NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME

NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME

Class: X    Subject: English Language & Literature (184)    Time: 90 Minutes   Marks: 40

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.

2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific instructions for each question.

3. Section B-WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per specific instructions for each question.

4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for each question.

5. All questions carry equal marks.

6. There is no negative marking.


I. Read the passage given below.

One day Nandu rode his horse to the village fair. On his way back he met Somendra, the merchant. The merchant was a crafty man, ready to do anything to earn some money. The villagers knew this. In fact no one knew what trick he would be up to next. Now, Nandu was poor and had no one in the world to call his own except a beautiful, white horse. He loved it more than anything else in the world. The merchant had his eye on the horse for a long time and tried to think of a way to get it for himself. Seeing Nandu, the merchant thought, Nandu is a simpleton. Let me see if I can trick him out of his horse. So he said to Nandu, You live all alone. How do you manage? What does a young boy like you need with a horse? Sell it to me and I shall make you rich in return. Nandu replied, "No I don’t want to sell my horse."

But the merchant refused to give up so easily. He offered Nandu more money. Finally, when the offer reached five hundred gold coins, Nandu paused and said. Five hundred gold coins seems like a good price. But I have a condition. If you agree to it, I shall give you my horse. "What is it?", the merchant asked impatiently. "Give me the money right now and I shall give you my horse when I have given you ten lashes." After all he would resell the horse for over a thousand gold coins in the market. He would take twenty lashes for such a gain. He agreed instantly. He ran home and got the money for Nandu and brought along his whip as well. Nandu counted the money carefully. He then took the whip and the lashes fell on the merchant’s back in quick succession. By the eighth lash the merchant was almost in tears but he told himself that there were only two lashes to go and the horse would be his. The merchant held his breath waiting for the final lashes. But Nandu had mounted his horse and was riding off. "Wait!", shouted the merchant in anger. "What about the last lashes? Where are you going with the horse? We had a deal.

Nandu stopped and said, "I agree to give you the horse only after I had given you ten lashes. But it is upsetting my horse. I’ll give you the last lashes later. Till then goodbye!" "Come back you cheat!", the merchant shouted. But the crowd that had gathered around agreed with Nandu. A deal was a deal. Till the last lash was given, the horse could not belong to the merchant. Nandu rode away richer by five hundred gold coins and Somendra waited in vain for several days for the final lash which never came.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Q1. Why did the merchant offer to buy Nandu’s horse?

a) He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

b) It was his way of helping Nandu who was poor.

c) The horse would be useful for carrying goods to the market.

d) He hated Nandu and wanted to deprive him of something he loved.

Q2. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage?       1. Nandu was an orphan.

2. The merchant was very persevering.     3. The merchant was fond of Nandu's horse.

a) None                      b) Only 1                    c) Both 1 & 2                         d) All 1, 2 and 3

Q3. Why did Nandu set the condition of giving the merchant ten lashes?

a) To discourage the merchant from buying his horse.

b) To demonstrate how painful a whipping was so that the merchant would never hit the horse.

c) To bargain with the merchant to offer more money.

d) To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him.

Q4. Why did the bystanders take Nandu’s side in the argument?

1. They hoped that Nandu would give them a reward from the five hundred gold coins he had earned.

2. They were sure that the merchant would ill treat the horse and wanted to prevent that from happening.

3. They knew that the merchant was a cheat and Nandu would be miserable without his horse of whom he was very fond.

a) Only 1         b) Both 1 & 3                         c) Only 3         d) None of these

Q5. What reason did Nandu cite for not giving the merchant the final lashes?

a) His horse was distressed by the whipping.      

b) He realised that the merchant was in great pain and took pity on him.

c) He was following the advice of the people around.

d) He had changed his mind about selling his horse.

Q6. Which of the following can be said about Nandu?    1. He was very cunning.       2. He needed money.             3. He was cruel to people but loved animals.

a)None of these         b)Both 1 & 2              c)Both 2 & 3              d)All 1, 2 and 3

Q7. Which of the following best describes the merchant?s reputation in the village ?

a) He was enterprising and had made a lot of money.

b) He was dishonest and would do anything to get what he wanted.

c) He would squander his money on things he liked.

d) He was generous and helped the less fortunate.

Q8. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word “return” as used in the passage.

a) Reject                     b) Profit                      c) Settle                      d) Exchange

Q9. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word “Good” as used in the passage.

a) Just                         b) Sober                     c) Beneficial               d) Evil

Q10. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word “Gathered” as used in the passage.

a) Dissolved               b) Collected                c) Dispersed              d) Melted


II. Read the passage given below.

1. Sportsmanship can be conceptualized as an enduring and relatively stable characteristic or disposition such that individuals differ in the way they are generally expected to behave in sports situations. In general, sportsmanship prefers to virtues such as fairness, self-control, courage, and persistence, and has been associated with interpersonal concepts of treating others and being treated fairly, maintaining self-control if dealing with others, and respect for both authority and opponents. Sportsmanship is also looked at as being the way one reacts to a sport/game/player.

2. The four elements of sportsmanship are often shown being good form, the will to win, equity and fairness. All four elements are critical and a balance must be found among all four for true sportsmanship to be illustrated. These elements may also cause conflict, as a person may desire to win more than play in equity and fairness and thus resulting in a clash within the aspects of sportsmanship. This will cause problems as the person believes they are being a good sportsman, but they are defeating the purpose of this idea as they are ignoring two key components of being sportsman like. When athletes become too self-centered, the idea of sportsmanship is dismissed.

3. Today’s sporting culture, in particular the base of elite sport, places great importance on the idea of competition and winning and thus sportsmanship takes a back seat as a result. In most, if not all sports, sportsmen at the elite level make the standards on sportsmanship and no matter whether they like it or not, they are seen as leaders and role models in society.

