Collection of Best Funny Jokes for Kids

Collection of Best Funny Jokes for Kids JOKES

HUMANS ARE THE ONLY CREATURES on this planet who laugh. Oh

sure, hyenas make a funny bark that may sound like a laugh. Grade B

movies and sitcoms show chimpanzees and dolphins laughing at their

silly human costars. But people are the only animals that giggle, chuckle,

titter, guffaw, belly laugh, chortle, and yuck. Have you ever known a

hamster who snickers at an elephant joke? Or a Rottweiler who

appreciates a well-thrown custard pie in his face? Didn't think so.

Besides loving to laugh, we also like making other people laugh. Who

hasn't enjoyed being the center of attention, even if only for a few

seconds, after you've told a truly terrific joke? Well, this book has tons of

them — jokes, howlers, groaners, puns, witty retorts, and practical gags.

One more thing. This book is not to be read in the silence of your

bedroom or favorite hiding place. Carry it with you at all times, read it out

loud, underline the best parts, dog-ear the pages, share the jokes with all

your friends.

Read, laugh, and be more funny!


What kind of dog does Dracula have as a pet?

A bloodhound.

What is the Mummy's favorite music?


Why did King Kong climb to the top of the Empire State Building?

He was too big to use the elevator.

What sport do vampires like to watch?


Why are most mummies vain and conceited?

They're all wrapped up in themselves.

Why did the dragon cough during the day?

Because he smoked knights.

Why is Frankenstein such a good gardener?

He has a green thumb.

Where does Godzilla sleep?

Anywhere he wants to!

Did you hear about the old vampire who kept his teeth in the freezer?

He gave his victims frostbite.

The little vampire could never gain weight.

His eating was all in vein.

Why does the mad scientist like to eat a hot dog with a glass of beer?

It's a frank and stein.

Did you hear about the zombie hairdresser?

Each day she dyed on the job.

Why did the cheerleading squad move into the haunted house?

Because it's got spirit!

What do you get when you cross a ghost with a firecracker?


Did you hear about the two vampires who raced one another?

It was neck and neck.

Why are cannibals so popular?

I don't know, but they always have lots of friends for lunch!

What did one casket say to the other casket?

“Is that you coffin?”

Hole In One

Fill in the missing letters in the words below. Then, copy the letter from

each word into the box with the same number. When you're finished,

you'll get the answer to this riddle: What did the witch use to fix her

broken jack-o'-lantern? HINT: Be careful! Sometimes more than one

letter can finish a word. Be sure each letter makes sense in the final


What did the witch use to fix her broken jack-o'-lantern ?

What's Dracula's least favorite food?

A steak. It goes right through him and leaves a nasty case of heartburn.

How many dead people are in the graveyard?

All of them!


What do beekeepers get?


What do airline pilots get?


What do computer geeks get?

Slipped discs.

If athletes get athlete's foot, what do astronauts get?

Missile toe.

What do firefighters get?

Water on the knee.

What do workers at McDonald's get?

Fallen arches.

What do carpenters get?


What do roofers get?


What do spies get?


What do basketball players get?

Hooping cough.

What do watchmakers get?

All wound up!


Mona: I had trouble with my horse yesterday. I wanted to go in one

direction, and he wanted to go in another.

Sam: So how did you decide?

Mona: He tossed me for it.

Sam: I think my pet duck is broken.

Jokin' Around

Fowl Definitions

From the Dictionary for Bird-Brains

Hatchet — What a chicken does with its eggs.

Information — How geese fly.

Foul ball — An egg.

Crow bar — Where birds like to drink and hang out.

Mona: Broken?

Sam: Yeah, he has a quack in him.

Mona: What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?

Sam: A centipede with athlete's foot.

Sam: I'd like to buy a bird.

Store Clerk: How about a talking mynah?

Sam: Sounds great!

Store Clerk: This one here is very talented.

She can talk in seven languages, sing The Star-Spangled Banner, and

recite the Gettysburg Address.

Sam: Never mind that. Is she tender?

Rich Snob: I don't like your bird, young man.

Sam: Why not?

Rich Snob: Because every time I walk by, it says, “Cheap! Cheap!”

Why did the hen slide her eggs down the hill?

She loved playing with the children.

How much fur can you get from a skunk?

As fur as you possibly can!

How do you spell mousetrap with only three letters?


Mona: What kind of pet can you stand on?

Sam: A car-pet.

Mona: What kind of pet makes the loudest noise?

Sam: A trum-pet.

Mona: What kind of pet can help you write letters?

Sam: The alpha-pet.

Alex: Why is that dachshund sitting in the sun?

Amy: Because his owners like hot dogs.

Do you know how to raise rabbits?

Yes, by the scruff of their necks.

Sam: Wow! It's raining cats and dogs.

Mona: How can you tell?

Sam: I just stepped in a poodle.

Sam: Have you ever seen a fish bowl?

Mona: Sure, lots of times.

Sam: How do they get their fins into those little holes?

Father Kangaroo: Why are you scratching?

Mother Kangaroo: The kids are eating crackers in bed again.

Sam: Can you name four members of the cat family?

Mona: Papa Cat, Mama Cat, and two kittens.

Mona: How did the pig write his name?

Sam: He used an oink-pen.

What did the leopard say after dinner?

“That hit just the right spots.”

Sam: Hey! Your dog bit my ankle.

Mona: Sorry, but that's as high as he can reach.

Mona: How do you keep a wild elephant from charging?

Sam: Take away his credit card.

Why Oh Why?

Pick up words as the chicken walks from START to END. Write each

word down in the order in which the chicken finds them, and you'll end up

with the answer to this riddle:

Why does a flamingo stand up on one leg?

Because if he pulled the other one up he'd fall over.

Mona: My pony sounds funny.

Sam: That's because he's a little hoarse.

“He who laughs, lasts.”

— Leo Rosten

Mona: Why do hummingbirds hum?

Sam: They don't know the words.

What did the little kid say when he saw the peacock?

“Look, Ma, the chicken's in bloom!”

Sam: I haven't seen your pet chicken lately.

Mona: Well, this week she's been laying low.

Words to Know

Punch line: the part of the joke that gets the laugh

The animal doctor is always busy as a bee!

Take a gander at a few of his patients:

The leopard is seeing spots,

The kangaroo is feeling jumpy,

The goldfish is flushed,

The chameleon is looking green,

The woodpecker caught a bug,

The baby duckling has been getting a little down lately,

And the bullfrog is afraid he's going to croak!


What color is a marriage?


What color is an echo?


What color is a ghost?


What color is the wind?


What color is a baby ghost?

Baby boo.

What color is a kitten's meow?


What color is a soccer score?


What color is a police investigation?


What color is a witch's potion?

Bracken brew.


Why did the computer geek sell his cat?

He was afraid it would eat his mouse.

How do you contact Hercules by computer?

Send him he-mail.

What has a video screen, a keyboard, six legs, and plugs into the wall?

A computer bug.

What do computer geeks eat for dessert?

Apple pie a la modem.

Did you hear about the geek who almost drowned?

He was surfing the Web and got bumped off.

Jokin' Around

Totally Buggy

Computer Viruses to Watch Out For:

The Disney Virus

The screen starts acting Goofy.

The Titanic Virus

Everything goes down.

The Diet Virus

The computer quits after just one byte.

The Las Vegas Virus

Users have to turn in their chips.

The Divorce Virus

Your motherboard stops talking to your data.

Nerd: Why is my computer screen all wet?

Dweeb: I was trying to send e-mail, but the stamps kept sliding off!

Did you hear about the guy who flunked technical college?

He can only operate nincomputers.

Nerd: How many bytes are in your software program?

Dweeb: I'll let you know as soon as I've finished eating it.

Mother: Having trouble with your computer, son?

Karl: My PC says it can't see my printer.

Mother: I'm not surprised. Look how messy your room is!

Nerd: Do you have a cursor on your computer?

Dweeb: I'll say! You should just hear the words my dad uses when the

computer goes down!

Nerd: What's wrong with your keyboard?

Dweeb: Myspacebarseemstobestuck.

You heard about the computer scientist who spends half his time

directing the town's orchestra?

He's a semi-conductor.

“Of course I know how to copy disks … Where's the Xerox machine?”

If at first you don't succeed … call it version 1.0.

What was the world's first computer?

An Apple. Eve gave one to Adam.

What are the three main parts of a printer?

The power cord, the jammed paper tray, and the blinking light.

“My computer is almost human.”

“What do you mean?”

“When it makes a mistake, it blames it on another computer.”

I had a rotten day at work today. My computer broke down and I had to

think all day long.


“Look at the cute pony,” said Tina a little hoarsely.

“I can't remember what groceries I need,” said Tom listlessly.

“Is it time to turn the pancakes?” asked Tina flippantly.

“Look at that scroungy old dog,” Tom muttered.

“Who cut the cheese?” asked Tina sharply.

“I'd gladly give you a thousand dollars,” said Tom grandly.

“My pet bird is sick,” said Tina illegally.

“Let's set up camp,” said Tom intently.

“I'll make the fire,” Tina bellowed.

“I got the lowest grade in my cooking class,” said Tom degradedly.

“We're all out of pumpernickel bread,” said Tina wryly.

“Why can't we go bowling?” Tom bawled.

“I finished taking my shower,” said Tina dryly.

“Give me another strawberry cake,” Tom retorted.

“These oysters are all mine!” said Tina shellfishly.

“Keep them! I prefer other seafood,” said Tom crabbily.

“I love arithmetic,” Tina added.

“And I love correcting my mistakes,” Tom remarked.

“That's my gold mine,” Tina claimed.

“But it used to be mine!” Tom exclaimed.


Didja hear about the police officer who arrested the young cat?

He saw the kitty litter.

Didja hear about the baby girl who wanted to play basketball?

She had trouble dribbling.

Didja hear about the taxicab driver who lost his job?

He was driving away all his customers.

Didja hear about the pet shop owner who couldn't get sell his porcupine?

He was stuck with it.

Didja hear about the cannibal who ate his mother's sister?

He was an aunt-eater.

Didja hear about the woman who'd buy anything that was marked down?

She came home with an elevator.

Didja hear about the sailor who was kicked off the submarine?

He liked sleeping with the windows open.

Picto-Laugh #1

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about something itsybitsy!

Say What?

Figure out where to put each of the scrambled letters. They all fit in

spaces under their own columns. When you fill in the grid, you will have

the answer to the following riddle: Didja hear about the piano tuner who

was arrested at the aquarium?

Didja hear about the piano tuner who was arrested at the aquarium?

Didja hear about the rubber man from the circus who was killed in an

auto wreck?

He died in his own arms.

Didja hear about the lady who stopped feeding the pigeons?

The birds revolted and formed a coo.

Didja hear about the kitten that loves to play with a piece of string?

After a while he has a ball.


Luna: My poor cat doesn't have a nose!

Larry: How does she smell?

Luna: Terrible!

Luna: I must be sick. I'm seeing spots.

Larry: Have you seen a doctor?

Luna: No, just spots.

“Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are

interested and the frog dies.”

— E. B. White

Luna: Why is it better to buy a thermometer in the winter?

Larry: Because in summer they go up!

Luna: My candy bar is missing.

Larry: That's too bad, because it tasted delicious.

Luna: What's the last thing you take off before you go to bed?

Larry: My feet off the floor.

Larry: How many feet are in a yard?

Luna: That depends on how many people are standing in it.

Luna: How many seconds are in a year?

Larry: Twelve.

Luna: Only twelve! Are you sure?

Larry: Yeah, the second of January, the second of February …

Luna: I can tell the future.

Larry: Really?

Luna: Yes. I can tell you what the score of a soccer game is before it

even starts.

Larry: What is it?

Luna: Nothing to nothing.

Larry: What's the best thing to put in a pie?

Luna: Your teeth!

Luna: Do you know how long the world's longest nose was?

Larry: Eleven inches.

Luna: That's not very long.

Larry: If it was any longer it would be a foot.

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

— e.e. cummings

Larry: Did I tell you my mom's been in the hospital for years?

Luna: Wow! She must really be sick.

Larry: Nah, she's a doctor.

Luna: I just got back from the beauty shop.

Larry: It was closed, huh?

Larry: There's something wrong with that pizza I ate.

Luna: How do you know?

Larry: Inside information.

Larry: How do you keep a skunk from smelling?

Luna: Plug his nose!

Luna: Is there any tapioca pudding on the menu?

Waiter: There was, but I wiped it off.

Larry: Why are you scratching yourself?

Luna: Because I'm the only person who knows where it itches.

Larry: What did you think of the Grand Canyon?

Luna: It was just gorges!

Luna: Who was that on the phone?

Larry: Some joker. He said, “It's long-distance from Japan,” and I said, “It

sure is!” and hung up.

Larry: Boy! My diet must be working.

Luna: Why do you say that?

Larry: I can finally see the numbers on the bathroom scale.

Larry: I'm on a new diet. I only eat food that swims.

Luna: That sounds great! Fish is very healthy for you.

Larry: Yuck, forget fish! Do you realize how much trouble I'm having

teaching a cow to dog-paddle?

Larry: Do you believe in astrology?

Luna: No, it's just a lot of Taurus.


Alex: Teacher! Teacher! Jimmy just swallowed four quarters!

Teacher: Now, why would he do that?

Alex: It's his lunch money.

Alex: Teacher! Teacher! Now, Jimmy swallowed all his pennies. And it's

your fault!

Teacher: Why is it my fault?

Alex: You told him he needed more sense.

Teacher: You need to study harder, Alex. Why, when I was your age, I

could recite all the presidents' names by heart.

Amy: Yeah, but there were only two or three back then.



In his bestselling book, The BFG (Big Friendly Giant), author Roald

Dahl's giant hero has his own name for everything. For instance, a school

is called a “boggle box.”

If you've ever been to school — and who hasn't? — you'll know that the

name fits!

Teacher: Where are all the kings and queens of England


Amy: On the tops of their heads.

Teacher: Give me a sentence using the word “gladiator.”

Alex: The lion ate my bossy Aunt Mimi, and I'm glad he ate her!

Teacher: Correct this sentence: “Aliens is in the classroom.”

Alex: Forget the sentence, Teach! Run for your life!

Teacher: Tell me how you'd use the word “rhythm” in a sentence.

Alex: My older brother is going to the movies, and I want to go rhythm.

Teacher: Where can you find the Red Sea?

Amy: Usually on my report card.

Teacher: Let's do a simple math lesson. How many fingers do you have?

Alex: Ten.

Teacher: And if three fingers were taken away, what would you have?

Alex: I would have to give up my saxophone lessons!

Teacher: Name a creature that is very good at catching flies.

Amy: A baseball player in left field.

Teacher: Can you use the word “fascinate” in a sentence?

Alex: Yeah. My jacket has ten buttons, but I can only fasten eight.

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what a myth is?

Amy: A female moth.

Mother: Explain this “D” on your test, dear.

Amy: I'm having trouble with my Is.

Mother: You need new glasses?

Amy: No, I can't spell “Mississippi”!

Teacher: Did you wake up grouchy this morning, young


Alex: No, Dad and I let her sleep.

Teacher: Who was Joan of Arc?

Alex: Noah's wife.

Alex: Why are kindergarten teachers so optimistic?

Amy: Cuz every day they try to make the little things count.

Teacher: How did you get so messy?

Amy: I had an inkling of what I wanted to write my report about. So I

grabbed a pen and paper.

Teacher: And then?

Amy: Then my pen had an inkling all over my shirt!Teacher: Tell me the

name of the Prince of Wales.

Amy: Orca.

Mother: I don't think my child deserves a zero on this test.

Teacher: Neither do I, ma'am. But it's the lowest score I can give!

Teacher: Use the word “paradox” in a sentence.

Alex: The hunter shot a paradox flying over the lake.

Mother: Your teacher tells me you're at the bottom of the


Angie: Yeah, but they teach the same thing at both


Teacher: Why were you late to school?

Amy: There are eight in my family, Teach, but the clock was only set for


Mother: Why don't you like your new teacher, honey?

Amy: Because she told me to sit in the front row for the present. And then

she never gave me any present!

Mother: Why did you have to stay after school today, Alex?

Alex: I flunked the test. I didn't know where the Appalachians were.

Mother: Well, next time remember where you put things, dear.

Teacher: That makes five times I've had to punish you this week, Darren.

What do you have to say for yourself?

Darren: I'm glad it's Friday!

Alex: Would you yell at me for something I didn't do?

Teacher: Certainly not.

Alex: Good, because I didn't do my homework.


One microbe ran into another microbe while swimming through a


“You don't look so hot,” said the first microbe.

“I feel terrible,” said the second microbe. “I think I'm coming down with


If we breathe oxygen during the day, what do we breathe at night?


“I think the cuckoo in my cuckoo clock is tired.”

“That's silly!”

“No, it's not. You'd be tired too if you'd been running all night.”

What's the hardest thing about falling out of bed?

The floor.

Sounds Funny To Me

Match each funny sound riddle to the correct picture punchline.

1. What goes “Z-Z-U-B, Z-Z-U-B, Z-Z-U-B”?

2. What goes “HOE, HOE, HOE”?

3. What goes “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ — sluuuuurp”?

4. What goes “HA, HA, HA — thump”?

5. What goes “99 thump, 99 thump, 99 thump”?

6. What goes “tick-WOOF, tick-WOOF, tick-WOOF”?

What did the princess say while she waited for her photos to come back

from the store?

“Some day my prints will come!”

Terry: Why is the Mississippi River so rich?

Nick: Because it has two banks and it makes deposits all day long.

Why are you taking that hammer to bed?

So I can get up at the crack of dawn!

What do you get for the man who has everything?

A burglar alarm!

“Long distance? I'd like to place a call to Aberystwyth, Wales.”

“Could you spell that please?”

“If I could spell it, I'd write!”

How do robots celebrate Mother's Day?

They send a dozen red roses to the power company.

Judge: This is the last time I want to see you in my court! Do you realize

that for the last twenty years, I've seen you in here at least once a


Crook: Sorry, your Honor. But it's not my fault that you haven't been


Karl: Boy, am I mad at my brother!

Trent: What did he do?

Karl: I let him ride my new bicycle, and I told him to treat it as if it were his


Trent: So?

Karl: He sold it.

Molar: Hey, why are you getting all dressed up?

Wisdom Tooth: The dentist is taking me out tonight.

“You're very healthy,” said the doctor. “You should live to be eighty.”

“But, I am eighty!” said the patient.

“See? What did I tell you?”

A young fellow was walking through an unfamiliar part of town late at

night. Two muggers jumped out from the shadows and dragged him to

the ground. The young guy put up quite a fight, but eventually the two

thugs overpowered him.

One of the muggers grabbed the man's wallet, looked inside, and then

threw it down in disgust.

“You put up all that fight for just a measly two bucks?” said the mugger.

The fellow answered, “Shucks, no. I was afraid you were gonna find the

three hundred dollars I hid in my shoe.”

What's the hottest day of the week?

Fry day.

What's the unhappiest day of the week?

Sadder day.

What's the driest day of the week?

Thirst day.

“Could you fix the volume on my car horn?”

“Is it broken?”

“No, but my brakes are.”

Darren: Every time I have a cup of coffee, I get a sharp pain in my right

eye. What should I do, Doctor?

Doctor: Take the spoon of out your cup.

Mother: Jenny, have you finished filling up the salt shakers yet?

Jenny: No, Mom. It's hard pushing the salt through those tiny holes.

Trent: Is there a place where I can catch the 1:30 bus to town?

Danny: That depends on how fast you can run. It left ten minutes ago.

A father saw his son out in the backyard cleaning their homemade swing,

a rubber tire hanging by a rope from a tree branch. The son was hosing it

down, wiping it off, dusting out the inside. The puzzled father went

outside and said, “Son, I thought you were playing on the golf course with

your friends this afternoon.” “I was,” replied the boy. “But the golf

instructor said I needed to improve my swing.”

Perry: Officer! Somebody stole my car!

Police Officer: Did you see who did it?

Perry: No, but I got the license number.

Two women met at a laundromat. As they talked, the first woman said, “I

have five children.” The other woman said, “That sounds nice. I wish I

had five children.” “Don't you have any children?” asked the first woman.

“Yeah, ten!” said the second.

Jokin' Around

Eye to Eye

Make this statement to a friend:“I can put this sheet of paper down

on the floor, and I'll bet we can both stand on it, but you won't be

able to touch me.” Your friend will be eager to take such an easy

bet. Lay the sheet of paper down in a doorway. Shut the door

carefully so that the two ends of the sheet stick out on either side.

Voila! You and your friend will be able to stand on the sheet on

opposite sides of the door. But neither of you can touch the other

person. Bet won!

Tip: This trick works even better with an extra long sheet of paper.


Why are astronauts always so clean?

Because they take meteor showers.

Which tastes better, a comet or an asteroid?

An asteroid, because it's meteor.

How is a comet like the dog Wishbone?

They're both stars with tails.

What planet goes up in the summer and down in the winter?


Where do astronauts eat?

The lunch-pad.

How do astronauts keep their rockets free from dust?

They drive through the vacuum of outer space.

What is at the center of Jupiter?

The letter “I.”

Why couldn't the astronauts land on the moon?

Because it was full.

Why did the cowboy want to buy a satellite?

So he could watch where he was going when it got dark.

Did you hear about the astronomer who got knocked out?

He's seeing stars.

Where can you see new stars?

In Hollywood.

Astronaut: What's the difference between a Martian burp and a


Astronut: Sandstorms don't glow in the dark.

Alien: I was born on the planet Neptune.

Scientist: That's amazing! Which part?

Alien: All of me.

Astronaut: What are you digging in your pockets for?

Astronut: You said we'd be landing this thing at a meteor, and most

parking meteors only take quarters.

Did you hear about the young girl who plans to be an astronaut?

Her teacher says she's taking up space!

Did you hear about the Martian who flew to Earth to buy a brand new car

for his family? He told the car salesman, “I want the body green, the

wheels green, the interior green, and the windows tinted green.” The

salesman said, “No problem.” After the Martian ordered his new car, he

made an interplanetary long-distance call to his wife to tell her the good

news. “That's terrific, honey,” said his wife. “But what color is it?” “Flesh

tones,” said the Martian.

Did you hear about that new restaurant on the moon?

Great food, but no atmosphere.

What's the only Irish constellation?


“Sir, do you believe in UFOs?”

“No comet.”

Two Venusians landed in front of a busy stoplight.

The first one said, “She's cute. I saw her first.”

The second one said, “Yeah, but I'm the one she winked at.”

What do astronauts take for a headache?

Space capsules.

“I just got back from the Dog Star.” “Sirius?”

If astronauts are so smart, why do they count backwards?

Scientist: Your mission is to land on the Sun.

Astronaut: Are you nuts? I'll burn up!

Scientist: That's why you're going at night.

Two Martians landed their spacecraft in a quiet stretch of countryside.

“I think this must be a human cemetery,” said the first Martian. “See that

marker over there? It's a gravestone. And it gives the human's age, too

— one hundred and two.”

“What was his name?” asked the second Martian.

“Miles to Milwaukee.”


Did you hear about the mad scientist who married the Amish woman?

He drove her buggy.

Did you hear about the mad scientist who worked for the woman peanut


He made her nuts.

Did you hear about the mad scientist who trained the Olympic diver?

He sent him off the deep end.

Did you hear about the mad scientist who worked with the bungee


He pushed him over the edge.

Did you hear about the poor little baby who stayed with the mad


It went ga-ga.

Did you hear about the rocket experts who hired the mad scientist?

They went ballistic.


What's a phony serpent?

A fake snake.

What do you call a chubby dog?

A round hound.

What's a big dance in a cemetery?

A grave rave.

What's a purple gorilla?

A grape ape.

What do phantoms eat for breakfast?

Ghost toast.

What's a frightening pet bird?

A scary canary.

What's a glove for a small cat?

A kitten mitten.

What's a happy-go-lucky Thanksgiving bird?

A perky turkey.

What do you call a frog whose car broke down?

A towed toad.

Hink Pink Kriss Kross

The answers to these Hink Pinks are two rhyming words of one syllable

each. Fill each answer into the numbered Kriss Kross grid. Surprise —

you've got one done!


3 happy boy

4 a fruity drink at noon

6 a cooking vessel that's not cool

8 a counterfeit reptile

10 a musical piece that's not short

11 home of a small rodent

12 large amount of fake hair

13 enjoyable joke that makes you groan


1 a sick dollar

2 football players yelling together

3 great group of marching musicians

5 a chilly place to swim

7 skinny female monarch

9 large branch

Who works at a school for monsters?

A creature teacher.

What do you call a tired tent?

A sleepy teepee.

Who's the spooky leader of a church?

A sinister minister.

What's do you call a magician who works with reptiles?

A lizard wizard.

What's a fish who works in the operating room?

A sturgeon surgeon.

What do you call your crazy best friend?

A nutty buddy.

What do you call your pet pooch that got caught in the rain?

A soggy doggy.

What do you call a parent with six crying babies?

A diaper wiper!

What do you call Her Royal Highness's denim pants?

The Queen's jeans.

What do you call that dumb little guy who flies around and shoots arrows

on Valentine's Day?

Stupid Cupid.

What's reddish yellow and helps a door swing back and forth?

An orange door hinge.


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Sarah who?

Sarah a doctor in the house?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Dwayne who?

Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Amos who?

A mosquito bit me!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Annie who?

Annie bit me again!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy you want to go to the movies?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Juicy who?

Juicy who threw that snowball at me?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Phillip who?

Phillip my bag with candy! It's Halloween!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Sharon who?

Sharon share alike.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Wilfred who?

Will Fred come out and play today?

“In the end, everything is a gag.”

— Charlie Chaplin

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Arthur who?

Arthur any cookies left?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Iris who?

I received a package in the mail.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hugh who?

Yoo-hoo to you, too!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Rita who?

Rita good book lately?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Boo who?

Why are you crying?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


William who?

William make me dinner if I stop knocking?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Ira who?

Ira member you, why don't you remember me?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Upton who?

Upton now it's been pretty quiet around here.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Olive who?

Olive you, do you love me?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


LaToya who?

LaToya store's open, let's go shopping!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hutch who?


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Dude who?

Dude-doo is all over my front yard. Will you please watch your puppy!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Champ who?

Champoo the dog, he's got fleas!

Jokin' Around

Three Blind Mice

Look at the dice below:

Challenge your friends to take three dice, place one on a table or

napkin, and balance the other two on top, side by side. First, show

them how it's done. Your friends will not be able to reproduce the

trick! No matter how hard they try, their top two dice will always fall

off the bottom one.

How did you do it?

Spit. (No, not now!) That's the secret of the trick: spit. During the

setup of the trick, while no one is paying attention to your hands,

lick one of your fingertips. Then touch one of the die faces. A tiny

amount of saliva will hold the two dice together, especially if you

hold the dice tightly together for a second or two.

Tip: It's important to place the top two dice with the 2 and the 4

showing. Why? Because then the facing sides become the 1s on

each die. The faces with 1s provide more surface area to hold your

secret saliva.

When you hand the dice to your opponent, wipe off the tell-tale

“glue” without drawing attention. Use your hands to rub off the spit

or push the dice across the tablecloth or napkin.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I stopped saying banana?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Edith who?

Edith thick joothy hamburger for thupper.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Tank who?

You're very welcome.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Toodle who?


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hope who?

Hopen the door and let me in!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Donnelly who?

Donnelly've me out here in the dark!

Knock knock.

Who's there?

A little old lady.

A little old lady who?

I didn't know you could yodel.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Chester who?

Chester little kid.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Aubrey who?

Aubrey quiet!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Skid who?

Forget it! I'm staying right here.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Juan who?

Juan to buy some candy for the school band?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Theophilus who?

The awfullest storm I've ever seen out here!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Ash who?

Ash sure could use some help out in the garden.

Picto-Laugh #2

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about something slow

on something fast!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Alex who?

Alex some more soda pop, please.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Pete who?

Pizza's here!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Giovanni who?

Giovanni extra topping on that?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Wanda who?

Wanda be a millionaire?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Yah who?

I didn't know you were a cowboy.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Matthew who?

Matthew a thilly queth-tion?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Isabelle who?

Isabelle working, or should I just keep knocking?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Oswald who?

Oswald my bubble gum!

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Howard who?

Howard you like to step outside?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Howie who?

I'm fine, thanks, how are you?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Ivan who?

Ivan idea you know who this is.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Tasha who?

Tasha soccer ball out and let's play!

Knock knock. Who's there?

Dewey. Dewey who?

Dewey have to listen to any more knock knock jokes?


Why are the dinosaurs extinct?

They smelled so bad.

What do you say when you want your dinosaur to move faster?

“Pronto, saurus!”

