

a)      To discourage the merchant from buying his horse.

b)      To demonstrate how painful a whipping was so that the merchant would never hit the horse.

c)      To bargain with the merchant to offer more money.


d)     To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him.


            ANSWER- (d)To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him

    iv)Why did the bystanders take Nandu’s side in the argument?

1.  They hoped that Nandu would give them a reward from the five hundred gold coins he had earned.
2.  They were sure that the merchant would ill treat the horse and wanted to prevent that from happening.
3.  They knew that the merchant was a cheat and Nandu would be miserable without his horse of whom he was very fond.


a)      Only 1

b)      Both 1 & 3

c)      Only 3

d)     None of these


ANSWER – (c) Only 3

    v)What reason did Nandu cite for not giving the merchant the final lashes?

a)      His horse was distressed by the whipping.

b)      He realised that the merchant was in great pain and took pity on him.

c)      He was following the advice of the people around.

d)     He had changed his mind about selling his horse.


            ANSWER – (a) His horse was distressed by the whipping.

      vi)Which of the following can be said about Nandu?

1. He was very cunning.                     

2. He needed money.  

3. He was cruel to people but loved animals.

a)      None of these

b)      Both 1 & 2

c)      Both 2 & 3

d)     All 1, 2 and 3


               ANSWER – (a)None of these

   vii)What made that merchant agree to Nandu’s strange condition for buying                                             the horse?

a)      He wanted to show Nandu how brave he was.

b)      The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.

c)      The fear that Nandu would raise the price of his horse otherwise.

d)     He did not think that Nandu would actually whip him.


       ANSWER – (b)The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.



     viii) Why did Nandu consider selling his horse to the merchant?

a)      The merchant’s offer was more than what the horse was worth.

b)      He had not managed to sell it at the village fair.

c)      He could no longer afford to feed his horse.

d)     None of these


 ANSWER – (d)None of these

      ix)Choose the word that is synonym of “crafty”

a)      skilled

b)      naive

c)      cunning

d)     honest


     ANSWER – (c)cunning

      x)   Choose the word that is synonym of “PAUSED”


a)      Halted

b)      Relaxed

c)      Ended

d)     Stuck


        ANSWER – (a) Halted

      xi)    Choose the word that is antonym of “instantly”

a)      Carelessly

b)      promptly

c)      rapidly

d)     eventually


        ANSWER – (d) eventually


      xii)   Choose the word that is antonym of “GATHERED”


a)      Dissolved

b)      Collected

c)      Dispersed

d)     Melted


           ANSWER – (c) Dispersed


 HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.   (1x10=10)                                                                                                    

1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn't grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.

2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest season.

3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of ice above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage two crops instead of one. It costs about Rs.1,50,000 and above to create one.

4. Fondly called the "glacier man", Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab Mukherjee, in 2015.

5. There are few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier.

6. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope. Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is referred to as an "artificial glacier".



No. of tourist who visited Leh

Month /























i.                    For how many months does the ice formation continue?

(a)    2 months     

(b)   3-4 months

(c)    5 months

(d)   none of these


ANSWER- (b)3-4 months


ii.                  Mr. Norphel designed 15 artificial glaciers in __________

(a)    Kashmir

(b)   Ladakh

(c)    Leh

(d)   a village


ANSWER - (c) Leh


iii.                What kind of landform is Ladakh?

(a)    Hot desert

(b)   Cold desert       

(c)    Dry desert 

(d)   Hot and Dry desert


    ANSWER – (b) Cold desert       



iv.                Who was ChewangNorphel?

(a)    a retired principal

(b)   a retired activist

(c)    a retired social worker     

(d)   a retired civil engineer


ANSWER –(d) a retired civil engineer


v.                    In which year did MrNorphel get Padma Shri award?

(a)     2007 

(b)   2015

(c)    2009             

(d)   2005

 ANSWER –(b)2015


vi.                Ladakh is at an altitude of ____________ metres above sea level.

(a)    2000-2050

(b)   1500-2000

(c)    3000-3500

(d)   2500-3000

ANSWER- (c)3000-3500


      vii.The tabular graph given above depicts that maximum tourist visited Leh in

(a)    August 2010     

(b)   August 2011

(c)    July 2010                         

(d)   July 2011


     ANSWER –(d)July 2011


viii. The lowest number of tourist who visited Leh was in the month of

(a)    April 2010

(b)   April 2011

(c)    Sep 2010

(d)   Sep 2010

ANSWER – (b)April 2011


ix.                The number of visitors to Leh in July 2011 was____________ those who visited in July 2010


(a)     One third           

(b)   Double

(c)    more than double         

(d)   Half


ANSWER –(b)Double


x.                  ______ visitors visited Leh in may 2010.


(a)    16815

(b)   16518

(c)    15618         

(d)   16158


     ANSWER – (b)16518


xi.                The word which means the same as 'involving new methods' in para 4 is __________

(a)    pioneering             

(b)   recognition

(c)    conferred               

(d)   fondly


     ANSWER – (a) pioneering   


xii.              The synonym of 'height' in para 2 is _____________

(a)    desert         

(b)   altitude

(c)    increasing   

(d)   drought

ANSWER –(b) altitude


5. Read the passage given below:                                                                        (10 marks)

Cardamom, the Queen of all spices, has a history as old as the human race. It is the dried fruit of a herbaceous perennial plant. Warm humid climate, loamy soil rich in organic matter, distributed rainfall and special cultivation and processing methods all combine to make Indian cardamom truly unique in aroma, flavour, size and it has a parrot green colour. Two types of cardamom are produced in India. The first type is the large one, which has not much significance as it is not traded in the future market. It is cultivated in North-eastern area of the country. The second type is produced in the Southern states and these are traded in the future market. These are mainly cultivated in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. As per the future market rules, only 7 mm quality was previously traded in exchanges. But later, it relaxed its norms, and now 6 mm quality is also traded in the exchanges. The small variety, known for its exotic quality throughout the world, is now traded in India‟s commodity future exchanges. Traditional auction markets also exist for trading in small cardamom in the country. Cardamom is an expensive spice, second only to saffron. It is often adulterated and there are many inferior substitutes from cardamom-related plants such as Siam cardamom, Nepal cardamom, Winged Java cardamom, etc. However, it is only Elettaria cardamom which is the true cardamom. Indian cardamom is known in two main varieties: Malabar cardamom and Mysore cardamom. The Mysore variety contains levels of cineol and limonene and hence is more aromatic.

India was the world‟s largest producer and exporter of cardamom till the 1980s. By 1990s Guatemala emerged as the leading producer and exporter of cardamom.

The main harvest season of cardamom in India is between August-February. Cardamom reaches yielding stage two years after planting. The primary physical markets of cardamom are Kumily, Vandenmedu, Thekkady, Puliyarmala in Kerala and Bodynaikkannur and Cumbam in Tamil Nadu. Cardamom auctions also take place in Sakalespur and Sirsi in Karnataka. North India is the main market for cardamom produced in the country. Normally, domestic demand goes up during the major festivals such as Diwali, Dussehra and Eid. Colour, size and aroma are the major variables that shape cardamom prices in the Indian market. Cardamom price formation in India is also influenced by the output in Guatemala as that country controls the global markets. Kerala is the main producer of cardamom and contributes up to 60% in total production. Karnataka produces around 25% cardamom of the total production. Ooty is the main producer of cardamom in Tamil Nadu and contributes around 10-15% of the total production. Besides India, Guatemala also produces around 2,200 ton cardamom. On the other hand, India produces nearly 1,000-2,000 ton cardamom per year. Due to low quality of cardamom from Guatemala, it remains available at cheaper rates. Moreover, cardamom of Indian origin fetches $ 3-4 per kilogram higher rates than the ones from Guatemala.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow.                                                                                              (1x10 =10)

i) Indian cardamom is unique because of its?

a) aroma, flavour and size           b) parrot green colour

c) processing methods                 d) all of these


ANSWER –(d)all of these


ii) Which of the following is not the features of second type of the cardamom?

a) It is produced in the Southern states

b) it is not traded in the future market

c) It is produced in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

d) It is produced in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh


ANSWER –(d)It is produced in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh


iii) What is special about the Mysore quality of cardamom?

a. It is more expensive than saffron.

b. It contains cineol and limonene

c. It is the least aromatic

d. It is the true cardamom


ANSWER – (b) It contains cineol and limonene


iv) Which of the following is true about the role of Guatemala cardamom in the global market?

a) Guatemala is the second largest producers and exporter of cardamom in the world.

b) It has no control on global market.

c) Guatemala produces around 2200 ton cardamom per year.

d) None of these


ANSWER -(c) Guatemala produces around 2200 ton cardamom per year.



v) The main market for cardamom in our country is:

a) Assam and Meghalaya

b) Maharashtra and Gujrat

c) Kerala and Karnataka

d) North India


ANSWER-(c)Kerala and Karnataka


vi) Which of the following is the harvest season of the cardamom in India?

a) August and January

b) July and December

c) August and February

d) August and March


ANSWER -(c)August and February


vii) Which of the following is the adulterated cardamom?

a) Elettaria cardamom

b) Winged Java cardamom

c) Malabar cardamom

d) Mysore cardamom

ANSWER -(b)Winged Java cardamom


viii) The price of cardamom is shaped in the Indian market by.

a) Colour, size and aroma of cardamom

b) production of cardamom in Guatemala

c) only b

d) both a and b

ANSWER -(d) both a and b


ix) Which one of the following is true about the production of cardamom in India state wise?

a) Tamilnadu is the second largest producer of cardamom

b) Ooty is the highest producer of cardamom in Karnataka

c) Karnataka and Tamilnadu produce more than 50% and less than 70% of the cardamom.

d) Kerala produces more than 50% of the cardamom.


ANSWER -(d) Kerala produces more than 50% of the cardamom.


x) Which one is a true statement about small cardamom?

a) it is solely traded in traditional market.

b) it is not traded in India’s commodity future exchange.

c) it is produced throughout the world.

d) it is known for its exotic quality.

ANSWER-(d)it is known for its exotic quality.


(x)Find words from the options given below which mean the same as “permanent”:

 (a) unique                                    (b) perennial

(c) exotic                                      (d) old


ANSWER- (b)perennial


(xi) fragrance:

(a) herbaceous                               (b) loamy

(c) aroma                                      (d) humid




(xii) make poor in quality by adding another substances:


(a) adulterated                                  emerged

(c) contribute                                   (d) remain


ANSWER -(a) adulterated 



   1.               Read the  passage given below.                  HOTS                               1x10

1. Mind management is a way to control one’s mind. To do this, we need to be cautious about our thinking process and also need a high level of understanding and meditation as well. Understanding is wisdom – 80 percent of people are knowledgeable, while 20 per cent are wise. Knowledgeable men take sides without reason. They feel sad seeing deprived people but jealous when they see happy people. They work in the guidance of others’ inspiration, take unnecessary responsibility to keep themselves disturbed.

2. A wise person does not stand for or against any idea without concrete reason. He works according to the situation and capacity. He looks at everything intellectually. To him, failure is a stepping stone for future success. So depression and conflict are not seen. Like the phrase ‘Stop, Look, Go’, first one should see, and this needs patience. Meditation is necessary to control and manage mind which then becomes an easy task.

3. Unless we control or manage our mind, it is difficult to achieve success and peace. Psychologists say every interest is first born in the mind as a seed. Then it continues to grow. Later it takes its real form which everybody can see. The interest that first appears in the mind remains weak for the first three minutes and it becomes strong within the next five minutes. All the negative aspects should be deleted within the first three minutes. If not taken out, they would become stronger later and you can never throw them out. After taking control over the mind, we can control passion, interest and unrest. Mind management is essential for a peaceful, successful and healthy life.

4. The age of computers has thrown us on the escalator of aspirations but has robbed us of simple charms like falling asleep. The compulsions of hectic schedules burden the mind and cause stress. However, the joys that elude us can be regained by practising power meditation. It creates tranquillity, simplifies life and cleanses the mind. It helps control indolence, ego and anger and builds confidence and patience. With power meditation, negative thoughts get dissipated and a sense of happiness is achieved.

Attempt the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read:

(a)  Mind management is essential …………………………
(i) for a peaceful, successful, and a healthy life
(ii) to remain fit
(iii) for a wealthy life
(iv) to dominate others

(b) Traits exhibited by knowledgeable people are …………………………
(i) they take sides without reason
(ii) they are sympathetic to the deprived people
(iii) they are jealous of happy people
(iv) all of the above

(c) we can control -------

i) passion              ii) unrest                   iii) interest              iv?) all of these


(d) ----- percent of people are knowledgeable and ------- percent are wise.

i)  60:40           ii) 90: 10               iii) 80;20                   iv) 50:50


(e)  choose the trait of a wise man.

i) feels jealous seeing happy people                 ii) takes sides without reason

iii) works according to the situation                 iv) takes unnecessary responsibility


(f) The age of computers has robbed us of simple charms of life.

True/ False


(g) Psychologists say that every ‘interest is first born in the mind as a.

i) plant          ii) seed        iii) fruit            iv) grain


h) Meditation causes -----

i) simplifies life                                       ii) creates tranquillity

iii) cleanses the mind                           iv) all of these


(i) Find the word from the passage which means the same as “based on facts, not on ideas”. (para 2)

i) soft            ii) concrete           iii) different         iv) difficult


j) find the synonym from the passage which means “escape”-( para 4)

i) accept         ii) elude              iii)  welcome           iv) greet





1.a). i) peaceful, successful and healthy life       b) all of these     c) all of these

    d) 80;20        e) works according to a situation    f) true    g) seed     h) all of these

i) concrete    j) elude



2…Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.


Vegetables are important protective food and highly beneficial for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. They contain valuable food ingredients which can be successfully utilised to build-up and repair the body. Vegetables are valuable in maintaining alkaline reserves in the body. They are valued mainly for their high vitamin and mineral content. Vitamins A, B and C are contained in vegetables in fair amounts. Faulty cooking and prolonged careless storage can, however, destroy these valuable elements.


There are different kinds of vegetables. They may be edible roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. Each group contributes to diet in its own way. Roots are high in energy value and good sources of vitamin B group. Seeds are relatively high in carbohydrates and proteins. Leaves, stems and fruits are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins, water and roughage. It is not the green vegetables only that are useful. Farinaceous vegetables consisting of starchy roots such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, the tubers and legumes are also valuable. They are excellent sources of carbohydrates and provide energy to the body.


To prevent loss of nutrients in vegetables, we should steam or boil vegetables in their own juices on a slow fire and the water or cooking liquid should not be drained off. Vegetables lose their nutritive and medicinal values if they are boiled hard and for a long time in a large quantity of water. No vegetable should be peeled unless it is so old that the peeling is tough and unpalatable. In most root vegetables the largest amount of minerals are directly under the skin and these are lost if vegetables are peeled. Soaking of vegetables should also be avoided if taste and nutritive value are to be preserved.


  Finally, vegetables should not be cooked in aluminium utensils. Aluminium is a soft metal and is acted upon by both food acids and alkalis. There is scientific evidence to show that tiny particles of aluminium from foods cooked in such utensils enter the stomach and that the powerful astringent properties of aluminium injure the sensitive lining of the stomach, leading to gastric irritation as well as digestive and intestinal ailments. An intake of about 280 grams of vegetables per day is considered essential for maintenance of good health. Of this, leafy vegetables should constitute 40 per cent, roots and tubers 30 per cent and the other vegetables like brinjals and lady fingers the remaining 30 per cent.

On the basis of your reading of the Passage, complete the statements given below by choosing the most appropriate option.

1.      Vegetables are cherished for their

(a) maintenance of good health
(b) minerals which are directly under the skin
(c) high vitamin and mineral content
(d) None of the above

(2)  ---- are high in energy value and good sources of vitamin B group.
(a) Fruits              b) leaves              c) seeds               d) roots

3.   To preserve the nutrients in vegetables, we should
(a) boil vegetables in their own juices
(b) ensure that the cooking liquid is not removed
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. A person needs per day for maintaining good health.
(a) 20 per cent leafy vegetables
(b) roots and tubers 40 per cent
(c) brinjals and ladyfingers 40 per cent
(d) 280 grams of vegetables

5. Vegetables are called “protective food” because of

a) maintenance of health                              b) prevention of disease

c)  repairing of body                                      d) all of these


6.  Write the correct method of cooking—

a)  Vegetables should not be peeled.                b)  soaking of vegetables should be avoided

c)  should not be cooked in aluminium utensils.        d)     all of these


7..   The word in paragraph 1 which means the same as ‘available for use if required’ is
(a) spare
(b) storage
(c) reserves
(d) fair


8. In paragraph 3, the word is the antonym of ‘destroyed’ is
(a) peeled
(b) preserved
(c) cooked
(d) lost

9.. The word in para 2 which means “suitable to eat” is

a) edible                b) uneatable                      c) toxic            d) useful


10.. Find out antonym of “harmful” in para 1

a) Dangerous           b) poisonous           c) beneficial         d) useless






    1.d). None of the above                 2. D)  Roots                 3. c) Both a and b  

     4.d). 280-gram vegetable             5. d). all of these           6. d). all of these

     7.b). storage            8.b). preserved             9.a) edible         10.c) beneficial 














Bottom of Form




 The centuries-old tradition of Ayurveda is fast turning Kerala into a global medical tourism    destination, attracting holidayers as well as international celebrities to the State. When British super model Naomi Campbell landed in Kerala last year for an ayurvedic massage session at Leela Kovalam Beach hotel, she was only affirming the efficacy of the Indian healing system with God’s Own Country.


According to sources in Kerala Tourism department, those who visited the State in recent times included Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci, known for his global hits such as Last Tango in Paris and The Last Emperor, who came to the State for ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment. German TV and film actress Ingeborg Choener (77) has been trooping into the state for the last eight years for Ayurveda treatment. Completely cured of her painful knee problem, she told tourism officials that she had stopped allopathic treatments. “Thanks to Ayurveda, I feel fantastic. I make ghee at home and have stopped using oil to fry food. I do my yoga, drink a glass of hot water first thing in the morning and buy ayurvedic medicines for a whole year,” a spokesperson for the department quoted her as saying.


Pop star Madonna, Hollywood actress Demi Moore and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, have also used Ayurveda. Back home, former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee is an ardent believer in the healing properties of Ayurveda’s Panchakarma therapy. After his visit to Kumarakom resort, from where he famously mused on the state of the affair of the nation in 2000, Vajpayee told people around him that he felt very relaxed after Ayurveda therapy in Kerala.


The list of celebrities from the showbiz world, sports and politics, fascinated by Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one. From autism to alzheimers, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for. K.B. Bhadran, DGM, Quality Assurance Department, Santhigiri Ashram, said “We are sticking to the traditional form of Aurveda. We are not acting as a massage parlour but as a genuine healthcare provider round the year with wellness and recreation, only a part of it".


Kerala Tourism has introduced the “Green Leaf” and “Olive Leaf” grading for Ayurvedic institutions in order to ensure quality service. “Green Leaf is given to those ayurvedic centres which provide ‘five star’ facilities while Olive Leaf is for the ‘three star’ category. These classifications ensure the credibility of service providers and the quality. It will help tourists to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

  1. Which among the following affirmed the efficacy of the Indian healing system?1X10

A. Pop star Madonna used Ayurveda.

B. German TV actress Ingeborg Choener was a practitioner of Ayurveda.

C. Former Prime Minister, A.B. Vajpayee visited Kumarakom resort.         

D. Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage. 



2. Match the personalities with their correct reference.

a) A.B Vajpayee                              i) Completely cured of painful knee problem.

b) Naomi Campbell                        ii) Took ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment.

c) Ingeborg Choener                       iii) Felt relaxed after Ayurveda therapy.

d) Bernardo Bertolucci                    iv) Underwent ayurvedic massage session.

A. a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i

B. a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

C. a-I, b -iii, c-ii, d-iv

D. a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii

3.Name a genetic disease for which Ayurveda is an effective cure.

a)     Typhoid   b)  Alzheimer’s   c) small pox            d) Dental problem

4. Grading of Ayurvedic institutions is beneficial. Give reasons.

        a).    It will increase the quality of service.

         b). It will ensure the credibility of the service provider.

        c). Help people to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

         d). All of these

5. Ayurveda, which dates back to 6000 BC, is not still outdated. Give reasons.

a).   the efficacy of the Indian healing system                                                                                             b). Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one.

        c). From autism to Alzheimer’s, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for.

d). All of these

6.. German actress Choener was under Ayurvedic treatment for knee problem. Mention the step she did not follow.


      a) she was using oil to fry food

         b) she drank a glass of hot water in the morning

        c)  she purchased ayurvedic medicine for a whole year

       d)   she was doing yoga

7. Choose the statement which is TRUE about Santhigiri ashram-----

a)  it acts as a massage parlour

b) Healthcare provider with recreation

c) it uses modern Ayurvedic treatment

d) It does not have treatment for all ailments


8.   Find out synonym of “refresh” (para 4)

a)  spoil                  b) rejuvenate                c) damage             d) ruin


9. Find out synonym of ‘annoying’ (para 2)

a) consoling            b) comforting                c) nagging         d) relaxing


10. Find out synonym of ‘pondered’ (para 3)

   a) disturbed           b) mused                       c) troubled             d) worried



1.. (d) Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage

2. (b) a-iii, b-iv , c-i,  d-ii

3.. b)  Alzheimer’s      

4.  d). All of these

5   d). All of these

 6.. a) she was using oil to fry food

7. b) Healthcare provider with recreation

8.  b) rejuvenate                   

9. c) nagging                   

10.  Mused



4.             Read the passage and answer the questions.                              ( HOTS)

--                           1


For the working professionals festivities do not always mean a holiday in India.  Many of them do not manage to get off work during the festival days. And this is a tricky situation faced by many, no matter which sector they are in. Stressful workplaces can,    however, take a toll on the health and quality of lives of employees. In a survey,      conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance, 89% of Indians responded saying that they suffered from stress as compared to the global average of 86%.


Well, with the festive season, it's time you took the control back with work life blend. While keeping your job is important, you cannot give the festivities amiss, either. Here are some tips on how to make the best of both worlds by using the effective work-pleasure hacks given below :


Decide your priorities

Get the best returns from a work day by prioritizing your to-do list

according to importance and urgency. Organise and complete the most pressing tasks first and then go on to the next. Tick off tasks as they are done. You could try scheduling 'time blocks ' for each task.


Keep distractions at bay

Holiday season can be quite distracting for obvious reasons. Whether it is the holiday stress, emails to be answered, or quick questions from your colleagues, distractions can interfere with the work schedule you had planned. Keep a time buffer for all the possible distractions that can come your way, so that you don't have to ignore important work. Work hard to party harder!


Plan and schedule everything

It's good to plan all that you want to accomplish but it's important to be disciplined when following your plan. Follow your planner and carry it everywhere you go. Whether it is work, shopping, or visiting your friends, the planner should have all the day's activities jotted down. This will prevent the possibility of burnout and unnecessary stress during this season.


Be kind to yourself and others

Show empathy and reinstate faith in the company’s values and policies. Take time out to bring the festive cheer to work. Consider perks like gifts, interactive sessions and shorter work days so that there is more fun and less stress, and the work gets done.


Source: Career360 Nov.2018 (Page#192)



1.. a)  How     many Indians are stressed?( in percent)                                    1x10


i)79                              ii) 89                  iii) 90                     iv) 95 


b)     what is TIME BLOCK?


         I)Organizing task   ii) completing task     iii) ticking off task     iv)   all of these


  c). steps to get work pleasure---

i) make a to- do list                            ii) Decide your priorities

      iii) keep a time buffer                         iv) All of these


 d). Write the distractions during holidays----

i) holiday pleasure                   ii) letters to be written                                                              iii)   questions from children                                    iv) none


  e).   Principles of “more fun, less stress”--

i) consider perks like gifts                       ii) interactive sessions

           iii) shorter work days                              iv) All of these

f)    How should you avoid unnecessary stress in life?

i). Follow the planner   ii) be disciplined                                                                                              iii)     jot down your work                                                   iv) all of these                                                                                                                                                           


2.2   On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following.                            

 a) The synonym of ‘achieve’ as given in para 5 is----

i)  accomplish        ii) give up      iii) stop     iv) destroy

b)  The antonym of ‘ambiguous’ as given in para 4 is----

i)  puzzling              ii) obvious        iii) vague     iv) doubtful

c) The synonym of ‘disturbed’ as given in para 4     is----

i) helped           ii) advised               iii) distracted             iv)

d) The antonym of  ‘Destroy’  as  given  in para 6  is  ---


i). ruin             ii)  spoil            iii) reinstate            iv) damage




1.      a) 89%           b) All of these     c) all of these    d) none    e) all of these

a)     all of these  

2.a) accomplish        b) obvious      c) distracted      d) reinstate






MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)                                                  

 Read the Extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.                 


1.With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The boys, exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.

(a) What happened to the rain suddenly?

i) The rain suddenly changed into hailstones.

ii) The rain stopped

iii) The rain began to get fainter

iv) it started raining heavily.

Answer – (i) The rain suddenly changed into hailstones.

(b) ‘What does the 'frozen pearls’ refer to?

i) The ‘frozen pearls’ refers to heavy rain

ii) The ‘frozen pearls’ refers to hailstorms

iii) The ‘frozen pearls’ refers to dew drops

iv) The ‘frozen pearls’ refers to stars

ANSWER – (ii) The ‘frozen pearls’ refers to hailstorms


(c) Find the word similar to ‘contented’ in the paragraph.

i) Exposing

ii) Draped

iii) Satisfied

iv) Resemble


ANSWER- (iii) Satisfied


(d) Find from the passage a word which means ‘wrapped’.

i) Satisfied

ii) Resemble

iii) Exposing

iv) Draped


ANSWER - (iv) Draped



(e) Antonym of ‘Ripe’ is not

i) Unripe

ii) Ripen

iii) Green

iv) Unready


ANSWER – (i) Unripe

2.Read the Extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.          

 That’s what they say: no one dies of hunger.” All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep one’s conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write.

i)                    What was Lencho’s only hope?


a)      The help of God

b)      The help of the Government

c)      Flourishing of his another crop

d)     His family’s support

ANSWER - The help of God



ii)                  Despite being a farmer what did Lencho know?

a)      How to please God

b)      How to write

c)      How to talk

d)     How to die


     ANSWER –(b) How to write


iii)                How did Lencho work in the field?

a)      Like a farmer

b)      Like a businessman

c)      As hard as an animal

d)     As comfortably as a rich


    ANSWER – (c)As hard as an animal


iv)                What does the word ‘conscience’ in the extract mean?

a)      Knowledge

b)      Awareness

c)      Interest

d)     Moral sense


    ANSWER – (d)Moral sense


v)                  Which word from the extract is the synonym of ‘expectation’?

a)      Hunger

b)      Hope

c)      Thought

d)     Conscience


ANSWER – (b)Hope


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


3. Read the Extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.          

Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence — but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested. Immediately, Lencho went up to the window

i)What did Lencho think of the post-office employees?
(a) bunch of crooks
(b) rude
(c) unhelpful
(d) proud

Answer: (a) bunch of crooks

ii) Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope?
(a) he was too sad to acknowledge it
(b) he had unwavering faith in God
(c) he was an ungrateful man
(d) none of the above

Answer: (b) he had unwavering faith in God

iii) How much money was the postmaster able to arrange?
(a) 100 pesos
(b) Nil
(c) 1000 pesos
(d) 70 pesos

Answer: (d) 70 pesos

iv) Who is the author of the lesson ‘A Letter to God’?
(a) G.L. Fuentes
(b) J.k. Rowling
(c) William Shakespeare
(d) Roald Dahl

Answer: (a) G.L. Fuentes

v)What is the irony in the given extract?
(a) Lencho was sad after the hailstorm even though he was the one waiting for a shower
(b) Postmaster laughed at Lencho but still helped arrange money for him

(c) Lencho blamed the post office employees who in fact helped him
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Lencho blamed the post office employees who in fact helped him

Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.          

My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known that its great wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the meaning of courage. Time and again, I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture without breaking, showing a strength and resilience that defies the imagination.

(i)                 Speaker says that people of the country are -:


(a)    Purest diamonds                                                (c) finer than purest diamonds

(b)   Soil                                                                    (d) minerals


ANSWER – (c)finer than purest diamonds


(ii)               When do people risk their lives, according to the extract?


(a)    People risk their lives for ideas    (c) for enjoyment

(b)   For the sake of fighting                                      (d) none of these


ANSWER - (a)People risk their lives for ideas


(iii)             The word __________ means ability to deal with any kind of hardship.

(a)    Courage                                                                (c) strength

(b)   Wealth                                                                 (d) resilience


ANSWER – (d) resilience


(iv)             From where has the narrator learnt the meaning of courage?

(a)    From his enemies                                                     (c) from comrades

(b)   None of these                                                           (d) from Americans


ANSWER - (c) from comrades



(v)               Who fought for the freedom of his people?

(a)    Americans                                                                (c) Mahatama Gandhi

(b)   Nelson Mandela   (d) Africans


ANSWER - (b) Nelson Mandela


2. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.          

The structure they created formed the basis of one of the harshest, most inhumane, societies the world has ever known. Now, in the last decade of the twentieth century, and my own eighth decade as a man, that system had been overturned forever and replaced by one that recognised the rights and freedoms of all peoples, regardless of the colour of their skin.That day had come about through the unimaginable sacrifices of thousands of my people ,people whose suffering and courage can never be counted or repaid.


i) What structure is Mandela talking about?
) Racial domination against the black skinned
(b) Poverty and suffering
(c) Discrimination against the poor
(d) oppression of women

Answer: (a) Racial domination against the black skinned

ii)The spectacular array of South African jets was a display of –
(a) military’s precision
(b) military’s loyalty to democracy
(c) none of the above
(d) both 1 and 2

Answer: (d) both 1 and 2

iii)What was it that the nation needed to be liberated from?
(a) poverty
(b) gender discrimination
(c) deprivation
(d) all of the above

Answer: (d) all of the above

iv)What change brought international leaders to South Africa?
(a) End of Apartheid
(b) humanity
(c) peace
(d) trade negotiations

Answer: (a) End of Apartheid

v) Find a word from the given extract which mean the same as “brutal”

a)      suffering

b)      inhumane

c)      unimaginable

d)     overturned


ANSWER – (b) inhumane



HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


3. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.          

The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in my country and my people. All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. But the decades of oppression and brutality had another, unintended, effect, and that was that it produced the Oliver Tambos, the Walter Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, the Yusuf Dadoos, the Bram Fischers, the Robert Sobukwes of our time* — men of such extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity that their like may never be known again. Perhaps it requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character.


i)What does depths of oppression create?
(a) oppressed
(b) heights of character
(c) poverty
(d) lack of freedom

Answer: (b) heights of character

ii)Which word in the given extract mean the same as “cruelty”?
(a) oppression
(c) profound
(d) generosity

ANSWER – (b) brutality

iii)What unintended effect did the decades of oppression and brutality had?
(a) created men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity
(b) Poverty and suffering
(c) boycot from foreign nations
(d) both 2 and 3

Answer: (a) created men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity

iv)What change brought international leaders to South Africa?
(a) End of Apartheid
(b) humanity
(c) peace
(d) trade negotiations

Answer: (a) End of Apartheid



1.          Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.


The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. I was flying my old Dakota aeroplane over France back to England. I was dreaming of my holiday and looking forward to being with my family. I looked at my watch at one thirty in the morning. I should call Paris Control soon. I thought. As I looked down past the nose of the aeroplane, I saw the lights of a big city in front of me.                                                                                    LOTS

(a) How was the weather when the pilot started flying his aeroplane?


i)           Cloudy          ii)  clear            iii)  stormy          iv)  rainy

(b) where was the speaker going?

i)             France                    ii) England              iii) USA         iv)  India

(c) The profession of the speaker is


i)             Instructor        ii) pilot         iii) Air traffic controller     iv) none of these    

(d) Choose from the passage the word which means ‘land outside towns or cities’.


i)              Town            ii) countryside            iii) village            iv) valley


           e)        what is old Dakota?

i) a town        ii) aero plane           iii) a city       iv) river



             1.a) clear        b) England       c) pilot      d) countryside    e) aeroplane


2.          Read the following extract and answer the questions.

She looked at me very strangely, and then laughed.
‘Another aeroplane? Up there in this storm? No other aeroplanes were flying tonight. ‘Yours was the only one I could see on the radar.”So who helped me to arrive there safely without a compass or a radio, and without any more fuel in my tanks? Who was the pilot on the strange black aeroplane, flying in the storm, without lights?     HOTS             CBSE 2016


a)    “I” in the above lines is---------

i)              Narrator     ii)   woman at the control centre    iii) narrator’s friend    iv) a pilot  

b)     An instrument called-----that tells directions.

i)              Radar             ii) compass          iii) Radio              iv) tank

c)    Why did the narrator desire to meet the pilot of the black aeroplane?

i)              To invite him to breakfast                     ii) to thank him

iii)         To teach him flying                          iv)      To know about his family

d)     Why was the writer shocked after hearing the woman’s word?

i)              She saw three planes                    ii) she saw only narrator’s plane

ii)             She scolded him                                  iv) she felt sorry for him

e)     Find out the word in the passage that means the same as ‘peculiar’.

i)                Strange           ii) wise       iii) ignorant       iv) fool 


        2. Answers:   a) woman at control center            b)   compass  

                           c) to thank him    d) she saw only narrator’s plane   e) strange 


3.          Read the extract and answer the questions.


His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green flooring ahead of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise. His feet sank into the green sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no farther. He was floating on it, and around him his family was screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog-fish.


a)    What does the phrase, ‘this green flooring’ refer to?

i)             River bed     ii) green surface of sea   iii)  sea beach      iv) fountain

b)    Who stands for ‘he’ in 2nd line?

i)             Young seagull      ii) mother seagull      iii  father seagull    iv) author

c)    Who had landed on this green flooring?

i)             His parents      ii) his brothers       iii) his sisters       iv) all of them

(d) What made the young seagull tired?

i)             Too much walking       ii) swimming     iii) hunger       iv) exercise


e)  The word ……… means a small piece/amount of something.

i) piece        ii) scrap       iii) chip       iv) fragment


3.    Answers:

i)  green surface sea      ii) young seagull      iii) all of them      iv) hunger  v) scrap


4.  Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:


That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had in fact, seen his elder brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. And all the morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him for his cowardice.


a)    whom does’ he’ represent in this extract?

i)             The seagull         ii) parrot           iii) pigeon       iv) pilot

b)    What were his parents teaching his brothers and sisters?

i)             Diving      ii) skimming the waves    iii)  art of flying     iv) all

c)    He couldn’t fly like his brothers and sisters because

i)             He was lazy                           ii) he was scared                                                                   iii) he was sick                       iv) he was not interested

d)    What had his elder brother done?

i)             Taunting       ii) eating his fish     iii) flying      iv) had caught his first herring

e)     Find out the antonym of “bravery”.

i)             Courage           ii) fear          iii) cowardice       iv) strength



          Answers.    4. a)  the sea gull                 b) all             c) he was scared

       d)   had caught first herring        cowardice




1.    Read the extract and answer the questions.

To enhance the image of this long awaited friend in my imagination, I don’t want to jot down the facts in this diary the way most people would do, but I want the diary to be my friend, and I’m going to call this friend ‘Kitty’.
Since no one would understand a word of my stories to Kitty if I were to plunge right in, I’d better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so.                     CBSE 2016
(a) Who was the long awaited friend of Anne? Why?

i). Margot            ii) Kitty              iii) grandmother         iv) Anne’s father
(b) What did she provide in her diary?

     I). her family      ii) her school       iii) her ambition    iv) detail of her life
(c) To write down the idea as and when it occurs in mind is called—

i).  Long-awaited      ii) Jot down      iii) To enhance     iv) Narrate

d)  Anne decided to write a diary because---

i). she had no close friend                            ii) she was a good writer

     iii) she wanted to be popular                        iv) she wanted to be different  

  e). which is true about Anne’s character?

i) She was introvert         ii) she was extrovert       iii) she was careless    iv) she was proud



1.    a)  Kitty                         b) detail of her life                   c) jot down                                                                        d)     she had no close friend                     e) she was  introvert


2.    Read  the extract and answer the questions---


That evening, after I’d finished the rest of my homework, the note about the essay caught my eye. I began thinking about the subject while chewing the tip of my fountain pen. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. I thought and thought, and suddenly I had an idea,: I wrote the three pages Mr. Keesing had assigned me and was satisfied. I argued that talking is a student’s trait and that I would do my best to keep it under control, but that I would never be able to cure myself of the habit since my mother talked as much as I did if not more, and that there’s not much you can do about inherited traits.         HOTS

(a) Anne was assigned to write an essay on---

i). Need of talking                ii) chatterbox       iii)  her family       iv) her friends

b)   what did Anne argue in the essay about talking?

i). it is inherited    ii) her mother is talkative      iii) it is a student’s trait     iv) all of these

  c)  why was she assigned the essay?

i).as a homework      ii) as a punishment      iii) as a project     iv) for school magazine

   d)  what do you understand by “ inherited traits”-qualities received from---------

i)  friends             ii) parents             iii)  teachers               iv) society

    e)  find out word from the given passage which means ‘write aimlessly for a long’

i)  describe           ii) justify              iii) ramble            iv) elucidate



        2.a).  chatterbox        b) all of these        c) as a punishment      d) parents    e) ramble


3..  Read the following extract and answer the questions.

  However, during the third lesson he’d finally had enough. ‘Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’.” The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I’d nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the topic of Chatterboxes. It was time to come up with something else, something original. My friend, Sanne, who’s good at poetry, offered to help me write the essay from beginning to end in verse and I jumped for joy. MrKeesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him.                                               LOTS

a)    MrKeesing  was Anne’s------

i). father        ii)  teacher                   iii) friend             iv)  neighbour

       b)   Sanne was very good at-----

i)  debate                    ii) studies          iii) poetry         iv) drawing

      c)    How many essays were assigned to Anne?

i)   1                  ii) 2                    iii) 3                     iv)   none

       d)  find out synonym of ‘humorous’ in the passage.

i)  unhappy             ii) ridiculous                iii)  exciting             iv) sad

        e)  Why did Anne jump with joy?

i)  she passed the exam.                  ii) the teacher praised her.                                                             

            iii) she could write essay in verse form            iv)  all of these





3.    a) teacher                                    b)  poetry                                     c)  three                                                                                               d)  ridiculous                                e) could write essay in verse form



1.    Read the extract and answer the questions.


The baker usually collected his bills at the end of the month. Monthly accounts used to be recorded on some wall in pencil. Baking was indeed a profitable profession in the old days. The baker and his family never starved. He, his family and his servants always looked happy and prosperous. Their plump physique was an open testimony to this. Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to a baker.          [CBSE 2016]

a)     Who is the author of “A baker from Goa”?

i). Arup Datta           ii) Lokesh abrol            iii) Lucio Rodrigues       iv) none of these


b)     Which profession was a profitable one in old days?

i). cooking            ii) baking                 iii) teaching            iv) accounting


c)   monthly records of a baker used to be recorded on---

i)  notebook        ii) wall                iii) palm             iv) computer


d)  How can a baker be identified in Goa?

I) Never starved       ii) looked happy       iii) by plump physique       iv)  all of these


e)  when did the baker collect his bill?

i) month end         ii) before month end            iii) daily          iv) any time



1.      a) Lucio Rodrigues       b) Baking         c) wall        d) All of these       e) month end


2.      Read the extract and answer the questions.


The fiercely independent people of Coorg are possibly of Greek or Arabic descent. As one story goes, a part of Alexander’s army moved South along the coast and settled here when return became impractical. These people married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream. The theory of Arab origin draws support from the long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus, known as Kuppia, it resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and Kurds.

a)    Whose culture is mentioned in” their culture”?

i). Greek           ii) Arabic          iii) Indian           iv) English


                        b) Kuffia was worn by the ---

i) Arabs          ii) Kurds           iii) Kodavus           iv) a and b


                         c) the culture of the Kodavusare ----Hindu culture.

i) different      ii) similar         iii) overlapping       d) none of these


                        d) --------is  so  similar  between   Kodavus   and  Arabs.

i) Traditional  dress with stone work                ii) modern dress

                          iii) long black coat with embroidered waist belt

 iv). Short coat with a simple waist belt


            e). -------means related to war.

i) mainstream          ii) martial              iii) kurds         iv) apparent



1.a) Greek             b) a and b          c) different        d)  long black coat with embroidered waist belt         e)  martial


3.      Read the extract and answer the questions.


“Chai-garam… garam-chai,” a vendor called out in a high-pitched voice. He came up to their window and asked,” Chai, sa’ab?” “Give us two cups,” Pranjol said. They sipped the steaming hot liquid. Almost everyone in their compartment was drinking tea too.
“Do you know that over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk every day throughout the world?” Rajvir  said. “Whew!” exclaimed  Pranjol. “Tea really is very popular.” the train pulled out of the station. Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book again.  Rajvir too was an ardent fan of detective stories, but at the moment he was keener on looking at the beautiful scenery.


b)     How many cups of tea are drunk everyday throughout the world?

i).  sixty crore       ii) eight crore        iii) eighty crore        iv) eighteen crore


c)    Where was Rajvir going?

i). Goa                 ii) Assam            iii) coorg             iv) Delhi


       c). where was the vendor selling tea?

i)  roadside           ii) platform           iii) airport           iv) inside the train


        d). Rajvir liked to read -----stories.

i). Ghost            ii) Detective             iii) comical          iv) Adventurous


        e). Find out synonym of ‘impassioned’—

i). cold                    ii) dispassionate             iii) ardent           iv) unemotional





3.a) Eighty crore       b) Assam        c) platform       d) Detective       e) Ardent


Poem: Dust of Snowby – Robert Frost

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions thatfollow.    

The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree


  1. Where was the crow sitting?

a.       On a banyan tree

b.      On a hemlock tree

c.       On a pine tree

d.      On a gulmohar tree


ANSWER –(b) On a hemlock tree


ii.                  What did it shake on the poet?

a.       Rubber ball

b.      Fruit of a tree

c.       A small pebble

d.      Dust of snow


ANSWER -Dust of snow


iii.                Give a rhyming word of ‘crow’ from a passage.

a.       Heart

b.      Mood

c.       Snow

d.      Rued




iv.                What was the poet’s state of mind at that time?

a.       Good mood

b.      Best mood

c.       Not very good mood

d.      Depressive mood


   ANSWER-Depressive mood


v.                  Who is the poet of the given poem “Dust of Snow”

a.       Walt Whitman

b.      John Berryman

c.       John Keats

d.      Robert Frost

     ANSWER – (d) Robert Frost


2.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions thatfollow.    

The way a crow,

Shook down on me.

The dust of snow,

From a hemlock tree.

i.            The Hemlock here stands for?

a)      Sorrow and depression

b)      Excitement

c)      Happiness

d)     Peace


        ANSWER- (a)Sorrow and depression


ii.            Name the Poet

a)     Robert Frost  

b)     Carolyn Wells

c)      Sarojini Naidu

d)     Adrienne Rich


ANSWER- (a)Robert Frost  

iii.            Hemlock tree bears ______?

a)     Thick branches

b)     Poisonous seeds

c)      Beautiful flowers

d)     Sweet fruits


        ANSWER - (b)Poisonous seeds


iv.            What does the poem signify?

a)     No creature is insignificant

b)     One should remain happy

c)      Simple actions can have great importance

d)     One should remain ignorant


ANSWER – (a)No creature is insignificant


v.            What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.

a)     abcb

b)     acbc

c)      abab

d)     baba

ANSWER –(a) abab


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

3.Read the extract given below and choose the appropriate option from the questions below:                                                                                                                    

             Has given my heart

            A change of mood

            And save some part

           Of a day I rued

i. Under which tree was the poet standing or sitting?

a. Hemlock

b. Bunyan

c. Pine

d. Oak

ANSWER – (a)Hemlock

ii. What changed the poet's gloomy mood?

a. Snowflakes

b. Raindrops

c. Wind

d. Sunshine

ANSWER –(a)Snowflakes

iii.  What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?

a. abcd

b. abab

c. abba

d. aabb

ANSWER- (b)abab

iv.How did the poet feel when the snowflakes fell on him?

a. Petrified

b. Dejected

c. Joyful

d. Enraged

ANSWER- (c)Joyful

v.What does the word ' rued ' mean?

a. Pride

b. Fear

c. Enthusiasm

d. Regret

ANSWER- (d) Regret


Fire and Ice

               By ROBERT FROST

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.


 But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.


(i)What is ‘Ice’ a symbol of?

a)       Lust                                           b)         Love

c)       Desire                                        d)         Hatred


Ans.  (d) Hatred


(ii)What does the poet want to convey through this poem?

a)       We should not be greedy                     

b)      all humans should check their desires and hatred

c)       Restrain our desires and love fellow beings     

d)       Both a) and c)


Ans.  (b) all humans should check their desires and hatred


(iii) The word in the extract which is an antonym of survive is


a)       destruction                                 b)         suffice

c)       perish                                         d)         none of the above


Ans. (c) perish           


(iv)What is the rhyming scheme in this extract?


a)       aabbb                                         b)         ababa

c)       abbab                                         d)         aabba


Ans. (b) ababa


(v) What are the causes of destruction of mankind?


a)       coldness                                     b)         indifference towards others

c)       both a & b                                             d)          hatred and desires


  Ans. (d) hatred and desires



HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


2. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.


Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

i)What is the name of the poet?
(a) Sylvia Plath
(b) W.B Yeats
(c) Robert Frost
(d) Robert Burns

Answer: (c) Robert Frost

ii) Why do some people say that the world will end in ice?
(a) because love among people is increasing fast.
(b) because hatred among people is increasing fast.
(c) because lust among people is increasing fast.
(d) None of the Above

Answer: (b) because hatred among people is increasing fast.

iii)What is ‘Ice’ a symbol of?
(a) Lust
(b) Love
(c) Desire
(d) Hatred

Answer: (d) Hatred

iv) What is ‘fire’ a symbol of?
(a) love and new desires
(b) lust and endless desires
(c) love and beginning of a new thing.
(d) Revolution

Answer: (b) lust and endless desires

v) Where has he used personification?
(a) fire
(b) ice
(c) earth
(d) both 1 and 2

Answer: (d) both 1 and 2

Question 7.
What is the rhyming scheme of the given stanza?
(a) abaa
(b) aaba
(c) aaab
(d) abab

Answer: (a) abaa




Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.         (5x1=5)


MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 

He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage

On pads of velvet quite,

In his quiet rage.


i)The fact that he is stalking the few steps means:


a.       He is free

b.      He is caged

c.       He is roaming in the forest

d.      He is wandering in the long grass


    Answer (b) He is caged


ii)Why does he move only a few steps, it is because of:

a.       Zoo

b.      Room

c.       Jungle

d.      Cage

Answer -(d) Cage


iii) Pick out the word from the stanza that means the same as ‘bright’.

a.        Stripes

b.      Velvet

c.       Vivid

d.      Rage

Answer- (c) Vivid


iv)Who has written the above lines?

a.       Leslie Norris

b.      Robert Frost

c.       Robin Klein

d.      Carolyn Wells

Answer – (a) Leslie Norris


v)Name the poetic device used in line 1.

a.       Metaphor

b.      Simile

c.       Personification

d.      Repetition

Answer – (c)   Personification


2. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 

He should be lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass

Near the water hole

Where plump deer pass.

i)Who passes near the water hole?
(a) Fat Pig
(b) Fat Buffalo
(c) Fat Deer
(d) All of the Above

Answer: (c) Fat Deer

ii)Where should the tiger hide to himself?
(a) behind the tree
(b) in the shadow
(c) in the house
(d) in the jungle

Answer: (b) in the shadow

iii)What has been personified in the poem?
(a) tiger
(b) forest
(c) zoo
(d) all of the above

Answer: (a) tiger

iv)Synonym of the word “lurking” is _______________

a)      sleeping

b)      running

c)      loitering

d)     hiding

Answer – (c) loitering


v) The Tiger goes to the water hole _______________________

                                 a) Only to drink water

                               b)   To have bath in the cool water

                               c) To cool himself in the water

                               d) In search of his victim who come there to drink water


Ans.(d) In search of his victim who come there to drink water


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)



3. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,

Stalking the length of his cage,    

Ignoring visitors.

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars, …


i) How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?
(a) He ignores them
(b) With a happy face
(c) With a sad face
(d) Proudly

Answer: (a) He ignores them

ii) By “ignoring visitors”, what is the poet trying to say?
(a) tiger knows his power is restricted
there is no use of showing rage
(c) he is less terrorising because of the cage
(d) all of the above

Answer: (d) all of the above

iii) What describes “tiger is in cage”?
(a) Locked in concrete cell
(b) his strength behind bars
Stalking the length of his cage,
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above


iv) The main contrasting idea suggested by the extract is that of

a) strength and weakness.

b) nature and culture.

c) beasts and mortals.

d) confinement and freedom.


Answer – (d) confinement and freedom


v)Which word in the given stanza mean the same as “stride”

a)     patrolling

b)     stalking

c)      ignoring

d)     locked

Answer – (b) stalking




HOTS=High Order Thinking Skill

                                                                                                         LOTS= Low order Thinking Skill

1.     Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.( HOTS)

“ Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!                            1x5

Don’t  hunch your shoulders, Amanda!

                    Stop that slouching and sit up straight,

                                    Amanda! “

i)                    Who is giving instructions to Amanda?

a)     Teacher                                           b) maid

c) Her father                                       d) Her mother

     ii)           why is Amanda receiving the instructions?

a)       Because they have guests in the house

b)     Because she has a wrong posture

c)      So that she remains healthy

d)     Because she is a rebel

   iii)    How is Amanda’s posture?

a)       Twisting                                              b) slouching

b)      Sitting straight                                    d) bending

    iv)    Name the poetic device used here.

a)     Anaphora                                       b) Alliteration

      c)   Assonance                                        d) metaphor

    v)     With what tone does the speaker address Amanda?

       a) anger          b) love          c) care                d) frustration


ANSWERS:  1. I) Her mother   ii) because  she has a wrong posture   iii) slouching                    iv) alliteration      v) frustration


2.      Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.  (LOTS)        1X5


“ I am an orphan ,roaming the street,

   I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.

   The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet”

i)                   Name the poet.

a)     Robert frost          b) Robin klein         c)  Walt Whitman      d) Ogden nash

ii)                 Who longs to be an orphan?

a)     Amanda                 b) his father              c) his friend               d) his sister

iii)                where is the orphan roaming?

a)     Market                   b) street                       c) playground            d) home

iv)               How does the speaker make designs?

a)     hand               b) bare foot                  c) stick                      d) pencil

v)                 write the synonym of “ roaming”.

a)     Running           b) looking                c) wandering       d)   wondering



2.  I) Robin klein     ii) Amanda     iii) in the street     iv)  with her bare foot    v) wandering




1.           Read the extract and answer the questions that follow—LOTS


What is the boy now, who lost his ball,

What, what is he to do? I saw it go

Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then

Merrily over—there it is in the water!


i)                   Name the poet.

a)     Robert frost  b) john Berryman  c) Walt Whitman  d) Wordworth


          II)      who stands for “I” in  2nd line? 

a)    The Poet                                 b) the boy                                                                                  c) the boy’s father            d) the boy’s friend


iii)        What happens to the boy who has lost the ball?   

a)     Happy             b) confused         c) sad         d) angry


           iv)   The ball symbolizes the boy’s

a)     Extended family                              b) innocence

c)childhood days                                d) sense of adventure

                v)    where did the ball go bouncing?

                        a) field          b) water          c)  forest            d) ground


ANSWER: 1. I) John Berryman    ii) the poet   iii) sad    iv) childhood days   v) water


                     2. Read the extract and answer the questions— HOTS

                        I would not intrude on him,

                          A dime, another ball is worthless

                         Now he senses first responsibility
                       In a world of possessions.

                (i)  Who does not want to intrude on him?

a)    The poet     b) the boy    c) the boy’s friend      d) the boy’s mother


ii)                   The loss of the ball teaches the boy-------- 

a)     To be carefree     b) to be responsible     c) to be materialistic   d) none


Iii)    A world of possession means----

a)     World of reality                                       b) world of imagination

c)world of deception                                     d) word of materialism


                     iv)    Choose the synonym of ‘intrude’---

a)     Ignore             b) overlook              c) neglect             d) interfere


              v)    what does ‘dime’ represent here?

a)     Money                     b) moral lesson        c) loss            d) ball


              2.   ANSWER:  i) the boy  ii) to be responsible iii) world of materialism                                               iv) interfere v) money







Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow.(5x1 = 5 M)

1. She was eight years old and very curious about things. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside. There were no playmates of her own age on her street, and this was about all she had to do.                                                                                      But for Valli, standing at the front door was every bit as enjoyable as any of the elaborate games other children played. Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences.                                                                                                                                     The most fascinating thing of all was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back. The sight of the bus, filled each time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for Valli.

i. Why was watching the happenings of street, Valli’s favourite pastime?

  a) Valli was the only child of her family.

  b) Valli had no playmates of her age.

  c) Valli’s parents were very strict.

  d) Valli was quite embarrassed to go out and play.

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Valli enjoyed playing with her friends.

2. The street was a matter of amusement for Valli.

3. Valli’s gave least attention to the happenings outside her house.

4. Valli was a curious child of ten years.

5. The bus travelled between her village and the nearest town.

6. The sight of the bus, filled Valli with happiness.

a) 2, 3, 4

b) 1,5, 6,

c) 3, 5, 6

d) 1, 3, 4

iii. ‘Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences’ means that:

      a) She learned how to behave in street.

      b) She got acquainted with the ways and life of people in street.

      c) The street enriched her thought process.

      d) She was happy watching the happenings in the street.

iv. Choose the characteristic displayed by Valli according to the above extract.

a) Creative

b) Adamant

c) Inquisitive

d) Unimaginative               

v. Which word does ‘fascinating’ NOT correspond to?

a) Interesting

b) Engrossing

c) Thrilling

d) Repelling

2. The conductor was a jolly sort, fond of joking. “Oh, please don’t be angry with me, my fine madam,” he said. “Here, have a seat right up there in front. Everybody move aside please — make way for madam.” It was the slack time of day, and there were only six or seven passengers on the bus. They were all looking at Valli and laughing with the conductor. Valli was overcome with shyness. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she walked quickly to an empty seat and sat down.

i.  Why did Valli avoid everyone’s eyes and walked quickly to an empty seat?

a) Rather shocked

b) Somewhat happy

c) Fairly displeased

d) Quite embarrassed

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Valli was travelling without a guardian.

2. The conductor was bullying Valli.

3. Valli was nervous in her interactions.

4. Valli was a child passenger.

a) 2, 3

b) 3, 4

c) 1, 4

d) 1, 2

(2) I feel like Valli was being irresponsible.

(3) Oh, come on! , she was just out for an adventure.

(4) I feel though Valli is young she seems to be confident.

(1) I think the conductor was impolite to Valli.

iii. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s(F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.



a) F – 1 and O – 2, 3, 4

 b) F - 2 and O – 1, 3, 4

c) F – 3 and O - 1, 2, 4

d) F - 4 and O - 1, 2, 3

iv. Which word does ‘slack’ NOT correspond to?

a) Loose

b) Sluggish

 c) Relaxed

d) Rigid

v. Choose the characteristic displayed by the conductor when he addressed Valli as ‘Madam’.

 a) respect

b) indulgence

c) embarrassment

d) authority

3. Valli wasn’t bored in the slightest and greeted everything with the same excitement she’d felt the first time. But suddenly she saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside, just where it had been struck by some fast-moving vehicle. “Isn’t that the same cow that ran in front of the bus on our trip to town?” she asked the conductor. The conductor nodded, and she was overcome with sadness. What had been a lovable, beautiful creature just a little while ago had now suddenly lost its charm and its life and looked so horrible, so frightening as it lay there, legs spreadeagled, a fixed stare in its lifeless eyes, blood all over...                                           The bus moved on. The memory of the dead cow haunted her, dampening her enthusiasm. She no longer wanted to look out the window.

i. What made Valli to lose her enthusiasm during her journey back from the town?

  a) The frightening sight of the dead cow.

  b) Haunting memory of the dead cow.

  c) The death of the cow had not affected anybody else.

  d) She had seen the cow in its charm and beauty.

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Valli was bored during her journey back from the town.

2. Valli had seen the dead cow before.

3. Valli was grief ridden by the death of the cow.

4. The cow had been attacked by another cow.

a) 2, 3

b) 1, 2

c) 3, 4

d) 1, 4

(2) Struggles

iii. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to ‘overcome’:

(3) Temptation


(1) Happiness

   (4) Fear






a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

iv. Choose the characteristic displayed by Valli according to the above extract.

a) Creative

b) Passive

c) Empathetic

d) Unemotional                 

v. Which word does ‘frightening’ NOT correspond to?

a) terrifying

b) alarming

c) startling

d) reassuring

4. “Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on that bus, even if it was just once. This wish became stronger, until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on and off the bus when it stood at the street corner. Their faces would kindle in her longings, dreams, and hopes. If one of her friends happened to ride the bus and tried to describe the sights of the town to her. Valli would be jealous to listen and would shout, in English: “Proud! Proud!”

i.  Valli would stare wistfully at the people as she

a) had been watching the bus for a long time.

b) was inspired by the people travelling on the bus.

c) had a strong desire to take a ride on the bus.

d) envied the people who could travel on the bus.

 ii. Pick the option that shows the list of words that collocate with ‘overwhelming’ (e.g. overwhelming desire)

1. response

2. lies

3. support

4. majority

 5. pets

6. places

a) 1, 5 & 6

b) 1, 3 & 4 

c) 2 & 5

d) 3, 5 & 6

iii. ‘Valli would be jealous to listen…’ This indicates Valli’s

 a) longing to ride the bus.

b) nature as an envious person.

c) denial to accept her situation.

d) inclination to trouble travellers.

iv. A part of the extract has been paraphrased. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solution to the blanks. The desire became so

(i) ______________________ that it transformed into an

ii) ____________________________ one. Valli would look

(iii) _________________________ at people who boarded the bus and got off.

a) i) active         ii) overt                       iii) longingly

b) i) vigorous    ii) overpowering       iii) cheerfully

c) i) staunch      ii) overt                      iii) joyfully

d) i) vigorous    ii) overpowering       iii) longingly

v. What does the line ‘gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there’, mean?

a) The wish developed in her head over a period of time.

b) The wish was a feeling of wanting to prove her strength.

c) The wish was planted in her head by someone’s suggestion.

d) The wish was small and was overpowered by a sense of doubt.


5. “‘Yes, I’m travelling alone,” she answered curtly. And I’ve got a ticket too.’ ‘Yes she’s on her way to town,’ said the conductor. ‘With a thirty paise ticket.’ ‘Oh, why don’t you mind your own business,’ said Valli. But she laughed all the same, and the conductor laughed too. But the old woman went on with her drivel. ‘Is it proper for such a young person to travel alone? Do you know exactly where you’re going in town? What’s the street? What’s the house number? ‘You needn’t bother about me. I can take care of myself,’ Valli said, turning her face towards the window and staring out.”

i. Pick the option that matches the expressions with ‘mind’ correctly.

 Expression                                 Meaning

1. bring to mind                      A. be receptive to someone’s ideas

2. be in two minds                  B. think about only one subject

3. have an open mind            C. recall something

4. put your mind at ease        D. undecided

                                                    E. reassure you

                                                    F. reach a decision

 a) 1-F, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D

b) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E

c) 1-B, 2-F, 3-E, 4-A

d) 1-F, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B

ii. Valli told the conductor to mind his own business and laughed as well. This shows that Valli ...

a) was not really bothered about what the conductor said.

b) didn’t like the conductor speaking about her.

c) disliked what the conductor said but was amused.

d) was impressed with what the conductor said.

iii. The old woman went on with her drivel. Why is the word ‘drivel’ used here? It is used to show that the old woman

a) was talking incessantly.

b) kept muttering a lot of nonsense.

c) was volunteering advice on request.

d) spoke non-stop about herself.

iv. The old woman asked her questions

a) due to anxiety about Valli travelling alone.

b) out of curiosity and concern for Valli.

c) interest in Valli’s life and need for travel.

d) due to the habit of interfering in Valli’s life.

v. How do you think Valli felt when the old woman asked her questions? Pick the option that best describes her feelings.

a) i) irritated ii) agitated

 b) i) concerned ii) upset

c) i) upset ii) agitated

d) i) upset ii) irritated

Answer Key:

1.  i. (b)  Valli had no playmates of her age.

ii. (d)  1, 3, 4

     iii. (c) The street enriched her thought process.

 iv. (c) Inquisitive

     v.  (d) Repelling

2. i. d) Quite embarrassed

    ii.  c) 1, 4

    iii.  d) F - 4 and O - 1, 2, 3

    iv. d) Rigid

    v. b) indulgence

3. i. b) Haunting memory of the dead cow.

    ii.  a) 2, 3

iii.  a) Option (1)

 iv. c) Empathetic

 v. d) reassuring

4. i. c) had a strong desire to take a ride on the bus.

ii.  b) 1, 3 & 4 

 iii.  a) longing to ride the bus.

    iv. d) i) vigorous    ii) overpowering       iii) longingly

 v. a) The wish developed in her head over a period of time.

5. i. b) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E

 ii.  c) disliked what the conductor said but was amused.

iii.  b) kept muttering a lot of nonsense.

 iv. b) out of curiosity and concern for Valli.

    v. d) i) upset ii) irritated





Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow.(5x1 = 5 M)

1. GAUTAMA Buddha (563 B.C. – 483 B.C.) began life as a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, in northern India. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess. They had a son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty. At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed. He wandered for seven years and finally sat down under a peepal tree, where he vowed to stay until enlightenment came. Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the tree the Bodhi Tree (Tree of Wisdom) and began to teach and to share his new understandings. At that point he became known as the Buddha (the Awakened or the Enlightened).

i. What made Siddhartha to renounce worldly pleasures?

a) Ignorance of the subjects of his kingdom.

b) His unquenching thirst for knowledge

c) Alarming societal system.

d) Sufferings he had witnessed.

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Buddha got enlightenment sitting under the peepal tree.

2. Buddha was untouched by the sufferings of the world.

3. The name Budhha was conferred upon Siddhartha after enlightenment.

4. Siddhartha was an adopted son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty.

a) 2, 3

b) 3, 4

c) 1, 3

d) 1, 2

iii. Which word does ‘Enlightened’ NOT correspond to?

a) wisdom

b) ignorance

c) education

d) aware

iv. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the sorrowful sight that prompted Buddha to seek enlightenment.

         (1)                               (2)                         (3)                            (4)

a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

v. Which of the following options DOES NOT correspond to ‘The Bodhi Tree’ :

1)  peepal tree

2) enlightenment of Buddha

3) tree of suffering

4) tree of wisdom

5) achievement and pleasure

a) 2, 3, 5

b) 3, 5

c) 1, 4, 2

d) 2, 3


2. Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard-seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, ‘Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.

i. The reason for Kisa Gotami’s inquiry “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?”

a) She was collecting death census data.

b) She wanted medicine for her husband.

c) She wanted to save her son.

d) She wanted to impress Buddha.

ii. Choose the word which corresponds to ‘pitied’.

a) Sorrow

b) Compassion

c) Condolence

d) Cruelty

iii. ‘Deepest grief’ as per the extract is:

a) Famine

b) Poverty

c) Death

d) Disease

iv. Select the option that makes the correct use of “Alas!!”, as used in the extract. a) Alas!! we have won the match.

b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

c) Alas!! what a wonderful day.

d) Alas!! we met today.

v. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the suggested cure of Kisa Gotami’s son?


                (1)                             (2)                              (3)                           (4)

a) Option (1)                                                                                                                                    b) Option (2)                                                                                                                                     c) Option (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d) Option (4)   

3.Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, “Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.                                         Kisa Gotami became weary and hopeless, and sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city, as they flickered up and were extinguished again. At last the darkness of the night reigned everywhere. And she considered the fate of men, that their lives flicker up and are extinguished again. And she thought to herself, “How selfish am I in my grief! Death is common to all; yet in this valley of desolation there is a path that leads him to immortality who has surrendered all selfishness.”

i. Why did no one offer mustard seeds to Kisa Gotami?

a) No one had mustard seeds at that time.

b) No one could fulfill Buddha’s condition.

c) They didn’t want to offer the seeds for free.

d) No one could fulfill Gotami’s condition.

ii. Which word does ‘weary’ NOT correspond to.

a) tired

b) exhausted

c) worn out

d) ill

iii. According to the extract man’s life is like:

a) darkness

b) mustard seeds

c) flickering lamps

d) river

iv. Choose the option that best describes the lesson that Buddha taught Kisa Gotami.

a) Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.

b) Man is rational and practical.

c) Man is immortal.

d) Man is mortal.

v. ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Kisa Gotami wanted medicine to save his son.

2. There was no house in which no one had died.

3. Kisa Gotami was hopeful after visiting the houses.

4. The twinkling stars in the sky made Kisa Gotami realize the value of life and death.

5. Buddha asked Kisa Gotami to get mustard seeds to save her son.

6. Buddha denied the help to Kisa Gotami.

a) 1, 2, 3

b) 3, 4, 5

c) 1, 2, 5

d) 2 ,3, 6


4. Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard-seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, “Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.

i.  The community’s response to Kisa in the above extract was somewhat different from before. Why do you think that was so?

a) They had learnt from Buddha’s sermons.

b) They were able to help Kisa in some way this time.

c) They understood parental grief.

d) They liked Kisa and enjoyed talking to her.

ii. Which of the following options represent the correct understanding of the word “poor” in the phrase “Poor Kisa Gotami”?

a) in need of money

b) weak

c) unfortunate

d) inferior

iii. “Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” The tone of the speaker(s) is

a) disillusioned

b) skeptical

c) ironic

d) solemn

iv. Pick the option that explains — ‘…the living few, but the dead many.’

a) It shows the high death rate and low birth rate in the city of Benares.

b) It highlights the holy status of Benares where many Hindus go to die.

c) It throws light on the numerous loved ones the villagers had lost over time.

d) It reflects that many children who had died in the village for various reasons.

v.  Imagine you are a photo journalist visiting the city at the time KisaGotami went from house to house. You documented her experience given in the above extract in a photo series. Your publisher wants to publish the photo series in three parts wherein Part 1 shows Kisa’s visits to the houses; Part 2 depicts her conversations with people, and Part 3 captures Kisa’s reflections at the end of the day sitting by the wayside. The publisher would also like you to choose titles for the series and its three parts.  Look at the titles given below, and choose the options that provide the most appropriate set of titles.

1) Series Title – From Darkness to Light. Part I – Living in Loss; Part II – A Mother’s Journey; Part III – Mustard Seed

 2) Series Title – Mustard Seed. Part I – A Mother’s Journey; Part II – From Darkness to Light; Part III – Living in Loss

3) Series Title – A Mother’s Journey. Part I – Mustard Seed; Part II – Living in Loss; Part III – From Darkness to Light

4) Series Title – Living in Loss. Part I – From Darkness to Light; Part II – Mustard Seed; Part III – A Mother’s Journey

a) 1 and 2

 b) 2 and 3

c) 3 and 4

d) 1 and 4

5. Not from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind; on the contrary, his pain will be the greater and his body will suffer… He who seeks peace should draw out the arrow of lamentation, and complaint, and grief. He who has drawn out the arrow and has become composed will obtain peace of mind.”

i. Choose the correct picture which best describes the extract.


                   (i)                                 (ii)                               (iii)                             (iv)

a) Option (i)

b) Option (ii)

c) Option (iii)

 d) Option (iv)

ii. Which of the following statements cannot be attributed to the Buddha based on the given extract?

(i) Pain and grief are unavoidable and necessary.

(ii) The inevitability of death makes grieving futile.

(iii) Universality of grief and pain makes us sad.

(iv) Understanding that life is finite leads to wisdom.

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (i) and (iii)

c) (iii) and (iv)

d) (i) and (iv)

iii. Chose the option that appropriately completes the following— lamentation: grief: _______ : _______

(a) laughter: joke

(b) discomfort: fear

(c) celebration: joy

(d) resignation: loss

iv. According to the Buddha, peace of mind is attainable by those who

a) renounce worldly life like the Buddha

b) take out the arrow and become strong

c) grieve, suffer and then move on

d) recognise terms of life and let go off complaint

v. The given extract is paraphrased below. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solutions for the blanks.

(i) The act of ______________ is not only pointless but (ii) rather _________, causing pain and suffering. It only serves to (iii) __________ peace of mind.        (iv) __________ without complaint is crucial to well-being and peace.

a) grief, harmful, destroy, accepting

b) grieving, counterproductive, take away, acceptance

c) weeping, productive, take away, lamentation

d) grieving, harmful, destroy, lamenting

Answer Key:

1.  i. d) Sufferings he had witnessed.

ii. c) 1, 3

 iii. b) ignorance

 iv. d) Option (4)

     v. b) 3, 5

2. i. c) She wanted to save her son.

ii.  b) Compassion

    iii.  c) Death

    iv. b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

    v. b) Option (2)                                                                                                                                     

3. i. b) No one could fulfill Buddha’s condition.

    ii.  d) ill

iii.  c) flickering lamps

 iv. d) Man is mortal.

 v. c) 1, 2, 5

4. i. c) They understood parental grief.

ii.  c) unfortunate

 iii.  d) solemn.

    iv. c) It throws light on the numerous loved ones the villagers had lost over time.

 v. 2) Series Title – Mustard Seed. Part I – A Mother’s Journey; Part II – From Darkness to Light; Part III – Living in Loss

5. i. a) Option (i)

 ii.  b) (i) and (iii)

iii. (c) celebration: joy

iv. d) recognise terms of life and let go off complaint

    v. b) grieving, counterproductive, take away, acceptance




Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow. (5x1 = 5 M)

1. NATALYA: Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!


LOMOV : If it wasn’t, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn’t upset, I’d talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine!

i. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the reason of dispute between Lomov and Natalya.

             (1)                                (2)                              (3)                               (4)

a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

ii. Which word does ‘Restrain’ NOT correspond to?
          a) Restrict

           b) Hinder

           c) Impede

           d) Cherish

iii. A person suffering from excruciating palpitations, will have the following symptoms :

a) Swelling of lymph nodes

b) Inflammation of muscles, joints or fibrous tissues

c) Partial blurry, distorted vision

d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

iv. The statement that is NOT TRUE according to the extract is:

a) Natalya asks Lomov not to shout as he is a mere visitor in her house.

b) Lomov is a victim of palpitation attacks.

c)  Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

d) Lomov shouts at the top of his voice.

v. Choose the option that is NOT TRUE to Natalya’s character according to the given extract.

     a) Quarrelsome

     b) Contentious

     c) Submissive

    d) Disputatious

2. LOMOV: Never mind about my people! The Lomovs have all been honourable   people, and not one has ever been tried for embezzlement, like your grandfather!                                                            CHUBUKOV: You Lomovs have had lunacy in your family, all of you!                                                                NATALYA: All, all, all!                                                                                                                                            CHUBUKOV: Your grandfather was a drunkard, and your younger aunt, Nastasya Mihailovna, ran away with an architect, and so on...                                                                                                                                 LOMOV: And your mother was hump-backed. [Clutches at his heart] Something pulling in my side... My head.... Help! Water!                                                                                                                                   CHUBUKOV: Your father was a guzzling gambler!

i. Choose the option that correctly identifies the tone of the characters in the given extract.

1) antagonism

 2) humour

3) contempt

4) irony

a) (1) and (2)

b) (2) and (4)

c) (1) and (3)

d) (3) and (4)

ii. The playwright’s intention in the given extract is to

a) throw light upon the weaknesses of the rich in any society.

b) emphasize that family history is important in a marriage proposal.

c) satirise the superficiality of the upper class in Russian society.

d) send a message that ego is not healthy in any relationship.

iii. If according to Chubukov and Natalya, Lomovs are not “honourable people”, why do they still consider Lomov’s proposal?

a) Natalya can take care of her father if she marries close by.

b) They were exaggerating in the argument and didn’t mean it.

c) They understand that honour is superficial and overrated.

d) Lomov’s status in society supersedes everything.

iv. Imagine you found the playwright’s notes for each scene in the play and noticed that some of the words were missing. Choose the option that fills the missing words most appropriately.                                        A conversation that starts pleasantly quickly turns into a (i) ________ argument. With (ii) _________ of Oxen Meadows at the heart of the matter, Lomov and Natalya quarrel and are later joined by Chubukov. Thus, begins a (iii) ____ of insults, accusations and name-calling. All (iv) _______ disappears. Eventually, Lomov leaves clutching at his heart, his foot numb.

 a) (i) petty ; (ii) history ; (iii) series; (iv) politeness

b) (i) vicious; (ii) ownership; (iii) circus ; (iv) civility

 c) (i) curious; (ii) land ; (iii) outpouring ; (iv) laughter

d) (i) ugly; (ii) neighborhood; (iii) barrage; (iv) goodness

v. What do you get to know about Chubukov out of this extract?

a) Refined

b) Sophisticated

c) Unpolished

d) Passive

3. CHUBUKOV: What a weight off my shoulders, off!                                                                                NATALYA: But, still you will admit now that Guess is worse than Squeezer.                                                    LOMOV: Better!                                                                                                                                                              NATALYA: Worse!                                                                                                                                                   CHUBUKOV: Well, that’s a way to start your family bliss! Have some champagne!                                         LOMOV: He’s better!                                                                                                                                                 NATALYA: Worse! Worse! Worse!                                                                                                                           CHUBUKOV: [trying to shout her down] Champagne! Champagne!

i. Which of the following expressions best suit the given conversation? 

a) beating around the bush

b) apple of the eye

c) tit for tat

d) pouring cats and dogs

 ii. How would you characterize Chubukov’s mood based on the given extract?

a) cautious and celebratory

b) relieved and jubilant

c) merry, yet thoughtful

d) grateful, yet hurt

iii. Based on the extract, Lomov and Natalya’s closing lines can best be seen as

a) a humorous and ironic take on typical marriage vows.

b) a reflection of their affections for Guess and Squeezer.

c) a sign of the prospective instability in their marital bliss.

 d) the writer’s statement that disagreement is part of marriage.

iv. Choose the option that correctly uses the idioms to the fill in the blanks of the paragraph below.                                                                                                                                                  In a team, it is important to (i) __________. Otherwise, you would become (ii) _______, and incur the displeasure of the others. When that happens, you might feel (iii) ___________. However, for the others, not having to carry you along would be a (iv) ___________.

a) (i) pull your weight; (ii) dead weight; (iii) the weight of the world on your shoulders; (iv) weight off the shoulders.

 b) (i) weight yourself; (ii) the weight of the world on your shoulder; (iii) like dead weight; (iv) weight off their shoulders

c) (i) throw weight around; (ii) worth your weight in gold; (iii) weight off your shoulders; (iv) dead weight

d) (i) lend weight to someone; (ii) heavy weight; (iii) like pulling your weight; (iv) weight off their shoulders

v. The liberal use of exclamatory marks in the given extract indicate that the characters are expressing

a) apologies in a solemn and heartfelt tone.

b) good counsel and advice in a serious matter.

c) reconciliation on matters leading to argument.

d) strong feelings with a raised voice.

Answer Key:

1.  i. b) Option (2)

ii. d) Cherish

iii. d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

iv. c) Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

v. c) Submissive

2. i. c) (1) and (3)

ii.  c) satirize the superficiality of the upper class in Russian society.

 iii.  d) Lomov’s status in society supersedes everything.

 iv. b) (i) vicious; (ii) ownership; (iii) circus; (iv) civility

    v. c) Unpolished

3. i. c) tit for tat

    ii.  b) relieved and jubilant

iii.  a) a humorous and ironic take on typical marriage vows.

 iv. a) (i) pull your weight; (ii) dead weight; (iii) the weight of the world on your shoulders; (iv) weight off the shoulders.

 v. d) strong feelings with a raised voice.





Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow.(5x1 = 5 M)

1. Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!

But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,

Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,

And little mouse Blink strategically mouse holed

i. The phrase ‘Belinda paled’ denotes that -

a. Belinda’s face became white       

b. Belinda’s face turned dark

c. Belinda fainted

d. Belinda lost her charm

ii. Find the odd one out:

a. trickle       b. pickle   c. batter d. sickle

iii. Mustard fled with a terrified yelp because -

a. he had seen a ghost                 

b. he saw a monster at the window        

c. he saw a dragon climbing the window

d. he saw a pirate climbing the window

iv. Give the rhyming scheme of the given stanza.

a. aabb            b. abab           c. abba                     d. aaab

v. Pick out the sentence that correspond to the use of strategically-

a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.

b. The fence is strategically put up to prevent anyone getting onto the beach

c. Her scarf was strategically placed to hide a tear in her shirt.

d. The king and the queen lived strategically ever after. 


2. “Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,

And little mouse Blink strategically mouse holed.

But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,

Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,

With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,

He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm”

i. Which option lists the quotes that support the ideas in the extract?

1) Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.

2) If you’re brave enough to start, you’re strong enough to finish.

3) Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.

4) You get in life what you have the courage to ask for

5) Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is strong.

a) 1 and 5

b) 2, 3 and 4

c) 2 and 3

d) 1,3 and 5

 ii. What is the poet’s purpose of using the onomatopoeic words given in the extract?

a) It is to emphasize on the boldness of Custard.

b) It is to introduce the character Custard to the readers.

c) It is to impress upon the readers that Custard was ready.

d) It is to make Custard bold enough to face the situation.

iii. Pick an option that best fits the usage of the word’ trickled’ as used in the extract.

a) The water trickled down the tap and filled the trough.

 b) Students trickled into the classroom as the teacher entered.

c) Tears trickled down her cheeks as she heard the sad news.

d) His enthusiasm for the task slowly trickled away.

 iv. Select the option that fits with the reaction of the characters in the context of the extract. Ink: terrified:: Blink : i) __________________             Pirate: ii) ______________:: Custard: undaunted

a) i) shocked ii) displeased

b) i) petrified ii) wondered

 c) i) upset ii) dazed

d) i) petrified ii) shocked

 v. ‘He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. Why has this comparison been used here? Just like the robin catches the worm,

a) Custard attacked the pirate after careful observation.

b) Custard attacked the pirate without delay.

c) Custard attacked the pirate valorously.

d) Custard attacked the pirate stealthily.

3. Belinda giggled till she shook the house,

And Blink said Weeck! which is giggling for a mouse,

Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,

When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,

And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.

i. What can you infer from the repetition ‘suddenly, suddenly’ in the above extract?

 a) There was an immediate change in the scene.

 b) It focuses on the hasty attack and the loud noise.

c) It emphasises that an unexpected noise was heard.

d) It draws our attention to the loud cry that occurred.

ii. A cage means captivity. Why is Custard inclined to remain in a cage despite what it symbolises? This is so because he viewed it as a

 1) sanctuary

2) guardhouse

3) cubicle

 4) refuge

5) booth

a) 1, 2 & 5

 b) 1 & 4

c) 3, 4 & 5

d) 3 & 5

 iii. Why has the poet used the word ‘weeck’ to signify the giggling of the mouse? The poet

a) uses it to add suspense in the poem.

b) has imagined how the mouse would sound in this mood.

c) has mocked at the mouse for giggling at Custard.

d) uses it to create a scary effect for readers.

iv. Pick the option with the correct matches for columns A and B.

                           A                                  B

                      Word                         Meaning

                1. chuckle                 A. to smile in a half-suppressed mocking way

                2. snigger                  B. to smile in an irritating, conceited manner.

                3. smirk                     C. to let out a quiet and suppressed laugh.

                                                    D. to let out a laugh heartily and loudly

a) 1- D, 2-A, 3-C

b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B

 c) 1-B, 2-D, 3-C

d) 1-A, 2-C, 3-D

 v. Which belief about dragons is in contrast to Custard’s behaviour in the extract. a) Dragons are brave and feared.

 b) Dragons can grant wishes.

 c) Dragons can become invisible at will.

d) Dragons are soft-hearted and kind.


4. Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,

 And Mustard growled,

and they all looked around.

Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried Belinda,

 For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.

i)        Choose the reason why everyone got scared-

a)      Mustard growled                       b) Ink cried loudly

c) Pirate was climbing in the window d) Custard was making noise

ii. Choose the word that corresponds to “nasty”

a)      Unpleasant b) Kind c) Silent d) Fancy

iii. What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanzas?

a)      abab b) abcd c) adcd d) aabb

iv. Choose the option that best suit the character of Belinda’s pet animals as per the extract.

(1)         (2) (3)    (4)

a) Option (1)                        b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)                         d) Option (4)

v. Choose the word which is NOT an onomatopoeic word like ‘meowch’.

a) hiss           b) giggle          c) buzz             d) fetch

Answer Key:

1.  i. a. Belinda’s face became white

ii. c. batter

iii. d. he saw a pirate climbing the window

iv. d) i) petrified ii) shocked

v. a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.

2. i. c) 2 and 3

ii.   a) It is to emphasize the boldness of Custard.

 iii.  b) Students trickled into the classroom as the teacher entered.

 iv. b) (i) vicious ; (ii) ownership ; (iii) circus ; (iv) civility

    v. b) Custard attacked the pirate without delay.

3. i. c) It emphasises that an unexpected noise was heard.

    ii.  b) 1 & 4

iii.  b) has imagined how the mouse would sound in this mood.

 iv b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B

 v. a) Dragons are brave and feared.

4. i. c) Pirate was climbing in the window

    ii.  a) Unpleasant   

iii.  d) aabb

 iv d) Option (4)

v. d) fetch





Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow.(5x1 = 5 M)

1. Mrs Pumphrey hastened to explain, “He was so listless, Mr. Herriot. He seemed to have no energy. I thought he must be suffering from malnutrition, so I have been giving him some little extras between meals to build him up, some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him sleep — nothing much really.”                                                                                                                                              “And did you cut down on the sweet things as I told you?”. “Oh, I did for a bit, but he seemed to be so weak I had to relent. He does love cream cakes and chocolates so. I can’t bear to refuse him.”                                                         I looked down again at the little dog. That was the trouble. Tricki’s only fault was greed. He had never been known to refuse food; he would tackle a meal at any hour of the day or night. And I wondered about all the things Mrs Pumphrey hadn’t mentioned.

i.‘I thought he must be suffering from malnutrition’ implies:

a) He was over fed.

b) He wasn’t taking proper food.

c) He was fed with nutritious food.

d) He was lacking nutritious food.

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Tricki was a greedy little dog.

2. Mrs Pumphrey was very sensitive towards her dog.

3 Tricki was suffering from malnutrition.

4. Tricki never preferred eating chocolates and cakes.

a) 2, 3

b) 3, 4

c) 1, 4

d) 1, 2

(4) I feel that she shouldn’t have been too much caring towards her pet.

(3) Oh, come on! , she just wants to show off.

(2) I feel like Mrs. Pumphery is a carefree lady.

(1) I think Tricki is an over fed dog.

iii. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s(F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.



a) F – 1 and O – 2, 3, 4

 b) F - 2 and O – 1, 3, 4

c) F – 3 and O - 1, 2, 4

d) F - 4 and O - 1, 2, 3

iv. Which word does ‘hastened’ correspond to?

a) Light

b) Quick

 c) Relaxed

d) Slow

v. Choose the option that describes Tricki’s affinity towards food.

 a) He was a passive eater.

b) He was negligent towards food.

c) He relished upon tasty food items.

d) He ate tiny meals.

2. The expected call came within a few days. Mrs Pumphrey was distraught. Tricki would eat nothing. Refused even his favourite dishes; and besides, he had bouts of vomiting. He spent all his time lying on a rug, panting. Didn’t want to go for walks, didn’t want to do anything. I had made my plans in advance. The only way was to get Tricki out of the house for a period. I suggested that he be hospitalized for about a fortnight to be kept under observation. The poor lady almost swooned. She was sure he would pine and die if he did not see her every day. But I took a firm line. Tricki was very ill and this was the only way to save him.

i. Why was Mrs. Pumphery worried for Tricki?

  a) He was creating nuisance in the locality.

  b) It was her habit of getting worried over petty matters.

  c) She was over caring towards Tricki.

  d) His health was getting deteriorated.

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Mr Herriot suggested that Tricki should be hospitalized.

2. Tricki was comfortable in his physical condition.

3. Tricki started avoiding his tasty diet.

4. It was very easy to convince Mrs Pumphrey to get her pet hospitalized.

a) 2, 3, 

b) 1, 3

c) 3, 4

d) 1, 4



(2) doers

iii. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to ‘ill’:

(3) treated

 (4) manner (4)manner  mmanner

(1) plans







a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

iv. Choose the characteristic displayed by the doctor according to the above extract.

a) Sympathetic

b) Practical

c) Empathetic

d) Unemotional                 

v. Which word does ‘advance’ NOT correspond to?

a) forward

b) prior

c) lead

d) hinder

3. The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his night bed, favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl. Realising that my car would never hold all the stuff, I started to drive away. As I moved off, Mrs Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears. Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”

i. What might the atmosphere of the household in the above extract signify?

 a) Mrs Pumphrey’s status in society reflected in Tricki’s lifestyle.

b) The staff’s love for Tricki, which matched that of Mrs. Pumphrey

c) The grand life of comforts and luxuries that Tricki enjoyed.

d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety acted upon by the staff.

ii. Given below are emoticons reflecting various expressions and reactions. Choose the option that correctly describes the narrator’s mindset in the given extract.

     (i)                     (ii)                 (iii)                 (iv)                   (v)

a) Options (i) and (iii)

b) Options (ii) and (iv)

c) Options (iii) and (v)

d) Options (ii) and (v)

 iii. Given below are some well-known quotes shared by the staff to console Mrs. Pumphrey, after Tricki’s departure. Choose the option that correctly identifies the quote that IS NOT appropriate to the consolation offered.

        (i)                                  (ii)                                (iii)                             (iv)

a) Option (i)

b) Option (ii)

c) Option (iii)

d) Option (iv)

 iv. As the extract indicates, Mrs. Pumphrey indulged Tricki and bought him many things. Choose the option that best describes the kinds of advertisement/s that seem likely to persuade Mrs. Pumphrey to buy something for Tricki.

(i) Statistics Appeal – Such advertisements use facts and data to convince consumers to buy products.                                                                                                      (ii) Scarcity Appeal – Such advertisements create a feeling of exclusivity and are often used to convince people to take advantage of a sale or limited period offer. (iii) Personal Appeal – Such advertisements focus on evoking emotions to convince consumers and often relate to family or other inter-personal interactions.                                                                                                                                  (iv) Fear Appeal – Such advertisements focus on inspiring some kind of fear to convince consumers to take action in order to avoid certain negative or undesirable consequences.

 a) Options (i), (ii) and (iv)

 b) Options (iii) and (iv)

 c) Options (i), (iii) and (iv)

d) Option (ii) only

v. The narrator describes Tricki as a “pathetic little animal”. The use of the word ‘pathetic’ indicates that the narrator

a) was very fond of Tricki.

b) thought Tricki was contemptible.

c) pitied Tricki’s condition.

d) believed Tricki’s health was deteriorating.

4. At the surgery, the household dogs surged round me. Tricki looked down at the noisy pack with dull eyes and, when put down, lay motionless on the carpet. The other dogs, after sniffing round him for a few seconds, decided he was an uninteresting object and ignored him.                                                                                I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next to the one where the other dogs slept. For two days I kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of water. At the end of the second day he started to show some interest in his surroundings and on the third he began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the yard.                                                                                                                          When I opened the door, Tricki trotted out and was immediately engulfed by Joe, the greyhound, and his friends. After rolling him over and thoroughly inspecting him, the dogs moved off down the garden. Tricki followed them, rolling slightly with his surplus fat.

i. The surgery as per the extract is______.

a) An operation that Tricki had to undergo.

b) A park for pet animals.

c) A vet hospital.

d) A refuge home for stray dogs.

ii. The statement that is TRUE about Tricki’s situation at the surgery, according to the extract is:

a) His over fed body was a burden for him.

b) He was taking proper food.

c) Doctor was giving special care to Tricki.

d) Tricki was missing Mrs Pumphery.

iii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

1. Tricki was inactive at the surgery.

2. Tricki learned to cope up with other dogs.

3. The dogs at the surgery initially ignored him.

4. Tricki was given immense amount food at the surgery.

5. For two days the doctor gave him only food and no water.

6. Tricki was suffering from malnutrition.

a) 1, 2, 3

b) 3, 4, 5

c) 4 , 5, 6

d) 1, 2, 6

iv. Why did Tricki whimper when he heard the dogs barking in the yard?

a) He was afraid of them.

b) He couldn’t cope up with them.

c) He developed liking for his surroundings.

d) He wanted to warn them.

v. Which word does ‘surplus’ NOT correspond to?

a) dearth

b) excess

c) profusion

d) abundance

Answer Key:

1.  i. d) He was lacking nutritious food.

ii. b) 3, 4

iii. a) F – 1 and O – 2, 3, 4

iv. b) Quick

v. c) He relished upon tasty food items.

2. i.  d) His health was getting deteriorated.

ii.  b) 1, 3

iii.  a) Option (1)

 iv. b) Practical

    v. d) hinder

3. i. d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety acted upon by the staff.

    ii.  d) Options (ii) and (v)

iii.  d) Option (iv)

 iv. b) Options (iii) and (iv)

v. c) pitied Tricki’s condition.

4. i. c) A vet hospital.

    ii.  a) His over fed body was a burden for him.

iii.  c) 4 , 5, 6

iv. c) He developed liking for his surroundings.

v. a) dearth





Read the extracts given below and attempt the questions that follow.(5x1 = 5 M)

1. Anil was watching a wrestling match when I approached him. He was about 25-- a tall, lean fellow – and he looked easy-going, kind and simple enough for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck of late and thought I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence. ‘You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A little flattery helps in making friends.

i. According to the extract, the young boy was watching the wrestling match because he

 a) had been invited there by the wrestlers.

b) was supposed to meet someone there.

c) was looking for simple people to dupe.

d) loved wrestling and followed it very closely.

ii. ‘I hadn’t had much luck of late’ means that the boy hadn’t

a) ever conned people successfully.

b) been successful in duping people lately.

c) understood the consequences of thievery till date.

d) considered the role of fate in deceiving others.

iii. ‘I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence.’ Choose the option that DOES NOT display what the statement means.

a) He wanted to win his trust.

b) He wanted him to share his thoughts without caution.

c) He wanted him to feel comfortable revealing more details about himself.

d) He wanted to be able to spend quality time with him.

iv. Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple to the narrator. Which of the given characteristics would NOT fit in with this description?

a) compassionate

b) elegant

c) uncomplicated

d) carefree

v. Based on the line, “A little flattery helps in making friends.”, choose the option that displays the quote closest in meaning.

a) Imitation is the best form of flattery; people generally understand that my comedy is not intended to hurt anybody

b) I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one's identity is totally different.

c) Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest.

d) One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.

2. I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind. Anil made money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week, lend the next. He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote for magazines—a queer way to make a living!

i. Anil made money ‘by fits and starts’ means that he

a) deemed it fit to start investing money.

 b) started earning money in the recent past.

c) received money intermittently.

d) put his money to use frequently.

ii. The information in the extract suggests that Anil could be a

a) salaried professional

 b) freelancer

 c) business man

d) volunteer

 iii. If borrow:: lend, then pick the ODD pair from the options below

a) give : : take

b) lose : : find

 c) hop : : skip

d) buy : : sell

 iv. The reference to making a little money ‘this way’ refers to a way that is viewed by most people as

 a) sensible

 b) inappropriate

c) charitable

d) Aggressive

 v. Based on your understanding of Anil in the extract, choose the option that synchronises with his thinking.

a) So what if I don’t have much money? Giving it to that person is important as they could do with a helping hand.

b) I better learn how to protect my money. I think I’m being looted.

c) I earn money with such tremendous effort. Where does it all go?

d) When I become rich, I can begin to help friends then. Right now, I will spend only on myself.

Answer Key:

1.  i. c) was looking for simple people to dupe.

ii. b) been successful in duping people lately.

iii. d) He wanted to be able to spend quality time with him.

iv. b) elegant

v. c d) One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.

2. i.  c) received money intermittently.

ii.  b) freelancer

iii.  c) hop : : skip

 iv. c) charitable

   v. a) So what if I don’t have much money? Giving it to that person is important as they could do with a helping hand.


The Hundred Dresses-1

Extract Based Comprehension questions:

Q.1 But on Wednesday, Peggy and Maddie, who sat down in front with other children who got good marks and who didn’t track in a whole lot of mud, did notice that Wanda wasn’t there. Peggy was the most popular girl in school. She was pretty, she had many pretty clothes and her hair was curly. Maddie was her closest friend. The reason Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence was because Wanda had made them late to school[CBSE 2012]
(a) What kind of a girl Peggy was?