4. Since every sport is rule driven, the most common offence of bad sportsmanship is the act of cheating or breaking the rules to gain an unfair advantage. A competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after losing a game or contest is often called ‘a sore loser’ while a competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after winning is typically called a ‘bad winner’. Sore loser behaviour includes blaming others for the loss, not accepting responsibility for personal actions that contributed to the defeat, reacting to the loss in an immature or improper fashion, making excuses for the defeat, and citing unfavorable conditions or other petty issues as reasons for the defeat. A bad winner acts in a shallow fashion after his or her victory, such as by gloating about his or her win, rubbing the win in the face(s) of the opponent(s), and lowering the opponent’s self-esteem by constantly reminding the opponent(s) of poor performance in comparison (even if the opponent(s) competed well). Not showing respect to the other team is considered to be a bad sportsman and could lead to demoralizing effects; as Leslie Howe describes: “If a pitcher in baseball decides to pitch not to his maximum ability suggest that the batter is not at an adequate level, [it] could lead to the batter to have low self-confidence or worth.”

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Q11. Is it necessary to strike a balance between all the four elements of sportsmanship?

a) Yes              b) No              c) Any 2 can be balanced     d) Only 1 is sufficient

Q12. Why has sportsmanship taken a backseat today?

a) Due to lack of balance between the elements   b) Due to the emphasis on winning

c) Due to drug abuse                                                d) None of the above

Q13. If one does not accept responsibility for one’s defeat, one is called a:

a) Good sportsman   b) Bad winner           c) Sore loser d) Prudent sportsman

Q14. From the last paragraph, give the opposite of the word ‘deep’:

a) Competitor            b) Pitch           c) Immature               d) Shallow

Q15. When does the spirit of sportsmanship die?

a) When the sportsman becomes too self-centered         b) When the player loses the will to play

c) When the sportsman behaves badly                              d) None of the above

Q16. Elements of sportsmanship may cause:

a) Attraction              b) Understanding      c) Balance      d) Conflict

Q17. Sportsmanship is associated with ____________.

a) Biasness     b) self-discipline        c) Outrage      d) All of the above

Q18. What is the most common offence of bad sportsmanship?

a) blaming others for the loss                                             b) the act of cheating           

c) breaking the rules to gain an unfair advantage                        d) Both b) and c)




III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

Q19. Choose the correct sentence.

a). Sam have gone to buy some groceries.             b). Sam had going to buy some groceries.

c). Sam be going to buy some groceries.    d). Sam is going to buy some groceries.

Q20. The stars __________ bright at night.

a). shines        b). shine         c). has shine   d). shining

Q21. I ________ swim across the river when I was young.

A) could          B) can                         C) should        D) must

Q22. __________ those students were punished.

A. All               B. Much          C. Enough       D. Some

Q23. The teacher said, ”Don’t move, boys”.

a) The teacher told the boys don’t move.              b) The teacher asked the boys not to be moving.

c) The teacher asked the boys not to move.          d) The teacher told to them, don’t move.

Q24. Neera says, “I go for a walk every morning”.

a) Neera said that she goes for a walk every morning.

b) Neera says that she goes for a walk every morning.

c) Neera says that I go for a walk every morning.

d) Neera said that she went for a walk every morning



IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

You are Deepak Verma, the resident of G-10 , Golden City Residential Society ,Shyam Puram ,Delhi. Complete the following letter written to the Municipal Councillor attracting his attention towards lack of amenities in your locality park.




November 15, 2021

The Municipal councillor

Civil Lines


Subject: Q26)……………………………………………………….

Respected Sir

The park in our locality is the only place where Q27) ………………………… But lack of amenities has rendered this park almost useless.

The park is a picture of neglect . Its boundary walls have developed big holes which serve as free in lots for garbage. Stray animals misuse it right from the morning hours.  There are no benches and flower-beds. Q28)…………………….. It looks as if they work somewhere else.  This park has become Q29)……………………….No security guards are there .Gamblers and drunkards throng the place. There is no proper light arrangement at night.

I humbly appeal to you to take necessary action and improve the state of the park.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Deepak Verma


Golden City Residential Society


Q25. What will you write in place of ‘Sender’s address’ ?

a)  Deepak Verma , G-10 ,Golden City Residential Society ,Shyam Puram , Delhi

b)  Deepak Verma , G-10 ,Golden City Residential Society ,Shyam Puram

c)  G-10 ,Golden City Residential Society ,Shyam Puram , Delhi

d)  Deepak Verma ,President , Golden City Residential Society

Q26. Choose the suitable subject for the letter.

a)  attracting the attention of the Municipal Councillor   

b)  attracting lack of amenities in the locality park.

c)  Lack of amenities in your locality park.

d)  Lack of amenities in the locality park.

Q27. The park in our locality is the only place where ……………………… (complete the sentence.)

a)  we can go for shopping and worshipping.

b)  we are going for strolling ,walking or doing physical exercises.

c)  we were going for strolling ,walking or doing physical exercises.

d)  we can go for strolling ,walking or doing physical exercises.

Q28.……………………….. It looks as if they work somewhere else.

a)  Gardeners visit it each and every hour of the day.     b)  Gardeners seldom visit it.

c)  Gardeners frequently visit it.                  d)  Gardeners almost daily visit it.

Q29. This park has become ………………………

a)  so beautiful due to rainy season.           b)  so famous in the nearby area

c)  a dumping ground for garbage .                        d)  really very attractive.

Q30. When you are writing a formal letter, what information might you need?

A) dates          B) names        C) contact details       D) all of these



This section has sub-sections V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.


V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

“It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go where I chose. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honourable freedoms...”

Q31. The title that best suits this extract is

a) Freedom for everything             b) Knowledge about Freedom

c) Significance of Freedom             d) Realisation of Freedom

Q32. Why do you think the speaker mentions some freedoms as ‘transitory’?

a) The freedoms are momentary and keep changing with time.

b) The definition of freedom is constant but perspectives differ.

c) Freedom means different things to different people.

d) Freedom is not that important after a certain age.