Why don't you ever let a tyrannosaur drive your car?

Because a tyrannosaurus rex.

Why are meteors better than toilet paper?

Because one meteor was able to wipe out all the dinosaurs in the world.

Why did the caveman always show up at the party first?

He was Early Man.

What do you call the first man who discovered fire?


What did the cavewoman say when she found bugs crawling under a


“Dinner's ready!”

What do you call the remains of a woolly mammoth?

A fuzzle.

What do you call a dinosaur stuck in a glacier?

A fossicle.

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a pig?

Jurassic Pork.

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Chickens hadn't evolved yet.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Iguanodon who?

Iguanodon town to see the dinosaur exhibit.

Then there was the caveboy who invented the wheel. He told his buddies

to keep it a secret. “Don't tell my dad,” he said. “Or he'll make me invent

the garage.”

What do pterodactyls have that no other creature has?

Little pterodactyls.

What toys did cavekids play with?


A full-grown stegosaurus can grow up to how many feet?

Just the four.

The world's first glacier was spotted by a caveman with good ice sight.

Cavepeople invented the world's first music by rolling boulders down a

hill. They called it rock-and-roll.

Teacher: Why were there no humans alive during the dinosaur age?

Alex: Because it was Pre-Stork times.

Jokin' Around

Double or Nothing

Tell a friend or an adult that you will be able to double their money

without buying anything, going on the Stock Exchange, or using a

computer. Then ask them for a dollar bill.

Simply fold the bill in half and say, “There! I doubled your money!”

Did you hear about the cavewoman who found a saber-toothed tiger

trapped in a block of ice? She quickly built a fire and melted the ice,

releasing the dangerous creature. After the tiger carried off her husband,

her neighbors asked her why she had done it. “I made a terrible mistake,”

she said. “I thought I thawed a pussycat!”


A man is racing to the bathroom, a second man is leaving it, and a third

man is still inside. Can you guess their nationalities?

Russian, Finnish, and European.

What did Mother say to Father when their baby boy fell down the stairs?

“Oh, look, honey! Our little boy is taking his first twenty-three steps!”

Mother: Why did you put a frog in your sister's bed?

Jimmy: I couldn't find a snake.

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm.

“Waiter! There's a cockroach in my salad!” “Please don't shout, sir. Or

else the other customers will be asking for one, too!”

“Everything about life is funny.”

— Monica Seles

Teacher: Oh dear! I've lost another pupil.

Principal: How did that happen?

Teacher: My glass eye flew out the window while I was driving.

Did you hear about the poor girl who swallowed the thermometer?

She's dying by degrees.

What's the difference between a saloon and an elephant's burp?

One is a bar room, and the other is a bar-OOOOM!

Do you remember when you lost your baby teeth?

Yeah, and was I surprised my dad could hit a baseball that hard!

“A train smashed into my bicycle, and I didn't even get hurt.”

“Why not?”

“My brother Dave was riding it.”

How do you keep a rooster from crowing on Sunday morning?

Make rooster stew Saturday night.

Why doesn't your sister like eating dill pickles?

She keeps getting her head stuck in the jar.

“That bully down the street just broke my finger!”

“Gosh, how did he do that?”

“He hit me in the nose.”

Did you hear about the new principal who's been keeping the boys on

their toes?

He raised all the urinals six inches.

How was King Henry VIII different from normal husbands?

He married his wives first, and axed them after.

There was a young monk of Siberia

Who of fasting grew wearia and wearia,

Till one day with a yell

He escaped from his cell

And devoured the Father Superia.


Astronomer: It's looking up.

Submarine pilot: It has its ups and downs.

Oil rigger: Boring.

Tree doctor: Knot Two bad.

Carpenter: It's leveling off.

Surgeon: I always get a lot out of my patients.

Roofer: Customers are sliding off.

Boat racer: Sails are dropping.

Minister: Prophets are increasingly read.

Farmer: The field keeps growing.

Air traffic controller: Can't come, plane!

Model: The figures aren't all in yet.

Aerobics instructor: I'm reducing the bottom line.

“When humor goes, there goes civilization.”

— Erma Bombeck

Beekeeper: Business is humming.

Car mechanic: Planning to re-tire.

Pizza chef: Making dough hand over fist.

Miner: Roughly carving out a living.

Highway worker: A bit bumpy.

Ballet dancer: Keeps me on my toes.

Teacher: Sorry, but that's classified information!

Jokin' Around

The Money Drop, or The Buck Doesn't Stop Here

Take out a crisp 1-dollar bill and hold it in your right hand. Let it

hang down from your thumb and forefinger. Place the fingers and

thumb of your left hand loosely around the bill without touching it.

Let go of the bill with your right hand and catch it in your left hand.

Don't grab it until the right hand has completely let go.

Show this little movement to your friends and bet them they can't

catch the bill.

Again, hold the bill in your right hand. Let them (one at a time, of

course) place their left hand loosely around the hanging bill. Tell

them to catch the bill after you let go. Say, “If you can catch the

falling bill, it's yours to keep.”

They can't do it!

Why? In the time it takes your friends' eyeballs to register that the

bill is falling, and for their brain to send out a second message to

their hands telling them to grab, the bill has already dropped from

their grasp. Gravity works too fast in this case, faster than human


The reason you are able to catch the bill is because your brain

knows when you are about to release the bill. Your friends,

however, don't have that “insider” information.

Tips: The bill should be crisp. If it is not new, fold a crease in the bill


Instruct your friends not to grab the bill until they see you let go.

After practicing this trick, try it with a 10-or 20-dollar bill (if you



What has 18 legs, spits, and catches flies?

A baseball team.

Why did the football coach rip apart the pay telephone?

He was trying to get his quarterback.

“The great comics and comedians have been the ones who

dared to mix comedy with tragedy.”

— Robin Tyler

(Who does Tyler think are great comics? Charlie Chaplin,

Carol Burnett, Lily Tomlin, and Richard Pryor.)

Which football team travels with the most luggage?

The Packers.

What dessert should basketball players never eat?


Which college team has the tallest players?

O-HIGH-O State.

Fullback: I'm sick, Coach. The doctor says I can't play football.

Coach: I don't need a doctor to tell me that!

Why is bowling cheaper than playing golf?

Because in bowling, no matter how badly you play, you can never lose

the ball!

“What do you call your dad when he water skis in the winter?”

“A Popsicle.”

“What does your mom call him?”


“Did you hear about the scuba diver who heard music underwater?”

“Was it a singing fish?”

“No, a coral group.”

A college star fullback played with his team for 12 years!

He could run and tackle — he just couldn't pass.

What do you call a basketball player's pet chicken?

A personal fowl.

What do you get when a soccer player kicks a duck?

Someone who foots the bill.

Did you hear about the football coach who got his teeth knocked out?

He was showing a new player how to kick the ball. He held it on the

ground and said, “Now when I nod my head, kick it!”

Golfer: Young man, why do you keep looking at your watch?

Caddie: This isn't a watch. It's a compass!

Did you hear about the billionaire who bought his kid 10 new golf clubs?

Each of them comes with a swimming pool and a private parking lot.

What is the quietest sport in the world?

Bowling. You can hear a pin drop.

What's the noisiest sport in the world?

Tennis. There's always a racket on the court.

Why is a baseball stadium such a cool place to be?

It's full of fans!

Did you hear about the quarterback who beat up his receiver every


The quarterback gets up at six, and the receiver gets up at seven.

Golfer: Boy, the traps on this golf course are sure annoying.

Pro: I'll say, so would you please shut yours?

I heard there was a baseball team that won without ever putting a man on


Yeah, it was an all-girl team!

Angry Golfer: You must be the world's worst caddy!

Caddy: Oh no, that would be too much of a coincidence.

“There are two things the golf pro will not eat for breakfast.”

“Really, what are they?”

“Lunch and dinner.”

Why didn't the golfer wear his new shoes on the course today?

Because yesterday he got a hole in one.

Little Rosie was telling her friend about all the places her family had lived.

“We must have lived in ten different towns since I was a baby.” Her friend

was impressed and asked, “Is your dad a minister or in the Army?”

“Neither,” said Rosie, “he's a football coach.”

A fellow took his younger brother to the golf course with his pals. The

younger boy thought he'd play his first game. He watched all the older

boys tee off, and then stepped up to hit the ball.

“ONE!” he yelled, as he swung at the ball.

His brother rolled his eyes and said, “Why didn't you yell ‘Fore’ like the

rest of us?”

The boy said, “You aim at whichever hole you want, I'm trying to hit the

first one.”

“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody


— Will Rogers

Why was Cinderella such a lousy soccer player?

She had a pumpkin for a coach.

A mother brought her daughter to the golf course for the first time.

“What are those guys doing over there?” she asked her mother.

“They're checking out the sand traps.”

“Cool, let's go see if they caught any.”

Caddie: Here's a lost ball I found out on the course.

Boss: How do you know it was lost?

Caddie: Because they were still looking for it when I left.

Golfer: Any idea how I could cut about ten strokes off my game?

Caddie: Yeah, quit on the seventeenth hole.


Car Wars

directed by Otto Mobile

Cliff Hanger

directed by Ben Dover and Hugo First

I Was a Teenage Werewolf

directed by Anita Shave

Under the Bleachers

directed by Seymour Butts

Summer Vacation

directed by Sandy Beech


directed by Adam Bomm

The Fortune Teller

directed by Horace Cope

Escape from New York

directed by Willy Makit

Escape from New York, Part Two

directed by Betty Will

Saved by the Bell

directed by Justin Tyme

Jokin' Around

The Expanding Envelope

Tell your friends that you can walk through an envelope. That's

right! Through an envelope. No one will believe you, but that's never

stopped you before.

First, seal your envelope. Next, using scissors, carefully cut the

envelope along the lines shown below. Cut into the body of the

envelope and the sides … NOT the ends.

You will be able to carefully unfold your cut envelope into a much

larger hoop. Step through the hoop. See, you've done it again!

Seeing Dead People

directed by Freyda Thudark

Who Wants To be a Zillionaire?

directed by Sherwood B. Nice.

The Pizza Guy

directed by Ann Chovey

Scary Movie

directed by Hans Archer Throte

Incredible Airplane Crashes!

directed by Isaac DeMye Stumick

Rock-and-Roll Prom

directed by Tristan Shout

The Last Video Game

directed by Joyce Tick

King of Comedy

directed by Shirley U. Jest

Lost Treasure

directed by Barry Deep

The Ghost Screams at Midnight

directed by Waylon Mone

Night of the Cat Burglar

directed by Jimmy DeLock

“The role of the comedian is to make the audience laugh, at

a minimum of once every fifteen seconds.”

— Lenny Bruce

Dinosaur Park

directed by Tara Dacktill

Revenge of the Mad Cow

directed by I. C. Hanz

Chickens Run

directed by Iona Farm

Return of the Zombies

directed by Doug Moregraves

All Those Dogs!

directed by Hunter and Juan del Mayshuns


The dim-witted terrorist was sent out to blow up a car. He burned his lips

on the exhaust pipe.

Two boys went to the movies. After the film had already started, they both

got up and walked to the concession stand for some popcorn and soda

pop. When they walked back into the darkened theater, one of the boys

said to a man sitting on the aisle, “Excuse me, sir, but did we step on

your toes on the way out?”

“You certainly did,” said the man.

The boy turned to his friend and said, “Okay, this is our row.”

There was the poor shoe salesman who had pulled out half of his stock,

trying to find the perfect shoe for a young girl.

Words to Know

Gag: a laugh-provoking remark, trick, or prank

“Do you mind if I sit and rest a moment?” he asked her. “Your feet are

killing me.”

A snooty young woman was put off by a man begging for money.

“Are you satisfied walking the streets like this and asking for handouts?”

“No, ma'am,” said the beggar. “I wish I could use a car.”

Harry and his friends went deer hunting one fall. The first morning they all

split up and disappeared into the woods. After lunch, Harry spotted one

of his friends coming out of the woods.

“Where's the rest of the guys?” asked Harry, excitedly.

“They're at the cabin,” said his friend.

“All of them?” asked Harry.

“Yeah, all of them.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Harry, I'm sure,” said his friend. “Why do you keep asking?”

Harry had a big smile. “Boy, is that a relief. That means I shot a deer!”

Once the flood was over, Noah opened up the Ark and released all the

animals back onto dry land. After the last animal had bounded off to

freedom, Noah trudged wearily inside the ship to start the long chore of

cleaning up. To his surprise, he noticed two snakes coiled up in a corner.

“Why are you two still here?” asked Noah.

One of the snakes answered, “Well, sir, you told us to go forth and


“Yes, indeed,” said Noah.

“We can't multiply,” said the snake. “We're adders.”

A vampire took a vacation on a cruise ship. The headwaiter asked if he'd

like to check out their menu.

“No thanks,” said the vampire. “But do you have a passenger list?”

Gretchen: Why are you feeding your chickens boiled water?

Karl: I want them to lay boiled eggs.

Max: There's just one thing that would make you look even better than

you do now.

Dot: What's that?

Max: Distance.

Did you hear about the knothead who fell down the elevator shaft?

When he gained consciousness he yelled, “I said UP!”

Rosie: Do you think my painting is any good?

Bill: In a way.

Rosie: What kind of way?

Bill: Away off.

A fellow walks into a hotel and asks for a room.

“We don't have any rooms,” said the clerk. “We're full up.”

“But I've been to every other hotel in this town,” said the man. “They're all

full. Are you sure you don't have any room somewhere?”

“I already told you,” said the clerk. “No available room.”

The man thought a moment then said, “If I were the president of the

United States would you have a room for me?”

“Yes,” said the clerk. “If you were the president.”

“Well, give me his room, then,” said the man, “Because he's not coming.”

Did you hear about the rich kid whose father told him, “Son, I'm sorry, but

tomorrow I need the limousine and chauffeur for work.”

“But, Pop,” said the kid, “how will I get to school?”

“Like every other normal kid in America,” said the father. “You'll take a


A prisoner on his way to the electric chair was asked if he had any last


“I'd like some strawberries,” says the prisoner.

“Strawberries?” says the guard. “They're not in season for six months


The prisoner says, “Fine. I'll wait.”

“We saw the Grand Canyon in ten days.”

“That's a long vacation.”

“Yeah, it took us five days to drive through and another five to refold the


How did they measure hail before golf balls were invented?

“Are you sure you've ridden a horse before?”

“Oh yes.”

“Then what kind of saddle would you like?

With a horn or without?”

“I'll take the one without a horn. I doubt if I'll run into much traffic.”

You heard what Noah told his son when they went fishing?

“Easy on the bait, son, we only have two worms.”

A newspaper reporter was interviewing a gnarled, wrinkled, white-haired

farmer as he sat quietly rocking on his front porch.

“Sir,” said the reporter. “I'd like to know the secret of your long life.”

“Well, son,” replied the farmer. “I drink a gallon of whisky, smoke ten

cigars, and stay out partying every night of the week.”

“That's amazing,” said the reporter. “And how old are you?”


“The joke loses everything when the joker laughs himself.”

— Friedrich von Schiller (1783)

Jokin' Around

Bottom's Up

Bet your friends or family that you can drink from a soda pop can

without opening it or tampering with it in any way. They'll think

you're nuts! But you can prove them wrong.

Take a soda pop can and then turn it over. All aluminum pop cans

have a slight indentation on the bottom. You can easily fill this

indentation with water (or with pop from a different can). You'll be

able to sip your drink from the can's bottom without opening it or

tampering with it.

Tip: When making the bet, be sure to tell them that you will “drink

from a can” and not “drink out of a can.” The words are important.

Say the wrong thing and your friends and family can trip you up,

and you'll be forced to eat — or drink — your own words!

Mother: Honey, ask the butcher if he has calf's tongue.

Jimmy: Why ask? I'll just wait until he opens his mouth and look.

Mother (looking at the meat display): Jimmy, can you tell if the butcher

has pickled pig's feet?

Jimmy: No, I can't. He's wearing shoes.

“Did you hear the news? They rescued a man from the swamp this

morning whose foot was bitten off by an alligator!”

“Which one?”

“Who knows? All alligators look the same.”

Have you heard about that new dog food?

It tastes like a mail carrier.

A rookie cop got bawled out by his sergeant after working his first


“How could you let that crook escape?” yelled the sergeant. “I told you to

keep an eye on all the exits.”

“I did, Sarge. He must have gone out one of the entrances.”

Did you hear about the weirdo who went to see a movie at the drive-in

theater called

Closed for Repairs?


There was a young lady named Bright

Whose speed was much faster than light.

She went out one day

In a relative way

And came back on the previous night.

There was a young fellow of Crete

Who was so exceedingly neat,

When he got out of bed

He stood on his head

To make sure of not soiling his feet.

There was a young lady of Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside

And the smile on the face of the tiger.

The bottle of perfume that Willie sent

Was highly displeasing to Millicent.

Her thanks were so cold

That they quarreled, I'm told,

'Bout that silly scent Willie sent Millicent.

Words to Know

Limerick: a light or humorous verse with a specific rhythm and rhyme


A flea and a fly in a flue

Were imprisoned so what could they do?

Said the fly, “Let us flee,”

Said the flea, “Let us fly,”

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

A certain young man named Bill Beebee

Was in love with a lady named Phoebe

“But,” he said, “we must see

What the clerical fee be

Before Phoebe be Phoebe Beebee.”

There once was a maid from Japan

Whose limericks never would scan.

When they questioned her why,

She replied, “Because I

Like to squeeze as many syllables into the concluding line of the limerick

as I possibly can.”



Limericks have been making people laugh for over a hundred years. But

funny stuff can always be improved on. Comic poet Ogden Nash

invented a streamlined, or mini version, of the Limerick called the Limick.

An outlaw from Spain

Fled to Paris by train

Where he jumped in the river —

They found him in-Seine.

A fellow from Hutton's,

The grandest of gluttons,

Makes room for dessert

By popping his buttons.

It's Rhyme Time

Add the missing letter in each of the following words to make a group of

words that all rhyme. Now choose the three words that will correctly finish

the limerick below. BE CAREFUL! Sometimes more than one letter can

be used to make a word. If you can't find three words in your list that fit in

the limerick, go back to the word list and try making other words.


Signs found hanging on the doors of …

An Astronaut: OUT TO LAUNCH

A fencing instructor: OUT TO LUNGE

A nuclear Scientist: GONE FISSION


A dance instructor: BACK IN A MINUET

A car mechanic: ON A BRAKE

A chiropractor: BE RIGHT, BACK!

A surgeon: JUST CUT OUT


A nudist colony: WE'RE NEVER CLOTHED

A dentist: OPEN WIDE

Bye Bye

Which sign did the eye doctor leave on her door when she went on



“Does your family own a cat?”

“No, why?”

“I thought I heard it meowing last night.”

“That's just our dog. He's been listening to foreign language tapes.”

Jenny: Doctor, I have a problem. I love Bermuda shorts.

Doctor: Lots of people love Bermuda shorts.

Jenny: With mustard and relish?

“I got a role in the new Tarzan movie. Boy, you should have seen all the

crazy animals we had to work with.”

“Were you the star?”

“No, but when the lion got loose and chased the cast, I was the leading


“The best humor is the most obvious. When the audience

has to stop and think too hard about a punchline, the punch

is lost.”

— Thom Melcher

Harold and Stanley were brothers. Harold went on a business trip and

asked Stanley to look after his pet kitten. The first night of his trip, Harold

phoned his brother and asked how little Buttons was doing.

“Buttons is dead,” said Stanley, flatly.

Harold was appalled. “Stanley! That's no way to tell me bad news.”

“How should I have told you?” asked Stanley.

“Break it to me gently,” said Harold. “Little by little. You could have said

that Buttons was up on the roof. Then say you had to call the fire

department. Then say the ladder wasn't long enough. Then tell me that

Buttons tried to jump. And then you could have said he was in the

hospital. And that he was growing weaker and weaker. That he stopped

eating. Then, eventually, you could have told me that poor Buttons died.”

“Sorry,” said Stanley. “I'll know better next time.”

“All right,” said Harold. “By the way, how's Mom?”

“Well, she's up on the roof.”

A miser won the lottery with a ticket he bought — $1,000,000! But he still

seemed depressed. “What's wrong?” asked his neighbor. The miser

sighed and said, “When I think of the dollar I wasted buying this other

lottery ticket.”

Joey: Yuck! This is the worst tasting apple pie I ever had!

Waiter: What does it taste like?

Joey: Glue!

Waiter: Then that's the pumpkin pie. The apple pie tastes like mud.

Mother: Billy, what is all that grass doing sticking out of your pockets?

Billy: The worms in there have to eat something, don't they?

Troop Leader: Do you know how to make a fire with just two sticks?

Cub Scout: Yes, sir. As long as one of the sticks is a match.

My poor sister had an awful time of it. First she got arthritis and

rheumatism. And after that she got appendicitis, tonsillitis, and then

pneumonia. They even had to give her hypodermics. Whew! I didn't think

she'd ever make it through that spelling contest!

Five-year-old Kevin came running down the stairs, wailing and weeping.

“What ever is the matter?” asked his mother. “I was upstairs with Daddy,”

said Kevin. “He was putting up pictures. And he hit his thumb with the

hammer.” The mother grinned. “That's all right, honey. Your daddy is a

grownup man. He doesn't let something like that worry him. And you

shouldn't either. You should have just laughed.” Then Kevin sobbed, “I


My doctor believes in shock therapy. That's why he sends me his bill!

“Excuse me, could you tell me the fastest way to get to the hospital?”

“Stand in traffic.”

“I was thinking of attending the time-management workshop.”

“When does it start?'

“Oh, fivish, sixish.”

“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without

springs — jolted by every pebble in the road.”

— Henry Ward Beecher

A man walked into an antique store. It was filled with beautiful furniture,

fine old paintings, and housewares of silver and crystal. Nothing caught

his eye. As he turned to leave, however, he noticed the owner's cat

licking milk out of a delicate china saucer. The man knew at a glance that

the saucer was priceless, and he figured the stupid owner didn't realize

what a treasure was sitting just beneath his nose.

The man casually struck up a conversation with the owner.

“Nice cat you got there.”

“Thanks,” said the owner. “He's a good cat, but I never seem to have

enough time for him.”

“Hmmm, would you be interested in selling him?” asked the man.

“Sure, if you're serious,” said the owner.

“You can have him for five bucks.”


The man paid his five dollars, then picked up the cat and headed toward

the door. “Oh, by the way,” said the man, turning around. “You probably

wouldn't mind if I just took that old milk saucer would you? The cat seems

to like it.”

“Are you kidding?” grinned the man. “That saucer has helped me sell

seventy cats in the last month!”

“I'm on that new Japanese diet.”

“How does that work?”

“You're only allowed to use one chopstick.”

A doctor walks into a hospital room and stands next to the bed of his


“Mister Cooper, I have some good news and some bad news.”

“What is it, Doc?”

“The bad news is that we have to amputate both your feet.”

“That's horrible! What's the good news?”

“The patient in the next bed wants to buy your shoes.”

Picto-Laugh #3

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about Mexican hats

and exercise!

First Scientist: I discovered the perfect cure for dandruff.

Second Scientist: What is it?

First Scientist: Baldness.

Years ago, a huge ship was passing through a thick fog. Suddenly, up

ahead, it saw a bright and unexpected light. The ship signaled:“Veer off!”

The reply: “You veer off!”

The captain of the ship became furious. He told his signal man, “Tell that

idiot to veer off! Doesn't he realize this battleship is heading his way?”

The signal man obeyed the command and then waited for a reply.

“Well, what did he say?” asked the angry captain.

The signal man answered, “Well, sir, he says, ‘Don't you realize this

lighthouse is heading your way?’”

Harold got a summer job painting yellow stripes down the middle of the

highway. The first day he did an excellent job and painted a strip a mile

long. But the second day he painted only half a mile. And the third day

Harold painted even less.

Finally, his angry boss told him, “Harold, you're slacking off! Each day

you paint less and less.”

Harold replied, “I know. But each day it gets longer and longer to walk

back to that bucket!”

Love to Laugh

A good joke can make you laugh out loud or quietly to yourself. See if you

can fill in five different kinds of laughs. We left a couple of L-A-U-G-H-S to

help you.

“I don't have a penny to my name.”

“Are you gonna get a job?”

“No, I'm gonna change my name.”

Did you hear about the elephant hunter who hurt his back?

He was carrying decoys.

A miser walks into a dentist's office and asks the dentist how much he

charges for pulling a tooth.

“Thirty bucks,” said the dentist.

“Here's five,” said the miser. “Just loosen it a little.”

A young girl entered the courthouse and registered for a name change.

“What's your name now?” asked the clerk.

“Betty Stinks,” said the girl.

The clerk laughed for almost a full minute. “I can understand why you'd

want to change it,” the clerk finally said. “What are you changing it to?”

“Elizabeth Stinks.”

First Fisher: Is this a good lake for fish?

Second Fisher: It must be. I can't get any of them to come out.

Two cars, driving from opposite directions, met in the middle of a narrow

bridge that was wide enough to let only one car pass at a time.

The first motorist rolled down his window, stuck his head out, and yelled,

“I never back up for jerks!”

The second driver put his car in reverse and yelled, “That's all right. I

always do!”

Picto-Laugh #4

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about Mexican hats

and breakfast!

“I want to see Dr. Braun.”

“He's not here at the moment. But I'm sure Dr. Wilson could help you.”

“I don't want Dr. Wilson. I want Dr. Braun.”

“Then you'll just have to wait.”

“Fine. How long?”

“Two weeks. Dr. Braun just left on his vacation.”

A mother raced into a doctor's office, pulling her son along behind her.

“Tell me, Doctor,” she said, “can a ten-year-old boy take out a person's


“Don't be ridiculous,” said the doctor. “Of course not.”

“See, Jimmy? You heard the doctor. Now go put that right back!”

Jimmy: This is the slowest train I've ever been on! Conductor, can't you

run any faster?

Conductor: Sure I can. But I have to stay on the train.

Larry: Why don't we fall off the earth and go shooting through space?

Perry: The law of gravity.

Larry: Then what did we do before that law was passed?

A young girl walked into a clothing store with her mother. “I'd like to try on

that dress in the window,” she said.

“Well, young lady,” said the clerk, “we'd prefer that you use one of our

dressing rooms.”

Jimmy: How's your new job on the construction site?

Derek: Awful! After one week, I'm through with it!

Jimmy: What for?

Derek: Lots of reasons. The constant complaining, the laziness, the

sloppiness, the bad language. They just wouldn't put up with it anymore!

It's Joke Time!

Draw a line from each riddle to the clock that shows the correct answer.

HINT: It helps to read the time on each clock aloud.


I heard on the news that a nuclear scientist accidentally ate some

uranium, and now he has atomic ache! “How's your sister coming along

with her new jigsaw puzzle?”

“She can't figure it out. I'm afraid she's going to pieces.”

Did you hear they fired the cross-eyed school teacher?

He couldn't control his pupils.

Did you hear about the lobster that bought a new car?

It was a crustacean wagon.

“Does your brother have a job?”

“He works at the hospital as a night orderly.”

“Oh, a pan-handler, huh?”

Words to Know

Pun: the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or

more of its meanings or the meaning of another word with a similar sound

Doctor: Have your eyes ever been checked?

Kyle: No, they've always been blue.

What did one Moroccan boy say to the other?

“I can't remember your name, but your fez is familiar.”

A misshapen ogre made his living by ringing the bells at a famous

cathedral in France. One day the ogre lost his footing on the roof of the

cathedral and plummeted 200 feet to his death in the courtyard below.

Two priests rushed to the ogre's side. The first priest asked, “Is that the

Hunchback of Notre Dame?” The second priest replied, “No, but he's a

dead ringer.”

Tyler: My dad is so strong, he can hold up several cars at once using one


Brian: What does he do?

Tyler: He's a policeman.

Brian: Big deal! My dad is a lot stronger. He can hold up an entire bank

by just handing a little note to the teller.

What's the best way to avoid falling hair?

Jump out of the way!

Dottie was having trouble learning her directions, especially the

difference between north and south. So her mother tried a little quiz.

“Dottie, if you were standing with your back to the east, and your face to

the west, what would be on your right hand?''Dottie said, “Four fingers

and a thumb.”

Teacher: My goodness, Amy! You've been burping all morning.

Amy: It must have been those belchin' waffles I ate for breakfast.

Matty: We learned today that people who live north of the Arctic Circle

eat whale meat and blubber.

Mary: I'd blubber too if that's all I had to eat.

Mom: Amy, what are you doing home from school so early?

Amy: The teacher asked me how far I could count, so I counted all the

way home.

“My aunt always nagged my uncle to buy her a Jaguar.”

“Did he ever get one?”

