W1 n. (also w) (pl. Ws or w's) twenty-third letter of the alphabet.
W2 abbr. (also w.) 1 watt(s). 2 west; western.
W3 symb. Tungsten. [wolframium, latinized name]
W. Abbr. 1 wicket(s). 2 wide(s). 3 with.
Wa abbr. Western australia.
Wacky adj. (-ier, -iest) slang crazy. [originally dial., = left-handed]
Wad —n. 1 lump of soft material used esp. To keep things apart or in place or to block a hole. 2 bundle of banknotes or documents. —v. (-dd-) 1 stop up or keep in place with a wad. 2 line, stuff, or protect with wadding. [origin uncertain]
Wadding n. Soft fibrous material used in quilt-making etc., or to pack fragile articles.
Waddle —v. (-ling) walk with short steps and a swaying motion. —n. Waddling gait. [from +wade]
Wade —v. (-ding) 1 walk through water, mud, etc., esp. With difficulty. 2 (foll. By through) go through (a tedious task, book, etc.). 3 (foll. By into) colloq. Attack (a person or task) vigorously. —n. Spell of wading. ~ wade in colloq. Make a vigorous attack or intervention. [old english]
Wader n. 1 long-legged water-bird that wades. 2 (in pl.) High waterproof boots.
Wadi n. (pl. -s) rocky watercourse in n. Africa etc., dry except in the rainy season. [arabic]
Wafer n. 1 very thin light crisp sweet biscuit. 2 disc of unleavened bread used in the eucharist. 3 disc of red paper stuck on a legal document instead of a seal. [anglo-french wafre from germanic]
Wafer-thin adj. Very thin.
Waffle1 colloq. —n. Verbose but aimless or ignorant talk or writing. —v. (-ling) indulge in waffle. [dial., = yelp]
Waffle2 n. Small crisp batter cake. [dutch]
Waffle-iron n. Utensil, usu. Of two shallow metal pans hinged together, for baking waffles.
Waft —v. Convey or travel easily and smoothly as through air or over water. —n. (usu. Foll. By of) whiff or scent. [originally ‘convoy (ship etc.)’ From dutch or low german wachter from wachten to guard]
Wag1 —v. (-gg-) shake or wave to and fro. —n. Single wagging motion (with a wag of his tail). ~ tongues wag there is talk. [old english]
Wag2 n. Facetious person. [old english]
Wage —n. (in sing. Or pl.) Fixed regular payment to an employee, esp. A manual worker. —v. (-ging) carry on (a war etc.). [anglo-french from germanic]
Waged adj. In regular paid employment.
Wage-earner n. Person who works for wages.
Wager n. & v. = +bet. [anglo-french: related to +wage]
Waggish adj. Playful, facetious. ~ waggishly adv. Waggishness n.
Waggle v. (-ling) colloq. Wag.
Waggly adj. Unsteady; waggling.
Wagon n. (also waggon) 1 four-wheeled vehicle for heavy loads. 2 railway vehicle, esp. An open truck. 3 tea trolley. ~ on the wagon (or water-wagon) slang teetotal. [dutch: related to +wain]
Wagoner n. (also waggoner) driver of a wagon.
Wagon-load n. As much as a wagon can carry.
Wagtail n. Small bird with a long tail in frequent motion.
Waif n. 1 homeless and helpless person, esp. An abandoned child. 2 ownerless object or animal. [anglo-french, probably from scandinavian]
Waifs and strays n.pl. 1 homeless or neglected children. 2 odds and ends.
Wail —n. 1 prolonged plaintive high-pitched cry of pain, grief, etc. 2 sound like this. —v. 1 utter a wail. 2 lament or complain persistently or bitterly. [old norse]
Wain n. Archaic wagon. [old english]
Wainscot n. Boarding or wooden panelling on the lower part of a room-wall. [low german wagenschot from wagen +wagon]
Wainscoting n. 1 wainscot. 2 material for this.
Waist n. 1 a part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips; narrower middle part of the normal human figure. B circumference of this. 2 narrow middle of a violin, wasp, etc. 3 a part of a garment encircling the waist. B us blouse, bodice. 4 part of a ship between the forecastle and the quarterdeck. ~ waisted adj. (also in comb.). [old english: related to +wax2]
Waistband n. Strip of cloth forming the waist of a garment.
Waistcoat n. Close-fitting waist-length garment without sleeves or collar, worn usu. Over a shirt and under a jacket.
Waist-deep adj. & adv. (also waist-high) up to the waist.
Waistline n. Outline or size of a person's body at the waist.
Wait —v. 1 a defer action or departure for a specified time or until some event occurs (wait a minute; wait till i come; wait for a fine day). B be expectant. 2 await (an opportunity, one's turn, etc.). 3 defer (a meal etc.) Until a person's arrival. 4 (usu. As waiting n.) Park a vehicle for a short time. 5 act as a waiter or attendant. 6 (foll. By on, upon) a await the convenience of. B serve as an attendant to. C pay a respectful visit to. —n. 1 period of waiting. 2 (usu. Foll. By for) watching for an enemy (lie in wait). 3 (in pl.) Archaic street singers of christmas carols. ~ wait and see await the progress of events. Wait up (often foll. By for) not go to bed until a person arrives or an event happens. You wait! Used to imply a threat, warning, etc. [germanic: related to +wake1]
Waiter n. Man who serves at table in a hotel or restaurant etc.
Waiting game n. The delaying of action in order to have a greater effect later.
Waiting-list n. List of people waiting for a thing not immediately available.
Waiting-room n. Room for people to wait in, esp. To see a doctor etc. Or at a station.
Waitress n. Woman who serves at table in a hotel or restaurant etc.
Waive v. (-ving) refrain from insisting on or using (a right, claim, opportunity, etc.). [anglo-french weyver: related to +waif]
Waiver n. Law 1 waiving of a legal right etc. 2 document recording this.
Wake1 —v. (-king; past woke or waked; past part. Woken or waked) 1 (often foll. By up) (cause to) cease to sleep. 2 (often foll. By up) (cause to) become alert or attentive. 3 archaic (except as waking adj. & n.) Be awake (waking hours). 4 disturb with noise. 5 evoke (an echo). —n. 1 watch beside a corpse before burial; attendant lamentation and (less often) merrymaking. 2 (usu. In pl.) Annual holiday in (industrial) northern england. [old english]
Wake2 n. 1 track left on the water's surface by a moving ship. 2 turbulent air left behind a moving aircraft etc. ~ in the wake of following, as a result of. [low german from old norse]
Wakeful adj. 1 unable to sleep. 2 (of a night etc.) Sleepless. 3 vigilant. ~ wakefully adv. Wakefulness n.
Waken v. Make or become awake. [old norse]
Wale n. 1 = +weal1. 2 ridge on corduroy etc. 3 naut. A broad thick timber along a ship's side. [old english]
Walk —v. 1 a progress by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. B (of a quadruped) go with the slowest gait. 2 a travel or go on foot. B take exercise in this way. 3 traverse on foot at walking speed, tread the floor or surface of. 4 cause to walk with one (walk the dog). —n. 1 a act of walking, the ordinary human gait. B slowest gait of an animal. C person's manner of walking. 2 a distance which can be walked in a (usu. Specified) time (ten minutes' walk from here). B excursion on foot. 3 place or track intended or suitable for walking. ~ walk all over colloq. 1 defeat easily. 2 take advantage of. Walk away from 1 easily outdistance. 2 refuse to become involved with. Walk away with colloq. = walk off with. Walk into colloq. 1 encounter through unwariness. 2 get (a job) easily. Walk off with colloq. 1 steal. 2 win easily. Walk on air feel elated.
Walkabout n. 1 informal stroll among a crowd by a visiting dignitary. 2 period of wandering in the bush by an australian aboriginal.
Walker n. 1 person or animal that walks. 2 a framework in which a baby can walk unaided. B = +walking frame.
Walkie-talkie n. Two-way radio carried on the person.
Walk-in attrib. Adj. (of a storage area) large enough to walk into.
Walking n. & adj. In senses of +walk n.
Walking frame n. Tubular metal frame for disabled or old people to help them walk.
Walking-stick n. Stick carried for support when walking.
Walkman n. (pl. -s) propr. Type of personal stereo.
Walk of life n. Occupation, profession.
Walk-on n. 1 (in full walk-on part) non-speaking dramatic role. 2 player of this.
Walk-out n. Sudden angry departure, esp. As a protest or strike.
Walk-over n. Easy victory.
Walkway n. Passage or path (esp. Raised) for walking along.
Wall —n. 1 continuous vertical narrow structure of usu. Brick or stone, esp. Enclosing or dividing a space or supporting a roof. 2 thing like a wall, esp.: a a steep side of a mountain. B anat. The outermost layer or enclosing membrane etc. Of an organ etc. —v. 1 (esp. As walled adj.) Surround with a wall. 2 a (usu. Foll. By up, off) block (a space etc.) With a wall. B (foll. By up) enclose within a sealed space. ~ go to the wall be defeated or pushed aside. Off the wall us slang unorthodox. Up the wall colloq. Crazy or furious. Walls have ears beware of eavesdroppers. ~ wall-less adj. [latin vallum rampart]
Wallaby n. (pl. -ies) marsupial similar to but smaller than a kangaroo. [aboriginal]
Wallah n. Slang person concerned with or in charge of a usu. Specified thing, business, etc. [hindi]
Wall bar n. One of a set of parallel bars attached to the wall of a gymnasium, on which exercises are performed.
Wallet n. Small flat esp. Leather case for holding banknotes etc. [anglo-french]
Wall-eye n. 1 eye with a streaked or opaque white iris. 2 eye squinting outwards. ~ wall-eyed adj. [old norse]
Wallflower n. 1 fragrant spring garden plant. 2 colloq. Woman sitting out a dance for lack of partners.
Wall game n. Form of football played at eton.
Walloon —n. 1 member of a people inhabiting s. And e. Belgium and neighbouring france. 2 french dialect spoken by this people. —adj. Of or concerning the walloons or their language. [medieval latin wallo -onis]
Wallop colloq. —v. (-p-) 1 thrash; beat. 2 (as walloping adj.) Huge. —n. 1 heavy blow. 2 beer. [earlier senses ‘gallop’, ‘boil’, from french waloper from germanic: cf. +gallop]
Wallow —v. 1 (esp. Of an animal) roll about in mud etc. 2 (usu. Foll. By in) indulge in unrestrained pleasure, misery, etc. —n. 1 act of wallowing. 2 place used by buffalo etc. For wallowing. [old english]
Wallpaper —n. 1 paper for pasting on to interior walls as decoration. 2 usu. Derog. Trivial background noise, music, etc. —v. Decorate with wallpaper.