(i) She was a pretty  (ii) Most popular       (iii) Helpfu     (iv) all of the above
(b) How did Peggy and Maddie turn up late for school?

(i) Due to bus            (ii) Due to Maddie    (iii) due to paggy      (iv) they waited for Wanda to make fun of her
(c) Find a word that means the opposite of ‘presence’.

(i)         popular          (ii) closest      (iii)  absence (iv) down
(d) Who noticed Wanda’s absence in the class?

(i) Peggy        (ii) Maddie     (iii) both (i) and (ii)    (iv) Wanda    
(a) all of the above (b) they waited for Wanda to make fun of her.
(c) The word is ‘absence’.
(d) both (i) and (ii)

Q.2 Wanda Petronski,  Most of the children in Room thirteen did not have names like that. They had names easy to say, like Thomas,  Smith or Allen. There was one boy named Bounce, Wille Bounce, and people thought that was funny in the same way that Petronski was. Wanda did not have any friends. She came to school alone and went home alone. She always wore a faded blue dress that didn’t hang right. It was clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly. 

(a)  Which name in the passage was not matched with other names?

(i)                Thomas          (ii) Smith        (iii) Petronski (iv) Allen

       (b)        Why did Wanda have no friends?

(i)                Wanda had no friends because she was different from other girls.

(ii)              She didnt talk much,

(iii)             she was very sincere.

(iv)            All of the above

    (c) Trace a word from the passage that means worn.

        (i ) Faded (ii) Blue                       (iii) dress         (iv) hang
(d) How did Wanda go to school?

    (i ) Alone.    (ii) With friends           (iii) with parents         (iv) None of the above


Answer:(a)  Petronski  (b) All of the above. (c) Faded(d) alone.

Q.3  She worked her arithmetic problems absent mindedly.” Eight times Eight -lets see ….” She wishedshe had the nerve to write Peggy a note, because she knew she never would have the courage to speak right out to Peggy to say.” Hey, Peg, lets stop asking Wanda how many dresses she has.”

(a) Who does she refer to?

(i) Wanda    (ii) Peggy        (iii)Maddie     (iv) teacher
(b) In what way was she doing her work?

(i) Carefully (ii) attentively            (iii) absent mindedly (d) None of the above
(c) Find word from the passage which means the same as ‘nerve’.

(i) problem (ii) hope         (iii) courage   (iv) stop
(d) What quality was required by Maddie?

(i) kind         (ii) humble     (iii) courage   (iv) optimistic


A. Maddie.         B. absent mindedly               C. courage      D. Courage

Q. 4 The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colors and brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.

(a) Why did Maddie and Peggy gasp?

(i) To see the drawings all over the room.     (ii) As they won the competition.

(iii) to enter in wrong class.               (iv) to see the teacher

(b) How did everybody respond to Wanda’s exquisite drawings?

(i) appreciated        (ii) criticized   (iii) not appreciated  (iv) neutral
(c) Which word in the passage means very bright?

(i) lavish      (ii) dazzling    (iii) brilliant    (iv) murmured
(d) How many drawings were there?

(i) thousand            (ii) hundred and ten (iii) eighty       (iv) hundred


A.  To see the drawings all over the room.B.  appreciated
C. Dazzling D.  hundred


Q.5 Sometimes, when Peggy was asking Wanda those questions in that mocking polite voice, Maddie felt embarrassed and studied the marbles in the palm of her hand, rolling them around and saying nothing herself. Not that she felt sorry for Wanda, exactly. She would never have paid any attention to Wanda if Peggy hadn’t invented the dresses game. But suppose Peggy and all the others started in on her next? She wasn’t as poor as Wanda, perhaps, but she was poor. Of course, she would have more sense than to say she had a hundred dresses. Still she would not like for them to begin on her. She wished Peggy would stop teasing Wanda Petronski.
(a) Why did Maddie feel embarrassed when Peggy teased Wanda?

(i) Because she herself was poor          (ii) She did not want herself at Wanda’s place

(iii) Both (i) & (ii)    (iv) Because she was rich
(b) What did Maddie want Peggy to do?

(i)            To stop teasing Wanda (ii) To break friendship with Peggy

(iii)         To become friend of wanda     (iv) none of the above

(c) Find the word which means the same as ‘ashamed or humiliated’.

(i)            Teasing    (ii) embarrassed       (iii) mocking  (iv) attention

(d) Who had hundred dresses?

(i)            Maddie    (ii) Wanda      (iii) Peggy      (iv) none of the above
(a)  Both (i) & (ii)
(b) To stop teasing Wanda
(c) The word is ‘embarrassed’.
(d) Wanda


(S.R.) 5. Footprints without Feet


1.  EXTRACT   2 with   (MCQ )                                                   5 X 1=  5 Marks    each extract 

Extract 1.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                              1 X 5 = 5

Objective: To test local and global understanding of the literary text 

He escaped easily enough from the boys who followed his footprints in London. But his adventures were by no means over. He had chosen a bad time of the year to wander about London without clothes.


Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer

 (a)  Who is referred to as ‘ He’ in the given lines ?

(iii) Griffin

(b)  Why has it been mentioned as ‘ a bad time of the year to wander about’ ?

(i)   It was mid -winter and the air was bitterly cold.  

(c) Why was he wandering without clothes?

 (iii)  so that  he could remain invisible

(d) Who followed his footprints ?

(ii) the  two boys

 (e)  Find a word from the given lines that mean the same as  - ‘ to get free’.

(iii) escape


Extract 2.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                               1 X 5 = 5

Objective: To test local and global understanding of the literary text 

Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer

The village constable was secretly sent for. Instead of waiting for the constable ,Mrs. Hall went to the scientist ,who had somehow mysteriously appeared from his empty bedroom.


 (a)  Who sent for the village constable?

 (iii)    Mrs. Hall

(b)  Which scientist is being referred to here ?

(iv)  Griffin


(c) What troubled the lady ?

(i)    the sudden attack by the furniture

(d) Where had  Griffin appeared from ?

(ii)    from his empty bed room            

 (e) Why was the village constable sent for ?

(ii) to inquire into the burglary at the vicarage 

6 The Making of a Scientist


1.  EXTRACT   2 with   (MCQ )                                                   5 X 1=  5 Marks    each extract 

Extract 1.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                              5 X 1=  5 “ Eventually I began to lose interest in tagging butterflies. Its tedious and there’s not much feedback,” Ebright said. “ In all the time I did it ,” he laughed, “only two butterflies I had tagged  were recaptured – and they were not more than seventy-five miles from where I lived.”

(a)  Ebright lost interest in ………………………

(i)  playing football   (ii)  tagging butterflies   (iii)  collecting fossils   (iv)  collecting coins

Ans- (ii)  tagging butterflies

(b) The reason for losing interest was that the work was ………………….

(i)  tedious and very costly           (ii)   easy but time consuming           

(iii)    beyond his ability           (iv)  tedious and there was not much feedback

Ans-  (iv)  tedious and there was not much feedback

 (c) Here seventy- five miles means ……………………

(i)   a long distance          (ii)  a short distance           (iii)  an irony        (iv)  a walking distance

(iii)  an irony      

(d)  Richard Ebright was a ………………………….

 (i)  teacher            (ii)   writer               (iii)  lawyer                (iv)  scientist

(iv)  scientist

 (e) Richard gave the world the  theory of ………………………..

 (i)    astronomy         (ii)    astrology              (iii)    cell life              (iv)  liver function

(iii)    cell life










Extract 2.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                               5 X 1=  5

The theory was that viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds .Viceroys, on the other hand ,do taste good to birds. So the more they look like monarchs ,the less likely they are to become a bird’s dinner.

(a)  Which butterflies look like monarchs butterflies?

(i)   green butterflies     (ii)   black butterflies    (iii) African butterflies    (iv)  viceroy butterflies

(iv)  viceroy butterflies

(b) Which of the following statements is correct about Ebright’s science fair project ?

(i)    testing  the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs

(ii)    testing  the theory that monarchs butterflies copy viceroys

(iii)  testing  the theory that viceroy butterflies copy African butterflies

(iv)  testing  the theory that  monarchs butterflies copy the African butterflies

(i)    testing  the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs

 (c) Birds do not like to eat ………………………………..

(i)   White butterflies  (ii)    Monarch butterflies    (iii)  Viceroy butterflies   (iv)  African butterflies

(ii)    Monarch butterflies

 (d) The real object of Ebright’s science fair was……………………….

(i)    to see whether birds would eat Monarchs         (ii)  to see other’s projects               

(iii)   to see whether birds would eat viceroy              (iv)  to win prize

(i)    to see whether birds would eat Monarchs

 (e) Richard visited the science fair and resolved that …………………….

 (i)    he would regularly visit such fairs         (ii)  he would never visit a fair             

  (iii)  he would call common people                (iv)  he would do real experiment

(iv)  he would do real experiment



Hundred Dresses Part-2

Extract Based Comprehension questions:

Q.1 At last Maddie sat up in bed and pressed her forehead tight in her hands and really thought. This was the hardest thinking she had ever done. After a long, long time, she reached an important conclusion. She was never going to stand by and say nothing again. If she ever heard anybody picking on someone because they were funny looking or because they had strange names, shed speak up. Even if it meant losing Peggys friendship. She had no way of making things right with Wanda, but from now on she would never make anybody else that unhappy again.

  (a) Why did Maddie think deeply?

(i) As she was deeply hurt at Wandas moving away.
(ii) as she was happy   (iii) she lost Paggie     (iv) she failed in exam
(b) At what important decision did Maddie reach?

(i) Never to appreciate others            (ii) never to criticize others
(iii) never to talk with others  (iv) never to play with others
(c) Trace a word from the passage that means ‘decision.’

(i) reached      (ii) conclusion (iii) tight          (iv) funny

(d) Did she reach to the conclusion easily?
(i) No, she didn’t reach to the conclusion.

(ii) No, she reached to the conclusion after a long time.

(iii) Yes            (iv) all of the above

Answers: A. As she was deeply hurt at Wanda’s moving away.

B. never to criticize others

C. Conclusion

D. No, she reached to the conclusion after a long time.

Q.2 Tears blurred her eyes and she gazed for a long time at the picture. Then hastily she rubbed her eyes and studied it intently. The colors in the dress were so vivid that she had scarcely noticed the face and head of the drawing. But it looked like her, Maddie! It really looked like her own mouth. Why it really looked like her own self! Wanda had really drawn this for her. Excitedly, she ran over to Peggy.

(a) How did she feel after looking at the picture?

(i) Happy         (ii) surprised    (iii) sad and sorry        (iv) satisfied
(b) What made her sure that the face in the picture was her own face?

(i)  The face and head in the picture was very much like her own.

(ii)  The face and head in the picture was not like her own.

(iii) The face and head in the picture was very much like Wanda.

(iv)  The face and head in the picture was very much like Peggy.

( c) Find out a word from the passage which means the same as ‘carefully’.

(i) Blurred                   (ii) intently      (iii) drawn       (iv) rubbed

(d) What did she do in excitement?

(i) She ran over to Peggy.    (ii) She didn’t do anything

(iii) Both a and b         (iv) She slept


A.  sad and sorry
(b) The face and head in the picture was very much like her own.
(c) Intently
(d) She ran over to Peggy.

Q.3 Goodness! wasn’t there anything she could do ? If only she could tell Wanda she hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. She turned around and stole a glance at Peggy, but Peggy did not look up. She seemed to be studying hard. Well, whether Peggy felt badly or not, she, Maddie, had to do something. She had to find Wanda Petronski. Maybe she had not yet moved away.      [CBSE 2014]
(a) Who does ‘she’ refer in the passage ?

(i) Wanda        (ii) Peggy         (iii) Maddie     (iv) Teacher
(b) What does Maddie decide to do ?

(i) To forget Wanda    (ii) To find Wanda       (iii) To please Peggy   (iv) All of the above
(c) Find out the synonym of ‘look’ used in the passage.

(i) seemed       (ii) moved        (iii) hurt                       (iv) glance
(d) What was Peggy doing when Maddie looked at her?

(i) ) Peggy did not look up. (ii) she seemed to be studying hard. (iii) She talked to Maddie

(iv )  Both (i) & (ii)

(a) Maddie
(b) To find Wanda (c) Glance
(d) Both (i) & (ii)

Q.4 On Saturday Maddie spent the afternoon with Peggy. They were writing a letter to Wanda Petronski. It was just a friendly letter telling about the contest and telling Wanda she had won. They told her how pretty her drawings were. And they asked her if she liked where she was living and if she liked her new teacher. They had meant to say they were sorry, but it ended up with their just writing a friendly letter, the kind they would have written to any good friend, and they signed it with lots of X’s for love. They mailed the letter to Boggins Heights, writing ‘Please Forward’ on the envelope.
(a) What did Maddie and Peggy write in the letter to Wanda?

(i) Maddie and Peggy wrote a friendly letter

(ii) Asking Wanda about her new house and school.

(iii )They also informed her that she had won the drawing contest.

(iv ) All of the above

(b) How did they end the letter and why?

(i)                 They ended the letter with lots of X’s

(ii)               To show their love and friendship to Wanda.

(iii)             It was their way of apologising indirectly.

        (iv)        All of the above

(c) Find out the synonym of ‘competition’ used in passage.

(i) Contest                   (ii)  envelope   (iii) pretty        (iv) forward
(d) How were Peggy and Maddie feeling when they wrote a letter to Wanda?

(i) To tease Wanda     (ii) Peggy and Maddie were ashamed of their behaviour

(iii) both (i) & (ii)         (iv) none of the above


6 The Necklace


1.  EXTRACT   2 with   (MCQ )                                                   5 X 1=  5 Marks    each extract 

Extract 1.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                              5 X 1=  5

She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and luxuries. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the worn chairs. All these things tortured and angered her .

(a)  Who is ‘she’ in the given lines ?

(i)   Mme Forestier          (ii) Matilda                (iii)  Mrs.Hall               (iv)  MrsPumphery

(ii) Matilda

(b) The other name of Mme Loisel is …………………………

(i)  MrsPumphery   (ii)   Mme Forestier          (iii)  Mrs.Hall               (iv) Matilda               

 (iv) Matilda               

(c) She suffered from ………………………..

(i)    poverty         (ii)    discontent              (iii)   unhappiness               (iv)  none of these

(i)    poverty

 (d) She was tortured by ……………………….

(i)   her poor apartment          (ii)   her ambition               (iii)  shabby walls          (iv)  none of these

(ii)   her ambition              

 (e) She longed for a………………………..

 (i)   delicate life          (ii)  praise worthy life                (iii)   luxurious life              (iv) none of the these

(iii)   luxurious life

Extract 2.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                               5 X 1=  5

And she smiled with proud and simple joy.Mme Forestier was touched and took both  her hands as she replied, Oh ! My poor Matilda ! Mine were false .They were not worth over five hundred francs!”

(a)  Name the lesson from which this extract has been taken?

(i)    A Question of Trust   (ii)   Bholi        (iii)   A Triumph of Surgery        (iv)  The Necklace

(iv)  The Necklace

 (b) Mme Forestier was touched ……………………

 (i)   because she was cheated                         (ii)  to know the unnecessary sufferings of the speaker            

 (iii)  because she could not bear the loss     (iv)  because she was happy for the speaker’s honesty.


 (ii)  to know the unnecessary sufferings of the speaker            

 (c) She smiled with proud and simple joy because …………………….

(i)  she had got her revenge                           (ii)  she was  jealous of  Mme Forestier     

 (iii)   she was decently satisfied                    (iv)  she was plotting something in her mind


(iii)   she was decently satisfied

 (d) “…They were not worth over five hundred francs!”

    What does ‘ They’  stand for in the given line ?

 (i)   costly shoes    (ii)   false diamonds in  the necklace    (iii)     party dresses      (iv)  her pets

(ii)   false diamonds in the necklace   

 (e)  Mme Forestier was a /an

(i)    jealous person      (ii)  wicked person       (iii)   honest person        (iv)  ever complaining

(iii)   honest person


Ln 8 The Hack Driver


1.  EXTRACT   2 with   (MCQ )                                                   5 X 1=  5 Marks    each extract 

Extract 1.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                              5 X 1=  5 I pictured an honest and happy life beyond the strict limits of universities and law firms. I was excited.

I had found a treasure. I had discovered a new way of life.

(a)  Who says these words?

(i)  Ausable   (ii) The narrator      (iii) Lutkins   (iv)  Max

(ii) The narrator     

 (b) Where had he discovered a new way of life?

 (i)   at New Mullion    (ii)   at the ball   (iii)  at National Academy of science    (iv) at the fair 

(i)   at New Mullion

 (c) What made the speaker express so?

(i)    He was extremely angry with the villagers.        (ii)  He was sorry to visit the place              

 (iii)   He wanted his revenge.

 (iv)  He was greatly impressed by the hospitality he received at that place.

(iv)  He was greatly impressed by the hospitality he received at that place.

 (d) The narrator was intending to…………………………

(i)    take his revenge.        (ii)  practice law there.             

 (iii)   spend his life of retirement there               (iv)  buy a land and do agriculture work there.

(ii)  practice law there.             

 (e)  The irony of the situation was that ……………………..

 (i)  the people of the place had fooled him          

  (ii) the people of the place had  stolen his money    

 (iii)  the people of the place had nothing to do with him  

 (iv)  the people of the place had been  cheated by him

(i)  the people of the place had fooled him          

Extract 2.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                               5 X 1=  5

We left that peaceful scene of meadows and woods ,and resumed our search of Oliver Lutkins.We could not find him .At last Bill cornered a friend of Lutkins and made him admit what he guessed . “Oliver’s gone out to his mother’s farm ,three miles north.”

(a) This extract has been taken from …………………………………..

(i) The Thief’s Story  (ii) A Question of Trust  (iii) The Hack Driver (iv) The Necklace 

(iii) The Hack Driver

 (b)  Who are ‘We’?

(i)   Narrator and his friends.         (ii)  Narrator’s family.    

 (iii) Lawer and the Hack driver   .             (iv)  Hack driver and his friends.

(iii) Lawer and the Hack driver   .

 (c)Why are ‘we’ searching for Oliver Lutkins?

 (i)    To settle some dispute.        (ii)   To serve him summons.     

  (iii) To offer him a job.                (iv)  To take some revenge.

(ii)   To serve him summons.

 (d) The lawyer could not find Lutkins because ……………………….

(i)   He is the hack driver with whom the lawyer spends the whole day.

 (ii)  Lutkins has run away.            (iii) A man named Lutkins doesn’t exist.               

(i)   He is the hack driver with whom the lawyer spends the whole day.

 (iv)  Lutkins was out of town.

 (e) What character traits of the lawyer do these lines reveal?

 (i)   He is an honest person.         (ii) He is a simple and over-trusting person.

 (iii)  He is a fool.               (iv)  He is a kind fellow.

(ii) He is a simple and over-trusting person.


Ln 9 Bholi


1.  EXTRACT   2 with   (MCQ )                                                   5 X 1=  5 Marks    each extract 

Extract 1.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                              1 X 5 = 5

Objective: To test local and global understanding of the literary text 

Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer

Left alone,the poor girl looked about her with  fear-laden eyes. There were several rooms, and in each room girls like her squatted on mats ,reading  from books or writing on slates.

(a) This extract has been taken from the lesson …………………………

(i)  The Necklace        (ii)  The Hundred Dresses I     (iii)  Bholi    (iv)  The Hundred Dresses II

(iii)  Bholi

(b)  Which place is described here?

(i)   Bholi’s house          (ii)  Wand’s classroom     (iii)  Bholi’s classroom  (iv)  Wanda’s house

(iii)  Bholi’s classroom

(c) Who is the ‘ poor girl’ ?

 (i)    Bholi   (ii)   Wanda         (iii)   Amanda          (iv)  Peddy

 (i)    Bholi

(d) Why does the girl look around with fear-laden eyes?

(i)    She was pleasantly surprised          (ii)   She was scared            

  (iii)    She did not know what to do           

 (iv)  For the first time she was taken to a place away from home.

 (iv)  For the first time she was taken to a place away from home.

(e) What was the reaction of the girl   when her father asked her to come with him to school?

 (i)    She was very happy.  (ii)   She didn’t react.    

(iii)  She was excited . (iv)  She was afraid as she had no idea of a  school.

(iv)  She was afraid as she had no idea of a  school.



Extract 2.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :                               1 X 5 = 5

Objective: To test local and global understanding of the literary text 

Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer

Ramlalwent and placed his turban- his honour- at Bishambar’sfeet.”Do not humiliate me so. Take two thousand rupees.”

“No.Fivethousand,or we go back. Keep your daughter.”

“Be a little considerate, please. If you go back, I can never show my face in the village.”

“Then out with five thousand.”

(a)  Who is Ramlal ?

(i)    Hari’s friend    (ii)   Bholi’s classmate       (iii)  Bholi’s father     (iv)  Bholi’s husband

(iii)  Bholi’s father    

(b)  Bishamber is……………………..

(i)    Hari’s friend    (ii)   Bholi’s classmate       (iii)  Bholi’s father   (iv)  Man who came to marry Bholi

(iv)  Man who came to marry Bholi

(c) What does the turban symbolize here  ?

(i)      Ramlal’s regret   (ii)    Ramlal’s  anger   (iii)  Ramlal’shonour      (iv)  Ramlal’s    repentance


(iii)  Ramlal’shonour

(d) What was Bishambar’s demand?

(i)  Two thousand rupees          (ii)    Three thousand rupees        

(iii)   Four thousand rupees              (iv)  Five thousand rupees

(iv)  Five thousand rupees

(e) Why did Bishambar demand money ?

 (i)  because  Ramlal had promised to pay the money at the time of wedding

 (ii)  because Sulekha had promised to pay the money             

(iii) because Sulekha   had pock-marks on her face          

(iv)  because Bishambar was in great need of money

(iii) because Sulekha   had pock-marks on her face          


GRAMMAR [10 marks]


Determiner’ is a word used before a noun  to indicate which things or people we are talking about. The words ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘my’, ‘this’, ‘some’, ‘many’, etc. are called determiners:

·         He is a good boy.

·         The boy you met is my friend.

·         This novel is very interesting.

·         I have some information about the accident.

·         There were many people at the station.

 Kinds of Determiners:


Articles are the words that defines a noun as spefic or unspecific.

 There are two types of articles:-

Indefinite article (a, an)

Definite article (the)

Use of indefinite article:-

‘a’ is used before a noun starting with consonant sound.

 example:      I saw a man. He is a european.

‘an’ is used before a noun starting with vowel sound.

 example:       An ox was eating grass.

 He is an honest man.

• if adjective is used before a noun in that case article will according to that adjective.

Use of definite article ‘THE’:-

 The is used before singular countable noun, plural countable noun and uncountable noun.

While talking about a particular person or thing or one already refer to. (In a paragraph when noun is used for the first time then ‘a’ and ‘an’ is used but ‘the’ is used for the second time.)

Example:     I purchased a book.

The book is very interesting.

When a singular noun represent the whole community.

The dog is a faithful animal.

Before some proper noun that have some specific feature.

The Pacific, the Ganges, the Sahara desert, the Himalayas etc.

Before the name of religious or mythological books

The Vedas, the Kuran, the Bible etc.

before the names of things which are unique of their kind.

The sun, the moon etc

With superlative degree.

Raghav is the tallest boy in the class.

Before musical instruments

 He can play the tabala very well.

Omission of article’ the’

Before material, abstract and proper noun used in general sense.

 Honesty is the best policy.

Sugar tastes sweet.

            Paris is the capital of France.

Before plural countable noun used in general sense.

Children like toys.

Before name of people.

Before the name of counties, continents, cities etc.

Before the name of individual mountains.

Before languages and words like school, college, university, church, hospital.

Before names of relation, like father, mother etc.



This/ these:-

This (singular)

 These (plural)

 It refers to the persons or things near to the speaker.

That/those: - that (singular) those (plural)

 It refers to the persons or things away to the speaker.


 Possessive determiners tell us about the ownership of something.

Example:- This is your book.

He is my brother.

 My, her, his and its are used with singular noun, while our and their, are used with plural noun. Your can be used with both singular and plural.






























The term quantifier come from the word ‘quantity’.

 A quantifier is placed before a noun to tell us the amount needed.

Some, any, much, more, little, a little, the little etc. are quantitative determiners.


·         There is some salt in the bowl.

·         A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

A few & Few

A few presents a positive quantity.

·         He has a few good friends so he is happy.

Few represents a negative quantity or shortage.

·         He has few photos on Instagram.

A little is used with positive quantity and uncountable nouns.

·         There is a little milk in the refrigerator.

Little represents a negative quantity.

·         I have drunk little water this morning.

Use of “the few” and “the little”:-

The article ‘the’ is used before few and little to add some specific feature to some quantity. Example:-

    I bought the few books that I needed.

• I have spent the little money that I had.


Solved examples

1.      Don’t look directly at ____________ sun.

(a)   A                      (b) an               (c) the

2.      The dogs were given ------------ bone.

(a)   A          (b) any             (c) the

3.      She got her license without ____________ problems.

(a)   Some   (b) any             (c) every

4.      _____ book will serve your purpose.

(a)   These    (b)   those      (c) this

5.      He has____________ money.

(a)   Few      (b) the few      (c) little


1.      The 2. A           3. Any 4. This  5. Little



1.      I always keep _______________ money in my wallet for emergencies.

(a)   Some         (b) every          (c) any

2.      We should inform___________ of them.

(a)          few                           (b)      every                                 (c) all

3.      ___________ man that we saw turned out to be a thief.

(a)   A                (b) that                                    (c) the

4.      __________ sun is about to set.

(a)   A                (b) an               (c) the

5.      He will be there in___________ hour.

(a)   A                (b) an               (c) two




A modal is a verb used with another verb (main verb) to express the mood or attitude of the speaker. Modals are also called modal auxiliaries.

 I can   solve all these questions.

 (modal)(main verb)

The following are modal auxiliaries:

Can, could, will ,would, shall, should, may, might, must, ought to, used to, need , dare

            Use of Modal Auxiliaries      

Shall- future tense (I, we), command , promise, suggestions, threat, determination, advise.

e.g. * We shall go to market.(future )

       *  You shall not steal.(advice)

      * I shall never forget the way you helped me.(promise)

Should- duty, obligation, necessity, advice

e.g. * We should serve our parents. (duty)

        * You should take the medicines on time. (advice)

    Will- willingness, promise, determination, threat, future tense(Second and third person subject)

e.g. * We will overcome this situation soon. (determination)

       * I think it will rain today. (Prediction)

      Would- wish, habitual actions in the past, polite request, probability.

e.g. * Would you please help me. (polite request)

        * Would that I were healthy. (wish)

Can- ability, permission, possibility, power

e.g. * I can lift this bag. (ability)

        * He cannot go outside. (Permission)

       * He can come tomorrow. (possibilities)

Could- polite request, ability in past, past tense of can

·         Could you please help me. (polite request)

·         Sourav could swim when he was young. (past ability)

May- strong  Possibility, giving permission, seeking permission, wish

e.g.*  May you live long. ( wish)

* May I come in. (seeking permission)

         * You may go. ( giving permission)

Might- Less possibility, suggestion, past tense of may

  e.g.*  She might win a prize. (possibility)

         * She might join school. (suggestion)

Must- compulsion, obligation, duty, strong possibility

e.g. *You must take off your shoes outside the temple. ( obligation)

       * He must attend the class. ( compulsion)

Ought to- duty, moral or social obligation

e.g. *We ought to love our neighbours. (moral obligation)

        * You ought to do your work. (duty)

Used to- past habit or experience

e.g.  *  Rahul used to smoke when he was in college. (past habit)

Need- necessity.

e.g.   * You need not go tonight. (necessity)

Dare- courage

e.g.   * She dare not come here. (courage)

Has to/ have to/ had to- compulsion or necessity

e.g.   * I have to cook food.

         * He has to go with me.

           *  She had to work.

Solved Examples

1.      _____ his soul rest in peace.

(a)   Could         (b) can             (c)must            (d) may

2.      Walk fast lest you ____________ miss the train.

(a)   Would        (b) must           (c) may            (d) should

3.      You ________  pay what you owe me.

(a)   Must          (b) may            (c) can             (d) will

4.      We ___________ to obey our elders and teachers.

(a)   ought         (b) may            (c) can             (d) will

5.      I _______ do this work.

(a)   Could         (b) can             (c) dare                       (d) ought to


1.      May     2. Should         3. Must            4.  Ought         5. Can



1.      He___________ pass the exam in the first attempt.

(a)   Could         (b) can             (c)must            (d) may

2.      You ______________ not worry at all. I will take care of your luggage.

(a)   Can            (b) could          (c) need           (d) shall

3.      She ____________ get the job.

(a)   Could         (b) can             (c)must            (d) may

4.      You ___________ not raise your voice.

(a)should         (b) can             (c)might          (d) may

      5. It ___________ rain today.

(a)           Could             (b) need           (c) have to       (d) may





There are two ways in which we can report the words of a speaker.

(i)                 Direct narration    (ii) Indirect narration


·         Direct Speech or Direct Narration


      Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration


·         Reporting the words of speaker without any change.

·         He said, “I work in a factory.”



*Reporting the words of speaker with necessary changes.

*He said that he worked in a factory.


Direct Speech

          (S)    (V)     (O)

            He said to me, “ I work in a factory.”

(Reporter) (Reporting Verb) (Reported speech)

Converting direct speech into indirect speech

Direct Speech

He says, “

He says to me, “

He said, “

He said to me, “

Indirect Speech

He says that

He tells me that

He said that

He told me that

Rule of Changing the pronoun while converting from direct to indirect speech.

                     S O N

1 2 3


1st Person

I, We


2nd Person



3rd Person

He, She, It, They







Change of time , place-












That day


The following day


The previous day






If the reporting verb is in the Present or Future tense, the verb in the reported speech is not changed at all.

e.g. I say, “She will come definitely”

   I say that she will come definitely.

If the reporting verb is in the Past tense, the verb in the Reported Speech is changed to the corresponding past tense.

1.      Statements

·         Simple Present Tense------- Simple Past

Pooja said to me,” I am your student.”

Pooja told me that she was my student.

·         Present continuous Tense---- Past Continuous

She said, “ I am leaving for Mumbai right now.”

She said that she was leaving for Mumbai right then.

·         Present Perfect------ Past Perfect

He said,” I have completed my assignment.”

He said that he had completed his assignment.

·         Present Perfect Continuous--- Past Perfect Continuous

He said, “it has been raining since morning,”

He said that it had been raining since morning.

·         Simple Past--- Past Perfect

She said to me, “I took the breakfast in the morning.”

She told me that she had taken the breakfast in the morning.

·         Past Continuous--- Past Perfect Continuous

Harsh said,”I was going to school.”

Harsh said that he had been going to school.

Change of different kind of sentences

2.      Questions

·         ‘Wh’ Questions- Thequestions beginning with which, when, where, why, how, whose, what etc. don’t need any conjunction.

e.g. The teacher said to Monu,” Why are you late.”

       The teacher asked Monu why he was late.

·         Yes/No Questions: The question that begin with helping verbs like is, am ,are, was, were, shall, will, has, have, had , do, does, did etc. While changing these questions into indirect speech ‘if’ or ‘whether’  is used instead of ‘that’.

e.g. I said to my sister,” Can you iron my clothes.

I asked my sister if she could iron my clothes.

3.      Request & Commands: Use conjunction ’To’. The reporting verb ‘said’ or ‘said to’ changes into ordered/ commanded/ requested.

e.g. Reena said to me,” Open the gate.”

    Reena commanded me to open the gate.

Shreya said to me,” Please allow me to help you.”

Shreya requested me to allow her to help me.

Solved Examples

Choose the option which suits best in place of the word written in bold.

1.He said that he is reading a book .

(a) is coming  ( b) was reading (c) has been reading  (d) may read

2. I told him that I met Ram in Delhi.

(a) meet  (b) had  met (c) will meet (d) won’t meet

3 .I asked him when you are coming to India.

(a) he is  (b) he was  (c) he had been (d) you were

4. Miss Sonia asked me where did I go .

(a) I did go (b) I had gone (c) I go  (d) I were going

5.Ram asked me what I was reading yesterday.

(a) the next day (b) that day (c) the previous day  (d) today

Answers: 1. Was reading 2.  Had met   3. He was  4. I had gone 5. The previous day

Additional questions for practice

1.  I asked miss Sonia what was she doing in my room.

(a) she was doing (b) she has been doing (c) she is doing (d) she will do

2 .The student said to the teacher ,”Sir, mark me present.”

(a) The student asked the teacher to respectfully mark him present.

(b) The student respectfully said to the teacher to mark me present.

(c) The student respectfully requested the teacher to mark his presence.

(d) The student respectfully requested the teacher to mark his present.

3.  Mahesh said to Ram ,”I have lost your purse on account of my carelessness.”

(a) Mahesh told Ram that I have lost his purse on account of my carelessness.

(b) Mahesh told Ram that he has lost his purse on account of my carelessness.

(c) Mahesh told Ram that he lost his purse on account of my carelessness.

(d) Mahesh told Ram that he had lost his purse on account of my carelessness.

4.  I asked him that what he was doing.

(a) that     (b) what      (c) whether     (d) if





Subject-verb agreement tells about the way a verb will change according to subject. In simple words, the number and person of a verb will be according to the number and person of subject.

Example:-        *  They   go.

                             Plural subject  ----  plural verb

·         He  goes.

                               Singular subject ------   Singular verb

Some basic rules:-

Use of ‘be’ verb in different form in terms of person and number:-


Present tense




1st person

I- am

We- are

2nd person

You- are

You- are

3rd person

He/ She/ It/ name- is

They- are


v  Past tense




1st person

I- was

We- were

2nd person

You- were

You- were

3rd person

He/She/It/Name- was

They- were










Use of ‘have’ verb in different form in terms of person and number:-

v  Present tense




1st person

I- have


2nd person



3rd person




·         Past tense



1st person

I- had

We- had

2nd person

You- had

You- had

3rd person


They- had


Use of ‘do’ verb in different form in terms of person and number:-

v  Present tense



1st person

I- do

We- do

2nd person

You- do

You- do

3rd person

He/she/it/name- does

They- do



·         Past tense



1st person

I- did

We- did

2nd person

You- did

You- did

3rd person

He/she/it/name- did

They- did

Advance rules for Subject-Verb Agreement :-

Two nouns or pronouns when joined by ‘and’ takes plural verb.

         Singular (Noun/pronoun) + and + Singular (Noun/pronoun)  +  plural verb

Example:-Mohan,Ram and Shyam play       together.

                                   subject joined by and           ---   plural verb

You and I have       done this.

                        subject joined by and    plural verb

When two singular nouns are joined by ‘and’ but are meant for one person or for one idea then singular verb is used.

       Singular (Noun/pronoun) + and + Singular (Noun/pronoun)  +  singular verb

                                                   one idea/ one person

Example:-Time and Tide waits for none.

                                 one idea        singular verb

The principal and secretary was        not there.

                                             One person        =           singular verb

q       When the following terms are used with a plural noun, the verb after it is always singular.

 (One of, None of, Any of, Either of, Neither of , Each of, Every one of, Each one of)

    i.e. –   one of    +    plural noun/pronoun   +    singular verb


v  One of my friends is         sick.

                        plural noun    singular verb

v   Each of my friends is invited to my birthday party.


q  Noun that are connected by ‘each’ and ‘every’ take a singular verb with them.

( Each/every  +   singular noun    +    singular verb)


ü  Each boy   was     given a prize.

                   Singular verb

ü  Every day    is     a battle here.

                      Singular verb

q   Two nouns qualified by ‘each’ and ‘every’ and connected by ‘and’ take a singular verb with them.

( Each/every  +  singular noun   +   each/every   +   singular noun    +    singular verb)


ü  Every boyandevery girlwas   given vaccination.

                                                               Singular verb

q  Some subjects like Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody and Anyone takes singular verb after them.

          Everybody/Somebody/Nobody/Anybody/Anyone    +      singular verb


ü  Nobody is perfect in the world.

                  Singular verb

ü  Everybody knows the importance of education.

                             Singular verb

q  If a sentence starts with introducing ‘there’ then the verb comes according to the number of the noun that comes after ‘there’.

There  +   singular verb    +    singular noun

There  +     plural verb      +      plural noun


ü  There       is a pen.

               singular verb    singular noun

ü   There     were big rivers.

                    plural verb      plural noun

q  When two subjects are joined by following words then the verb must agree with the first subject.

( with, as well as, along with, together with, in addition to, including, accompanied by)


            singular subject  + as well as  +  plural subject   +   singular verb


ü  She as well as her friends is very lovely.

 singular subject                      plural subject      singular verb

 plural subject  + as well as  +  singular subject   +   plural verb


ü  The boys together with the coach were practising for the match.

     plural subject                          singular subject    plural verb

q  If subject are joined by corelative conjunction (‘either………or’, ‘neither………nor’, ‘not only………but also’), the verb agree with the subject nearest to it.

     i.e.     Either   +   singular subject  +  or  +  plural subject  +  plural verb

               Either   +   plural subject  +  or  +  singular subject  +   singular verb


ü   Either     he      or    his friends were    culprit.

          singular subject     plural subject      plural verb

ü   Neither       they      nor      that mangoes       to park.

                          plural subject        singular subject     singular verb

ü   Not only    my parents     but also      Ravi has     gone.

                             plural subject                  singular subject    singular verb

q   Phrase ‘a number of’ takes a plural verb but phrase ‘the number of’ takes a singular verb.


ü  A number of boys were absent.

                                          plural verb

ü  The number of people is not much.

                                             singular verb

q  Nouns, though plural but if they refer to the name of a book, play, story, musical composition, country, province etc., takes singular verb.


ü   The Gulliver Travels     is    a very interesting book.

             Name of book          singular verb

ü  The united statesis     a powerful country.

      name of the country   singular verb

q   When plural noun refers as a whole or describes any specific quantity or amount then it is consider as singular  and also takes singular verb.


ü  Fifteen minutes is    left for you to complete the exam.

                                     singular verb

ü  Two thousand rupees is     not a small amount.

                                                       singular verb

ü  Two third of the city is    in ruins.

                                              singular verb

q  Uncountable noun like advice, media, stationary, weather, progress are singular and take a singular verb.


ü   Her advice has not been considered.

ü   The weather is pleasant today.

q  Nouns like news, physics, economics, measles, cards, aerobics are plural in form but they are treated as singular.


ü   Aerobics is a good exercise.

ü   The news spreads very quickly.

q  Collective noun always takes singular verb after that because a group is considered as a single unit, but if the group is divided on an issue at that time plural verb is used.


ü   The committee has issued its report.

 The committee are divided on one minor point.


Solved examples

1.      I ____________ written a letter.

(a)  Is               (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

2.      Rations _______________ out of stock.

(a)  Is               (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

3.      No news ____________ good  news for me.

(a)  Is               (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

4.      The quality of apples_______________ not good.

(a)  Is               (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

5.      The Arabian Tales____________ an interesting story book.

(a)  Is               (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have


2.      Have    2. is     3.  is     4. is      5. is




1.      Slow and steady _____________ the race.

(a)   Wins    (b) win             (c) won                        (d) has won

2.      Each day and each hour_______ precious.

(a)  Is                     (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

3.      Either he or his sister ___________ taken my book.

(a)  Is                     (b) are                                    (c) has                        (d) have

4.      Physics _____ a difficult subject.

(a)  Are      (b) were         (c) is    (d) am

5.      Ram ______ not go to market.

(a)  Do                   (b) does          (c) has                        (d) is









Tense denotes the time of action.

There are three tenses.

1.      Present Tense( Used to express actions that are happening now)

2.      Past Tense (Used to express actions that took place in the past)

3.      Future Tense  (Used to express actions that are going to happen)










Present Simple

Habitual action, scientific fact, universal truth


*Singular Sub- V1+s/es

*Plural Sub- V1


Ram Writes a letter.

I write a letter.


Ram doesn’t write a letter.

I don’t write a letter


Does Ram Write a letter?

Do I write a letter?

Present Continuous

To talk about an action that is going on at the time of speaking

*Singular sub/He/She/It-is+v1+ing



*We/You/They/Plural Sub-are+v1+ing



Ram is writing a letter.

I am writing a letter.

You are writing a letter.


Ram is not writing a letter.

I am not writing a letter.

You are not writing a letter.


Is Ram Writing a letter?

Am I writing a letter?

Are You writing a letter?

Present Perfect

To talk about an action that has just been completed.

*Singular sub/he/she/it-has+v3

*Plural sub/I/we/you/they-Have+v3


Ram has written a letter

I have written a letter.




Ram has not written a letter.

I have not written a letter.


Has Ram written a letter?

Have I written a letter?

Present Perfect Continuous

To express an action that began in the past and has been in progress till the time of speaking

*Singular sub/he/she/it-has been+v1+ing+O.

*Plural sub/i/we/you/they-have been+v1+ing+O


Ram has been writing a letter for two hours.

I have been writing a letter since morning.


Ram has not been writing a letter for two hours.

I have not been writing a letter since morning.


 Has Ram been writing a letter for two hours?

 Have I been writing a letter since morning?

Past Simple

Past action and past habit

I/we/you/they/he/she/it/singular noun/plural noun- v2


Ram wrote a letter.

S+didn’t +v1+O.

Ram didn’t write a letter.


Did Ram write a letter?

Past Continuous

The action that was continuous at certain point in past.


Was- He/she/it/singular subject

Were- they/ we/you/ plural sub



Ram was writing a letter.

They were writing a letter.


Ram was not writing a letter.

They were not writing a letter.

 Was/were+sub+ v1+ing+object?

Was Ram writing a letter?

Were they writing a letter?


Past Perfect

It is used only when we are talking about two actions in past that took place one after another. The action that happened first is expressed in past perfect tense and the one that followed is expressed in Simple past tense.


He/she/it/we/you/they/singular/plural- had


Ram had written a letter.




Sub+ had+not+v3+obj.

Ram had not written a letter.




Had Ram written a letter?



Past Perfect Continuous

To talk about an action that began before a definite moment in the past

He/she/it/we/you/they/singular/plural- had

Sub+Had been+v1+ing+object.

Ram had been writing aletter for two hours.


Sub+ had+ not+been+v1+ing+object.

Ram had not been writing a letter for two hours.



Had Ram been writing a letter for two hours?


Future Simple

It is used to express future actions.


I, we- Shall

He/she/it/ singular/plural/you/they- will



Ram will write a letter.



Ram will not write a letter.



 Will Ram write a letter?


Future Continuous

It is used for the actions going to happen in near future. It is used to show the continuity of action in future.


I, we- Shall

He/she/it/ singular/plural/you/they- will



Ram will be writing a letter.



Ram will not be writing a letter.


Will Ram be writing a letter?

Future Perfect

It is used to talk about the actions that will be completed at certain time in future.


I, we- Shall

He/she/it/ singular/plural/you/they- will



Ram will have written a letter.



Ram will not have written a letter.



Will Ram have written a letter.


Future Perfect Continuous

It is used for the actions that will start at certain time in future and last (continued) for a certain period in future.


I, we- Shall

He/she/it/ singular/plural/you/they- will



Ram will have been writing a letter for two hours.



Ram will not have been writing a letter for two hours


Will Ram have been writing a letter for two hours?


Solved Examples

1.      The Climate of the city ……………… mild and pleasant most of the time.

(a)  Is remaining         (b) remains    (c) was remaining (d) is remained

2.      You will……….…… rewards for what you are doing.

(a)  Getting  (b) had got  (c) was getting  (d) be getting

3.      Do you ………………. The day we moved the piano upstairs?

(a)  Remember  (b) remembered  (c) are remembering  (d) had remembered

4.      Akbar………. The king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.

(a)  Was becoming   (b) became    ( c)become  (d) had become

5.      Aryan …………… his mother in making rangoli in the yard for last one hour.

(a)  Is helping   (b) has helped   (c) has been helping  (d) helps


       1.Remains            2. Be getting   3.remember     4. Became    5. Has been helping


1.She ……. Her work by tomorrow evening

 (a) Will be completing           (b) will complete  (c) will have completed

(d) will have been completing

               2.  The criminal………….. the place before the police could reach.

               (a) was escaping    (b) is escaping     (c) had escaped   (d) will escape

              3. One day he……. Into a hotel in Shilong, a beautiful city in Meghalaya.

                        (a) booking   (b) booked    (c) was booking  (d) had booked

              4. They ………….. all the arrangements before the guest’s arrival.

                 (a) will have made    (b) will be made    (c) had been making   (d) were making








Letter writing is the finest way of expressing our mind on any existing issue. It can also be a medium of exchanging information and expectations in business deals. It works as a medium of conversation at times when we are making enquiries, placing orders or registering complaints.

Types of Letter

  Informal letters: These are written to dear ones such as parents, siblings, relatives or friends. Informal letters are more personal in nature.

  Formal letters: These letters are written for official/ business purposes. These include letters of enquiry, placing orders, letter for job application, letters to the editor of a newspaper etc.

Language of the letter:

·         Formal language must be used.

·         Repetition of ideas must be avoided.

·         Sub paragraphs should be used in an organized way.

·         Word limit must be kept in mind.

·         Personal outlook should be included but biased language should be avoided.

Format of Formal Letter

  Sender’s Address



26th May,2021/ May, 26, 2021


Receiver’s Address/ Designation



Sub: Only a phrase (question based)





                                                Introduction 1-2 lines------ Para  1

Body of letter                          Content 4-5 lines------------Para-2

                                                Complementary close 1-2 lines----Para-3



Subscription- Yours(obediently, truly, faithfully, sincerely)









1.     You are Mohd. Irshad of D block NandNagri. Write a letter to Muncipal commissioner, MCD, complaining about poor sanitary conditions in your area.

5 Nand Nagri, New Delhi

May 16 2020

The Municipal commissioner

MCD, (West)

New Delhi-99

Subject: Complaint regarding poor sanitary conditions in Nand Nagri


I am a resident of D- Block Nand Nagri. I am writing this letter to complain about poor sanitary conditions in the area.

The roads are not swept for days. Heaps of garbage can be seen here and there. The drains remain choked and overflow. In addition to it the choked drains are a breading ground for mosquitoes. The situation turns worse during rainy season and residents suffer from various diseases like malaria, dengue etc.

I look forward to quick resolution of the problem.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Mohd. Irshad

2. You are the Head Boy/Girl of SKV D- block, Rohini. The students have been complaining to you about shortage of cold drinking water outlets in the school. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting for one more water cooler in the school.