“Yeah, then it ate her up!”

Circus Clown: How do you like your new job?

Trapeze Artist: I'm finally getting the hang of things.

How do you measure a dog's temperature?

By pedigrees.

Some know-it-all once said that the pun was the lowest form

of humor. Then a modern comic added, “unless you happen

to make it yourself!”

I feel sorry for the two lighthouse keepers.

Their marriage is on the rocks.

Young earthworm: This dirt tastes terrible.

Mother earthworm: I don't understand. It was fresh ground this morning.

You heard about the glass blower who inhaled?

He got a pane in his stomach.

What did the Cub Scout say when he fixed the horn on his bike?

Beep repaired!Why does your dog go round and round before he lies


He's a self-winding watchdog.

A music store was robbed last night. The burglar broke in, stole a drum,

and beat it! Why is that woolly sheep scratching itself?

Because it has fleece.

“Comedy is the new rock-and-roll.”

— Janet Street-Porter

Teacher: Alex, why are you brushing your teeth during class?

Alex: I want to be ready for the oral exam.

Did you hear about the two silkworms who had a race?

They ended in a tie.

That movie was terrible. I've seen a better film on dirty teeth.

Why did the bank robber flee to the nudist colony?

That's where he had his hide out.

What do you see when the smog clears in southern California?


What part of a car is responsible for causing the most accidents?

The nut located behind the wheel.


They think that …

An octopus is a cat with eight paws.

A polygon is a parrot who flew from its cage.

An amoeba is a small prison, because it only has one cell.

Peanut butter is a baby billy goat.

Shell-shock is when you accidentally drop an egg.

“Doctor, can you help me? I keep thinking I'm a packet of biscuits.”

“Biscuits? Oh, you mean those little square packets you crumble up for

your soup?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Then you must be crackers!”

Picto-Laugh #5

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about the color pink!

“You look awful, Stanley. Flu?”

“Yeah, and crashed!”

I read that Tibet is the noisiest place on earth.

Everywhere you look it's Yak, Yak, Yak!

Did you hear about the Siamese twins who went to Prague for major


They came out as separate Czechs.

“This report card should be underwater!”

“Because it's so wet?”

“No, because it's below “C” level!”

What happened to the origami store that used to be on the corner?

It folded.

An inexperienced hunter was deep in the woods and kept following a set

of tracks — until the train ran him over!

Fill Me In

Color in all the shapes with exactly three sides to find the answer to this

riddle: Why did Silly Billy throw a stick of butter out the window?

Why did Silly Billy throw a stick of butter out of the window ?

Karl: Darn, I left my watch back up on that hill.

Ben: Should we go up and get it?

Karl: Nah, it'll run down by itself.

Gretchen: Every morning my dog and I go for a tramp in the woods.

Heather: Sounds delightful.

Gretchen: Yes, but the tramp is getting real tired of it.

At a fancy hotel, a man walks in and asks the desk clerk, “Do you take


“No sir,” replied the clerk. “Only checks and American Express.”

The farmer came in from the barn and said to his wife:“I shot the cow.”

“Was he a mad cow?”

“Let's just say he wasn't too happy about it.”

A once-famous rock star told her friend, “The last time I made an

appearance at that night-club, I drew a line five blocks long.”

Her friend asked, “Did they make you erase it?”

“I think I have a good head on my shoulders.”

“You sure have a point there.”

Why do you keep a sun lamp in your lunchbox?

It's a light lunch.


Did you realize that if 3M and Goodyear ever merged they could call

themselves MMMGood?

And if Polygram Records, Warner Brothers, and Nabisco Crackers ever

joined forces, they would be called Poly-Warner-Cracker.


Here's an alphabetical list of old or obsolete words that all mean “pun.”

Some of these words are over 500 years old!















If you always have a pun up your sleeve that you can't wait to try out on

your friends, you are said to be “liripoopionated.”

And if you pun way too much, your friends can accuse you of “quibbleism.”


Mother: What's the best way to discipline children?

Father: Start at the bottom.

Ashley: Everyone says I got my good looks from my father.

Jason: Oh, is he a plastic surgeon?

“My older brother thinks he's a chicken.”

“You should take him to a doctor.”

“Why? We need the eggs.”

Mother: Darling, will you still love me when my hair is gray?

Father: Why not? I loved you through those five other colors.

At the airport, Mother turned to Father and said, “I sure wish we had

brought the television with us.”

“Why is that?” asked Father.

“Because I left the plane tickets on it.”

“We got a dog for my little brother.”

“I wish my Dad would let me make a trade like that.”

Karl and Ben went out hunting. They were just bedding down in their

tents one night when a huge snarling bear lumbered into their campsite.

Karl quickly knelt down and started lacing up his sneakers.

“What good will that do?” shouted Ben. “You can't outrun a bear.”

Karl replied, “I only have to outrun you!”

A very proud grandmother was walking through the park, pushing her two

grandchildren in a stroller. A young woman walked by and said, “My, what

fine looking little boys. They must be your grandsons.” “Yes they are,”

said the grandmother. “How old are they?” asked the younger woman.

“The lawyer is three and the doctor is two.”

Jason: What's it like having a twin sister?

Megan: It's just like being an only child. Except twice.

“Mom, guess what? I won the election for class president!”


“Did you have to bring that up?”

“Humor has to come in under cover of darkness, in disguise,

and surprise people.”

— Garrison Keillor

“Dad, where is yesterday's newspaper?”

“Your mother wrapped the garbage in it and threw it away.”

“Darn, I wanted to see it.”

“There wasn't much to see. Just some old egg cartons and dogfood cans

and apple cores and …”

“My dad used to write for TV. He wrote The Jeffersons, The Hughleys,

and The PJ's.”

“Did they ever write back?”

“I can always tell when my big brother is lying.”

“How's that?”

“He moves his lips.”

“What are you having for dinner tonight?”



“Yeah, leftover TV dinners.”

“My brother made a right turn from the left lane and crashed into another

car. The other driver jumped out and yelled at my brother.

Why didn't you signal? he asked.”

“What did your brother say?”

“He said, ‘Why should I signal? I always turn here.’”

My Dad is a real pessimist. He just opened up a new Chinese restaurant

and he only sells misfortune cookies.

“Doctor, my sister thinks she's an elevator.

Can you help her?”

“Have her come up to my office.”

“I would, but she doesn't stop at your floor.”

“George Washington's parents were really thoughtful.”

“What makes you say that?”

“They made sure their kid was born on a holiday.”

Troy: Mom! Megan said I was dumb.

Mother: Megan, apologize to your brother!

Megan: Okay. I'm sorry you're dumb.

“My sister loves to eat.”

“What's her favorite food?”


Troy: Your piano playing stinks!

Megan: Well, for your information, that piece I was playing is very difficult.

Troy: Too bad it's not impossible.

“My brother is connected with the police.”

“How's he connected?”

“With handcuffs.”

Alex: My dad lost his wallet with over three hundred bucks in it.

Troy: Wow!

Alex: And he's offering a reward of twenty dollars to whoever finds it.

Troy: I'll give you thirty.

Three comedians were asked which is funnier: a witty line or

someone slipping on a banana peel. Fran Lebowitz and

Ellen DeGeneres both said that falling down is funnier. Lily

Tomlin said it “depends on who's doing the slipping.”

Amy: Dad, the landlord is here for the rent.

Father: Tell him I'm not home.

Amy: I can't lie like that!

Father: All right, I'll tell him myself.

Alex: Mom, I think it's time I got an allowance.

Mother: How about I give you double what I give your little brother, Matt?

Alex: But Matt gets zero allowance.

Mother: Okay, so I'll give you triple.

A young boy was telling his teacher all about the new addition to his

family. “And every night,” complained the boy, “little Kevin wakes

everyone up with his crying.”

“Well, he's just a wee little thing,” said the teacher.

“No,” said the boy. “He's a wee-wee thing. That's why he's crying.”

Mother: Why did you kick your little brother in the stomach?

Jimmy: He turned around.

Teacher: How do you make antifreeze?

Rosie: Steal her blanket.

The real-estate agent told the family, “I'll be honest with you. This house

has its good points as well as its bad points.”

“What are the bad points?” asked the father.

“Just north of here is a toxic waste dump. And just south is a huge hog


“What are the good points?” asked the mother.

“You can always tell which way the wind is blowing.”

In the middle of a sweltering summer afternoon, the Thomas family was

entertaining out-of-town guests. When supper was ready, the father

asked the youngest son to say the blessing.

The boy whispered to his father, “But what do I say?”

The father replied, “Just say what you've heard me say before.”

So the boy bowed his head and said in a loud voice, “Oh Lord, why in

heaven's name did I ever invite these people on a hot day like today?”

Jimmy: My sister thinks I'm too nosy.

Troy: Did she tell you that?

Jimmy: No, that's what I read in her diary.

“What are you drawing, honey?”

“A picture of God.”

“But no one knows what God looks like.”

“They will when I'm finished with this.”

“My brother has laryngitis, so he's talking with his hands.”

“Is that why he's snapping his fingers?”

“Yeah, he has the hiccups.”

Danny: Guess what, Dad? Mom backed the car out of the garage and ran

right over my new bike.

Father: That'll teach you to leave it parked out on the front lawn.

“Young man, there were two cookies in the jar last night, and this morning

there is only one.

How do you explain that?”

“It was so dark, I guessed I missed it.”

My mom gets carsickness every month — when she looks at the


Mother: Rosie! Why did you fall in the mud puddle with your new dress


Rosie: There wasn't time to take it off.

Father: I think our son must get his brains from me.

Mother: Probably, because I still have all mine.

Matt: Dad! The dog just ate the pie Mom finished baking.

Father: That's all right, son, don't worry. We'll get you a new dog.

Did you hear about the nervous father who is pacing up and down in the

hospital lobby, waiting to hear about the birth of his first child? Finally,

after several hours, the nurse arrives. The father runs up to her and asks,

“Nurse, tell me, is it a boy?” The nurse says calmly, “Well, the middle one


Mother: Boys, stop fighting! Who started this anyway?

Nick: Matt started it when he hit me back.

Aunt Missy: Do you know what an opera is, Rosie?

Rosie: Yeah, it's where someone gets stabbed and instead of bleeding

they sing.

A grandmother took her little five-year-old grandson with her shopping. At

one point in the store the little boy said loudly, “I have to go pee-pee.”

The grandmother shook her head and said, “No, dear. When you need to

use the bathroom you say that you have to whisper. All right?”

That night the five-year-old woke up at midnight and toddled into his

parents' bedroom. “Daddy,” he said, tugging on his father's arm, “I have

to whisper! I have to whisper!”

The father sleepily turned over on his side and said, “All right, son. Go

ahead and whisper right in my ear.”


A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about a game of hiden-seek!

“My sister ran the hundred-yard dash in five seconds.”

“That's impossible! The world record isn't even eight seconds.”

“She knows a short cut.”

“Do you have to make so much noise when you eat?”

“Our teacher told us to start the day with a sound breakfast.”

Ben: Why are you jumping up and down?

Karl: I just took some medicine, and the bottle said to shake well.

“You sure take your car in for lots of repairs.”

“I know, my dad is always braking it.”

Mother: Why are you standing in front of the mirror with your eyes shut?

Melody: I want to see what I look like asleep.

Rhyming Riddles

Draw a line to match each riddle to the proper picture.

It keeps you nice and very neat — has lots of teeth, but cannot eat.

It runs all night, and runs all day, but never, ever runs away.

Sits on the table by your plate and cup — if it falls down, it might stick up.

Sometimes curly, sometimes flat — it's over the head and under a hat.

“My dad only eats at the finest restaurants.”

“How do you know that?”

“You should see our silverware.”

Father: Go right up to your room and straighten it.

Jimmy: Is it crooked?

Jokin' Around

The Woman on the Bus

A woman was riding the bus downtown with her new baby.

A rude passenger sitting across the aisle took one look at the

woman and her baby and said, “That's the ugliest baby I ever saw

in my life. Looks just like a monkey.” The woman was so upset that

she quickly got off the bus at the very next stop. She walked over to

a park bench, sat down, and started crying.

A young man walking by noticed the poor woman. “What's wrong?”

he asked her. But the woman was too upset to tell him. It was a hot

day out, so the man walked over to a convenience store and a few

minutes later returned to the park bench.

The young man handed the woman a can of soda pop. “It's so hot

out, I thought you might like this,” he said. The woman gratefully

accepted his offer. “Thank you very much,” she said. Then the man

reached into his pocket. “Here, take this,” he said. “I bought a

banana for your monkey, too.”

“Why aren't you sharing your scooter with your little brother?”

“I am, Mom, half and half. I use it on the way down the hill, and he has it

on the way up the hill.”

Heather: I just finished giving my kitten a bath.

Tracy: Does she mind it?

Heather: No, she likes it. But afterwards it always takes me a while to get

rid of the fur on my tongue.

Mother: What a dirty face! Your Aunt Missy won't kiss

you like that.

Alex: That's what I figured.

Mother: What's your little brother yelling about?

Sandy: I don't know. I let him lick the beater after I made peanut butter

fudge. Maybe I should have turned it off first.

A young boy, taking a vacation cruise with his parents, turned green with


“Are you sure you don't want dinner, honey?” asked his mother.

The boy shook his head and replied, “Just throw it overboard, Mom, and

save me the trip to the railing.”


Your ship comes in and you're at the train station.

Your talking mynah bird says, “Who asked you?”

Your twin forgets your birthday.

Your parents attend PTA meetings under an assumed name.

Your answering machine hangs up on you.


The Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930) of Oxford

University in England was famous for getting his tongue tied. Instead of

saying “Our Lord is a loving shepherd,” Spooner called him a “shoving

leopard.” Instead of sitting on a “stone bench,” he'd relax on a “bone

stench.” Spoonerism is now the name we give a gag or phrase where the

first letters of a word are exchanged for another. Below are some of the

Reverend's sillier blunders.

He whispered to a young man in an overcrowded church: “Excuse me,

sir, but you're occupewing my pie. May I sew you to another sheet?”

He told a tardy student: “You have hissed all my mystery lectures!”

To a group of farmers, he started a speech by saying: “I have never

before spoken to so many tons of soil.”

After performing a wedding ceremony, he then instructed the nervous

groom: “It is kisstomary to cuss the bride.”

Words to Know

Spoonerism: a phrase where the first letters of a word are exchanged

for another

Here's a few more tongue stumblers:

“I need to buy a new can of oderarm deunderant.”

“This fog is as thick as sea poop.”

“Drinking lots of coffee always weeps me a cake.”

“In New York Harbor, my uncle supervises all the bug totes.”

“While I run into the shandy cop, would you keep your buy on my icicle?”

What's The Difference?

These riddles ask you to tell the difference between two things. The

answer is always a pair of words. When you read the words one way,

they describe the first thing in the riddle. When you switch the pair of

words around, they describe the second thing! See if you can choose the

correct pairs of words that will complete each riddle. Write your answers

in the spaces provided. The first one has been half done for you!

1. What's the difference between a rain gutter and a clumsy baseball


(One catches drops, and the other .)

2. What's the difference between a fake dollar bill and a crazy rabbit?

(One is , and the other is a .)

3. What's the difference between a jail warden and a jeweler?

(One , and the other .)

4. What's the difference between a sneaky student and a mouse?

(One is a , and the other is a .)

5. What's the difference between a bowl of moldy lettuce and a

depressing song?

(One is a , and the other is a .)

6. What's the difference between a healthy rabbit and a bad joke?

(One is a , and the other is only a .)


sells watches

cheesy eater

drops catches

bad salad

fit bunny

mad bunny

watches cells

sad ballad

bad money

easy cheater

bit funny


The Reverend Spooner met a stranger while strolling through the

university grounds one evening.

Spooner: Come to my place for tea tomorrow, young man. We're having

a welcome party for the new math professor.

Stranger: But I am the new math professor.

Spooner: That's all right. Come anyway.


Q: What spoonerism has become a common word that refers to

something we see during the summer months?

A: Butterfly. The insect was once known as a flutter-by, named for its

fluttery, delicate movement.

Comic Biography

Goldwyn Said It First

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Americans have their own M.C.,

or Master of Confusion. His name is Sam Goldwyn (1882–1974), a hotheaded movie producer whose verbal blunders have passed into legend.

Include me out.

I can answer your request in two words: Impossible.

I'll give you a definite maybe.

Don't talk to me when I'm interrupting.

I never liked you, and I always will.

This new atom bomb is dynamite! I don't pay any attention to him. I don't

even ignore him.

Our comedies are not to be laughed at.

Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.


A new nun joined a special order where all the sisters had to take a vow

of silence. Only two words were allowed each sister per year. After the

first year, the Mother Superior asked the newest nun how things were


“Bad food,” said the nun.

The next year the Mother Superior asked the nun the same question.

“Hard beds,” said the nun.

At the end of the third year, the nun walked up to the Mother Superior

and said, “I quit!”

“Well I'm not surprised,” said the Mother Superior. “Ever since you got

here you've done nothing but complain.”

“That is the best — to laugh with someone because you

think the same things are funny.”

— Gloria Vanderbilt

Nun: Remember, young lady, we are in this world to help others.

Melody: Okay, but what are the others here for?

Quick Draw

These funny drawings show the names of three common things. Can you

guess what each is?


A cowboy was riding his horse one day when he accidentally got thrown

off. The quick-thinking horse pulled the cowboy to a shady oasis,

propped him up against a tree, and then galloped off for help. He soon

returned with some folks from a neighboring town, including a doctor. The

doctor and the others brought the cowboy into town and nursed him back

to full health.

A week later, when the cowboy was telling his buddies at the saloon this

story, one of them said, “That's the gol-dang smartest horse I ever heard

tell of.”

“Aw, he ain't that smart,” said the cowboy. “The doctor he brung with him

was a vet.”

A cowboy bought a beautiful new horse. The salesman told him that the

horse's former owner had been a famous preacher.

“This horse is very religious,” said the salesman. “And he only responds

to special commands. For instance, instead of saying Giddy-up, you say

Praise the Lord. And instead of telling him to Whoa! you say Hallelujah.

Got that?”

“Praise the Lord and Hallelujah,” nodded the cowboy.

Weeks later, the cowboy was riding through unfamiliar territory. Gorges

and cliffs fell hundreds of feet on either side of the trail. The cowboy

wanted to stop and take a rest, but he confused the two words the

salesman had taught him.

“Praise the Lord,” the cowboy said, but the horse kept on galloping faster

and faster. The cowboy saw that the trail up ahead ended in a dangerous

cliff. He tugged and pulled at the reins even harder and yelled, “Praise

the Lord! Praise the Lord!” but the horse continued to race toward the


All at once, the cowboy remembered the right word.

“Hallelujah!” he cried.

The horse immediately stopped, mere inches from the crumbling edge of

the cliff.

The cowboy breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off his hat, wiping the

dust from his eyes.

“Praise the Lord,” he said.

Jokin' Around

Turtle Soup

Three little turtles, who lived in the same house together, were

having Sunday dinner. They each sipped their own bowl of soup.

“This soup would sure taste better with some bread,” said the first


“We're all out of bread,” said the second turtle.

“Well, I'm not going to the store,” said the third, and littlest, turtle. “If

I go, you two will eat my soup.”

The other two turtles promised him they would never touch his

soup. “Go to the store and hurry back,” said the first turtle. So the

littlest turtle reluctantly walked out the door.

Minutes stretched into hours. Hours stretched into days. A week

later, the turtles were still waiting for their friend to return from the

store with the bread.

The first turtle said, “I don't think he's ever coming back. We might

as well go ahead and have his soup.”

Just then, the littlest turtle poked his head back inside the door.

“See?” he said. “I knew if I left you guys would eat my dinner!”


Tallulah Bankhead (1903–1968) was a flamboyant actress known for her

generosity as well as for saying whatever popped into her head. Once

when Tallulah was using a lady's bathroom, sitting in a stall, she realized

there was no toilet paper.

She called over to the next stall, “Have you any toilet paper, darling?”

“No, I'm afraid not.”

“Hmm, any tissue paper?”

“Sorry, no.”

Tallulah paused and then asked calmly, “Have you two fives for a ten?”


A judge had three young boys come before his bench.

The first boy said, “All I did, Your Honor, was break a window, wreck

someone's bike, and throw peanuts in the lake.”The second boy said,

“Me too, Your Honor. I only broke a small window, wrecked a friend's

bike, and threw peanuts in the lake.”

The third boy said, “All I did was break a window and wreck a bike.”

The judge turned to the third boy and said, “Didn't you throw peanuts in

the lake?”

The boy said, “I'm Peanuts.”


A man walks into a fancy bar and orders a glass of wine. It's early

evening and the bar has only a few customers.

The man hears a voice next to him say, “Nice tie.” The man looks around,

but there is no one sitting nearby. He figures he must be hearing things.

He takes a sip of wine and hears, “I like that suit you're wearing.” Again,

the man swivels around on his chair but sees no one.

Another sip of wine and the man hears, “That blue shirt really brings out

your eyes.”

“Okay!” says the man. “That does it! What's going on, and who keeps

talking to me?”

The bartender, unfazed, looks over at the man and says, “It's just the

peanuts, mister. They're complimentary.”



Have you ever noticed how few handsome men or beautiful women are

comedians? There are a few exceptions: Cary Grant, Carole Lombard,

Tom Selleck, Cybill Shepherd, Julia-Louis Dreyfus. Woody Allen, the

director of Sleeper, Bullets Over Broadway, Bananas, and Annie Hall, has

his own theory. “Funny and pretty are opposites,” he says. But the

standup comic Mort Sahl has a different idea. He enjoyed telling jokes,

he says, because to him “people always look better when they laugh.”

Bruce Vilanch, the incredibly busy Hollywood writer, widely

known for his stint as the big, blond funnyman on Hollywood

Squares, shares this advice about writing comedy:

“Rewriting is really what good writing is all about!” Asked if

there is any subject he would not write a joke about, Vilanch

replies: “My rule of thumb is, did anybody die? It's difficult to

do a joke in which death is involved … it's just cruel.”


A one-liner is a joke that is told in one line or sentence. Or else several

phrases are strung together and spoken without a break. For example:

My room is so small …

I closed the door and the doorknob was in bed with me.

the mice are hunchbacked.

when I turn around, I'm next door.

I put the key in the keyhole and broke the window.

I have to go outside to change my mind.

when I stand up I'm on the second floor.

the ceiling gets dusted whenever I comb my hair.

Words to Know

One-liner: a joke that is told in one line or sentence


A mummy is an Egyptian who's pressed for time.

I saw a sign on the back of a truck: “Careful Passing. I Like to Chew


I'm a terrible cook. All the gingerbread boys

I make are nearsighted so I've started using contact raisins.

What do you get if you cross a hill with an electric stove?

A mountain range.

My mom went to the beauty salon and got a mud pack — for three days

she looked great — then the mud fell off.

The standup comic Henny Youngman is called the King of the OneLiners. Rodney Dangerfield and Steven Wright are also terrific one-line

jokesters. Here's one of Wright's loopy one-liners: “I live on a one-way,

deadend street. I don't know how I got there.”



Did you know that by simply telling a joke you are exercising 72 different

muscles in your neck, throat, mouth, and tongue? Laughing uses over

100 muscles. No wonder some people say they “laughed 'til they hurt.”

They just had a workout without even realizing it!


Dr. Lee Berk of the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California

discovered that laughing increases the body's antibodies and T cells,

which help fight off infection and alien bacteria.

Dr. William Fry of Stanford University says that laughing 200 times will

burn up the same amount of calories as 10 minutes on a rowing machine.

Does that make Dumb and Dumber a workout video?


Your funny bone isn't actually a bone, it's a nerve — the ulnar nerve, in

fact. This nerve is exposed as it travels over the medial condyle of the

humerus, er, the bony knob at the end of your upper arm. Some clever

(and unknown) medical student saw the punny resemblance between the

words “humerus” and “humorous” and created the notion of the funny

bone. Hitting your funny bone, however, is no laughing matter!

Comic Biography

Quick on Her Feet

Carol Burnett, the former queen of prime time comedy (1967–1979), was

getting out of a taxicab in front of the TV studio. She accidentally

slammed the door shut on her coat and the oblivious cabbie took off.

Carol was forced to run along side in order not to be dragged off her feet.

After running several blocks, she was finally rescued by a pedestrian who

hailed the cab and brought the vehicle to a stop.

The cabbie, now realizing what had happened, jumped out of his car and

ran to Carol's side. “Are you all right?” he asked.

“Fine,” panted Carol. “But how much more do I owe you?”


Attempt to articulate these tricky tongue-tanglers quickly in triplicate.

Red leather, yellow leather.

Around the rugged rocks, the ragged rascal ran.

Rubber baby buggy-bumpers.

The sixth shiek's sixth sheep is sick.

The skunk sat on a stump, the skunk thunk the stump stunk, but the

stump thunk the skunk stunk.

The clothes moth's mouth's closed.

She shall sell seashells.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck


Bugs' black blood.

Eight apes ate eight apples.

Cool clean canned clams.

A stiff stack of thick steaks.

Toyboat, toyboat, toyboat.


A guy was trying to cross the border into the next country on his bicycle.

Two suspicious-looking bags were tied to the back of the bike.

The border guards stopped him and said, “Hey, buddy, what's in the


“Sand,” said the man.

The guards pulled off the two bags and examined them. They both

contained only sand, just as the man said, so they waved him through the


This went on each week for six months. And each time the guards

examined the bags they still found only sand.

One week the man stopped coming. One of the guards ran into the man

downtown after work.

“Hey buddy,” said the guard. “You sure had us going. We knew you were

smuggling something.”

The man just grinned.

“C'mon and tell me,” whispered the guard. “I won't say anything. What

were you smuggling?”

“Bicycles,” said the man.


Years ago, when American families motored through the heartland on

their way to a favorite vacation spot, they looked forward to reading the

silly rhymes posted along the highways by the Burma-Shave company.

Burma-Shave was a shaving cream for men, and the clever rhymes were

posted — one line at a time — along highways and back roads all over

the country. Kids and grownups tried to guess what the next rhyme would

be before they drove past it. The highway poet remains anonymous, but

here are a few of his, or her, best rhymes, broken up into separate lines

as they appeared on separate signs along the way.


Met Anna

Made a hit

Neglected beard

Ben-Anna Split.


The whale

Put Jonah

Down the hatch

But coughed him up

Because he scratched.


Does your husband


Grunt and rumble

Rant and rave?

Shoot the brute

Some Burma-Shave.


Why do they call her Volleyball?

She's got plenty of bounce.

Why do they call him Birdseed?

He fits the bill.

Jokin' Around

Goin' Bowling

The family went bowling one night and brought seven-year-old

Stevie for the first time. Along with the rest of the family, Stevie

laced up his bowling shoes and then went to select a ball. Everyone

else chose one, but Stevie could not make up his mind.

Ten minutes went by and finally Father said, “Stevie, just pick a ball.

We don't have all night.”

“But I can't!” wailed Stevie. “Every ball I pick up has holes in it!”

Why do they call her Icecube?

She's so cool.

Why do they call him Ace?

He's such a card.

Why do they call her Strawberry?

She's good in a jam.

Why do they call him Needles?

He's so sharp.

Why do they call her Sunny?

She's so bright.

Why do they call him Fingers?

You can always count on him.

Why do they call her Sugar?

She's so refined.

Why do they call him Fleece?

He's always on the lam.

Why do they call him Buck?

He's got a lot of cents.

Why do they call you Mushroom?

Because I'm a fun guy!


Brother: How can you tell that elephants like to swim?

Sister: They always have their trunks on.

“Dad! There's a giant monster under my bed.”

“Don't be silly. There's no such thing.”

“Then how come I can touch the ceiling with my nose?”

Mother: Jimmy, your ear is bleeding!

Jimmy: I know, I accidentally bit it.

Mother: How could you bite your own ear?

Jimmy: I was standing on a chair.

Troy: Hey, what time does your new watch say?

Jimmy: It doesn't say anything. I have to look at it.

Troy: Don't be such a smart aleck!Jimmy: Yeah? Well, what does yours


Troy: Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Why are the keys on this piano so yellow?

The elephant must have forgotten to brush.

Mother: You sent Jimmy down to the hardware store for some duct tape,


Father: Yes. But that was over an hour ago.

Mother: Well, he just phoned from the store and wants to know how big

the duck is.

“I think the best thing to solving a problem is finding some

humor in it.”

— Frank A. Clark

Teacher: Does anyone know what it means to recycle?

Amy: That's when I have to ride my older sister's bicycle instead of

getting a new one.

Store Manager: Ma'am, I've shown you every type of perfume we carry.

Isn't there anything you'd like to buy?

Mother: Sorry, but your prices don't make any scents to me.