Wall-to-wall adj. 1 (of a carpet) fitted to cover a whole room etc. 2 colloq. Ubiquitous (wall-to-wall pop music).
Wally n. (pl. -ies) slang foolish or inept person. [origin uncertain]
Walnut n. 1 tree with aromatic leaves and drooping catkins. 2 nut of this tree. 3 its timber. [old english, = foreign nut]
Walrus n. (pl. Same or -es) large amphibious long-tusked arctic mammal. [dutch]
Walrus moustache n. Long thick drooping moustache.
Waltz —n. 1 ballroom dance in triple time performed by couples revolving with sliding steps. 2 music for this. —v. 1 dance a waltz. 2 (often foll. By in, out, round, etc.) Colloq. Move easily, lightly, casually, etc. ~ waltz off with colloq. 1 steal. 2 win easily. [german walzer from walzen revolve]
Wampum n. Beads made from shells and strung together for use as money, decoration, etc. By n. American indians. [algonquian]
Wan adj. (wanner, wannest) pale; exhausted-looking. ~ wanly adv. Wanness n. [old english, = dark]
Wand n. 1 supposedly magic stick used by a fairy, magician, etc. 2 staff as a symbol of office. 3 colloq. Conductor's baton. [old norse]
Wander v. 1 (often foll. By in, off, etc.) Go about from place to place aimlessly. 2 a wind about; meander. B stray from a path etc. 3 talk or think incoherently; be inattentive or delirious. ~ wanderer n. [old english: related to +wend]
Wandering jew n. Person who never settles down.
Wanderlust n. Eagerness for travelling or wandering; restlessness. [german]
Wane —v. (-ning) 1 (of the moon) decrease in apparent size. 2 decrease in power, vigour, importance, size, etc. —n. Process of waning. ~ on the wane waning; declining. [old english]
Wangle colloq. —v. (-ling) (often refl.) Contrive to obtain (a favour etc.). —n. Act of wangling. [origin unknown]
Wank coarse slang —v. Masturbate. —n. Act of masturbating. [origin unknown]
Wankel engine n. Internal-combustion engine with a continuously rotated and eccentrically pivoted shaft. [wankel, name of an engineer]
Wanker n. Coarse slang contemptible or ineffectual person.
Wannabe n. Slang 1 avid fan who tries to emulate the person he or she admires. 2 anybody who would like to be someone else. [corruption of want to be]
Want —v. 1 a (often foll. By to + infin.) Desire; wish for possession of; need (wants a drink; wants it done immediately). B require to be attended to; need (garden wants weeding). C (foll. By to + infin.) Colloq. Ought; should (you want to be careful). 2 (usu. Foll. By for) lack; be deficient. 3 be without or fall short by. 4 (as wanted adj.) (of a suspected criminal etc.) Sought by the police. —n. 1 (often foll. By of) lack, absence, or deficiency (could not go for want of time). 2 poverty; need. [old norse]
Wanting adj. 1 lacking (in quality or quantity); not equal to requirements. 2 absent, not supplied.
Wanton —adj. 1 licentious; sexually promiscuous. 2 capricious; arbitrary; motiveless (wanton wind; wanton destruction). 3 luxuriant; unrestrained (wanton profusion). —n. Literary licentious person. ~ wantonly adv. [from obsolete wantowen, = undisciplined]
Wapiti n. (pl. -s) n. American deer. [a cree word]
War —n. 1 a armed hostilities between esp. Nations; conflict. B specific instance or period of this. C suspension of international law etc. During this. 2 hostility or contention between people, groups, etc. 3 (often foll. By on) sustained campaign against crime, poverty, etc. —v. (-rr-) 1 (as warring adj.) Rival; fighting. 2 make war. ~ at war (often foll. By with) engaged in a war. Go to war declare or begin a war.
Warble —v. (-ling) 1 sing in a gentle trilling manner. 2 speak in a warbling manner. —n. Warbled song or utterance. [french werble(r)]
Warbler n. Bird that warbles.
War crime n. Crime violating the international laws of war. ~ war criminal n.
War cry n. 1 phrase or name shouted to rally one's troops. 2 party slogan etc.
Ward n. 1 separate part of a hospital or room for a particular group of patients. 2 administrative division of a constituency. 3 a minor under the care of a guardian or court. B (in full ward of court) minor or mentally deficient person placed under the protection of a court. 4 (in pl.) The corresponding notches and projections in a key and a lock. 5 archaic guardian's control. ~ ward off 1 parry (a blow). 2 avert (danger etc.). [old english]
-ward suffix (also -wards) added to nouns of place or destination and to adverbs of direction and forming: 1 adverbs (usu. -wards) meaning ‘towards’ (backwards; homewards). 2 adjectives (usu. -ward) meaning ‘turned or tending towards’ (downward; onward).
War dance n. Dance performed by primitive peoples etc. Before a battle or to celebrate victory.
Warden n. 1 (often in comb.) Supervising official (traffic warden). 2 president or governor of a college, hospital, etc. [anglo-french and french: related to +guardian]
Warder n. (fem. Wardress) prison officer. [french: related to +guard]
Wardrobe n. 1 large cupboard for storing clothes. 2 person's stock of clothes. 3 costume department of a theatre etc. [french]
Wardrobe mistress n. (masc. Wardrobe master) person in charge of a theatrical wardrobe.
Wardroom n. Mess in a warship for commissioned officers.
Wardship n. Tutelage.
Ware n. 1 (esp. In comb.) Things of a specified kind made usu. For sale (chinaware; hardware). 2 (usu. In pl.) Articles for sale. 3 ceramics etc. Of a specified kind (delft ware). [old english]
Warehouse —n. 1 building in which goods are stored. 2 wholesale or large retail store. —v. (-sing) store temporarily in a repository.
Warfare n. Waging war, campaigning.
War-game n. 1 military training exercise. 2 battle etc. Conducted with toy soldiers.
Warhead n. Explosive head of a missile.
Warhorse n. 1 hist. Trooper's powerful horse. 2 colloq. Veteran soldier, politician, etc.
Warlike adj. 1 hostile. 2 soldierly. 3 military.
Warlock n. Archaic sorcerer. [old english, = traitor]
Warlord n. Military commander or commander-in-chief.
Warm —adj. 1 of or at a fairly high temperature. 2 (of clothes etc.) Affording warmth. 3 a sympathetic, friendly, loving. B hearty, enthusiastic. 4 colloq. Iron. Dangerous, difficult, hostile. 5 colloq. A (in a game) close to the object etc. Sought. B near to guessing. 6 (of a colour etc.) Reddish or yellowish; suggestive of warmth. 7 hunting (of a scent) fresh and strong. —v. 1 make warm. 2 a (often foll. By up) warm oneself. B (often foll. By to) become animated or sympathetic. —n. 1 act of warming. 2 warmth of the atmosphere etc. ~ warm up 1 make or become warm. 2 prepare for a performance etc. By practising. 3 reach a temperature for efficient working. 4 reheat (food). ~ warmly adv. Warmth n. [old english]
Warm-blooded adj. 1 having blood temperature well above that of the environment. 2 ardent.
War memorial n. Monument to those killed in a war.
Warm-hearted adj. Kind, friendly. ~ warm-heartedness n.
Warming-pan n. Hist. Container for live coals with a flat body and a long handle, used for warming a bed.
Warmonger n. Person who promotes war. ~ warmongering n. & adj.
Warm-up n. Period of preparatory exercise.
Warm work n. 1 work etc. That makes one warm through exertion. 2 dangerous conflict etc.
Warn v. 1 (also absol.) A (often foll. By of or that) inform of danger, unknown circumstances, etc. B (foll. By to + infin.) Advise (a person) to take certain action. C (often foll. By against) inform (a person etc.) About a specific danger. 2 (usu. With neg.) Admonish. ~ warn off tell (a person) to keep away (from). [old english]
Warning n. 1 in senses of +warn. 2 thing that warns. [old english]
War of nerves n. Attempt to wear down an opponent psychologically.
Warp —v. 1 a make or become distorted, esp. Through heat, damp, etc. B make or become perverted or strange (warped sense of humour). 2 haul (a ship) by a rope attached to a fixed point. —n. 1 a warped state, esp. Of timber. B perversion of the mind. 2 lengthwise threads in a loom. 3 rope used in warping a ship. [old english]
Warpaint n. 1 paint used to adorn the body before battle, esp. By n. American indians. 2 colloq. Make-up.
Warpath n. ~ on the warpath 1 (of n. American indians) going to war. 2 colloq. Seeking a confrontation.
Warrant —n. 1 thing that authorizes an action. 2 a written authorization, money voucher, etc. B written authorization allowing police to search premises, arrest a suspect, etc. 3 certificate of service rank held by a warrant-officer. —v. 1 serve as a warrant for; justify. 2 guarantee or attest to esp. The genuineness of. ~ i (or i'll) warrant i am certain; no doubt. [french warant, from germanic]
Warrant-officer n. Officer ranking between commissioned officers and ncos.
Warranty n. (pl. -ies) 1 undertaking as to the ownership or quality of a thing sold etc., often accepting responsibility for defects or repairs over a specified period. 2 (usu. Foll. By for + verbal noun) authority or justification. [anglo-french warantie: related to +warrant]
Warren n. 1 network of rabbit burrows. 2 densely populated or labyrinthine building or district. [anglo-french warenne from germanic]
Warring see +war v.
Warrior n. 1 person experienced or distinguished in fighting. 2 fighting man, esp. Of primitive peoples. 3 (attrib.) Martial (warrior nation). [french werreior: related to +war]
Warship n. Ship used in war.
Wart n. 1 small hard round growth on the skin. 2 protuberance on the skin of an animal, surface of a plant, etc. ~ warts and all colloq. With no attempt to conceal blemishes. ~ warty adj. [old english]
Wart-hog n. African wild pig.
Wartime n. Period during which a war is being waged.