The Principal

SKV D-Block


21 March, 2020

Subject: Request for more water cooler

Sir/ Madam

I would like to bring to your notice the problems being faced by the students due to inadequate number of water coolers in the school.

Long queues of students, especially during recess can be seen in front of the only water cooler in the school. This sometimes leads to quarrels and delay in going back to classes.

You are requested to get some more coolers installed in the school premises.

Thanking you

Yours obediently



Head Boy/ Girl

3. You recently bought a mobile phone for your uncle on his birthday from ‘ The Digital Shop’ Shastri Nagar. However, now within three months of the purchase , the phone isn’t getting charged and the screen light has gone too. Write a letter to the shopkeeper complaining about the sub- standard product sold to you.

R-59, Sec-9

Lajpat Nagar


24 April, 2019

The Shopkeeper

The Digital Shop

Shastri Nagar

Subject: Complaint about faulty Samsung mobile phone


Kindly refer to bill no 4567, dated 27 Jan, 2019, vide which a mobile hand set- J7 of Samsung company was purchased from your shop. However with in three months of purchase, the phone has developed a number of problems.

The hand set is not getting charged and is operational only when it is plugged. The screen light is also not working.

Since the product is still under guarantee period I am enclosing the photocopy of the bill and sending the phone to be replaced or repaired at the earliest.

Yours sincerely



4.  Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of water supply in your locality. You are Avantika, living at G-2 Green Park, Chandigarh.


Green Park, Chandigarh

4 Jan, 2021

The Editor

The Hindustan Times


Subject: Poor condition of water supply in Green Park


I am a resident of Green Park and would like to draw the kind attention of concerned authorities to the poor condition of water supply in Green Park.

Most of the time the taps runs dry. The supply is made only for one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. Besides this, the water is muddy and polluted. Many residents have fallen sick.

It is hoped that the authorities concerned ensure regular supply of potable water in the area.

Thank you

Yours sincerely


5. You are upset to see rising cases of road rage. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Editor of the Indian Express, Delhi expressing your views in about 100-120 words. You are Seema/Shivam of H-56, Civil Lines, Delhi.


 Civil Lines, Delhi

28th May 2020

The Editor

The Indian Express


Sub: Regarding cases of road rage


Kindly give me the privilege by granting a little space in the columns of your popular daily so that I may convey my concerns about the rampant cases of road rage.

Hardly any day passes when we do not hear about the shocking incidence of road rage across the country. It is very disgusting to see people  turning violent over a trivial issue like overtaking or a minor scratch in vehicles. We should be tolerant and patient with our fellow human beings. We must come out of the prison of inhumanity.

I hope my words will be appreciated and no more cases of road rage will be seen in future.

Thanking you

Yours truly



6. You are Megha Singh, a student of class X –B of R.P. Civil lines, Ahmadabad. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to provide remedial classes of English after the school hours.


Civil Lines


May 7,2020

The Principal

K.V.R.P., Civil Lines


Subject: Request for remedial classes in English

Respected sir

I want to bring to your notice that I am a regular student of class X-B of K.V.R.P. school.

The students of class X-B are facing some difficulties in English and particularly in grammar section. The students need remedial classes to have more time for practicing grammar and writing section. They need more classes to understand basics of grammar which will be helpful in developing understanding of the language.

Therefore I request you kindly arrange remedial classes of English for our benefit. I shall be highly obliged to you for your true concern.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Megha Singh


7. You are Priti Sharma, librarian of Army Public School, Chennai. You have been asked to place an order for some books for the school library. Write a letter to the sales manager, Light House, Main Road, Chennai, placing an order for the books that you need.


Army Public School


19 April,2021

The Sales Manager

Light House

Main Road


Sub: Placing an order for books



We are pleased to inform you that our management has decided to place an order with your firm. We need books for our school library.

We shall not settle for less than 20% discount on the purchase of the books. Besides, we hope to get another 5% special discount that is usually granted to the institutional buyers.

The list of the books with their particulars is attached here with.

S.No.                 Book’s Name Author’s Name                                            Quantity

1.                      Macbeth William Shakespeare                                                 4

2.                     The Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth                                                  4

3.                      Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen                           4

4.                    Wings of Fire A.P.J. Kalam                                                        4

5.              History of Modern, India,Sumit Sarkar                                           4

The payment will be made by cheque on receipt of the goods. Kindly ensure that the order reaches us with in a week.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Preeti Sharma


8.You are Mamta/Jitesh of class X living at 141, Hilton Apartments, Delhi: you are interested in pursuing a course in computer Hardware. Write a letter seeking information about the same.This is in response to an advertisement you have read in the newspaper.


141,Hilton Apartments


13th April 2020

Ocean Institute for computer Technology Delhi

Sub: Inquiry about computer hardware course


This is in response to your advertisement inserted in the Hindustan

  Times Dated…….. about the courses offered by your Institute.

I am interested in pursuing course in computer hardware. Please send me the information as per the following heads:

1.Duration of the course

2. Admission procedure

3. Criteria for eligibility

4. Fee structure and mode of payment

5. Timings for class

Kindly send me the information at your earliest convenience and oblige.

Looking forward for your response.

Thanking you

Yours truly



9. You are Tanu /Tarun, a resident of Satya Nagar Colony, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. You

have noticed that some residents of your colony are repeatedly flouting quarantine rules

laid out during the outbreak of the COVID–19 pandemic. Write a letter to the SHO of the local Police Station, drawing attention towards the same. Explain how such acts impact the health of the community and request immediate intervention and strict action.

 Satya Nagar Colony


10 December 2021


Satya Nagar Colony

Bhubaneshwar (Orissa)

Subject: Flouting quarantine rules by Satya Nagar Colony Residents


I want to bring to your kind notice the fact that the Satya Nagar Colony Residents are

breaking the quarantine rules. They are risking their own lives and the lives of

others. People can be seen disregarding the quarantine orders of the authorities. One can

see hoards of residents roaming without masks in the colony. They are not staying indoors.

Social distance rules are conveniently flouted.

This all is impacting the health of the residents. It also tends to aggravate mental stress.

The Resident Welfare Association is also not taking any steps to prevent such risks to the

public health. All know that Covid-19 is a grave menace to the public health. In the event

of the absence of any vaccine, the spread of coronovirus can have disastrous consequences.

In these circumstances I request you to intervene and enforce the law for the well-being

of the residents of this colony.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

Tanu /Tarun


10. You are unable to execute an order by due date. Write a letter to customer expressing regret and explaining why the delay is unavoidable. Ask for an extension of seven days time.

XYZ , Colony

New Road


15th Nov, 2020

Abc Colony

Lajpat Nagar


Subject: Inability to execute your order in time


Your order No 00545 dated 5 Sep, 2020 was due to be executed by November 30. But we regret to inform you that due to some unavoidable reasons we won’t be able to supply the order items in time.

We are sorry for not having been able to execute the order in time and request you to allow us to extend the delivery by a week at least. We hope you will not mind the inconvenience.

Yours faithfully






1.       You are Rohit/Rita, a student of class X of J.R. Public School, Sagarpur, Lucknow. Metro rail has become a  very popular, comfortable  and convenient mode  of transport in your city. You  also want to have  the experience along with your classmates. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting her/him to arrange a metro ride for the students of your class.


2.       You are Garima/ Chaitanya living at E­5/26 Sect­16 Rohini, New Delhi. Your streets and roads experience water logging during the monsoon season. The people of your area find it difficult to lead normal life and this adds to their problems. Write a letter to the commissioner of MCD. Delhi to take necessary steps to control the water logging and help the residents.


3.       Computers have become the need of the day. They have captured all fields of life. So knowledge of computer is essential for all especially for the students. Write an application to the principal of your school to introduce computer as a compulsory subject for secondary classes. You are Anil/ Ankita of Jain Public School, Palam Village, Orrisa.


4.       You have recently read the news about a child falling in the open manhole. There are many such manholes in your city are left open. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner MCD, Delhi drawing his/her attention to the dangers that these manholes can cause and request him/her to get them cleaned and closed. 


5.       A month ago you bought an L.G. Colour T.V. of 20” from the ‘Gupta Electronics House’ Kamla  Market Bhopal. It has been giving  you persistent problems. Its picture blurs and volume goes up and sometimes down automatically. It has been given one year warranty. Write a letter to the sales manager complaining about it. Your are Puneet/Pooja living at 25 Kamla Nagar, Bhopal.


6.       You are Ashoka/ Tanmay of 23 Sect. 7, Rohini, New Delhi. Day before yesterday there was a marriage in your neighbourhood. The procession was very late and the orchestra kept on playing loudly even after mid night. It disturbed students, old people, patients and infants. Write a letter to Editor of a daily newspaper about the problems.



What is an analytical paragraph?

Analytical Paragraph writing - An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing which is written on the basis of a given chart, graph, data, outline, clues, table, etc. When writing an analytical paragraph, one should remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and to cover the information provided.

 The analytical paragraph has to be written in around 100-120 words. So the paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with providing complete details of the chart given in the question. There will be an internal choice given. You need to attempt one question out of the two questions of analytical paragraphs given as a choice. The question carries 5 marks.

Features of an analytical paragraph writing

·         It describes the given chart, table, data, graph, clues etc.

·          It should be brief and comprehensive (include complete information) at the same time.

·          It should state facts that are provided by the chart.

·         It is necessary to make use of simple and accurate language.

·         It should mention figures and quantities appropriately.

·         It is appropriate to use the same tense throughout the analytical paragraph.

·         No personal observation or response should be provided. It would be preferable to use the passive form of the verb.

Analytical Paragraph Writing Format

An analytical paragraph shall be divided into three parts.

1.     Introduction (explain in one or two lines the subject of the graph given)

2.     Body (explain in detail what the graph is about, use relevant figures, explain trends, make comparisons and contrasts, divide into sub paragraphs, if required)

3.     Conclusion (conclude the paragraph giving the overall view or summary of the graph)

 Let us discuss each of these in detail –

  The introduction :

The introduction is the first paragraph that should describe in brief what the graph is about. It should be like an opening paragraph that introduces the reader to the context of the chart given. When writing the introductory paragraph, you need not go into the details. You just need to mention what is clearly evident from the chart or the graph given in the question. It is best to write the introduction in one or two lines.

The body of the paragraph:

 This part of the analytical paragraph should contain details of the graph/chart given in the question. It should contain all the important information. It is extremely important to choose the significant details that should be included in the paragraph.

The body can be broken into two or three sub-paragraphs depending on the information extracted from the graph. Breaking the body into subparagraphs makes it easy for the reader to understand.

i.                    Organizing information: You should look for the large differences that are very prominent. You can mention the aspect which is the smallest or the largest in the data given. Any aspects that are similar should be mentioned next. You should further mention about the aspect that has remained unchanged or constant throughout.

ii.                   Comparing information: If the chart mentions two different parties, for example, men and women, refer to both of them in the analytical paragraph. If there is any contrast or comparison that could be drawn, you must present it effectively. If the chart is about a particular time period or highlights trends of several years, mention each year in a concise manner. If any comparison or contrast can be done for two or more years, you should write about it too.

iii.                Mentioning quantities: When including numbers and figures, their accuracy must be ensured. There are a number of ways that can be used to describe quantities, for example- percentage, fraction, ratios, etc.

iv.                 Connecting sentences: If different information or ideas are there, you should use connectors or linking phrases to link them logically. The sentences of the paragraph should be sequential and connected rationally.

The conclusion

 The last paragraph should summarise the idea mentioned and the information in general. It should be concluding in nature and act as the closing statement. One should keep in mind that one must not include any personal opinions, conclusions, or observations. You should simply stick to the facts. The key is to choose wisely the important information, organize it well, state correct facts and summarise it properly.

 Useful tips for writing an analytical paragraph

For an introduction:  you can start with the following phrases

i. The chart given above describes

ii.The table suggests

iii.The line graph shows

iv.The data given provides information about

v.The pie chart illustrates, etc.

 For describing trends: use phrases and words like- a pattern of growth, rapidly doubled, skyrocketed, striking increase, peaked, soaring rates, declined, plummeted, leveled off, stagnated, fluctuate, starting to rise, starting to fall, drop down, slightly, etc.

For describing quantities:  use various styles like- 48% of, one-third of, nearly one-fourth of, almost 80%, majority, on average, twice as much, almost equal, the highest, the lowest, very close to 2%, roughly, approximately 5% of, just under three percent, etc.

For establishing a relationship or contrast :use phrases and words like relationship between, similarly, in contrast with, in comparison to, but in the opposite case, however, whereas, when it comes to, as opposed to, while, striking difference, noticeable difference, etc.

For the conclusion and other connecting phrases use- overall, subsequently, in all, in a nutshell, for the chart given, in short, striking changes, including, therefore, etc.



 Answer 1: The graph shows birth and death rates starting from 1901 till 2101. Since 1901, the birth rate has remained more than the death rate until 2041. Birth rate was 20000 in 1901 and started increasing gradually. It peaked in 1961 to around 65000. From 1961, birth rate has fluctuated multiple times between 50000 and 60000. It is expected to decline for the coming years reaching approximately 42000 by 2101.

On the other hand, the death rate stood at around 10000 in 1901 and then has increased steadily. It is expected to rise strikingly from 2021 before levelling off to approximately 60000 between 2061 and 2081. The graph indicates a slight decline in deaths in the year 2101.

The graph shows the huge gap between birth rate and death during 1961 to 2001. However, this gap is expected to reduce in the later years. Overall, as opposed to the prevailing trends, the death rate will be more than the birth rate in the latter half of the 21st century.

Answer 2: The chart shows the number of minutes per day spent by British men and women in doing household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks whereas the men spend less than two and half hours.

The tasks on which women spend more time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking care of the children and laundry. In doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200 minutes which is almost three times the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand, men spend twice the time than women in doing tasks like gardening and maintenance of odd jobs in the house. Men spend the highest time, almost 50 minutes, in gardening and petcare. While the women spend only 30 minutes for these tasks.

The time spent by men in washing, ironing and sewing clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as opposed to 25 minutes spent by women. In short, women spend far more time doing household chores than men whilst men prefer to do gardening, petcare and maintaining odd jobs.


Answer 3: The given pie chart illustrates seven different categories of households living in poverty in the UK in 2002. It is clearly evident from the pie chart that 26% of the total poverty-stricken households are those of sole parents.

 Single people without children account for the second highest proportion with 24%. In contrast to couples without children that accounts for just 9%, couples with children account for 15% of the poor households. Single aged persons and aged couples proportion for 12% together for poor households.

Overall, 14% of all households in the UK were living under poverty. The younger generation had a greater poor percentage than their aged counterparts. Couples without children had better economic conditions than those with children.

Answer-4 The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to those in their seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger generation is more interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends time on the internet to research and buy products.

 It is evident from the table that teens mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news and downloads and are interested in searching for people or friends or doing any product research. The middle-age group (people in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news, doing product research and buying products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet activity which gets the least time is searching for people. All the age groups spend less than 30% of their internet time on the same. The amount of time spent on downloads decreases with age and gets as low as 6% (for people in 70s).

Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing games and doing downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and buying products. People spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.

Q.5 Study the chart given below, which is the result of the survey conducted in the public schools and government schools of Vadodara. This depicts the types of activities the teenagers (Age 13- 19 years are involved during their leisure time). Complete the summary in about 100-80 words.

Answer-5 Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.


1.      Given below is a pie-Chart, which shows different types of electric gadgets, used by middle-class people in their houses on an average in Ahmedabad. On the basis and the unit ‘Science’ of your Main course Book; write in about 100 to 80 words the reason of selecting the electric gadgets for their houses.

2.       As an aware citizen of the country, you are concerned about the increase in road accidents in the metropolitan city Delhi. Interpret the data given below in about 100 to 120  words. Also use your own ideas.

Horizontal line (X-axis) –Years

Vertical line (y-axis)- No. of accidents

3.       Study the graph given below, which is based on a survey done on students of tenth class in three different types of schools in Ahmedabad. The chart depicts the number of students speaking English and Hindi. On the basis of the details given in the bar-graph given below, briefly summarize the data making comparison wherever necessary in about 100 to 80 words.






Answer the questions in 20-30 words each.

MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)


1.      Why did Lencho say that the raindrops were like 'new coins'?

Value points

- Lencho's crops were ready for harvest.

- As raindrops would have helped in getting a better harvest, resulting in more      prosperity, so Lencho compared them with 'new coins.


2.How did rain change? What happened to Lencho's fields?

Value points

-The rain was pouring down.

-But suddenly, a strong wind began to blow and very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain.

-All the crops in Lencho's fields was destroyed.


3.Why was Lencho angry when he received the letter?

Value Points-

- had asked God to send him a hundred pesos

- found only seventy pesos in the envelope

- thought that the post-office employees had taken the rest of the money


Q4. What are the raindrops compared to and why?

Value Points-

- compares the big drops of rain to ten-cent pieces and the little ones to five-cent pieces

- rain will help him to get good crops that will bring him a lot of money


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

5.Why were Lencho and his family in distress? Whom did he ask for help?

Value Points-

- Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstones

- feared that he and his family would go hungry

- wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos to sow the crop and live until the next harvest


6.What were Lencho's feelings when the hail stopped?

Value points -

- After the hail stopped, Lencho's soul was filled with sadness.

-He could see a bleak future for himself and his family.

-He was worried about the lack of food in the coming year.

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1.Mention the difficulties faced by nelson Mandela?

 Value points:

-suffer a lot, ripped off his family and home, punished and isolated, suffered hunger, injustice and oppression, remained in jail for several years, tortured cruelly.

2. Why is 10th may, 1994 important for South Africa?

Value points

- First democratic non-racial government elections held

 -Nelson Mandela became first black president.


3. What are the ideals which Mandela set for the future of South Africa in his swearing- in ceremony?

Value points

- Mandela emphasized to liberate all the people from poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discriminations in his swearing-in ceremony.



4. Why was the apartheid regime in South Africa one of the harshest and most inhuman systems in the world?

Value points

-based on racial discrimination, exploitation of the black

- fundamental rights for only whites, black deprived, oppression, torture and exploitation of the black common features.


5. What according to Mandela is true freedom?

Value points

-as a boy freedom for him freely in fields, swim in the stream, as a young man basic freedom, and earn his living, freedom means not obstructed, leading a law life.


MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. How has the poet observed nature in the poem, 'Dust of Snow’?

    Value Points

     - The poet has observed nature as a positive medium of change for him.

     -The poet had been in the sorrowful and depressive mood in the poem.

     -But then the way a crow shook snow dust off, it changed his mood.

    -Nature gave him the inspiration to behave in a positive manner.


 2.What does the poet want to convey through the poem, 'Dust of Snow’?

Value Points

- In the poem, 'Dust of Snow', the poet wants to convey that sometimes certain moments or actions which are simple have larger significance.

- They can change the mood or life of a person.

 -The way a crow shakes down the dust of snow on the poet inspires and gives him the idea to shake off his depressive thoughts, become cheerful and do something useful.


3.What side of nature do 'crow' and 'hemlock' represent?

Value Points

- 'Crow' is a black, harsh-voiced bird and 'hemlock' is a tree with poisonous bitter fruit

- Both are not beautiful.

 - They represent the dark, depressive, sorrowful and bitter side of nature.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


4. And saved some part of a day, I had rued. Explain.


Value Points

- The poet was feeling depressed and hopeless. So he was not in a good mood.

 -He was standing under a hemlock tree when suddenly a crow shook dust of snow on him.

 -He realised the fact that he was wasting his time and decided to enjoy the remaining part of the day.


5.How has the poet observed 'nature' in the poem 'Dust of Snow'?

Value Points

-Robert Frost is a nature lover.

-The crow and the hemlock tree are associated with bad omens or death

and fear.

- But, Frost has presented them very beautifully.

-Through his poem, he conveys a very strong message that everything around us is beautiful.


MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. What do 'fire' and 'ice' refer in the poem?


Value Points-

- ‘fire’ stands for greed, conflict, lust, cruelty

- 'Ice' stands for insensitivity, coldness, intolerance, indifference, rigidity and hatred.


2. There are two popular views in the society regarding the destruction of the world, explain in brief.


Value Points-

- Some believe that the world will end in fire

- but to others, it will end in ice.

3.Write down the two different views about the end of the world?   

Value Point
-There is a debate that is going on about the end of the world.

-People say that the world will end in fire or in ice.

-World is transitory, nothing is perennial in this universe.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


   4.What do 'fire' and ice' stand for?

    Value Points

    - In the poem, 'fire' is associated with desire, greed, cruelty, and lust

    - 'ice' is associated with rigidity, hatred, coldness, and indifference.


5. What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and Ice contribute to it?

Ans. Our desires and hatred would be enough to destroy the world. According to the poet, `fire’ represents ‘desire’ and `ice’ represents `hatred’. Desires like fire spread rapidly and engulf one’s whole life. Similarly, ‘hatred’ fills life with poison.


MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. Why does the tiger ignore the visitors?

    Value Points

 - The tiger ignores the visitors because he knows his power is restricted
- there is no use of showing rage, he is less terrorising because of the cage,
 considers them devoid of feelings as none of them tries to help him out of the prison.

2. How does the tiger terrify the villagers?

Value points

-The tiger creates terror for the villagers by snarling around their houses as they are situated near the jungle.

-He frightens them by showing his white fangs and claws.

3.How does the tiger feel in the zoo?

Value points

- The poet describes the feelings of the tiger in the zoo.

 -He keeps on moving from one comer to another. He is not happy. He expresses his silent anger.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


4.What would the tiger do in a forest?

Value Points

- In the forest, the tiger can enjoy complete freedom.

- He would

 walk around freely without any fear. He would terrorize the villagers by growling. -- He would show his teeth and claws.


5.Leslie Norris has described some of the activities of a tiger behind the bars of its cage. Write them.

Value Points
-Some of the activities of the tiger behind the bars of its cage includes stalking along the length of the cage, ignoring visitors, hearing patrolling cars and staring at the brilliant stars shining in the sky.


a)      Who is Amanda? What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?  LOTS

a)   Amanda is a little girl. She would enjoy life by swimming in the sea if she were a mermaid. She longs for a free childhood.


b)     Why is Amanda getting scolded for having chocolate?        LOTS

  b) because it had caused her acne. Amanda’s mother is very particular about such things.


c)      Justify the title of “Amanda”.  HOTS

c) The title is apt. The poem revolves around Amanda, who feels that her life is full of struggle with no freedom. She to go away from her nagging parents.


d)     What message does the poet want to give through the poem?  HOTS

d) The poet wants to convey that parents in their endeavor to make their children well-behaved and well mannered tend to give too many instructions or nag them. They should adopt positive measures which are acceptable to children.




a)    What does John Berryman want to convey through this    poem?            [CBSE 2011]                             HOTS

Poet, John Berryman wants to convey the importance of loss and     responsibility in life. We all should learn our responsibility and how to cope up with the loss.

b)    How did the boy feel at the loss of his ball?     LOTS

The boy is very much troubled at the loss of his ball. He experiences grief at the loss of his much loved possession. Like a statue, he keeps staring at the ball with his desperate eyes.


c)    “Money is external”--   What does the poet mean by this  expression? [CBSE 2014]            HOTS

he poet makes the boy understand about his responsibility as the loss is immaterial. Money is external as it cannot buy memories, nor can it replace the things that we love, the things that really matter.


d)    Why did the poet not offer the boy money to buy another ball? [CBSE 2015]

The poet watched the boy who had plunged in grief at the loss of his ball. He did not offer the boy money • to buy another ball. He felt that another ball could not console the boy. It seemed that the boy had the ball for a long time. The poet also wanted the boy to realise the epistemology of loss.



e)    What did the boy learn after this loss?  LOTS

When the boy lost the ball, he plunged in grief. He stood staring down the harbour where his ball was lost. The boy was affected profoundly by the loss of his ball because it had been with him for a long time. It was linked to the memories of the days when he played with it.



5.  Answer the following questions in 20/30 words each.


a)    How did seagull’s parents try to make him fly?

b)    What had the young seagull watched his parents doing the day before?

c)    How did the young seagull and his family celebrate his first flight? [CBSE 2016]

d)    What did the writer feel inside the clouds?

e)       Why did the woman in control room get shocked when the writer asked about another aeroplane?

f)     “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?  HOTS





.5..a)    Seagull’s parents tried everything to make him fly. They screamed, scolded and threatened to let him starve on the ledge unless he flew away. At last his mother made a plan to teach him flying. She became successful.


          b)   The day before the young seagull had watched his parents flying about with his               brothers and sister, perfecting in the art of flying and teaching them how to skim the waves    and how to dive for fish.

       c) When the young seagull started flying and got over his fear, his family screamed around him out of joy. They praised him and offered him scraps of dog-fish out of delight as he made a successful.

 d)   When the writer entered the clouds, it became impossible to see outside the      aeroplane. The aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air and all the instruments like compass etc stopped working due to the weather conditions.

   e) The woman in the control room was shocked when the writer asked about another aeroplane because there was no such plane flying in the sky that night as she saw on the radar.

f)  A huge storm was standing between the pilot and his destination. Flying through the storm could be very risky for small planes like Dakota. He didn’t have enough fuel also. But as the pilot was going on a holiday to meet his family, he thought of taking the risk.


4.    Answer in 20/30 words each.                                        2 marks each

a)    Describe your views about Mr Keesing as a teacher.

b )   What does Anne Frank tell about her family in her diary?

           c). What does Anne write in her first essay to support her habit of talking so much?

          d)  Why was Anne’s entire class anxious and nervous?

           e)  Describe Anne’s Feelings about having a diary.


       ANSWERS---                                                                                                                                  4.a)  -Mr Keesing seems to be a strict teacher but he actually believes taking actions with good intention and for the development of children. He tries to control her bad habit of talking too much but as soon as he is convinced that her habit does not affect her studies, he overlooks her shortcoming.


b.).  Anne Frank tells that she has very lovely and caring family. Her parents and her elder sister love her a lot. There are about thirty people near by her whom she can call friends. She has loving aunts and a good home but she wants to have a true friend with whom she can share her feelings and thoughts.


c).Anne Frank supports her habit by stating that talking is a student’s trait and she will try to control it. But she also says that she has got it from her mother and such inherited traits cannot be curbed.


d). Anne’s class was anxious and nervous about the result. It was yet to be decided who would be promoted to the higher class or who would not because many didn’t deserve it. All the children were guessing about the result


e).  Anne feels it is silly for a 13 years old teenager to have a diary as it would seem she has many friends and other people to talk to, but in reality, she states she feels very lonely in the world. She wishes her diary to become her friend.


4.    Answer in 20/30 words each.             2 marks each


a)    How do we get to know that the makers of bread still exist?

b)    Describe the Indian legend about the discovery of tea.

c)    What is the importance of breads for the Goans?

d)    Why did Pranjol’s father say that Rajvir had done his homework before visiting Assam?

e)    How is the wildlife of Coorg?          



4.a) The narrator states that the eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are      still there. He further says that those age old, time tested furnaces still exist and the fire in the furnaces had not yet been extinguished.


    b). The Indian legend regarding tea tells that a Buddhist monk cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditation. Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk, banished sleep.


c).Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as bol, just as a party loses its charm without bread. Bolinhas had to be prepared during Christmas and other festivals. The mothers used to prepare sandwiches on the occasion of their daughter’s engagement. So, the baker’s furnace in Gaon village is absolutely essential.


d).  Rajvir saw the tea pluckers plucking newly sprouted leaves. Then he asked mrBarua whether that was the second-flush or sprouting period which lasted from May to July.     He  was very excited about visiting the tea garden and thus, he studied a lot about it before visiting the tea garden. So  Pranjol’s father said that Rajvir had already done his homework before visiting Assam.


              e). Coorg has a bountiful wildlife. It has fish like Mahseer, Birds like kingfisher and                                        

                   animals like Malabar squirrel, macaque, slender loris and elephant. There are

                    birds, bees and butterflies in Coorg. Elephants can be seen bathing in the river


1.      What was Valli’s favourite pastime?

Valli was a Tamil girl. She had no playmates. It was her favourite pastime to stand in the doorway of her house. Thus she was able to watch all that was going on there. In a way she had attained too many unusual experiences.

2. What was the most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street?
The most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back.

3. How did Valli gather all the information about the bus?
Over many days and months Valli listened carefully to conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus. She also asked a few discreet questions here and there. This way she gathered all the information about the bus.

4. Why didn’t Valli want to talk to the elderly woman?
The elderly woman was wearing ugly earrings and was chewing betel nut. The betel juicewas about to seep out of her mouth. Valli found all this repulsive and hence did not want to talk to her.

5. How did Valli save money to travel by bus?     

 Valli had thriftily saved whatever stray coins came her way. She resisted every temptation to buy peppermints, toys, balloons and ride on the merry-go-round at the village fair to save money for her bus journey.

6. How did Valli manage to travel by bus without the knowledge of her mother?
Valli managed to travel by bus by keeping the track of her mother’s sleeping habit, she slipped into the bus and travelled to city, without the knowledge of her mother as she was asleep when Valli went out.


7. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
By chance there came a young cow right in front of the running bus. The driver slowed it down. He sounded the horn very loudly time and again. But the more he honked, the more the cow was frightened and galloped faster. This made Valli laugh.


Answer the following questions in about 20 – 30 words. (2 Marks)

1.  Why did Prince Siddhartha leave the palace and renounced worldly riches?                                   Once incident changed Prince Siddhartha life drastically, While out hunting prince Siddhartha chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms. Experiencing all the three at a single time he was taken at back, thus he left the palace and became a beggar to search for enlightenment. / He realised that world is full of sorrow so he left the palace in the search of enlightenment.

2.  Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?
Gautama Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares, which is regarded as the holiest of the bathing places on the river Ganges.

3. What was the effect of the sufferings of the world on Buddha?
At the age of 25, while hunting, one day Buddha saw a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms. The different sites that Siddarth witnessed on a single day consecutively, moved him so much that he went out into the world to seek enlightenment.

4.  According to Kisa Gotami what is the greatest grief of life?                                                          According to Kisa Gotami, the greatest grief in life is the death of one’s loved ones and one’s inability to stop them from dying. Therefore, instead of lamenting on it, the wise should not grieve. Weeping will only increase the pain and disturb the peace of mind of a person.

5.  Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did she do in her hour of grief?
Kisa Gotami was sad over the death of her only son. In the hour of grief, she went door to door in order to find medicine for her son that could bring him to life.

6. What was the basic idea of the Buddha’s preaching?
The basic idea of the Buddha’s preaching was that death is the ultimate truth of life. It is that every living being has to die one day. No one can escape from death. Grief cannot console anyone. We must accept this universal truth.

7. What did Kisa Gotami do after the Buddha had asked her for a handful of mustard seed?
Kisa Gotami went from house to house to get a handful of mustard seed. People were ready to give her the mustard seed. But when she asked if anyone had died in their family, they regretfully told her that the livings were few, but the dead were many. Kisa Gotami found no house where someone had not died.



Answer the following questions in 20 – 30 words. (2 Marks)

1. Which qualities are common in all three characters of the play ‘The Proposal’?                                                     All the characters in the play are argumentative, full of pride and possessiveness. They are always ready to argue for petty things.

2. Why did Lomov go to the house of Chubukov ?
Lomov, a rich bachelor, went to the house of Chubukov to propose to Natalya, the daughter of Chubukov, for marriage. Though Lomov was not in love with her but he felt that she was a good housekeeper, beautiful and well educated. He also felt it was time he should settle down.

3. How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov had come to propose?

When Natalya cames to know that Lomov had come there to propose her she was shocked. She wails, changes her stance and asks her father to fetch Lomov.

4. What was Lomov’s opinion about Squeezer?
Lomov’s opinion about Squeezer was not positive. He considered Squeezer a bad hunter. Lomov was sure that dog’s lower jaw was shorter than the upper one. He thought it to be of inferior quality.

5.  Who is Lomov and why does he visit Chubukov?                                                                                              Lomov is a rich landowner. He is neighbour of chubukov. He is a thirty-five year old rich bachelor who wanted to marry Natalya (Chubukov’s daughter). So he came very well dressed in evening, dressed in a jacket and white gloves, to ask for Natalya’s hand.

Answer the following questions in 20 – 30 words. (2 Marks)

1. What were the names of Belinda’s pets?
Belinda named her pets according to er physical or behavioral traits. The names of Belinda’s pets were Ink, a little black kitten; Mustard, a little yellow dog; Blink, a little grey mouse and a dragon whose name was Custard.

2. Why did the Belinda cry for help?
Belinda was scared to see the pirate who had pistols in his hands and had a bright cutlass in his teeth. There was something bad in his appearance and intention. Therefore Belinda was afraid of the pirate and cried for help.


3. Who helped Belinda to save her life?
To everyone’s surprise Custard saved Belinda and the other pets from the pirate. He showed his braver side and attacked the pirate and gobbled him up. Finally, Custard showed that he was not as coward as others.

4. Why did the Custard, the dragon cry for a nice, safe cage?
Custard, in fact, was very brave but still he kept asking for a nice, safe cage. It made people think him to be a coward. He might be crying for a nice, safe cage so that he might not harm anyone when in anger or he might be proving that a little safety cage averts a disaster. The others thought that he cried for a cage as he was a coward



Answer the following questions in about 20 – 30 words. (2 Marks)

1. What was Dr Herriot’s ‘cure’ for Tricki?
Seeing the miserable condition of Tricki Dr Herriot at once decides to keep him away from his mistress Mrs Pumphrey for a while. So, he suggested that Tricki should be hospitalized for about a fortnight as he had to be kept upder observation.

2. .Why was Dr Herriot shocked at Tricki’s appearance?
Dr Herriot was shocked at Tricki’s appearance because he had become very fat. His eyes looked bloodshot and rheumy and his tongue lolled from his jaws. He could walk,but with difficulty.

3. What plans had Dr Herriot already made for Tricki?
Dr Herriot had made his plan in advance. So when Mrs Pumphrey was reported of Tricki’s illness, he at once suggested him to be hospitalized for about a fortnight to be kept under observation.

4. Why did Mrs. Pumphery make a frantic call to Dr Herriot?
Suddenly Tricki stopped eating. He refused even his favourite dishes and had bouts of vomiting. He spent all the time lying on rug, panting and did not do anything. So Mrs Pumphrey was distraught and made a frantic call to Dr Herriot.

5. How would you describe the behaviour of the rich woman Mrs. Pumphrey’s, pampering and over-feeding Tricky?                                                                                                                                          Mrs. Pumphrey behaved in a very silly and thoughtless manner by over pampering Tricky. Indirectly, she was responsible for his ill health. It was totally a waste of money. But this behaviour is very common among rich people. It is a general problem of those who live alone.

6. What was Tricki’s condition when Mrs. Pumphrey recollected him?                                               Tricki’s ears were flapping. His tail was waving. He had been transformed into a lithe, hard muscled animal. His chest was almost brushing the ground. He was frolicsome, rather than an uninteresting object. The other dogs enjoyed his company.


Answer the following questions in about 20 – 30 words. (2 Marks)

1. Did Hari like working for Anil? Give reasons in support of your answer. Yes, Hari liked working for Anil. He was happy to carry on the chores for him and was grateful for the education he was receiving. He used to make profit of about a rupee a day as well, which was a decent amount besides being fed.

2. Why was it difficult for Hari to rob Anil?
It was difficult for Hari to rob Anil because Anil was the most trusting person Hari had ever met. He was really simple and kind. Hari knew that loss of money will not affect Anil but the loss of trust will make him sad.

3. How do you think Anil may have come to know about the theft?
Anil may have come to know about the theft because of the dampness of the notes because of the rain. He was a kind man, but was wise enough. It wouldn’t have been difficult for Anil to make out the series of events that would have taken place in the night.

4. How did Hari Singh succeed in his profession?
He would frequently change his name to dupe the police. He would find out a kind and simple person for his target. He could wait until he had a favorable chance.

5. .Why did Hari Singh change his name every month?
Hari Singh was a fifteen year old boy who introduces himself to Anil as Hari Singh. He was an experienced thief. He changed his name every month for his own safety from the police and his former employers.

6. Why did Anil agree to feed Hari Singh?
Anil needed a helping hand who could cook for him. When Hari Singh said that he could copk well, Anil agreed to feed him.

7. How did the thief realise that Anil knew that he was robbed?
When Anil gave him a fifty-rupees note it was still damp. The damp note was telling the whole story. Hari Singh knew that Anil was intelligent enough to understand what had happened in the rainy night.

8. How did Hari Singh know that Anil had forgiven him?
It seems Anil knew about theft but neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything. He gave him fifty rupees and told him that now he would be paid regularly. He informed him that he would teach him to write sentences. It shows that Anil had forgiven him.


Very Short & Short Que/Ans.

Q.1 Who was Wanda. Where did she live?

Ans. Wanda Petronski was a Polish girl. She lived at Bogging Heights.

Q.2 Did Wanda have hundred dresses? Why do you think she said that?

Ans. Wanda didn’t have hundred dresses in her closet. As Maddie and Peggy used to make fun of her and asked her about her hundred dresses, she just wanted to counter the questions.

Q.3 What do you think “ to have fun with her” means here?

Ans. Here “to have fun with her “ means enjoying themselves by asking her about the number of dresses she had to which she always answered a hundred. They knew she was lying.

Q.4 Why didn’t Maddie ask Peggy to stop teasing Wanda? What was she afraid of?

Ans. Maddie was a bit sorry for Wanda. But she dared not ask Peggy to stop teasing Wanda. She was afraid of being teased next by Peggy and others.

Q.5 What kind of a girl was Peggy?

Ans. Peggy was very pretty. She was the most popular girl in the school. She always made fun of Wanda. She asked Wanda about her faded blue dress. Peggy had arrogance as she was from a rich family.

Q.6 Did Maddie realise her mistake?

Ans. Yes, Maddie realised her mistake. Maddie was also a poor girl. She wanted to write a note to Peggy to stop making fun of Wanda. She was Peggy’s friend so she had a fear that one day Peggy might make fun of her. She realised that she was making a mistake by making fun of Wanda.

Q.7 Who won the drawing competition and what was everyone’s reaction?

Ans. Wanda won the drawing competition. Everybody was amazed to see the beautiful drawings of Wanda. Every one burst into applause.

Q.8 Where in the classroom does Wanda sit and why?

Ans. Wanda sits in the next to the last seat in the last row in Room thirteen, a place where the rough boys sit. She chose that seat because she was poor and she didn’t want anybody to think much about her.

Q.9 In what way was Wanda different from the other children?

Ans. Wanda Petronski was a Polish girl, studying with American children, in an American school. Her name was different so her classmates found it funny. She was extremely poor and lived at Boggins Heights. She was the only student in the class who came from that area of the town. She didn’t have any friends and hardly spoke to anyone. Her feet were always caked with mud and she wore the same blue dress, which was faded, everyday to school.






. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS    4    ( 20-30 WORDS)   ,  4 X 2 =  Marks 8

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 2 marks for each correct answer

 Content - 1 mark  - Expression – 1 mark      


i. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?

Ans :saw fresh muddy footprints /no man was there making them/fresh footprints appeared from nowhere                       (Any two) (Any other relevant point )

ii. Why did Griffin go inside a big London store?

Ans :  season was mid winter /it became difficult to wander around without clothes/gain store/find shelter

(Any two) (Any other relevant point )

iii. Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist’s door open?

Ans :typically the scientist’s room was shut and locked/he would be angry if any body entered

 (Any other relevant point )

iv. What do you think would have happened if Griffin was caught by Jaffers and the latter hadn’t become unconscious ?

Ans :he might have been punished by people there /would have been taken to taken to the court/ would be punished for being lawless

 (Any other relevant point )

2. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS    4    ( 20-30 WORDS)   ,  4 X 2    8 Marks

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 2 marks for each correct answer

 Content - 1 mark  - Expression – 1 mark      

i. Which qualities of  animals attract the poet?

Ans :self contained and quiet nature /not complaining  or crying /do not commit sins

                       (Any two) (Any other relevant point )

ii. What are the tokens the poet talks about ?

Ans : symbols of true nature of human beings/ virtues such as self containment , peace ,love , innocence happiness etc

                        (Any two) (Any other relevant point )

iii. Why do humans lie awake in the dark?

Ans : commit sins/ they are guilty / repent for their sins

                       (Any two) (Any other relevant point )

iv.Calling someone ‘an animal’ usually has a negative connotation. How does the poet invert it? 

Ans :poet highlights that humans have dropped virtues such as self containment , peace ,love , innocence happiness etc and animals have picked it

                     (Any two) (Any other relevant point )




SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS    4    ( 20-30 WORDS)   ,  4 X 2 =  Marks 8

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 2 marks for each correct answer

 Content - 1 mark  - Expression – 1 mark      

i.Why did Matilda not like to go to the party ?

Ans : ambitious /always wished to lead a luxurious life/did not have nice looking dress and matching jewellery

(Any two) (Any other relevant point )

ii. Why did Matilda throw the invitation spitefully?

Ans :simply displeased when husband showed invitation /felt humiliated and threw the invitation spitefully /had nothing beautiful enough to wear to such a grand gathering

(Any two) (Any other relevant point )

iii. Describe Mme Loisel’s success at the ball. ?

Ans :Mme Loisel was intoxicated with pleasure at the ball/danced with enthusiasm/received everyone’s admiration and flattery/ looked the prettiest of all :elegant, gracious ,smiling and full of joy

(Any two) (Any other relevant point )




iv. Mention two things you would have done, other than what M Loisel did to help resolve the problem of the lost necklace .

Ans :I would honestly reveal the truth to my friend. A true friend would always forgive and help us... I would not have waited so  much long to see my life  ruining.

 (Any other relevant point )

SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS    4    ( 20-30 WORDS)   ,  4 X 2 =  Marks 8

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 2 marks for each correct answer

 Content - 1 mark  - Expression – 1 mark      

i.                    Why was Bholi considered a backward child?

Ans : a part of her brain was damaged /she remained a backward child/a slow learner /a retarded child who stammered

                   (Any other relevant point )

ii.                  Why was Bholi’s father worried about her?

Ans :Bholi not like other children/fell from bed and brain was slightly damaged/learnt to speak late/used to stammer/face and whole body was covered with pockmarks

                (Any two)    (Any other relevant point )

iii.What did the Tehsildar suggest to Ramlal?

Ans : as a revenue official he is the representative of the government /set an example by sending his daughters to school

(Any two)    (Any other relevant point )





iv.What kind of mother was Ramlal’s wife?

Ans : traditional housewife /believed that daughters should not be educated /if educated it would be difficult to find husbands for them/neglected Bholi as she was a slow learner

(Any two)    (Any other relevant point )




Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words. (3 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)

1. How did the rain changed? What happened to Lencho’s fields?


Value Points

- The rain began on a pleasant note. The air was fresh and sweet.

 -But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall.

 -For an hour the hail rained on the field and the corn was totally destroyed.


2. Lencho have faith in Whom? What did he do?


Value points-

- Lencho had complete faith in God.

-He believed that God's eyes see everything, even what is deep in one's conscience.

-So, he wrote a letter to God saying that he needed hundred pesos to sow his field again.

-He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only one word as signature: God.



3. What does the postmaster do to answer Lencho’s Letter?


 -As Lencho very badly needed some money, the postmaster  asked for money from his employees.

-- He himself gave part of his salary and several of his friends  joined him.

 He could gather only seventy pesos.


4.Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/Why not?

- No, because he had great confidence in God and never suspected that it could be someone else other than God who would send him the money.

- His faith in God was so strong that he believed that God had sent him the money.



HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


5.Lencho has great faith in God. Does he have the same kind of faith in man? Taking examples from the story describe his attitude towards God and man.

Value Points-

- had great faith in God

- got 70 pesos instead of 100

- thought the post office employee had taken rest of the money

- calls them a bunch of crooks


6. What did Lencho write in his first letter to God? How did he place it in the mail?

- In the first letter, Lencho wrote, “God, if you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because the hailstorm….”

-He wrote ‘To God’ on the envelope, put the letter inside and went to town.


Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words. (3 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)

1. How does Nelson Mandela define the meaning of ‘courage’ and ‘the brave man’?

Value points

     Nelson Mandela believes that courage is not the absence of fear, but it is the triumph over it. The brave man is not the one who does not feel fear of any kind but he is the one who has the courage to conquer it.

2.What did Nelson Mandela pledge when he was sworn in as President?

Value points

-Nelson Mandela pledged freedom and justice for all the black and coloured people of South Africa.

-He promised to uphold the constitution of his country and devote himself to liberate his people from the bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.


3. Why was the apartheid regime in South Africa one of the harshest and most inhuman systems in the world?


Value points

-based on racial discrimination, exploitation of the black, fundamental rights for only whites, black deprived, oppression, torture and exploitation of the black common features.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

4. What are the ‘twin obligations’ referred to by Nelson Mandela?


Value points

  -According to Mandela, every man has two obligations in life.

-The first obligation is to his family, to his parents, wife and children.

- Secondly, he has an obligation to his country, people, and community.


5. What freedom meant to Mandela in childhood?

Value points

- During childhood the meaning of freedom for Mandela was quite limited he considered it to be free to run in the fields, to swim in the clear stream, free to roast mealies and ride the board backs of slow moving bulls.


6. When did Mandela’s hunger for self, turn into a hunger for freedom for all his people?

Value points

-As Nelson Mandela turned into an adult, he gradually realised that freedom was curtailed for all the black and coloured people of South Africa, but not for the whites.

- Consequently, he joined the African National Congress, and that was when his “hunger for freedom” became a “greater hunger”.

7. What did Mandela realise about his brothers and sisters?


Value points

-Mandela realised that his brothers and sisters were not free in their own country due to their colour. The freedom of everyone in his society was curtailed.

-He joined the African National Congress and fought for the freedom.


Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words. (3 Marks each)


MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)

1.What changed the poet's mood?


Value Points

-The poet was upset. He was going somewhere on a snowy morning.

- As he stood under a hemlock tree, a crow on the hemlock tree shook down the dust of snow on the poet.

-The falling dust of snow on the poet changed his mood.


2.What is the Central Idea of Poem, The Dust of Snow?

Value Points

- The poem Dust of Snow by Robert Frost is a small and simple poem, but with a deeper meaning.

-It expresses the significance of small things in changing one’s attitude.

-The poem explains that the little things in life can make huge changes in our future.

-It also reflects that hard times in the life will lead to the happier times if we can persist with it.


3.How does the poet react to the crow and the hemlock tree?

Value Points

-The crow and the hemlock tree are considered inauspicious in the west.

- They are generally taken as bad omen. But the poet did not take them in a negative way. They saved his day.