Q33.Choose the option that best fits the usage of the word ‘illusion’ as used in the extract.

a) He was never able to get past the illusion.

b) The illusion I experienced was quite intriguing.

c) A large mirror in the room creates an illusion.

d) I was living under the illusion that this is possible

Q34. The speaker says, ‘at first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself.’ Why do you think he only thought about himself?

a) He didn’t want to think about the freedom denied to others.

b) He was being selfish and was only bothered about himself.

c) He didn’t think that freedom denied to him was important for others.

d) He was too young to realise that freedom was denied to others as well.

Q35. A part of the extract has been paraphrased. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solution to the blanks in the given paraphrase of the extract.

The speaker’s belief about freedom, since childhood proved false. It was not until the speaker grew up to be a young man when it i) __________________ on him that he was ii) ________________ of freedom. Then he began iii) __________________ it.

a) i) desired ii) dawned iii) depriving         b) i) dawned ii) deprived iii) desiring

c) i) dawned ii) arrived iii) desiring            d) i) arrived ii) deprived iii) dawned


VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Mr Keesing had a good laugh at my arguments, but when I proceeded to talk my way through the next lesson, he assigned me a second essay. This time it was supposed to be on ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’. I handed it in, and Mr Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole lessons. However, during the third lesson, he’d finally had enough. “Anne Frank, as a punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled-‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’.”

Q36. What convincing argument was made by Anne?

a) She was talkative just like any other student in the class.

b) She had the right to be talkative, as it was a classroom and not a prison.

c) She had inherited the trait from her mother, so couldn’t stop being talkative.

d) She found it impossible to be quiet like the others as she couldn’t change herself.

Q37. What does ‘had a good laugh’ imply, in the context of Mr. Keesing? It means that he

a) celebrated his ability to make Anne write the essay.

b) ridiculed Anne in front of the whole class.

c) pulled up Anne for her arguments in the essay.

d) realised the humour in it and was amused

Q38. Based on this extract, pick the option with the list of words that best describe Mr Keesing.

a) jovial and creative            b) strict and innovative

c) tolerant and strict                         d) innovative and jovial

Q39. Why do you think Mr Keesing chose the title - ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ - for Anne, to write on? This was so because he expected

a) Anne to express her inability to elaborate on such a topic.

b) that this would embarrass Anne and would check her indiscipline.

c) her to apologise and not repeat her talkative behaviour.

d) Anne to explore her creative writing skills

Q40. How did Anne feel when she was punished the third time by Mr Keesing? She

a) was happy as she had to write three essays on the same topic.

b) enjoyed making fun of Mr. Keesing in her own way.

c) was worried as she had run out of original ideas for her essay.

d) was thrilled at another opportunity to showcase her writing abilities.


VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

Q41. What is the name of the poet?

(a) Sylvia Plath          (b) W.B Yeats             (c) Robert Frost        (d) Robert Burns

Q42. Why do some people say that the world will end in ice?

(a) because love among people is increasing fast.

(b) because hatred among people is increasing fast.

(c) because lust among people is increasing fast.

(d) None of the Above

Q43. What is ‘fire’ a symbol of?

(a) love and new desires                              (b) lust and endless desires

(c) love and beginning of a new thing.       (d) Revolution

Q44. Where has he used personification?

(a) fire            (b) ice                         (c) earth         (d) both 1 and 2

Q45. What is the rhyming scheme of the given stanza?

(a) abaa          (b) aaba          (c) aaab          (d) abab


VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

I think he knew I made a little money this way but he did not seem to mind. Anil made money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week, lend the next. He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote for magazines—a queer way to make a living!

Q46. Anil made money ‘by fits and starts’ means that he

a) deemed it fit to start investing money.   b) started earning money in the recent past.

c) received money intermittently.               d) put his money to use frequently.

Q47. The information in the extract suggests that Anil could be a

a) salaried professional       b) freelancer  c) business man        d) volunteer

Q48. If borrow: :lend, then pick the ODD pair from the options below

a) give : : take                        b) lose : : find             c) hop : : skip             d) buy : : sell

Q49. The reference to making a little money ‘this way’ refers to a way that is viewed by most people as

a) sensible.     b) inappropriate.       c) charitable.  d) Aggressive

Q50. Based on your understanding of Anil in the extract, choose the option that synchronises with his thinking.

a) So, what if I don’t have much money? Giving it to that person is important as they could do with a helping hand.

b) I better learn how to protect my money. I think I’m being looted.

c) I earn money with such tremendous effort. Where does it all go?

d) When I become rich, I can begin to help friends then. Right now, I will spend only on myself.


IX. Attempt the following.

Given below are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read both the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the following:

 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

(c) A is true, but R is false.

(d) A is false, but R is true.

Q51. Assertion (A): Lencho wrote a letter to God asking for money and received it the next day.

Reason (R): The postman and the postmaster laughed at the letter and the man who wrote the letter and send the money to make fun of him.

Q52. Assertion (A): The young seagull was alone on the ledge.

Reason (R): His family migrated to another continent.

Q53. Assertion (A): The author was flying his Dacota from England to France.

Reason (R):He wanted to be with his family.

Q54. Assertion- (A) The poet had been in the sorrowful and depressive mood in the poem ‘ Dust of Snow’.

Reason – (R) The poet had seen a crow on a hemlock tree.

Q55. Assertion- (A) In the forest, the tiger can enjoy complete freedom.

Reason – (R) He cannot kill any animal.

Q56. Assertion- (A) We all should learn our responsibility and how to cope up with the loss.

Reason – (R) Like a statue, the boy keeps staring at the ball with his desperate eyes.

Q57. Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything?