Wary adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 on one's guard; circumspect. 2 (foll. By of) cautious. 3 showing caution. ~ warily adv. Wariness n. [ware look out for, avoid]
Was 1st & 3rd sing. Past of +be.
Wash —v. 1 cleanse with liquid, esp. Water. 2 (foll. By out, off, away, etc.) A remove (a stain) in this way. B (of a stain etc.) Be removed by washing. 3 wash oneself or one's hands and face. 4 wash clothes, dishes, etc. 5 (of fabric or dye) bear washing without damage. 6 (of an argument etc.) Stand scrutiny; be believed or acceptable. 7 (of a river, waters, etc.) Touch. 8 (of liquid) carry along in a specified direction (was washed overboard; washed up on the shore). 9 (foll. By over, along, etc.) Sweep, move, or splash. 10 (foll. By over) occur all around without greatly affecting (a person). 11 sift (ore) by the action of water. 12 brush watery paint or ink over. 13 poet. Moisten, water. —n. 1 a washing or being washed. B (prec. By the) a laundry etc. (sent them to the wash). 2 clothes etc. For washing or just washed. 3 motion of agitated water or air, esp.
Wash-basin n. Plumbed-in basin for washing one's hands etc.
Washboard n. 1 ribbed board on which clothes are scrubbed. 2 this as a percussion instrument.
Washed out adj. (also washed-out) 1 faded; pale. 2 colloq. Pale, exhausted.
Washed up adj. (also washed-up) esp. Us slang defeated, having failed.
Washer n. 1 person or machine that washes. 2 flat ring inserted at a joint to tighten it and prevent leakage or under the head of a screw etc., or under a nut, to disperse its pressure.
Washer-up n. (pl. Washers-up) (also washer-upper) person who washes up dishes etc.
Washerwoman n. Laundress.
Washing n. Clothes etc. For washing or just washed.
Washing-machine n. Machine for washing clothes.
Washing-powder n. Soap powder or detergent for washing clothes.
Washing-soda n. Sodium carbonate, used dissolved in water for washing and cleaning.
Washing-up n. 1 process of washing dishes etc. 2 used dishes etc. For washing.
Wash-out n. Colloq. Complete failure, non-event.
Washroom n. Esp. Us public toilet.
Washstand n. Piece of furniture to hold a basin, jug, soap, etc.
Washy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 too watery or weak. 2 lacking vigour or intensity. ~ washily adv. Washiness n.
Wasn't contr. Was not.
Wasp n. (also wasp) us usu. Derog. Middle-class american white protestant. [white anglo-saxon protestant]
Wasp n. Stinging insect with black and yellow stripes. [old english]
Waspish adj. Irritable, snappish.
Wasp-waist n. Very slender waist.
Wassail archaic —n. Festive occasion; drinking-bout. —v. Make merry. [old norse ves heill be in health: related to +whole]
Wastage n. 1 amount wasted. 2 loss by use, wear, or leakage. 3 (also natural wastage) loss of employees other than by redundancy.
Waste —v. (-ting) 1 use to no purpose or with inadequate result or extravagantly. 2 fail to use (esp. An opportunity). 3 (often foll. By on) a give (advice etc.) Without effect. B (often in passive) fail to be appreciated or used properly (she was wasted on him; feel wasted in this job). 4 wear gradually away; make or become weak. 5 devastate. —adj. 1 superfluous; no longer needed. 2 not inhabited or cultivated. —n. 1 act of wasting. 2 waste material. 3 waste region. 4 being used up; diminution by wear. 5 = +waste pipe.
Waste disposal unit n. Device fitted to a sink etc. For disposing of household waste.
Wasteful adj. 1 extravagant. 2 causing or showing waste. ~ wastefully adv.
Wasteland n. 1 unproductive or useless area of land. 2 place or time considered spiritually or intellectually barren.
Waste paper n. Used or valueless paper.
Waste-paper basket n. Receptacle for waste paper.
Waste pipe n. Pipe to carry off waste material.
Waste product n. Useless by-product of manufacture or of an organism.
Waster n. 1 wasteful person. 2 colloq. Wastrel.
Wastrel n. Good-for-nothing person.
Watch —v. 1 keep the eyes fixed on. 2 keep under observation; follow observantly. 3 (often foll. By for) be in an alert state; be vigilant. 4 (foll. By over) look after; take care of. —n. 1 small portable timepiece for carrying on the wrist or in a pocket. 2 state of alert or constant observation or attention. 3 naut. A usu. Four-hour spell of duty. B (in full starboard or port watch) each of the halves into which a ship's crew is divided to take alternate watches. 4 hist. Watchman or watchmen. ~ on the watch for waiting for (an anticipated occurrence). Watch it (or oneself) colloq. Be careful. Watch out (often foll. By for) be on one's guard. ~ watcher n. (also in comb.). [old english: related to +wake1]
Watchdog n. 1 dog guarding property etc. 2 person or body monitoring others' rights etc.
Watchful adj. 1 accustomed to watching, alert. 2 on the watch. ~ watchfully adv. Watchfulness n.
Watching brief n. Brief of a barrister who follows a case for a client not directly concerned.
Watchmaker n. Person who makes and repairs watches and clocks.
Watchman n. Man employed to look after an empty building etc. At night.
Watch-night service n. Religious service held on the last night of the year.
Watch-tower n. Tower for keeping watch from.
Watchword n. Phrase summarizing a guiding principle.
Water —n. 1 colourless transparent liquid compound of oxygen and hydrogen. 2 liquid consisting chiefly of this and found in seas and rivers, in rain, and in secretions of organisms. 3 expanse of water; a sea, lake, river, etc. 4 (in pl.) Part of a sea or river. 5 (often as the waters) mineral water at a spa etc. 6 state of a tide. 7 solution of a specified substance in water (lavender-water). 8 transparency and brilliance of a gem. 9 (attrib.) A found in or near water. B of, for, or worked by water. C involving, using, or yielding water. 10 (usu. In pl.) Amniotic fluid, released during labour. —v. 1 sprinkle or soak with water. 2 supply (a plant) with water. 3 give water to (an animal). 4 secrete water. 5 (as watered adj.) (of silk etc.) Having irregular wavy glossy markings. 6 take in a supply of water. ~ by water using a ship etc. For transport. Like water in great quantity, profusely. Make one's mouth water cause one's saliva to flow, stimulate one's appetite or anticipation. Of the first water of the finest quality or extreme degree. Water down 1 dilute. 2 make less forceful or horrifying. Water under the bridge past events accepted as irrevocable. [old english]
Water-bearer var. Of +water-carrier.
Water-bed n. Mattress filled with water.
Water-biscuit n. Thin crisp unsweetened biscuit.
Water-buffalo n. Common domestic indian buffalo.
Water bus n. Boat carrying passengers on a regular run on a river, lake, etc.
Water-cannon n. Device using a jet of water to disperse a crowd etc.
Water-carrier n. (also water-bearer) (prec. By the) zodiacal sign or constellation aquarius.
Water chestnut n. Corm from a sedge, used in chinese cookery.
Water-clock n. Clock measuring time by the flow of water.
Water-closet n. Lavatory that can be flushed.
Water-color n. (brit. Water-colour) 1 artists' paint made of pigment to be diluted with water and not oil. 2 picture painted with this. 3 art of painting with water-colours. ~ water-colourist n.
Water-colour n. (us water-color) 1 artists' paint made of pigment to be diluted with water and not oil. 2 picture painted with this. 3 art of painting with water-colours. ~ water-colourist n.
Water-cooled adj. Cooled by the circulation of water.
Watercourse n. 1 brook or stream. 2 bed of this.
Watercress n. Pungent cress growing in running water and used in salad.
Water-diviner n. Dowser.
Waterfall n. Stream flowing over a precipice or down a steep hillside.
Waterfowl n. (usu. Collect. As pl.) Birds frequenting water.
Waterfront n. Part of a town adjoining a river etc.
Water-glass n. Solution of sodium or potassium silicate used esp. For preserving eggs.
Water-hammer n. Knocking noise in a water-pipe when a tap is suddenly turned off.
Water-hole n. Shallow depression in which water collects.
Water-ice n. Flavoured and frozen water and sugar etc.
Watering-can n. Portable container with a long spout, for watering plants.
Watering-hole n. 1 = +watering-place 1. 2 slang bar.
Watering-place n. 1 pool from which animals regularly drink. 2 spa or seaside resort.
Water jump n. Jump over water in a steeplechase etc.
Water-level n. 1 a surface of the water in a reservoir etc. B height of this. 2 level below which the ground is saturated with water. 3 level using water to determine the horizontal.
Water lily n. Aquatic plant with floating leaves and flowers.
Water-line n. Line along which the surface of water touches a ship's side.
Waterlogged adj. Saturated or filled with water.
Waterloo n. Decisive defeat or contest. [waterloo in belgium, where napoleon was defeated]
Water main n. Main pipe in a water-supply system.
Waterman n. 1 boatman plying for hire. 2 oarsman as regards skill in keeping the boat balanced.
Watermark —n. Faint design in some paper identifying the maker etc. —v. Mark with this.
Water-meadow n. Meadow periodically flooded by a stream.
Water melon n. Large dark-green melon with red pulp and watery juice.
Water-mill n. Mill worked by a water-wheel.
Water-pistol n. Toy pistol shooting a jet of water.
Water polo n. Game played by swimmers, with a ball like a football.
Water-power n. Mechanical force derived from the weight or motion of water.
Waterproof —adj. Impervious to water. —n. Waterproof garment or material. —v. Make waterproof.
Water-rat n. = +water-vole.
Water-rate n. Charge made for the use of the public water-supply.
Watershed n. 1 line of separation between waters flowing to different rivers, basins, etc. 2 turning-point in affairs. [from shed ridge]
Waterside n. Edge of a sea, lake, or river.
Water-ski —n. Each of a pair of skis for skimming the surface of the water when towed by a motor boat. —v. Travel on water-skis. ~ water-skier n.
Water-softener n. Apparatus for softening hard water.
Waterspout n. Gyrating column of water and spray between sea and cloud.
Water table n. = +water-level 2.
Watertight adj. 1 closely fastened or fitted so as to prevent the passage of water. 2 (of an argument etc.) Unassailable.
Water-tower n. Tower with an elevated tank to give pressure for distributing water.