Troy: Our family just bought us one of those furry, Chinese dogs.

Jimmy: Chow?

Troy: No thanks, I just ate.

Jimmy: Well, our family bought one of those skinny greyhound types of


Troy: Whippet?

Jimmy: Oh no! I only pet it.

Megan: I think our dog likes shopping.

Jason: How can you tell?

Megan: We just got back from the flea market, and he's itching to go



Draw a line to match each “OOPS!” to the proper picture.

“I'm on the new seafood diet.”

“Is it working?”

“Yeah, whenever I see food, I eat it!”

Jimmy: My mom says our kitchen floor is so clean we could eat off it.

Troy: Cool! At our house only the cat is allowed to do that!

“I hate that snobby Christina. Because of her I lost a hundred pounds.”

“Wow! What did she do?”

“Stole my boyfriend.”

“Doctor, my ear keeps ringing.”

“You should get an unlisted ear.”

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A stick.

“Bugs give me the creeps!”

“What about spiders?”

“No way! I don't even like looking at them.”

“Then it's a good thing you didn't see that one crawl into your shoe.”

Trent: Hey, Jimmy, why didn't you stick around for the second act of the

school play last night?

Jimmy: Because on the program it said “Two Years Later” and I had to be

home by nine.

“Can I have a dollar for a sandwich?”

“If you like, but it probably won't taste very good.”

Didja hear about the farmer who bought a farm a mile long and an inch

wide? He's raising spaghetti.

“This is the toughest sponge cake I ever ate.”

“That's funny, the sponges I used were fresh.”

The classroom was full of noisy and wild misbehaving students. The new

teacher tried getting their attention, but the class continued to ignore him.

Finally, in a last attempt to get the students to listen, the frustrated

teacher shouted out: “Excuse me, people. But can anyone tell me what

we use our ears for?” One boy remarked: “We mostly use our rears for

sitting down on.”

Karl: What was all that noise a moment ago?

Trent: That was me practicing my violin. Do you think I have a gift for


Karl: No, but I'll give you one for stopping!

There's just one hard thing about parachute jumping.

The ground.

“She sure gave you a dirty look.”


“Mother Nature.”

Teacher: What does it mean when the barometer is falling?

Trent: It means whoever nailed it up didn't do a good job.

Megan: I think my mom must be the strongest person in the world.

Troy: Why do you say that?

Megan: Because everyday she picks up my entire room using only her

bare hands.

Jimmy: Mom! Amy fell down the stairs!

Mother: Don't worry, honey. The doctor's taking steps to treat her.

“Will this road take me to Bakersville?”

“No, you'll have to drive there yourself.”

Why did the weirdo throw the clock out the window?

Only a weirdo would throw a clock out the window!

Dad: Son, if you were out in the country, far from here, and only had a

compass, how would you use it to find your way back?

Jimmy: Easy. I'd sell it for a few bucks and then buy a bus ticket home.

Troy: How much is that puppy?

Store Clerk: He's $50 or nothing.

Troy: Okay, I'll take him for nothing.

Neighbor: Young man, your cat was digging around in my garden!

Jimmy: I promise he'll never do that again.

Neighbor: How can you be so sure?

Jimmy: He was only burying your hamster he caught last night. But he's

finished up by now.

“I can always tell when it's time for a snack.”


“My big hand is on the cookie jar and my little hand is inside.”

When is it all right to belt a policeman?

When he gets in your car.

Megan: What kind of fish is that, Mister?

Pet Store Owner: Crappie.

Megan: Really? He looks fine to me.

Jimmy: We got a brand new roof and it didn't cost us a cent!Megan: Why


Jimmy: The carpenters told us it was on the house.

Where's the best place to find cows?

At a moo-see-'em.

Teacher: You have to be the most annoying student I ever had!

Alex: Do I have to be?

“Can you help me? I'm looking for the bus station.”

“Is that thing lost again?!”

Father: Did you know the Anderson's dog can actually play video games?

Jimmy: He's not so smart. I played five games with him once, and he only

won twice.

Two bank robbers were making their getaway in a stolen car.

“Turn around and see if the cops are following us,” said Joe.

“But how can I tell if they're cops?” asked Bill.

“From their flashers,” said Joe.

“Okay.” So Bill turned and looked out the back window. “Yes, no, yes, no,

yes, no …”

“Did you forget you were supposed to call me last


“I don't remember.”

“My sister never helps clean up the down-stairs family room.”

“Why not?”

“She says working in the basement is beneath her.”

Amy: What kind of jeans are those?

Rosie: Guess.

Amy: I have no idea.

Rosie: I told you: Guess.

Amy: I simply asked what kind they are.

Rosie: Guess! Guess!

Amy: You don't have to be rude about it!

“Mom! You know that red light you just drove through? It's following us!”

Megan: Do you believe in ESP and seeing the future?

Wanda: Oh yes. In fact, my uncle had a terrible accident because he

didn't pay attention to the signs.

Megan: Really?

Wanda: Yeah, especially the signs Stop and No Left Turn.

Jokin' Around

From the Loopy Library

What do the following books have in common?

Blood Clots

The Hermit on the Hill

The Frozen Airplane Propeller

Wanda Always Stays Home

They never “circulate.”

“The doctor said I should drink my medicine after a warm bath.”

“And did you?”

“I'm not finished drinking the warm bath yet!”

“That cat just hissed at me!”

“Better watch out.”

“But you told me your cat was friendly.”

“It is, but that's not my cat.”

Trent: Down at the bus stop, everyone is hunting for a few quarters some

guy dropped.

Karl: I suppose you were looking around, too.

Trent: No, I was just standing there with my foot on the quarters.

Teacher: Do you believe in sharing, Alex?

Alex: Yes, ma'am.

Teacher: What's something you share with your brother?

Alex: Our parents.

“The doctor said I should take these pills on an empty stomach.”

“That's right.”

“But they keep getting stuck in my belly-button.”

Mother: Jimmy, will you please sit up straighter?

Jimmy: If I sat up any straighter I'd be standing.


How many grandmothers does it take to change a light bulb?

Three. One to change it, one to powder it, and one to diaper it.

How many graduate students does it take to change a light bulb?

Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to write long, boring papers about


How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

One. But the light bulb has really got to want to change.

How many gangsters does it take to change a light


“Twelve. You gotta problem with that?”

How many Martians does it take to change a light bulb?

“What's a light bulb?”

How many cranky old men does it take to change a light bulb?

“Why change the light bulb? Everybody liked the old light bulb!”

How many wizards does it take to change a light bulb?

Depends on what you want the light bulb to change into.

How many undertakers does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They like their light bulbs dead.

How many seabirds does it take to change a light bulb?

About four or five terns ought to do the trick.


A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about a bug on



Teacher: Jimmy, I hope I didn't see you copying Amy's test paper.

Jimmy: Boy, I hope you didn't either!

Midge and Amy went to a county fair and found one of those oldfashioned fortune-telling weight machines. Amy got on first. When the

card popped out, Midge read, “It says here that you are clever, beautiful,

and charming.” “Really?” said Amy. “Yeah,” said Midge. “And it has your

weight wrong, too.”

Meghan: My mom complains about everything! She bought me two new

T-shirts, a red one and a yellow one, and I put on the red one for school

yesterday. At breakfast my mom says, “So what's wrong with the yellow

one?”Mother: Did you take a bath today?

Kyle: Why, is one missing?

Stranger: You catching any fish, kid?

Alex: Yes, sir! I caught at least twelve big ones.

Stranger: Do you know who I am? I'm the local fishing warden.

Alex: Do you know who I am? I'm the biggest liar in the county.

Mother: Your hair is starting to get wavy.

Father: Really?

Mother: Yes, it's waving goodbye!

Lisa: Whenever I'm down in the dumps, I get a new pair of shoes.

Midge: I thought that's where you got them.

Midge: I'm on a new diet and exercise program. Every morning after

breakfast I go horseback riding.

Amy: Is it working?

Midge: So far the horse has lost ten pounds.

Melody: I think our neighbor Mrs. Johnson must be upset about

something. She hasn't been over to visit for weeks.

Father: Find out what happened, and next time she comes over we'll try it


Larry: I've never had a problem with backseat driving, and I've been

driving for over fifteen years.

Luna: What kind of car do you drive?

Larry: A hearse.

Thom: At my job I have a hundred men under me.

Kurt: Where do you work?

Thom: The cemetery.

Kurt: Well, at my job everyone looks up to me.

Thom: What do you do?

Kurt: I'm a kindergarten teacher.

Teacher: What is a light year?

Melody: A year with very little homework.

Rosie: What kind of fish are you frying?

Mother: Smelt.

Rosie: I sure can. But what kind of fish is it?

Doctor: Young man, you're going to need a flu shot.

Matt: Will it hurt?

Doctor: I'll be fine, but thanks for asking.

Jimmy: Where were you born?

Derek: On Rivers Avenue.

Jimmy: You're lucky you weren't run over by a bus!

Amy: The dog bit me in a very painful spot.

Rosie: Where'd he bite you?

Amy: In the backyard!

Gretchen: How does Old MacDonald spell “farm”?

Heather: E. I. E. I. O.

Troy: Excuse me, are you the head doctor here?

Doctor: No, I'm the foot doctor.

Jokin' Around

Jiggy Geography

Parasites are people from Paris Peruse are people from Peru

Maracas are people from Morocco Canyons are people from Kenya

Goblets are people from Turkey

Teacher: Do you know what we call the person who delivers children?

Melody: She's called Mom. She delivers me to school, to my girlfriends'

houses, to the mall, to soccer practice …

Trent: That sure is cool exercise equipment.

Matt: Thanks, I got it at the gym.

Trent: Did they have a sale?

Matt: No, they had a sign that said Free Weights.

Heather: You should see my new watch. It's rust-proof, dustproof,

shockproof, waterproof, and never needs batteries.

Gretchen: Cool, let's see it.

Heather: I lost it. So if you should see it, let me know!

Jimmy: My older brother Dave crashed his car into a tree going forty

miles an hour.

Troy: Wow! I didn't know trees could move that fast!


Here are the names of six states. Put them in the correct blanks to make

three silly state riddles.

HINT: The pictures will give you a clue!


No one knows how or why, but about 40 years ago elephant jokes

stampeded onto the scene and became extremely popular. Here are a

few samples of loopy, sometimes bizarre, pachyderm humor: Can an

elephant jump higher than a house?

Of course. Houses can't jump at all.

Why do elephants lie on their back?

They like to trip low-flying birds with their feet.

What do you get when you cross an elephant with peanut butter?

A pachyderm that sticks to the roof of your mouth.

What's the difference between an elephant and a grape?

Grapes are purple.

Why did the elephants quit their job at the factory?

They were tired of working for peanuts.

What did Jane say when she saw the elephants coming over the hill?

“Here come the elephants!”

What did Tarzan say?

“Here come the grapes!” He was color blind.

Picto-Laugh #8

A pictograph is a very simple drawing of something funny. Can you guess

what this little picto-laugh is showing? HINT: Think about broken


How do you get down off an elephant?

You don't get down off an elephant. You get down off a duck.

How do you catch an elephant?

Hide in the bushes and act like a peanut.

How do you get the wrinkles out of an elephant's skin?

Take him out of the dryer as soon as it stops.

Why don't elephants smoke?

Their butts are too big to set in the ashtrays.

Why are elephants easier to find in Alabama?

Because in Alabama you'll find Tuscaloosa (tusks are looser).

What weighs 2000 pounds, has big ears, tusks, and two trunks?

An elephant going on vacation.

What's big and gray and goes up and down, up and down?

An elephant bungee jumping.


Can you turn an elephant into a peanut in three steps? Start with the

word ELEPHANT. In each step, you can do only one of the following

things — delete a group of letters, add a letter, or change one letter into

another. Remember, you have to end up with PEANUT in Step 3! HINT:

Keep track of the letters on the lines provided.

Jay Leno was once asked to name a comedian's most

important tool. “A tape recorder!” he replied. Not to record

the comedian, but to record the audience. Leno urges new

comedians to listen and relisten to their live performances

and note when the audience laughed, when they didn't

laugh, if the jokes were fast enough, loud enough, smart

enough. Armed with this new information, a budding

comedian can delete the bad jokes, sharpen up the better

ones, and make the next gig even funnier.

Part Two


CAN YOU THINK OF ANYTHING more inviting than a good knock-knock

joke? Who can resist answering “who's there?” after hearing someone

say “knock knock”? You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't

love these jokes.

Knock-knocks are popular in every country where people speak English,

including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. That's

because each knock-knock joke is a pun, or a play on words, and puns

are more popular in English than they are in other languages.

So, what's the purpose of a knock-knock joke anyway? Well, that's easy!

To make you laugh, of course! A good laugh can have many truly

wonderful results. Laughter is a universal language that all humans share

no matter where they live or how old they are. Laughter can connect

people of all ages around the world. Did you know that babies start

laughing when they're only two months old? That's so much earlier than

speaking or even crawling. Babies know funny when they see or hear it.

And so do the rest of us.

Another fabulous result of a good laugh is that it really is the best

medicine. Laughter is a great cure when you're down in the dumps and

just can't shake the blues. Even the experts agree: Laughter helps to

keep us healthy and happy. Science shows us that laughter increases the

amount of oxygen running through our blood, makes us relax, and helps

us feel less nervous during stressful times. This is no secret. People have

known this for centuries. Some people even make a living just getting

others to laugh!

Back in the very old days, court jesters appeared before the king and

queen just to amuse them. Today, comedians, clowns, actors, and

actresses all work hard to come up with funny material to get a good

laugh from their audiences. Sometimes people will go out of their way to

find something that will make them laugh. They watch movies, go to the

theater, and turn on the television set, all in the hopes of kicking back and

seeing how funny life can be!

Laughter makes people happy, and we all know that everybody likes to

be around happy people. So start chuckling, giggling, guffawing, or even

rolling-on-the-floor belly laughing. Gather some friends and start your

own hysterical society. This is a group that gets together to tell each other

jokes, riddles, and rhymes, act silly, and just plain make each other

laugh. Don't worry if no one's laughing right away. Laughter is

contagious. Just start tee-heeing, ho-ho-ing, and ha-ha-ing, and

everyone else will soon follow.


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Erma who?

Erma going tell you lots of knock-knock jokes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Heifer who?

Heifer dollar is better than none!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in and I'll tell you!

What am I?

I have a very big mouth, but I never say a word. I have a bank, but I don't

keep any money in it. I have a bed, but I never get tired. I wave at

everybody, but I have no hands. What am I?

A river

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Scold who?

'Scold out!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Doug who?

Doug-out is where the baseball players sit!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Abe Lincoln.

Abe Lincoln who?

A-be Lincoln light on a Christmas tree!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Barbie who?

Barbie Q chicken!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gumby who?

Gumby our guest for dinner!


Crawly Caterpillars

Make caterpillars out of old toilet paper rolls! Wrap the toilet paper

roll in colorful construction paper (you can use tape or glue to make

sure it sticks). Color squiggly designs on it. Cut up a pipe cleaner

into six one-inch pieces. Glue or stick the pieces through the bottom

of the caterpillar for legs. Now cut another pipe cleaner in half and

bend the halves in the shape of antennae. Glue the antennae to the

top of the caterpillar's head. Find a pompon and glue it on for a

nose. Draw on some eyes. For extra big caterpillars, use old paper

towel rolls instead!



Did you know that there are more chickens than people in the world?

That's because chickens can lay about 320 eggs each year. Also, did you

know that chickens never sweat? They have to spread their wings and

pant in order to keep cool.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jude who?

Jude the food, then swallowed it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Icy who?

Icy a big monster under the bed!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Window who?

Window we get to play something else?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Agatha who?

Agatha chills when it's cold!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Howell who?

Howell do you know me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Genoa who?

Genoa good dentist?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cargo who?

Car-go vroom vroom!

Words to Know

Comedian: A man or a woman who makes a living by being funny. It is a

comedian's job to tell jokes and get people giggling.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Xavier who?

Xavier money in the bank!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ham who?

Ham I going to see you again?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thelonius who?

Thelonius night of the week!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Watson who?

Watson television?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lionel who?

Lionel eat you if he's hungry!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Leaf who?

Leaf me alone!


Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Noah who?

Use the decoder to find the answer!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Teresa who?

Teresa fly in my soup!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Giza who?

Giza nice man!



There are many countries that have English-speaking people. In many

countries where English is not the first language, English is taught in

schools. Did you know that there are more English-speaking people in

China than there are in the United States?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Court who?

Court of milk!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dishwasher who?

Dishwasher the way I always shpoke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Stopwatch who?

Stopwatch you're doing!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Founder who?

Founder book in the library!

Knocked to Pieces

A knock-knock and its answer were put into the large grid, and then cut

into eight pieces. See if you can figure out where each piece goes, and

write the letters in their proper places. When you have filled in the grid

correctly, you will be able to read the joke from left to right, and top to


HINT: The black boxes stand for the spaces between words. Careful —

some pieces are turned or flipped!

Say What?

To find the end to this knock-knock, cross out all letters that follow these


sound like the name of a vegetable

come after “L” in the alphabet

are tenth in the alphabet

When you are finished, read the remaining letters from left to right, and

top to bottom.

I Can't Hear You

These two whispering girls may look the same, but see if you can find the

ten differences between them.

HINT: It doesn't count that they are facing in different directions.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dewey who?

Dewey have to stay much longer?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Samuel who?

Samuel like and Samuel won't!


Masked and Whiskered

Make a cat mask! Cut a paper plate in half, and use one half for

your mask, so that the curved edge of the plate is at the top of the

mask. Cut out two triangles for your eyes and a triangle for your

nose. Glue three pipe cleaners on each side of the nose for

whiskers. Cut ears out of construction paper and glue them on top.

Then punch a hole through the sides of the mask and thread some

yarn around it so you can tie it to your head. And don't forget to add


Words to Know

Witty: Something that is clever or amusing. A witty statement will impress

people or give them a good chuckle.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Yoga who?

Yo-ga what it takes to be the best!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Camel who?

Camel get it, dinner's ready!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Milton who?

Milton snow turns to water!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Freeze who?

Freeze a jolly good fella!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tex who?

Tex two to tango!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Aardvark who?

Aardvark a million miles for you!


Home Sweet Home

What could be sweeter than a house made of candy? Gather some

soft candy such as gumdrops, marshmallows, and gummy shapes.

Get a box of toothpicks and start building! Think of the candies as

corners and toothpicks as edges, and build by sticking toothpicks

through the candies to connect them. You can start with a triangle

or square and keep building up. Just don't eat the whole house all

at once!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fletcher who?

Fletcher in or she'll break down the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Vic who?

Vic some flowers for me!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Izzie who?

Izzie going to tell any more jokes?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sherwood who?

Sherwood like some more pie!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bacon who?

Bacon a cake for the party!

What am I?

I can grow up to 19 feet tall. I often weigh more than 1,600 pounds, and I

can clean my ears with my 21-inch-long tongue. Even though I am so big

and tall, I am a gentle creature and can be found roaming the African

savanna. What am I?

A giraffe

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bertha who?

Bertha-day party!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Howl who?

Howl I know if you're on your way over?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tail who?

Tail all your friends about it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Adlai who?

Adlai my life on the line!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rabbit who?

Rabbit up carefully, it's a present!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


House who?

House it going?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wheel who?

Wheel stop coming over if we're not invited!

Words to Know

Pun: A word or joke that is a play on words and may have two or more

meanings. All knock-knock jokes are puns.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Maine who?

Maine thing here is that we're all friends!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thermos who?

Thermos be another way!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Statue who?

Statue or is that someone else?


What am I?

I am a tree or shrub that grows along the edge of streams and beaver

ponds. My roots spread out and grow deep. They keep the soil from

getting washed away by floods. What am I?

A willow

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ears who?

Ears some more knock-knock jokes for you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Feline who?

Feline fine, and you?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tad who?

Tad old black magic!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Freddie who?

Freddie cat, Freddie cat!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Eisenhower who?

Eisenhower late getting here!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sheik who?

Sheik-speare was a famous poet!


A Quick Trick

Put an ice cube in a bowl of water. Lower a string on top of the ice

cube. Sprinkle salt on top of the ice cube and the string. Then try to

lift the ice cube with the string. The salt will melt just enough ice so

the string will stick.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Burma who?

Burma hand on the stove!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ostrich who?

Ostrich my arms up to the sky!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Beagle who?

Beagle with lox!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lena who?

Lena little closer, I have something to tell you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pooch who?

Pooch your coat on!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hurley who?

Hurley to bed, Hurley to rise!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Weavish who?

Weavish you a very happy birthday!

Mix and Match

Write the number of the correct ending into the space by each knock

knock. Choose from the list at the bottom of the page.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Poker who?

Poker and see if she gets upset!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Iran who?

Iran as fast as I can!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Justin who?

Justin time for dinner!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Omelet who?

Om-e-let stronger than you think!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Megan who?

Megan supper for you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nicholas who?

Nicholas equal to five cents!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Havana who?

Havan-a nice time!

Words to Know

Funnyman: A funnyman is just that, a man who is funny. Sometimes a

comedian will be introduced to his audience with this title. One famous

funnyman is Robin Williams. Of course, there are funnywomen too!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Shirley who?

Shirley you don't want to hear any more jokes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Miri who?

Miri me and we'll spend the rest of our lives together!



The power of smell is fascinating. This sense is very important to our

survival. For example, it lets us know whether the food we're about to eat

is fresh or spoiled. In all, the human nose can identify more than 10,000

different smells.

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Passover who?

Passover that chapter, it's boring!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Uganda who?

Uganda keep getting away with this!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Yachts who?

Yachts up with you?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Irma who?

Irma great student!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Genoa who?

Genoa any new knock-knock jokes?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dent who?

Dent be late!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gorilla who?

Gorilla my dreams!

What's am I?

I live underground in dry fields. I don't like to be around people at all. I'm

very small, but I sure am tough and will defend my territory.

What am I?

A badger

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ya who?

When did you become a cowboy?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Berlin who?

Berlin' the water for some tea!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ayn who?

Ayn on my way!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nixon who?

Nixon stones will break my bones!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Detail who?

De-tail on de rabbit is fluffy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fodder who?

Fodder and I are going to the park!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fanta who?

Fanta Claus!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Boo who?

Don't cry, it's just a joke!


Butterflies Welcome!

Make a butterfly garden. There are more than 10,000 types of

butterflies in the world. They all flock to certain kinds of plants. If

you have those plants in your garden, you'll surely see butterflies.

Late spring or early summer is the best time to plant. Try milkweed

for monarchs. Butterfly bush and butterfly weed also are great. See

how many other butterfly plants you can find!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Uruguay who?

You go Uruguay, and I'll go mine!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Affer who?

Affer got!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hurda who?

Hurda my finger in the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Costa who?

Costa lot of money!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fiddle who?

'Fiddle make you feel better, I'll tell you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kook who?

You sound like a cuckoo!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Camilla who?

Camilla little squirt!

Please Fix That

The letters in each column go in the squares directly below them, but not

in the same order! Black squares are for punctuation, and the spaces

between the words. When you have correctly filled in the grid, you will

have a silly answer from Mr. Fix It!

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Poodle who?

What's am I?

I come in different shapes and sizes. My color doesn't matter. I can be

soft or hard. I am full of holes, yet I can hold water. What am I?

A sponge

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Justice who?

Justice time, but that's it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ghana who?

Ghana dance all night!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sue who?

Sue prize!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dublin who?

Dublin the bus fare!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Asthma who?

Asthma anything you want!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Usher who?

Usher wish we could do something else!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pear who?

Pear of earrings!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bonn who?

Bonn on the Fourth of July!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Eclipse who?

Eclipse my toenails!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Udder who?

Udder madness!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Norway who?

Norway am I leaving this house!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Saul who?

'Saul in the name of love!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wilma who?

Wilma lunch be ready soon?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Parkway who?

Parkway over there!



Your elbow is a very important part of your body. It is the joint between

the upper and lower arm. Your elbow allows your arm to bend. Without

elbows, we would have a very hard time carrying out many basic tasks.

But did you know that it is impossible to lick your own elbows? (I'll bet

you tried to anyway!)

Hidden Helper

The answer to this joke is hidden in the letter grid. Use these clues to

help figure it out:

The answer starts in a corner.

You read the answer in a logical order, one word after the other.

You must add the punctuation.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Alfie who?

Alfie horrible if you go!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Walt who?

Walt you don't know won't hurt you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ewen who?

Ewen me could make great music!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Amusing who?

Amusing my new joke book!



A hippopotamus can run faster than a man. These huge creatures can

weigh up to 8,000 pounds. To keep their skin moist in hot climates,

hippos secrete a pink oil that some have mistaken for blood.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Leslie who?

Leslie before anyone sees us!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Aloha who?

Aloha you the rope!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Shel who?

Shel be coming 'round the mountain!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Centaur who?

Centaur out for some more pizza!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Aldus who?

Aldus fuss for nothing!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Stella who?

Stella nobody's home!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wayne who?

Wayne keeps falling on my head, so I bought an umbwella!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jack who?

Jack of all trades!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Locker who?

Locker up for what she's done!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Quack who?

Quack another bad joke and I'm leaving!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gabe who?

Gabe it everything I got!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jubilee who?

Jubilee in magic?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Farmer who?

Farmer birthday I'm getting a new bike!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Diploma who?

Diploma came to fix the toilet!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Willy who?

Willy call me before he comes over?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rover who?

Rover hill, Rover dale!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Vet who?

Vet are you going to do today?



Snails are very interesting creatures, but most of the time we don't even

notice them. That's because they are often underground, they move very

slowly, and they don't make much noise. But did you know that many

snails can lift things that weigh 10 times more than their bodies do? They

also can sleep for three years at a time.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Zany who?

Zany body home?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Figs who?

Figs the chair, it broke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thumb who?

Thumb body is at the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Felix who?

'Felix my ice cream, I'll be upset!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Steven who?

Steven the walls have ears!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Emma who?

Emma 'fraid I have to go home now!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

De Witt.

De Witt who?

De Witt now!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dozen who?

Dozen anyone know?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Evelyn who?

Evelyn comes full circle!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Datsun who?

Datsun old one!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Havana who?

Havan-a great time, hope you are too!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Antilles who?

Antilles comes home, we just have to wait!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Alfred who?

Alfred of monsters? Not me!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Little old lady.

Little old lady who?

I didn't know you could yodel!


Money Making

It's easy to make coin rubbings. All you need is a bunch of coins, a

blank piece of white paper, and a pencil. Place a coin under the

paper. Then, tilt the pencil and rub the side of the lead back and

forth along the front of the coin. The imprint of the coin will appear

on the paper. You can then cut out the imprints and use them as

play money.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pierre who?

Pierre through the telescope!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Albert who?

Al-bert you don't know who this is!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Honda who?

Honda road again!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Oliver who?

Oliver 'nother cookie please!


Start at number 1 and connect the dots in order to find the answer to this

joke. But be careful — you may not want to answer the door when you

see who is knocking!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gipper who?

Gipper a hand!

Words to Know

Hilarious: Something that makes you laugh so hard you can't control

yourself. You just keep laughing and laughing. Anything or anyone can

be hilarious!

How Polite!

Swim through the tank, collecting letters from START to END. They will

spell the answer to this joke: Knock, knock. Who's there? Tank. Tank


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy today, sunny tomorrow!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pencil who?

Pencil fall down if you don't buckle your belt!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Boleyn who?

Boleyn alley!

What's am I?

I cannot be seen, and I cannot be felt. No one can hear me and I have no

smell. I lie around stars, I fill empty holes, and I hide under hills. What am



Knock knock!

Who's there?


Goat who?

Goat to the door and answer it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sadie who?

Sadie same thing over and over!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Germany who?

Germany people are coming over?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Waiter who?

Waiter minute!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


I-8 who?

I-8 lunch at noon.

When's dinner?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nan who?

Nan that I know!



Everybody loves a good rhyming song. Though it's easy to rhyme almost

every word in the English language, there are exceptions. You'd be hardpressed to find a word in the English language that rhymes with “orange,”

“silver,” or “purple.” (“Burple” doesn't count!)

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Max who?

Max-imum penalty for the crime!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Haydn who?

Haydn-go-seek is fun!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Omar who?

Omar goodness gracious!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sarah who?

'Sarah 'nother joke we can tell?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Buster who?

Bus-ter the park comes every hour!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thoreau who?

Thoreau the ball!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hawaii who?

I'm fine, Hawaii you?

It's Me!

Fill in the answers to the clues, one letter in each numbered space. Then

transfer the letters to the boxes that have the same numbers. When all

the boxes are filled in correctly, you will have the answer to this joke:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Shirley who?

What's am I?