 -His negative outlook changed into a positive one.



HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


4. How does Frost present nature in the poem?

Value Points

 -Generally, poets take the birds and trees which are known for their beauty and good qualities, like birds, trees, etc.

- But, here Frost has taken a totally different approach.

-He chose a crow, which is not often used in poems.

-The crow is black in colour with a very harsh voice and is believed to be a bad omen. The crow brings very depressing and sorrowful pictures to our mind.


5. Why was the poet standing under the hamlock tree?


Value points

- The poet was feeling very depressed and hopeless.

- He was in a state of sorrow.

- As he was lost in his thoughts, he happened to be standing under a hemlock tree.


Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words. (3 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1.Briefly write about the ideas about how the world will end.          

Value Points

The world will end as a direct result of either fire or ice.

-Some scientists believed that the world would be incinerated from its fiery core, while others were convinced that the coming ice age would destroy all living things on the Earth’s surface.
-Frost introduces a more emotional side, associating desire with fire and hatred with ice. The poem, thus, does not allow for any other opinions in the black and white debate between fire and ice.

2.To say that for destruction ice is also great for the poet, what does ‘ice’ stand for? How is it sufficient to bring destruction.

Value Points
- Ice’ symbolises hatred.

-Hate is just as powerful as desire.

-While desire consumes quickly, hate can occur and linger in people’s minds and hearts for years and sometimes even lifetimes.

- Hate consumers the hater perhaps even more than the person or group hated and it can ruin lives. Hate can, thus, be very destructive and sufficient to bring destruction.


3.How can fire destroy the world?

Value Points
-Fire’ symbolizes passion or hatred.

-It will lead to conflicts and ultimately result in the destruction of the world.

-Fire represents desire that is fervent, consuming, always wanting more.

-Ice represents hatred that is hard and cold.



 HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


4.Mention two contrasting views regarding the end of the world as forecasted in the poem “Fire and Ice”.


Value Points

- The theme of the poem is the destructive potential of hatred and desire.

-The poet uses contrasting elements fire and ice to explain its power of destroying the world.

-By fire he metaphorically means the destructive nature of human emotions like desire and hatred while ice signifies the feelings which is bereft of love, affection and sympathy.

- Hence both type of human nature has the potential for self -destruction. If fire leads to rapiddestruction, ice would lead to silent damage.


5.Mention two contrasting views regarding the end of the world as forecasted in the poem “Fire and Ice”.


Value Points

The theme of the poem is the destructive potential of hatred and desire.

- The poet uses contrasting elements fire and ice to explain its power of destroying the world.

-  By fire he metaphorically means the destructive nature of human emotions like desire and hatred

-while ice signifies the feelings which is bereft of love, affection and sympathy.

-Hence both type of human nature has the potential for self destruction. If fire leads to rapid destruction, ice would lead to silent damage.


Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words. (3 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1. What does the poet want to convey through this poem?

Value Points

-The poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away from their natural habitat.

-They feel angry, helpless and unhappy and remember their life and environment in the forest.

2. Where should the tiger have been according to the poet?

Value Points

-The poet thinks that the tiger should have been in the jungle, lurking in the shadow of long   grass to prey on the deer near the water hole.

-He should also be on the outskirts of the jungle snarling around houses and terrifying villagers.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


3.How does the tiger act in the cage?

Value Points

- The tiger is in the cage.

-He is powerless and helpless.

-He longs for freedom.

-His velvet pads do not make any noise.

- He is in the silent anger roaring and ignoring the visitors.

-Caged life has changed his personality completely.


4.Describe the tiger in the wild.

Value points
-The tiger in the wild is majestic.

-He is free and lies under the shades and hunts for prey.

- He moves near the water because food is in plenty there.

-Sometimes he growls and terrorises the villagers.


5.Why does the tiger express his rage quietly?

Value Points

-The tiger expresses his rage quietly because there is nothing he can do from behind the bars of his cage.

-He is helpless as his strength now lies inside the cage.

-He is no longer free as he was in the jungle.


3.    Answer in 40/50 words each—


a)     Do you think that Amanda is at fault? HOTS

b)     How would life on a tower be different from life anywhere else for Amanda?  HOTS

c)      Does Amanda seem moody most of the times.  Give reasons.   HOTS

d)     How does Amanda describe her life as an orphan?   LOTS

e)     Why does Amanda’s mother ask her to stop sulking?  LOTS





4.a) As a small child, Amanda cannot understand the concept of acne and reasons of not eating chocolates. Her elders become overbearing and it affects so much that she longs for freedom.

b)  Just like Rapunzel, Amanda will live in a tower , away from everyday chaos. She suffers due to the constant nagging from her parents. She wants a place full of peace and serenity, where no one will disturb her.

c) Amanda tries to make an escape from her sorry state where she is nagged most of the times. Here the only defense against such reality is her imagination where she often escapes. It makes her look moody.

d)  Amanda feels troubled around her parents. Her mother keep on nagging her and do not allow her to do what she wishes. Hence , she wishes herself to be an orphan and lead a hassle free life


4. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.

a)     Why did the poet not console the boy? LOTS

b)     Explain “ And no one buys a ball back”.  HOTS

c)      What shows that the ball was valuable for the boy? LOTS

d)     Why does the poet think that it is useless to give the following suggestion to the boy?
‘No use to say- ‘O there are other balls’:    HOTS

e)  “staring down/All his young days into the harbour where/His ball went”—Do you                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                              think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to his past

                              memories?                                                                  HOTS

         ANSWERS: 4 a)    Because the poet knew that the boy was too grief stricken to  listen

                          To anyone. Further, he could see that the boy was trying to understand loss

                           and responsibility on his own which was much more effective.

b)     It means that no one can buy a lost thing back as it is lost forever. The boy also cann’t buy the ball that he had lost. But he may be able to buy another ball with the money he has. The memories associated with the lost ball are lost forever.

c)      The value of the ball for the boy Is clear from the way he reacts after losing it. He was shocked and then trembled with grief after the loss of the ball. This shows that he loved his ball very much.

d)     According to the poet, it is useless to console the boy by saying that he can get another ball in place of the lost one. The boy had a long association with the ball. It was, thus, useless to give him such a suggestion because he wanted to get back the ball that he had lost.



e)    Yes we can say that the boy had the ball for a very long time. The line itself describes how  the boy recalls those days when he used to play with the ball. The ball was surely linked to some sweet memories of his playing with the ball.


4.  Answer the following in 40/50 words each.

a)    Why did the young seagull feel very miserable on the ledge?

b)    Describe the first flight of the young seagull.

c)    “ The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest? what compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

d)    Give reasons for the writer’s decision to go back to Paris.

e)    Who rescued the pilot in Dakota and how?

f)     Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?


Answers :---


6..a)  The young seagull felt very miserable on the ledge as he was alone and his family had already flown away. He was feeling very hungry and had nothing to eat. His condition was worsening because he could not even dive for fish.


            b).  The young seagull dived at the fish due to hunger and fell outwards and downwards into space. He thought of getting drowned but his wings spread outwards   automatically. He moved downwards and outwards and landed safely on the sea and floated on it without any fear.


c).The young seagull was very hungry. When he saw his mother tearing at a piece of 

              fish, he pleaded with her to get some food. His mother stopped midway with food in

              her beak. This insatiable urge for food forced the seagull to fly.


d)     As instructed by the Paris control, the writer turned his aeroplane Dakota towards England. Suddenly he saw the storm of cloud. They looked like black mountains. It was impossible to cross them and he did not have enough fuel to fly around them. So he decided to go back to Paris.

e)    When the writer’s aeroplane Dakota was lost in the storm, he saw another aeroplane that came for his rescue. It had no light on its wings. Dakota followed the mysterious plane that guided him through the mountains of black clouds and took the writer safely across the clouds.


f).   The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he was going      home to his family to enjoy his holiday. When he started, everything seemed to be perfect. The sky was clear, no clouds could be seen and the stars were shining. It all made it an easy task for the writer to fly that night over the sleeping countryside of Paris. His assumption of everything being in place made him happy.



5.    Answer in 40/50 words each.                              3 marks each


a)    Why did Anne think that she could confide more in her diary than in the people?

b )Who helped Anne in writing the essay and how?

          c). Describe Anne’s love for her grandmother

         d)   Describe about Anne Frank’s early education.

          e)  At last Mr keesing allowed Anne to talk in the class. Why?



5.a)   Anne Frank did not have a friend with whom she could share now. Although she had spent a good time with her friends but she was unable to share her views and thoughts with them. When she got her diary, she decided to share everything with it because she believed that nobody would be interested enough in her musings. So, she treated her diary as her best friend. It would keep her life a secret and would not react like people. She confided everything in the diary; her family, her fear, her loneliness, her life and considered it her best friend.



b)      Anne was fond of talking a lot. Mr Keesing punished her and gave her essays to write one after another as she didn’t stop talking in the class. When she was asked to write the essay on Ans. the topic ‘Quack, Quack, Quack said Mistress Chatterbox’ she decided to make it original. Her friend Sanne helped her as she was good at poetry and suggested her to write the entire essay in verse. Anne tried to play a joke on Mr Keesing with the essay.


c)    When Anne’s grandmother died, she stated that no one could understand her intensity of her love for her grandma. She also said that no one could imagine how much she thought of her. Lighting up extra candle for her during her birthday showed her love for grandmother.


d)     Anne Frank got her early education at the Montessori Nursery School until she was six. She started in the first form and in the sixth form, she had developed such a good relation with her headmistress Mrs Kuperus that both of them were in tears on the farewell.


Anne did not stop talking in the class even after being given extra home work. So Mr Keesing asked her to write third essay which made her more excited. She took the help of her friend and wrote it in a verse form. At first the teacher assigned her a ridiculous subject, then Anne  played a joke on Mr Keesing by reading the essay.Mr Keesing took it in the right way and read it in the class. He understood that she was not a dull student, but talkative so he allowed her to talk and did not punish her again.


5.      Answer in 40/50 words each.

a)     What legacy have the colonial powers left to the district of coorg? 

b)     Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?                  

c)      According to the text, Assam is said to be ‘tea country’. Do you believe that Assam has some of the best plantations in the world that makes it a unique country.

d)     During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide.’ Justify it.

e)     Does the author conclude that baking was a profitable profession during those days?


               VALUE POINTS----


           5.a) Colonial presence in Coorg region is evident from the legacy of bungalows      a

and Coffee plantations that the region has inherited from them. It is believed that

Coorgis are descendants of the Greek or Arab and the culture of these regions

                 is strongly evident in the martial traditions and their marriage and religious


          b).  Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because the hill station is located at the

gently sloping hills full of lush green forests. The hills on which it is located

               seem to be rolling down to a beautiful and panoramic view. The Brahmagiri

                hills give the climber a whole view of coorg.


d)      In India, some of the best plantations like tea and coffee are grown in huge quantities.    India is also a home to many spices like haldi and while Assam is home to tea, Coorg is home to coffee. Others which are grown exclusively in India and exported to various countries. These plantations make India a unique country which has not just traditional spices and beverage plants growing within it but also follows traditional agricultural practices.


e)    This statement tells us that the baker was a very respected person in the Goan society because he would guide the children about good behaviour (when he mildly rebuked them for peeping into his basket) and teach them to give respect to the elders etc. He was very informal with the children and so the author
considered him as a friend and companion. He was not simply a vendor interested in selling what he made. Thus, he was an important character in the Goan society of those days.


f)     Baking was a profitable profession during those days because the Portuguese were lovers of fresh baked loaves. The author judges this by the fact that a baker, his family members and people associated with the baker looked prosperous and happy and had a plump physique.


Answer the following questions in about 40 – 50 words. (3 Marks)

1. How did Valli feel on seeing the dead cow on the road?                                                                                                                                              On seeing the dead cow on the road, Valli was filled with sadness. She thought what had been a lovable, beautiful creature just a little while ago had now suddenly lost its charm and its life and looked so horrible and frightening.

2. .Attempt the character sketch of Valli?
Valli was a curious, keen observer who had strong will power and determination. She was bold, brave and self-respective! She had immense self-confidence and wanted to do everything on her own. she was innocent, highly sensitive, intelligent and was a very careful planner.

3. What did Valli see out of the window on her first journey?
Valli saw the nature’s grandeur out of the bus window. She saw the green bank of a canal with the palm trees and mountains in the background and the blue sky. On the other side, she saw a deep ditch and green fields. She saw other vehicles, a young cow running in front of the bus, which valli realized was dead when she was returning back to her village.

4. What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
Valli was deeply attracted towards the bus. She had the strongest desire to ride in it. It travelled between Her village and the nearest town at an interval of an hour. The sight of the bus and passengers had been the source of unending joy for her.

5. Why does the conductor call Valli ‘madam’?
The conductor was a jolly sort of fellow. He was much fond of joking. He had judged the temperament of this small child. It was only to please her, he called her Valli ‘madam’. The conductor is a man of worldly wise nature. He has evaluated that the girl has innocence and ignorance in her behaviour. In order to enjoy and have fun and not to make her unhappy, he calls Valli as ‘Madam’ though she is simply a girl of eight years.

6. How did Valli save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her?
Valli was a very wise girl. She saved her every penny to have a ride in the bus. Valli needed sixty paise for her journey to the town and back home. She hardly ever saw that much money in a month. She had to save every coin that came her way. She stifled / She resisted every temptation to buy balloons, toys, peppermints and so on. She even controlled herself to have a ride on the merry-go-round at the village fair. It was rather troublesome for her.

7. Why didn’t she get off the bus at the bus station?
When the bus terminated at the bus station, Valli did not get off. The conductor asked her to get off. She replied that she would turn back by the same bus. She even refused to see the sights and the cold drink. She was afraid to move alone as she had not planned beyond the bus ride and the city crowd could make her loose her way back.

8. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
While on her way back, Valli saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside. It looked horrible and frightening. There was a fixed stare in her lifeless eyes with blood all over. Its memory haunted her very much. She lost all her enthusiasm and excitement. She no longer wanted to look out of the window.

9. Valli was a meticulous planner. Do you agree? Give reasons.
The passage provides evidence that Valli was a keen observer as well as a meticulous planner. Her desire to experience a bus ride was realized by systematic and organised planning. She had collected all the useful information by observing and planning and making discreet inquiries about the time of the bus, the duration of the journey as well as the fare. She was focused and saved every penny to finance her trip and finally accomplished it by efficient execution of her plans.


Answer the following questions in about 40 – 50 words. (3 Marks)

1.What did the Buddha want to explain to Kisa Gotami?
The Buddha wanted to explain to Kisa Gotami that man cannot get peace of mind by grieving. On the contrary, his pain will be greater and his body will suffer. He will make himself sick and pale. A man who overcomes all sorrows will be free from sorrow and will be blessed. People weep over their dead ones but it is only the wise who do not grieve as they have accepted the truth. A person should only try to seek inner peace.

2. How did Buddha teach Kisa Gotami the truth of life?                                                                                  Kisa Gotami was devastated by the death of her only son and wandered door to door, seeking help. Someone directed her to Sakyamuni, the Buddha, who asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds. This raised a hope in Gotami’s heart that her son could be revived. But the condition imposed by Sakyamuni was that the seeds should be from a house where people had not lost a loved one to death. Kisa Gotami’s futile search made her realize the bitter truth that sorrows are a part and parcel of life and one can attain peace only by acceptance.

3. What did the Buddha do after he had attained enlightenment? Why? Prince Siddhartha Gautama was deeply pained by the sufferings he saw around him and left house to seek the truth of life. After wandering for seven years, he finally sat under Peepal tree to meditate till he received the enlightenment. Wisdom of the law that governs the cycle of birth and death dawned on him and ‘The Buddha’ set out to share it with the world to relieve the mortals of their sufferings.

4. How did Kisa Gotami realize that death is inevitable?                                                       

As requested by Buddha, Kisa Gotami went from house to house but was unable to find one house where nobody had died. She was tired and hopeless and sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city as they flickered up and were extinguished again. She realized that similar to the city lights human lives also flicker up for some time and are extinguished again.

Answer the following questions in 40– 50 words. (3 Marks)

1. What do you learn about Natalya from the play, ‘The Proposal’? 

Natalya is the only daughter of the landowner Chubukov. She was very possessive about her land and was very determined not to part with it. She was a short tempered lady who used to quarrel with anyone very often. She always pinpointed the amount of help she had offered to her neighbours. Though well educated, she did not use her education wisely and thoughtfully.

2. On what issues did Lomov and Natalya quarrel? What does their quarrel reveal about them? 

There are two controversies between Natalya and Lomov. First is about the Oxen Meadows and the other is about the dogs namely Guess and Squeezer.
Lomov states that his dog has become lame since its leg has been bitten by some other dog. Natalya points out that her dog Squeezer is better than Guess. She says that Guess is old, ugly and a worn out cab horse.

3.Chubukov says to Lomov, “And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son.” Is he sincere in saying so? Give reasons.
Chubukov says to Lomov, “And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son.” No, he is not sincere in saying so. He didn’t have a good opinion about him. He thought that he had come there to ask for some money. He changed his stand only when he came to know that Lomov wanted to marry Natalya, his daughter. It was something that Chubukov always wanted.


4. What is the point of controversy between Natalya and Lomov? What argument does Lomov put to prove his point?                                                                                                                                                              The point of controversy between Natalya and Lomov is about the ownership of the Oxen Meadows. Lomov argues that his aunt’s grandmother had given the free use of the Meadows to the peasants of Natalya’s father’s grandfather for forty years. In return the peasants were to make bricks for her. But the peasants thought that they were owners of the land.

5. Attempt the character sketch of Natalya Stepanovna.

Natalya Stepanovna is the only daughter of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov. She is about twenty-five. She is a well educated woman and can serve as a good housewife. She possesses all the good traits of head and heart. She is very much attached to her household belongings and does not want to part with them. At this age, she has become love-sick. There visits Lomov and both have a hearty-talk. There arises a long controversy over the Oxen Meadows since both are the claimants of the said property. Till then she does not know that Lomov has come for her. Her father calls Lomov a blind hen who has come with a proposal for her. Immediately she softens and asks her father to call back Lomov.

Answer the following questions in about 40 – 50 words. (3 Marks)                                                                       1. What terrified the pirate? Who killed him and how? / When or in which instance the heroism of custard is reflected?
When the pirate attacked, Custard, the dragon, jumped up, snorting and clashing his tail. He was making a lot of clatter and cankering and he was squirming. He attacked the pirate. It terrified the pirate. He fired at Custard and missed. Custard killed him by swallowing him up. It shows that he was brave.

2. Write the poetic aspect of the poem “The Tale of Custard the Dragon”.
The poem “The Tale of Custard the Dragon” is a light-hearted story, written in the ballad style. It is written in a four-lined stanza format with the rhyming scheme of aabb. It takes it near to the heroic couplet. The poem offers many similes. The stanzas vary in size. The lines are prosaic and long. The first two stanzas act as refrain to indicate continuity. The words are simple.                                                                                                                 

3. Why did Custard cry for a nice, safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?
Custard cried for a nice, safe cage and thus was thought to be a coward. He is called a ‘cowardly dragon’ because everybody else in the house did not cried as often as he did. Belinda was as brave as a barrel of bears. Ink and blink are described as so brave they chased lions down the stairs and Mustard was as brave as a tiger in rage. Compared to them, Custard cried asking for a nice and safe cage, which is why it is called a coward.


4. What do you think changed the attitude of the other animals and that of Belinda towards the dragon?
The dragon, Custard, initially commanded no amount of respect from Belinda and the other pets, on account of its cowardice; but when the house was attacked by an armed pirate and all others panicked and ran for shelter, the dragon savagely attacked the pirate and ate it up. Thus, the other animals realised his worth and came to respect him genuinely.


Answer the following questions in about 40 – 50 words. (3 Marks)

1. What made Mrs Pumphrey call the vet?
Tricki’s condition made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet for help. Tricki had become fat and lazy. He just used to lie on his rug and pant. He also refused to eat food, even his favourite dishes. His bouts of vomiting added to Mrs Pumphrey’s worry. That is why, she called James Herriot.

2. How can you say that it was hard for Mrs Pumphrey to part with her doting pet?
Mrs Pumphrey treated Tricki as her own child. She loved him very much. It was very difficult for her to see Tricki in such a situation. She was distraught when she had to make the decision to hospitalize Tricki, for her love for him knew no bounds. It was a terrible and tearful moment for her but she agreed to Herriot’s suggestion for the betterment of her pet.

3. What kind of treatment was given to Tricki? Did it help in his recovery?
Tricki was given a non-medicinal treatment. His diet regimen was altered depending upon his body’s response to it. He was kept on liquid diet for the first two days and then his diet was gradually increased. Yes, this treatment did help Tricki as it built up energy in him. He had transformed to an energetic, hard-muscled dog in just a fortnight.

4. Was Tricki suffering from any ailment in reality? If not, then what made him inactive and lethargic?
No, Tricki was not suffering from any ailment. It was his greed for food and the love of his mistress that spoilt his health to such an extent. He was being overfed everyday and that made him obese and lethargic. That is why his health showed rapid improvement when his diet was controlled.

5. Do you think Tricki was enjoying his stay at the hospital?                                                                                            Not initially but Yes, Tricki was definitely enjoying his stay at the hospital. He had befriended the gang of shabby household dogs. He had found a new joy in being bowled over, trampled on and squashed. He had also become very energetic. He used to play and run all day long with the dogs. He was having a great time.

6. What evidence do you get from the story about Tricki’s affluent living?
Tricki was loved by his mistress. She was very much concerned for him. She was rather blind in love. Tricki lived a more lavish life than any normal human bring. He had a whole wardrobe of clothes for different weather, raincoat for wet days. Different bowls for different meals, toys, cushions, comfortable bed and what not. He was given rich diet including cream cakes and chocolates which he loved.

7. Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “A Triumph Of Surgery”?
Mrs Pumphrey thinks that the dog’s recovery is “A Triumph Of Surgery” because in two weeks, Tricki had recovered completely and had been transformed into a hard-muscled animal. When Tricki saw her, he leaped into her lap and licked her face. She was so excited that tears started rolling out of her eyes. She declared Tricki’s recovery as a triumph of surgery to express her happiness and gratitude towards the doctor.


Answer the following questions in about 40 – 50 words. (3 Marks)

1. Was Hari Singh successful in robbing Anil? Was Anil the only one who was robbed or did Hari also rob himself of something?
Yes, Hari Singh was successful in robbing Anil. But Anil was not the only one who was robbed at that time. Hari had robbed himself as well. He had lost the chance of receiving education and being literate. He had robbed Anil monetarily but he had robbed himself of the chance for a better and brighter future, which was much more valuable.

2. What made Hari Singh go back to Anil’s house?
Hari Singh realised the importance of education he was receiving from Anil. He knew that learning how to read and write and being a literate person would open doors to many opportunities. He was sure that he would then be able to earn more than a few hundred rupees he had in hand at that time. This made him go back to Anil. He also realized the importance of living a respectable life instead of running throughout his life, scared of being caught.

3. State the events that took place on the night of the theft.                                                                                                                                   The night of robbery was quite an eventful for Hari Singh. After stealing Anil’s money and leaving Anil’s house, Hari went to the railway station but didn’t board the train to Lucknow or was not able to do so. Instead he walked slowly through the bazaar as he didn’t know anyone who would provide him shelter except Anil, for he didn’t have any friends. He was forced to take shelter under the clock tower later when it started raining heavily. That is where he realised the importance of education and decided to go back to Anil.

4. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with evidence.                                                           Yes, Anil had forgiven Hari Singh. It is evident because Anil handed over to Hari a fifty rupee note as soon as Hari woke up. Though he knew that Hari had robbed the money at first but his subsequent actions gave him hope of change in Hari’s character.

5. How, according to Hari Singh, would the greedy man, the rich man and the poor man react when they had lost their goods?
Hari Singh had made a study of men’s faces when they had lost their goods. According to the thief, on losing their goods a greedy man’s face would show fear, the rich man’s face would show anger and the poor man’s face would show acceptance.


Very Short & Short Q/ Ans.

Q.1  Where was Wanda’s family moving?

Ans. Her family was moving to a big city.

Q.2  What gift did Wanda give to Peggy?

Ans. She gave her the drawings of a dress in green colour.

Q.3 What gift did Wanda give to Maddie?

Ans. She gave her the drawings of a dress in blue colour.

Q.4 What did Miss Mason receive from the principal’s office? Why did she read it several times thoughtfully?

Ans. Miss Mason received a letter from the Principal’s office. It was a letter from Wanda Petronski’s father. The content of the matter was such that it affected Miss Mason deeply. She read it several times. She thought it deeply before disclosing it to the class.

Q.5 Why did Mr. Petronski write a letter to the school teacher?

Ans. Mr. Petronski wrote a letter to the school because the students of her class made fun of Wanda’s name and dress. When Wanda informed her father about it, he got angry and wrote a letter to the school teacher.

Q. 6 What was Miss Mason’s reaction after getting Mr. Petronski’s letter?

Ans. After getting Mr. Petronski’s letter, Miss Mason was very unhappy and upset. She looked at the class and spoke in a low voice. She said that none of the student in that class would knowingly hurt anyone’s feeling because their name seemed funny.

Q.7 What did Peggy and Maddie want to say to Wanda after meeting her?

Ans.  Peggy and Maddie wanted to say sorry for their behaviour. They hoped that Wanda would not have left the city and they would meet her at Boggins Heights. 

Q.8  What did the girls know at last?

Ans. Maddie and Peggy came to know that Wanda liked to draw very much. Wanda made their faces in her drawings. Although they teased her , yet she loved them.

Q.9 What important decision did Maddie make? Why did she have to think hard to do so ?
Ans. Maddie decided to go to Wanda’s house with Peggy to apologise and amend for all that had happened but Wanda had left her house with her family. She felt bad because she thought of herself as a coward who did not stop Peggy to insult Wanda. So, she decided to raise voice against injustice and bullying. She was firm of not being a mute spectator anymore.


3.SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      4  ( 40-50 WORDS)   ,   4  X 3 = Marks  12

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 3 marks for each correct answer –

Content - 1 mark  -  Accuracy  - 1  Expression – 1 mark      

i. What did Griffin do in the shop of a theatrical company ?

Ans : in the hoe of finding not only  clothes but also something like side whiskers, glasses, false nose ,bandages ,hat etc./would hide empty space above his shoulders

 (Any other relevant point )

ii. Why does Mrs. Hall find the scientist eccentric?

Ans : Strange appearance / she tried  to be friendly he rebuffed by saying that he had come for solitude /did not wish to be disturbed

(Any other relevant point )

iii.                What curious episode occurs in the study ?

Ans :clergyman and his wife  were awakened by noises coming from their study/heard the sound of coins being taken from the desk/when entered no body was found

(Any other relevant point )

iv.”Griffin was rather a lawless person.” Comment on this statement.

Ans :not bothered if had harmed anybody /set landlord’s house on fire/ robberies in at shops and in the village /threw a chair at the landlady of the inn

(Any other relevant point )



3.SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      4  ( 40-50 WORDS)   ,   4  X 3 = 12 Marks

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 3 marks for each correct answer –

Content - 1 mark  -  Accuracy  - 1  Expression – 1 mark      

i. Explain the satisfaction that animals have and humans don’t?

Ans : Animals do not have desires to possess worldly things/self satisfied /absence of greed /humans beings crazy about possessing things/ dissatisfied forever /never ending temptation of humans

                                      (Any three ) (Any other relevant point )


ii.What does the poet mean by , “Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth”?

Ans : animals do not pray to God or ancestors/all are equal/no one more respectable than other /good values and social conventions make them happy

(Any three ) (Any other relevant point )


iii.Why does the poet want to ‘turn and live’ with animals?

Ans : they show tokens of goodness/peaceful, self contained ,happy/show innate goodness which is

 lacking in human beings/do not grumble or cry

(Any three ) (Any other relevant point )

iv.What is the relevance of ‘tokens’ in the poem ‘ Animals’? Who brings them to the poet?

Ans : they show tokens of goodness/peaceful, self contained ,happy/thankful and happy creature show innate goodness which is lacking in human beings/do not grumble or cry/ Animsls bring out tokens of man’s good nature lost long ago etc.

(Any three ) (Any other relevant point )


SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      4  ( 40-50 WORDS)   ,   4  X 3 = Marks  12

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 3 marks for each correct answer –

Content - 1 mark  -  Accuracy  - 1  Expression – 1 mark      

i. Differentiate the character traits possessed by Matilda and her husband.

Ans :Matilda: ambitious / dreams of leading a luxurious life/ can borrow and enjoy life

Her husband: Not at all ambitious / more realistic and contented  with his life/loving and caring husband / honest and self respecting as he decides to raise money to replace the lost necklace

(Any other relevant point )

ii.Why did Madam Loisel leave the ball in a hurry ?What does it shpw about har character?

Ans :her husband threw the modest wraps around her shoulders  whose poverty clashed with the elegance of the ball costume/did not want to be noticed by other woman/hypocrisy and pretentious nature of showing off /dissatisfaction/anger and frustration with life

(Any other relevant point )

iii.How did Mme Loisel now know the life of necessity ?

Ans :To pay the debt of eighteen thousand francs, Loisels let go of their decent living/lived in impoverished  neighbourhood /Matilda had to cook, clean , wash, mend ,bring water and bargain with the butcher and grocer. Her husband worked hard day and night  to save every sou..

(Any other relevant point )


iv. Why had Mme Loisel’s sacrifices all been in vain?

Mr. Forestier ,when met after ten years, told her that the necklace was of fake diamonds worth only 500 francs. Poor Loisel had wasted10y ears to repay the loss of a fake necklace.

(Any other relevant point )

LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION  (FFWF)  ( based on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation or character sketch   100-120 words   5 m

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas in the text.

Marking: Content- 3 marks       Fluency-1 marks    Grammatical Accuracy- 1 marks     


i.                    Do you think the story is aptly titled? Justify your answer.


Value points

(Minimum four points)

Mme Loisel borrowed the diamomd necklace from her rich friend Mrs. Forestier to wear at the Minister’s ball./lost the necklace/ expensive /had to borrow money from money lender on high rate of interest to replace the diamond necklace. To payback the Loisels had to forgo even the little comforts of life/sent away maid, changed heir lodging and rented  some rooms in attic. Mme did all work by herself/Mr.Loisel had to work day and night at several odd jobs  to earn extra money/ work tirelessly for 10 years due to loss of the necklace

ii. Write the character sketch of Mrs .Loisel .

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Pretty young lady who thinks herself born for all luxuries. /Having married a petty clerk, feels tortured /remains unhappy and despaired /suffers from poverty of her apartment and shabby walls /her life style/Bestowed with prettiness and  beauty /Feels angered and tortured by the way she has put up in life/ a small incident changed her life

Loisels have an official invitation of a party at the minister’s residence/ she complaints  for not having good dress and jewellery /new party wear is bought /borrows diamond necklace from friend Mme Forestier /Unfortunately necklace gets lost/Mr.Loisel takes a heavy loan to substitute the diamond necklace/Then starts the toiling of the complete repay of loan.!0 years hard labour ruins their life.

SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      4  ( 40-50 WORDS)   ,   4  X 3 = Marks  12

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas of the text

 Marking: 3 marks for each correct answer –

Content - 1 mark  -  Accuracy  - 1  Expression – 1 mark      

i.                    Why was the narrator disappointed after arriving at New Mullion?

Ans :his eager expectations of a sweet and simple country village were severely disappointed/streets were muddy  and wooden shops lined up/either painted a sour brown or bare of any paint at all

(Any other relevant point )


ii.                  What new way of life did the narrator discover at New Mullion, as he was on the way to the city ?

Ans  : Considered returning to New Mullion to practice law/justified he might love Fritz and Gustaff and a hundred other slow -spoken ,simple .wise neighbours. even pictured an honest and happy life beyond the strict limits of universities and law firms /was excited as if  he had  found a treasure.

(Any other relevant point )

iii.                Why could the lawyer not find Lutkins?

Ans hack driver himself was Lutkins/ lawyer had not seen Lutkinsbefore  so he could not identify him/Lutkins take advantage of this and played a practical joke on him

(Any other relevant point )

iv.                Why do you think Lutkins’ neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer ?


Ans almost entire village had enjoyed Lutkins ,making a fool of the lawyer/Only Lutkinsneighbours had not seen the lawyer but had come to know what happened/wanted to see the gullible man

(Any other relevant point )


3.SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      4  ( 40-50 WORDS)   ,   4  X 3 = Marks  12

i.For what unusual reason is Bholi sent to school?

Ans : Tehsildar asked Ramlal to sent his daughters to the new school/Ramlal’s wife did not want so/ she thought education would be hindrance in their marriage/Bholi with pock-marks and dull brain would not be married /so she was sent to school to satisfy the Tehsildar

(Any two)    (Any other relevant point )

ii.How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?

Ans :Bholi stammered and was just a bundle of nerves/teacher treated kindly and encouraged to have confidence and be bold/taught to read and write /made her independent/ aware of her rights

(Any two)    (Any other relevant point )

iii.Why does the marriage not take place?

Ans :Bishambar noticed  Bholi’s pock-marked face/ asked for a dowry of five thousand rupees/ Bholi refused to marry a greedy man/asserted her rights and dignity

(Any two)    (Any other relevant point )

iv.  What filled Bholi,the dumb cow ,with a new hope in her?

Ans :Bholi’s first day at school brought hope/found a kind and loving teacher/teacher inspired  /gave book/made feel and be bold/taught to read and write /made her independent/ aware of her rights

 (Any two)    (Any other relevant point )



Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. (5 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)

1.Lencho received the money and a letter from God but still, he was not happy. Was it not in his attitude to be happy with what he achieved? Did he not know the pleasure of being grateful to others? Reflecting on the values required to lead a happy life, explain in about 100-120 words.


Value Points-

- Lencho had full faith in God and hence, had written a letter to God asking for 100 pesos

- was not slightest surprised at receiving the answer

- became angry when counted the money because he needed it badly

- did not doubt God for getting less money

- wrote another letter asking Him to send rest of the money

- his innocent optimism led to his getting 70 pesos


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


 2.There are two kinds of conflict in the story: between humans and nature, and between humans themselves. How are these conflicts illustrated?


Value Points-

- The conflict between humans and nature is illustrated by the destruction of Lencho's crops by the hailstorm.

- he required nature-in the form of the rain

- however nature turned hostile

- another conflict between humans themselves

- man does not have faith in fellow human beings

- post office employees help Lencho by donating 70 pesos

- Lencho believes they have cheated him and have taken rest of the money’

- he even calls them a bunch of crooks


Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words.           (5 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level Of Learning)

1. Describe the inauguration ceremony when nelson Mandela took the oath.



   Value points

  -Ceremony took place amphitheatre-union buildings in Pretoria- politician and dignitaries

  – 140 countries around the world

 – flags of different colours

 – decorated deputy president

 – Mandela first black president took oath

– after Mandela’s address

– display of military force

 – national anthem sung

– white and black

 – concluded ceremony.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


2. What were Nelson Mandela’s views on the policy of Apartheid?

Value Points

-Nelson Mandela says that Apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in his country.

-It cast a shadow on the people of South Africa

 - deep wounds that would take many years to heal.

-The oppression and brutality that the people of the nation had been subjected to had no parallel. From this situation arouse a spirit of aggression in the minds of men and produced men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity.

-Mandela believed that the greatest wealth of South Africa are the people of the nation. The more the oppression rained on them the more the spirit to fight back was triggered in the minds of the people.

-In the end victory for the people of South Africa prevailed and they attained Independence on 10th May 1994.


Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. (5 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

1.Nature has the power to lift our mood even when we are highly despondent. Comment on the basis of your understanding of the poem Dust of Snow.


Value Points

- The poem Dust of Snow' by Robert Frost is a poem which enlightens us how small things of nature can refresh us and cheer us for the rest of the day.

-Every aspect of nature be it a crow or hemlock tree can be a source of positivity and can be helpful in lifting a depressed mind.

-In other words, everything in the world is beautiful. Nature and its creations have the power to uplift mood even when we are in depressed state of mind.

-A small incident of snow falling, that too by the action of a crow (who is considered a bad omen) takes away the pall of sadness from the poet's mind and refreshes him for the rest of the day.


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


2.Small things in life make significant changes in our life. Elaborate with reference to the poem "Dust of Snow'

Value Points

-The poem, Dust of Snow, reiterates that the little things in life can make huge changes in our future.

-It also shows that if we can take the hard times of life in stride, eventually something will happen to change our situation into happier times.

-Just think about those random acts of kindness we do and how much they brighten a person's day and sometimes change their future.

-Noticing and appreciating all the small things in life will make our life happier. It will also cause us to have a spirit that is willing to change and therefore succeed.

Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. (5 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

Q1. There are many ideas about how this world will come to an ‘end’. What are they? Do you agree with the poet and his understanding of the issue in this regard?


Value Points

- eternal belief that everything having a beginning will come to an end

- many ideas about how this world will end

- some think that fire will be the cause

- others believe it will be ice

- both have solid reasons

- poet stands with those who believe that it will be fire

- is well aware of how the ‘fire’ of unbridled passions, desires, lust and fury can lead to the destruction of humanity and the worlds well aware

- But the other view is equally convincing

- Cold and ‘icy’ reasoning can create insensitiveness, rigidity, frigidity, and indifference in man.

- it can breed hatred and contempt, finally resulting in the destruction of this world.


Q2. Explain the two contrasting ideas- 'Fire' and 'Ice' presented in the poem? What positive human values can make this world a better place to live in?


Value Points

- refers to two contrasting ideas-' Fire' and 'Ice' as predictions of how the world will end.

- equates desire with fire and hatred with ice

- Both are growing with such a rapid pace that the world will come to an end either of the way

- Hatred can easily destroy us and the world

- Intolerance in behavior creates hatred that leads to injustice and cruelty

- only love, tolerance, peace, benevolence, among people can make this world a better place to live in

Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. (5 Marks each)

MLL (Minimum Level of Learning)

                        1. Freedom can’t be Bargained at any cost : what massage does poet Give to the readers in ‘A Tiger in the Zoo ,

1. “Freedom is such an essential virtue that is valued not only by human beings but also by animals alive, Justify the Statement with reference to the poem ‘A tiger in the Zoo

            Value points:-

            1. Freedom is an essential virtue for everyone

            2. Animals of the wild feel free only in their Natural habitats

            3. Locking them in concrete cells will be against natural justice

            4. Terrorise the villagers living at the out skirts

            5. He can find his favorite plump deep


HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)


    2. “Tiger in India are on the verge of extinction “Explain the statement with reference to the poem A Tiger in the Zoo “

            Value points:-

            1. Animals too need freedom to room around freely in their natural habitats

            2. He never attacks till he is provoked to do so

            3. The curtailment of his freedom keeps him in quite rage

            4. He simply ignores the visitors.


5.a)   Discuss the importance of proper upbringing with reference to the poem Amanda by                                               

               Robin Klein.  HOTS 


       b) State the key points in the poem Amanda. What do you learn from it?( CBSE2016)



c)  What question does the poem Amanda raise?   LOTS  



5.a)  Upbringing plays an essential role in personality development of an adult.   Robin Klein’s poem Amanda highlights the tension in the ‘proper’ upbringing of a child. To instil good values and moral principles in a growing child comes as a foremost duty for the parents --- Amanda shows how a child feels trapped within the cluster of instructions -- She  is no less than a victim in this travesty-- No proper space is given to her creativity --She is instructed for everything--  Her imagination proves to be her escape and also her defence against her nagging parents. Situation of Amanda is so worse that she wishes to be an orphan, in order to get rid of her parents. She imagines enacting various roles varying from mermaid to Rapunzel -- wishes to live alone and carefree--very important to understand her situation  where her freedom is cut short by constant instructions and guidelines.  Love and care should always be part of this two way transaction.


b)Every child is special --- requires a great deal of patience and love to make them understand -- Parents should give proper space to children -- One cannot teach their child everything in one day and expect them to behave properly -- It is natural for a child like Amanda to seek freedom at her place, to curb that freedom means to make her angry and moody. Growing up of child should not be about dos and don’ts only. To have nagging parents judging every action of child would do more harm than good--Amanda is forbidden to do anything without seeking permission. Everything she does  is corrected by her mother all the time--she cannot perform a single thing according to her will ---she can’t eat chocolate for that could cause acne-- Life of Amanda is very suffocating and limited -- She yearns for freedom and choice.

c) Value points:                                                                                                                   raises an age old question–how parents should raise their children-- depicts a small girl Amanda’s feelings about the restrictions the parents put on her-- feels that her mother nags her too much---cannot speak her mind and is bound to follow her elders--- escapes into her world of imagination--- wishes to swim like mermaid, to roam like an orphan and live lonely in tower like Rapunzel.                                 Parents should not force their thoughts and ideas on their children---should try to understand the needs and expectations of children---if they force , it will create differences between them which hampers the development of the children.


5.    a)  Why is it important for everyone to experience loss and to stand up after it?     [CBSE2014]            HOTS



    a)   It is important for everyone to experience loss and to stand up after it in order to   be strong and to get on with life. One needs to stay strong no matter how much it hurts inside. Staying strong is the only way to survive. Moreover, one needs to learn to accept and let go and not cling to something that they can never have. One should understand that the past is gone and it will never come back. Experiencing loss sometimes helps us to grow up and face hardships, like loss. This helps us in breaking all the boundaries into freedom.



 b)   In “The ball poem” the poet teaches the readers a philosophy of life. Justify it.      LOTS



  b)  The poet teaches a philosophy of life to the readers. It is –Loss is a universal truth in our life. We get everything from this world and at last lose everything in the same world. We don’t have anything since birth. We earn by working hard. So we must not get worried at the loss. The poet teaches us this philosophy through a very simple example of a boy who loses his ball while playing. The boy becomes very disappointed. So the poet advises the boy not to be sad and upset and be ready to accept the losses in life.


7.. Answer  the following questions in 100/120 words.


a)     Fear and lack of confidence stop one from learning new things. Do you agree? How did these two traits of the young seagull make him coward? How did he overcome these short comings?                                                     HOTS


        b).  Do you think that the seagull’s family loved him? Justify their attitude towards  him?                                                                                                             LOTS

   c).  The pilot wanted to thank another pilot after his safe landing. Why? What       values of the writer are reflected from his action?  HOTS

d).    How did the writer get out of the storm in the night to land safely? LOTS





. 7.a)      Yes, It is true that fear and lack of confidence stop one from learning new things as in  the story, the young seagull lacked the value of courage and confidence in his character. He was too scared of flying. His family tried hard to make him fly but he refused to do so because of his fear of sinking in the seawater. They even scolded him for his cowardice. They tried to tempt him with food but he was not willing to learn flying. Once he dived, his fear disappeared and he enjoyed his first flight.It is a fact that unless we try for something and overcome our fear, we can’t learn anything. Confidence and motivation are two most important traits that make any learning possible.



The young seagull had two brothers and a sister. His parents flew with them to leave him alone on the ledge as he could not muster up the courage to fly with them. His parents could have fed him.
But, they refused to give him any food. They wanted him to fly and dive for his food. They threatened to let him starve. They did so because they loved him.
The parents were right in what they did because they wanted to teach him the importance of confidence and self-reliance. One can’t depend on their parents all his life to be fed. Thus, it was important for him to learn to fly, dive and search his own food. So, the attitude the seagull family showed to him was actually their love, care and concern for him.



c).  The pilot (writer) of the old Dakota was caught in the storm. He lost his contact with the control room. In this troubling situation, his fuel tank was also empty. He lost all his hopes but suddenly a black strange plane appeared. The pilot of the black place asked writer to follow him. The writer landed safely. After his safe landing, he wanted to thank the pilot of the black plane. This shows his gratitude towards the pilot of the Black Plane. He was thankful to him for saving his life. It shows that the pilot of Dakota had a value of gratefulness in his character.


d). he writer was flying his old Dakota aeroplane when he saw the black clouds. He was lost in the storm. Suddenly, he saw a black aeroplane by his side, which had no lights, on its wings.
The pilot instructed the writer to follow as he had lost the way. He obeyed him like a child. He was very happy to follow him. After some time, the pilot of another plane started to land. The writer followed him blindly through the storm and came out of the clouds. He saw the lights of the runway and landed safely.








6.      Answer in 100/120 words each.                                  5 marks each



a)    From the diary of Anne Frank’ throws light on teacher-student relationship, class atmosphere and discipline.                                                                
Write a paragraph oh the values of these aspects of school and how far these values are necessary for learning and life. [CBSE 2016]                                     HOTS


b)    ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Do you agree with the statement?  LOTS


c)    Write the character sketch of Anne Frank.                                  HOTS




6.a).   he diary of Anne Frank” clearly describes the teacher-student relationship, class atmosphere and discipline. Anne who talks a lot in the class gets punished by Mr Keesing her Maths teacher. He asks her to write essays as punishment which is learning in disguise because he wanted her to focus on studies. He cannot be blamed for the punishment as he did it for the development of Anne. The teacher-student relationship is very respectful and sacred. It is about discipline and classroom manners which are essential for every student as well as teacher, otherwise both teaching or learning could hamper. This relationship is clearly shown in Mr Keesing and Anne Frank actions as they both try to joke on each other but in very humorous and healthy manner. So this healthy relationship is needed everywhere in the class for effective teaching and learning.




b).   Anne believes that people are not interested in other’s life as they are stuck with  their own problems so it is really hard to get someone who can give importance to her diary. People feel bored and become impatient when we talk about our problems.
On the other hand when we write our feelings and thoughts on paper, we can write as long as we want without thinking of anyone, intention as it doesn’t react. We can share our feelings, both sad and happy. It never gets bored or stops us to write. It behaves like a true friend who keeps your secret and listens to you patiently. So she thinks that paper has more patience than people.




c).   Anne Frank was born on 12th June 1929 in Frankfurt Germany. She was four years old when her father went to Holland to find a better place for his family to live. She was very intelligent and always wanted to become a writer. She loved Peter even when she had to face opposition from her family in this regard.
She was a very good reader as well, she continued reading books, translated chapters, wrote down the vocabulary and worked hard on her skills. Like any child, she loved her parents but later grew a dislike towards her mother as she compared Anne to Margot. She was always jealous with her. She believed that time would come when the problems would be over. She felt alone although there were thirty people around her but she hardly could call anyone a true friend. Anne died of typhus in the concentration camp at Berger-Belsen in late February or early March of 1945.