Water-vole n. Aquatic vole.
Waterway n. Navigable channel.
Water-wheel n. Wheel driven by water to work machinery, or to raise water.
Water-wings n.pl. Inflated floats fixed on the arms of a person learning to swim.
Waterworks n. 1 establishment for managing a water-supply. 2 colloq. Shedding of tears. 3 colloq. Urinary system.
Watery adj. 1 containing too much water. 2 too thin in consistency. 3 of or consisting of water. 4 vapid, uninteresting. 5 (of colour) pale. 6 (of the sun, moon, or sky) rainy-looking. 7 (of eyes) moist; tearful.~ wateriness n.
Watt n. Si unit of power, equivalent to one joule per second, corresponding to the rate of energy in an electric circuit where the potential difference is one volt and the current one ampere. [watt, name of an engineer]
Wattage n. Amount of electrical power expressed in watts.
Watt-hour n. Energy used when one watt is applied for one hour.
Wattle1 n. 1 structure of interlaced rods and sticks used for fences etc. 2 australian acacia with pliant branches and golden flowers used as the national emblem. [old english]
Wattle2 n. Fleshy appendage on the head or throat of a turkey or other birds. [origin unknown]
Wattle and daub n. Network of rods and twigs plastered with clay or mud as a building material.
Wave —v. (-ving) 1 a (often foll. By to) move a hand etc. To and fro in greeting or as a signal. B move (a hand etc.) In this way. 2 a show a sinuous or sweeping motion as of a flag, tree, corn, etc. In the wind. B impart a waving motion to. 3 direct (a person) by waving (waved them away; waved them to follow). 4 express (a greeting etc.) By waving. 5 give an undulating form to (hair etc.). 6 (of hair etc.) Have such a form. —n. 1 ridge of water between two depressions. 2 long body of water curling into an arch and breaking on the shore. 3 thing compared to this, e.g. A body of persons in one of successive advancing groups. 4 gesture of waving. 5 a process of waving the hair. B undulating form produced by this. 6 temporary occurrence or increase of a condition or influence (wave of enthusiasm; heat wave). 7 physics a disturbance of the particles of esp. A fluid medium for the propagation or direction of motion, heat, light, sound, etc. B single curve in this motion. 8 undulating line or outline. ~ make waves colloq. Cause trouble. Wave aside dismiss as intrusive or irrelevant. Wave down wave to (a vehicle or driver) to stop. [old english]
Waveband n. Range of radio wavelengths between certain limits.
Wave-form n. Physics curve showing the shape of a wave at a given time.
Wavelength n. 1 distance between successive crests of a wave. 2 this as a distinctive feature of radio waves from a transmitter. 3 colloq. Particular mode or range of thought.
Wavelet n. Small wave.
Wave machine n. Device at a swimming-pool producing waves.
Waver v. 1 be or become unsteady; begin to give way. 2 be irresolute. 3 (of a light) flicker. [old norse: related to +wave]
Wavy adj. (-ier, -iest) having waves or alternate contrary curves. ~ waviness n.
Wax1 —n. 1 sticky plastic yellowish substance secreted by bees as the material of honeycomb. 2 this bleached and purified, used for candles, modelling, etc. 3 any similar substance, e.g. The yellow substance secreted by the ear. —v. 1 cover or treat with wax. 2 remove unwanted hair from (legs etc.) Using wax. ~ waxy adj. (-ier, -iest). [old english]
Wax2 v. 1 (of the moon) increase in apparent size. 2 become larger or stronger. 3 pass into a specified state or mood (wax lyrical). ~ wax and wane undergo alternate increases and decreases. [old english]
Waxen adj. 1 smooth or pale like wax. 2 archaic made of wax.
Waxwing n. Any of various birds with tips like red sealing-wax to some wing-feathers.
Waxwork n. 1 object, esp. A lifelike dummy, modelled in wax. 2 (in pl.) Exhibition of wax dummies.
Way —n. 1 road, track, path, etc., for passing along. 2 course or route for reaching a place (asked the way to london; the way out). 3 method or plan for attaining an object. 4 style, manner (i like the way you dress). 5 person's chosen or habitual course of action. 6 normal course of events (that is always the way). 7 travelling distance; length traversed or to be traversed. 8 unimpeded opportunity or space to advance (make way). 9 advance in some direction; impetus, progress (under way). 10 being engaged in movement from place to place; time spent in this (on the way home). 11 specified direction (step this way). 12 colloq. Scope or range. 13 line of occupation or business. 14 specified condition or state (things are in a bad way). 15 respect (is useful in some ways). 16 (in pl.) Part into which a thing is divided (split it three ways). 17 (in pl.) Structure of timber etc. Down which a new ship is launched. —adv. Colloq. Far (way off). ~ by the way incidentally. By way of 1 by means of. 2 as a form of. 3 passing through. Come one's way become available to one. Get out of the (or my etc.) Way stop obstructing a person. Go out of one's way make a special effort. In a way to some extent. In the (or one's) way forming an obstruction. Lead the way act as guide or leader. Look the other way ignore what one should notice. On the (or one's) way 1 in the course of a journey etc. 2 having progressed. 3 colloq. (of a child) conceived but not yet born. On the way out colloq. Going out of fashion or favour. Out of the way 1 no longer an obstacle. 2 disposed of. 3 unusual. 4 (of a place) remote. [old english]
Way back adv. Colloq. Long ago.
Waybill n. List of passengers or parcels on a vehicle.
Wayfarer n. Traveller, esp. On foot. ~ wayfaring n. & adj.
Waylay v. (past and past part. Waylaid) 1 lie in wait for. 2 stop to talk to or rob.
Way of life n. Principles or habits governing all one's actions etc.
Way-out adj. Colloq. Unusual; eccentric.
-ways suffix forming adjectives and adverbs of direction or manner (sideways).
Ways and means n.pl. 1 methods of achieving something. 2 methods of raising government revenue.
Wayside n. 1 side of a road. 2 land at the side of a road.
Wayward adj. Childishly self-willed; capricious. ~ waywardness n. [from +away, +-ward]
Wb abbr. Weber(s).
Wc abbr. 1 water-closet. 2 west central.
W/cdr. Abbr. Wing commander.
We pron. (obj. Us; poss. Our, ours) 1 pl. Of +i2. 2 used for or by a royal person in a proclamation etc. Or by an editor etc. In a formal context. [old english]
Wea abbr. Workers' educational association.
Weak adj. 1 deficient in strength, power, vigour, resolution, or number. 2 unconvincing. 3 gram. (of a verb) forming inflections by the addition of a suffix to the stem. ~ weakish adj. [old norse]
Weaken v. Make or become weak or weaker.
Weak-kneed adj. Colloq. Lacking resolution.
Weakling n. Feeble person or animal.
Weakly —adv. In a weak manner. —adj. (-ier, -iest) sickly, not robust.
Weak-minded adj. 1 mentally deficient. 2 lacking in resolution.
Weak moment n. Time when one is unusually compliant or susceptible.
Weakness n. 1 being weak. 2 weak point. 3 (foll. By for) self-indulgent liking (weakness for chocolate).
Weak point n. (also weak spot) 1 place where defences are assailable. 2 flaw in an argument or character or in resistance to temptation.
Weal1 —n. Ridge raised on the flesh by a stroke of a rod or whip. —v. Mark with a weal. [var. Of +wale]
Weal2 n. Literary welfare. [old english]
Wealth n. 1 riches. 2 being rich. 3 (foll. By of) abundance. [old english]
Wealthy adj. (-ier, -iest) having an abundance, esp. Of money.
Wean v. 1 accustom (an infant or other young mammal) to food other than (esp. Its mother's) milk. 2 (often foll. By from, away from) disengage (from a habit etc.) By enforced discontinuance. [old english, = accustom]
Weapon n. 1 thing designed, used, or usable for inflicting bodily harm. 2 means for gaining the advantage in a conflict. [old english]
Weaponry n. Weapons collectively.
Wear —v. (past wore; past part. Worn) 1 have on one's person as clothing or an ornament etc. 2 exhibit or present (a facial expression etc.) (wore a frown). 3 colloq. (usu. With neg.) Tolerate. 4 (often foll. By away, down) a injure the surface of, or partly obliterate or alter, by rubbing, stress, or use. B undergo such injury or change. 5 (foll. By off, away) rub or be rubbed off. 6 make (a hole etc.) By constant rubbing or dripping etc. 7 (often foll. By out) exhaust. 8 (foll. By down) overcome by persistence. 9 (foll. By well etc.) Endure continued use or life. 10 (of time) pass, esp. Tediously. 11 (of a ship) fly (a flag). —n. 1 wearing or being worn. 2 things worn; fashionable or suitable clothing (sportswear; footwear). 3 (in full wear and tear) damage from continuous use. ~ wear one's heart on one's sleeve show one's feelings openly. Wear off lose effectiveness or intensity. Wear out 1 use or be used until useless. 2 tire or be tired out. Wear thin (of patience, excuses, etc.) Begin to fail. Wear the trousers see +trousers. ~ wearer n. [old english]
Wearisome adj. Tedious; tiring by monotony or length.
Weary —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 very tired after exertion or endurance. 2 (foll. By of) no longer interested in, tired of. 3 tiring, tedious. —v. (-ies, -ied) make or grow weary. ~ wearily adv. Weariness n. [old english]
Weasel n. Small flesh-eating mammal related to the stoat and ferret. [old english]
Weasel word n. (usu. In pl.) Word that is intentionally ambiguous or misleading.
Weather —n. 1 state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, and rain etc. 2 (attrib.) Naut. Windward. —v. 1 expose to or affect by atmospheric changes; season (wood). 2 be discoloured or worn in this way. 3 a come safely through (a storm). B survive (a difficult period etc.). 4 get to the windward of (a cape etc.). ~ keep a weather eye open be watchful. Make heavy weather of colloq. Exaggerate the difficulty presented by. Under the weather colloq. Indisposed. [old english]
Weather-beaten adj. Affected by exposure to the weather.
Weatherboard n. 1 sloping board attached to the bottom of an outside door to keep out the rain etc. 2 each of a series of overlapping horizontal boards on a wall. ~ weatherboarding n. (in sense 2 of n.).
Weathercock n. 1 weather-vane in the form of a cock. 2 inconstant person.