As I grow up I grow down. I travel in groups but stay close to my family. I

love to swim, but when the weather turns cold, I fly away. What am I?

A gosling (babygoose)

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thistle who?

Thistle be the last time I tell you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gwen who?

Gwen will I see you again?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tank who?

Tank goodness you answered the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ozzie who?

Oz-zie you later!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ireland who?

Ireland you some money for lunch!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bertha who?

My Bertha-day's just around the corner!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fish who?

Fish-us temper will get you nowhere!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Anita who?

Anita place to take a nap!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Soup who?

Soup-erman has special powers!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Handel who?

Handel with care!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Abby who?

Abby days are here again!


Soap Suds Fun

Standing over the bathroom sink, rub a little bit of liquid soap

between your hands. Wet your hands with just a drop of water.

Then, keeping the tips of your fingers and palms together, slowly

open the middle of your hands to form a tunnel. Gently blow through

the tunnel in your hands, and huge bubbles should appear like


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Blue who?

Blue your nose!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fido who?

Fido I have to do everything?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Distress who?

Distress is the one I wore to the party!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Carmen who?

Carmen get it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Grimm who?

Grimm and bear it!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Washer who?

Washer don't know won't hurt you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Meow who?

Take meow to the ball game!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Xavier who?

Xavier breath!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Taipei who?

Tai-pei letter and mail it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jimmy who?

Jimmy your money, this is a stickup!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rosina who?

Rosina garden is lovely!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pudding who?

Pudding your shoes on before your pants is a silly idea!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Weed who?

Weed better mow the lawn!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Reuben who?

Reuben my eyes, I'm sleepy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sausage who?

Sausage nice things in the shop!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kipper who?

Kipper eyes open for the signs!

What's am I?

I've got two really big front teeth that help me cut right through shrubs

and even trees. I am known for building dams. These dams help slow

down water and make deep pools where I love to splash around. What

am I?

A beaver

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rufus who?

Rufus on fire!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Stan who?

Stan back, I'm coming through!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


F-2 who?

F-2 go to the bathroom!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Passion who?

Just passion through!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nose who?

Nose a lot of people!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fletcher who?

Fletcher feet do the walking!


Magnet Magic

Did you know that a powerful magnet can work through paper,

cardboard, and even water? Impress your friends with this trick. Put

a paper clip in a glass that's mostly filled with water. Tell your friends

you can get the paper clip out of the water without getting wet. Then

slide the magnet along the glass until it connects with the paper clip.

Move the magnet and the paper clip up the glass and above the

surface of the water, until you can reach in and grab the paper clip

without getting your fingers wet.

Which Window?

Laura is visiting a friend who lives in an old apartment building. Use the

clues to find out who will answer the door when Laura knock knocks!

Laura's friend is not using the computer.

The kid to the left of Laura's friend has a pet.

Laura's friend does not know how to knit.

Laura's friend has a window with curtains.

EXTRA FUN: Read the letters in the windows from bottom to top, and

right to left. You will find the answer to this joke: Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Juan who?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Warrior who?

Warrior been?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Square who?

Square are we going?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sincerely who?

Sincerely, we still have time for breakfast!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Oakham who?

Oakham all ye faithful!



There are 84 different types of chameleons on the planet. They have

special cells in their skin that allow them to blend in with their

surroundings. This way, it is hard for enemies to find them. But watch out

— if a chameleon gets angry, it can turn bright red.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Diane who?

Diane to get in the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Yoda who?

Yoda greatest, baby!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Goshen who?

Goshen's great for swimming!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Eight ball.

Eight ball who?

Eight ball the food!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kismet who?

Kismet before anyone sees us!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rick who?

Rick-ety bridge fell down!

Words to Know

Comic Relief: A funny moment in a play or show that breaks up a very

serious scene. Comic relief comes just in the nick of time when

everything seems to be very tense and just too serious.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sultan who?

Sultan pepper shakers!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cockadoodle who?

Cockadoodle doo, not cockadoodle who!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Mica who?

Mi-ca is in the shop!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Atch who?

Bless you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Letter who?

Letter ask us all she wants!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Maude who?

Maude in the U.S.A.!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Comet who?

Com-et a crime and you'll go to jail!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Insect who?

Insect your name here!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bjorn who?

Bjorn to run!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Quebec who?

Quebec to the beginning!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Amish who?

Amish you, do you miss me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ooze who?

Ooze in charge around here?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fajita who?

'Fajita 'nother thing, I'll be sick!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wilma who?

Wilma headache ever go away?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Minerva who?

Minerva-s wreck!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Honeycomb who?

Honeycomb your hair, it's a mess!

What's am I?

As I grow up I grow down. I travel in groups but stay close to my family. I

love to swim, but when the weather turns cold, I fly away. What am I?

A kangaroo

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dennis who?

Dennis is going to fix my toothache!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Worm who?

Worm yourself by the fireplace!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Amir who?

Amir so let me in!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Les who?

Les go home!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ford who?

Ford he's a jolly good fellow!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Isadore who?

Isadore open?

Half a Chance

This young lady only got half of her picture printed! Complete her portrait

by copying the first half, square by square, into the empty grid.

Next, figure out which letter goes into each box, below. When you are

finished, you will learn the second half of her name, too!

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Alison who?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Butter who?

Butter if I keep it a secret!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dummy who?

Dummy a favor and be quiet!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tamara who?

Tamara is Thursday!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Handsome who?

Handsome chips to me, I'm hungry!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Luke who?

Luke out, I'm going to tell another knock-knock joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Throat who?

Throat out if it's rotten!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Blue who?

Blue away in the wind!



Those drinking glasses you have in the cabinet started out as sand on

the beach! Hard to believe, but true. To make glass, sand is heated until it

melts. Then the liquid is carefully shaped into glassware for you to drink

your lemonade out of.


An Optical Illusion

Take two magnifying glasses and hold them together, one on top of

the other. Look closely at the words on an opened book through

both lenses. Now, slowly pull the magnifying glasses toward you.

Watch the words get bigger and bigger. If you keep pulling the

magnifying glasses toward you, you'll see something strange

happen. Suddenly, the words flip. This is because the lenses bent

the light rays!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Quill who?

Quill you marry me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fanny who?

Fanny body home?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Needle who?

Needle little love in your life?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tom who?

Tomcat ate your tongue?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Woody who?

Woody want from me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jeannette who?

'Jeannette has a lot of holes in it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Harmony who?

Harmony more knock knocks do you want to hear?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dexter who?

Dexter halls with boughs of holly!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Faith who?

Faith the music!

Words to Know

Shtick: A show-business word that means a comedian's routine. Most

comedians have a certain type of act that they do much of the time.

Comedians go on tour to do their shtick.


A Bugalicious Snack

Like insects? This snack is fun to make and even more fun to eat.

You'll need some celery, peanut butter, and raisins. Put some

peanut butter on the celery sticks, then place the raisins in the

peanut butter. You now have ants on a log! Yummy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Al who?

Al be leaving soon!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thatcher who?

Thatcher idea of a knock-knock joke?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Israeli who?

Israeli nice of you to come over!

Rhyme Time

Can you use eight single-syllable words that rhyme with “knock” to

describe the actions and things in this picture?

EXTRA FUN: Can you see two other things that can be described using

two-syllable words that end in “-ock”?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kent who?

Kent you tell?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Violet who?

Violet a good meal go to waste?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Spider who?

'Spider everything, I'm still here!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Elaine who?

Elaine on the highway is closed!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Goose who?

You goose who! I already know!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hewlett who?

Hewlett you in the house?



Humans aren't the only ones who know how to communicate with each

other. Many animals have a way of communicating. Birds chirp, dogs

bark, and cats meow. There are some fish out there that have a very

interesting way of letting other sea creatures know what's on their minds.

About 500 different species of fish use electricity to communicate. A

banded knife fish, for example, may scare off an enemy by flashing on

and off!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Paris who?

Paris the thought!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cash who?

Cash whos are yummy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ray who?

Ray-ning all week long!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Turner who?

Turner 'round, quick!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Eden who?

Eden all the pudding!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Homer who?

Homer-run is great if you can hit one!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Plato who?

Plato mashed potatoes!

Words to Know

Punch line: A punch line has nothing to do with anyone punching. It is

actually the funniest — or punchiest — part of a joke. Usually the punch

line comes at the end of the joke. Ever listen to a long joke only to find

out that the punch line wasn't so funny after all? That's no fun!

Crazy Criss-Cross

Unscramble each word and fit it into the numbered criss-cross grid. When

you are done, read down the shaded column to find the answer to this

joke: Knock, knock. Who's there? Howie. Howie who?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Can't who?

Can't elope!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Noah who?

Noah place to go!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Warren who?

Warren earth are you going?

What's am I?

I collect acorns and bury them for cold weather. The problem is, I always

forget where I've left them. Sometimes the acorns stay where I left them

and grow into trees. I may be gray or black and I've got a bushy tail that

makes me irresistible. What am I?

A squirrel

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Salome who?

Salome on a sandwich!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Franz who?

Franz, Romans, Countrymen!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wanda who?

Wanda off and you could get lost!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Detour who?

De-tour will take us to Spain!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sandy who?

Sandy letter to your friend!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ina who?

Ina few minutes I'm going to tell you another joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Viper who?

Viper your face, it's dirty!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Canoe who?

Canoe come over for dinner?



Ever wonder why certain flowers close up at night? They do this to stay

warm. New seeds come from the inside of the flower. It's important that

these seeds are protected in spring when nighttime can still be a bit


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Zaire who?

Zaire it goes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Munich who?

Munich me happy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Grub who?

Grub on and hold tight!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bette who?

Bette your money I'm right!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Philip who?

Philip the tub, I need a bath!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Topic who?

Topic a flower would be nice!

Knock Once

Knock, knock.


Beth you can't find the one time the work KNOCK is spelled


Who's there?

Beth who?

Beth you I can!

Words to Know

Jest: Not being serious. Sometimes a jest is a playful remark or a prank.

In the Middle Ages, a jester was someone who worked at the king's court

to entertain royalty.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nun who?

Nun of your business!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Earl who?

Earl you can ask for!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Macon who?

Macon a sandwich!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hedda who?

Hedda 'nough, I'm leaving!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tail who?

Tail everybody!


A Tasty Experiment

Cut up an apple into four parts and put the slices on a plate.

Squeeze lemon juice over two of the four slices and let stand for

three hours. When you come back, see what happened. The slices

with lemon juice didn't turn brown, but the others did. That's

because chemicals in the air turn the apple brown, but other

chemicals in the lemon juice stop that from happening.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Accordion who?

Accordion to the weatherman it's going to rain!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nantucket who?

Nantucket but she said she'd give it back!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


UC who?

UC what I see!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pea who?

Pea U, something smells!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Egypt who?

Egypt you when he sold you a broken watch!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Henrietta who?

Henrietta bad apple!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cecil who?

Cecil-ly jokes are fun!

What's am I?

You may cut me, but I'll grow back. I'm green when I get water and turn

brown without it. People walk all over me and sometimes they play sports

on me. What am I?


What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rita who?

Rita book!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Van Gogh.

Van Gogh who?

Van Gogh and get me a cookie!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ants who?

Ants in your pants!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Reed who?

Reed a newspaper!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cohen who?

Cohen around the merry-go-round.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Venice who?

Venice dinner going to be ready?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dots who?

Dots not important!



Ever notice that some eggs are brown and others are white? Believe it or

not, there are many different types of chickens out there. Brown eggs

come from red hens and white eggs usually come from White Leghorn

chickens. But most amazing is that there are even chickens that lay blue

eggs, the Auracana chickens!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Moe who?

Moe cake, please!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Isabel who?

Isabel needed on the door?


In Motion

Take a piece of thin cardboard (for example, the side of a cereal

box). Decorate it with a nature scene like a garden and a blue sky,

or a seascape. Then make a little bird or a boat out of paper,

something light that can move easily. Attach a paper clip to the

bottom of your movable object. Put your object on the cardboard

scene. Then get a magnet. You can move the small object around

the cardboard by moving the magnet underneath the cardboard.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gopher who?

Gopher a long walk!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


CD who?

CD monkey in the cage!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Weasel who?

Weasel while you work!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Guitar who?

Guitar coats before we go outside!

Who Is It?

Collect the letters as you find your way through the maze from START to

END. As you read them in order, they will spell the answer to this joke:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Handsome who?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Blake who?

Blake a leg!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Olin who?

Olin a day's work!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dana who?

Dana talk with food in your mouth!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

One shoe.

One shoe who?

One shoe come over for a while?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Alba who?

Alba in the other room!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Termites who?

Termites the night!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Mikey who?

Mikey won't work, can you open the door?

Words to Know

Side-splitting: Have you ever laughed so hard you thought you'd just

bust? That's where the term “side-splitting” comes from. Side-splitting

laughter is the type of laughter that takes over your whole body.


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Trixie who?

There are Trixie can't do because we didn't train him!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nobel who?

Nobel, that's why I knocked!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chris who?

Chris-mas time is just around the corner!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you happy?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Amy who?

Amy 'fraid I forgot the rest of the joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Utica who?

Utica long way!

What's am I?

I am red with black dots, very small, and like to fly. I eat small tasty bugs

and you usually find me resting comfortably on flowers in the

summertime. People are always asking me to fly home. What am I?

A ladybug

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Soda who?

Soda hole in your shirt!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tango who?

Tango faster if you want!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Maida who?

Maida world be at your fingertips!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Juneau who?

Juneau what time it is?



Do you know why there's so much skin on some kinds of fruit?

Pineapples and other fruit have thick skins to keep out insects, protect

from disease, and keep the fruit healthy and tasty for you to eat!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wanda who?

Wanda bough breaks, the baby will fall!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Doris who?

Doris locked!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jamaica who?

Jamaica mistake and no one ever forgets!

Mixed Up Endings

Collect all words with the same number above them and write them on

the line with the corresponding number below. Now, rearrange the words

to get the answer for each joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dinosaur who?

Dinosaur because she fell down!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fossil who?

Fossil last time, let me in!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Virtue who?

Virtue get that nice sweater?

Words to Know

Funny bone: Ever hear someone say they are going to tickle your funny

bone? Well, they aren't actually going to tickle a bone in your body. They

mean they are going to make you laugh. Your funny bone is your sense

of humor.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tennis who?

Ten is five plus five!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wannetta who?

Wannetta time, please!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Brin who?

Brin me some pie!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Jack who?

Jack your coat in the coatroom!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Goose who?

Goose see a doctor for that cough!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ben who?

Ben waiting around for hours!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Beryl who?

Beryl luck next time!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Major who?

Major look!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wooden who?

Wooden you like to find out!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sam who?

Sam person who told you the last knock-knock joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Throne who?

Throne out the garbage!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gouda who?

Goudas can be!


The Power of Your Hair

Turn on the water in the bathroom sink so just a thin stream of

water flows out. Then, comb your hair about twenty times. Put the

comb near the water, but not touching it. Watch as the water bends

to reach the comb. This is because of the static electricity in your


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Beth who?

Beth time of my life!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Accord who?

Accord of wood for the fireplace!

Wendy's Here

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy boxes are all colored in, you will see who it is!

Color Code:







Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kentucky who?

Kentucky you in at night!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Goddess who?

Goddess stop this madness!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Howard who?

Howard I know?

What's am I?

I run over hills and around mountains. I jump over rivers and make my

way through thick forests. You can't go anywhere without me, and if you

step outside your door, I'll be waiting there. What am I?

The Road

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Colleen who?

Colleen up the kitchen when you're done cookin'!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Evan who?

Evan-ly angels!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Kip who?

Kip looking till we find it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hello who?

Hel-lo can you go?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Swear who?

Swear are we going?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ghana who?

Ghana go to town!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hyde who?

Hyde like to tell you another joke!



The deepest place on earth is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is called the

Challenger Deep, and it's a very dark and cold place to be. The bottom of

Challenger Deep is 35,813 feet below the surface of the water (that's

almost 7 miles)! Hardly anything at all can live there!

Words to Know

Palindrome: A word, sentence, or number that reads the same backward

and forward. For example, the number 13531 is a palindrome. So is the

name Bob.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Faith who?

Faith it, it's over!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Vaughn who?

Vaughn day we'll see each other again!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Teacher who?

Teacher some manners!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Buck who?

Buck stops here!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Foster who?

Foster than a speeding bullet!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tree who?

Tree plus tree is six!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Alaska who?

Alaska once more and that's it!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dali who?

Dali in the window sure is pretty!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lemmie who?

Lemmie tell you a story!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ogre who?

Ogre take a long walk!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wade who?

Wade up, I've got more knock-knock jokes!

Open the Door

Complete each of these seven knock-knock jokes by writing the name of

one of the objects on this page into the blank spaces provided.

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Don't chew.

Don't chew who?

Don't chew know?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Monroe who?

Monroe your boat!


Make a Five-Headed Puppet

Spread your hand out on a piece of paper. Trace your hand and

fingers onto the paper with a pencil. Glue some yarn on the tip of

each finger tracing so it looks like hair. Then paste googly eyes on

each of the five heads. Draw noses and mouths with crayons or

colored pencils. Then cut out the whole hand tracing. Glue a

Popsicle stick to the back of the paper hand and put on a puppet


Words to Know

Absurd: Completely ridiculous or silly. For example, it is absurd to think

that there is a man living on the moon.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Glitter who?

Glitter bug!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Weirdo who?

Weirdo you think you're going?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Island who?

Island on the house with my parachute!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Adair who?

'Ad-air once, but now I'm bald!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Heaven who?

Heaven you heard enough knock-knock jokes?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Candace who?

Candace be true?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Habit who?

Habit your way, I'll have it mine!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Freeman who?

Freeman from his chains!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pecan who?

Pecan somebody else!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Band who?

Band from going there!

What's am I?

I look like a fish and I live in water. But I'm not really a fish. I'm a

mammal. I'm incredibly smart and I always have a smile on my face.

Sometimes you'll see me doing tricks at the aquarium. What am I?

A dolphin


Taste Tests

Have you ever noticed that when you have a cold, you have less of

an appetite? This is partly because we need our sense of smell to

enjoy our food. With the help of a grownup, cut up a bunch of

different vegetables, fruits, and cheeses with similar textures. One

of you can be the taster, and the other will be the server. The server

tells the taster to close his eyes and hold his nose. Then the server

places a piece of food in the taster's mouth. The taster has to guess

what the food is without using his sense of sight or smell. How easy

do you think it will be to guess what you're eating?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fran who?

Fran of mine is coming to town!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Unit who?

Unit me a sweater!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hugh who?

Hugh must have been a star!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Klaus who?

Klaus the window!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Amoeba who?

Amoeba wrong, but I may be right!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chicken who?

Chicken to see if you're okay!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Renata who?

Renata jokes, I'll have to learn some more!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chess who?

Chess the way it is!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Mia who?

Mia pants are on fire!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Yuri who?

Yuri great pal!

Come and Get It!

Your mom is cooking dinner when, suddenly …

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Gus who?

To find the end of this mystery, start at the letter marked with a dot. As

you spiral into the center, collect every other letter. Write them in order on

the lines. When you reach the middle, head back out again, collecting all

the letters that you skipped over the first time.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pasta who?

Pasta potatoes please!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pasture who?

Pasture bedtime!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Stu who?

Stu you want to tell me something?



The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. It gets so hot there

during the day, it is almost impossible to go more than four hours without

water. At night, though, it can get so cold, the temperature may drop

below freezing!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


May who?

Mayday Mayday!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dwight who?

Dwight way is the best way!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Colin who?

Colin all kids!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Alpaca who?

Alpaca the suitcase before we go!

Words to Know

Skit: A short and funny play. A class might write a skit for a school

performance. Sometimes a show will be made up of a few different skits.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sweden who?

Sweden sour chicken!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hammond who?

Hammond eggs make a good breakfast!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Canoe who?

Canoe tell me a story?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lana who?

Lana the free, home of the brave!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Nanny who?

Nanny one home?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Waddle who?

Waddle you give me for my birthday?



Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders, but most of these creatures are

nothing to be afraid of! Spiders are actually good to have around. Almost

all of them are completely harmless, and they catch and eat pesky


We Deliver!

It's fun to order takeout food and have it delivered. But it's even more fun

if the delivery person has a yummy name! Choose from the middle initials

and last names scattered down the right side of this page. Write them on

the correct lines to create seven deliciously different delivery people who

might come knock-knocking at your door to bring dinner!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lionel who?

Lionel get you nowhere!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rich who?

Rich man is a poor man with money!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Orson who?

'Orson carriage!

What's am I?

I'm fast as can be, and built for speed. I've got huge claws, and my nest

is grand. I live in high cliffs, in canyon walls, and even on city

skyscrapers. What am I?

A falcon

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dishes who?

Dishes the police, open the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Spider who?

I spider hiding in the yard!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Aspen who?

A-spen around until I get dizzy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Holly who?

Holly days are fun!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Pest who?

Pest wishes to you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


April who?

April showers bring May flowers!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bach who?

Bach to the future!


Make a Rainbow

On a sunny day, get the garden hose and then stand with your back

to the sun. Adjust the hose nozzle so it just lightly mists water. Hold

the hose up in front of you, and then look closely. You will see a

rainbow in the mist.

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ivan who?

Ivan extra few minutes for some more jokes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Heart who?

Heart it through the grapevine!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Telly who?

Telly your brother to come home!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Raisin who?

Raisin our hands before we speak!

Funny Friends

We've hidden the first half of fifteen knock-knock names in the grid. Look

carefully as you highlight each name, and you'll find each person's last

name, too. One is done for you! HINT: Middle initials are sometimes

included. EXTRA FUN: Turn each name into a knock-knock joke!
















Words to Know

Parody: A play, sometimes a musical, that is meant to be very funny and

often makes fun of something.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Summer who?

Summer time and the living is good!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Quiche who?

Quiche me, I love you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hiram who?

Hiram your best friend, don't you remember me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hacienda who?

Hacienda the story!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Whoville who?

Whoville answer the door ven I knock?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dale who?

Dale come if you invite them!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Root who?

Root for me at the game!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Phyllis who?

Phyllis in on the details!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Meter who?

Meter in the lobby!


Learn to See Around Corners!

Find a ruler, some tape, and a small mirror. Carefully tape the mirror

to the ruler, making sure not to cover up the mirror with the tape.

Stand to one side of a door and hold the ruler outside the doorway,

so that the mirror is at the farther end. If you move the mirror

around, you will be able to see different things in the room through

the mirror!

Words to Know

Guffaw: A loud burst of uncontrollable laughter. If you're watching a

movie that has many funny things happening, you might not be able to

control your laughter. That's when you are likely to guffaw!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Carrie who?

Carrie me home, I'm tired!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rhoda who?

Rhoda donkey at the zoo!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rozette who?

Rozette a bug, now she feels sick!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Olive who?

Olive you too!

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Lima bean.

Lima bean who?

Lima bean working on the railroad!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dee who?


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lisbon who?

Lisbon to the movies twice this week!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cher who?

Cher would be nice to see you again!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hive who?

Hive got my eye on you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Stuart who?

Stuart up and serve it while it's hot!



Male and female penguins have a very interesting way of courting each

other. If a male penguin is interested in a female penguin, he may offer

her small pebbles as a gift. If she accepts, he knows he has won her


What's am I?

I can be found in marshes, swamps, lakes, and ponds. I am famous in

the South. I can grow up to 13 feet long, and as an adult I may weigh up

to 500 pounds. I catch my food by clamping my jaws shut over them.

What am I?

An alligator

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Isaac who?

Isaac-ly who you think it is!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Vine who?

Vine-derful news!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Roxanne who?

Roxanne sand are at the beach!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Anita who?

Anita good rest!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tonto who?

Tonto get ready for school!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chair who?

Chair your secrets with me!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Cedar who?

Cedar plane flying in the air!

Ho, Ho, Ho

The answer to this joke is missing the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Can you fit

them in the proper blanks?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Grant who?

Grant me a wish!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Babbit who?

Babbit in the garden ate our lettuce!


Yesterday and Today

Collect some old photos of grandparents or other older relatives.

Now get some pictures of you and your friends. Put the new photos

next to the old photos to see how different things are today. What

kind of clothes did the people in the old photos wear? Are there

other differences you can detect?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Luke who?

Luke through the peephole and you'll see!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sole who?

'Sole new day!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Iguana who?

Iguana tell you something!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Diploma who?

Diploma is coming to fix the pipes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fruit who?

Fruit of all evil!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sabina who?

Sabina long time since I told you a knock-knock joke!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Watson who?

Wats-on the radio?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Latin who?

Latin me through the door is a good idea!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chelsea who?

Chelsea you later!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Utah who?

Utah-king to me?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bolivia who?

Bolivia me, I know what I'm talking about!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Peace who?

Peace and carrots!

Words to Know

Vaudeville: A staged performance including a lot of different types of

acts. There could be singing, dancing, comedy, acrobats, and even

animal tricks. Everyone loves a good vaudeville show!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ike who?

Ike could dance all night!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Chicken who?

Chicken' out the situation!

Aye, Aye, Captain

First, figure out what word each letter and picture puzzle represents.

Then, number the words in the proper order to create the answer to this

joke: Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Fire engine.

Fire engine who?



Yawning when you're tired is actually a wake-up call for the brain. Your

brain needs lots of oxygen, which is carried in your bloodstream to all

parts of your body. When you're tired, your heart pumps more slowly.

This means oxygen gets to your brain slowly. When you yawn, your brain

gets the oxygen a lot faster. That makes your brain happy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ken who?

Ken you tell me something new?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Banana who?

Banana split, so ice creamed!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Galway who?

Galway or else!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


U-8 who?

U-8 my candy bar!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Harry who?

Harry-planes fly overhead!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Eliza who?

Eliza when he doesn't want anyone to know the truth!

What's am I?

I can eat a thousand flying insects in one night. My favorite place to live is

very close to others like me. I can hang out upside down all day long.

One of the best things about me is that I fly around at night and I don't

need the light. What am I?

An bat

Where in the World?

Use each of the place names from around the world to complete one of

the jokes below. Be careful — there are more names than you need.

EXTRA FUN: Turn each of the place names into a knock-knock!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Daryl who?

Daryl only be one chance!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tom who?

Tom-ah-toes are yummy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Barry who?

Barry sorry for the mix-up!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ada who?

Ada lot of candy and now I have a tummy ache!


Make Your Own Rain Catcher

Tape a ruler to the inside of a coffee can or small jar. Then set the

jar outside the next time it rains. After the rain ends, you can

measure how many of inches of rain have fallen during the


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Guava who?

Guava good time!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Minotaur who?

Minotaur ready, we'll go!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Vera who?

Vera you going for dinner?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Czar who?

Czar-y about spilling the drink!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Randy who?

Ran-dy track twice!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Waddle who?

Waddle you give me?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wheelbarrow who?

Wheelbarrow the car and go for a ride!

Words to Know

Spoof: A light and playful way of making fun of something. You might see

a television show, a movie, or a play that's a spoof, or even read a story

that spoofs something or someone.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Illegals who?

Illegals stay in the nest till they're old enough to fly!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fission who?

Fission for trout!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Beehive who?

Beehive yourself or you'll get in trouble!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gwen who?

Gwen are we leaving?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thurston who?

Thurston for a milkshake!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Honey who?

Honey way home we'll stop for ice cream!

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


China who?

China tell you something!

What's am I?

I travel in packs and have beautiful fur. I can survive almost anywhere as

long as there is plenty to eat. My scientific name is Canis lupus, but you

know me from a famous fairy tale. I was framed, I tell you! Little Red

Riding Hood set me up! What am I?

A wolf

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Carl who?

Carl get you there faster!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Warner who?

Warner lift to school?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Farrah who?

Farrah 'nough!


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Egg who?

Eggstremely cold!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Andy who?

He did it once, Andy did it again!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Minnie who?

Minnie more miles to go!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Eiffel who?

Eiffel sick!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Sybil who?


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Curry who?

Curry the package home!


Invent Your Own Animals

Look through some old magazines to see how many animal pictures

you can find. Cut out the legs of a dog, the ears of a cat, the face of

a chicken, the body of a giraffe, or whatever parts you want from the

other animals that you see. Make your own combinations of the

cutouts, and come up with as many “new” animals as you can. Then

give them all funny names, like “dogachickiraffe”! Now make up a

story about where these types of creatures can be found, what they

like to eat, and what strange habits they have!

Words to Know

Gag: A prank or joke that makes people laugh. Sometimes a comedian

will have a running gag in the show (that means the same gag will be

repeated over and over again). Running gags can also be part of

television shows, movies, and plays.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Newark who?

Newark for you when you finish the old work!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Aretha who?

Aretha flowers for the door!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gecko who?