6.      Answer in 100/120 words.                    5 marks each


a)     Instead of enjoying their childhood, the children today are keen to enter adulthood. After reading about all the joys that the author Lucio Rodrigues had in his childhood do you think such a keenness on the part of children is desirable?  HOTS


b)     The Coorgis are the descendants of the Greeks or the Arabs and are still are able to maintain their traditional practices. Do you agree that these practices today is important? Why or why not?      LOTS


c)       India is known for its old traditions. There is unity in diversity. It is all because we the Indians never forget our culture and tradition. We always cherish the traditional practices. Do you agree? Give your views with reference to the lesson Glimpses of india.  HOTS



            VALUE POINTS----

          6.a)         I don’t think that the keenness of the children these days to enter adulthood is     desirable. Children these days are in a hurry to enter adulthood and have access to technology. Due to this they are learning things earlier than usual and getting matured beyond their age.Hence, they are losing out their childhood and missing the joys that it brings with it. As per my thinking, they should grow at a slow pace and enjoy their childhood to the fullest. Children who miss out on their childhood cannot be a complete adult. So, they should not hurry up to be an adult and grow at nature’s pace.


b).    After reading the text, I feel that it is important to follow the traditional practices, as it has kept the tradition of Coorgis known to the people even today. If the people of Coorg had not followed it their tradition would have perished and nobody would have remembered them today because of their culture and traditional practices. According to the text, their traditions can be seen in the martial traditions, religious rites and marriages. The Kodavus even wear long, black coat with an embroidered waist belt  which resembles the dress of the Arabs. Traditional practices also play a very important role in maintaining values amongst people and have an impact on shaping the behaviour of people.


    c). There is no doubt that india is known for its old traditions which they have still retained      irrespective of their location. There exists a unity in diversity which allows an amalgamation of other cultures into the tradition which have been cherished for so long. The lesson “Glimpses of India” justify this. The author of ‘A baker from Goa’ cherishes the traditional practices in Goa. He recalls his encounter with the traditional bakers of Goa who represents the traditional professionals who are still keeping the old practices alive. The baker was and still is an important part of their lives. He recalls his old Portuguese times when the people cherished the traditional bread making. The author does not live in Goa but he still remembers the old days of Goa.

Similarly the story Coorg tells about Coorgis who are the descendants of the Greeks and Arabs. These people are scattered here and there but they have not lost their identity. They still retain the traditional values of their clan in an amalgamated form. They have become a part of the Indian landscape.


Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1. The ability and extraordinary courage to take risk are essential to fulfilling one’s dream. Do you agree to Valli’s ride on a long bus journey to the city all alone?

Ans: Valli was determined, confident and a brave girl. She was also a good planner and executioner. She sacrificed a lot of things to achieve her dream. She curbed the temptation to buy sweets and riding on the merry-go-round in the fair so that she could save money for the bus ride. No. I don’t think that Valli did the right thing in travelling alone to the town without informing her mother. By doing this, she put herself in a vulnerable (unsafe) position as she could have easily been a victim of child abuse had she come in contact with wrong people. In fact, she was lucky to return home safely. Children should always travel along with their parents or elders as they are easy targets for criminals. Valli could have expressed her desire of travelling in the bus to her mother. I am sure that her mother would have fulfilled her wish.

2. People and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson ‘Madam Rides TheBus’ learns a lot from others and her surroundings through her bus journey. Elucidate

Ans : It is absolutely true the people and surroundings are a great book to learn from. Valli,an eight year old girl is a perfect example of a person who learns from people and surroundings. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house to watch what was happening in the street outside. She was a keen observer of people and things . She takes a ride in the bus to the town. Valli laughed heartily to see a young cow running at high speed in the middle of the road .The bus rolled on now cutting across a bare landscape, now rushing through a tiny hamlet or past an odd wayside shop. Trees came running towards them. But on her way back, she saw the same young cow lying dead near the road. She was shocked and sad to learn that what was so beautiful a little while ago now looked so horrible. The memory of the dead cow haunts her.


Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1. “The life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and is combined with pain.” How did Buddha make KisaGotami realize that death is inevitable?

Ans: Gautam Buddha was a prince who was born in 563 B.C. in North India. The Buddha told Kisa Gotami that the life of mortals is troubled and brief in this world. As ripe fruits are in danger of falling, so mortals are always in danger of death. All earthen vessels end in being broken. After the death of her only son, Kisa Gotami went to every neighbour, asking for medicine for her dead son. Then she went to the Buddha. Buddha asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where no death had occurred. But she couldn’t find such a house. The Buddha made her realise that death is common to all. It also shows the detachment from mundane life. Life is full of sorrows as well as happiness.  Only grieving cannot bring peace of mind. 

2.KisaGotami said, “How selfish am I in my grief !” What did she realize about the fate of mankind ?

Ans: After the death of her only son, Kisa Gotami went to every neighbour, asking for medicine to bring back the life of her dead son. Then she went to the Buddha. Poor Kisa Gotami went from house to house. The people pitied her and were ready to give a handful of mustard seeds to her. But, she couldn’t find a house where no one had lost a child, husband, parent or friend. Kisa Gotami became weary and hopeless.                                                                                                                              At last, the darkness of the night reigned everywhere. She realised that she had been very selfish in her grief . Death spares no one. One who is born is destined to die sooner or later. No grieving or lamenting would bring a dead man to life.




Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1.Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. The fight over Oxen Meadows overshadows the idea of the proposal .Explain.

Ans:  Lomov and Chubukovs were neighbours. Lomov came to Chubukovs to propose Natalya. But instead of proposing they started fighting over petty issues like oxen meadows and quality of dogs. This is not the trait of good neighbours. Neighbours should live like friends. There should be a positive relationship between neighbours. They should respect and show concern for one another. The fight between Lomov and Chubukovs could have been avoided if handled carefully. The issue of meadows could be resolved amicably and through conversation. The ownership of the meadows could be shared by both the parties if they got married. Similarly, the issue of dog could be solved instead of counting the negative points of each other’s dogs. Lomov has difficulty coming to the point and Natalya is short-tempered. So they always ended up fighting.  Ivan Lomov’s real purpose was to increase his estate andØproperty.

2. Do you think the title of the Drama ‘the Proposal’ is aptly given by Anton Chekov?

Ans :`The Proposal’ is a one-act play written by Anton Chekov. It is about the tendency of wealthy families to seek matrimonial ties in Russia . The real purpose is to increase their estates and land properties. Ivan Lomov was a wealthy neighbour of another wealthy farmer Stephan Chubukov. Lomov comes to seek the hand of Chubukov’s twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya. Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya’-all three are quarrelsome people. They quarrel over petty or small issues. Each one of them has a claim over a particular piece of land. They completely forgot the real issue — the marriage proposal. Anton Chekov has aptly titled the play, ‘The Proposal’. The title justifies the main theme—the marriage of Natalya and Lomov. No doubt, both Lomov and Natalya want to be life partners. However, unnecessary quarrels over Oxen Meadows and their dogs Squeezer and Guess temporarily spoil their game.



Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1. Appearances can be deceptive. How would you apply this saying on Custard the dragon?

Ans: The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is a ballad. It tells the tale of the heroism of the dragon. The dragon named as custard was called a coward as he always looked for a safe corner. He never boasted like Belinda and her other pets. But when tough times came, the humble dragon proved his bravery in adversity. It tells us that certain qualities like bravery and courage are situational and spontaneous.                                                                                                                                                                  When faced real danger, it was only Custard, who had the courage to face it. And he proved his bravery by not running away and facing the pirate head on and killing him. Qualities like bravery and courage can only be tested when someone is actually put in a dangerous situation. So, appearances can be deceptive. 

2. Do you think that one should be made fun of because of their preferences and choices in life ? Explain in the context of Custard the dragon.

Ans: It is not right to make fun of anyone on the basis of their life style and their choices. Custard, the dragon, always wanted comfort and safety for him and therefore always cried for a nice safe cage. Belinda and other pets of the house made fun of him because they thought that he was a coward.                                                                                                                                                                                    Custard proved that just because he liked comfort, he was not a coward. In fact, he was the only one, who had the courage to face the pirate and kill him. Custard’s humbleness won every reader’s heart as he showed true bravery and did not boast like Belinda and her other pets. Qualities like bravery and courage can only be tested when someone is actually put in a dangerous situation. Many others who are far inferior in strength and power should have no right to taunt and ridicule you.


Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1. Excess of Everything is bad. Comment in the wake of Mrs. Pumphrey’s love for Tricki .

Ans :This old proverb is a guide for doing anything in moderation. It helps us to live a balanced life. Acquiring too much wisdom will rob your innocence and the ability to enjoy small things. Too much of love and affection may spoil a child and eating too much of food will make anyone sick.                                                                      Tricky was overfed by Mrs Humphrey. He became hugely fat and inactive. He was pampered with a lot of cream cakes, chocolates. This was the main cause of his illness. Tricki was a small dog. He was fed with excessive nutritious food. He looked like a bloated sausage. He had bloodshot and rheumy eyes. He became dull, flabby, lazy and listless. He was seriously sick. At last he was taken to a Veterinary surgeon. 

2.What kind of person do you think the narrator, a Veterinary surgeon is who treats Tricki?

 Ans: Dr James Herriot is a competent veterinary surgeon. He is really worried about Tricki. He understands that the real fault of the dog is his greed for food.               Dr Herriot instructs Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a very strict diet. Dr James Herriot is practical and pragmatic. He doesn’t give any medical treatment to the dog. He feeds the dog with only water. His method works. The grateful mistress thanks Dr Herriot and calls his feat “A triumph of Surgery!” Dr James is clever enough to enjoy the best of both the worlds. He is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest. He seems to be genuinely animal lover and doesn’t have the greed for money.

Answer the following questions in about 100 – 120 words. (5 Marks)

1. Money can’t make a man as much as education can. Elucidate the statement.                                              Ans: The statement stands true in almost all the aspects of life. Money may buy us all the luxuries and fulfil our needs but it cannot buy us knowledge, civilized thinking, skills and abilities to achieve our dreams. Education lays the platform for all to act upon our goals according to our abilities. Education enables us to keep up with the fast moving world. It opens the door to opportunities we do not know even exist.                                                                                                                                 Money, on the other hand, can assist us to a certain level. It can buy us a a big house, a big car and expensive things but can’t buy the wisdom and knowledge. Just as in the story ‘A Thief s Story’, Hari Singh gave the priority to the chance of being literate over a few hundred rupees as the money would be over in a few days but education would help him for the life time. 

2. Hari Singh did not board the train and returned to Anil. Why do you think he did so ?

Ans: Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen his employer, Anil’s money. After the theft, he realised that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance of being literate and having a bright future. His conscience pricked him to think what all he could have got had he not done this.                                                                             It was difficult for him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to go back. He realised that he could not learn how to read and write then. His inner self did not agree to bite the same hand which fed him. Hari’s return to Anil shows that despite indulging in thefts, he still had a positive attitude towards life. It was the awakening of Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s character. Anil’s generosity and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.


4. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION  (FFWF)  ( based on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation or character sketch   100-120 words                                                                5 m

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas in the text.

Marking: Content- 3 marks       Fluency-1 marks    Grammatical Accuracy- 1 marks     

i.                    Discoveries of science can be used for the welfare of mankind as well as for its destruction. How is this applicable to Griffin’s scientific discovery ? Explain giving examples from the text.

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Undoubtedly brilliant scientist / wonderful achievement  by preparing a rare concoction that rendered  human body invisible/could have helped the law /could have benefitted the nation/but became a law breaker, mischievous fellow/ committed illegal and immoral acts/break into stores. etc. corrupt minded/ misused his knowledge

(Any other relevant point )

ii.                  What impression do you form of Griffin after reading the lesson , “ Footprint without Feet” ?


Value points

(Minimum four points)

Undoubtedly brilliant scientist / wonderful achievement  by preparing a rare concoction that rendered  human body invisible/could have helped the law /could have benefitted the nation/but became a law breaker, mischievous fellow/ committed illegal and immoral acts/break into stores. etc. corrupt minded/ misused his knowledge

(Any other relevant point )




Long Answer Questions

Q.1 Briefly describe Wanda.


How was Wanda different from other girls? How did they treat her?


Trace the story of Wanda Petronski, her problems, her talent, her nature and her having the last laugh.


Narrate in brief the main events of the story ‘The Hundred Dresses”.

Wanda Petronski is a polish girl who has shifted in America from Poland with her parents. She is very poor and lives up on Boggins Heights. She is very shy and quiet. She does not talk to anyone. She has no friends and sits in the last row of the class with some naughty boys so that nobody notices her. She wears the same faded blue dress everyday which is not ironed but clean.
Everybody teases her in her class. In anger, she claims of having a hundred dresses and sixty pair of shoes at home. She- is very determined and shows her determination in the drawing competition by displaying the hundred sketches of dresses she claims to own. Each of them was so beautiful, that she wins the competition and surpasses Peggy. But she bore no ill-will against them. In her letter she gave away the green dress design to Peggy and the blue one to Maddie.

Q.2 Peggy and Maddie were inseparable friends. But Maddie never spoke against Peggy. A true friend doesn’t hesitate in stopping his/ her friend from doing anything wrong, whether he/she likes it or not. Do you think Maddie was a true friend?

Ans. Peggy and Maddie were close friends. They were inseparable. Peggywas from a rich family while Maddie was poor. Maddie never spoke against Peggy. She blindly believed that Peggy could do nothing wrong. Peggy enjoyed teasing Wanda by asking her how many dresses she had and how many hats and shoes because she knew Wanda was lying. It had become a kind of game for them. Maddie wished Peggy would not tease Wanda. But her friendship with Peggy was more important to her than making her realise that she was being cruel to the poor girl. She didn’t wish to annoy her. Though as a true friend she should had the courage to stop Peggy from teasing Wanda. Her not doing so reflects her sense of insecurity and lack of confidence in their friendship. For a friendship to be true in all sense one must be truthful to the other. A real friend is one who speaks his heart out and not mind if the other feels about it. Maddie failed in doing so.



Long Questions:

Q.1 In what ways  Maddie is different from Peggy?


Compare and contrast the characters of Maddie and Peggy.

Ans. Maddie is a very emotional and sensitive girl. Being a close friend of Peggy she remains by her side when Peggy teases Wanda but she feels bad for her. She decides to write a note to Peggy to stop teasing Wanda but tears it as she doesn’t want to be the next target of fun . In the end she decides to stand against anyone who teases others even if she has to lose her friend, which shows her emotional attribute.

As compared to Maddle, Peggy is an arrogant girl. She teases Wanda by asking her about dresses, but she is not cruel as she helps children from bullies and cries when she sees an animal being ill- treated. But she tries to make fun of Wanda every time and defends herself. So, both the girls have different personalities and attributes which can be directed by their actions.


Q.2 “ The Hundred Dresses-Il” gives out a moral message. Justify.

Ans. Wanda Petronski’s letter highlights her greatness which gives us a view of her nature as a simple, loving, caring, and friendly human being. She gifts her drawings to Peggy and Maddie though they tease her a lot. It shows how great she is as it requires a lot of courage and patience to do so. An ordinary person cannot do that and would definitely hate them but Wanda shows polite and peaceful traits of her character. In our society it is very difficult to find such character.

Here in our society, people tease others with racist remarks, which is not a sign of good culture. By answering in a polite and friendly manner Wanda displays to be a humble person. We all should try to have or acquire such traits in our characters so that everyone could praise us and we can live peacefully.


4.  LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION  (FF)  ( Passage based question taken from a situation/plot)   

                                                                                  100-120 words   5 m

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas in the text.

Marking: Content- 3 marks       Fluency-1 marks    Grammatical Accuracy- 1 marks     

i  Which qualities of animals has the poet lost and now wants to regain ? Answer with reference to the poem, ‘Animals’. 5m

Value points

(Minimum four points)

He may have dropped the tokens of goodness i.e. the token of love,peace,self-contenment  and happiness etc.

Both humans and  animals were initially similar in their innate goodness. Man lost it but animals have remained the same.

Humans became selfish, jealous, restless, unhappy, cribbing and grumbling creatures. On the contrary ,animas are peaceful, self-contained ,thankful and happy creatures.

They have kept for us the tokens of love, respect, care, happiness, acceptance ,satisfaction and beliefs.

iii.                Why does the poet want to ‘turn and live’ with animals ? Explain with  reference to the poem ‘Animals’.5m

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Whenever thinks about animals feels of being one with them / lost humans qualities – being respectable, happy, contented, and peace loving still found reflected n animals/animals don’t whine or cry

for their sins/don’t make others sick by discussing their duties to God/animals not dissatisfied nor have craze to own things/they bring tokens of  human qualities which they exhibit plainly/these tokens have been negligently dropped by humans long ago/ thought of overwhelming negativity of human beings strengthens his desire to love animals more and ‘turn to live’ with them.


4. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION    ( based on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation or character sketch   100-120 words                                                                   5 m

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas in the text.

Marking: Content- 3 marks       Fluency-1 marks    Grammatical Accuracy- 1 marks     


i.What are the values required to become a successful scientist like Richard Ebright ? Elaborate.

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Possessed a first rate mind/endowed with a gift of observing  things minutely and annalistically/had inherent curiosity to learn things /believed in strengthening his thinking by doing various experiments/ his patience earned name in the fields of butterflies/at the age of twenty two –propounded theory on how cells work/


ii.Describe the role of Ebright’s mother in making his a scientist.

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Important role/motivated to learn ne things/took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, camaras, mounting  material and other equipments

Every evening mother and son worked together at the dining table /if Ebright had nothing to do she would find  him work  -learning work.

Keen learner and got  ‘A’ grade /she brought him a book ‘The Travels of Monarch X’ / Helped to sustain his interest in the scientific field


LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION    ( based on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation or character sketch   100-120 words   5 m

Objective: To test local and global comprehension, themes and ideas in the text.

Marking: Content- 3 marks       Fluency-1 marks    Grammatical Accuracy- 1 marks     


i.Write the character sketch of the hack driver.

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Bill the hack driver ,takes the lawyer who had come to serve summons,for a ride/Lutkins presents himself as Bill ,the delivery man/looks dirty but his friendly manner makes the lawyer like him/glow with the warmth of affection/He presents Lutkins as good at deceiving people/one who never paid back his debts

Bill willingly offers to drive lawyer all around the village in search of Lutkins/Lawyer is pleased/taken to Frits’s shop, Gustaff’sbarbar shop, Gray’s shop and many other places enquiring about Lutkins/Never gave lawyer an iota of hint that he was making a fool of him/exhibits his country wisdom describing New Mullion and its people/lawyer flattered by Bills’ description start loving the village/

Exhibits smartness by taking lawyer to his own mother and tells it is Lutkin’s mother/It is unexpected twist for the lawyer as well as the readers that Bill is himself Lutkins!

(Any other relevant point )

ii. Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken for a ride?

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Lawyer was gullible and naïve as he got befooled and tricked by Lutkins so easily/ put too much faith in Bill and believed every word of his/trusted blindly and showed least care and caution in getting hold of Lutkins

Lawyer knew, Lutkins was needed as a witness in a law case/on all previous occasions he had ignored the letters /lawyer should have been more vigilant and alert/should have enquired directly from the villagers about the whereabouts of Lutkins/ should have been updated and well informed about Lutkins behaviour and appearance by collecting relevant details prior to his journey/had he displayed smartness he would not have been taken for the ride and deceived like this .

(Any other relevant point )

LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTION  (FFWF)  ( based on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation or character sketch   100-120 words   5 m

i. Education provides the required stimulus to overcome one’s personal barriers. Explain the role of education in shaping the life of a child with respect to the lesson ‘Bholi’ .

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Bholi – youngest of Ramlal’s children/ All children except Bholi were healthy and strong/neither good looks nor intelligent/fallen from bed and damaged some part of brain/remained a backward child /called Bholi –the simpleton/attack of small pox left her entire body permanently disfigured by deep black pock marks/started speaking late /used to stammer/maintained low self esteem

Sent to school/sat in a corner/couldn’t respond to teacher/other girls laughed at her/teacher was kind /patted affectionately/gave motivation /encouraged to read and write/ Bholi got interested in study/ well educated

Bholi’s father arranged her marriage with an old lame man/Bholi did not oppose /Bishambar noticed her pock marks. asked for five thousand rupees /Bholi’s father pleaded/cried /but was compelled to give five thousand rupees/Bholi grabbed and flung the garland from Bishambar’s hand/refused to marry a greedy man/convinced her dumbfound parents not to worry about her future/she would be support in their old age/Education gave her that confidence

(Any other relevant point )

ii. Bholi’s teacher was instrumental in changing her life. What qualities would you posses to help others?

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Bholi – youngest of Ramlal’s children/ All children except Bholi were healthy and strong/neither good looks nor intelligent/fallen from bed and damaged some part of brain/remained a backward child /called Bholi –the simpleton/attack of small pox left her entire body permanently disfigured by deep black pock marks/started speaking late /used to stammer/maintained low self esteem

Sent to school/sat in a corner/couldn’t respond to teacher/other girls laughed at her/teacher was kind /patted affectionately/gave motivation /encouraged to read and write educated

Teacher worked on her as an artist/motivated and encouraged /instilled in her traits of self-confidence ,self-respect and courage/Education and the teacher’s efforts produced wonderful results/stopped stammering/hoped to be respected after completing her education

Teacher was caring, affectionate, kind lady who brought change in her life/Only because of her teacher’s instincts she could have the courage to refuse to marry a mean, greedy lame old man and dream for a better future


(Any other relevant point)






















                         SAMPLE PAPER- 1-Fully solved 

  Time—3hrs            CLASS--X             MM—80



1.This question paper is divided into two parts-

PART—A 40 marks              PART—B 40 marks

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. Do not exceed word limit.


                     PART-A (40 marks)


                                                                                                                                                               1.        Read the following passage carefully:

1. Corruption, terrorism, communalism, greed for power and wealth and the list of ailments that affect modem society continue. More than half the population of India is below the age group of 25 and the future of the country will only be bright if youngsters are equipped to deal with these ailments.

2. A child is a storehouse of potential and it is important to nurture and develop these attributes since a very young age. Since they spend much of the time in school, the curriculum in school should be such that it enables children to understand, care and practise ethical values like respect, justice and civic sense. Education should aim to develop a sense of rights and duties as well as moral values like honesty, responsibility and respect for others.

3. Moral education should be directed towards enhancing a child’s ability to critically analyse situations, make decisions, empathise with people and work in cooperation towards a common goal.

4. As a means of direct intimation to students, schools are very influential in the character development of a child and the methods of education affect the development of morally upright citizens who can bring about the much needed change in the country.

5. The youth of today have to face a lot of problems like drug abuse, violent behaviour and family issues. If they are not taught morals, they would fail to differentiate between good and bad values. Hence, they would be incapable in dealing with different types of issues. A sound moral base would help a child make the right decisions, especially in an era where the youth is increasingly coming under the negative influence of the  media.

6. Schools in India have introduced moral education as part of their curriculum because they realise that morally sound citizens are the need of the hour. Since most children look up to their teachers as role models, it is most appropriate that they be the facilitators of moral values.

7. Thus schools should focus more on the personality development of children since it is one of the most important responsibilities of a school. Schools should take the initiative to mould children into better human beings so that they can make the world a better place to live in.

1.1 Answer  any ten questions from the passage given above.

(a) Aim of a school should be to develop
(i)  character of children
(ii) personality  of children
(iii) appearance of children

 iv) I & ii


(b) What are the negativities influencing children?
(i) drug abuse
(ii) violent behaviour
(iii) family issues
(iv) All of these

(c) The school curriculum enables children to understand values like
(i) respect
(ii) justice
(iii) civic sense

iv) All of these


(d) What is the role of teachers?
(i) the facilitators of moral values
(ii) to nurture students into good human beings

 iii) I &ii

  iv) none


e) choose the TRUE one.

i) A child is a store house of potential.

Ii) A child is naughty.

iii) A child is happy.

iv) A child is foolish.


f) Ailment that affects modern society is---

i) small pox            ii) corruption            iii)  fever              iv) honesty



g) Most children look up to their-----as role models.

i)  friends           ii) neighbours           iii) teachers          iv) none


h) write synonym of  ‘disease’( para 1)

 i) value        ii) ailment      iii) wealth      iv) bright


i) synonym of ‘ capability’( para 2)

i) potential           ii) reality             iii) facility                 iv) benefit


j)  Antonym of ‘moderate’ ( para 3)


   i). lessen        ii) decrease         iii) enhance        iv) lower


k). synonym of ‘ age’ (para 5)

i)  time                 ii) era                      iii) date                 iv) year


1.     a) I & ii              b) all of these          c) all of these        d) I & ii                                e) a child is a store house of potential       f) corruption    g) teachers


h) ailment          i) potential          j) enhance         k) era


2. Read the following passage carefully:

1. Every individual wants peace of mind. But it is hard to find a person who can say that he has attained such a state of mental equilibrium as will allow him to live a life of tranquillity. Peace of mind is a distant dream for all of us. What is the reason for this? The reason is that people hanker after ideal peace, that is, pure peace–a peace that is free from all kinds of non–peace items.

2. But this kind of absolute peace is not in nature’s storehouse. Let us take the analogy of the rose. A rose is a very beautiful flower, but every stem has its thorns. Indeed, thorns are an integral part of the rose plant. A poet has rightly said that thorns serve as security guards for the flower. The translation of his Urdu lines is: “The safety of the flower would become impossible if the thorns were silk-like.’ So flowers have to be accompanied by thorns. There must be hard thorns along with soft flowers–that is, there must be non–peace items along with peaceful items. A peaceful mind is a very precious aspect of human nature and it too needs safety to maintain its sublime quality.

3 Studies in psychology show that an untroubled mind very soon becomes stagnant. It loses its creativity. For this reason, nature always leads people in challenging situations. It is a non–peace item which acts as a challenge for the mind. This guarantees that the creativity of a peaceful mind never comes to an end. A creative mind is always alive.

4 It is a common phenomenon that one who is born in affluence and has a problem–free life, very soon finds his mind becoming dull, while the one who is born into a life of problems and hardships, has an active mind. Such a person develops the creative thinking and his intellectual development continues unhindered.

5. Here, I would like to cite personal experience, concerning a politician who had two sons. He loved one of his sons very much. He got this son married to someone of his choice and presented him with a farmhouse in which to live a life of comfort, just as he pleased. I met this son and conversed with him. It seemed as if I were talking to a dull person. He did tell some jokes but could not utter a word of wisdom. I have met the other son also. He was not given a comfortable life by his father and so left town for another place. After a few years of struggle, he emerged as a successful person. When I met him, I found that his whole conversation was full of wisdom.

Attempt any ten questions on the basis of the passage you have read: 1x10

1. It is a distant dream for all of us ………………………..
(i) Peace of mind
(ii) fulfilling our ambition
(iii) meeting our targets
(iv) climbing the mountains

2. The security guards for the flowers are ………………………..
(i) gardens
(ii) other plants
(iii) thorns
(iv) roots

3.  Thorns are an integral part of a rose plant. (True/False)

4. Nature always leads people into challenging situations. (True/False)

5.  People who are born in ………………………. have a problem-free life.

i)  poverty         ii) affluence          iii) sick         iv) weak

6.  People hanker after ………………………. peace.

i)  idle                ii) ideal             iii) temporary          iv) unreal

7.  Psychology studies show that an untroubled mind soon becomes --------

i) loses creativity                                              ii) becomes  stagnant                                                                                                                                 iii) becomes a dull person                                iv)  All of these

8. An active mind results in----

i)  develops creative thinking                        ii) intellectual  development continues

iii) mind becomes peaceful                             iv) all of these

9.Find  antonym of ‘movable’ from–para 3

i) mobile                   ii) running                    iii) stagnant               iv) flexible

(10.  Find the word from the passage which means the same as “very far”. (para 1)

i) near             ii) distant            iii) here             iv) there

11. Find the synonym of ‘calmness’ from   -para 1

i)  noisy           ii) loud        iii) tranquillity         iv) craze

12.Find  antonym of ‘low’ from para  2

i) ignoble                 ii) sublime               iii) dull             iv) tiring



1.    Peace of mind         2. Thorns               3. true                   4. True       5. Affluence   6. ideal                 7.all of them                8.all of these                      9. Stagnant

10.distant          11. Tranquillity            12. Sublime


                          LITERATURE TEXT BOOKS              10 marks

    3.. Read the extract given  below and answer the questions .1x5


That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had in fact, seen his elder brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. And all the morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him for his cowardice.


f)     whom does’ he’ represent in this extract?

ii)             The seagull         ii) parrot           iii) pigeon       iv) pilot

g)    What were his parents teaching his brothers and sisters?

ii)             Diving      ii) skimming the waves    iii)  art of flying     iv) all

h)    He couldn’t fly like his brothers and sisters because

ii)             He was lazy                           ii) he was scared                                                                   iii) he was sick                       iv) he was not interested

i)      What had his elder brother done?

ii)             Taunting       ii) eating his fish     iii) flying      iv) had caught his first herring

j)       Find out the antonym of “bravery”.

ii)             Courage           ii) fear          iii) cowardice       iv) strength



Answers.    4. a)  the sea gull                 b) all             c) he was scared

       d)   had caught first herring            e)  cowardice




3..  Read the extract and answer the questions.


Anil was watching a wrestling match when I approached him. He was about

25-- a tall, lean fellow – and he looked easy-going, kind and simple enough

for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck of late and thought I might be able

to get into the young man’s confidence.

‘You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A little flattery helps in making


I    According to the extract, the young boy was watching the wrestling match  because he


a) had been invited there by the wrestlers.

b) was supposed to meet someone there.

c) was looking for simple people to dupe.

d) loved wrestling and followed it very closely.


ANS---C)  was looking for simple people to dupe


II)   ‘I hadn’t had much luck of late’ means that the boy hadn’t


a) ever conned people successfully.

b) been successful in duping people lately.

c) understood the consequences of thievery till date.

d) considered the role of fate in deceiving others.


ANS—b) been successful in duping people lately.


III)      ‘I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence.’

Choose the option that DOES NOT display what the statement means.


a) He wanted to win his trust.

b) He wanted him to share his thoughts without caution.

c) He wanted him to feel comfortable revealing more details about himself.

d) He wanted to be able to spend quality time with him.


ANS—d) He wanted to be able to spend quality time with him


IV)    Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple to the narrator.

      Which of the given characteristics would NOT fit in with this description?


a) compassionate

b) sophisticated

c) uncomplicated

d) carefree


ANS---b) sophisticated


V)     Based on the line, “A little flattery helps in making friends.”, choose the

option that displays the quote closest in meaning.


a) Imitation is the best form of flattery; people generally understand that

my comedy is not intended to hurt anybody

b) I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one's identity

is totally different.

c) Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter

all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you

offend the rest.

d) One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most

advantageous to the flatterer


ANS---d) one may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer


4.     Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.                                                                          

The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree


  1. Where was the crow sitting?

e.       On a banyan tree

f.       On a hemlock tree

g.       On a pine tree

h.      On a gulmohar tree


       ANSWER –(b) On a hemlock tree


vi.                What did it shake on the poet?

e.       Rubber ball

f.       Fruit of a tree

g.       A small pebble

h.      Dust of snow


ANSWER -Dust of snow


vii.              Give a rhyming word of ‘crow’ from a passage.

e.       Heart

f.       Mood

g.       Snow

h.      Rued


   ANSWER -Snow


viii.            What was the poet’s state of mind at that time?

e.       Good mood

f.       Best mood

g.       Not very good mood

h.      Depressive mood


   ANSWER-Depressive mood


ix.                Who is the poet of the given poem “Dust of Snow”

e.       Walt Whitman

f.       John Berryman

g.       John Keats

h.      Robert Frost

     ANSWER – (d) Robert Frost






4.. . Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 

He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage

On pads of velvet quite,

In his quiet rage.


i)The fact that he is stalking the few steps means:


e.       He is free

f.       He is caged

g.       He is roaming in the forest

h.      He is wandering in the long grass


    Answer (b) He is caged


ii) Why does he move only a few steps, it is because of:

e.       Zoo

f.       Room

g.       Jungle

h.      Cage

      Answer -(d) Cage


iii) Pick out the word from the stanza that means the same as ‘bright’.

e.        Stripes

f.       Velvet

g.       Vivid

h.      Rage

        Answer- (c) Vivid


iv)Who has written the above lines?

e.       Leslie Norris

f.       Robert Frost

g.       Robin Klein

h.      Carolyn Wells

        Answer – (a)        Leslie Norris


v)Name the poetic device used in line 1.

e.       Metaphor

f.       Simile

g.       Personification

h.      Repetition

     Answer – (c)           Personification




5.    fill in the blanks given below---any three  1x3 

6.       The Climate of the city ……………… mild and pleasant most of the time.

(b)  Is remaining              (b) remains       (c) was remaining (d) is remained

7.       You will……….…… rewards for what you are doing.

(b)  Getting  (b) had got  (c) was getting  (d) be getting

8.       Do you ………………. The day we moved the piano upstairs?

(b)  Remember  (b) remembered  (c) are remembering  (d) had remembered

9.       Akbar………. The king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.

(b)  Was becoming   (b) became    ( c)become  (d) had become



       1.Remains            2. Be getting           3.remember               4. became




6..  Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the narration.                                                                        1x3


When Sameera came back from the hair salon, her brother i)------

For her. He was shocked to see his sister. She told him that she decided to try something new with her hair. He was speechless. He could only tell her that her mission was accomplished. And a second later he ii)----- it was not good. Sameera turned and told him that she iii)----- back to the salon tomorrow.


     i). a) has been waiting                                 b) was waiting                                                               c) has waited                                              d) had  waited


ii).   a) exclaimed that                                b) replied that

    c) told that                                             d) added that


iii).  a)will go                                                 b) can go

       c) shall go                                                d) would go


ANS—I) b) was waiting      ii) a) exclaimed that    iii) would go


7.. Fill in the blanks----any four                              1x4



6.        I ____________ written a letter.

(b)  Is                    (b) are                                  (c) has                  (d) have

7.       Rations _______________ out of stock.

(b)  Is                    (b) are                                  (c) has                  (d) have

8.       No news ____________ good  news for me.

(b)  Is                    (b) are                                  (c) has                  (d) have

9.       The quality of apples_______________ not good.

(b)  Is                    (b) are                                  (c) has                  (d) have

10.   The Arabian Tales____________ an interesting story book.

(b)  Is                    (b) are                                  (c) has                  (d) have


3.        Have     2. is           3.  is   4. Is       5. Is

                                          PART ---B( 40 marks)



8..  You are Sakshi/Saksham, Hostel Warden, Radha  Krishna Public School, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Ltd., New Delhi, placing an order for fans microwaves, ovens and geysers that you wish to purchase for the hostel. Also ask for discount permissible on the purchase.    100—120 words                      5


You are Anshul/Anshika, a student of class X and resident of 56 D, Ring Road, ITO, New Delhi, and wants to be a choreographer. Write a letter to the director, National Institute of Choreography, Noida, seeking information about their course, admission procedure, eligibility criteria and other necessary details.                100—120 words                                       5





    8..  Answer:
       Radha Krishna Public School
       Uttar Pradesh XXXXX

4 JAN 2021

The Sales Manager
Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Ltd.
New Delhi

Dear Sir

Subject: Placement of order for electronics gadgets

        We are happy to place the order for the following items. Kindly send the items at the above address through transport carefully.

Name of the Items

No. of Items














All the items should be in good condition, well bound and packed properly. The items must be delivered by the end of the month of the issue of this letter. Any damage during transportation would be your responsibility. Payment will be done after the delivery of items. Kindly offer us a suitable discount .

Yours faithfully
Hostel Warden





56 D, Ring Road, ITO
New Delhi 1100XX
1 July 20XX
The Director
National Institute of Choreography
Sector 16, Noida 102XXX

Dear Sir
Subject: Inquiry regarding course in choreography

Refer to your advertisement dated--regarding the courses in choreography offered by your reputable institute,  I am very much anxious to join the above course.

      I want to state that I am currently in X class and preparing for my final exam. I am very much interested in dancing and want to take it as a career. I am also given to understand that this institute is by far the best so far as choreography is concerned and I would very much like to be part of it.  I would be highly grateful if you could provide me with the following information:

·         The department and programme faculty

·         Fee structure and mode of payment

·         Scholarships available

·         Admission procedure

  • Eligibility criteria
  • Hostel facilities

Kindly send me the brochure along with the enrolment form at the earliest so that I could register myself for the course.

                                Thanking you.

Yours faithfully


9. Answer 1: The graph shows birth and death rates starting from 1901 till 2101. Since 1901, the birth rate has remained more than the death rate until 2041. Birth rate was 20000 in 1901 and started increasing gradually. It peaked in 1961 to around 65000. From 1961, birth rate has fluctuated multiple times between 50000 and 60000. It is expected to decline for the coming years reaching approximately 42000 by 2101.

On the other hand, the death rate stood at around 10000 in 1901 and then has increased steadily. It is expected to rise strikingly from 2021 before levelling off to approximately 60000 between 2061 and 2081. The graph indicates a slight decline in deaths in the year 2101.

The graph shows the huge gap between birth rate and death during 1961 to 2001. However, this gap is expected to reduce in the later years. Overall, as opposed to the prevailing trends, the death rate will be more than the birth rate in the later half of the 21st century.

9..                                             Or                    5 marks                      Given below is a pie-Chart, which shows different types of electric gadgets, used by middle-class people in their houses on an average in Ahmedabad. On the basis and the unit ‘Science’ of your Main course Book; write in about 100 to 80 words the reason of selecting the electric gadgets for their houses.




                       LITERATURE  TEXT BOOKS


10. a) Answer any two of the following questions in 20—30 words each.                                                                                 2x2

i) Describe your views about Mr Keesing as a teacher.


                                                                                                                                      -.i).   Mr Keesing seems to be a strict teacher but he actually believes taking actions with good intention and for the development of children. He tries to control her bad habit of talking too much but as soon as he is convinced that her habit does not affect her studies, he overlooks her shortcoming.


                                                                                                                                                ii) What was Valli’s favourite pastime?


                                                                                                                                            ii)      Valli was a Tamil girl. She had no playmates. It was her favourite pastime to stand in the doorway of her house. Thus she was able to watch all that was going on there. In a way she had attained too many unusual experiences.


iii).   How is the wildlife of coorg?   


   iii).       Coorg has a bountiful wildlife. It has fish like Mahseer, Birds like kingfisher and animals like Malabar squirrel, macaque, slender loris and elephant. There are   birds, bees and butterflies in Coorg. Elephants can be seen bathing in the river


b) i)  What was Dr Herriot’s ‘cure’ for Tricki?    Any two                        2x2

ANS--Seeing the miserable condition of Tricki Dr Herriot at once decides to keep him away from his mistress Mrs Pumphrey for a while. So, he suggested that Tricki should be hospitalized for about a fortnight. as he had to be kept under observation.

ii)..  Why was it difficult for Hari to rob Anil?

ANS----It was difficult for Hari to rob Anil because Anil was the most trusting person Hari had ever met. He was really simple and kind. Hari knew that loss of money will not affect Anil but the loss of trust will make him sad.

Iii )  Why had Mme Loisel’s sacrifices all been in vain?

ANS----Mr. Forestier ,when met after ten years, told her that the necklace was of fake diamonds worth only 500 francs. Poor Loisel had wasted10y ears to repay the loss of a fake necklace.


11.a))Answer any two questions in 40/50 words each.    2x3

i)  What did Miss Mason receive from the principal’s office? Why did she read it several times thoughtfully?

Ans. Miss Mason received a letter from the Principal’s office. It was a letter from Wanda Petronski’s father. The content of the matter was such that it affected Miss Mason deeply. She read it several times. She thought it deeply before disclosing it to the class.


iii)               Why did Custard cry for a nice, safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?

ANS--Custard cried for a nice, safe cage and thus was thought to be a coward. He is called a ‘cowardly dragon’ because everybody else in the house did not cried as often as he did. Belinda was as brave as a barrel of bears. Ink and blink are described as so brave they chased lions down the stairs and Mustard was as brave as a tiger in rage. Compared to them, Custard cried asking for a nice and safe cage, which is why it is called a coward.


III)    What do you learn about Natalya from the play, ‘The Proposal’ ? 

ANS---   Natalya is the only daughter of the landowner Chubukov. She was very possessive about her land and was very determined not to part with it. She was a short tempered lady who used to quarrel with anyone very often. She always pinpointed the amount of help she had offered to her neighbours. Though well educated, she did not use her education wisely and thoughtfully.


b) i) Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “A Triumph Of Surgery”?    any two                                                                               2x3

ANS----Mrs Pumphrey thinks that the dog’s recovery is “A Triumph Of Surgery” because in two weeks, Tricki had recovered completely and had been transformed into a hard-muscled animal. When Tricki saw her, he leaped into her lap and licked her face. She was so excited that tears started rolling out of her eyes. She declared Tricki’s recovery as a triumph of surgery to express her happiness and gratitude towards the doctor. 

ii). Why was bholi sent to school? Give unusual reason.                                                                                                                   

Ans : Tehsildar asked Ramlal to sent his daughters to the new school/Ramlal’s wife did not want so/ she thought education would be hindrance in their marriage/Bholi with pock-marks and dull brain would not be married /so she was sent to school to satisfy the Tehsildar


ii).  Write the character sketch of the hack driver.

ANS---Bill the hack driver ,takes the lawyer who had come to serve summons, for a ride/Lutkins presents himself as Bill ,the delivery man/looks dirty but his friendly manner makes the lawyer like him/glow with the warmth of affection/He presents Lutkins as good at deceiving people/one who never paid back his debts


12. Answer in 100/120 words.

a)  “ The Hundred Dresses-Il” gives out a moral message. Justify.   5


Ans. Wanda Petronski’s letter highlights her greatness which gives us a view of her nature as a simple, loving, caring, and friendly human being. She gifts her drawings to Peggy and Maddie though they tease her a lot. It shows how great she is as it requires a lot of courage and patience to do so. An ordinary person cannot do that and would definitely hate them but Wanda shows polite and peaceful traits of her character. In our society it is very difficult to find such character.

Here in our society, people tease others with racist remarks, which is not a sign of good culture. By answering in a polite and friendly manner Wanda displays to be a humble person. We all should try to have or acquire such traits in our characters so that everyone could praise us and we can live peacefully.



. Appearances can be deceptive. How would you apply this saying on Custard the dragon ?                                                                        5

Ans: The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is a ballad. It tells the tale of the heroism of the dragon.The dragon named as custard was called a coward as he always looked for a safe corner. He never boasted like Belinda and her other pets. But when tough times came, the humble dragon proved his bravery in adversity. It tells us that certain qualities like bravery and courage are situational and spontaneous.                                                                                                                           When faced real danger, it was only Custard, who had the courage to face it. And he proved his bravery by not running away and facing the pirate headon and killing him. Qualities like bravery and courage can only be tested when someone is actually put in a dangerous situation. So, appearances can be deceptive. 



13. a)

. Bholi’s teacher was instrumental in changing her life. What qualities would you posses to help others?                                           5



Bholi – youngest of Ramlal’s children/ All children except Bholi were healthy and strong/neither good looks nor intelligent/fallen from bed and damaged some part of brain/remained a backward child /called Bholi –the simpleton/attack of small pox left her entire body permanently disfigured by deep black pock marks/started speaking late /used to stammer/maintained low self esteem

Sent to school/sat in a corner/couldn’t respond to teacher/other girls laughed at her/teacher was kind /patted affectionately/gave motivation /encouraged to read and write educated

Teacher worked on her as an artist/motivated and encouraged /instilled in her traits of self-confidence ,self-respect and courage/Education and the teacher’s efforts produced wonderful results/stopped stammering/hoped to be respected after completing her education

Teacher was caring, affectionate, kind lady who brought change in her life/Only because of her teacher’s instincts she could have the courage to refuse to marry a mean, greedy lame old man and dream for a better future

                                                           or                                                                                          b)     “ Hard work, Dedication and willing to learn are key to success”----justify it. ( Making of scientist)                                                    5

value points—Life and achievement, contribution and success of the scientist.

(Any other relevant point )































SAMPLE PAPER -2- 2020-21 (With Marking Scheme)



Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.    Maximum Marks: 80


Part A (40 Marks)


Reading ( 20 Marks)


1.Read the passage given below.

Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place. Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods. 

These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.

The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.

It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by car engines and modem industrial processes, for example. Such gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet. The scientific facts show that the liberation of fossils fuels from their geological reservoirs and mankind’s use of them provide – many economic, health and environmental benefits whereas the environmental catastrophes forecast from their use by the critics have yet to be demonstrated. It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create so called sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by drastic deforestation.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the ten that follow. (1x10=10)

1.  The chief worry regarding changes in climate is…………………… 

a.       that they are gradual and natural

b.      that they are rapid and brought about by man

c.       that they have never occurred before

d.      that they are not perceptible

2.  ‘Global warming’ means……………………….

a.       decreasing temperature

b.      melting of ice bergs

c.       rise in temperature

d.      longer summers

3.  Rising temperature leads to………………………..

a.       pollution

b.      natural disasters

c.       illness

d.      greenhouse gasses

4.  Greenhouse effect is……………………………

a.       trapping of solar heat

b.      reduction of sunlight

c.       pollution on earth

d.      flooding on earth

5.  Climatology means……………………………

a.       study of climate

b.      study of changes in weather

c.       study of global warming

d.      study of natural disasters


6.  At present the global warming is occurring –

a.       Very slowly

b.      at an alarming rate

c.       consistently

d.      cannot say


7.  Carbon dioxide causes- 

a.       Pollution

b.      Greenhouse effect

c.       Both a & b

d.      Deforestation


8.  Fossil Fuels provide benefits-

a.       Economic

b.      Health

c.       Environmental

d.      all of the above 


9.  The cause of rapid ‘climate change’ is-

a.       Greenhouse effect

b.      Carbon dioxide

c.       Carbon Monoxide

d.      Drastic deforestation


10.                  Find out the synonym of ‘disaster’ from the last paragraph of the passage-     

 a.   Reservoirs

b.      Liberation

c.       Catastrophes 

d.    Forecast   

2.Read the passage given below.

1.  Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted todo?


2.  If your answer is yes, then you are "not a robot." Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going our way. But what happens when it's not? What happens when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to persevere and keep going then you have what experts call, grit.


3.  Falling down or failing is one of the most agonizing, embarrassing, and scariest human experiences. But it is also one of the most educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what he had been not failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side.


4.  Grit can be learned to help you become more successful. One of the techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice has been used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts. Through this simple practice of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair, and frustration.