(a) Because she was herself victim                         (b) Because she doesn’t have courage

(c) Because she doesn’t want to                 (d) None of the Above

Q58."So Peggy had the same idea! Maddie glowed" What was the idea?

A) To tease Wanda one more time                         B) To go and look for Wanda at Boggins Height

C) To apologise to Wanda                           D) Both B and C

Q59. Arrange the sequence of events in the correct order in the context of ‘A Triumph of Surgery’.

1. Tricki is hospitalized.                    2. Dr. Herriot meets Tricki and his mistress on the way.

3. Dr. Herriot advises Tricki’s mistress to reduce his diet.          4. Tricki’s mistress calls Dr. Herriot.

a) 1, 2, 3 & 4              b) 4, 3, 2 & 1              c) 2, 4, 3 & 1               d) 2, 3, 4 & 1

Q60. With reference to the story ‘Footprints Without Feet’, which of the following statements is/are true?

1. Griffin stole the formula from the elf to become invisible.

2. Griffin stole shoes, an overcoat and a hat from a store in London.

3. At the end of the story, Griffin removed his bandages and became a headless man.

4. The boys finally caught Griffin but he tricked them again and ran away.

5. When Mrs. Hall found Griffin’s room empty, the table came flying and dashed into her face.

a) Only 1                     b) Only 2 and 3                      c) Only 2 and 4                      d) Only 5

NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME
NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME

Answer Key

Class: X          Subject: English Language & Literature (184)           Time: 90 Minutes  Max. Marks: 40


Q1.             (a)He was very fond of the horse and wanted it for himself

Q2.             (d) All 1, 2 and 3

Q3.              (d)To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him

Q4.             (c) Only 3

Q5.             (a) His horse was distressed by the whipping.

Q6.             A) None of these

Q7.             b; The first paragraph of the passage states that the villagers were aware of merchant’s crafty and persevering attitude. He would do anything to get what he wanted.

Q8.             d

Q9.             a

Q10.       c



Q11.         a) Yes

Q12.         b) Due to the emphasis on winning

Q13.         c) Sore loser

Q14.         d) shallow

Q15.         a) When the sportsman becomes too self-centered

Q16.          d) Conflict

Q17.          B) self-discipline

Q18.          D) both b and c


III. Grammar

Q19.         D. Sam is going to buy some groceries.

Q20.       B. shine

Q21.       A) Could (ability in past)

Q22.       A. All (includes every person or thing)

Q23.       c) The teacher asked the boys not to move.

Q24.       b) Neera says that she goes for a walk every morning.


IV. Letter writing

Q25.         C) G-10 ,Golden City Residential Society, Shyam Puram , Delhi

Q26.         D) Lack of amenities in the locality park.

Q27.         D) we can go for strolling ,walking or doing physical exercises.

Q28.         B) Gardeners seldom visit it.

Q29.       C) a dumping ground for garbage .

Q30.       D. all of these


V. Literature

Q31.         C) She was able to host the event without any hindrance.

Q32.         a) The freedoms are momentary and keep changing with time.

Q33.         d) I was living under the illusion that this is possible

Q34.         d) He was too young to realise that freedom was denied to others as well.

Q35.         B )i) dawned ii) deprived iii) desiring

Q36.         c) She had inherited the trait from her mother, so couldn’t stop being talkative.

Q37.         d) realised how funny it was and was amused.

Q38.         b) strict and innovative

Q39.         b) that this would embarrass Anne and would check her indiscipline.

Q40.       c) was worried as she had run out of original ideas for her essay.

Q41.         (c) Robert Frost

Q42.         (b) because hatred among people is increasing fast.

Q43.         (b) lust and endless desires

Q44.         (d) both 1 and 2

Q45.       (a) abaa

Q46.         c

Q47.         b

Q48.         c

Q49.         c

Q50.       a

Q51.        C) A is true, but R is false.

Q52.         C) A is true, but R is false.

Q53.         D) A is false, but R is true.