Weather forecast n. Assessment of likely weather.
Weatherman n. Meteorologist, esp. One who broadcasts a weather forecast.
Weatherproof adj. Resistant to the effects of bad weather, esp. Rain.
Weather-vane n. 1 revolving pointer on a church spire etc. To show the direction of the wind. 2 inconstant person.
Weave1 —v. (-ving; past wove; past part. Woven or wove) 1 a form (fabric) by interlacing long threads in two directions. B form (thread) into fabric in this way. 2 make fabric in this way. 3 a (foll. By into) make (facts etc.) Into a story or connected whole. B make (a story) in this way. —n. Style of weaving. [old english]
Weave2 v. (-ving) move repeatedly from side to side; take an intricate course to avoid obstructions. ~ get weaving slang begin action; hurry. [old norse: related to +wave]
Weaver n. 1 person who weaves fabric. 2 (in full weaver-bird) tropical bird building elaborately woven nests.
Web n. 1 a woven fabric. B amount woven in one piece. 2 complex series (web of lies). 3 cobweb, gossamer, or a similar product of a spinning creature. 4 membrane between the toes of a swimming animal or bird. 5 large roll of paper used in printing. 6 thin flat connecting part in machinery etc. ~ webbed adj. [old english]
Webbing n. Strong narrow closely-woven fabric used for belts etc.
Weber n. The si unit of magnetic flux. [weber, name of a physicist]
Web-footed adj. Having the toes connected by webs.
Wed. Abbr. (also weds.) Wednesday.
Wed v. (-dd-; past and past part. Wedded or wed) 1 usu. Formal or literary marry. 2 unite. 3 (as wedded adj.) Of or in marriage (wedded bliss). 4 (as wedded adj.) (foll. By to) obstinately attached or devoted to (a pursuit etc.). [old english, = pledge]
We'd contr. 1 we had. 2 we should; we would.
Wedding n. Marriage ceremony. [old english: related to +wed]
Wedding breakfast n. Meal etc. Between a wedding and departure for the honeymoon.
Wedding cake n. Rich iced cake served at a wedding reception.
Wedding ring n. Ring worn by a married person.
Wedge —n. 1 piece of tapering wood or metal etc. Driven between two objects or parts to secure or separate them. 2 anything resembling a wedge. 3 golf club with a wedge-shaped head. —v. (-ging) 1 secure or fasten with a wedge. 2 force open or apart with a wedge. 3 (foll. By in, into) pack or thrust (a thing or oneself) tightly in or into. ~ thin end of the wedge colloq. Thing of little importance in itself, but likely to lead to more serious developments. [old english]
Wedgwood n. Propr. 1 a kind of fine stoneware usu. With a white cameo design. 2 its characteristic blue colour. [wedgwood, name of a potter]
Wedlock n. The married state. ~ born in (or out of) wedlock born of married (or unmarried) parents. [old english, = marriage vow]
Wednesday —n. Day of the week following tuesday. —adv. Colloq. 1 on wednesday. 2 (wednesdays) on wednesdays; each wednesday. [old english]
Weds. Abbr. Var. Of +wed.
Wee1 adj. (weer; weest) 1 esp. Scot. Little. 2 colloq. Tiny. [old english]
Wee2 n. Colloq. = +wee-wee.
Weed —n. 1 wild plant growing where it is not wanted. 2 thin weak-looking person or horse. 3 (prec. By the) slang a marijuana. B tobacco. —v. 1 a clear (an area) of weeds. B remove unwanted parts from. 2 (foll. By out) a sort out and remove (inferior or unwanted parts etc.). B rid of inferior parts, unwanted members, etc. 3 cut off or uproot weeds. [old english]
Weed-killer n. Chemical used to destroy weeds.
Weeds n.pl. (in full widow's weeds) archaic deep mourning worn by a widow. [old english, = garment]
Weedy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 weak, feeble. 2 having many weeds.
Week n. 1 period of seven days reckoned usu. From midnight on saturday. 2 any period of seven days. 3 the six days between sundays. 4 a the five days monday to friday. B time spent working in this period (35-hour week; three-day week). [old english]
Weekday n. Day other than sunday or saturday and sunday.
Weekend n. 1 sunday and saturday or part of saturday. 2 this period extended slightly esp. For a holiday or visit etc.
Weekender n. Person who spends the weekend away from home; weekend visitor.
Weekly —adj. Done, produced, or occurring once a week. —adv. Once a week. —n. (pl. -ies) weekly newspaper or periodical.
Weeny adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Tiny. [from +wee1]
Weep —v. (past and past part. Wept) 1 shed tears. 2 (often foll. By for) bewail, lament over. 3 a be covered with or send forth drops. B come or send forth in drops; exude liquid. 4 (as weeping adj.) (of a tree) having drooping branches. —n. Spell of weeping. [old english]
Weepie n. Colloq. Sentimental or emotional film, play, etc.
Weepy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Inclined to weep; tearful.
Weevil n. Destructive beetle feeding esp. On grain. [low german]
Wee-wee colloq. —n. 1 act of urinating. 2 urine. —v. (-wees, -weed) urinate. [origin unknown]
Weft n. 1 threads woven across a warp to make fabric. 2 yarn for these. 3 thing woven. [old english: related to +weave1]
Weigh v. 1 find the weight of. 2 balance in the hands to guess or as if to guess the weight of. 3 (often foll. By out) take a definite weight of (a substance); measure out (a specified weight) (weigh out the flour; weigh out 6 oz). 4 a estimate the relative value, importance, or desirability of. B (foll. By with, against) compare. 5 be equal to (a specified weight). 6 have (esp. A specified) importance; exert an influence. 7 (often foll. By on) be heavy or burdensome (to); be depressing (to). ~ weigh down 1 bring down by exerting weight. 2 be oppressive to. Weigh in (of a boxer before a contest, or a jockey after a race) be weighed. Weigh in with colloq. Advance (an argument etc.) Boldly. Weigh out (of a jockey) be weighed before a race. Weigh up colloq. Form an estimate of. Weigh one's words carefully choose the way one expresses something. [old english, = carry]
Weighbridge n. Weighing-machine for vehicles.
Weigh-in n. Weighing of a boxer before a fight.
Weight —n. 1 force experienced by a body as a result of the earth's gravitation. 2 heaviness of a body regarded as a property of it. 3 a quantitative expression of a body's weight. B scale of such weights (troy weight). 4 body of a known weight for use in weighing or weight training. 5 heavy body, esp. As used in a mechanism etc. 6 load or burden. 7 influence, importance. 8 athletics = +shot1 7. —v. 1 a attach a weight to. B hold down with a weight. 2 (foll. By with) impede or burden. ~ throw one's weight about (or around) colloq. Be unpleasantly self-assertive. Worth one's weight in gold very useful or helpful. [old english]
Weighting n. Extra allowance paid in special cases.
Weightless adj. (of a body, esp. In an orbiting spacecraft etc.) Not apparently acted on by gravity. ~ weightlessness n.
Weightlifting n. Sport of lifting heavy weights. ~ weightlifter n.
Weight training n. Physical training using weights.
Weighty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 heavy. 2 momentous. 3 (of utterances etc.) Deserving consideration. 4 influential, authoritative. ~ weightily adv. Weightiness n.
Weir n. Dam across a river to raise the level of water upstream or regulate its flow. [old english]
Weird adj. 1 uncanny, supernatural. 2 colloq. Queer, incomprehensible. ~ weirdly adv. Weirdness n. [old english wyrd destiny]
Weirdo n. (pl. -s) colloq. Odd or eccentric person.
Welch var. Of +welsh.
Welcome —n. Act of greeting or receiving gladly; kind or glad reception. —int. Expressing such a greeting. —v. (-ming) receive with a welcome. —adj. 1 that one receives with pleasure (welcome guest; welcome news). 2 (foll. By to, or to + infin.) Cordially allowed or invited (you are welcome to use my car). ~ make welcome receive hospitably. Outstay one's welcome stay too long as a visitor etc. You are welcome there is no need for thanks. [old english]
Weld —v. 1 a hammer or press (pieces of iron or other metal usu. Heated but not melted) into one piece. B join by fusion with an electric arc etc. C form by welding into some article. 2 fashion into an effectual or homogeneous whole. —n. Welded joint. ~ welder n. [alteration of +well2, probably influenced by the form welled]
Welfare n. 1 well-being, happiness; health and prosperity (of a person or community etc.). 2 (welfare) a welfare centre or office. B financial support given by the state. [from +well1, +fare]
Welfare state n. 1 system whereby the state undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens by means of grants, pensions, etc. 2 country practising this system.
Welfare work n. Organized effort for the welfare of the poor, disabled, etc.
Welkin n. Poet. Sky. [old english, = cloud]
Well1 —adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (works well). 2 with some distinction (plays the piano well). 3 in a kind way (treated me well). 4 thoroughly, carefully (polish it well). 5 with heartiness or approval (speak well of). 6 probably, reasonably (you may well be right). 7 to a considerable extent (is well over forty). —adj. (better, best) 1 (usu. Predic.) In good health. 2 (predic.) A in a satisfactory state or position. B advisable (it would be well to enquire). —int. Expressing surprise, resignation, etc., or used to introduce speech. ~ leave well alone avoid needless change or disturbance. Well and truly decisively, completely. Well away 1 having made considerable progress. 2 colloq. Fast asleep or drunk. Well done! Expressing praise for something done. Well worth certainly worth. [old english]
Well2 —n. 1 shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, etc. 2 enclosed space like a well-shaft, e.g. In the middle of a building for stairs or a lift, or for light or ventilation. 3 (foll. By of) source. 4 (in pl.) Spa. 5 = +ink-well. 6 archaic water-spring. 7 railed space in a lawcourt. —v. (foll. By out, up) spring as from a fountain. [old english]
We'll contr. We shall; we will.
Well-adjusted adj. 1 mentally and emotionally stable. 2 in a good state of adjustment.
Well-advised adj. (usu. Foll. By to + infin.) Prudent.
Well-appointed adj. Having all the necessary equipment.
Well-attended adj. Attended by a large number of people.
Well-balanced adj. Sane, sensible.
Well-behaved adj. Habitually behaving well.
Well-being n. State of being contented, healthy, etc.
Well-born adj. Of noble family.