Gecko-ing or you'll be late!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Duke who?

Duke you come here often?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Gladys who?

Gladys lunch time, I'm starved!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Ears who?

Ears looking at you, kid!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Grape who?

Grape pie, can I have some more!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lacey who?

Lacey days of summer!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wafer who?

Wafer the bus!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Enid who?

Enid to take a nap!



When you sneeze, all of your body functions stop — even your heart

stops pumping for a moment. Whenever you sneeze, air rushes through

your body at a rate of 100 miles per hour. And it's impossible to sneeze

with your eyes open!

What's am I?

I look like a star in the sky but I live at the bottom of the sea. I'm tough on

the outside and I've got a great talent: If I lose an arm I can easily grow a

new one back! What am I?

A starfish

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Carrie who?

Carrie these boxes, they're not heavy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tommy who?

My Tommy hurts from too much pie!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Doughnut who?

Doughnut be scared, it's only a joke!

Do I Know You?

The letters in each column go in the squares directly below them, but not

in the same order! Black squares are for punctuation and the spaces

between the words.

When you have correctly filled in the grid, you will have a silly

conversation between two people on opposite sides of a door!

Don't Forget to Brush

See if you can fit all the words into their proper place in the grid. When

you are finished, read down the center column to get the answer to this

joke: Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Tuba who?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Oscar who?

Oscar again, she didn't hear you the first time!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Honeydew who?

Honeydew-nuts are yummy!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Congo who?

Congo out, I'm grounded!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Woodstock who?

Woodstock up on food if I were you!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Lorraine who?

Lorraine is falling and I'm getting soaked!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Daisy who?

Daisy goes to school, nights he sleeps!


A Neighborhood Scrapbook

Go on a nature walk in your neighborhood. See how many different

types of flowers and animals you can identify. When you get home,

look for pictures of the flowers and animals in magazines. Cut out

some of these. Then paste the pictures onto construction paper.

Punch holes in the construction paper and tie the pages together

with a ribbon.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Bored who?

Bored of education!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Fresno who?

Fresno fun when he's angry!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Beezer who?

Beezer black and yellow!

What's am I?

I live in the forest and I make loud noises with my beak when I find a tree

with lots of tasty bugs in it. You can't mistake my sound. You may know

my uncle — he's a funny cartoon character named Woody. What am I?

A woodpecker

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Seville who?

Seville you come to the dance?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Topeka who?

Topeka apples you have to go to the orchard!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hominy who?

Hominy times do I have to tell you?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tarzan who?

Tarzan stripes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Moose who?

Moose have been a long night!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Disk who?

Disk is a holdup, put your hands in the air!

Words to Know

Whimsical: Light or funny. Many things are whimsical. For example,

knock-knock jokes are pretty whimsical! Stage-acting with a lot of

clowning around is pretty whimsical too.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Walrus who?

Why do you walrus ask so many questions?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Garden who?

Garden the secret treasure!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Iona who?

Iona TV set!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Dozen who?

Dozen anyone know who I am?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Malcolm who?

Malcolm it took you so long to answer the door?

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Les who?

Les-sons to be learned!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Value who?

Value come to the park with me?

What's So Funny

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Burden who?

Burden the tree is singing!



There are thousands of words in the English language, but there are only

four that end with “dous.”Can you guess them? They are tremendous,

horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Hallways who?

Hallways running off somewhere!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Irish who?

I-rish I had lots of money!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Rex who?

Rex-taurant's just down the road!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Disguise who?

Disguise the limit!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Arf who?


Knock knock!

Who's there?


Oil who?

Oil we do is tell knock-knock jokes!

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Tibet who?

Early Tibet, early to rise!

Part Three


YOU MAY HAVE COME TO know riddles and brain teasers as a great

way to get a good laugh, or maybe to challenge a friend. You may even

like to challenge yourself with these riddles. But did you know that

thousands of years ago, people just like you were interested in a good

riddle or puzzle, too?

Some were interested for different reasons than others, depending on

their needs. For instance, one of the first uses for a riddle was to

“secretly” carry a message from one person to another — a quiz of sorts

that only you knew the answer to, and hopefully the person on the other

end would be smart enough to solve or figure out. Unfortunately, not

everyone was. For example, one of the most famous riddles of all time

was that of Samson from the Bible. As a challenge, Samson tried to trick

the Philistines with a riddle about honey. Frustrated and angry, the people

decided to solve the riddle of Samson's strength instead. When they

discovered the answer, they removed his hair, took away his strength,

and defeated him.

Many of the words or expressions in our world are forms of these earlier

riddles and brain teasers. Take your name, for example. Did you know

that your name has a hidden meaning? The stories behind both our first

and last names are usually more than meet the eye. Entire books have

been written to explain the original meanings behind any first name. Last

names are usually easier to guess, as people used to “sneak” what they

did for a living into their last name, such as Smith (for blacksmith or

goldsmith) and Wagoner. Or, they would use their father's name and then

add the word “son” on the end, as in Johnson and Peterson. And middle

names? Well, they hid your family lineage by using your mother's maiden

name for your middle name.

Puzzling maybe, but there's more: Do you know which famous author

secretly fooled a great number of readers by using his last name spelled

backward? Actually, his last name was Geisel, and when he wrote it

backward, it became Lesieg … but he became famous through his

middle name. Do you know what it was? Suess! Authors aren't the only

tricksters. Artists and actors, musicians and entertainers also like to

challenge us to try to figure out the sometimes-tough riddle of who they

are. Or better yet, who they were.

Almost everyone loves a good mystery or puzzle, and puzzles are a fun

way of exercising your brain and testing your friends' skills as well. Best

of all, riddles and brain teasers are there to be enjoyed. So, prepare to be

tricked, tested, riddled, and teased until you can't take any more — and

have fun!


Words to Know

Brain Teaser: A question or test used to tease and entertain our brains.

Some types of brain teasers also stimulate our funny bones. These

popular little puzzles or mysteries have been around for a long time.

Why do scissors cut in a line?

They can't stand to wait.

What did Mary tell her little lamb?

Ewe cannot be at school.

Where do elementary school teachers like to go sailing?

Out on the AB seas.

Why couldn't O go to the game?

Because it was too busy minding its Ps and Qs.

How did all the school supplies find their way out of the classroom?

They used the compass.

Which grade keeps the best time?

“Second” grade.

The school janitor has 100 keys on his ring and can't remember which

key opens the front door. What are the odds that he'll find it the first time?

Bonus:What if he tries 2 keys?

1 in 100. Bonus: The odds are twice as good!

When Johnny Falls brought his plant to school for an experiment, nothing

he tried could make it grow. Do you know why? Hint: His name is part of

the clue.

It was fake(“false”)

On Tuesday, little Tommy was asked to write I AM SORRY FOR WHAT I

DID 50 times on a sheet of paper. The last time he was in trouble, he had

to write it out 100 times. What do you think about his two offenses?

What he did on Tuesday was only half as bad as what he did the last


Do you know which letter of the alphabet comes before R? L? A?

Q, K, nothing


Count Me Crazy

Can you count backward from 100 by 6's? It would go like this: 100,

94, 88, 82, 76, 70, 64, 58, 52, 46, 40, 34, 28, 22, 16, 10, 4. Now, try

counting backward by 5's, only this time see if you can count

backward while walking backward! Careful now, you should be

somewhere safe and in the open for this one!

If Carter Elementary School has 2 front doors, 2 back doors, 3 bathroom

doors, and 7 classroom doors, how many doors are there “in” the school?

15,counting the in doors

When Maddy started school, she was 5 years old. Now that she is in

third grade, she is only 6. How can that be? Hint:Maddy's birthday is in


Maddy's birthday is on February 29 (it comes only once every 4 years, in

a leap year)

What is a wizard's favorite subject?


Why is a ruler the most stub-born of your school supplies?

Because it's very narrow-minded.

Why was the English book following the math book around?

He was studying him.

Why did the pair of safety scissors fail her cutting test?

She didn't get the point.

When the police officers arrived at the scene of the crime, how did they

know that the numbers, not the letters, were innocent?

It just didn't add up.

Words to Know

Riddle: A question or event of puzzling nature that requires you to think

of an answer. Some riddles are a type of joke. Other riddles are really


What's So Funny?

When Mrs. Spacey's class returned from recess, she seemed very upset.

She was sure someone had taken her glasses. “This isn't funny, class!”

she scolded as she looked high and low under her desk and all over the

room. If only they could stop laughing long enough to get one word out,

someone would tell her where they were! What's so funny?

They were on her head

For an entire week the students in Mr. Wilson's science class

participated in an experiment to see how many hairs you lose from your

head each day. After 1 week of brushing, the average was around 100

hairs per day. Yet Mr. Wilson's brush was clean. Do you know why?

He was bald

Jennifer's teacher has 17 students in her class. When a new student

arrived, she had to change the tables in her room. She used to have 2

medium tables, seating 5, and 1 large table, seating 7. Now, if she can

also get small tables seating 3, which tables will she need and how many

of them?

Either 3 medium tables and 1 small; or 1 large, 1 medium, and 2 small

During recess, Alexia and her friends like to make up codes. Her favorite

code uses the letter of the alphabet that comes right after the letter that it

actually stands for. Using her code, can you figure out what she wrote in

this message?





The brain is a mass of tissue located inside your head. Your brain serves

as central command control. It's the center of your nervous system and

regulates your thoughts, emotions, and the functions of your body.

Why why did did the the history history teacher teacher say say every

every thing thing twice twice?

Because history repeats itself.

What is a snake's favorite part of school?


Do you know why the chalk was always yawning?

It was “board.”

What will you never find at the end of class?

The head of the class.

Which insect does the best in English class?

The spelling bee.

What do you call a group of strange numbers?


There are 30 students in Jake's class. Fifteen of the students have brown

hair, 10 of them are blond, and 5 have red hair. If all of the brown-haired

students and half of the blonde-haired students have brown eyes, and all

of the rest of them have green eyes, how many more students have

brown eyes than green?

Ten more

“Well,” said Mrs. Ray. “I see 5 people wore ponytails to school today.”

“Don't you mean 4, Mrs. Ray?” asked Hannah. Why does Hannah think

there are only 4?

She has forgotten to count herself

Toby likes to climb up the slide at recess. Every time he climbs up 5 feet,

he slides back down 2. How many times does he need to climb up for

him to reach 9 feet?

3 times


Rhyme — No Reason

Do you know how many letters in the alphabet rhyme with the letter

B? Eight — C, D, E, G, P, T, V, and Z. Now try making a list of words

for your family or friends to try to find a rhyme for. If you want to try

an experiment on them, give them 2 sets of lists to try to memorize.

One set has 8 words that rhyme, while the other has 8 that do not.

Which list will be easier for them to remember?

Bad Band

Begin by writing as many answers as you can under the clues. Then,

enter each letter into its numbered box in the answer grid (one has been

done for you). Continue working back and forth between the clues and

the grid. When you are finished, you will have the answer to the following


On the playground, Travis sees an amazing swing set with 20 swings.

While he watches his friends swing, he realizes that as the first swing

swings forward, the second one swings back, the third one swings

forward, and so on. Which way is the eleventh one swinging?


For Erin's birthday, her mother brought cookies to school. Erin's class

has 17 students and 1 teacher, but 3 children were sick that day and 1

went to the dentist. If her mother brought 30 cookies, how many cookies

did everyone receive?

2 (2 for each child, 2 for the teacher, and 2 for Erin's mother)

What's am I?

It's my job to ask the puzzling questions, and it's the contestant's job to

pick the right answers and win the million dollars. Sometimes, the

contestant chooses to phone a friend.

Who am I?

The host of Who Wants to Bea Millionaire?


Writing Riddles and Brain Teasers

You can write brain teasers and riddles backward, by taking the

punchline, or answer, and adding a question to the beginning of it.

For example, using the phrase “This is the pits!” you can add the

question, “What did one cherry say to the other when he knew it

was the end?”

Shelby has a box of 32 crayons. All of her friends have boxes of 8

crayons. If she shares her crayons so that she and all 5 of her friends

have an equal number of colors, how many crayons will she give to each

of her friends?

4 crayons

Ian likes math class. One day the teacher asks him if he can think of any

way that 1 + 1 could equal 1. Ian was stumped. But in a few minutes, he

could think of several ways. Can you think of any?

1 person + 1 hamburger, 1 spider + 1 fly, 1 cat + 1 bowl of milk, and soon

A Sloppy Subject

Color in each letter below that appears four times. Collect the uncolored

letters from left to right and top to bottom, and write them in the spaces.

When you're finished, you'll have the answer to this riddle:

What did one test say to the other?

My life is an open book.

Why did the capital letters have to stay away from the lowercase letters?

They couldn't see “I” to “i” (eye to eye).

How did the playground win the ball game?

The swing swung and the slide slid into home!

What does the alphabet do at the end of the day?

Catch a few more ZZZZZ's.

How did the tooth fairy do in school?

Fairy well.

Why did the fish have to leave school?

He was feeling “eel.”

For Robbie's class party, the students played musical chairs. Each time

the music stopped, Robbie moved over 3 chairs. There were 27 chairs in

the circle. How many times did the music stop before Robbie was back

in his own seat?

9 times



Our brains are made up of billions of cells. And although our brains are a

larger part of our bodies compared to most other animals, size has little

to do with intelligence. Studies have proven that someone with a small

brain can actually be smarter than someone with a larger brain.

Each year Mrs. Jones's students bring her apples for the first day of

class. Mrs. Jones likes to take the apples home and make pies out of

them. If everyone in her class of 21 brings her an apple and it takes 7

apples to make a pie, how many pies can she make?

3 pies

What's the difference between 124 and 12?

The number 4

When Bill added 5 and 5 together, his answer was an X. How can that


He was using Roman numerals: V + V = X

The monkey bars at Bobby's school have 11 bars. If Bobby starts with

his right hand on the very first bar, and he skips every other bar as he

swings across, while he is changing hands with every other swing, which

of his hands will end up on bar 11? Which one will end up on bar 5?

His left hand will be on bar 11 and his right on bar 5

What's am I?

I was one of the first doctors who started to understand the role of the

brain in thinking. The Hippocratic Oath was named after me. Who am I?


Did the math teacher know he would win the annual math contest?

He was counting on it.

Why was the calendar so scared?

His days were numbered.

What kind of school isn't in the front and isn't in the back?

Amiddle school.

What school did Sherlock Holmes attend?

Elementary, my dear Watson, elementary.

Where do teachers grow their flowers?

In the kinder-gardens.

Why did the computer teacher leave a trap in his room?

Because of the mouse problem.

The most exciting day at Greenfield School was the day that the

magician came. Everyone could hardly wait for the amazing “pulling the

rabbit out of the hat” trick. At the beginning of the show, Merlin the

Mystifying placed the rabbit in the hat. At the end of the show, even

Merlin was amazed. Not only did he pull 1 rabbit out of his hat — he

pulled out 6 more! How could that be?

The mother rabbit had 6 bunnies


Do You Know Your ZYX's?

Can you say the alphabet backward? Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T, S, R, Q, P,

O, N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, and A. How about an extra

added twist? This time, try it while you are listening to music or TV

at the same time. Concentration or the lack of it can affect how well

we think and learn.

Beth has an unusual talent. She can walk backward for miles. Some

days she even walks to school backward. If it takes her longer to get

there, how much farther is it to school?

It isn't any farther — it just takes longer

What would happen if you 8 and 8?

You'd get a very full stomach (ate and ate)



Did you know that before we discovered how funny and silly riddles are,

people were actually using them to deliver secret messages? It was also

believed that only very bright people would understand the messages or

would be able to think of the answers.

Math Class

Look at the fraction below each blank. Pick the shape that shows that

fraction, using these rules:

The white part of each shape is empty.

The shaded part of each shape is full.

Write the letter of that shape on the line. When you are finished, you will

have the answer to this riddle:

Words to Know

Puzzle: A type of test or challenge sometimes used to confuse someone.

Often puzzles are used for learning in school settings, such as language

or math lessons. Other types of puzzles are actually objects or games.

In Mrs. Sharpe's class, each student has 1 writing instrument, either a

pen or a pencil. If there are 21 students in her class and 1/3 use a pen,

how many pencils are there in class?

14 pencils

As Elizabeth wrote the date on her paper, she realized it read 04-04-04.

All three numbers were the same! How many more years can this

happen in a row?

8 more, until 12-12-12

What did the paper say to the scissors when they kept poking him?

Cut it out!

What did the numbers call the new room in their house?

Their addition.

Why do rabbits do so well in school?

They like to multiply.

What do you get when you put 2 500-pound elephants on a teeter-totter?

Abroken teeter-totter!

Why did everyone think their teacher was so special?

She had alot of “class.”

What do you call numerals that don't feel anything?


Why didn't the pencil do well on his test?

He wasn't very sharp.


When the circus comes to town Bobby always goes to see it. His favorite

part is when the elephants build a pyramid. “Can you believe it?” asks the

announcer. “A record 21 ELE PHANTS!”Amazed, Bobby starts counting:

1 on top, 2 below it, 3 more below them, and so on. If the announcer is

right, how many elephants will be on the bottom row?

6 elephants

Words to Know

Joke: A joke is an act or statement that causes laughter. Funny riddles

are a type of joke.

Just for fun, Cassie taught her cat Freddie sign language. One day the

cat tapped on the window (a sign for “bird”), tapped his tail on the wall (a

sign for “mouse”), and jumped into the tub to swim (a sign for “fish”).

What was Freddie trying to tell Cassie?

“I'm hungry.”

What do you call 2 half rabbits put together?

Arabbit “whole.”

What do you call a really strange ant-eater?

An “odd-vark.”

Why did the stallion need a cough drop?

He was hoarse.

What Beatles song do fish everywhere love?

“Twist and Trout.”

What do you get when you cross Sir Lancelot with a horse?


What did one cat call the other when he wouldn't play fair?




Did you know it is impossible for you to tickle yourself? It's true; one of

the things needed in tickling is the element of surprise — not expecting to

be tickled. Not sure? Try it for yourself.

What is bald but has its head covered?

The bald eagle

Which one of these does not belong to the set? Lion, tiger, elephant,

and polar bear.

The elephant, because he has no fur

When a small campground was robbed last week, the police brought the

only witness in for a line-up. All of the animals were brought in and

placed in a line. When it came time for the witness to point out the bandit,

she said she couldn't be sure which one had done it, because the robber

looked like he was wearing a mask. Do you know who it was?

The raccoon

One night Tommy had a bad dream. There was a bull chasing him all

around the arena, but just as the bull was about to ram him, Tommy got

away. Do you know how?

He woke up

Which one of these does not belong in the group — shark, whale, and


The whale, because it's a mammal

Egg is to chicken as acorn is to what?

A tree


An Anagram of Your Own

Have you ever tried to make your own anagrams? An anagram is a

word or phrase formed by recording the letters of another word or

phrase, like “late” and “tale.” How many anagrams can you and your

friends come up with?

Loop the Zoo!

Find the path through the zoo that takes Zack to three of his favorite

animals. Along the way, collect the letters that spell out three different

answers to this riddle: What goes black, white, black, white, black, white?

Where does a mother robin keep her money?

In a nest egg.

What do cows do for fun?

They go to the “moo-vies.”

How do sheep go to sleep?

They count people.

Why was the cow so excited when a horse moved in next door?

He had never had a “neighbor” before.

What was the last thing the frog did before he jumped?

He croaked.

What time is it when you sit on your cat?

Time to get anew one.

Andrew has amazing pets. His dogs and cats would get along, but they

eat each other's food. How does Andrew keep this from happening?

He feeds the dogs during the day, while the cats are sleeping; he feeds

the cats during the night, while the dogs are asleep

Take a look at the following sentence:“Ants busily crawl, doing

everything fast.” What's special about it?

The words are in alphabetical order by first letter

Words to Know

Pun: A pun is a play on words using two meanings of the same word or

two words that sound the same but are spelled differently. For example,

the word “sew” in the following joke: “Why do I have to?” the little sewing

machine asked his mother. “Because I said SEW!” she replied.

Fish swim and birds fly, but does it ever happen the other way around?

Do birds ever swim and do fish ever fly? Can you think of any


Penguins swim; flying fish can fly for short periods of time

What do horses have at night?


What do you call 2 insects that raise their young?


Why did the fox sell his fur?

Because he “pelt” like it.

Why does the duck walk everywhere he goes?

Because he can't drive.

Why shouldn't you make a tired canine tell the truth?

Because you're supposed to let sleeping dogs lie.

Do possums really hang upside down from trees all night?

It's a “possum-bility.”



Are you an April Fool? Being foolish is a tradition given to us long ago.

Back then, the New Year was celebrated from March 21 to April 1. When

it was decided the New Year should start on January 1, anyone who

celebrated the old date became an April Fool.

One day, cows from the Busy “B” ranch and cows from the Lazy “1”

ranch got all mixed up. The ranch cowboys were confused. How can

they tell the cows apart in order to separate them?

Most cows are branded, so they should look for a “B” or a “1” brand on

each cow

When the circus came to town, everyone was surprised — even the lion

tamer, as he discovered 7 new lion cubs in the lion cage. Before long,

everyone agreed it would be best to separate the feisty cubs. But how?

Then the ringmaster had an idea: “I know a way you can place 3 large

rings to make 7 sections, one for each cub.” Do you know how to do


Place the first 2 rings so that ones lightly overlaps the other — that's 3

sections; then, place the third ring in the center of the 2, to make 7


What's am I?

I work all day turning letters to help our contestants try to solve a riddle.

Not only do they have a “wheely” good time, but they also have a chance

to win a “fortune.” Who am I?

Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune

What do you get when you wake a sleeping bear?


What are three words you never say to a raccoon?

Coonskin cap.

What do you call a really picky cat?

A“paw-ticular” feline.

How can you tell when a polar bear is moving?

There's a “fur sale” sign in the yard.

What do you give to a 500-pound alligator when he knocks at your door?

Anything he wants.

How do fish finish their floors?

They “carp it.”

Say What?

On each line, add the first and last letter to complete the name of the

animal that is suggested by what that animal is saying. Then, read

DOWN the shaded column to answer this riddle:


Take the Laughing Test

How do you think you would do on a laughing test? To try the

challenge, record someone laughing, then play back the tape to see

if you can keep from laughing yourself. They say laughter is

contagious. Can you come up with laughing tests of your own?

A vet has 10 sick hamsters, 10 sick dogs, and 10 ill cats. Unfortunately,

he can't leave them alone as they are not too sick for the dogs to attack

the cats, and the cats to try to eat the hamsters. At the end of the day he

decides to take them home to keep an eye on them. What is the smallest

number of trips he can make across town and how?

2: On the first trip he takes the cats and on the second trip he takes the

dogs and the hamsters

What do stripes, mane, tail, and hooves have in common?

They're all traits of a zebra

Which creature doesn't belong — wasp, bee, spider, or ant?

The spider — it's an arthropod, not an insect

Birds and fish are to worms as cats and snakes are to what?

Mice — birds and fish eat worms; cats and snakes eat mice

What do you call a sleeping baby goat?

A“kid napping.”

What happens when you blend a reptile with a back street?

You get an “alley-gator.”

What travels faster than the speed of dog?

A cat!

Why was the rabbit so excited about her engagement ring?

It was 5 carrots!

Why did they take Polly away?

She went crackers!

What did the giraffe say when he bent down to talk to the fish?

LONG time no sea.

Feel Better

A riddle and its answer were put into the large grid, and then cut into

eight pieces. See if you can figure out where each piece goes, and write

the letters in their proper places. When you have filled the grid in

correctly, you will be able to read the puzzle from left to right, and top to

bottom. HINT: The black boxes stand for the spaces between words.

When Mini's family pulled up at the motel, Mini, her parents, and 12

brothers and sisters poured out of the car. How could that happen?

Mini and her family are mice.

What do a shark, a mouse, and a mole have in common?

All of their babies are called “pups”

Where do hogs go when they need a loan?

To the piggy bank.

What did one mouse say to the other mouse who held the door open for


Why, that was very “mice” of you!

What did one python say to the other before they made a deal?

Let's “snake” on it.

Why did the cub get in trouble with his mother?

She caught him “lion.”

Why couldn't the dog say, “Ahhh”?

Because the cat got his tongue.



Over time people have studied how the human brain and body work

together. One thing your brain knows is that you need at least 5 things to

survive — water, food, oxygen, shelter, and clothing.

The minute Rastus laid eyes on the rattlesnake, it lunged at him, but it

could not bite the boy. Can you guess why?

Rastus was at a zoo and the snake was behind glass

What's So Funny?

When Ted arrived home one evening, he was startled by a bear in his

yard! After his initial panic, he stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. The

bear was no danger to him at all! What's so funny?

The bear was stuffed


Words to Know

Enigma: An enigma is a phrase or question that is confusing or hard to

understand. Enigmas or riddles have been used throughout time to test

one's ability to solve a puzzle or mystery.

How did the snow pile get across the sea?

It went a-drift.

What did the P. E. teacher ride in to the ball?


How did the train engine know he was lost?

He was on the wrong side of the tracks.

How long does it take for a person to fly to Chicago?

People can't fly, silly!

What kind of water greets you?

An ocean wave.

What does a train say when it has a cold?

Ahhh Choo-Choo!

When the storm hit and the plane attempted to land, everyone in the air

and on the ground was speechless. Yet somehow they communicated

the directions to land. How?

They used signals

What do the stop light, fire truck, and stop sign have in common?

They're all red

When Anna's family decided to take a vacation, everyone wanted to go.

So Anna, her mom and dad, her two brothers, their Aunt Lucille, their

Uncle Ed, and Grandma rode the bus together all the way from New

York to California and back again. How many people in all made the trip?

9, including the bus driver

What's am I?

There was no mystery I could not solve. All I needed was a magnifying

glass and my good friend. It's elementary, my dear. Who am I?

Sherlock Holmes

What do you call an imaginary yacht?

A dream boat.

How did the dentist get across the river?

With a “tooth ferry.”

How do you fasten a railroad track together?

With a railroad tie.

What do you call an angry ship?

A steamed boat.

When does a truck sleep?

When it gets “tire-d.”

What is the opposite of a put-down?

A pick-up.

If three friends moved to the same town, and one lived on E-X Avenue,

while another lived on E-Y Road, where does the third one live?

E-Z Street

What doesn't belong? Snow skis, Jet Ski, bus, motorcycle.

The Jet Ski — it's the only one that does n't travel on land

When Juan's plane left the ground it was 2 p.m. After flying for 2 hours, it

landed — but the clocks at the airport showed that it was still 2 p.m. How

can this be?

The air plane flew through 2 time zones



Did you know that the older you get, the less you laugh? Babies laugh on

and off all day long, while someone who is older may laugh only once a

day. Now, make sure you don't miss your chance to laugh your head off!

Do you know what a watch does on vacation?

Time travel.

What did the space travelers eat on their flight?


What's the last thing you see when a train goes by?

Its tracks.

Why wouldn't the police officer cross the road?

Because the light wasn't green.

Why did the army sergeant's car die?

Because its “tank” was empty.

What do accountants ride in?


Words to Know

Amusement: What people do or use in order to entertain themselves or

someone else. Silly or fun things are used to amuse people every day.

What's So Funny?

Ike the famous bike rider pedaled for hours on his bike only to find that he

was right back where he started. What's so funny?

He was on his exercise bike at the gym.

What doesn't belong in this list? Pen, paper, spatula, notebook.


Joey and his sister Hannah like to play “I Spy” when they travel in the

car. They decide that this time the first person who “spies” the most legs

on the trip wins! Joey sees 2 deer, 11 cows, 2 cats, and a spider.

Hannah sees 1 turkey, 7 cows, 3 sheep, and 4 cats. Who won?

Joey with 68 to Hannah's 58

The class was really puzzled when the teacher asked them: “When can

you see through the desert?” Do you know?

When it is heated to almost 3,000 degrees and the sand becomes glass

Funny Flight

First, figure out what word each picture puzzle represents. Then put the

words in the proper order to finish what this silly traveler is saying. Write

the numbers in the upper left-hand corner of each picture.

What did the thief get when he stole the tram?


What does an elephant always take on safari?

His trunk.

What do girl scouts put on their S'mores when they camp at the swamp?

”Marsh” mallows.

Where does dinnerware go on vacation?

To China.

As Mrs. Rockefeller was leaving the airport, she found herself

accidentally trapped in the revolving glass doors. She had no luggage,

no tools, and nobody was around. She eventually made a hole and

escaped. How? Hint: Her name.

She cut a hole in the glass with her diamond ring

No matter how long the new department store clerk walked down the

stairs, he could never seem to reach the basement. Why?

He was walking down the “up” escalator

Where in the World?