Q54.          b

Q55.          c

Q56.         b

Q57.         B

Q58.         D

Q59.         d


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NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME NCERT CBSE CLASS 10 English Language Literature 184 TERM 1 2021-22 QUESTION PAPER MARKING SCHEME, class 10 english cbse question paper, english sample paper class 10 2021, class 10 english sample paper 2021, sample paper class 10 2021 english, english sample paper class 10 2021 with solutions, english sample papers for class 10 with solutions 2021, sample paper of english class 10, cbse sample paper 2021 class 10 english with solutions, english sample paper class 10 2021, english sample papers for class 10 with solutions, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021 with answers, cbse class 10 english sample 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sample paper 2021, class 10 english previous year question paper, 10th class board exam english paper 2021, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021 with answers, class 10 english question paper, english previous year question paper class 10, previous year english question paper class 10, cbse english sample paper 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english sample paper, english pre board paper class 10, english sample paper 2021 class 10, class 10 english paper 2021, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with answers, class 10 english paper 2021 solutions, english class 10 sample paper 2021, sample paper of english class 10 cbse 2021, class x english sample paper 2021, question bank for class 10 english, english board paper 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english question paper with answer key, english question paper 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english sample question paper 2021 with answers, english model paper 2021 class 10, english class 10 previous year question paper, english practice paper class 10, class 10 english board paper 2021, 10th english paper, previous year question paper of english class 10 cbse board, cbse sample question papers class 10 english for february 2021 exam educart, cbse class 10 english question paper, english sample paper class 10 2021 cbse, class 10 english 2021 sample paper, sample paper class 10 2021 cbse english, english oswaal class 10, english cbse class 10 sample paper 2021, 10th english paper 2021, cbse class 10 english sample paper 2021, oswaal english sample paper, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021, cbse 10th english question paper 2021, oswaal class 10 english, cbse class 10th english sample paper 2021, sample question paper english class 10, 10th exam question paper, english class 10 cbse sample paper 2021, sample paper of english class 10th 2021, english sample paper class 10 2021 solutions, class 10 english question, sample paper for class 10 english 2021, sample paper 2021 class 10 english, cbse 10th english sample paper 2021, english class 10 question paper 2021, educart english sample paper 2021, sample paper class 10 2021 english solutions, sample question paper class 10 english, cbse class 10 english sample paper 2021 solutions, std 10 english paper 2021, cbse sample paper class 10 english 2021, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, cbse sample papers for class 10 english language and literature, cbse class 10 english language and literature question paper 2021, 10 english question paper 2021, english sample paper class 10 cbse, oswaal sample paper class 10 2021 english, class 10 english question paper 2021, class 10 question paper 2021 english, question bank class 10 english, class 10 cbse sample paper 2021 english, english class 10 question bank, class 10 sample paper of english, cbse sample paper 2021 english, english class 10 2021 sample paper, english class 10 board paper 2021, last year english paper class 10 cbse, cbse english sample paper class 10 2021, class 10 english practice paper 2021, sample paper of english class 10 2021, 2021 english question paper class 10, class 10 cbse english question paper 2021, model paper english class 10, class 10 english pre board paper 2021, oswaal sample paper class 10 english, english class 10 sample paper 2021, class 10 english question bank, class 10 cbse english paper 2021, educart english sample paper class 10 2021, english paper 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english sample question paper 2021 with answers, past paper of english class 10, class 10th english sample paper 2021, english language and literature class 10 previous year question papers, class 10 2021 english sample paper, educart english question bank 2021, previous year question paper of english class 10, sample paper of english class 10 2021 with solutions, class 10 english sample paper 2021 cbse, educart english question bank, class 10 english 2021 question paper with answers, oswaal english sample paper, english test paper class 10, 10th english sample paper 2021, 10th class english question paper 2021, sample question paper of english class 10, previous year question paper english class 10, sample paper class 10th english 2021, sample paper of class 10 2021 cbse english, educart english sample paper class 10, question bank of english class 10, cbse english class 10 sample paper 2021, class 10th cbse english sample paper, sample paper class 10 2021 of english, cbse english sample paper 2021 class 10 solutions, class 10 2021 english question paper, oswaal english sample paper class 10 2021, practice paper class 10 english, class 10 english question bank answer, 2021 english question paper class 10, class 10 english past papers, class 10 english sample paper 2021 with solutions, oswaal sample paper english class 10 2021, cbse english question bank, english last year question paper class 10, 10th class english question bank, class 10 sample paper of english 2021, english sample paper class 10 cbse 2021, class 10 previous year question paper english, sample paper of class 10 english 2021, class 10 englishs sample paper 2021 in english medium, english sample paper 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english paper 2021, cbse sample paper 2021 english class 10, english question paper class 10 2021, sample question paper class 10 english 2021, cbse previous year question papers class 10 english language and literature, sample paper class 10 english 2021 cbse board, class 10 english grammar question bank, english practice paper class 10 2021, oswaal english sample paper class 10, oswaal english class 10 sample paper, previous year question paper of class 10 cbse english, 2021 english sample paper class 10, english board exam paper class 10, 2021 english paper class 10, cbse english paper 2021 class 10, previous year question paper of class 10 english, 10th cbse english sample paper 2021, cbse class 10 englishs question paper 2021 in english, class 10 english sample question paper 2021, english 10th question paper 2021, class 10 english previous year paper, 10th cbse english question paper 2021, cbse class 10 english previous year question papers with solutions, class 10 english question paper in english medium, cbse class 10 english paper, cbse board exam 2021 english question paper class 10, english latest sample paper class 10, english sample question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, 10th exam question, english sample paper of class 10 2021, cbse class 10 english board exam question paper 2021, question paper of class 10 english 2021, cbse 10th english question paper, class 10 english 2021 question paper, class 10th cbse english sample paper 2021, sample paper english class 10 2021 solutions, cbse class 10 english language and literature question paper 2021, class 10 english grammar sample paper, oswaal class 10 english sample paper, english question paper 2021 class 10, latest sample paper class 10 2021 english, 10th class english question paper in english, cbse sample paper class 10 2021 