Well-bred adj. Having or showing good breeding or manners.
Well-built adj. Big, strong, and well-proportioned.
Well-connected adj. Associated, esp. By birth, with persons of good social position.
Well-disposed adj. (often foll. By towards) friendly or sympathetic.
Well-dressed adj. Fashionably smart.
Well-earned adj. Fully deserved.
Well-founded adj. (of suspicions etc.) Based on good evidence.
Well-groomed adj. With carefully tended hair, clothes, etc.
Well-head n. Source.
Well-heeled adj. Colloq. Wealthy.
Wellies n.pl. Colloq. Wellingtons. [abbreviation]
Well-informed adj. Having much knowledge or information about a subject.
Wellington n. (in full wellington boot) waterproof boot usu. Reaching the knee. [duke of wellington]
Well-intentioned adj. Having or showing good intentions.
Well-judged adj. Opportunely, skilfully, or discreetly done.
Well-kept adj. Kept in good order or condition.
Well-known adj. Known to many.
Well-made adj. 1 strongly manufactured. 2 having a good build.
Well-mannered adj. Having good manners.
Well-meaning adj. (also well-meant) well-intentioned (but ineffective).
Wellnigh adv. Almost (wellnigh impossible).
Well off adj. (also well-off) 1 having plenty of money. 2 in a fortunate situation.
Well-oiled adj. Colloq. Very drunk.
Well-paid adj. 1 (of a job) that pays well. 2 (of a person) amply rewarded for a job.
Well-preserved adj. 1 in good condition. 2 (of an old person) showing little sign of age.
Well-read adj. Knowledgeable through much reading.
Well-received adj. Welcomed; favourably received.
Well-rounded adj. Complete and symmetrical.
Well-spoken adj. Articulate or refined in speech.
Well-spring n. = +well-head.
Well-to-do adj. Prosperous.
Well-tried adj. Often tested with good results.
Well-trodden adj. Much frequented.
Well-wisher n. Person who wishes one well.
Well-worn adj. 1 much worn by use. 2 (of a phrase etc.) Trite.
Welsh —adj. Of or relating to wales or its people or language. —n. 1 the celtic language of wales. 2 (prec. By the; treated as pl.) The people of wales. [old english, ultimately from latin volcae, name of a celtic people]
Welsh v. (also welch) 1 (of a loser of a bet, esp. A bookmaker) decamp without paying. 2 evade an obligation. 3 (foll. By on) a fail to carry out a promise to (a person). B fail to honour (an obligation). [origin unknown]
Welshman n. Man who is welsh by birth or descent.
Welsh rabbit n. (also, by folk etymology, welsh rarebit) dish of melted cheese etc. On toast.
Welshwoman n. Woman who is welsh by birth or descent.
Welt —n. 1 leather rim sewn round the edge of a shoe-upper for the sole to be attached to. 2 = +weal1. 3 ribbed or reinforced border of a garment. 4 heavy blow. —v. 1 provide with a welt. 2 raise weals on; thrash. [origin unknown]
Welter1 —v. 1 roll, wallow. 2 (foll. By in) lie prostrate or be soaked in. —n. 1 general confusion. 2 (foll. By of) disorderly mixture or contrast. [low german or dutch]
Welter2 n. Heavy rider or boxer. [origin unknown]
Welterweight n. 1 weight in certain sports intermediate between lightweight and middleweight, in the amateur boxing scale 63.5–67 kg. 2 sportsman of this weight.
Wen n. Benign tumour on the skin, esp. On the scalp. [old english]
Wench n. Joc. Girl or young woman. [abbreviation of wenchel, from old english, = child]
Wend v. ~ wend one's way make one's way. [old english, = turn]
Wendy house n. Children's small houselike tent or structure for playing in. [wendy, name of a character in barrie's peter pan]
Went past of +go1.
Wept past of +weep.
Were 2nd sing. Past, pl. Past, and past subjunctive of +be.
We're contr. We are.
Weren't contr. Were not.
Werewolf n. (pl. -wolves) mythical being who at times changes from a person to a wolf. [old english]
Wesleyan —adj. Of or relating to a protestant denomination founded by john wesley. —n. Member of this denomination.
West —n. 1 a point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinoxes. B compass point corresponding to this. C direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. The west) a european civilization. B states of western europe and n. America. C western part of a country, town, etc. —adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing the west. 2 from the west (west wind). —adv. 1 towards, at, or near the west. 2 (foll. By of) further west than. ~ go west slang be killed or destroyed etc. To the west (often followed by of) in a westerly direction. [old english]
Westbound adj. Travelling or leading westwards.
West country n. South-western england.
West end n. Main entertainment and shopping area of london.
Westering adj. (of the sun) nearing the west.
Westerly —adj. & adv. 1 in a western position or direction. 2 (of a wind) from the west. —n. (pl. -ies) such a wind.
Western —adj. Of or in the west. —n. Film or novel about cowboys in western north america. ~ westernmost adj.
Westerner n. Native or inhabitant of the west.
Westernize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) influence with, or convert to, the ideas and customs etc. Of the west.
West indian n. 1 native or national of the west indies. 2 person of west indian descent.
West-north-west n. Point or direction midway between west and north-west.
West side n. Us western part of manhattan.
West-south-west n. Point or direction midway between west and south-west.
Westward —adj. & adv. (also westwards) towards the west. —n. Westward direction or region.
Wet —adj. (wetter, wettest) 1 soaked or covered with water or other liquid. 2 (of the weather etc.) Rainy. 3 (of paint etc.) Not yet dried. 4 used with water (wet shampoo). 5 colloq. Feeble, inept. —v. (-tt-; past and past part. Wet or wetted) 1 make wet. 2 a urinate in or on (wet the bed).
Wet blanket n. Colloq. Gloomy person hindering others' enjoyment.
Wet dream n. Erotic dream with the involuntary ejaculation of semen.
Wether n. Castrated ram. [old english]
Wetland n. (often in pl.) Swamps and other damp areas of land.
Wet-nurse —n. Woman employed to suckle another's child. —v. 1 act as a wet-nurse to. 2 colloq. Treat as if helpless.
Wet suit n. Rubber garment worn by skin-divers etc. To keep warm.
We've contr. We have.
Wg. Cdr. Abbr. Wing commander.
Whack colloq. —v. 1 strike or beat forcefully. 2 (as whacked adj.) Tired out. —n. 1 sharp or resounding blow. 2 slang share. ~ have a whack at slang attempt. [imitative]
Whacking colloq. —adj. Very large. —adv. Very.
Whale —n. (pl. Same or -s) very large marine mammal with a streamlined body and horizontal tail. —v. (-ling) hunt whales. ~ a whale of a colloq. An exceedingly good or fine etc. [old english]
Whalebone n. Elastic horny substance in the upper jaw of some whales.
Whale-oil n. Oil from the blubber of whales.
Whaler n. Whaling ship or seaman.
Wham int. Colloq. Expressing forcible impact. [imitative]
Wharf —n. (pl. Wharves or -s) quayside area to which a ship may be moored to load and unload. —v. 1 moor (a ship) at a wharf. 2 store (goods) on a wharf. [old english]
Wharfage n. 1 accommodation at a wharf. 2 fee for this.
What —interrog. Adj. 1 asking for a choice from an indefinite number or for a statement of amount, number, or kind (what books have you read?). 2 colloq. = +which interrog.adj. (what book have you chosen?). —adj. (usu. In an exclamation) how great or remarkable (what luck!). —rel. Adj. The or any … that (will give you what help i can). —pron. (corresponding to the functions of the adj.) 1 what thing or things? (what is your name?; i don't know what you mean). 2 (asking for a remark to be repeated) = what did you say? 3 how much (what you must have suffered!). 4 (as rel. Pron.) That or those which; a or the or any thing which (what followed was worse; tell me what you think). —adv. To what extent (what does it matter?). ~ what about what is the news or your opinion of. What-d'you-call-it colloq. Substitute for a name not recalled. What ever what at all or in any way (what ever do you mean?) (see also +whatever). What for colloq. 1 for what reason? 2 severe reprimand (esp. Give a person what for). What have you (prec. By or or and) colloq. Anything else similar. What not (prec. By and) other similar things. What's-his (or -her or -its) -name colloq. Substitute for a name not recalled. What's what colloq. What is useful or important etc. What with colloq. Because of (usu. Several things). [old english]
Whatever adj. & pron. 1 = +what (in relative uses) with the emphasis on indefiniteness (lend me whatever you can; whatever money you have). 2 though anything (we are safe whatever happens). 3 (with neg. Or interrog.) At all; of any kind (there is no doubt whatever).
Whatnot n. Colloq. Indefinite or trivial thing.
Whatsoever adj. & pron. = +whatever.
Wheat n. 1 cereal plant bearing dense four-sided seed-spikes. 2 its grain, used in making flour etc. [old english]
Wheatear n. Small migratory bird. [related to +white, +arse]
Wheaten adj. Made of wheat.
Wheat germ n. Embryo of the wheat grain, extracted as a source of vitamins.
Wheatmeal n. Flour made from wheat with some of the bran and germ removed.
Wheedle v. (-ling) 1 coax by flattery or endearments. 2 (foll. By out) get (a thing) out of a person or cheat (a person) out of a thing by wheedling. [origin uncertain]
Wheel —n. 1 circular frame or disc which revolves on an axle and is used for vehicular or other mechanical motion. 2 wheel-like thing. 3 motion as of a wheel, esp. The movement of a line of soldiers with one end as a pivot. 4 (in pl.) Slang car. 5 = +steering-wheel. —v. 1 a turn on an axis or pivot. B swing round in line with one end as a pivot. 2 a (often foll. By about, round) change direction or face another way. B cause to do this. 3 push or pull (a wheeled thing, or its load or occupant). 4 go in circles or curves. ~ at the wheel 1 driving a vehicle. 2 directing a ship. 3 in control. On wheels (or oiled wheels) smoothly. Wheel and deal engage in political or commercial scheming. Wheels within wheels 1 intricate machinery. 2 colloq. Indirect or secret agencies. ~ wheeled adj. (also in comb.). [old english]
Wheelbarrow n. Small handcart with one wheel and two shafts.
Wheelbase n. Distance between the axles of a vehicle.
Wheelchair n. Chair on wheels for an invalid or disabled person.