First unscramble the names of eight different places around the world.

Then match each one to a riddle to discover eight popular vacation spots!

What's am I?

I am the brains behind Garfield's intelligent tricks. I also try to help Odie

think of ways to get back at him. I have been “drawn” to fun for years.

Who am I?

Jim Davis

Sydney and Sadie are cousins. One day, Sydney and Sadie went on

vacation to Japan. Sadie's flight took 7 hours while Sydney's took 33.

Both flights were nonstop and Sydney and Sadie both left home at the

same time from the same city in California. How can this be?

Sadie's plane flew west; Sydney's plane flew east

If flying to California takes 1½ hours, and flying to Texas takes 2, and

flying to Hawaii takes twice as long as a trip to both places, how long is

your flight to Hawaii?

7 hours

What vehicle travels over the ground at speeds much faster than a car

but can also go through mountains?

A train

Where do skydivers put their laundry?

In the “para-chute.”

What did the child say to the captain when their boat hit rough waters?

I can't steer this, “canoe”?

Where do restless travelers like to go?

To Rome.

What place do worms like to visit the most?

The Big Apple.

What is one way to save money when you go to the lake?

Buy a “sale boat.”


Stare Me Down

Have you ever tried having a stare down contest? It's fun and easy.

All you need is a friend and a lot of concentration. While sitting

straight across from your friend, your challenge is to see who can

stare into the other person's eyes the longest without blinking or

laughing. It's that easy … or is it?

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


What can travel all over the world, without anyone seeing it?

The wind

What do the words yield, walk, merge, and slow have in common?

They're all street signs

Why did the plant get lost on its trip?

It took the wrong “root.”

How does a baby beetle get around?

In a buggy.

What do you call it when a highway stumbles?

A road trip.

How does milk travel around?

In a “carton.”

What does a skunk's car run on?


How does Robin Hood get from here to there?

In an “arrow plane.”



The hypothalamus gland in your brain is the reason you can laugh or find

some things funny. It also controls your other emotions. One other

interesting thing the hypothalamus does is remind your brain to stay


The Hungry Traveler

The following riddle is missing 12 important letters! See if you can fit the

letters from the box into the correct blanks. To create an ending that fits

this silly story, unscramble the letters in the second box, and fit them into

the blanks. HINT: You will use some of the letters more than once!

Car, tricycle, scooter, and wheelbarrow. What is special about this


Their order — 4 wheels, 3 wheels, 2 wheels, and 1

When Bartholomew went to the beach, he found an item that was strong

enough to hold a rock, but unable to hold water. Do you know what this

mystery item was?

A sieve

Why did the motorcycle stop by the side of the road?

It was “two tire-d” to go on.

What did the mother river name her baby?


How do stones get where they are going?

They rock-it.

What do puppies like to ride in?


What do you get when you cross 2 curlers with 2 butter knives?

A pair of roller-blades.


Write Your Own Comic Strip

If you like to read the “funny pages” or comics in the newspaper,

you know a picture or comic can make you laugh. But have you

ever tried to make your own comic strip? Learning how to draw or

make comics can be a lot of fun. Try it on a rainy day — or try it


When the night guards found a tourist unconscious on the ground, they

were unsure of who he was or whom to contact. Eventually, at the

hospital, they “developed” a plan. What was it?

They processed the film from his camera

What's am I?

Some say the way that I solved the biggest escape puzzle of all time was

simply magic. I like to think it was because I used my brain. Who am I?

Harry Houdini


Words to Know

Conundrum: A conundrum is a riddle that has a pun (or something with

two different meanings) for the answer. Here's an example: Why was the

letter B in a boat? He was going out to C. But there's another meaning to

“conundrum” — it could also be a dilemma or a problem that cannot be


When is a riddle not a riddle?

When you put a “G” in front of it (griddle).

What do you call really scared pasta?

Chicken noodles.

What can rise without ever sleeping?


If your dog's down, what's your cat?


Why did the coffee cup go down to the police station?

To report that he had been mugged.

How did the police officers help him?

They showed him several mug shots.

What's the next word?

Dirt, worm, bird, .

Cat (it's a food chain)

Once upon a time, a little girl dressed in blue went to her grandmother's

Swiss cottage. Why?

She was hungry for some cheese

When Sara invited some friends over to watch a movie, her parents

decided to order pizza for all of them. When the delivery came, there

were 2 large pizzas and 1 small one. If a large pizza serves 8 people and

a small pizza serves 4, how many friends were at Sara's house?

7 friends (20 servings minus 3 for Sara and her parents)



Your IQ or Intelligence Quotient is arrived at by measuring your

chronological age with your mental age. The average score is around

100. The score of a genius will average around 40 to 50 points higher.


Writing on the Wall

Over time researchers have found that no two people have the

same handwriting, just like no two people have the same

fingerprints. If you study a few samples of other people's

handwriting, you may also discover that handwriting can sometimes

reveal personality traits. For example, those who separate their

letters may be artistic and independent, while those whose letters

are very close together might enjoy some company.

When there was a knock at the door, a man who could not see and

could not hear somehow knew that someone had left him apple pie

outside. How did he know?

He could smell it

Jill left a solid object on the floor of her room for 3 hours. In those 3

hours, no one had touched it, and yet it completely disappeared on its

own. What was the object?

A nice cube

What do you call a giggling field of corn?

Laughing stalks.

What does Count Dracula use to cut his food?

A“stake” knife.

What kind of food is sick all the time?

Wheat germ.

When 2 eggs were placed in a blender, the first egg asked, “What's going

on here?” What did the second egg say?

“Beats me.”

How does bread get up in the morning?

It rises.

Why do melons rarely marry?

They “cantaloupe” (can't elope).

Cucumbers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and peas — which one doesn't


Tomatoes, because they are fruit

One day Katherine decided to make a picture out of food, just for fun.

First she used strawberries, then oranges, then lemons, then kiwis, then

blueberries, and then another fruit. What did she use last and why?

Purple grapes — she was making a fruity rainbow


Let's Play Charades

One sure way to get everyone laughing is to start up a game of

charades. The next time you get together with family or friends, try

acting out one of these: Fun house mirrors, riding a roller-coaster,

buying new shoes, shopping for groceries, and running a race. Can

you think of any other fun charades?

What do trees eat their ice cream out of?


Why did the knife cross the road?

Because there was a fork in it.

What do you call a little potato?

Small fry.

What do you get when a bunch of grapes tries to cross a highway?

A traffic jam.

How does a cucumber know when it's in trouble?

It's in a pickle.

What drink always comes to your rescue?


What type of food can contain all of the food groups?


Frosting, platter, candles, and sprinkles — what's missing?

Birthday cake

Frightened Food

Use a colored marker to highlight each of the 30 foods stuffed into this

letter grid. The words can go sideways, up and down, diagonal, and even

backward! After you have found them all, collect the unused letters from

TOP to BOTTOM and LEFT to RIGHT, and write them in order on the

blank spaces provided. When you're finished, you'll have the answer to

this riddle:

EXTRA FUN: Use three different colors of highlight markers to show your

































Every night when Pop came home, as he opened his door a light came

on, and as he closed it, the light went off. Why?

Popwasa soda, and his home was the refrigerator!

What's going on here?

Cup Plate

Fork Knife

Spoon Napkin

Glass Saucer

The second word in each pair begins with the same letter as the last

letter of the first word

Daniel took a piece of bread, and on top of that he placed a slice of

tomato. Next, he added a piece of lettuce, a slice of meat, and a piece

of cheese. Do you know what he made?

A food pyramid

Good Home Cookin'

Start at the letter marked with a dot. As you spiral into the center of the

shell, collect every other letter. Write them in order on the lines below.

When you reach the middle, head back out again, collecting all the letters

that you skipped over the first time. Write these letters in order on the

lines. When you are finished, you will have the answer to this riddle:

What's So Funny?

When Chelsea ordered a cheese-burger at Burgers-R-Us, she waited

patiently while Calvin carefully added the pickles, onion, cheese, ketchup,

mustard, lettuce, and tomato. Just as she was about to take a bite, Calvin

yelled, “Wait a minute!” What's so funny?

Heleftthe burgerout!

What's a pig's favorite way to cook?

Bakin' (bacon).

What did the potato call his son?


What does a hog do in the sun?


What do mugs build their homes out of?

“Cup boards.”

Why were the cups and the forks all alone?

Because the dish ran away with the spoon.

What did the syrup call her sweetheart?


In cooking class the teacher asked for volunteers. Each volunteer had to

answer a question. When it was Amy's turn, the teacher asked her what

the difference was between freezing and boiling. Amy used the

examples of ice cubes and hot cocoa. Although her teacher thought

those were good examples, it wasn't the answer she was looking for. Do

you know the answer?

180 degrees

When Ben and his father went to the grocery store, his father asked him

if he could find 4 foods in the store that had holes in them but that were

still whole. Ben found more than 4. How many can you think of?

Doughnuts, macaroni, bagels, olives, crackers, and Swiss cheese are

just a few possible answers

What's am I?

“To be or not to be” is my hint of who I am. I could also mention Romeo

and Juliet. I am well known for my plays as well as my poems. Who am


William Shakespeare

Second Helping

Place each of the seven-letter words into the boxes in alphabetical order,

starting with the top row and working your way to the bottom.

When you're finished, read down the third column to get the answer to

this riddle:

What food tastes better before it is cooked?

For a second helping of laughs, read down the fourth column to get the

answer to this riddle:

What did the teddy bear say after eating a really big meal?

When Ozzy and his friend Owen went to tour their local greenhouse, the

florist had a mystery for them to solve. “When is a flower not a flower?”

the florist asked. Do you know the answer?

When it's flour

What is a liquid outside your fridge and a solid inside your fridge?

Flavored gelatin


Now I See It, Now You Don't

The way the brain sees things is not always the same from one

person to the next. Some people don't see color the same way as

others. One way to check for color blindness is to find 4 socks, each

one with a different shade of green. Can you tell the difference

between the 4 colors? People who are color-blind cannot see the

minor differences in the color.

What do comic book characters like to eat?

Superhero sandwiches.

What did the other groceries say when the sausage brought the salami to

the party?

Well, he's bratwurst (brought worse).

Why were the windows “shuttering”?

Because they heard the homeowners say it was “curtains” for them!

What do you call a naughty glove?

Abad mitten.

When the builder had to climb onto the roof, did he pick the first thing he

saw (the scaffolding) or the second thing?

He chose the ladder (latter).

What do cherubs serve at their parties?

Angel food cake.

Who's going to make the salad?

Let us (lettuce)!

What bear can grow 10 times its own size overnight?

A gummy bear in water.

Why wouldn't the apple join the other fruits in the salad?

She didn't find it as a-peeling.

Did you hear that the ice cream parlor closed?

Yeah, Iheard that the sundaes wouldn't work on weekdays, the ice cream

bars went nuts, and the bananas split.



The study of the shape of your head is called phrenology. For years

people thought the way that your head was shaped determined your

talents, gifts, or traits. Luckily, this notion was eventually disproved.

When Ed's mother called out, “Ed, supper is ready!” 4 people came.

Who were they?

Four generations of Eds — Ed I, Ed II, Ed III, and Ed IV

It goes in fast, but comes out slow — and yet, the amount is the same.

What can this be?

A funnel

Every day a strange man walked past several grapevines growing on a

fence. One very hot day the owner asked the strange man what he had

done with his grapes. “I did not take your grapes,” replied the strange

man, “I am innocent!” The strange man was telling the truth, yet the

grapes were gone. Can you solve the mystery?

The owner's grapes had turned to raisinsin the hot sun



Front to Back — and Back Again

Have you ever tried to write a palindrome? Palindromes are words

or phrases that read the same both forward and backward. “Dad” is

a good example. Another is “Madam, I'm Adam.” How many

palindromes can you think of?

How did Sonny know his son would be home soon?

He added another O

What do you get when you put .14 and 3 together? The answer is as

easy as pie …


One night as the children were walking past the Parch house, a thick

fog set in. Cold and scared, the children moved on down the street. Then

as quickly as it had appeared, the fog ended, and there was no other fog

anywhere in sight. How can that be?

It was Halloween and the “fog” came from dry ice

What do kindergarten teachers eat for lunch?

Alphabet soup.

How do you make a riddle stop?

You take away its “r” and “d” (idle).

What did the PE teacher name his son?

Gym (Jim).

Why couldn't the geometry teacher solve her own problems?

She didn't have the right angle.

Why did all the letters have to stay after school?

They were caught making “alpha bets.”

What did the sleeping pines do?

They knotted off.

You never write on what paper?

Toilet paper.

What happens if you stand when you sleep?

You dream “up” things.

What is the difference between being a fool and being foolish?

4 letters (a&ish).

What is something only two brains can have?

Abrain baby.

How many chickens does it take to make a pillow?

None, chickens can't sew!

Where does little bear keep his things at school?

In his cubby.

What do you call just one nap?


Words to Know

Tongue Twister: A word or phrase that is hard to repeat quickly due to

the repetition of multiple consonants within the words.



Did you know that your brain has two sides? The left side of the brain is

in charge of things like art and picturing things in your head. The right

side is in charge of things like speech, math, and language. Sometimes

one side is stronger than the other. Which is your stronger side?

If Sheldon sells shells by the shore, and Dora drums drums by the door,

then who sits on sofas on Saturdays? Is it Julie, Laura, Sophie, or Erin?

Sophie (because her name begins with “s”)

Tightrope, trapeze, water slide, and cannon — which one doesn't belong

in this group?

The water slide (it belongs at as wimming pool, not acircus)

“Silly Sally sings songs as silly Sammy somersaults.” Can you say this 5

times fast? Can you make up your own tongue twister?

Comic Contest

These four people have entered into a comic contest. Count the number

of not-quite-normal things you can see about each contestant's costume

and pet. For example, contestant number 1 is wearing a “baseball” cap.

The winner has the most comic accessories! Make your lists in the

spaces below.


Brains of Jell-O

Do you know anyone who's so silly, it's like he's got a brain full of

Jell-O? Now you can make one yourself. Take a batch of cookie

dough and press it down in a bowl, making two big dents (for brain

lobes) in it. Cover your dough mold with plastic wrap, making sure

it's completely protected, and then pour prepared liquid Jell-O

inside. Refriger-ate your Jell-O brain for several hours. When the

Jell-O hardens, you can move it from the cookie mold to a platter,

and use the cookie dough to make brain cookies to go with the JellO.

For Daddy's birthday, Victoria helped Mommy bake a birthday cake.

When Mommy walked away for a moment, she told Victoria, “Don't forget

to put in the flour.” So she did. When Mommy came back, she couldn't

stop laughing. What did she find?

There was a daisy in the mixing bowl

Silly Sally can turn around 25 times in 2 minutes. If she wants to break

the town record of 37 minutes of spinning, how many times will she need

to spin?

475 times

What's the missing word in the last pair? Little lightning bugs, small

snails, mini mice, turtles.


Ever since Dan got dressed this morning, he's had the strangest feeling

that he's going the wrong way. Do you know why?

His clothes are on backward

What has 10 fingers on each hand?

Apair of gloves.

Who is the only person the tooth fairy won't visit at night?

Count Dracula.

What would the Count say if she did?

“Fang you” very much.

Why couldn't the jester get his medicine bottle open?

It was “fool” proof.

What did Pinocchio say when he was asked if he was lying?

Who nose?

How much sleep did the insomniac get?

Nod awink.

What's am I?

Many still believe I had the greatest mind of all time. My theory of

relativity was the beginning of many new inventions that we have today.

Science was my favorite subject.

Who am I?

Albert Einstein

What is a woodpecker's favorite dessert?

“Tap-ioca” pudding.

What object in space is never hungry?

The full moon.

What does Cyclops drink out of?

Eye glasses.

What type of fishing do the Three Billy Goats Gruff like to do?


What did the mother bolt say to her baby when she tucked him in bed?

Sleep tight.

What's the difference between April 1st and April 2nd?

One day.

When Nate told his mother that he could turn an open bottle filled with

water upside down and the water would not pour out, she said, “I'll

believe it when I see it.” And she did. What did Nate do in order to keep

the water in the bottle?

The bottle was in a tub of water and he never raised it higher than the

opening of the bottle.

One day Backward Betty decided to try a mud bath like the stars take.

The nearest mud puddle she could find was in the neighbor's driveway.

As Betty began to bathe, something seemed strange. What was wrong?

It wasn't mud — it was cement



In the past, some experts wondered if the size of your brain decided how

smart you could be. Now they know that it's not really true. But here's

another fact — did you know that the size of your head compared with

your body changes considerably as you grow? At birth, your head is ¼ of

your body size. By the time you're an adult, your body catches up and

your head is only 1/10 of your body.

Color Us In!

“Jack and Jill went down a hill to fetch a pail of dirt. Jill fell down and

broke her foot, and Jack came tumbling after. What's wrong with this


Everything is backward

When it was finally Mr. Smiley's turn at the Laughs-R-on-Us booth, they

told him he had better take his turn now, as they were about to run out.

So what did Mr. Smiley get?

The last laugh

Silly Sally

Can you guess what Silly Sally likes? Take a look at the following clues:

EXTRA FUN: The picture of Silly Sally shows several things that Sally

likes. Can you figure out what they are, and why?

Silly Slogans

Write each numbered word in the correct box. Now, rearrange the words

to finish the silly slogan for each business!

Why was the King of Hearts so upset?

Because his Ace was in the hole.

What do you call it when 5 royal cards get together?

A full house.

When the scientist didn't like Frankenstein's attitude, what did he do

about it?

He “changed” his mind.

Why was the garbage man so sad?

He was down in the dumps.

Why was the cowboy so tired?

Because his giddy-up-and-go gotty-up-andwent!

What do you get when you drop a 500-pound potato off the top of a skyscraper?

500 pounds of s-mashed potatoes.

What do you call a really cold puppy?

A chili dog.

If Lilly licks a lollipop while watching 3 30-minute cartoons and she only

licks halfway through her lolly, how long will it take to finish it?

90 more minutes

Clarence the clown took off his big shoes, curly wig, baggy pants, polkadotted tie, all of his makeup, suspenders, and his gloves. On the way to

his trailer, a little girl stopped to say, “You're a clown, aren't you?” How

did she know?

He forgot to take off his red nose!

Some days Jack felt really up, and some days Jack felt really down.


He's a Jack-in-the-box

What's am I?

I liked to make people laugh and I would use anything I could think of —

songs, poems, stories, art, and cartoons. I wrote several fun and silly

books for children, like Where the Sidewalk Ends. Who am I?

Shel Silver stein

Words to Know

Memory: Ability to store information in your brain. Without your memory,

you could never remember your brother's birthday or where you put your

favorite book. And did you know that memory is one of the things

required for laughter?

What type of print will you never find in a newspaper?

A footprint.

What can adult teeth have?

Baby teeth.

How do clouds make other clouds get out of their way?

They use their foghorns.

How can you tie something so you will always remember it?

With a “forget-me knot.”

What did one “Most Wanted” poster say to the other?

I've been framed!

Every once in a while, the workers at the perfume factory smell a

horrible, strong skunk smell. Why is this?

Some perfumes are made from the smelly spray that comes from skunks

What object can go up and come down all by itself?

Ahelium balloon — when you blow it up it goes up, but in a few days it

comes back down

What two things combine to look like a miniature tornado?

A bathtub drainand water

What's So Funny?

Jordan has some very silly dreams. One night he dreamt that he was a

clown and when he woke up his nose was a little red. The next time he

dreamed he was a king, only to find when he woke up that his comforter

was around him like a robe. But tonight's dream had to be the silliest of

all! Jordan dreamt he was sleepwalking! What's so funny?

When he wokeup he was in the yard!




Everyone has a pons (meaning “bridge”). Your pons is a part of your

brain that is in charge of many things, like sorting all of the information

you take in to decide what is important enough to think about.

When Geoffrey wrote a paper about crossing the English Channel for

English class, he left out the crossing part. Because of this, no one

could read his paper. Why?

He didn't cross his t's

How can 6 toothpicks have only 6 points?

When you make 2 triangles out of them

Do you know how to get a riddle really upset?

Take away its d's and you'll “rile” it.

What do you get when you cross 40 robbers with a herd of sheep?

Ali Baa Baa and 40 thieves.

Why did the math teacher cross the road?

Because he had “2.”

Who wrote the book 1001 Crosswords?

Chris Cross.

What do you get if you cross a movie theater with a palm reader?


Why did the playground cross the road?

To get to the other slide.

What's am I?

I was a powerful Egyptian queen, known for my beauty, intelligence, and

power. Unfortunately, it all came to an end because of a Roman general.

Who am I?


When Maggie and Annette found 2 nails on the ground, one lying

across the other, Maggie bet Annette she couldn't get them apart without

touching them. Maggie lost the bet. How did Annette manage to do the


She used 2 magnets

If a train going 40 miles an hour reaches a railroad crossing in 40

minutes, how long will it take a train going 20 miles an hour to reach it?

80 minutes

What's So Funny?

Sam was very superstitious. He never walked under ladders or went

anywhere on Friday the 13th, and he always carried his lucky penny

everywhere he went. All in all, his plan worked very well — until one day

everything went wrong. “This just can't be possible,” Sam thought.

What's so funny?

He hadn't noticed that a black cat had crossed his path!

Cross Plumber

Cross out the letters that appear more than three times in the letter grid.

Collect the remaining letters from left to right and top to bottom, and write

them in order on the blank lines. When you are finished, you will discover

the answer to this riddle:

Why Did the Lion …

Find your way from START to END, collecting the letters. When you read

them in order, you will discover the answer to this riddle:

Why did the lion cross the grassland?

Words to Know

ESP: Extrasensory perception is the believed ability to have a type of

sixth sense. Someone who claims to be able to read your mind or know

your thoughts is said to have ESP.

What do you get when you cross a snow-man with a pickup full of


Frozen food in adelivery truck!

What do you get when you cross an automobile with music?

Cartoons (car tunes).

What time is it when you cross an alarm clock with a skunk?

Time to go!

Why did the cheater have 2 X's on his head?

He had been double-crossed.

Why did the fish cross the road?

Because he was already “caught” in the middle.

Why did the fertilizer cross the road?

Because the grass wasn't greener on the other side!

As Cami began crossing the railroad tracks, she realized a train would

be there soon. She saw no train, heard no sound, but knew it just the

same. How did she know?

She could feel the vibration on the tracks

As Rhonda saw the “walk” sign light up, she started to cross the street.

Instantly, several cars screeched to a halt inches from her. Why?

She was looking at the sign for the other direction


Testing for ESP

Do you or someone you know have ESP? One test for ESP that you

can try on your friends is to make a few cards with circles, wavy

lines, or dots on them. After you have shown them the cards, look at

one of the cards and ask your friend to sense which one you are

looking at. You can take turns testing each other to see who does


Why wouldn't the first skeleton cross the road?

No guts!

Why did the second skeleton cross it?

No brains!

And why didn't the third skeleton cross it?

He just didn't have the heart to!

Why wouldn't the rooster cross the road?

He was too much of a chicken.

Where does an X always sit?

In the cross section.

Why did the bee cross the road?

He wanted to see his “honey.”

In science class, Amanda learned that when you put salt on a slug,

something very horrible happens. Do you know what?

The slug melts

When Lila told her mother she would come straight home after school,

her mother knew it wasn't true. How?

She saw that Lila's fingers were crossed

“I spin, yet I am never dizzy. I have clouds, but have no rain. As I cross

the land, you cannot see how deadly I am.”What is it?

A dust storm



“Rumpelstiltskin” is a well-known fairy tale, maybe because it was part of

the famed Brothers Grimm collection of fairy tales. In the tale,

Rumpelstiltskin tells the Queen that she has to guess his name, or he will

take her firstborn child. Do you remember how the Queen solved this


Hinky Pinkies

The answer to each Hinky Pinky riddle is two rhyming words of two

syllables each. Write the answers into the numbered grid. EXTRA FUN:

When you're finished, read down the shaded column to find the answer

to one more Hinky Pinky:

What do you get when you cross a monster with someone who

works at your school?

What do you get when you cross…

1. … a sticky candy with a hot breakfast drink?

2. … a comic book action hero with a detective?

3. … a lawyer with a large bird of prey?

4. … a South American pack animal with a serious play?

5. … a baby cat with a winter handwarmer?

6. …a comedian with a rabbit?

7. …a werewolf with Tinkerbell?

8. …a molecule with a violin?

9. … a tired person with a pointy tent?

10. … a king with a small hunting dog?

11. … a mad scientist with a white and yellow flower?

12. … a large tropical bird with an orange vegetable?

13. … a hot pepper with a boy named William?

14. … a field of daisies with a generator?

15. …a reptile with a magical man?

Which pair of the following words, crossed exactly in the middle like a

crossword, will join at the same letter? Party, money, stand, brunt, flash,


Stand and flash

Crossing what two things creates a lot of foam and so may be used to

simulate a volcano?

Baking soda and vinegar

Mr. Wilson pulls up to a pedestrian crossing, but no one is there. Can he

go on? The answer is no! Why? Hint: Is there something else that is

stopping him?

Yes — the light is still red



Did you know that between your left brain and your right brain you have a

corpus callosum that allows the two sides of your brain to “talk”? The

corpus callosum lets you hear something on one side of your brain and

then picture it with the other side.

What's am I?

I had a theory or idea that man may have started out as a chimpanzee or

ape and then slowly changed or evolved into what he is today. Who am


Charles Darwin

Why did the Martians keep bringing more men?

They needed “Xtra terrestrials.”

Why did the bank teller cross the road?

He didn't have any cents.

Why did the rhino swim to the other side of the river?

He wanted to get his “point” across.

Why did the squirrel cross the busy road?

Iguess we'll never know!

What did the Troll warn the Three Billy Goats Gruff?

Don't cross me!

Why did the electrician light up?

His wires were crossed.

What do you get when you cross an ape with a magician?

Hairy Houdini (Harry Houdini).

How did George Washington and Huck Finn cross the river?

George chopped down the cherry tree and Huck made araft out of it.

Why did the owl cross the road?

Whooooo cares?

Why did the book cross the road?

It was looking for cover.

How did the pharmacist get all of his medicine across the road?

He “drug” it.

Why did the nail cross the road?

He was bent on it.

Words to Know

Rebus: A kind of puzzle in which a picture represents a word or part of a

word. Sometimes a rebus will be used in a storybook to introduce new

words, or in a game to challenge the guesser to solve the picture puzzle.


Tell a Story in Pictures

You can make a rebus of your own by writing a short story or

retelling a familiar one using pictures that you draw in the place of

some of the words. An example could be the story of Goldilocks and

the Three Bears. You could substitute a picture of a bear each time

the word “bear” appears.

What is a cross between star and led?


How did Peter get across the Nottafoot River without a boat?

He walked — it was only 11 inches deep

When Xavier would turn in his homework, his teacher knew which paper

was his, even though he always forgot to sign his name. How did she


He always did the Xtra credit

What do angry quilters make?

Cross stitches.

Why did the rope cross the road?

Why “knot”?

Why didn't the crossword get the answer?

He was too puzzled!

What can you find at the intersections in church?

Look for “cross” walks.

Why did the letters cross the road?

It was EZ.

How do roads talk?

They use “sign” language.

Words to Know

Comedy: A type of amusement that relies on humor to entertain people.

Funny stories and actions are often used in a comedy routine.

What's am I?

I grew up in Pennsylvania telling funny stories and making people laugh.

My big break came when I told a few jokes on TV. I am a very well-known

comedian and had a family TV show named after me. Who am I?

Bill Cosby

When the water ran across the floor of the pool house, no one panicked.


They were hosing off the floor

When the plane crossed the sky at a weird angle, the control tower knew

there was trouble and called for help.

The plane's radio was out and the pilot was too far away to signal. How

did the tower learn of the problem?

The pilot was a sky writer

Otto was really confused when he received a letter from his eye doctor

that read: “Tsn't tt about ttme you came tn for a vtstt?” What was wrong?

Otto'si's were crossed because he was cross-eyed!


Katherine's room is too far away from the bathroom to hear whether

someone is using the shower. And yet, Katherine knew that her mom

had taken a shower this morning. What tipped her off?

The shower was still wet

What do the words “end,” “multiplication,” “kitchen,” and “coffee” have in

common? Hint: They are all adjectives for one noun.

They are all a kind of table

Daniel filled a bathtub up to 1 inch from the top. No more water was put

in it, but it still overflowed. How can that be?

He got in

Words to Know

Teasing: Teasing is bothering, annoying, or taunting others by making

fun of them. Some teasing is just for fun — nothing to get offended about

— but sometimes teasing becomes mean and should be stopped.

What's am I?