english, unit test paper for class 10 english, class 10 english paper 2021, class 10 english test paper, cbse question bank class 10 english, cbse class 10 question paper 2021 english, tiwari academy class 10 english sample papers, class 10 englishs model paper 2021 in english medium, cbse 10 english question paper 2021, sample paper class 10 cbse english, question paper of english class 10 2021, cbse class 10 question paper 2021 english, english question class 10, class 10 english 2021 board paper, last year english question paper class 10, latest sample paper of english class 10, sample paper 2021 english class 10, sample questions for class 10 english, english class 10 cbse sample paper 2021, class 10 english chapter wise previous year questions, cbse 10 english sample paper, english sample paper class 10 2021, oswaal english question bank class 10, english cbse sample paper class 10, english question paper 2021 class 10 cbse, class 10 tourism sample paper 2021, 10th board english paper 2021, class 10 english exam paper 2021, oswaal sample paper english, sample paper for english class 10 2021, practice paper 2 class 10 english, sample paper for class 10 english 2021, arihant sample paper class 10 2021 english, cbse class 10 english sample question paper 2021, cbse class 10 english model paper 2021, cbse class 10 2021 english question paper, oswaal self assessment paper 1 solutions english, cbse question paper 2021 class 10 english, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with answers, class 10 english board question paper 2021, deepak cbse sample paper class 10 english, www cbse online class 10 english sample paper 2021, class 10 english 1st paper question, cbse class 10 2021 english sample paper, class 10 english last year question paper, class 10 english practice paper, class 10th sample paper english 2021, class 10 question bank english, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with answers, sample question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 english with answers, 2021 class 10 english board paper, english grammar sample papers for class 10 cbse, last year english paper class 10, class 10 cbse english previous year question paper, oswaal english grammar class 10, practice paper english class 10, oswaal sample paper class 10 english 2021, english paper class 10 cbse 2021, previous year class 10 english question paper, english class 10 practice paper, evergreen sample paper class 10 english solutions, class 10 english pre board sample paper 2021, sample paper class 10 english 2021 with solutions, class 10 pt 1 question paper english, 10th board exam english question paper 2021, class 10th sample paper 2021 english, sample paper of english 2021 class 10, question paper class 10 english 2021, previous year english paper class 10, cbse board english paper 2021 class 10, 10th class paper english, evergreen sample paper class 10 english, cbse class 10 english question bank, english sample papers for class 10 2021, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021, class 10 english 2021 question paper, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2015 with solutions, 10th english sample paper, class 10 cbse english sample paper 2021, class 10 cbse english grammar important questions 2021, english paper class 10 2021, english unsolved paper class 10, class x english sample paper, ncert class 10 english sample paper 2021, english grammar paper for class 10, english sample paper class 10 2021 educart, arihant sample paper class 10 english solutions, english cbse class 10 question paper 2021, english sample paper class 10 2021 oswaal, sample question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 english, class 10 english sample paper cbse, 10th class question paper 2021 english, cbse 10th english question paper 2021, 10th question paper 2021 english, question paper of class 10 english, cbse english question paper 2021 class 10, english sample paper class 10 2021 with solutions oswaal, 10th english exam question paper, cbse class 10 english language and literature question paper 2021, class 10 cbse english sample paper 2021 solutions, sample paper class 10 english cbse, 2021 english board paper class 10, class 10 sample paper 2021 english solutions, english question paper 2021 class 10, english exam paper 2021 class 10, english grammar class 10 sample paper, cbse class 10 sample paper 2021 english answer key, 2021 english question paper class 10, 2021 10th question paper english, 10th english board paper 2021, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021, arihant english sample paper class 10 2021, english cbse class 10 previous year question papers, english sample paper class 10 with solutions, arihant english sample paper class 10, class 10 english cbse board paper 2021, last year 10th english question paper, 10 cbse english sample paper 2021, arihant sample paper english class 10, sample paper of english class 10th cbse, question paper of english class 10 cbse board 2021, last year question paper class 10 english, sst sample paper in english class 10 2021, educart english sample paper, imp questions of english class 10, class 10 english model paper 2021, english grammar sample paper class 10, class 10 english board paper, sample question paper for class 10 cbse english, class 10 previous year paper english, english ka paper 2021 class 10, oswaal cbse sample question paper class 10 english, 10th class english sample paper 2021, 10th english important questions 2021, class 10 board english paper 2021, ncert class 10 english previous year question papers, english 10 class paper 2021, cbse 2021 english question paper class 10, cbse 10th sample paper 2021 english, cbse 10th english model question paper 2021, cbse 2021 english paper class 10, sample paper of english class 10 2021 cbse, sample paper of english for class 10 cbse with answers 2021, english 10 years question paper, oswaal english class 10 sample paper 2021, english 10th class question paper, previous year question paper class 10 cbse english, ncert class 10 english question paper 2021, sample paper class 10 2021 cbse english solutions, sample paper of english grammar class 10, 10th class english exam paper 2021, cbse class x english sample paper 2021, pre board english paper 2021 class 10, oswaal sample paper english class 10, english educart sample paper, sample paper social english class 10 english medium, class 10 oswaal english sample paper solutions, english class 10 cbse question paper 2021, class 10 previous year english question paper, class 10th english pre board question paper, 2021 question paper class 10 english, sample question paper of class 10 2021 english with solutions, class 10 english practice paper 2021, cbse class 10 english 2021 sample paper, cbse class 10th sample paper english, cbse sample english paper class 10, class 10 english sample question paper, english sample paper class 10 2021 answers, class 10 english board paper 2021 solutions, educart sample paper 2021 english, cbse class 10 english model question paper 2021, cbse sample paper of english class 10 2021, educart sample paper english, last year question paper of english class 10, my cbse guide sample paper class 10 english, 10th class 2021 english paper, class 10 english model question paper 2021, english class 10 sample paper 2021 21 with solutions, latest english sample paper for class 10, model paper class 10 english, sample paper class 10 cbse english 2021, today 10th exam question paper, 10th 2021 english question paper, previous year question of english class 10, question of english class 10, class 10 ka english ka question answer, english class 10 paper 2021, english model question paper for 10th 2021 cbse, oswaal cbse question bank english language and literature class 9, previous year paper of english class 10 cbse, class 10 cbse english paper, mycbseguide class 10 english sample papers, oswaal english class 10 solutions, class 10 cbse 2021 english question paper, class 10 english sample paper 