Wheel-clamp n. = +clamp1 n. 2.
-wheeler comb. Form vehicle with a specified number of wheels (three-wheeler).
Wheeler-dealer n. Person who wheels and deals.
Wheel-house n. Steersman's shelter.
Wheelie n. Slang stunt of riding a bicycle or motor cycle with the front wheel off the ground.
Wheel-spin n. Rotation of a vehicle's wheels without traction.
Wheelwright n. Person who makes or repairs wheels.
Wheeze —v. (-zing) 1 breathe with an audible whistling sound. 2 utter with this sound. —n. 1 sound of wheezing. 2 colloq. Clever scheme. ~ wheezy adj. (-ier, -iest). Wheezily adv. Wheeziness n. [probably from old norse, = hiss]
Whelk n. Marine mollusc with a spiral shell. [old english]
Whelm v. Poet. 1 engulf. 2 crush with weight. [old english]
Whelp —n. 1 young dog; puppy. 2 archaic cub. 3 ill-mannered child or youth. —v. (also absol.) Give birth to (a whelp or whelps or (derog.) A child). [old english]
When —interrog. Adv. 1 at what time? 2 on what occasion? 3 how soon? —rel. Adv. (prec. By time etc.) At or on which (there are times when i could cry). —conj. 1 at the or any time that; as soon as (come when you like; come when ready). 2 although (why stand when you could sit?). 3 after which; and then; but just then (was nearly asleep when the bell rang). —pron. What time?; which time (till when can you stay?; since when it has improved). —n. Time, occasion (fixed the where and when). [old english]
Whence formal —interrog. Adv. From what place? —conj. 1 to the place from which (return whence you came). 2 (often prec. By place etc.) From which. 3 and thence (whence it follows that). [old english: related to +when]
Usage the use of from whence rather than simply whence (as in the place from whence they came), though common, is generally considered incorrect.
Whenever conj. & adv. 1 at whatever time; on whatever occasion. 2 every time that.
Whensoever conj. & adv. Formal = +whenever.
Where —interrog. Adv. 1 in or to what place or position? 2 in what respect? (where does it concern us?). —rel. Adv. (prec. By place etc.) In or to which (places where they meet). —conj. 1 in or to the or any place, direction, or respect in which (go where you like; tick where applicable). 2 and there (reached crewe, where the car broke down). —pron. What place? (where do you come from?). —n. Place; scene of something (see +when n.). [old english]
Whereabouts —interrog. Adv. Approximately where? —n. (as sing. Or pl.) Person's or thing's location.
Whereas conj. 1 in contrast or comparison with the fact that. 2 (esp. In legal preambles) taking into consideration the fact that.
Whereby conj. By what or which means.
Wherefore —adv. Archaic 1 for what reason? 2 for which reason. —n. See +why.
Wherein conj. Formal in what or which place or respect.
Whereof conj. Formal of what or which.
Whereupon conj. Immediately after which.
Wherever —adv. In or to whatever place. —conj. In every place that.
Wherewithal n. Colloq. Money etc. Needed for a purpose.
Wherry n. (pl. -ies) 1 light rowing-boat usu. For carrying passengers. 2 large light barge. [origin unknown]
Whet v. (-tt-) 1 sharpen (a tool). 2 stimulate (the appetite or a desire etc.). [old english]
Whether conj. Introducing the first or both of alternative possibilities (i doubt whether it matters; i do not know whether they have arrived or not). ~ whether or no whether it is so or not. [old english]
Whetstone n. Tapered stone used with water to sharpen tools.
Whew int. Expressing surprise, consternation, or relief. [imitative]
Whey n. Watery liquid left when milk forms curds. [old english]
Which —interrog. Adj. Asking for choice from a definite set of alternatives (which john do you mean?; say which book you prefer). —rel. Adj. Being the one just referred to; and this or these (ten years, during which time they admitted nothing). —interrog. Pron. 1 which person or persons? (which of you is responsible?). 2 which thing or things? (say which you prefer). —rel. Pron. (poss. Of which, whose) 1 which thing or things, usu. Introducing a clause not essential for identification (the house, which is empty, has been damaged). 2 used in place of that after in or that (there is the house in which i was born; that which you have just seen). [old english]
Whichever adj. & pron. Any which (take whichever you like).
Whiff n. 1 puff or breath of air, smoke, etc. 2 smell. 3 (foll. By of) trace of scandal etc. 4 small cigar. [imitative]
Whig n. Hist. Member of the british reforming and constitutional party succeeded in the 19th c. By the liberal party. ~ whiggery n. Whiggish adj. Whiggism n. [whiggamer, -more, nickname of 17th-c. Scots rebels]
While —n. Period of time (a long while ago; waited a while; all this while). —conj. 1 during the time that; for as long as; at the same time as (while i was away, the house was burgled; fell asleep while reading). 2 in spite of the fact that; whereas (while i want to believe it, i cannot). —v. (-ling) (foll. By away) pass (time etc.) In a leisurely or interesting way. —rel. Adv. (prec. By time etc.) During which (the summer while i was abroad). ~ between whiles in the intervals. For a while for some time. In a while soon. The while in the meantime. Worth while (or worth one's while) worth the time or effort spent. [old english]
Usage worth while (two words) is used only predicatively, as in thought it worth while to ring the police, whereas worthwhile is used both predicatively and attributively.
Whilst adv. & conj. While. [from +while]
Whim n. 1 sudden fancy; caprice. 2 capriciousness. [origin unknown]
Whimper —v. Make feeble, querulous, or frightened sounds. —n. Such a sound. [imitative]
Whimsical adj. Capricious, fantastic. ~ whimsicality n. Whimsically adv.
Whimsy n. (pl. -ies) = +whim. [origin uncertain]
Whin n. (in sing. Or pl.) Gorse. [scandinavian]
Whinchat n. Small songbird.
Whine —n. 1 complaining long-drawn wail as of a dog. 2 similar shrill prolonged sound. 3 querulous tone or complaint. —v. (-ning) emit or utter a whine; complain. [old english]
Whinge v. (-geing or -ging) colloq. Whine; grumble peevishly. [old english]
Whinny —n. (pl. -ies) gentle or joyful neigh. —v. (-ies, -ied) give a whinny. [imitative]
Whip —n. 1 lash attached to a stick for urging on animals or punishing etc. 2 a member of a political party in parliament appointed to control its discipline and tactics. B whips' written notice requesting or requiring attendance for voting at a division etc., variously underlined according to the degree of urgency (three-line whip). C (prec. By the) party discipline and instructions (asked for the labour whip). 3 dessert made with whipped cream etc. 4 = +whipper-in. —v. (-pp-) 1 beat or urge on with a whip. 2 beat (cream or eggs etc.) Into a froth. 3 take or move suddenly, unexpectedly, or rapidly (whipped out a knife; whipped behind the door). 4 slang steal. 5 slang a excel. B defeat. 6 bind with spirally wound twine. 7 sew with overcast stitches. ~ whip in bring (hounds) together. Whip on urge into action. Whip up excite or stir up. [low german or dutch]
Whipcord n. Tightly twisted cord.
Whip hand n. 1 hand that holds the whip (in riding etc.). 2 (usu. Prec. By the) advantage or control in a situation.
Whiplash n. Flexible end of a whip.
Whiplash injury n. Injury to the neck caused by a jerk of the head, esp. As in a motor accident.
Whipper-in n. (pl. Whippers-in) huntsman's assistant who manages the hounds.
Whippersnapper n. 1 small child. 2 insignificant but presumptuous person.
Whippet n. Crossbred dog of the greyhound type used for racing. [probably from obsolete whippet move briskly, from whip it]
Whipping boy n. Scapegoat.
Whipping-top n. Top kept spinning by blows of a lash.
Whippoorwill n. American nightjar. [imitative]
Whip-round n. Colloq. Informal collection of money among a group of people.
Whipstock n. Handle of a whip.
Whirl —v. 1 swing round and round; revolve rapidly. 2 (foll. By away) convey or go rapidly in a vehicle etc. 3 send or travel swiftly in an orbit or a curve. 4 (of the brain etc.) Seem to spin round. —n. 1 whirling movement. 2 state of intense activity (the social whirl). 3 state of confusion (in a whirl). ~ give it a whirl colloq. Attempt it. [old norse, and low german or dutch]
Whirligig n. 1 spinning or whirling toy. 2 merry-go-round. 3 revolving motion.
Whirlpool n. Powerful circular eddy of water.
Whirlwind n. 1 rapidly whirling mass or column of air. 2 (attrib.) Very rapid.
Whirr —n. Continuous rapid buzz or soft clicking sound. —v. (-rr-) make this sound. [scandinavian]
Whisk —v. 1 (foll. By away, off) a brush with a sweeping movement. B take suddenly. 2 whip (cream, eggs, etc.). 3 convey or go (esp. Out of sight) lightly or quickly. 4 wave or lightly brandish. —n. 1 whisking action or motion. 2 utensil for whisking eggs or cream etc. 3 bunch of grass, twigs, bristles, etc., for removing dust or flies. [scandinavian]
Whisker n. 1 (usu. In pl.) Hair growing on a man's face, esp. On the cheek. 2 each of the bristles on the face of a cat etc. 3 colloq. Small distance (within a whisker of). ~ whiskered adj. Whiskery adj. [from +whisk]
Whiskey n. (brit. Whisky) (pl. -eys) spirit distilled esp. From malted grain, esp. Barley or rye. [abbreviation of usquebaugh from gaelic, = water of life]
Whisky n. (ir. & us whiskey) (pl. -ies or -eys) spirit distilled esp. From malted grain, esp. Barley or rye. [abbreviation of usquebaugh from gaelic, = water of life]
Whisper —v. 1 a speak very softly without vibration of the vocal cords. B talk or say in a barely audible tone or in a secret or confidential way. 2 rustle or murmur. —n. 1 whispering speech or sound. 2 thing whispered. ~ it is whispered there is a rumour. [old english]
Whist n. Card-game usu. For two pairs of players. [earlier whisk, perhaps from +whisk (with ref. To whisking away the tricks): perhaps associated with whist! (= silence)]
Whist drive n. Social occasion with the playing of progressive whist.
