"a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z x y z sugar on the bread"
XYZ sugar on the bread
If you don’t like it better go to bed.
Next day morning come to me
I will teach you ABC
Now I know my “ABCs” Next time won’t you sing with me Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
W and X
Y and Zee
Now I know my “ABCs”
Next time won’t you sing with me?
"a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z x y z sugar on the bread" |
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
Sugar on your bread
Eat it all up
before you are dead.
Says A give me a good large slice Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
Says A,
give me a good large slice,
Says B,
a little bit, but nice,
Says C,
cut me a piece of crust, Take
it, says D,
it’s dry as dust,
Says E,
I’ll eat it fast,
I will, Says F,
I vow I’ll have my fill,
Says G,
give it me good and great, Says H, a little bit I hate,
Says I,
it’s ice I must request,
Says J,
the juice I love the best,
Says K,
let’s keep it up above,
Says L,
the border’s what I love,
Says M,
it makes your teeth to chatter,
N said,
it’s nice, there’s nought the matter,
others’ plates with grief surveyed,
for a large piece begged and prayed,
quarrelled for the topmost slice,
rubbed his hands and said “it’s nice,”
silent sat, and simply looked,
thought, and said, it’s nicely cooked,
understood the fruit was cherry,
vanished when they all got merry,
wished there’d been a quince
in, X
here explained he’d need convincing,
Y said,
I’ll eat, and yield to none,
like a zany, said he’d done,
While ampersand purloined the dish,
And for another pie did wish.
A was an Apple pie Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
A was an Apple pie;
B bit it;
C cut it;
D dealt it;
E eat it;
F fought for it;
G got it;
H had it;
J joined it;
K kept it;
L longed for it;
M mourned for it;
N nodded at it;
O opened it;
P peeped in it;
Q quartered it;
R ran for it;
S stole it;
T took it;
V viewed it;
W wanted it;
X, Y, Z, and ampersand,
All wished for a piece in hand.
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
XYZ sugar on the bread
If you don’t like it better go to bed.
Next day morning come to me
I will teach you ABC
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
W and X
Y and Zee
Now I know my “ABCs”
Next time won’t you sing with me?
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
Sugar on your bread
Eat it all up
before you are dead.
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
Says A,
give me a good large slice,
Says B,
a little bit, but nice,
Says C,
cut me a piece of crust, Take
it, says D,
it’s dry as dust,
Says E,
I’ll eat it fast,
I will, Says F,
I vow I’ll have my fill,
Says G,
give it me good and great, Says H, a little bit I hate,
Says I,
it’s ice I must request,
Says J,
the juice I love the best,
Says K,
let’s keep it up above,
Says L,
the border’s what I love,
Says M,
it makes your teeth to chatter,
N said,
it’s nice, there’s nought the matter,
others’ plates with grief surveyed,
for a large piece begged and prayed,
quarrelled for the topmost slice,
rubbed his hands and said “it’s nice,”
silent sat, and simply looked,
thought, and said, it’s nicely cooked,
understood the fruit was cherry,
vanished when they all got merry,
wished there’d been a quince
in, X
here explained he’d need convincing,
Y said,
I’ll eat, and yield to none,
like a zany, said he’d done,
While ampersand purloined the dish,
And for another pie did wish.
abcd Sugar on the Bread Lyrics xyz Butter on the Bread Lyrics Rhymes Songs Poems
A was an Apple pie;
B bit it;
C cut it;
D dealt it;
E eat it;
F fought for it;
G got it;
H had it;
J joined it;
K kept it;
L longed for it;
M mourned for it;
N nodded at it;
O opened it;
P peeped in it;
Q quartered it;
R ran for it;
S stole it;
T took it;
V viewed it;
W wanted it;
X, Y, Z, and ampersand,
All wished for a piece in hand.