You may have laughed at the troubles of poor old Charlie Brown, a

cartoon character I created. I drew and wrote about Charlie and all the

rest of the “Peanuts” gang to make others laugh. Who am I?

Charles Schulz

Why did the poltergeist try to scare the gambler out of his house?

Idon't know, but he didn't have aghost of achance.

What do builders write on?

Construction paper.

Why did the actor get fired?

Because he brought the house down.

What did the old block name his son?


Why did the plug-in have to stay home?

She was grounded.

Why did the cow and the moon have to eat out all the time?

Because their dishes ran away with their spoons!

Why did the hammer get into trouble?

Because he hit the nail on the head!

Where do roses sleep?

In aflower bed.

How did the window know which bugs were good?

She screened them.

How many sides does a house have?

Two — an “in” side and an “out” side.

What kind of dance did the porch learn?

The two-step.

Why did the bee have to stay home?

It had hives.


Tommy's Tennis Tongue Twister

Try this tongue twister: Tommy tied 20 tiny tennis shoes. After you

say that 5 times fast, how about making up a few of your own to try

on your family and friends? Here's a hint to making new tongue

twister — pick a consonant (in the case of this tongue twister, it's “t”)

and then try to come up with a bunch of words with that consonant.



Tongue twisters have been entertaining people — tying up their tongues

— for years. Many tongue twisters have made their way into children's

books and collections. A good tongue twister is almost impossible to say


What's So Funny?

One day, while Goldilocks was on her way to the Three Bears' house,

she got distracted. Eventually, she remembered where she was going

and arrived at the cottage in the woods, just as the bears were leaving for

their walk. As Goldie opened the door, she gasped! What's so funny?

The bears had already eaten!

“The longer it goes, the shorter it grows.” What is it?

A burning candle

Bob and Bill decided to build a tree house. They've got a tree with a

trunk that's 15 feet tall, so they decided to build stairs that go up the tree.

Unfortunately, all they have are 6 boards. How far apart do Bob and Bill

need to nail the 6 boards so that the stairs are evenly spread out?

2.5 feet from the center of each board

Half a House?

Seems like the builder only finished half of this very fancy house. Can

you complete the job? Draw the other half of the house, copying the first

half square by square.

Next, figure out what letter goes in each box, below. When you are

finished, you will get the answer to this riddle:


Dream, Dream, Dream

You can try to figure out what you or someone else's dreams might

mean. If you look in a dream encyclopedia or dream interpretation

book, you will see what some people believe are the meanings or

clues behind the things you may dream about — for example, falling

can symbolize a loss. Of course, in order to interpret your dreams,

you first have to try to remember them when you wake up.

Bathtub, toilet, shower — what's missing from this group?


As Barry's mom walked through the house she saw a bag of candy in

the entryway and a wrapper in the dining room. By the time she reached

the kitchen, she knew Barry didn't like the candy very much. How did

she know?

He had spit the candy out in the trash can

Why did it take the ant so long to get home?

It was “uphill” all the way.

What do pans like to eat?

Pot pies.

Why didn't the china hutch like to be teased?

He could “dish” it out, but he couldn't take it.

What state covers more ground than any other?


Why did General Custer sit in his chair all the time?

Because he had made his last stand.

Why did the chicken run out of the house screaming?

It couldn't take being “coop-ed” up in the house!

What did the windows do when they saw the storm coming?

They shuttered!

What did all the king's horses and all the king's men say when Humpty

Dumpty fell off the wall?

He was agood egg!

What do 24 hours do at night?

Call it aday.

Why couldn't the chair be fixed?

It would cost an arm and aleg.

How did the tools get the truth out of the wood?

They drilled it.

Why didn't the window have any money?

It was broke.

Marissa is writing a school report on her computer at home. The other

night, a virus invaded her computer and her report got all jumbled. Can

you tell what this sentence was and what the report was about? Here is

the sentence: Sometimesth eyli keto eatho lesincl othing, especially

things made of wool.

The sentence is, “Sometimes they like to eat holes in clothing, especially

things made of wool.” The report was about moths.

Mr. Axeman the carpenter asked his assistant Woody if he knew the

three things that make a pen different from a pencil. Do you know?

The three things are the letters “c,” “i,” and “l”

What's am I?

I wear a striped shirt and big glasses, and I'm a part of many puzzle

books. You can try to find me in pictures, where I may be skiing on a

mountain full of people or hiding out in a gigantic shopping mall. Who am


Waldo from Where's Waldo?

Which Window?

Roberto lives in a big, old house that has been turned into a bunch of

apartments. Use the clues below to figure out which window is his.

The window to the right of Roberto's has a plant on the windowsill.

The window above Roberto's has no shade.

Roberto's window has curtains that his mom made for him.

Roberto's window does not have a shutter.

EXTRA FUN: Read the letters in the windows from bottom to top, and

right to left, and you will find the answer to this riddle:

Which side of a house gets the most rain?

Fun House

Can you find 24 funny things in this living room? When you're finished,

see if you can figure out what's so funny about the answer to this riddle:



Did you know you have an “ego”? Your ego is your “self.” Many believe it

is the main force behind your personality — it's who you really are.

How do you make a house using only 6 nails?

Take 4 nails and lay them out in a square, head to point; then put the

other 2 on top of the square to make the triangle roof.

When Breanna went to Brittney's house, she had planned to be there

for breakfast and lunch. To make things simpler they had brunch. What

did they end up missing?

E, a, k, f, a, s, t, and l

When an ice sculptor left his house on Wednesday, he had 4 beautiful

swans in the freezer. Yet when he returned on Sunday, they were gone!

No one broke in and there is a logical answer. What could have


He left the freezer door open

How does Rover stay out of the dog-house?

He buries the evidence.

What do bathrooms in outer space have?

Meteor showers.

Why did the porch tell the steps to knock it off?

They kept “stair-ing”!

What do homes wear when it gets cold out?

House coats.

What does every floor of the house have to have before bed?

Bed time stories.

What do you call a hat that follows you everywhere you go?

A stalking cap!

Why didn't the outside of the house understand what was so funny?

It was an “inside” joke.

What did the swingset say to the sand-box when the teeter-totter arrived?

Wow! Did you SEE what I SAW?

How can you tell when a toilet's not well?

It's flushed.

What's an envelope's favorite part of the house?

The “seal-ing.”

Why did the colander have to go to the doctor?

It was alittle strained!

Why couldn't the ball player ever go home?

He was out in “left” field.

Words to Know

Dream: A group of thoughts, images, and feelings that you experience

during the REM (rapid eye movement) portion of your sleep. Another type

of dreaming is day-dreaming — imagining something while you are


What's am I?

I invented a test that used 10 different inkblots. These images helped

psychologists try to understand how a patient thinks by what the person

felt he or she was seeing in the blots. Who am I?

Hermann Rorschch

Mrs. Smith lives in a 20-story apartment building. She lives on the 15th

floor, and yet she never passes by the 13th floor. What's the


Because 13 is thought to be an unlucky number, some apartment

buildings don't have a 13th floor

Jasmine's dining room table has enough room for only 6 people, yet

every night 8 eat there. How can that be?

There are 6 human family members plus the dog and the cat — the yeat

under the table

One night 2 burglars broke into the Joneses' house. As soon as they

were inside, they heard a voice. The burglars got scared and left. No one

was home, so whom did they hear?

The announcer on the radio, which Sally Jones had forgotten to turn off

Every time Clarence went into the house, something went wrong, very

wrong. Clarence would gain weight only to instantly lose it again. Once

he even swore he was shrinking. But the next day he felt taller than ever.


Clarence went to a fun house with distorting mirrors

Liza lives in a grey house, while Lisa lives in a house that's gray. What's

the difference?

The spelling of “grey” and “gray”


Inkblot Tests

To create your own inkblot guessing game or test, you will need 10

blots. To make them, all you need are 10 pieces of paper folded

once and then opened. Pour a little bit of paint on one side of the

paper. Then, refold the paper, pressing gently on the blot. Open the

paper again and let the paint dry. Now all you need is someone to

test. Start by asking, “When you look at this picture, what do you


How did the tools get from the house to the tool store?

The compass gave directions, while the screwdriver drove.

When the princess arrived at the castle and found the new labyrinth, how

did she feel?


What does Sir Galahad turn on when he gets scared at night?

Aknight light.

In Centerville, it normally takes 2 days to send a letter from one house

to another — 1 day to mail it, and 1 to have it delivered. But Mrs. Smith

always receives her mail the same day it is sent. How can that be?

She married the postman!

How could the carpenter know how tall to make his door just by using his


He could cut the door according to his arms pan, because your arms pan

is the same as your height


What's So Funny?

Keep Pedaling!

Lance Pedlin is a famous biker who can pedal for hours on his bike. One

day, he got on and started pedaling, and he kept going and going, but

when he was done, he was still where he started. What's so funny?

He was on his exercise bike

What happens when a clumsy football player plays ball?

Afield trip.

Why did the racecar driver jump into the pool?

He wanted to put in afew laps.

Why did the golfer have to buy new shoes?

He had a “hole in one.”

What did the high diver wear to his wedding?

A“swim” suit.

What does Dracula take with him when he goes to a ball game?

His bat.

What do dolphins wear to the beach?

Swim fins.

Words to Know

Sense: The ability to see, smell, hear, touch, and taste all of the things

that you come in contact with are made possible by your 5 senses. Your

brain relies on the senses to perceive the outside world.


It's Not Funny to Me!

No two people have exactly the same sense of humor. If you want

to see this for yourself, you can conduct a little experiment. Find

yourself 5 jokes and 5 volunteers. Read each joke separately to

your volunteers, then write down who laughed at which ones. When

you are done, you can chart your results and compare them. What

did you discover?

If there are 9 players on a baseball team and 11 players on a football

team, how many swimmers are there on the swim team?

Any number — swim teams vary in number of teammates

The mountain climbers had almost reached the top of the cliff when their

rope began to fray. For each inch they moved, 2 strands would break.

The climbers had 49 inches to go, with a 100-ply rope. Will they make



When is 8 not twice as much as 4?

When you're trying on shoes

Amanda is an excellent swimmer. She can hold her breath for 2 minutes.

She can also swim 300 yards in half an hour. So, can Amanda swim 25

yards without coming up for air?

No, she would only be able to go 20 yards

What did one twine say to the other right before he fell into a hole?


Why did the tennis players get into so much trouble?

They were making alot of “racket.”

Where do basketball players settle their arguments?

In “court.”

How do swimmers get where they are going?

In car “pools.”

What sport did Little Red Riding Hood play best?

“Basket” ball.

What sport is after “nine”?


Night Games

Start with the number 1 and connect all the dots in order.

What sports item hangs upside down from its toes?

Abaseball “bat.”

What sport makes a lot of people “jumpy”?


What is a baseball player's favorite part of the playground?

The slide.

What do catchers wear when it gets cold out?

Their gloves.

What did the photographer say to the badminton rackets?

Watch the birdie!

What kind of shoes do woodpeckers dance in?

Tap shoes.

What's am I?

I am the one who helped “Little Red” solve the riddle of my identity, by

showing her what big teeth I have. Who am I?

The Wolf



Did you know that there is a part of you that is very aware of what is

going on around you all the time? It is called your conscience. Your

conscious mind remembers and can recall different things that have

happened to you.

If the pitching machine at Sports World shoots out 1 ball every 10

seconds while you are trying to hit it, how long will it take to empty the

machine of its 90 balls?

15 minutes

John works in sports every day, yet he never goes home sore or tired or

sweaty. How can this be?

He's the score keeper

Do you see a pattern here? Number of catchers on a baseball team,

number of teams in a game, number of strikes before an out, number of

bases in a diamond.

1, 2, 3, 4

Where do bad gymnasts go?

Behind parallel bars!

How did the archer get to the contest?

He followed the arrows.

Why do athletes need so much money?

Because of the “tro-fees.”

How do monarchs swim?

They do the butterfly stroke.

What is a washing machine's favorite pastime?


What did the desperate golfer eat?

His sand-wedge.


Overcoming Any Obstacle

Have you ever made a silly object obstacle course? You and your

friends will have fun trying to see who can complete the course the

fastest. Your course can include writing the first letter of your name

in a plate of whipped cream, walking 20 steps with a tennis ball

between your knees, and popping a balloon by sitting on it, as well

as any other silly things you can think of. And the winner of the silly

course gets a silly prize!

When Eve ran track she was covered in sweat, yet by the time she was

ready to go home, her skin was dry. Why?

The sweat evaporated

When the school rowing team left the dock, they paddled for 15 minutes,

then turned around. Ten minutes later they returned. How come it took

them 5 minutes less to come back?

The wind was against them going out and with them coming back


Fill in the answers to the clues, putting one letter in each numbered

space. Then transfer the letters to the boxes that have the same

numbers. When all the boxes are filled in correctly, you will have the

answer to the riddle!

When Tina the tennis pro returned all of the balls that came to her, none

came back to her. Why?

She wasn't playing with another person — she was using a ball machine

When Skip brought his new track shoes home, he realized the store clerk

had put the wrong laces in the box. These laces were only half as long

as they needed to be. What did Skip do?

He skipped every other hole when he laced them

Which one of these does not belong?

Helmet, goalie, touchdown, quarterback.

Goalie — the rest relate to football

What's am I?

Most people know me for my experiments with a dog and a bell. I trained

my dog to be hungry each time I rang the bell. I liked to study the brain

and people's reflexes. Who am I?

Ivan Pavlov



Your conscious mind is composed of all that you remember and have

knowledge of. But there is another part of your mind, called your

subconscious. The subconscious may store information without your

remembering it.

When Kyle fell out of the boat, everyone waited for his return. After 20

When minutes, he still did not come up for air. Why?

He was scuba diving

“I dive but use no water,

I fly but have no wings,

I land but have no wheels.”

Who is it?

A skydiver

Balls of Fun

There are many sports that have their own special ball to use. Can you

unscramble the names of ten of these sports? When you're finished, find

your way through the maze of balls!

EXTRA FUN: Can you think of 10 more sports that use balls?

What do these words have in common? Hole, hazard, slice, wood.

They are all golf terms

What do these things have in common? Diamond, slide, innings,


They are all baseball terms

In what sport are you doing better as your score is getting lower?



Test Your Reading Skills

You know how to read, but can you read upside down? Don't worry,

you don't have to be hanging upside down. Just flip the book upside

down and see if you can keep reading. Is it easy or difficult? As you

may discover, it's not easy! But, who knows, you may actually be

able to read faster upside down than right side up!

Words to Know

IQ: IQ or Intelligence Quotient is a measure of one's ability to think. An IQ

test allows people to measure genius as well as normal thinking ability.

What did the mountain climber tell her stinky boots to do?

Take ahike!

Where do all the sports shirts come from?


What did the hockey player ask the puck right before the game?

Want to “stick” around for awhile?

Why don't rockets play football?

They prefer liftoffs to touchdowns.

What is a dish's favorite pastime?


What did one sports shoe say to the other?

Nothing, they were tongue-tied.

What comes after a ball?


What do baby basketballs do?


What sport hurts the most?


What was Jack and Jill's best sporting event?

Downhill racing.

Where do 4 woods hang out?

At agolf “club.”

What is a fly swatter's favorite sport?


First base ball game day. What should come next?

Day off, Firstbase, baseball, ballgame, gameday, dayoff!

“I have a tongue, but cannot speak.

I have a toe, but have no feet.”What is it?

A shoe

What's am I?

When Belle tried to solve the mystery of her missing father, she found a

new mystery in me. She was a beauty, and she transformed me into a

beautiful person as well. Who am I?

The Beast from Beauty and the Beast



A Matter of Symmetry

Being symmetrical means that your right side and left side are

mirror images of each other. The human body is symmetrical

because we have 2 eyes, 2 arms, and 2 legs, and they are very

much alike. But do they act the same? For example, most people

have one hand that they prefer writing with. But what if you tried

writing with a hand you don't normally use? If you can do most

things with both hands, you are what they call “ambidextrous.”

If two twins were both to marry and they both had twins, and then their

twins had twins, how many twins would there be?

14 twins

Every year Dillon gets older, he gets a dollar more for his birthday. How

much money will he have when he is 10?


What type of father has no sole?

The barefoot type.

What did Samuel Wilson become when he married an aunt?

Uncle Sam.

If you can't tell your Grandpa something, what do you do?

Telegram (tell aGram)!

Which one of Mother Earth's children warms her heart the most?

Her “sun”!

What did the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe need more than anything


A break!

What does your mother's sister become when she's nervous?


Words to Know

Humor: Something that is designed to be comical or amusing. Jokes and

comedy are said to be humorous, because they can make us laugh.

What's am I?

It was my job to solve the riddle of the missing girl who lost her glass

slipper. The only way to solve the problem was to try the shoe on every

foot in the kingdom. Who am I?

The Prince from Cinderalla

What was the piano's father's father?

His “grand” pa.

What do you call it when your sister demands to enter?


Who takes care of baby moths?

Their moth-er.

Where do apples search for their roots?

In their family tree.

What does a little doe call her mother?

Mommy deer.

What do you call a ladder's kid?

Its step child.

Let's say that in the Wilkins family, X = red hair, and Y = brown hair, and

Z = blonde hair. If there are 2 times more X's than Y's or Z's, what are

the odds of the fifth child having blonde hair?

1 in 4



Some say laughter is the best medicine, and that may very well be true.

Without laughter or happiness you may become sad or depressed. To

snap out of it, it's possible that all you need is a good laugh.

Words to Know

Sarcasm: Humorous comments made with an ironic tone. People may

use sarcasm to make a negative point.

What is a family of kittens after they are 13 days old?

2weeks old.

Why was Old Mother Hubbard so scared of her cupboards?

They were “bear.”

What did Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater's wife sell?

Shells by the seashore.

What did King Tut call his mother?


Who had the angriest child in history?

Dolly Madison (“mad is son”).

What is small, buzzes, and lives by the water?

Bay bees (babies).

Identical twins Cindy and Wendy took a long walk in the forest. After a

while they decided to play hide and seek. Cindy quickly found Wendy …

or so she thought. Soon, it turned out that Cindy had actually found

herself. How could this be?

She saw her own reflection in the water

When David called a family of ducks over to feed them, his voice

echoed throughout the hills. But when the ducks called back, David only

heard one reply. Why?

A duck's quack doesn't echo

What's So Funny?

One day, Wendy told her mother that she wasn't sure why, but it seemed

like suddenly her whole world had turned upside down. Everyone was

frowning and nothing was as it was supposed to be. Not even gravity.

What's so funny?

She was standing on her head

Who were the Wrong Sisters' siblings?

The Wright Brothers.

How many kids did Daniel's uncle have?

None, his aunt had all of them.

How did the baby cabbage know he was winning?

He was a “head” of the game.

What kind of family reunions do puzzles have?

They gave “get (it) togethers.”

What did the fishing poles always wish for?

A“reel” family.

What do track stars call their family members?


What's am I?

As a cartoonist and movie producer, I wanted to share my “world” with

you. I hope that you could see it wasn't such a small world, after all.

Someday you may “land” at one of my amusement parks. Who am I?

Walt Disney

Big Brothers

Mr. and Mrs. Wood have a large family. They have always been married

to each other, and neither one has any children with anyone else. How is

it possible, then, that one child in the Wood family has four brothers,

while another child in the Wood family has five brothers?

The answer to this brain teaser is hidden in the letter grid. Use these

clues to help figure it out:

The answer starts in one of the four corners.

You read the answer in logical order, one word after the other.

You must add the punctuation.

The Family Name Game

Some brides combine their old last name with their new husband's last

name. See if you can make some familiar compound words by matching

up the pictures that represent the last names of each bride and groom.

Write each bride's new last name in the numbered boxes.

EXTRA FUN: The first seven names will criss-cross with name number


What were the Three Little Kittens who lost their mittens?


What do suits have that no one else can have?

Family ties.

Why wouldn't Jack in the Beanstalk's mother let him watch football?

Because of the Giants.

Whom did the bug's uncle marry?

His “ant.”

Why did they take Tina's cousin away 2 times?

Because he was twice removed.

What was the shredder's distant grandmother called?

Grate, grate, grate grandmother.

If 3 sisters have 3 daughters each, and each of their daughters has 3

daughters, how many females are in their family?

39 females

While Cassie and her mother were shopping, her mother asked if Cassie

would bring her a pair. “A pair of what?” asked Cassie. “Just one pair,”

answered her mom. What did she mean?

She wanted a pear!


Amazing Mazes

Here's a fun trick to try while solving a maze puzzle. Take the paper

with the maze and place it horizon-tally over a hard surface next to

a vertical mirror. Now, can you get through the maze by looking at

the mirror? Remember: You can't look at the maze itself — just at its

reflection in the mirror.

Watch Out!

The letters in each column go in the squares directly below them, but not

in the same order. Black squares are the spaces between words. When

you have correctly filled in the grid, you will have a silly conversation

between a worried mom and her daughter!

There are 11 children in Mary's family. If there are 3 more girls than

boys, how many boys and girls are there?

7 girls and 4 boys

How long will it take for the Tillman Triplets to eat 3 ice cream cones, if it

takes the Thompson Twins 10 minutes to eat 2?

10 minutes, assuming they eat at the same speed

Why did the mother dollar take so many pictures of her “new” dollar?

She knew someday soon he would “change.”

What do mother boots have?

Baby booties.

Who can go the longer distance, your mom or your dad?

Your “farther.”

How long did it take the drills to have their baby?

Just alittle “bit.”

Why did Mr. and Mrs. Trampoline take their son to see the doctor?

He seemed alittle “jumpy.”



Human-sized mazes are known as labyrinths. In the old tales, people

were challenged to pass through a labyrinth, and those who got lost

starved to death or were attacked by a monster known as the Minotaur.

Today, scientists use miniature labyrinths to experiment with mice and

learn about their behavior.

It's Norma's twelfth birthday. This year, her family gave her a boom box.

If every year before were the same, how many does she have?

One — everyyear is not the same!

When Toby's family entered the Yummyville eating contest, Toby was

amazed when his little brother won the prize for swallowing over 1,000

items in 2 minutes. Do you know how he did it?

Each item was a grain of rice

Hidden Family

Can you find the family member who is hiding in each one of these


1. We had fun cleaning the garage!

2. The leprechaun told me where to find a pot of gold!

3. The music was so raucous, I needed to cover my ears!

4. Under the sofa there are many dustballs.

5. Did you read the same memo the rest of us read?

6. During a crisis, terrific people often show up to help!

7. The chicken broth erased the last symptoms of Brian's cold.

8. My friend in L.A. was happy to have me visit her!

Why did the watch go visit its parents?

It wanted to have some family “time.”

What do you get when you hook a bunch of yarn together?

Aclose “knit” family.

What does a wrestler say when he can't say “aunt”?


What do you call baby jellybeans?


What's the difference between a brother and a bother?

An “r.”

What is your father if you take his favorite chair?

Amad dad.

What is the Trampoline family's favorite time of year for vacation?

The spring.

Someone in the Steinbeck family plays an instrument. Can you guess

which instrument? Here's a clue: “I have no locks, but 88 keys.”

The piano

If Lisa's family has 1 child every 2 years and Lisa, who's the oldest, is

now 11, how many children are in her family now?

6 children

Karl and Kate were both in the kitchen at 1:30 for a snack, yet neither

one saw the other. How can this be?

Karl was there at 1:30 p.m. while Kate was the reat 1:30 A.M.


Optical Illusions

When your brain and eyes work together, sometimes they can play

tricks on you. Some of these tricks are known as optical illusions. To

try one optical illusion test, take 2 empty paper towel tubes and hold

the end of each one up to your eyes. Keeping them straight, look

through the tubes. Now, while you are still looking through them,

move the ends that are farthest from your eyes together until they

touch. What do you see?

What's am I?

It may “shock” you to know what I discovered — and some say I had an

“electric” personality. To this day, I'm sometimes called one of the

Founding Fathers, and my portrait appears on one of those green bills

you use to pay for things. Who am I?

Benjamin Franklin

When the Smith family decided to move, everyone pitched in, including

Sybil and her sister. If the girls can carry 2 large objects or 6 small ones

each time, how many trips will it take to move 10 large objects and 16

small ones?

8 trips

If it takes 12 minutes for the Gowen family to wait for a ride on the roller

coaster, and 5 minutes for everyone to get off it, how many minutes are

spent screaming?

7 minutes

Jack has a lot of dishes to do. He has enough dishes to fill 4 sinks, and

it takes him 10 minutes to wash one sinkful, 5 minutes to rinse it, and 5

minutes to dry. How much time would it save him if he waited and rinsed

all the dishes at the end (10 minutes total), and let them all air dry?

It would save him 30 minutes

When Marty's dad asked him if he had been taking out the trash like he

was supposed to, he answered, “Yes, I look at the moon every night I go

out.” Of course his father knew this was a lie. Why?

The moon is not visible every night

Words to Know

Genius: Someone who is considered to be extremely intelligent. Most

people believe that geniuses are born that way and that a person can't

just be taught to become a genius.



Hole In One

Why Oh Why?

Picto-Laugh #1

Say What?

Sounds Funny To Me

Hink Pink Kriss Kross

Picto-Laugh #2

It's Rhyme Time

Bye Bye

Picto-Laugh #3

Love to Laugh

Picto-Laugh #4

It's Joke Time!

Picto-Laugh #5

Fill Me In

Picto-Laugh #6

Rhyming Riddles

What's The Difference

Quick Draw


Picto-Laugh #7


Picto-Laugh #8

Two In One




Knocked to Pieces

Say What?

I Can't Hear You

Mix and Match

Please Fix That

Hidden Helper


How Polite!

It's Me!

Which Window?

Half a Chance

Rhyme Time

Crazy Criss-Cross

Knock Once

Who Is It?

Mixed Up Endings

Wendy's Here

Open the Door

Come and Get It!

We Deliver!

Funny Friends

Ho, Ho, Ho

Aye, Aye, Captain

Where in the World

Do I Know You?

Do I Know You?

Don't Forget to Brush


Bad Band

A Sloppy Subject

Math Class

Loop the Zoo!

Say What?

Feel Better

Funny Flight

Where in the World

The Hungry Traveler

Frightened Food

Good Home Cookin'

Second Helping

Comic Contest

baseball cap, weather balloons, sweat-R (sweater), pet sheepdog

stocking cap, pet hot dog, blue (sad) jeans, pair of slippers (otherwise

known as banana peels)

top hat, T-shirt, pet watchdog

THE WINNER! ski hat, rain coat, seeing i (eye) dog, bellbottom pants,

elevator shoes

Silly Sally

Silly Sally like things that have double letters! Look at the picture of Silly

Sally and you will see a balloon, a butterfly, glasses, earrings, mittens,

buttons, a dress (covered with loops), boots, and a poodle!

Silly Slogans

Cross Plumber

Why Did the Lion …

Hinky Pinkies

Half a House?

Which Window?

Fun House

Night Games


Balls of Fun

Big Brothers

Starting in the lower righthand corner, going up, then spiraling around:

The Woods have six children, five boys and one girl. Any one of the boys

will have four brothers, while the girl will have five brothers.

Tagged in:
the Joke, a Joke, Jokes, Funny Joke, Joke of Day, best Joke, Killing Joke, Funny Jokes, Funniest Joke, the Killing Joke, Black Joke, Joke Quotes, bad Joke, sms Joke, good Joke, Love Joke, funny, knock knock Jokes, kids Jokes, mama Jokes, best Jokes, Jokes for Kids, the Jokes, a Jokes, Jokes, Funny Jokes, Jokes of Day, best Jokes, Killing Jokes, Funny Jokes, Funniest Jokes, the Killing Jokes, Black Jokes, Jokes Quotes, bad Jokes, sms Jokes, good Jokes, Love Jokes, funny, knock knock Jokes, kids Jokes, mama Jokes, best Jokes, Jokes for Kids, Jokes Funny, a Funny Joke, a Joke, Funny Joke Quotes, Joke Quotes, Short Funny Joke, Funny Joke Pictures, Joke Pictures, Funny Sms Joke, Funniest Joke, Jokes Funny, a Funny Jokes, a Jokes, Funny Jokes Quotes, Jokes Quotes, Short Funny Jokes, Funny Jokes Pictures, Jokes Pictures, Funny Sms Jokes, Funniest Jokes, Jokes Funny, a Funny Joke, a Joke, Funny Joke Quotes, Joke Quotes, Short Funny Joke, Funny Joke Pictures, Joke Pictures, Funny Sms Joke, Funniest Joke, Jokes Funny, a Funny Jokes, a Jokes, Funny Jokes Quotes, Jokes Quotes, Short Funny Jokes, Funny Jokes Pictures, Jokes Pictures, Funny Sms Jokes, Funniest Jokes

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