Extract based MCQ Questions with Answer Chapter 3 A Tiger in the Zoo in First Flight Poem Class 10 NCERT CBSE English

Extract based MCQ Questions with Answer Chapter 3 A Tiger in the Zoo in First Flight Poem Class 10 NCERT CBSE English

Stanza 1

He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage,

On pads of velvet quiet,

In his quiet rage.


a) Name the poem

1) Dust of Snow

2) Fire and Ice

3) A Tiger in the Zoo

4) The Ball Poem

b) Who is the poet of A Tiger in the Zoo?
1) Adrienne Rich
2) Pablo Neruda
3) Robert Frost
4) Leslie Norris

c) Which literary device has been used in ‘In his quiet rage’?
1) Oxymoron
2) Assonance
3) Alliteration
4) Enjambment

d) What is the rhyme scheme the first stanza in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

e) What does the word ‘Vivid’ mean?
1) Clear
2) Intense
3) Bright
4) All of these

f) What does the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ explain?
1) That animals must be kept in zoo
2) That animals must be hunted
3) That animal should not be caged but let free in their natural habitat
4) All of these

g) What does the word ‘Stalk’ mean?
1) Walk stiffly
2) Walk lazily
3) Walk haphazardly
4) All of these

h) Which literary device has been used in ‘On pads of velvet quiet’?
1) Assonance
2) Anaphora
3) Metaphor
4) Enjambment

i) Who has been caged in a zoo in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

1) Lion
2) Tiger
3) Swine
4) Cat



  1. A Tiger in the Zoo
  2. Leslie Norris
  3. Oxymoron
  4. ABCE
  5. All of these
  6. That animal should not be caged but let free in their natural habitat
  7. Walk stiffly
  8. Metaphor
  9. Tiger

Stanza 2

He should be lurking in shadow,

Sliding through long grass

Near the water hole

Where plump deer pass.


a) Who is ‘He’ in the first line?
1) Tiger
2) Lion
3) Cat
4) Swine

b) What does the word ‘Lurking’ mean?
1) Spending time in one place doing nothing
2) Exciting
3) Intimidating
4) None of these

c) What is the rhyme scheme of the second stanza in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?

d) Find out the synonym of the word ‘Plump’ from the following?
1) Skinny
2) Fat
3) Energetic
4) None of these

e) Which literary device has been used in ‘He should be lurking in shadow’?
1) Assonance
2) Anaphora
3) Metaphor
4) Personification

f) Which literary device has been used in ‘Where plump deer pass’?
1) Assonance
2) Anaphora
3) Metaphor
4) Alliteration

g) What does the poet see in the cage at the zoo?
1) Tiger
2) Lion
3) Cat
4) Swine

h) What is the presence of the tiger necessary in his natural habitat?
1) For maintaining the food chain
2) For killing of innocent animals
3) For ruling the forests
4) All of these


  1. Tiger
  2. Spending time in one place doing nothing
  3. ABCB
  4. Fat
  5. Personification
  6. Alliteration
  7. Tiger
  8. For maintaining the food chain

Stanza 3

He should be snarling around houses

At the jungle’s edge,

Baring his white fangs, his claws,

Terrorising the village!


a) What does the word ‘Snarling’ mean?
1) Uttering in an angry tone
2) Uttering in a soft tone
3) Uttering in a ravishing tone
4) None of these

b) What should the tiger do according to the poet?
1) Reside in his natural habitat
2) Reside in the cage
3) Reside in peop;e’s heart
4) All of these

c) Which literary device has been used in ‘Terrorising the village’?
1) Assonance
2) Metonymy
3) Metaphor
4) Alliteration

d) What does the word ‘Baring’ mean?
1) Opening
2) Hiding
3) Residing
4) Colliding

e) What should be done with the tiger according to the poet?
1) Left free to destroy people’s home
2) Left free to destroy people’s fields
3) Left free to destroy people’s shops
4) None of these

f) Which literary device has been used in ‘He should be snarling around houses’?
1) Assonance
2) Anaphora
3) Metaphor
4) Alliteration


  1. Uttering in an angry tone
  2. Reside in his natural habitat
  3. Metonymy
  4. Opening
  5. None of these
  6. Alliteration/Personification


Extract based MCQ Questions with Answer Chapter 3 A Tiger in the Zoo in First Flight Poem Class 10 NCERT CBSE English
Extract based MCQ Questions with Answer Chapter 3 A Tiger in the Zoo in First Flight Poem Class 10 NCERT CBSE English

Stanza 4 MCQ of A Tiger in the Zoo

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,

Stalking the length of his cage,

Ignoring visitors.


a) Which literary device has been used in ‘In a concrete cell’ & ‘Behind bars’?
1) Assonance
2) Metonymy
3) Metaphor
4) Alliteration

b) What does the tiger show while walking in the cage?
1) His Claws
2) His teeth
3) His attitude
4) None of these

c) What does the poet mean by ‘His strength behind bars’?
1) That tiger is powerful and has multiple powers
2) That tiger is weak and has nothing to do
3) That tiger is brave but afraid of visitors
4) None of these

d) What does the tiger do with the visitors who come to see him?
1) Ignores them
2) Embraces them
3) Attacks them
4) Lambasts them


  1. Alliteration
  2. None of these
  3. That tiger is powerful and has multiple powers
  4. Ignores them

Stanza 5 of MCQ of A Tiger in the Zoo

He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars.


a) What does the tiger hear at night?
1) Noise of People
2) Noise of Patrolling cars
3) Noise of other animals
4) No noise

b) What does the word ‘Patrolling’ mean?
1) Looking down
2) Watching over
3) Counting on
4) None of these

c) What does the tiger stare at?
1) Brilliant people
2) Brilliant celebrities
3) Brilliant visitors
4) Brilliant stars

d) Which literary device has been used throughout the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
1) Assonance
2) Metonymy
3) Metaphor
4) Enjambment/Personification


  1. Noise of Patrolling cars
  2. Watching over
  3. Brilliant stars
  4. Enjambment/Personification


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