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Tagged in:
Rhymes, English Rhymes, Nursery Rhymes, School Rhymes, Children Rhymes, Action Rhymes, Songs, English Songs, Nursery songs, School songs, Action Songs, Children Songs, Poems, English Poems, Nursery Poems, School Poems, Children Poems, Action Poems, Rhymes Lyrics, English Lyrics, Nursery Rhymes Lyrics, School Rhymes Lyrics, Children Rhymes Lyrics, Action Rhymes Lyrics, Songs Lyrics, English Songs Lyrics, Nursery songs Lyrics, School songs Lyrics, Action Songs Lyrics, Children Songs Lyrics, Poems Lyrics, English Poems Lyrics, Nursery Poems Lyrics, School Poems Lyrics, Children Poems Lyrics, Action Poems Lyrics, Rhymes Lyrics, Songs Lyrics, Poems Lyrics, English Rhyme: ABCDEFG HIJKLMOPQRST UVWXYZ XYZ Sugar on the Bread Lyrics, xyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcd rhymes, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz sugar on the bread, abcd butter on your bread lyrics, abc rhymes lyrics, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s txyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcd rhymes, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz sugar on the bread, abcd butter on your bread lyrics, abc rhymes lyrics, abcd padhne wala, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s txyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcd rhymes, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz sugar on the bread, abcd butter on your bread lyrics, abc rhymes lyrics, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t, abcd sugar on the bread lyrics, xyz sugar on the bread, xyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefg rhyme lyrics, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz xyz butter on the bread, xyz butter on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread lyrics, xyz sugar on the bread, xyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefg rhyme lyrics, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz xyz butter on the bread, xyz butter on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread lyrics, xyz butter on the bread, xyz sugar on your bread lyrics, xyz sugar on the bread, sugar on the bread, xyz sugar on your bread, butter on the bread poem, xyz sugar on the bread lyrics, x y z sugar on your bread, abcd butter on the bread, abc sugar on the bread, sugar on your bread rhyme, abcd rhymes sugar on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread, sugar on bread, sugar on my bread, abc sugar on the bread lyrics, sugar on the bread rhymes, abcd sugar on the bed, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z x y z sugar, abcd sugar, xyz butter on the bread lyrics, abcd butter on your bread lyrics, xyz butter on your bread, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z x y z, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z x y z sugar on the bread, a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p poem, a b c d e f g lyrics, a b c d e f g poem, a b c d e f g poem lyrics, a b c d e f g rhyme, a b c d e f g rhymes, abc butter on your bread lyrics, abc song butter on bread, abc sugar on the bread, abc sugar on the bread lyrics, abcd butter on the bread, abcd butter on your bread, abcd butter on your bread lyrics, abcd efg hijk lmnop lyrics, abcd padhne wala, abcd poem, abcd poem lyrics, abcd rhymes lyrics sugar on the bread, abcd rhymes sugar on the bread, abcd song sugar on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread, abcd sugar on the bread lyrics, abcdefg come on meena play with me poem lyrics, abcdefg hijklmnop lmnopqrst uvwxyz, abcdefg in the morning brush your teeth, abcdefg lyrics, abcdefg poem, abcdefg poem lyrics, abcdefg rhyme, abcdefg rhyme lyrics, abcdefg rhymes, abcdefg rhymes lyrics, abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc next time wont you sing with me, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc next time, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc next time wont you sing with me, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc's next time won't u sing with me, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc's next time won't u sing with me, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz poem, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz song, abcdefg, butter on the bread poem, h i j k l m n o p l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z, sugar on bread, sugar on my bread, sugar on the bread, sugar on the bread poem, sugar on the bread rhymes, sugar on your bread, sugar on your bread rhyme, x y z butter on the bread, x y z sugar on your bread, xyz butter on the bread, xyz butter on the bread lyrics, xyz butter on your bread, xyz sugar on the bread, xyz sugar on the bread lyrics, xyz sugar on your bread, xyz sugar on your bread if u dont like it, xyz sugar on your bread lyrics, next monday morning come to me i will teach you abc