5.  What did you do to overcome the negative and self-sabotaging feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did, and try to use those same powerful resources to help youtoday.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the ten that follow. (1x10=10)

i.   According to the passage, what are the attributes of a human?


a)                 feelings, emotions, and dreams; meant to grow; flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going our way.

b)                Heart, lungs, body parts and mind.

c)                 Dreams.

d)                Feelings.

ii.    What is perceived as grit?

a)                 a tendency to persevere and keep going

b)                a tendency to dream

c)                 a tendency to try

d)                none of the above

iii.     How is 'failing' an educational and empowering part of human life?

a)             Failing teaches how to be extraordinary.

b)            Failing teaches how to be perseverant and keep going for ones goals. Each failure makes one understand what to do and what not to do.

c)             Failing teaches how to be successful.

d)            Failing teaches how to be more powerful.

iv.    How does mindfulness help?

a)                 Mindfulness is a study that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts.

b)                Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts.

c)                 Mindfulness is a theory that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts.

d)                Mindfulness is a state that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts.

v.    While inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison had failed

a.       1000 times

b.      10000 plus times

c.       1000 plus times

d.      10000 times

vi.    Failure is a partof              life.

a.       normal

b.      common

c.       human

d.      ordinary

vii.     In paragraph 2,                   means continue.

a.       robots

b.      satisfied

c.       persevere

d.      flourishing

viii.                        helps in preventing individuals from going down the lines of despair.

a.        success

b.        fear

c.        doubt

d.        mindfulness


ix.     Through this simple practice of………….., individuals have the ability to stop the self- sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair, and frustration.

a)             Mindfulness

b)            Hopelessness

c)             Frustration

d)            Self-sabotaging

x.     How many qualities been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society?

a)                 7

b)                6

c)                 8

d)                9


xi.  With the help of practice of mindfulness individuals can stop the feeling of being depressed. The given statement is-

a)     True

b)    False

c)     Neither true nor false

d)    Cannot say


xii.   Find out the word from the passage(para 2)which means same as ‘to beprosper’







LITERATURE                                                                                                                                        (10 marks)


3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A] But on Wednesday, Peggy and Maddie, Who sat down in front with other children who got good marks and who didn’t track in a whole lot mud, did notice that Wanda wasn’t there. Peggy was the most popular girl in school. She was pretty, she had many pretty clothes and her hair was curly. Maddie was her closest friend. The reason Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda’s absence was because Wanda had made them late to school.


i)                   What kind of girl was Peggy?

a)     Shrewd and smart

b)     Pretty, popular and helpful.

c)      Industrious and successful

d)     Dishonest and cruel.

ii. What made Peggy and Maddie late for the school?

a)     Traffic on the way

b)     Delay in their breakfast

c)      Completing their homework

d)     Long wait for Wanda to arrive

iii. Find a word from the passage opposite to ‘absence’.

a)     Time

b)     Lack

c)      presence

d)     Availability

iv. Who noticed Wanda’s absence in the class finally on Wednesday?

a)     Peggy and Maddie

b)     Miss Mason

c)      Back seat students

d)     The principal

v. Why would Wanda be absent on Wednesday?

a) she was sick.

b) She was late for the school.

c) Peggy and Maddie used to tease her.

d) Her father asked her.



OR     B]

"I brought you back another exactly like it. And it has taken us ten years to pay for it. It wasn't easy for us, we had very little. But at last it is over, and I am very glad."

     Madame Forestier was stunned.

     "You say that you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?"

     "Yes; you didn't notice then? They were very similar."

     And she smiled with proud and innocent pleasure.

     Madame Forestier, deeply moved, took both her hands.

"Oh, my poor Mathilde! Mine was an imitation! It was worth five hundred francs at most! ..."

i.             Why was Mme Forestier touched?

a)   She was touched by Matilda’s plight which could have been avoided if only Mathilda had told a lie.

b)   She was touched by Matilda’s plight which could have been avoided if only Mathilda had told a truth.

c)   She was touched by Matilda’s gesture of helping her.

d)   She was touched by Matilda’s way of treating her.


ii.            “ Mine were false.” What does ‘mine’ refer to in these words.

a)   The diamond necklace Mme Forestier had lent to Matilda’s husband.

b)   The diamond necklace Mme Forestier had lent to Matilda.

c)   The diamond pendant Mme Forestier had lent to Matilda.

d)   The pearl necklace Mme Forestier had lent to Matilda.

iii.          Find the word from the extract that means same as ‘agitated’.

a)   Touched

b)   Worth

c)   Broached

d)   Perturbed

iv.          What is the opposite of ‘false’.

a)   Real

b)   Time

c)   Fake

d)   Genuinely

v.                   Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the condition of Matilda





                              A                                  B                                  C                                  D


a)     Option A

b)     Option B

c)      Option C

d)     Option D


4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A)                                         Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,

And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,

His beard was black, one leg was wood,

It was clear that the pirate meant no good.


(i) Who has entered Belinda’s house?

a) a tiger                 

b) a pirate              

c) a police               

d) a dog


(ii) The pirate held the cutlass in …

a) his right hand    

b) his left hand      

c) his teeth             

d) his belt


(iii) How did the pirate look?

a) Dangerous                     

b) Ghostly              

c) Heroic                

d) Friendly


(iv) The rhyme scheme of the given lines is ………

a) abab                   

b) aabb                   

c) abca                    

d) aaab


v. The word ‘cutlass’ DOES NOT have a meaning similar to

a) spear

b) sword

c) saber

d) rapier



OR     B

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.


But if it had to perish twice,


I think I know enough of hate


To say that for destruction ice


Is also great


And would suffice.



i.    What does the poet compare fire with?

b) desire
c) hot
d) both 1 and 3

ii. What is the meaning of "perish"?

a) bloom
b) rise
c) die
d) glow

iii. What would suffice if the world were to perish twice?

a) ice
b) fire
c) hatred
d) both 1 and 2

iv. What would be a better option to end the earth?

a) fire
b) ice
c) both are equally competent
d) none

v. What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?

a) abaabcbcb
b) aababcbcb
c) aaabbcbcb
d) ababbcbcb


GRAMMAR                                                                                                                                              (10 marks)


5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about Clean Energy. (3x1)


The Ministry of Renewable Energy (MNRE) (i)………….. all the union ministries and public sector units to (ii) ……….. solar energy.  So far the ministry has received an encouraging response. India already has focused solar mission- Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission which (iii)…….. in January, 2010 and has set an ambitious target.


(i) a) has asked

b) asked

c) asking

d) asks

(ii)        a) adopting

b) to be adopted

c) adopt

d) being adopted

(iii)       a) launched

b) was launched

c) was launching

d) had launched


6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Charlie and Patty’s narration. (3x1)


While making the list of what he wanted from Santa Claus, Charlie asked Patty how Santa (i)…………… all those toys. Patty replied that it was possible, as everything those days (ii) ………….. . She ensures that he would find that Santa (iii) ………… big eastern chain.


(i) a) can afford to give

b) could afford to give

c) afforded to give

d) affording to give



(ii)             a) is promotion

b) was promotion

c) has been promotion

d) promotion

(iii)       a) has being financed

b) was being financed

c)had been finance

d) was being finance


7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below. (4x1)


(i) Kushal asked me,” ………….. you see the cricket match last night?”.

a) are       

b) will

c) did                    

d) shall


(ii) He said,” I am telling you ……… truth.

a)     a         

b) an                     

c) the                    

d) none


(iii) Once upon a time there …………. a man called Androcles.

a)     Lived  

b) was living         

c) live                   

d) was alive


(iv) He gave me a lecture in which he pointed ……….. an error in the book.

a) by         

b) with                  

c) out                    

d) in


(v) ……….. Ganga is ………… sacred river.

a) a, an    

b) the, an             

c) an, the

d) the, a


(vi) She has been living here ………….. 2005.

a) for


b) to              


c) since         


d) by


Section B


WRITING                                                                                                                                                 (2x5= 10 marks)


8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)

(A) The recent report on New Covid-19, has greatly disturbed you. Write a letter to the editor of ‘Education Daily’ newspaper expressing your views on this problem and suggesting ways to solve it. Sign yourself as Soumya/Sahil of class X of Oxford School, New Delhi.




(B) You are Laxmi/Laxman. You are the manager of Akruti Computers at Samarth Nagar, Lakhni. Write a letter to the in- charge of Skynet, Jaripatka, Nagpur, placing an order for a few laptops like HP, Dell, Lenovo and ASUS for your shop.


9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)


(A)The graph below displays data about birth and death rates in a country from 1901 to 2101. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.


(B) The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in 100-120 words.


LITERATURE                                                                                                                                          (30 marks)


10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (2x4=8)


 (A) (any two) (2x2=4)


i.                     Differentiate between humans and animals in term of desire?

ii.                   What freedom meant to Mandela in childhood?

iii.                 How did the baker make his entry?



(B) (any two) (2x2=4)


i.                         What was the cause of Mathilda’s ruin?

ii.                       What made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet?

iii.                     Bholi was fascinated by the walls of the classroom. Why?


11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (3x4=12)

(A) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. Do you think that Lencho was right to call the post office employees a bunch of crook? Why or why not?

ii. “And saved some part of a day, I had rued”. Explain.

 iii. “Money is external”. What does the poet mean by this expression?

(B) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. ‘Anil walked away. I followed casually’. Why do you think the narrator followed Anil?.

ii. Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee, if you did?

iii. How did ‘The Travels of Monarch X’ prove a turning point in Richard’s life?

12. Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) The principle ‘ forgive and forget’, helps a lot in maintaining cordial relations with neighbours. Do you think Anton Chekov conveys this message in the play ‘The Proposal’?


(B) Once we decide to achieve something, so many difficulties come in our way. With focused attention we can make that achievement. How did Valli succeed in fulfilling her desire of riding a bus?

13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) ‘ but neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything.’ Anil did not show that he knew about the theft. What kind of a person do you think Anil was? Also discuss the values you learn from his character.


 (B) Sending Bholi to school was a ‘blessing in disguise’. Do you agree? Support your answer on the basis of the text.











1. Discursive Passage

i) B. That they are rapid and brought about by man

ii) C. Rise in temperature

iii) B. Natural disasters

iv) A. Trapping of solar heat

v) A. Study of climate

vi) B. At an alarming rate

vii) C. Both a & b

viii) D.  all of the above

ix) D. Drastic deforestation

x) C. Catastrophes

xi) d) rise

xii)a) afforestation


2.Case-based            factual passage

i)feelings, emotions, and dreams; meant to grow ;flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going ourway

ii)If you have a tendency to persevere and keep going then you have what experts call grit.

iii)Failing teaches how to be perseverant and keep going for ones goals. Each failure makes one understand what to do and what not to do.

iv)Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts.

v)1000 plus









3. Literature (Prose extract)




i.    b) Pretty, popular and helpful.


ii.          d)  Long wait for Wanda to arrive


iii.                   C) Presence


iv)               a)Peggy and Maddie


v)                 c) Peggy and Maddie used to tease her.





i)                   b) She was touched by Matilda’s plight which could have been avoided if only Mathilda had told a truth.


ii)                 b) The diamond necklace Mme Forestier had lent to Matilda.


iii)               a) Touched


iv)               a) Real


v)                 c) Option C



4. Literature (Poetry extract)





i.                     b) a pirate


ii.                   c) his teeth


iii.                 a) dangerous


iv.                 b) aabb


v.                   a) spear



i.                   b) desire.


ii.            c) die.


iii.           a) Ice


iv.          c) both are equally competent.


v.            a)abaabcbcb



5. Grammar-

(i) a) has asked

(ii)    c) adopt


(iii)    b) was launched








6. Grammar


(i) b) could afford to give

(ii)    b) was promotion


(iii)    b) was being financed







6.  Grammar

(i) c) did

(ii)   c)the


(iii)   a)lived

(iv)c) out

(v) d) the, a







(vi)c) since


11.          Literature (20-30 words)


(i) Animals are very different from humans as they have no desire to own things. They are happy without an unending greed while humans become maniacs in their greed for possessing valuables.



(ii)- During childhood the meaning of freedom for Mandela was quite limited he considered it to be free to run in the fields, to swim in the clear stream, free to roast mealies and ride the board backs of slow moving bulls.


(iii) The baker used to enter with the Jingling sound of his specially made bamboo staff. His one hand supported the basket on his head and the other banged the bamboo on the ground.



(i)- Her own discontentment was the cause of her ruin. She always felt that she had been born for better things. So her desires to be rich or distinguished or of becoming known were never fulfilled which caused her to be unhappy and ruined.



(ii)- Mrs. Pumphrey had a dog named Tricky. Indirectly she was responsible for the dog’s illness. She gave him little extra between meals i.e., malt, cod-liver oil, etc. He was not given any physical exercise. So, the dog fell ill and started vomiting also. It made Mrs. Pumphrey so much worried that she had to call the veterinary surgeon, Dr. Harriot for his treatment.


(iii)- The walls of the classroom had bright and colourful pictures of a horse, a goat, a parrot and a cow. They all looked familiar to Bholi and were like the ones in the village. That is why she was fascinated to see those pictures.



12.          Literature (40-50 words)



iLencho called the post office employees a bunch of crooks as he did not get full money that he had demanded. He could not believe that God had sent him any less money so he doubted these people. But he was not right to call them a bunch of crooks.


(ii) - The poet means when he says that he has saved his some part of the day is that the little incident brings about a sudden change in the state of the his mind . His mood has changed . He thinks that it has saved the rest of his day. He gets busy with his work like crow 


(iii)- The poet makes the boy understand about his responsibility as the loss is immaterial. Money is external as it cannot buy memories, nor can it replace the things that we love, the things that really matter.




(i)                 - The narrator’s purpose of robbing Anil had not yet been served. He followed Anil to gain his trust and look for an opportunity that may help him give shape to his plans.


(ii)               –personal response.


Advantages and disadvantages of being invisible..


(iii)             - This book told him about the migration of Monarch butterflies to Central America. This book aroused his interest in Monarch butterflies and opened a new world of science to him. This proved to be a turning point in the life of young Richard Ebright.





Anton Chekov does convey the message that the principle of ‘forgive and forget’ helps a lot in maintaining cordial relationship with one’s neighbours. Initially, the neighbours in the play, Lomov, Natalya and Chubukov were fighting over petty issues. They were putting important issues behind them and wasting their time by arguing over small things. These arguments slowly developed into fights and they started hurling abuses at one another. This damaged their relationship with each other.

It was when Natalya came to know that Lomov had come to propose her she left the topic of argument (Oxen Meadows) behind. She also asked for forgiveness from Lomov and requested him to come to the point. This shows that whether they fought unnecessarily upon insignificant issues like breed of dog etc but when it was about the marriage proposal, they forgot their enmity and agreed to marry. Even Chubukov who was insulted by Lomov enjoyed the moment and agreed for their marriage. Hence, it is mandatory to ‘forgive and forget’ if one wants to have cordial relationship with others.




It is absolutely true courage and ability are essential to make one’s dreams come true. Valli showed extraordinary courage in taking a bus journey all alone. She saved each penny she got; she made the plan for the journey in her mind time and time again.  

After she had saved enough money for the journey, she ventured out. She had never gone to the town ever, yet she had the courage to get on the bus alone. She was greatly thrilled with the bus journey and enjoyed the views from the moving bus. Finally, she returned home well in time, without arousing any suspicion.  

She could fulfil her dream only because she had the courage and ability do so.  

Finally, it can be said that if one wants to achieve one's goals in life, he/she should have Valli-like zeal and passion for his/her goals.





Hari Singh, knew that his benefactor Anil knew everything but he didn't show him in order to appreciate for his honesty to come back to home and also for returning stolen money. He correctly got about Anil that he very well knew if a juvenile or an adolescent came out of jail, they become a hardened criminal which is hard to reform. Any common person in place of him would first try to punish thieves and then they hand over to police. But Anil didn't do this as he wants him to realise. This also worked, as Hari Singh’s heart was sinking when Anil gave him 50 rupees as daily employment. Hope you will find this helpful.




Bholi was a child who had undergone certain physical issues. These issues had made her distinct from normal children. When she went to school, her teacher understood her and helped her. Her teacher helped her by motivating and encouraging her to study and understand her rights. Bholi took the step of education and helped herself by getting empowered by it. She rejected the societal norms and created her own identity despite the difficulties. The whole empowerment and motivation were the result of her going to school. For Bholi's parents and herself, going to the school became a blessing in disguise.







SAMPLE PAPER -3- 2020-21(Solved)




Time Allowed: 3 Hrs                                                                                                            Maximum Marks: 80


Part A (40 Marks)


Reading ( 20 Marks)


1.Read  the passage given below.

One day Nandu rode his horse to the village fair. On his way back he met Somendra, the merchant. The merchant was a crafty man, ready to do anything to earn some money. The villagers knew this. In fact no one knew what trick he would be up to next. Now, Nandu was poor and had no one in the world to call his own except a beautiful, white horse. He loved it more than anything else in the world. The merchant had his eye on the horse for a long time and tried to think of a way to get it for himself. Seeing Nandu, the merchant thought, Nandu is a simpleton. Let me see if I can trick him out of his horse. So he said to Nandu, You live all alone. How do you manage? What does a young boy like you need with a horse? Sell it to me and I shall make you rich in return. Nandu replied, "No I don’t want to sell my horse." 

But the merchant refused to give up so easily. He offered Nandu more money. Finally, when the offer reached five hundred gold coins, Nandu paused and said. Five hundred gold coins seems like a good price. But I have a condition. If you agree to it, I shall give you my horse. "What is it?", the merchant asked impatiently. "Give me the money right now and I shall give you my horse when I have given you ten lashes." After all he would resell the horse for over a thousand gold coins in the market. He would take twenty lashes for such a gain. He agreed instantly. He ran home and got the money for Nandu and brought along his whip as well. Nandu counted the money carefully. He then took the whip and the lashes fell on the merchant’s back in quick succession. By the eighth lash the merchant was almost in tears but he told himself that there were only two lashes to go and the horse would be his. The merchant held his breath waiting for the final lashes. But Nandu had mounted his horse and was riding off. "Wait!", shouted the merchant in anger. "What about the last lashes? Where are you going with the horse? We had a deal. 

Nandu stopped and said, "I agree to give you the horse only after I had given you ten lashes. But it is upsetting my horse. I’ll give you the last lashes later. Till then goodbye!" "Come back you cheat!", the merchant shouted. But the crowd that had gathered around agreed with Nandu. A deal was a deal. Till the last lash was given, the horse could not belong to the merchant. Nandu rode away richer by five hundred gold coins and Somendra waited in vain for several days for the final lash which never came.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow.                                                                                 (1x10=10)


     i)Why did the merchant offer to buy Nandu’s horse?

e)      He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

f)       It was his way of helping Nandu who was poor.

g)      The horse would be useful for carrying goods to the market.

h)      He hated Nandu and wanted to deprive him of something he loved.


             ANSWER – (a)He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

    ii)Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?

1. Nandu was an orphan.   

2. The merchant was very persevering.       

3. The merchant was fond of Nandu's horse.


e)      None

f)       Only 1

g)      Both 1 & 2

h)      All 1, 2 and 3


             ANSWERS – (d) All 1, 2 and 3


    iii)Why did Nandu set the condition of giving the merchant ten lashes?

e)      To discourage the merchant from buying his horse.

f)       To demonstrate how painful a whipping was so that the merchant would never hit the horse.

g)      To bargain with the merchant to offer more money.


h)      To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him.


            ANSWER- (d)To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him

    iv)Why did the bystanders take Nandu’s side in the argument?

1.  They hoped that Nandu would give them a reward from the five hundred gold coins he had earned.
2.  They were sure that the merchant would ill treat the horse and wanted to prevent that from happening.
3.  They knew that the merchant was a cheat and Nandu would be miserable without his horse of whom he was very fond.


e)      Only 1

f)       Both 1 & 3

g)      Only 3

h)      None of these


ANSWER – (c) Only 3

    v)What reason did Nandu cite for not giving the merchant the final lashes?

e)      His horse was distressed by the whipping.

f)       He realised that the merchant was in great pain and took pity on him.

g)      He was following the advice of the people around.

h)      He had changed his mind about selling his horse.


            ANSWER – (a) His horse was distressed by the whipping.

      vi) Which of the following can be said about Nandu?

1. He was very cunning.                     

2. He needed money.  

3. He was cruel to people but loved animals.

e)      None of these

f)       Both 1 & 2

g)      Both 2 & 3

h)      All 1, 2 and 3


               ANSWER – (a)None of these

   vii) What made that merchant agree to Nandu’s strange condition for buying                                             the horse?

e)      He wanted to show Nandu how brave he was.

f)       The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.

g)      The fear that Nandu would raise the price of his horse otherwise.

h)      He did not think that Nandu would actually whip him.


       ANSWER – (b)The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.



     viii) Why did Nandu consider selling his horse to the merchant?

e)      The merchant’s offer was more than what the horse was worth.

f)       He had not managed to sell it at the village fair.

g)      He could no longer afford to feed his horse.

h)      None of these


 ANSWER – (d)None of these

      ix)   Choose the word that is synonym of “crafty”

e)      skilled

f)       naive

g)      cunning

h)      honest


     ANSWER – (c)cunning

      x)   Choose the word that is synonym of “PAUSED”


e)      Halted

f)       Relaxed

g)      Ended

h)      Stuck


        ANSWER – (a) Halted

      xi)    Choose the word that is antonym of “instantly”

e)      Carelessly

f)       promptly

g)      rapidly

h)      eventually


        ANSWER – (d) eventually


      xii)   Choose the word that is antonym of “GATHERED”


e)      Dissolved

f)       Collected

g)      Dispersed

h)      Melted


           ANSWER – (c) Dispersed


2. Read the passage given below.

           KERALA: THE AYURVEDA HUB      ( HOTS    



 The centuries-old tradition of Ayurveda is fast turning Kerala into a global medical tourism    destination, attracting holidayers as well as international celebrities to the State. When British super model Naomi Campbell landed in Kerala last year for an ayurvedic massage session at Leela Kovalam Beach hotel, she was only affirming the efficacy of the Indian healing system with God’s Own Country .


According to sources in Kerala Tourism department, those who visited the State in recent times included Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci, known for his global hits such as Last Tango in Paris and The Last Emperor, who came to the State for ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment. German TV and film actress Ingeborg Choener (77) has been trooping into the state for the last eight years for Ayurveda treatment. Completely cured of her painful knee problem, she told tourism officials that she had stopped allopathic treatments. “Thanks to Ayurveda, I feel fantastic. I make ghee at home and have stopped using oil to fry food. I do my yoga, drink a glass of hot water first thing in the morning and buy ayurvedic medicines for a whole year,” a spokesperson for the department quoted her as saying.


Pop star Madonna, Hollywood actress Demi Moore and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, have also used Ayurveda. Back home, former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee is an ardent believer in the healing properties of Ayurveda’s Panchakarma therapy. After his visit to Kumarakom resort, from where he famously mused on the state of the affair of the nation in 2000, Vajpayee told people around him that he felt very relaxed after Ayurveda therapy in Kerala.


The list of celebrities from the showbiz world, sports and politics, fascinated by Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one. From autism to alzheimers, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for. K.B. Bhadran, DGM, Quality Assurance Department, Santhigiri Ashram, said “We are sticking to the traditional form of Aurveda. We are not acting as a massage parlour but as a genuine healthcare provider round the year with wellness and recreation, only a part of it".


Kerala Tourism has introduced the “Green Leaf” and “Olive Leaf” grading for Ayurvedic institutions in order to ensure quality service. “Green Leaf is given to those ayurvedic centres which provide ‘five star’ facilities while Olive Leaf is for the ‘three star’ category. These classifications ensure the credibility of service providers and the quality. It will help tourists to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

  1. Which among the following affirmed the efficacy of the Indian healing system?1X10

A. Pop star Madonna used Ayurveda.

B. German TV actress Ingeborg Choener was a practitioner of Ayurveda.

C. Former Prime Minister, A.B. Vajpayee visited Kumarakom resort.         

D. Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage .            



2. Match the personalities with their correct reference.

a) A.B Vajpayee                              i) Completely cured of painful knee problem.

b) Naomi Campbell                        ii) Took ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment.

c) Ingeborg Choener                       iii) Felt relaxed after Ayurveda therapy.

d) Bernardo Bertolucci                    iv) Underwent ayurvedic massage session.

A. a-ii ,b-iii, c-iv, d-i

B. a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

C. a-I ,b -iii, c-ii, d-iv

D. a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii

3.Name a  genetic diseases for which Ayurveda is an effective cure.

b)     Typhoid   b)  Alzheimer’s       c) small pox            d) Dental problem

4. Grading of Ayurvedic institutions is beneficial. Give reasons.

        a).    It will increase the quality of service.

         b). It will ensure the credibility of the service provider.

        c). Help people to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

         d). All of these

5. Ayurveda, which dates back to 6000 BC, is not still outdated. Give reasons.

a).   the efficacy of the Indian healing system                                                                           b). Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one.

        c). From autism to Alzheimer’s, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to     slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for.

         d). All of these



     6..German actress Choener  was under Ayurvedic treatment for knee problem. Mention   the  step she did not follow.


       a) she was using oil to fry food

         b) she drank a glass of hot water in the morning

        c)  she purchased ayurvedic medicine for a  whole year

       d)   she was doing yoga

7. choose the statement which is TRUE about santhigiri ashram-----

a)  it acts as a massage parlour

b) Healthcare provider with recreation

c) it uses modern Ayurvedic treatment

d) It does not have treatment for all ailments


8.   Find out synonym of “refresh”( para 4)

a)  spoil                  b) rejuvenate                c) damage             d) ruin


9. Find out synonym of ‘ annoying’( para 2)

a) consoling            b) comforting                c) nagging         d) relaxing


10. Find out synonym of ‘ pondered’ ( para 3)

   a) disturbed           b) mused                       c) troubled             d) worried



1..(d) Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage

2.    (b) a-iii,   b-iv   ,c-i,  d-ii

3.. b)  Alzheimer’s      

4.  d). All of these

5   d). All of these

 6.. a) she was using oil to fry food

7. b) Healthcare provider with recreation

8.  b) rejuvenate                   

9. c) nagging                   

10.  Mused



LITERATURE                                                                                                                                        (10 marks)


3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A] Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard-seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, ‘Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.

i. The reason for Kisa Gotami’s inquiry “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?”

a) She was collecting death census data.

b) She wanted medicine for her husband.

c) She wanted to save her son.

d) She wanted to impress Buddha.

ii. Choose the word which corresponds to ‘pitied’.

a) Sorrow

b) Compassion

c) Condolence

d) Cruelty

iii. ‘Deepest grief’ as per the extract is:

a) Famine

b) Poverty

c) Death

d) Disease

iv. Select the option that makes the correct use of “Alas!!”, as used in the extract. a) Alas!! we have won the match.

b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

c) Alas!! what a wonderful day.

d) Alas!! we met today.

v. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the suggested cure of Kisa Gotami’s son?



                (1)                             (2)                              (3)                           (4)


a) Option (1)                                                                                                                                    b) Option (2)                                                                                                                                     c) Option (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d) Option (4)


ANSWER- . i. c) She wanted to save her son.

    ii.  b) Compassion

    iii.  c) Death

    iv. b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

    v. b) Option (2)          


OR     B]

NATALYA : Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!


LOMOV : If it wasn’t, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn’t upset, I’d talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine!

i. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the reason of dispute between Lomov and Natalya.


             (1)                                (2)                              (3)                               (4)

a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

ii. Which word does ‘Restrain’ NOT correspond to?
          a) Restrict

           b) Hinder

           c) Impede

           d) Cherish

iii. A person suffering from excruciating palpitations, will have the following symptoms :

a) Swelling of lymph nodes

b) Inflammation of muscles, joints or fibrous tissues

c) Partial blurry, distorted vision

d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

iv. The statement that is NOT TRUE according to the extract is:

a) Natalya asks Lomov not to shout as he is a mere visitor in her house.

b) Lomov is a victim of palpitation attacks.

c)  Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

d) Lomov shouts at the top of his voice.

v. Choose the option that is NOT TRUE to Natalya’s character according to the given extract.

     a) Quarrelsome

     b) Contentious

     c) Submissive

    d) Disputatious


ANSWER-.  i. b) Option (2)

     ii. d) Cherish

     iii. d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

 iv. c)  Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

       v. c) Submissive


4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A)                                                        Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!

But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,

Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,

And little mouse Blink strategically mouse holed

i. The phrase ‘Belinda paled’ denotes that -

a. Belinda’s face became white       

b. Belinda’s face turned dark

c. Belinda fainted

d. Belinda lost her charm

ii. Find the odd one out:

a. trickle       b. pickle   c. batter  d. sickle

iii. Mustard fled with a terrified yelp because -

a. he had seen a ghost                 

b. he saw a monster at the window        

c. he saw a dragon climbing the window

d. he saw a pirate climbing the window window

iv. Give the rhyming scheme of the  givenstanza.

a. aabb            b. abab           c. abba            d. aaab

v. Pick out the sentence that correspond to the use of strategically-

a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.

b. The fence is strategically put up to prevent anyone getting onto the beach

c. Her scarf was strategically placed to hide a tear in her shirt.

d. The king and the queen lived strategically ever after. 



i. a. Belinda’s face became white     

     ii. c. batter 

     iii. d. he saw a pirate climbing the window window

      iv. d) i) petrified ii) shocked

      v. a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.



OR     B

Has given my heart

            A change of mood

            And save some part

           Of a day I rued

i. Under which tree was the poet standing or sitting?

a. Hemlock

b. Bunyan

c. Pine

d. Oak

ANSWER – (a)Hemlock

ii. What changed the poet's gloomy mood?

a. Snowflakes

b. Raindrops

c. Wind

d. Sunshine

ANSWER –(a)Snowflakes

iii.  What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?

a. abcd

b. abab

c. abba

d. aabb

ANSWER- (b)abab

iv. How did the poet feel when the snowflakes fell on him?

a. Petrified

b. Dejected

c. Joyful

d. Enraged

ANSWER- (c)Joyful

v. What does the word ' rued ' mean?

a. Pride

b. Fear

c. Enthusiasm

d. Regret

ANSWER- (d) Regret


GRAMMAR                                                                                                                                              (10 marks)


5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks. (Any three)  (3x1)


1.      Don’t look directly at ____________ sun.


(a)   A                      (b) an               (c) the


2.      The dogs were given ------------ bone.


(a)   A          (b) any             (c) the


3.      She got her license without ____________ problems.


(a)   Some   (b) any             (c) every


4.      _____ book will serve your purpose.


(a)   These    (b)   those      (c) this


5.      He has____________ money.


(a)   Few      (b) the few      (c) little



1.      The 2. A           3. Any 4. This  5. Little


6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Charlie and Patty’s narration. (3x1)


While making the list of what he wanted from Santa Claus, Charlie asked Patty how Santa (i)…………… all those toys. Patty replied that it was possible, as everything those days (ii) ………….. . She ensures that he would find that Santa (iii) ………… big eastern chain.


(i) a) can afford to give

b) could afford to give

c) afforded to give

d) affording to give



(ii)             a) is promotion

b) was promotion

c) has been promotion

d) promotion

(iii)       a) has being financed

b) was being financed

c)had been finance

d) was being finance


7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the five sentences given below. (4x1)


Choose the option which suits best in place of the word written in bold.

1.He said that he is reading a book .


(a)   is coming  ( b) was reading (c) has been reading  (d) may read


2. I told him that I met Ram in Delhi.


(a)   meet  (b) had  met (c) will meet (d) won’t meet


3 .I asked him when you are coming to India.


(a)   he is  (b) he was  (c) he had been (d) you were


4. Miss Sonia asked me where did I go .


(a)   I did go (b) I had gone (c) I go  (d) I were going


5.Ram asked me what I was reading yesterday.


(a)   the next day (b) that day (c) the previous day  (d) today


Answers: 1. Was reading 2.  Had met   3. He was  4. I had gone 5. The previous day


Section B


WRITING                                                                                                                                                 (2x5= 10 marks)


8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)

(A) You are the Head Boy/Girl of SKV D- block, Rohini. The students have been complaining to you about shortage of cold drinking water outlets in the school. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting for one more water cooler in the school.

The Principal

SKV D-Block


21 March, 2020

Subject: Request for more water cooler

Sir/ Madam

I would like to bring to your notice the problems being faced by the students due to inadequate number of water coolers in the school.

Long queues of students, especially during recess can be seen in front of the only water cooler in the school. This sometimes leads to quarrels and delay in going back to classes.

You are requested to get some more coolers installed in the school premises.

Thanking you

Yours obediently



Head Boy/ Girl





(B) You are upset to see rising cases of road rage. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Editor of the Indian Express, Delhi expressing your views in about 100-120 words. You are Seema/Shivam of H-56, Civil Lines, Delhi.


 Civil Lines, Delhi

28th May 2020

The Editor

The Indian Express


Sub: Regarding cases of road rage


Kindly give me the privilege by granting a little space in the columns of your popular daily so that I may convey my concerns about the rampant cases of road rage.

Hardly any day passes when we do not hear about the shocking incidence of road rage across the country. It is very disgusting to see people  turning violent over a trivial issue like overtaking or a minor scratch in vehicles. We should be tolerant and patient with our fellow human beings. We must come out of the prison of inhumanity.

I hope my words will be appreciated and no more cases of road rage will be seen in future.

Thanking you

Yours truly



9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)


(A) Study the chart given below, which is the result of the survey conducted in the public schools and government schools of Vadodara. This depicts the types of activities the teenagers (Age 13- 19 years are involved during their leisure time). Complete the summary in about 100-80 words.

Answer-5 Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.


(B) Answer 2: The chart shows the number of minutes per day spent by British men and women in doing household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks whereas the men spend less than two and half hours.

The tasks on which women spend more time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking care of the children and laundry. In doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200 minutes which is almost three times the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand, men spend twice the time than women in doing tasks like gardening and maintenance of odd jobs in the house. Men spend the highest time, almost 50 minutes, in gardening and petcare. While the women spend only 30 minutes for these tasks.

The time spent by men in washing, ironing and sewing clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as opposed to 25 minutes spent by women. In short, women spend far more time doing household chores than men whilst men prefer to do gardening, petcare and maintaining odd jobs.


LITERATURE                                                                                                                                        (30 marks)


10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (2x4=8)


 (A) (any two) (2x2=4)


i)                    What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and Ice contribute to it?

Ans. Our desires and hatred would be enough to destroy the world. According to the poet, `fire’ represents ‘desire’ and `ice’ represents `hatred’. Desires like fire spread rapidly and engulf one’s whole life. Similarly, ‘hatred’ fills life with poison.


ii)                 “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it? 

Ans- )  A huge storm was standing between the pilot and his destination. Flying through the storm could be very risky for small planes like Dakota. He didn’t have enough fuel also. But as the pilot was going on a holiday to meet his family, he thought of taking the risk.


iii)               Why did Lomov go to the house of Chubukov ?

Ans- Lomov, a rich bachelor, went to the house of Chubukov to propose to Natalya, the daughter of Chubukov, for marriage. Though Lomov was not in love with her but he felt that she was a good housekeeper, beautiful and well educated. He also felt it was time he should settle down.



(B) (any two) (2x2=4)


iv.                 What plans had Dr Herriot already made for Tricki?

Ans- Dr Herriot had made his plan in advance. So when Mrs Pumphrey was reported of Tricki’s illness, he at once suggested him to be hospitalized for about a fortnight to be kept under observation.

v.                  Mention two things you would have done, other than what M Loisel did to help resolve the problem of the lost necklace .

Ans :I would honestly reveal the truth to my friend. A true friend would always forgive and help us... I would not have waited so  much long to see my life  ruining.

i.                    Why was Bholi considered a backward child?

Ans : a part of her brain was damaged /she remained a backward child/a slow learner /a retarded child who stammered


11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (3x4=12)

(A) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/Why not?

- No, because he had great confidence in God and never suspected that it could be someone else other than God who would send him the money.

- His faith in God was so strong that he believed that God had sent him the money.

ii. How does the poet react to the crow and the hemlock tree?


Ans- The crow and the hemlock tree are considered inauspicious in the west.

- They are generally taken as bad omen. But the poet did not take them in a negative way. They saved his day.

 -His negative outlook changed into a positive one.


iii. Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?                  

Ans- Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because the hill station is located at the

gentle sloping hills full of lush green forests. The hills on which it is located  seem to be rolling down to a beautiful and panoramic view. The Brahmagiri hills give the climber a whole view of coorg.


(B) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. ‘Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with evidence.                

Ans- Yes, Anil had forgiven Hari Singh. It is evident because Anil handed over to Hari a fifty rupee note as soon as Hari woke up. Though he knew that Hari had robbed the money at first but his subsequent actions gave him hope of change in Hari’s character.


ii. What is the relevance of ‘tokens’ in the poem ‘ Animals’? Who brings them to the poet?

Ans : they show tokens of goodness/peaceful, self contained ,happy/thankful and happy creature show innate goodness which is lacking in human beings/do not grumble or cry/ Animsls bring out tokens of man’s good nature lost long ago etc.

(Any three ) (Any other relevant point )

iii. How did Mme Loisel now know the life of necessity ?

Ans :To pay the debt of eighteen thousand francs, Loisels let go of their decent living/lived in impoverished  neighbourhood /Matilda had to cook, clean , wash, mend ,bring water and bargain with the butcher and grocer. Her husband worked hard day and night  to save every sou..

(Any other relevant point )

12. Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) What were Nelson Mandela’s views on the policy of Apartheid?

Value Points

-Nelson Mandela says that Apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in his country.

-It cast a shadow on the people of South Africa

 - deep wounds that would take many years to heal.

-The oppression and brutality that the people of the nation had been subjected to had no parallel. From this situation arouse a spirit of aggression in the minds of men and produced men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity.

-Mandela believed that the greatest wealth of South Africa are the people of the nation. The more the oppression rained on them the more the spirit to fight back was triggered in the minds of the people.

-In the end victory for the people of South Africa prevailed and they attained Independence on 10th May 1994.



(B) “Freedom is such an essential virtue that is valued not only by human beings but also by animals alive, Justify the Statement with reference to the poem ‘A tiger in the Zoo

            Value points:-

            1. Freedom is an essential virtue for everyone

            2. Animals of the wild feel free only in their Natural habitats

            3. Locking them in concrete cells will be against natural justice

            4. Terrorise the villagers living at the out skirts

            5. He can find his favorite plump deep


13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) Education provides the required stimulus to overcome one’s personal barriers. Explain the role of education in shaping  the life of a child with respect to the lesson ‘Bholi’ .

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Bholi – youngest of Ramlal’s children/ All children except Bholi were healthy and strong/neither good looks nor intelligent/fallen from bed and damaged some part of brain/remained a backward child /called Bholi –the simpleton/attack of small pox left her entire body permanently disfigured by deep black pock marks/started speaking late /used to stammer/maintained low self esteem

Sent to school/sat in a corner/couldn’t respond to teacher/other girls laughed at her/teacher was kind /patted affectionately/gave motivation /encouraged to read and write/ Bholi got interested in study/ well educated

Bholi’s father arranged her marriage with an old lame man/Bholi did not oppose /Bishambar  noticed her pock marks. asked for five thousand rupees /Bholi’s father pleaded/cried /but was compelled to give five thousand rupees/Bholi grabbed and flung the garland from Bishambar’s hand/refused to marry a greedy man/convinced her dumbfound parents not to worry about her future/she would be support in their old age/Education gave her that confidence

(Any other relevant point )



 (B) Hari Singh did not board the train and returned to Anil.Ø Why do you think he did so ?

 Ans:Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen his employer,Anil’s money. After the theft, he realised that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance of being literate and having a bright future. His conscience pricked him to think what all he could have got had he not done this.                                                                             It was difficult for him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to go back. He realised that he could not learn how to read and write then. His inner self did not agree to bite the same hand which fed him. Hari’s return to Anil shows that despite indulging in thefts, he still had a positive attitude towards life. It was the awakening of Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s character. Anil’s generosity and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.










































                                                    SAMPLE PAPER -4- (Unsolved)

                                                         CLASS :X


                                                 SESSION- 2020-21

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                                                     Max. Marks 80


General Instructions: 1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B.  All questions are compulsory.

                                   2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever   

                                           necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

                                   3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


                                                   PART A   - 40 Marks

Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:    1 X 10  ( 10 Marks )

The future level of global warming is uncertain, but a wide range of estimates have been made. Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the East coast of the US. However, many nations around the world will experience the effects of rising sea levels ,which would displace millions of people. One nation, the Malidves, is already looking for a new home , thanks to rising sea levels. The severity of storms such as hurricanes and cyclones is increasing, as research published in Nature has found.

“Scientists have come up with the firmest evidence so far that global warming will significantly increase the intensity of most of the extreme storms worldwide. The maximum wind speed of the strongest tropical cyclones have increased significantly since 1981, according to research published in Nature. And the upward trend, thought to be driven by rising ocean temperatures, is likely to stop at any time soon.”

According to a recent research, there is a 90% chance that 3 billion people worldwide will have to choose between moving their families to milder climates and go hungry due to climate change within 100 years. Climate change is expected to have the most severe impact on water supplies.

“Shortage in future are likely to threaten food production, reduce sanitation, hinder economies development and damage ecosystems. It causes more violent swings between floods and droughts.”

Global warming causes 300,000 deaths a year. According to a research published in Nature, by 2050, rising temperature could lead to the extinction of more than a million species. And because we can’t exist without a diverse population of species on Earth, this is fatal news for humans.

This mass extinction is really just a continuation of the extinction which began at the end of the last ice age and has resulted in the extinction of nearly all of the Earth’s mega fauna animals, largely as a result of human expansion.

“Climate change now represented at least as great a threat to the number of species surviving on Earth as habitual destruction and modification”, says Chris Thomas, conservation biologist at the University of Leeds. Widespread species loss and lists of endangered species just keep growing. This is a concerning matte on many fronts.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the questions that follow.                                  


 (a)  There are 300,000 deaths a year because of …………………………..

 (i) population explosion    (ii) go green campaign (iii)  global warming    (iv)   deforestation

   (b) The future level of  global warming is ………………………

  (i)  fix      (ii)  certain    (iii)  uncertain    (iv)  more or less same

  (c) Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide because of ……………………..

 (i) the melting of massive ice sheets in Antarctica  and Greenland

  (ii) in melting ice in the Arctic

(iii)  the melting ice in the Alps

 (iv) the melting ice in the Himalayas 

 (d) Millions  of people could be displaced due to…………………….

(i)  deforestation        (ii) earth quake     (iii) requirement of work    (iv)  rising sea levels

 (e) The maximum wind speeds of the strongest tropical cyclones have increased significantly  since 1981 because of ……………………………..

 (i)  global warming   (ii)  climate change   (iii) rising ocean temperature   (iv)  pollution

 (f)  The extinction which began at  the end of the last ice age has resulted in the extinction of  nearly all of the Earth’s mega fauna animals, due to……………….

 (i) animal extinction     (ii) global warming    (iii) human expansion   (iv)  food chain problem 

 (g) Climate change is expected to have the most severe impact on …………….

 (i)water supplies     (ii) humans  (iii) animals   (iv)  birds

  (h)  Rising temperatures could lead to the extinction of ……………….

(i) humans   (ii) wildlife (iii) nature   (iv)  more than a million species

  (i)   Three billion people will go hungry within 100 years due to …………….

 (i) global warming    (ii) population explosion   (iii) climate change   (iv)  natural disasters

 (j) Find a word from the passage that mean the same as  ‘ a careful preservation and protection’-

 (i)  survive      (ii)  conservation   (iii) destruction   (iv)  extinction


Q2. the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.  10X 1 = 10 Marks

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn’t grind to a halt. Why ? Because Chewang  Norphel ,a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government  came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.

Ladakh , a cold desert  at an altitude of 3000-3500 metres above sea level ,has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50mm.Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change ,rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given  the severe winter conditions ,the window for farming  is usually limited to one harvest season.

It is located between the natural glacier above and the village  below. The one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of ice above melts with increasing temperatures thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage to two crops instead of one.It costs about Rs.1,50,000 and above to create one.

Fondly called the “glacier man” ,Mr.Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around  Leh since 1987.In  recognition of his pioneering efforts, he was conferred the PadmaShri by President Pranab Mukherjee ,in 2015.

There are few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier. River or stream water at higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the winter sun is blocked by a  ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter /November ,the diverted water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water ,making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope. Ice formation continues for3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is referred to as an “artificial glacier”.

On the basis of your understanding of the abaove passage ,answer the following with the help of the given options.

(a)  Who was Chewang Norphel?

 (i)  A teacher    (ii) A doctor    (iii)  A retired engineer  (iv)  A mechanical engineer

 (b)  What kind of land form is Ladakh ?

(i) Arid    (ii) Cold desert   (iii) Warm desert   (iv)  None of these

(c) What was the idea of Cewang Norphel to solve the problem of water shortage in Leh?

(i)  rain harvesting    (ii)  artificial glaciers (iii) artificial raining  (iv)  None of these

 (d) The pattern of snowfall and rainfall has changed due to…………………….

(i) climate change    (ii) increase in irrigation (iii) construction of dams  (iv)  increase in population

 (e) Glaciers are significant for irrigation because ……………………….

(i) their water is pure   (ii) they provide water in the months of April and  May

 (iii) they provide sufficient water in the months of December and January .

 (iv)  None of these

 (f) Mr. Norphel was conferred Padmashri  in the year ……………………

(i) 2010    (ii) 2015  (iii) 2012  (iv)  2017

(g)  How many months does the ice formation continue for ?

(i)  3-4 months   (ii)  5-6 months   (iii) 8 months    (iv) 10 months 







(h) River or stream water diverted to …………………

(i)  houses of people    (ii) the fields    (iii)  a shaded area of the hill (iv)   the dams

 (i)  The making of stone embankments helps in…………………..

(i)   impeding the flow of water   (ii)  water supply to houses 

 (iii) increasing flow of water    (iv)  making big dams


 (j)  Which word in the last passage means the same as ‘ gathering ‘?

(i)  diverted     (ii) embankments   (iii) formation  (iv)  accumulation



                                               Literature  (20 Marks)

Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.          5 X 1 = 5  Marks

An hour later the car veered sharply off the main road. They crossed a cattle bridge and entered Dhekiabari Tea Estate. On both sides of the gravel- road were acre upon acre of tea bushes, all neatly pruned to the same height. Groups of tea -pluckers , with bamboo basket  on their backs ,wearing plastic aprons ,were plucking the newly sprouted leaves .