2021, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with answers, english sample paper 2021 class 10 cbse, class 10 2021 english paper, last year board paper class 10 english, sample paper english 2021 class 10, cbse class 10 english last 5 years question papers, class 10 2021 english question paper, english sample paper solutions class 10 2021, 10 years question paper of cbse class 12 english, 2021 10th english question paper, cbse sample paper 2021 class 10 english language and literature, sample paper of english cbse class 10, class x english question paper 2021, cbse class 10 2021 english question paper, cbse question bank english class 10, sample paper for class 10 cbse 2021 english, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, english sample paper class 10 solutions, new sample paper class 10 2021 english, practice paper for class 10 english, class 10 previous year question paper of english, paper of english class 10 2021, english class 10 2021 board paper, model test paper class 10 english, cbse class 10 english paper 2021, english question paper class 10 2021, 10th class english pre board paper, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021 with solutions, sample paper class 10 english 2021 with solutions, english class 10 model paper 2021, 2021 english cbse board paper, sample question paper of class 10 english, 10th english previous question papers, 10th english 2021 question paper, english sample paper solutions class 10 2021, cbse 10th class english sample paper 2021, mock test papers class 10 cbse english, question paper of class 10 2021 english, 10th class paper english 2021, question paper for class 10 english, 10th english grammar question paper, english new sample paper class 10, class 10 english latest sample paper, class 10 english question paper 2021, 10th class paper 2021 english, educart question bank english, oswaal mind maps class 10 english cbse, 10 question paper english, arihant class 10 english sample paper, cbse class 10 english practice paper, cbse previous year question papers class 10 english with solutions, 2021 10th english question paper, cbse class 10th english paper, english class 10 2021 question paper, cbse previous year english question papers class 10 with solutions, cbse 10th english sample paper 2021, previous year question paper cbse class 10 english, class 10th sst sample paper in english, 10th class english test paper, sample paper of class 10th 2021 english, class 10 2021 question paper english, class 10 english oswaal sample paper, 10th standard english question paper 2021, question bank for english class 10, sample question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 english, the ball poem cbse sample papers, last year class 10 english question paper, english class 10 cbse board paper 2021, question paper of class 10 cbse board 2021 english, english board sample paper class 10 2021, cbse class 10 english language and literature question paper 2015, 10th english sample paper 2021, cbse class 10 english 2021 question paper, sample paper cbse class 10 english, byju's sample paper class 10 english, english class 10 last year question paper, oswaal class 10 english question bank, cbse class 10 sample paper of english 2021, english 10th board paper 2021, english oswaal sample paper class 10, english question paper cbse class 10, board exam 10th question paper, cbse 10 english paper, cbse sample paper of english 2021 class 10, class 10 cbse english question bank, board exam paper class 10 2021 english, sample paper of english class 10 with solutions, class 10 english board paper 2021 solutions, class 10 english first paper, 10 english sample paper 2021, practice paper class 10 english 2021, pre board question papers class 10 english, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021, cbse class 10 english sample question paper 2021, english 10th class question paper, cbse latest sample paper class 10 english, english sample paper for class 10 sa1 2021 with answers, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021 in english, english language and literature class 10 sample paper, english 2021 class 10 board paper, grammar question paper for class 10, sample paper 2021 class 10 english, 2021 sample paper class 10 english, class 10 english test paper 2021, model paper of english class 10 cbse board, sample paper of class 10 english pre board, english model test paper class 10, latest sample paper of english class 10 2021, cbse sample question paper english class 10, grammar sample paper class 10 cbse, cbse class 10 englishs question paper 2021 in english, english 2021 question paper class 10, examguru class 10 english, cbse class 10th english paper 2021, 10th class english previous question papers, educart sample paper english 2021, cbse class 10th english sample paper 2021, english sample paper class 10th cbse, cbse 2021 english question paper class 10, english oswaal sample paper, cbse board exam 2021 english question paper class 10, cbse class 10 english grammar sample papers, cbse class 10 english model paper 2021, english cbse class 10 board paper 2021, question bank of class 10 english, cbse sample question paper class 10 english, last 10 year question paper of cbse class 12 english, class 10 english sample paper cbse 2021, model question paper class 10 english, pre board question paper class 10 english 2021, english 10th class question bank, class 10 cbse 2021 english question paper, english last 10 year question paper, ncert class 10 english sample paper, oswaal self assessment paper 5 solutions english 2021, cbse sample paper class 10 2021 english, new sample paper of english class 10, sample paper of 10th class english, class 10th ka english ka paper, class 10th cbse sample paper english, english paper cbse class 10 2021, previous year class 10 english paper, question paper of class 10 english 2021, english grammar sample paper for class 10, model test paper english class 10, sample paper in english class 10, answer of sample paper 2021 class 10 english, cbse class 10 english question bank 2021, english ka sample paper 2021 class 10, english question bank class 10 2021, last year question paper of cbse class 10 english with solutions, sample paper of class 10 english 2021 with answers, cbse question bank class 10 2021 english, 2021 class 10 english paper, chapter wise test papers for class 10 english, class x sample paper 2021 english, cbse class 10 english question paper 2011, 10th english practice paper, cbse class 10 english latest sample paper, cbse 10th english paper 2021, class 10 sample question paper english, class 10 english sample paper 2021 in english medium, english board paper class 10 2021, question paper of class 10 cbse board 2021 english, english sample question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, grammar paper for class 10, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2015, english sample paper class 10 2021 educart, ncert class 10 english question paper, oswaal sample paper of english for class 10, english 10 class sample paper 2021, oswaal sample paper class 10 2021 english, 10th english previous year question paper, best english sample paper for class 10, class 10 ka english ka paper 2021, last year question paper english class 10, oswal english sample paper, sample paper class 10 of english, cbse 10 sample paper 2021 english, class 10 english model question paper, previous year question paper class 10 english cbse, sample paper solutions class 10 english, sample question paper class 10 english language and literature, class 10 english grammar sample paper 2021, practice paper in english class 10, previous english paper class 10, 10th class english exam paper, class 10 social english sample paper 2021 in english, class 10th english sample paper 2021 with solutions, class 10 english half yearly sample paper, class 10th english ka paper, english sample paper class 10 cbse 2021, class 10 english last 10 year question paper, class 10 sst sample paper 2021 in english medium, english