(a)  Area full of tree bushes were actually:

(i)   wheat fields       (ii)   forests    (iii) rice fields    (iv)  tea gardens

(b)  The groups  of women were :

(i)  pruning the tea bushes      

 (ii)  checking the tea bushes 

(iii) plucking the newly sprouted tea leaves and putting them into baskets on their backs.

 (iv)  plucking the newly sprouted tea leaves.

(c)  The women were  wearing :

(i)   long frocks        (ii)   long gowns     (iii) sarees   (iv)  plastic aprons

(v) Find a word from the passage that means the same as –

 ‘ trim ( a tree, shrub or bush)  by cutting away dead or overgrown  branches  or stems ’ .

(i)      veered                 (ii)   pruned                  (iii)        sprouted         (iv)   gravel






Q4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.          5 X 1 = 5  Marks

He senses first responsibility

In a world of possessions. People will take

Balls, balls will be lost always little boy.

And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.


(a)  The given extract has been taken from the poem composed by ……………………….

(i)  John Berryman   (ii) Robert Frost    (iii) Leslie Norris  (iv)  Carolyn Wells

(b) The word ‘he’ refers to ……………………….

(i) John Berryman           (ii)  the boy who lost the ball    (iii)  the father of the boy   (iv)  the poet

(c)  The poet wants him to learn …………………………

(i) buy back the lost ball                (ii)  losses and gains are part of life  

 (iii) not to lose of greed       (iv)   money can buy anything

(d) The poet here means by the phrase ‘ the world of possession’ …………………………

(i) the world of balls     (ii)  the world of belongings

  (iii) the world of greed  (iv)  the world of positions

(e)  The poet speaks of the ball as a symbol of ……………………….

(i)  suffering of  life    (ii)  our relations with neighbours 

 (iii) choices we make our life   (iv)  the world of wealth and property


Q5.  Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note given below. 3 X 1 = 3 Marks

Life is not a bed  of roses. So  (a) ……………………difficulties are always there. We needn’t have

(b) …………………….fear of them. On the other hand ,they may be stepping stones to  (c)………………….success.

(a)        (i)     a few         (ii)   a little      (iii)  little     (iv)  few

  (b)      (i)  a      (ii) any    (iii) some      (iv)  a little 

  (c)      (i)   their     (ii) our    (iii) his     (iv)   her




Q6 Read the following conversation between Mrs. Jiggs and her husband and then complete the sentences.

Mrs.Jiggs : I can’t believe it ! I have lost Ten pounds .

Her Husband: That’s great dear…Your diet must be working  !

While weighing herself Mrs. Jiggs said that she (a) ……………………….that she had lost ten pounds.

Hearing her saying so her husband exclaimed (b)  ……………………………………

He added that  ( c)   ………………………….working.


 (i)  can’t believe

 (ii) couldn’t believe

 (iii) had to believe

 (iv)  did not believe



  (i)  that that was great

  (ii) he was great

 (iii) that she was great

 (iv)  that would be great



 (i)  she would be

  (ii) his diet must be

 (iii) your diet was

 (iv)  her diet must be


Q7. Choose the most appropriate word from the options to complete the following passage.


                                                                                                                                      4 X 1 = 4 Marks

When  Gagrin (a)…………………been in space for rather an hour ,he had nearly (b)………………a journey right round the earth. It (c)…………………time to prepare for the landing. This (d)………………..perhaps the most dangerous part of the trip.



(a) (i) will   (ii) has   (iii) had  (iv) have 

 (b)  (i)  complete  (ii) completed   (iii) completing  (iv)  would complete

  (c) (i) were   (ii) was   (iii) is   (iv) had been  

  (d)  (i) was   (ii) were   (iii) had been   (iv) is  


                                                        PART  B-  40 Marks

                                                     Writing Section 10 Marks


Q 8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.            (5 marks)                                 

(A) You are Sudarshan / Sraddha  , a resident of Saket Vihar , New Delhi.. You have noticed that some residents of your colony are not following the norms of  COVID–19 pandemic and thus risking not only their lives but also the lives of other residents of the colony.   Write a letter to the SHO of the local Police Station, drawing attention towards the same. 


(B) You are Roshan /Roshani  from  Mukharji Nagar, Devtal , Patna .  Write a letter to Eklavya Publication  requesting home delivery of the books, stationery and art materials you had ordered telephonically.



Q9.  XYZ , a private bank ,is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The director of the bank talks to the people of the town about the services offered by the bank. Based on the given cue write your paragraph in about 100-120 words.  5 Marks

·         Loans given to small scale industries 60 %

·         Housing loans 7 %

·         Loans given to farmers 24%

·         Medical aid 9%


                              Literature Section  30 Marks


Q10. Answer  the following questions in about   20-30 words  ( Any four )    4 X 2 =  8 Marks

i. What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention ?

ii. Who does the Buddha call as ‘ wise men’?

iii. What was the main cause of  “Tricki’s ailment’ ?

iv. What made Amanda sulk and become moody?

v. What did the Tehsildar suggest to Ramlal ?



Q11   Answer  the following questions in about  40-50 words   ( Any four )  4 X 3= 12 Marks

i. Anne says teachers are most unpredictable .Do you think Mr. Keesing was unpredictable ?

ii.Why did Lencho not want the money to be sent through mail?

iii.Why didn’t Maddie ask Peggy to stop teasing Wanda? What was she afraid of?

iv.Why did Mme Loisel go to visit her friend ,Mme Forestier?

v.How did the book become a turning point in Richard’s life?


Q12.    Answer  any one of  the following questions in about      100-120 words   5 Marks

The sooner you win over your fear ; the better it is for your progress and success. Throw light on this with reference  to the baby seagull of the first flight.


The poem “ The Tale of Custard the Dragon”  has a thought –provoking theme driven home in a lighter sense. Write your views on this.

Q 13.Answer  any one of  the following questions in about      100-120 words  5 Marks 

“Griffin was rather a lawless person.” Comment.


Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken for a ride?











SAMPLE PAPER -3- 2020-21



Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.                                                                                                      Maximum Marks: 80


Part A (40 Marks)


Reading ( 20 Marks)


1.Read the passage given below.

One day Nandu rode his horse to the village fair. On his way back he met Somendra, the merchant. The merchant was a crafty man, ready to do anything to earn some money. The villagers knew this. In fact no one knew what trick he would be up to next. Now, Nandu was poor and had no one in the world to call his own except a beautiful, white horse. He loved it more than anything else in the world. The merchant had his eye on the horse for a long time and tried to think of a way to get it for himself. Seeing Nandu, the merchant thought, Nandu is a simpleton. Let me see if I can trick him out of his horse. So he said to Nandu, You live all alone. How do you manage? What does a young boy like you need with a horse? Sell it to me and I shall make you rich in return. Nandu replied, "No I don’t want to sell my horse." 

But the merchant refused to give up so easily. He offered Nandu more money. Finally, when the offer reached five hundred gold coins, Nandu paused and said. Five hundred gold coins seems like a good price. But I have a condition. If you agree to it, I shall give you my horse. "What is it?", the merchant asked impatiently. "Give me the money right now and I shall give you my horse when I have given you ten lashes." After all he would resell the horse for over a thousand gold coins in the market. He would take twenty lashes for such a gain. He agreed instantly. He ran home and got the money for Nandu and brought along his whip as well. Nandu counted the money carefully. He then took the whip and the lashes fell on the merchant’s back in quick succession. By the eighth lash the merchant was almost in tears but he told himself that there were only two lashes to go and the horse would be his. The merchant held his breath waiting for the final lashes. But Nandu had mounted his horse and was riding off. "Wait!", shouted the merchant in anger. "What about the last lashes? Where are you going with the horse? We had a deal. 

Nandu stopped and said, "I agree to give you the horse only after I had given you ten lashes. But it is upsetting my horse. I’ll give you the last lashes later. Till then goodbye!" "Come back you cheat!", the merchant shouted. But the crowd that had gathered around agreed with Nandu. A deal was a deal. Till the last lash was given, the horse could not belong to the merchant. Nandu rode away richer by five hundred gold coins and Somendra waited in vain for several days for the final lash which never came.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow.                                                                                 (1x10=10)


     i)Why did the merchant offer to buy Nandu’s horse?

i)        He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

j)        It was his way of helping Nandu who was poor.

k)      The horse would be useful for carrying goods to the market.

l)        He hated Nandu and wanted to deprive him of something he loved.


             ANSWER – (a)He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

    ii)Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?

1. Nandu was an orphan.   

2. The merchant was very persevering.       

3. The merchant was fond of Nandu's horse.


i)        None

j)        Only 1

k)      Both 1 & 2

l)        All 1, 2 and 3


             ANSWERS – (d) All 1, 2 and 3


    iii)Why did Nandu set the condition of giving the merchant ten lashes?

i)        To discourage the merchant from buying his horse.

j)        To demonstrate how painful a whipping was so that the merchant would never hit the horse.

k)      To bargain with the merchant to offer more money.


l)        To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him.


            ANSWER- (d)To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him

    iv)Why did the bystanders take Nandu’s side in the argument?

1.  They hoped that Nandu would give them a reward from the five hundred gold coins he had earned.
2.  They were sure that the merchant would ill treat the horse and wanted to prevent that from happening.
3.  They knew that the merchant was a cheat and Nandu would be miserable without his horse of whom he was very fond.


i)        Only 1

j)        Both 1 & 3

k)      Only 3

l)        None of these


ANSWER – (c) Only 3

    v)What reason did Nandu cite for not giving the merchant the final lashes?

i)        His horse was distressed by the whipping.

j)        He realised that the merchant was in great pain and took pity on him.

k)      He was following the advice of the people around.

l)        He had changed his mind about selling his horse.


            ANSWER – (a) His horse was distressed by the whipping.

      vi) Which of the following can be said about Nandu?

1. He was very cunning.                     

2. He needed money.  

3. He was cruel to people but loved animals.

i)        None of these

j)        Both 1 & 2

k)      Both 2 & 3

l)        All 1, 2 and 3


               ANSWER – (a)None of these

   vii) What made that merchant agree to Nandu’s strange condition for buying                                             the horse?

i)        He wanted to show Nandu how brave he was.

j)        The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.

k)      The fear that Nandu would raise the price of his horse otherwise.

l)        He did not think that Nandu would actually whip him.


       ANSWER – (b)The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.



     viii) Why did Nandu consider selling his horse to the merchant?

i)        The merchant’s offer was more than what the horse was worth.

j)        He had not managed to sell it at the village fair.

k)      He could no longer afford to feed his horse.

l)        None of these


 ANSWER – (d)None of these

      ix)   Choose the word that is synonym of “crafty”

i)        skilled

j)        naive

k)      cunning

l)        honest


     ANSWER – (c)cunning

      x)   Choose the word that is synonym of “PAUSED”


i)        Halted

j)        Relaxed

k)      Ended

l)        Stuck


        ANSWER – (a) Halted

      xi)    Choose the word that is antonym of “instantly”

i)        Carelessly

j)        promptly

k)      rapidly

l)        eventually


        ANSWER – (d) eventually


      xii)   Choose the word that is antonym of “GATHERED”


i)        Dissolved

j)        Collected

k)      Dispersed

l)        Melted


           ANSWER – (c) Dispersed


2. Read the passage given below.

           KERALA: THE AYURVEDA HUB      ( HOTS    



 The centuries-old tradition of Ayurveda is fast turning Kerala into a global medical tourism    destination, attracting holidayers as well as international celebrities to the State. When British super model Naomi Campbell landed in Kerala last year for an ayurvedic massage session at Leela Kovalam Beach hotel, she was only affirming the efficacy of the Indian healing system with God’s Own Country .


According to sources in Kerala Tourism department, those who visited the State in recent times included Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci, known for his global hits such as Last Tango in Paris and The Last Emperor, who came to the State for ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment. German TV and film actress Ingeborg Choener (77) has been trooping into the state for the last eight years for Ayurveda treatment. Completely cured of her painful knee problem, she told tourism officials that she had stopped allopathic treatments. “Thanks to Ayurveda, I feel fantastic. I make ghee at home and have stopped using oil to fry food. I do my yoga, drink a glass of hot water first thing in the morning and buy ayurvedic medicines for a whole year,” a spokesperson for the department quoted her as saying.


Pop star Madonna, Hollywood actress Demi Moore and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, have also used Ayurveda. Back home, former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee is an ardent believer in the healing properties of Ayurveda’s Panchakarma therapy. After his visit to Kumarakom resort, from where he famously mused on the state of the affair of the nation in 2000, Vajpayee told people around him that he felt very relaxed after Ayurveda therapy in Kerala.


The list of celebrities from the showbiz world, sports and politics, fascinated by Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one. From autism to alzheimers, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for. K.B. Bhadran, DGM, Quality Assurance Department, Santhigiri Ashram, said “We are sticking to the traditional form of Aurveda. We are not acting as a massage parlour but as a genuine healthcare provider round the year with wellness and recreation, only a part of it".


Kerala Tourism has introduced the “Green Leaf” and “Olive Leaf” grading for Ayurvedic institutions in order to ensure quality service. “Green Leaf is given to those ayurvedic centres which provide ‘five star’ facilities while Olive Leaf is for the ‘three star’ category. These classifications ensure the credibility of service providers and the quality. It will help tourists to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

  1. Which among the following affirmed the efficacy of the Indian healing system?1X10

A. Pop star Madonna used Ayurveda.

B. German TV actress Ingeborg Choener was a practitioner of Ayurveda.

C. Former Prime Minister, A.B. Vajpayee visited Kumarakom resort.         

D. Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage .            



2. Match the personalities with their correct reference.

a) A.B Vajpayee                              i) Completely cured of painful knee problem.

b) Naomi Campbell                        ii) Took ayurvedic treatment for a nagging ailment.

c) Ingeborg Choener                       iii) Felt relaxed after Ayurveda therapy.

d) Bernardo Bertolucci                    iv) Underwent ayurvedic massage session.

A. a-ii ,b-iii, c-iv, d-i

B. a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

C. a-I ,b -iii, c-ii, d-iv

D. a-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii

3.Name a  genetic diseases for which Ayurveda is an effective cure.

c)      Typhoid   b)  Alzheimer’s       c) small pox            d) Dental problem

4. Grading of Ayurvedic institutions is beneficial. Give reasons.

        a).    It will increase the quality of service.

         b). It will ensure the credibility of the service provider.

        c). Help people to identify appropriate centres for their requirements.

         d). All of these

5. Ayurveda, which dates back to 6000 BC, is not still outdated. Give reasons.

a).   the efficacy of the Indian healing system                                                                           b). Ayurveda’s power to rejuvenate, detoxify and cure, is a never ending one.

        c). From autism to Alzheimer’s, from migraine to diabetes, from physical disability to     slip disc, there is not a single problem that Ayurveda does not have an answer for.

         d). All of these



     6..German actress Choener  was under Ayurvedic treatment for knee problem. Mention   the  step she did not follow.


       a) she was using oil to fry food

         b) she drank a glass of hot water in the morning

        c)  she purchased ayurvedic medicine for a  whole year

       d)   she was doing yoga

7. choose the statement which is TRUE about santhigiri ashram-----

a)  it acts as a massage parlour

b) Healthcare provider with recreation

c) it uses modern Ayurvedic treatment

d) It does not have treatment for all ailments


8.   Find out synonym of “refresh”( para 4)

a)  spoil                  b) rejuvenate                c) damage             d) ruin


9. Find out synonym of ‘ annoying’( para 2)

a) consoling            b) comforting                c) nagging         d) relaxing


10. Find out synonym of ‘ pondered’ ( para 3)

   a) disturbed           b) mused                       c) troubled             d) worried



1..(d) Super model Naomi Campbell came to Kerala for ayurvedic massage

2.    (b) a-iii,   b-iv   ,c-i,  d-ii

3.. b)  Alzheimer’s      

4.  d). All of these

5   d). All of these

 6.. a) she was using oil to fry food

7. b) Healthcare provider with recreation

8.  b) rejuvenate                   

9. c) nagging                   

10.  Mused



LITERATURE                                                                                                                                        (10 marks)


3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A] Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard-seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, ‘Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.

i. The reason for Kisa Gotami’s inquiry “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?”

a) She was collecting death census data.

b) She wanted medicine for her husband.

c) She wanted to save her son.

d) She wanted to impress Buddha.

ii. Choose the word which corresponds to ‘pitied’.

a) Sorrow

b) Compassion

c) Condolence

d) Cruelty

iii. ‘Deepest grief’ as per the extract is:

a) Famine

b) Poverty

c) Death

d) Disease

iv. Select the option that makes the correct use of “Alas!!”, as used in the extract. a) Alas!! we have won the match.

b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

c) Alas!! what a wonderful day.

d) Alas!! we met today.

v. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the suggested cure of Kisa Gotami’s son?



                (1)                             (2)                              (3)                           (4)


a) Option (1)                                                                                                                                    b) Option (2)                                                                                                                                     c) Option (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d) Option (4)


ANSWER- . i. c) She wanted to save her son.

    ii.  b) Compassion

    iii.  c) Death

    iv. b) Alas!! my cat is dead.

    v. b) Option (2)          


OR     B]

NATALYA : Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!


LOMOV : If it wasn’t, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn’t upset, I’d talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine!

i. Choose the answer that lists the correct option about the reason of dispute between Lomov and Natalya.


             (1)                                (2)                              (3)                               (4)

a) Option (1)

b) Option (2)

c) Option (3)

d) Option (4)

ii. Which word does ‘Restrain’ NOT correspond to?
          a) Restrict

           b) Hinder

           c) Impede

           d) Cherish

iii. A person suffering from excruciating palpitations, will have the following symptoms :

a) Swelling of lymph nodes

b) Inflammation of muscles, joints or fibrous tissues

c) Partial blurry, distorted vision

d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

iv. The statement that is NOT TRUE according to the extract is:

a) Natalya asks Lomov not to shout as he is a mere visitor in her house.

b) Lomov is a victim of palpitation attacks.

c)  Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

d) Lomov shouts at the top of his voice.

v. Choose the option that is NOT TRUE to Natalya’s character according to the given extract.

     a) Quarrelsome

     b) Contentious

     c) Submissive

    d) Disputatious


ANSWER-.  i. b) Option (2)

     ii. d) Cherish

     iii. d) Fast beating, fluttering or pounding heart

 iv. c)  Natalya’s family owns the Oxen Meadows.

       v. c) Submissive


4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow. (5x1)

A)                                                        Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!

But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,

Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,

And little mouse Blink strategically mouse holed

i. The phrase ‘Belinda paled’ denotes that -

a. Belinda’s face became white       

b. Belinda’s face turned dark

c. Belinda fainted

d. Belinda lost her charm

ii. Find the odd one out:

a. trickle       b. pickle   c. batter  d. sickle

iii. Mustard fled with a terrified yelp because -

a. he had seen a ghost                 

b. he saw a monster at the window        

c. he saw a dragon climbing the window

d. he saw a pirate climbing the window window

iv. Give the rhyming scheme of the  givenstanza.

a. aabb            b. abab           c. abba            d. aaab

v. Pick out the sentence that correspond to the use of strategically-

a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.

b. The fence is strategically put up to prevent anyone getting onto the beach

c. Her scarf was strategically placed to hide a tear in her shirt.

d. The king and the queen lived strategically ever after. 



i. a. Belinda’s face became white     

     ii. c. batter 

     iii. d. he saw a pirate climbing the window window

      iv. d) i) petrified ii) shocked

      v. a. The drawing room has crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around.



OR     B

Has given my heart

            A change of mood

            And save some part

           Of a day I rued

i. Under which tree was the poet standing or sitting?

a. Hemlock

b. Bunyan

c. Pine

d. Oak

ANSWER – (a)Hemlock

ii. What changed the poet's gloomy mood?

a. Snowflakes

b. Raindrops

c. Wind

d. Sunshine

ANSWER –(a)Snowflakes

iii.  What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?

a. abcd

b. abab

c. abba

d. aabb

ANSWER- (b)abab

iv. How did the poet feel when the snowflakes fell on him?

a. Petrified

b. Dejected

c. Joyful

d. Enraged

ANSWER- (c)Joyful

v. What does the word ' rued ' mean?

a. Pride

b. Fear

c. Enthusiasm

d. Regret

ANSWER- (d) Regret


GRAMMAR                                                                                                                                              (10 marks)


5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks. (Any three)  (3x1)


6.      Don’t look directly at ____________ sun.


(b)   A                      (b) an               (c) the


7.      The dogs were given ------------ bone.


(b)   A          (b) any             (c) the


8.      She got her license without ____________ problems.


(b)   Some   (b) any             (c) every


9.      _____ book will serve your purpose.


(b)   These    (b)   those      (c) this


10.  He has____________ money.


(b)   Few      (b) the few      (c) little



2.      The 2. A           3. Any 4. This  5. Little


6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Charlie and Patty’s narration. (3x1)


While making the list of what he wanted from Santa Claus, Charlie asked Patty how Santa (i)…………… all those toys. Patty replied that it was possible, as everything those days (ii) ………….. . She ensures that he would find that Santa (iii) ………… big eastern chain.


(i) a) can afford to give

b) could afford to give

c) afforded to give

d) affording to give



(ii)             a) is promotion

b) was promotion

c) has been promotion

d) promotion

(iii)       a) has being financed

b) was being financed

c)had been finance

d) was being finance


7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the five sentences given below. (4x1)


Choose the option which suits best in place of the word written in bold.

1.He said that he is reading a book .


(b)   is coming  ( b) was reading (c) has been reading  (d) may read


2. I told him that I met Ram in Delhi.


(b)   meet  (b) had  met (c) will meet (d) won’t meet


3 .I asked him when you are coming to India.


(b)   he is  (b) he was  (c) he had been (d) you were


4. Miss Sonia asked me where did I go .


(b)   I did go (b) I had gone (c) I go  (d) I were going


5.Ram asked me what I was reading yesterday.


(b)   the next day (b) that day (c) the previous day  (d) today


Answers: 1. Was reading 2.  Had met   3. He was  4. I had gone 5. The previous day


Section B


WRITING                                                                                                                                                 (2x5= 10 marks)


8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)

(A) You are the Head Boy/Girl of SKV D- block, Rohini. The students have been complaining to you about shortage of cold drinking water outlets in the school. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting for one more water cooler in the school.

The Principal

SKV D-Block


21 March, 2020

Subject: Request for more water cooler

Sir/ Madam

I would like to bring to your notice the problems being faced by the students due to inadequate number of water coolers in the school.

Long queues of students, especially during recess can be seen in front of the only water cooler in the school. This sometimes leads to quarrels and delay in going back to classes.

You are requested to get some more coolers installed in the school premises.

Thanking you

Yours obediently



Head Boy/ Girl





(B) You are upset to see rising cases of road rage. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Editor of the Indian Express, Delhi expressing your views in about 100-120 words. You are Seema/Shivam of H-56, Civil Lines, Delhi.


 Civil Lines, Delhi

28th May 2020

The Editor

The Indian Express


Sub: Regarding cases of road rage


Kindly give me the privilege by granting a little space in the columns of your popular daily so that I may convey my concerns about the rampant cases of road rage.

Hardly any day passes when we do not hear about the shocking incidence of road rage across the country. It is very disgusting to see people  turning violent over a trivial issue like overtaking or a minor scratch in vehicles. We should be tolerant and patient with our fellow human beings. We must come out of the prison of inhumanity.

I hope my words will be appreciated and no more cases of road rage will be seen in future.

Thanking you

Yours truly



9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5 marks)


(A) Study the chart given below, which is the result of the survey conducted in the public schools and government schools of Vadodara. This depicts the types of activities the teenagers (Age 13- 19 years are involved during their leisure time). Complete the summary in about 100-80 words.

Answer-5 Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.


(B) Answer 2: The chart shows the number of minutes per day spent by British men and women in doing household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks whereas the men spend less than two and half hours.

The tasks on which women spend more time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking care of the children and laundry. In doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200 minutes which is almost three times the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand, men spend twice the time than women in doing tasks like gardening and maintenance of odd jobs in the house. Men spend the highest time, almost 50 minutes, in gardening and petcare. While the women spend only 30 minutes for these tasks.

The time spent by men in washing, ironing and sewing clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as opposed to 25 minutes spent by women. In short, women spend far more time doing household chores than men whilst men prefer to do gardening, petcare and maintaining odd jobs.


LITERATURE                                                                                                                                        (30 marks)


10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (2x4=8)


 (A) (any two) (2x2=4)


iv)                What do you think would be enough to destroy the world? Can Fire and Ice contribute to it?

Ans. Our desires and hatred would be enough to destroy the world. According to the poet, `fire’ represents ‘desire’ and `ice’ represents `hatred’. Desires like fire spread rapidly and engulf one’s whole life. Similarly, ‘hatred’ fills life with poison.


v)                 “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it? 

Ans- )  A huge storm was standing between the pilot and his destination. Flying through the storm could be very risky for small planes like Dakota. He didn’t have enough fuel also. But as the pilot was going on a holiday to meet his family, he thought of taking the risk.


vi)               Why did Lomov go to the house of Chubukov ?

Ans- Lomov, a rich bachelor, went to the house of Chubukov to propose to Natalya, the daughter of Chubukov, for marriage. Though Lomov was not in love with her but he felt that she was a good housekeeper, beautiful and well educated. He also felt it was time he should settle down.



(B) (any two) (2x2=4)


vi.                 What plans had Dr Herriot already made for Tricki?

Ans- Dr Herriot had made his plan in advance. So when Mrs Pumphrey was reported of Tricki’s illness, he at once suggested him to be hospitalized for about a fortnight to be kept under observation.

vii.              Mention two things you would have done, other than what M Loisel did to help resolve the problem of the lost necklace .

Ans :I would honestly reveal the truth to my friend. A true friend would always forgive and help us... I would not have waited so  much long to see my life  ruining.

ii.                  Why was Bholi considered a backward child?

Ans : a part of her brain was damaged /she remained a backward child/a slow learner /a retarded child who stammered


11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (3x4=12)

(A) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/Why not?

- No, because he had great confidence in God and never suspected that it could be someone else other than God who would send him the money.

- His faith in God was so strong that he believed that God had sent him the money.

ii. How does the poet react to the crow and the hemlock tree?


Ans- The crow and the hemlock tree are considered inauspicious in the west.

- They are generally taken as bad omen. But the poet did not take them in a negative way. They saved his day.

 -His negative outlook changed into a positive one.


iii. Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?                  

Ans- Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because the hill station is located at the

gentle sloping hills full of lush green forests. The hills on which it is located  seem to be rolling down to a beautiful and panoramic view. The Brahmagiri hills give the climber a whole view of coorg.


(B) (any two) (3x2=6)

i. ‘Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with evidence.               

Ans- Yes, Anil had forgiven Hari Singh. It is evident because Anil handed over to Hari a fifty rupee note as soon as Hari woke up. Though he knew that Hari had robbed the money at first but his subsequent actions gave him hope of change in Hari’s character.


ii. What is the relevance of ‘tokens’ in the poem ‘ Animals’? Who brings them to the poet?

Ans : they show tokens of goodness/peaceful, self contained ,happy/thankful and happy creature show innate goodness which is lacking in human beings/do not grumble or cry/ Animsls bring out tokens of man’s good nature lost long ago etc.

(Any three ) (Any other relevant point )

iii. How did Mme Loisel now know the life of necessity?

Ans :To pay the debt of eighteen thousand francs, Loisels let go of their decent living/lived in impoverished  neighbourhood /Matilda had to cook, clean , wash, mend ,bring water and bargain with the butcher and grocer. Her husband worked hard day and night to save every sou..

(Any other relevant point )

12. Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) What were Nelson Mandela’s views on the policy of Apartheid?

Value Points

-Nelson Mandela says that Apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in his country.

-It cast a shadow on the people of South Africa

 - deep wounds that would take many years to heal.

-The oppression and brutality that the people of the nation had been subjected to had no parallel. From this situation arouse a spirit of aggression in the minds of men and produced men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity.

-Mandela believed that the greatest wealth of South Africa are the people of the nation. The more the oppression rained on them the more the spirit to fight back was triggered in the minds of the people.

-In the end victory for the people of South Africa prevailed and they attained Independence on 10th May 1994.



(B) “Freedom is such an essential virtue that is valued not only by human beings but also by animals alive, Justify the Statement with reference to the poem ‘A tiger in the Zoo

            Value points:-

            1. Freedom is an essential virtue for everyone

            2. Animals of the wild feel free only in their Natural habitats

            3. Locking them in concrete cells will be against natural justice

            4. Terrorise the villagers living at the out skirts

            5. He can find his favorite plump deep


13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5x1)

(A) Education provides the required stimulus to overcome one’s personal barriers. Explain the role of education in shaping  the life of a child with respect to the lesson ‘Bholi’ .

Value points

(Minimum four points)

Bholi – youngest of Ramlal’s children/ All children except Bholi were healthy and strong/neither good looks nor intelligent/fallen from bed and damaged some part of brain/remained a backward child /called Bholi –the simpleton/attack of small pox left her entire body permanently disfigured by deep black pock marks/started speaking late /used to stammer/maintained low self esteem

Sent to school/sat in a corner/couldn’t respond to teacher/other girls laughed at her/teacher was kind /patted affectionately/gave motivation /encouraged to read and write/ Bholi got interested in study/ well educated

Bholi’s father arranged her marriage with an old lame man/Bholi did not oppose /Bishambar  noticed her pock marks. asked for five thousand rupees /Bholi’s father pleaded/cried /but was compelled to give five thousand rupees/Bholi grabbed and flung the garland from Bishambar’s hand/refused to marry a greedy man/convinced her dumbfound parents not to worry about her future/she would be support in their old age/Education gave her that confidence

(Any other relevant point )



 (B) Hari Singh did not board the train and returned to Anil.Ø Why do you think he did so ?

 Ans:Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen his employer,Anil’s money. After the theft, he realised that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance of being literate and having a bright future. His conscience pricked him to think what all he could have got had he not done this.                                                                             It was difficult for him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to go back. He realised that he could not learn how to read and write then. His inner self did not agree to bite the same hand which fed him. Hari’s return to Anil shows that despite indulging in thefts, he still had a positive attitude towards life. It was the awakening of Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s character. Anil’s generosity and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.










































               SAMPLE PAPER-5- (Unsolved)



M.M.: 80                                                                                                    Time: 3 Hrs



1.      The Question paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.

2.      Separate instructions are given with each sections and questions, wherever necessary. Read the instructions carefully and follow them.

3.      Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering questions.


Part A (40 Marks)


READING (20 Marks)


1.     Read the passage given below.


January 26 is celebrated as Republic Day in our country. It was on this day, in 1950, the new constitution of independent India came into force and India became a democratic republic. The Constituent Assembly headed by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman of the Drafting c, took more than two years to bring the

 world’s lengthiest constitution to its final shape.


The enormous task before the Constituent Assembly was to frame the basic law that would formalize India as a truly democratic nation. Democracy is aptly defined as a system of Government by the people, for the people and of the people. The founding fathers of the Constitution, therefore, had to ensure that the basic law of the land contained sufficient provisions for the fulfilment of the democratic aspirations of the

people of India not only in the political sphere but also in the social and economic


spheres. That explains the inclusion of a separate part in the Constitution, called the

Directive Principles of State Policy.


These principles signify the fact that the framers of the Constitution were well aware of the wide gaps and inequalities that existed among the various sections of the Indian population. The Constitution makers had the wisdom to appreciate that political democracy is meaningless when an overwhelming majority of the population is historically trapped in poverty, illiteracy, ill-health and superstition. The Central and State Governments were expected to frame policies so that every citizen is assured of a decent living standard irrespective of sex, caste, religion, language and region.

The makers of our Constitution describe India as a Union of States and not as a federation. Being well conversant with the diversity of the nation in terms of the language, religion, caste and region, and its implications on the intended socio- economic development of the country as a whole, the makers of the Constitution opted for a political system in which the Central Government is equipped with overwhelming

 administrative, legislative and financial muscle. Most of the nations’ policies and programmes for socio-economic development originate at the Central Government, and the responsibility for their successful implementation is entrusted to the states.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow.                                                                                                                                     (1x10=10)

i.  The programmes for the socio-economic development originate at

1)   state level & regional level

2)   regional level & district level

3)   district level

4)   central government level



a) 1, 3

b) 2,4

c)   Only 4

d)   Only 2

ii. Choose the option that is evidently discussed in the passage.

(1)   "However good a constitution may be, if those who are implementing it are not good, it will prove to be bad. However bad a constitution may be, if those implementing it are good, it will prove to be good"


(2)   "Democracy is not merely a form of government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellow men"


(3)   "If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, what must we do? The first thing in my judgement we must do is to hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social and economic objectives"


(4)  "A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society"

a)    Option (1)


b)   Option (2)


c)   Option (3)


d)   Option (4)

iii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given passage.

1.  Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee.

2.     Directive Principles of State Policy is included in the Constitution.

3.   India is described in the Constitution as a Union of States and a federation.

4.   The Constitution makers appreciated the political democracy.

5.   Democracy is a system of Government by the people, for the people and of the people.

6.   The Indian Constitution came into force on January 26, 1947.



a) 1, 5. 6

b) 4, 5, 6

c) 2, 3, 4

d) 3, 4, 6

iv. Which word does ImplicationsNOT correspond to?

a)  Presumption

b)  Connotation

c)  Deterrent

d)  Indication

v.                    is equipped with overwhelming administrative, legislative and financial muscle.

a.    State Government

b.   Constitution

c.   Central Government

d.   Supreme Court

vi. “Every citizen is assured of a decent living standard irrespective of sex, caste, religion, language and region” implies that:

a)    Every citizen would be responsible of his standard of living.

b)   Every citizen will have divergent standard of living.

c)   Every citizen will have uniform standard of living.

d)   Standard of living depends on sex, caste, religion, language and region.


vii.    Choose the word which corresponds to ‘entrust’.

a)    Invest


b)   Restrain


c)   Receive


d)   Posses


viii.    Choose the option that best describes the statement “It took more than two years to bring the Constitution to the final form”.

a)   The Drafting Committee of the Constitution is indebted to the Central Government.


b)   Indian Constitution is the longest written constitution in the world.


c)   The Constituent Assembly was headed Dr. Rajendra Prasad.


d)   The Central and State Governments were expected to frame policies.


ix.      Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?


a)    Better late than never


b)   Well begun is half done


c)   All’s well that ends well


d)   Be all and end all


x.      Choose the word which DOES NOT correspond to enormous’:

a)    Insignificant

b)   Mammoth

c)   Vast

d)   Humongous

xi.      Select the option that makes the correct use of “assured”, as used in the passage, to fill in the blank space.

a)      The                officials followed safety procedures.


b)   Emergency procedures were                   by the officials.


c)   News agencies reported an                      set of events during the emergency.


d)   They came to a systematic                    conclusion.


xii.     Choose the correct option in relation to the image:

a)    Equality


b)   Fraternity


c)   Secularism


d)   Democracy


2.      Read the passage given below.

Speech by C.V. Raman

I know poverty and misery and I quite appreciate by personal experience what it is to be poor, what it is to have no clothes, what it is to have no books, what it is to struggle through life, what it is to walk through the streets without an umbrella, without conveyance along miles on dusty roads. I have been through it all and I can understand the difficulties that most of you graduates have to face today. I am speaking from a long experience of 60 years. Please do not imagine that all the 60 years are milk and roses. To be able to accomplish something, I want to tell you that you have to go through such experiences. I admit success in life is not always to be intelligent or be strong, and it is to some extent a bit of a gamble, but those who got their minds right and those who know their job sooner or later, will sooner perhaps than later make their way in life. But they should not be disappointed if they do not, they have to face up life and take it as they find it.

What I say is that the great things in life are not really great things in life. What I love is to enjoy the common things of life. I am happy that I am still able to sleep at night provided I have three miles walk in the evening. I am still able to enjoy a good lunch or a good dinner. I am still able to look at the blue sky and like it. I still like to walk in the open fields and like the smell of the Ragi or the Jowar.

We think that happiness consists of going to pictures and seeing thrilling films and technicolor dramas. Not at all, the great things in life are the God-given things which cost nothing. What you need is the desire to appreciate them. If you have your minds and hearts open, you have around your things which give you joy. There is the butterfly jumping about in flourishing colors on all sides. Look at the wonderful thing that God has given for our enjoyment.

We have to love nature and appreciate nature and appreciate her wonderful gifts, of

 nature’s marvelous ingenuity, its resourcefulness, and infinite variety. It is the same thing that has inspired me all my life.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow.                                                                                                   (1x10=10m)

i. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given passage.

1.             He had lived life as a poor.

2.             He had access to books only.

3.             He had to walk through the streets without an umbrella.

4.             He drank milk only as a child.

a) 1, 2

b) 3, 4

c) 2, 4

d) 3, 1

ii.  Life been termed as a gamble implies:

a)    It disappoints you always.

b)   Life is good to only hardworking people.

c)   Even an intelligent or strong person is unsure of success.

d)   CV Raman has lost money in this gamble.



iii. Choose the best option that gave pleasure to C.V.Raman’s eyes-

a)    Butterflies fluttering

b)   Ragi and Jowar

c)   Dinner

d)   Dusty Roads

iv.  Choose the best option from the words which DOES NOT corresponds to ‘despair’.


a)   disappointment

b)   hopelessness

c)   optimistic

d)   depression

v.  Choose the best idiomatic expression which can replace the italic one. “Please do not imagine that all the 60 years are milk and roses”.

a)    Raining cats and dogs

b)   Bed of roses

c)   Beat about the bush

d)   Get out of hand

vi.     Choose the best option from the words which corresponds to endless’.

a)    limited

b)   contagious

c)   infinite

d)   unreachable

vii.     What according to C.V Raman consists of happiness?

a)    Seeing thrilling films and technicolor dramas

b)   Things that cost money

c)   God-given gifts which cost nothing

d)   A graduate student’s life

viii.    Choose the theme that is not discussed in the passage.                                               

a)    "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."

b)   “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better”.

c)     “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

      d) “You can't trust anybody with power.”                                                                                

ix.      Choose the best option from the words which DOES NOT corresponds to


a)    rich

b)   futile

c)   wealthy

d)   fortunate

x.   Choose the reason for loving and appreciating nature.

1)   wonderful gifts

2)   marvelous ingenuity

3)     resourcefulness

4)     infinite variety

a) 1

b) 1, 2

c) 1, 2, 3

d) 1, 2, 3, 4

xi. Success in life is not always to be                                or be                           .

a)    intelligent, strong

b)   calm, patient

c)   sad, depressed

d)   excited, thrilled

xii. Choose the best option from the words which corresponds to ‘exciting’.

1.      joyful

2.      funny

3.      exhilarating

4.      distressing


(10 marks)

3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow.                                                                                                              (1X5=5m)


Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread. Not enough can be said to show how important a baker can be for a village. The lady of the house must prepare

sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s engagement. Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals. Thus, the presence of the baker’s furnace in the village is absolutely essential.

i.  Choose the best option that corresponds to the compulsorily prepared food item during Christmas in Goa.

a)    Sandwiches and cakes

b)   Bolinhas and cakes

c)   Sandwiches and bolinhas

d)   Bread bangles and cakes

ii. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.

1.  The baker is an important part of Goan life.

2.    Mother prepares sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter’s wedding.

3.  Marriage gifts are meaningless without the bol.

4.  The presence of the baker’s furnace in the village was meaningless.


a) 1, 2,

b) 2, 3,

c) 2, 4,

d) 3, 4

iii.  Choose the word which corresponds to ‘feast’.

a)  Angry

b)  Quick

c)  Circling

d)  Devour

iv. Choose the option that best suit the item prepared on engagement.





a) Option (1) b) Option (2) c) Option (3) d) Option (4)


v. Choose the odd word out .

a)  Bread bangles

b)  Bolinhas

c)  Cookies

d)  Sandwiches



Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard-seed; take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?” they answered her, ‘Alas! the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” And there was no house but some beloved one had died in it.

i.  The reason for Kisa Gotami’s inquiry “Did a son or daughter, a father or mother, die in your family?”

a)    She was collecting death census data.


b)   She wanted medicine for her husband.


c)   She wanted to save her son.


d)     She wanted to impress Buddha.

ii.   Choose the word which corresponds to ‘pitied’.

a)  Sorrow

b)  Compassion

c)  Condolence

d)  Cruelty

iii.      ‘Deepest grief’ as per the extract is:

a)    Famine

b)   Poverty


c)   Death

d)   Disease








a) Option (1) b) Option (2) c) Option (3) d) Option (4)

4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions that follow.                                                                                             (5x1)



The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued.

i.  Choose the reason for the change of heart of the poet:

a)      hemlock tree

b)      the presence of the crow

c)         the crow shook the snow on him

d)   snow in the surrounding and the scenic beauty

ii.  What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanzas?

a)      abab; abab

b)      abab; abcd

c)      abab; cdcd

d)      abcd; abcb

iii.   These stanzas bring out the contrast between

a)   Good day and bad day.

b)   strength and weakness.

c)   freedom and captivity.

d)   Sadness and happiness.

iv.  Choose the odd one out:

a)    Snow

b)   Hemlock tree

c)   crow

d)   human heart

v.  Choose the word that corresponds to “saved

a)      Rescue

b)      Keep

c)      Shook

d)      Frost



Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound, And Mustard growled, and they all looked around. Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried Belinda,

For there was a pirate,climbing in the winda.

i.  Choose the reason why everyone got scared-

a)       Mustard growled

b)      Ink cried loudly

c)       Pirate was climbing in the window

d)      Custard was making noise

ii.  Choose the word that corresponds to “nasty”

a)        Unpleasant

b)       Kind

c)       Silent

d)       Fancy

iii.   What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanzas?

a)             abab

b)                abcd

c)                 adcd

d)                aabb



iv.  Choose the option that best suit the character of Belinda’s pet animals as per the extract.




(1)                      (2)                     (3)                        (4)

a) Option (1) b) Option (2) c) Option (3) d) Option (4)

v.  Choose the word which is NOT an onomatopoeic word like ‘meowch’.

a)  hiss b) giggle c) buzz d) fetch

GRAMMAR                                                                                                                    (10 marks)


5.   Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the ‘Bijun Parab’ of Odisha.                                                                                                            (3x1)

‘Bijun Parab’ or the seed festival -(i)-         festival of the

‘Kondh’ communities of Odisha.

It -(ii)-         in the month of April. The festival -(iii)-          the mud walls of the home painted, the mud and cow dung floors swept and, most importantly, the selecting of seeds.


(i)                       a) is an important

b)  are an important


c)   was the important


d)  is important



(ii)                  a) is celebrated

b)   has been celebrated

c)   have been celebrated

d)   celebrated

(iii)                   a) began with

b)   had begun with

c)   was begin with

d)   begins with


6.   Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the conversation between Manu and Annu.                                                                                                        (3x1)


Manu asked Annu - (i)-                    . Annu -(ii)-                she was going to the market. Annu

asked him- (iii)-                                 


(i)                   a) where she is going

b)   where she is gone

c)   where she was going

d)   where she had going

(ii)                  a) asked that

b)   refused that

c)   ordered that

d)   replied that

(iii)                  a) he wants anything from the market

b)   he wanted anything from the market

c)   if he wanted anything from the market

d)   if he wants anything from the market

7.      Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.                                                                                                        (4x1)



(i)                   the students has three books.


a)   Every

b)  Each






c)   Each of

d)  Every of


(ii)  Neither the dogs nor the cat                 going outside


a)   are

b)   has

c)   is

d)   were

(iii)  The student, as well as his teacher,                  going for the field trip.


a)    was

b)   were

c)   is

d)   am

(iv)   The samples on the tray in the lab                     testing.


a)   need

b)  needs

c)   has

d)  been

(v)    There is only               water left in the bottle.

a) few


b) many

c) much

d) little


(vi)                      I get some plates while you are cutting the cake?


a) Do


b) Let


c) Had

           d) Shall

Part B

WRITING                                                                                                      (2x5= 10 marks)


8.   Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.               (5 marks)

(A)                 You are Amit/Amrita residing at 12, Nepeon Sea Road, Mumbai. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily showing your concern at the rising number of vehicles on the roads of big cities in India. This causes not only a great inconvenience to the people but also has become a great health hazard for others. Give your suggestions for checking the number of vehicles and roads and promotion of a vehicle and affordable public transport.


(B)          You are Tarun Mehta , Residing at 22 Club Road, Delhi. Last week you placed an order for the supply of a few items of furniture. On receiving the furniture, you found that some items were damaged and some not according to specifications. Describing the shortcomings, write a letter (100-150 words) of complaint to the supplier, Sri Rama Furniture Mart, Mint Road, Chennai asking for an immediate replacement.



9.   Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words.                             (5 marks)

(A)              The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the

information in 100-120 words.







(B)     Three pie charts showing consumption habits of India, China and World overall in 2008 are given below. Write an analytical paragraph describing the pie charts (100-120 words)             World





LITERATURE                                                                                                                  (30 marks)

10.    Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (2x4=8)

(A)   (any two)                                           (2x2=4)

i.   Did Wanda have a hundred dresses? Why did she tell Peggy that she had a hundred dresses?

ii.  What are the “twin obligations” mentioned by Nelson Mandela?

iii.  Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

(B)   (any two)                                           (2x2=4)

i.  Why was Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki ?

ii.  How did a book become a turning point in Richard Ebright’s life?

iii.  Why was the narrator sent to New Mullion?

11.    Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.   (12 m)

(A)   (any two)                                                             (3x2=6)

i.   Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them.

ii.  How would you describe Custard the dragon as a different pet?

iii.  How did Buddha make Kisa Gotami realize that death is inevitable?

(B)   (any two)                                                             (3x2=6)

i.   Do you think ‘The Necklace’ is an apt title for the story of Matilda? Justify your answer.

ii.  Why didn’t Anil hand over Hari Singh to police even after realizing his true identity?

iii.  Oliver Lutkins was indeed a crafty man who could trick a lawyer with ease.  Comment

12.    Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words. (5x1=5m)

People and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson ‘Madam Rides the Bus’ learns a lot from others and her surroundings through her bus journey.



Read the quotes given below and connect it to the theme of the poem ‘Animals’.

(a)    "Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to."

― Alfred A. Montapert

(b)   "Animals are such agreeable friends―they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." ― George Eliot

13.    Answer ANY ONE the following in 100-120 words.           (5x1=5m)

We educate women because it is smart. We educate women because it changes the world.

– Drew Fuast


Elucidate how education changed the perspectives and deeds of Bholi.




Science is a boon for human beings. But man often misuses it. Explain with reference to Griffin’s story.


Study Material for CBSE Class X English Language Literature 2020 - 2021

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