sample paper class 10 2021 with solutions cbse, cbse class 10 english practice paper 2021, class x sample paper english, cbse class 10 english board exam question paper 2021, english class 10 sample paper with solutions, social english class 10 sample paper 2021 in english, english 10th question paper 2021 answer key, i succeed sample paper class 10 english solutions, pre board exam 2021 class 10 english paper, 8 mark question english class 10, cbse class 10 previous year english question papers, english paper 2021 class 10 cbse, english sample paper for class 10 pre board, sample paper english language and literature class 10, class 10 question paper 2021 english, previous year 10th english question paper, class 10 sst english medium sample paper 2021, question paper of english class 10 cbse 2021, educart class 10 english, english language and literature class 10 sample paper 2021, english question paper 10th class 2021, ncert english sample paper class 10 2021, previous year paper english class 10, cbse class 12 english question papers last 10 years, class 10 sample paper 2021 cbse english, english class 10 latest sample paper, sample paper class 10 english solutions, 10th english test paper, cbse english class 10 previous year question paper, cbse sample paper class 10 english 2021, class 10 cbse question paper 2021 english, english model question paper class 10, 10 ka english ka paper, cbse english question paper 2021 class 10, english 10th class paper, english 1st paper model questions for class 10, previous year english question paper class 10 cbse, sample paper class 10 2021 english oswaal, sample question paper for class 10 cbse english grammar, cbse pre board sample papers for class 10 english, model paper english 2021 class 10, 10th cbse english model question paper, class 10 english language and literature sample paper, english question bank class 10 cbse, last 10 years question paper of cbse class 10 english, previous year question papers of english cbse class 10, cbse class 10 sample paper 2021 english, english paper class 10 cbse, english 10th paper 2021, english half yearly paper class 10, model question of class 10 english, 10th class english practice papers, cbse 10th english grammar sample paper with answers, english ka model paper 2021 class 10, question bank for class 10 english language and literature, std 10 english question paper 2021, sample paper class 10 english cbse 2021, 10 std english question paper 2021, cbse english 10th question paper, class 10 english question paper with answers, last 10 years english question paper class 10 cbse, question paper 2021 class 10 english, cbse half yearly question papers for class 10 english, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, english sample paper 2021 class 10 solutions, sample paper of english 10th class, sample question paper for class 10 english language and literature, 2021 class 10 english sample paper, class 10th 2021 sample paper english, sample question paper class 10 cbse english, cbse 10th english model question paper 2021, class 10 cbse previous year question paper english, class 10 sample paper of english 2021, english previous year papers class 10, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with answers, oswaal self assessment paper solutions class 10 english, sample paper of english of class 10th 2021, english model paper 2021 class 10 cbse board, sample paper class 10 2021 english with answers, class 10 english sample paper with solutions, cbse board sample paper 2021 class 10 english, class 10 cbse english question paper 2021, class 10 last year question paper english, question paper 10th class english, sample paper of class 10 2021 english, 10th standard english paper, last year question paper of class 10 cbse english, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021 with solutions, 2021 sample paper class 10 english, class 10 cbse board english sample paper, cbse english paper 2021 class 10, class 10th english sample paper of 2021, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2014, sample paper of english class 10 cbse board 2021, 10th board exam paper 2021 english, cbse previous year question papers class 10 englishs in english, class 10 cbse english sample paper 2021 with solutions, previous year question paper for class 10 english, cbse board class 10 english question paper 2021, cbse class 10 english literature questions, class 10 cbse english board paper 2021, english 10 sample paper 2021, grammar sample paper class 10, sample english question paper class 10, 10th question paper english 2021, 10th question paper in english, english 2021 board paper class 10, oswaal sample paper english class 10 2021, 10th class english question paper with answer, cbse class 10 english last 10 years question papers, cbse question paper english, class 10 english grammar question paper, class 10 english periodic test paper, class 10 last year english question paper, cbse sample question paper 2021 class 10 english, class 10 ncert english sample paper 2021, english class 10 model question paper, ncert english class 10 sample paper 2021, oswaal cbse sample question paper class 10 english language and literature oswaal editorial board, 10th standard question paper english, cbse board class 10th english sample paper, english class 10 english sample paper, english question paper for class 10 cbse 2021, last 10 years question paper of cbse class 12 english, cbse sample paper english class 10 2021, class 10 english sample paper for practice, oswaal cbse unsolved papers chapterwise & topicwise class 10 english language and literature oswaal editorial board, oswal 10th sample paper english, english class 10 model paper, revised sample paper of english class 10, test paper of english grammar for class 10, 10th class paper 2021 english, cbse 10th class english paper, cbse class 10 english question paper 2021 with answers, cbse class 10 englishs question paper 2021 in english, last year question paper of class 10 english, sample paper cbse english class 10, std 10 english question paper, 2021 board paper class 10 english, cbse class 10th sample paper 2021 english, class 10 english model, class 10 english sample paper 2021 with answers, model paper 2021 class 10 english, 10th class question paper english 2021, board exam paper class 10 english, cbse 10th english previous question papers, cbse english question bank class 10, cbse english sample paper class 10 2021 with solutions, english 2021 question paper class 10, last year english board paper class 10, question paper for class 10 english 2021, 10th class board exam model paper, class 10 sample paper 2021 of english, previous year question english class 10, cbse sample paper class 10 english with solutions, vedantu english sample paper class 10, 10th english exam paper, cbse 2010 english board question paper class 10, cbse class 10th sample paper of english, cbse sample papers english, cbse question bank 2021 class 10 english, class 10 english english medium sample paper, ncert english question paper for class 10, sample paper of english class 10 pre board, cbse board exam english question paper 2015 class 10, class 10 english sample paper 2021 oswaal, english question paper cbse class 10 2021, sample paper class 10 of english 2021, english class 10 sample question paper, 10th exam english question paper 2021, cbse class 10 english language question paper, cbse class 10 english model question paper 2021, last 5 year question paper of cbse class 10 english, pyq english class 10, cbse class 10 english question paper 2009 with solutions, cbse sample paper class 10 english 2021 with solutions, 10 english question paper 2021, 10th paper english, cbse english language paper, class 10 english paper 2021 cbse, 10th question paper 2021 english, cbse 10th 2021 english question paper, english class 10th important question, ncert previous year question papers class 10 english, question bank class 10 cbse english

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