Whistle —n. 1 clear shrill sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between nearly closed lips. 2 similar sound made by a bird, the wind, a missile, etc. 3 instrument used to produce such a sound. —v. (-ling) 1 emit a whistle. 2 a give a signal or express surprise or derision by whistling. B (often foll. By up) summon or give a signal to (a dog etc.) By whistling. 3 (also absol.) Produce (a tune) by whistling. 4 (foll. By for) vainly seek or desire. [old english]
Whistle-stop n. 1 us small unimportant town on a railway. 2 politician's brief pause for an electioneering speech on tour.
Whit —n. = +whitsuntide. —attrib. Adj. Of whitsuntide or whit sunday. [old english, = white]
Whit n. Particle; least possible amount (not a whit better). [apparently = +wight]
White —adj. 1 resembling a surface reflecting sunlight without absorbing any of the visible rays; of the colour of milk or snow. 2 nearly this colour; pale, esp. In the face. 3 (white) a of the human group having light-coloured skin. B of or relating to white people. 4 albino (white mouse). 5 (of hair) having lost its colour, esp. In old age. 6 (of coffee) with milk or cream. —n. 1 white colour or pigment. 2 a white clothes or material. B (in pl.) White garments as worn in cricket, tennis, etc. 3 a (in a game or sport) white piece, ball, etc. B player using these. 4 = +egg-white. 5 whitish part of the eyeball round the iris. 6 (white) member of a light-skinned race. ~ bleed white drain of wealth etc. ~ whiteness n. Whitish adj. [old english]
White ant n. Termite.
Whitebait n. (pl. Same) (usu. In pl.) Small silvery-white young of herrings and sprats, esp. As food.
White cell n. Leucocyte.
White-collar attrib. Adj. (of a worker or work) non-manual; clerical, professional.
White corpuscle n. = +white cell.
White elephant n. Useless possession.
White feather n. Symbol of cowardice.
White flag n. Symbol of surrender.
White friar n. Carmelite.
White goods n.pl. Large domestic electrical equipment.
Whitehead n. Colloq. White or white-topped skin-pustule.
White heat n. 1 temperature at which metal emits white light. 2 state of intense passion or activity. ~ white-hot adj.
White hope n. Person expected to achieve much.
White horses n.pl. White-crested waves at sea.
White lead n. Mixture of lead carbonate and hydrated lead oxide used as pigment.
White lie n. Harmless or trivial untruth.
White light n. Apparently colourless light, e.g. Ordinary daylight.
White magic n. Magic used for beneficent purposes.
White meat n. Poultry, veal, rabbit, and pork.
Whiten v. Make or become white. ~ whitener n.
White noise n. Noise containing many frequencies with equal intensities.
White-out n. Dense blizzard, esp. In polar regions.
White paper n. Government report giving information.
White pepper n. Pepper made by grinding a ripe or husked berry.
White russian n. = +byelorussian.
White sauce n. Sauce of flour, melted butter, and milk or cream.
White slave n. Woman tricked or forced into prostitution.
White spirit n. Light petroleum as a solvent.
White sugar n. Purified sugar.
White tie n. Man's white bow-tie as part of full evening dress.
Whitewash —n. 1 solution of quicklime or whiting for whitening walls etc. 2 means employed to conceal mistakes or faults. —v. 1 cover with whitewash. 2 attempt to clear the reputation of by concealing facts.
White wedding n. Wedding at which the bride wears a formal white wedding dress.
White whale n. Northern cetacean, white when adult.
Whitewood n. Pale wood, esp. Prepared for staining etc.
Whither archaic —adv. 1 to what place or state? 2 (prec. By place etc.) To which. —conj. 1 to the or any place to which (go whither you will). 2 and thither. [old english]
Whiting1 n. (pl. Same) small white-fleshed fish used as food. [dutch: related to +white]
Whiting2 n. Ground chalk used in whitewashing etc.
Whitlow n. Inflammation near a fingernail or toenail. [originally white +flaw1]
Whitsun —n. = +whitsuntide. —adj. = +whit. [whitsun day = whit sunday]
Whit sunday n. Seventh sunday after easter, commemorating pentecost.
Whitsuntide n. Weekend or week including whit sunday.
Whittle v. (-ling) 1 (often foll. By at) pare (wood etc.) With repeated slicing with a knife. 2 (often foll. By away, down) reduce by repeated subtractions. [dial. Thwittle]
Whiz (also whizz) —n. Sound made by a body moving through the air at great speed. —v. (-zz-) move with or make a whiz. [imitative]
Whiz-kid n. Colloq. Brilliant or highly successful young person.
Who abbr. World health organization.
Who pron. (obj. Whom or colloq. Who; poss. Whose) 1 a what or which person or persons? (who called?; you know who it was). B what sort of person or persons? (who am i to object?). 2 (a person) that (anyone who wishes can come; the woman whom you met; the man who you saw). 3 and or but he, they, etc. (gave it to tom, who sold it to jim). [old english]
Usage in the last two examples of sense 2 whom is correct, but who is common in less formal contexts.
Whoa int. Used to stop or slow a horse etc. [var. Of +ho]
Who'd contr. 1 who had. 2 who would.
Whodunit n. (also whodunnit) colloq. Detective story, play, or film. [= who done (illiterate for did) it?]
Whoever pron. (obj. Whoever or formal whomever; poss. Whosever) 1 the or any person or persons who (whoever comes is welcome). 2 though anyone (whoever else objects, i do not).
Whole —adj. 1 uninjured, unbroken, intact, or undiminished. 2 not less than; all there is of. 3 (of blood or milk etc.) With no part removed. —n. 1 thing complete in itself. 2 all there is of a thing. 3 (foll. By of) all members etc. Of (the whole of london knows it). ~ as a whole as a unity; not as separate parts. On the whole taking everything relevant into account. Whole lot see +lot. ~ wholeness n. [old english]
Wholefood n. Food which has not been unnecessarily processed or refined.
Wholegrain attrib. Adj. Made with or containing whole grains (wholegrain rice).
Wholehearted adj. 1 completely devoted. 2 done with all possible effort or sincerity. ~ wholeheartedly adv.
Wholemeal n. (usu. Attrib.) Meal or flour with none of the bran or germ removed.
Whole number n. Number without fractions; integer.
Wholesale —n. Selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others. —adj. & adv. 1 by wholesale. 2 on a large scale. —v. (-ling) sell wholesale. ~ wholesaler n. [by whole sale]
Wholesome adj. 1 promoting physical, mental, or moral health. 2 prudent (wholesome respect). [old english: related to +whole]
Wholewheat n. (usu. Attrib.) Wheat with none of the bran or germ removed.
Wholism var. Of +holism.
Wholly adv. 1 entirely; without limitation. 2 purely.
Whom objective case of +who.
Whomever objective case of +whoever.
Whomsoever objective case of +whosoever.
Whoop —n. 1 loud cry of or as of excitement etc. 2 long rasping indrawn breath in whooping cough. —v. Utter a whoop. ~ whoop it up colloq. 1 engage in revelry. 2 us make a stir. [imitative]
Whoopee int. Expressing exuberant joy. ~ make whoopee colloq. 1 have fun, make merry. 2 make love. [imitative]
Whooping cough n. Infectious bacterial disease, esp. Of children, with a series of short violent coughs followed by a whoop.
Whoops int. Colloq. Expressing surprise or apology, esp. On losing balance or making an obvious mistake. [var. Of +oops]
Whop v. (-pp-) slang 1 thrash. 2 defeat. [origin unknown]
Whopper n. Slang 1 something big of its kind. 2 great lie.
Whopping adj. Colloq. (esp. As an intensifier) huge (a whopping success; a whopping great lie).
Whore n. 1 prostitute. 2 derog. Promiscuous woman. [old english]
Whore-house n. Brothel.
Whorl n. 1 ring of leaves etc. Round a stem. 2 one turn of a spiral. [apparently var. Of +whirl]
Whortleberry n. (pl. -ies) bilberry. [origin unknown]
Whose —interrog. Pron. Of or belonging to which person (whose is this book?). —interrog. Adj. Of whom or which (whose book is this?) —rel. Pron. Of whom; of which (the man, whose name was tim; the house whose roof was damaged).
Whosoever pron. (obj. Whomsoever; poss. Whosesoever) archaic = +whoever.
Who's who n. 1 who or what each person is (know who's who). 2 list with facts about notable persons.
Why —adv. 1 for what reason or purpose (why did you do it?; i do not know why you came). 2 (prec. By reason etc.) For which (the reasons why i did it). —int. Expressing: 1 surprised discovery or recognition (why, it's you!). 2 impatience (why, of course i do!). 3 reflection (why, yes, i think so). 4 objection (why, what is wrong with it?). ~ whys and wherefores reasons; explanation. [old english: related to +what]
Wi abbr. 1 west indies. 2 women's institute.
Wick n. Strip or thread feeding a flame with fuel. ~ get on a person's wick colloq. Annoy a person. [old english]
Wicked adj. (-er, -est) 1 sinful, iniquitous, immoral. 2 spiteful. 3 playfully malicious. 4 colloq. Very bad. 5 slang excellent. ~ wickedly adv. Wickedness n. [origin uncertain]
Wicker n. Plaited osiers etc. As material for baskets etc. [scandinavian]
Wickerwork n. 1 wicker. 2 things made of wicker.
Wicket n. 1 cricket a three stumps with the bails in position defended by a batsman. B ground between two wickets. C state of this. D instance of a batsman being got out (bowler has taken four wickets). 2 (in full wicket-door or -gate) small door or gate, esp. Beside or in a larger one or closing the lower part only of a doorway. [anglo-french wiket = french guichet]
Wicket-keeper n. Fieldsman stationed close behind a batsman's wicket.
Widdershins adv. (also withershins) esp. Scot. 1 in a direction contrary to the sun's course (considered unlucky). 2 anticlockwise. [german, = contrary]
Wide —adj. 1 having sides far apart, broad, not narrow (wide river; wide sleeve; wide angle). 2 (following a measurement) in width (a metre wide). 3 a extending far (wide range; wide experience). B considerable (wide margin). 4 not restricted (a wide public). 5 a liberal; unprejudiced (takes wide views). B not specialized; general. 6 open to the full extent (wide eyes). 7 (foll. By of) not within a reasonable distance of, far from (wide shot; wide of the target). 8 (in comb.) Extending over the whole of (nationwide). —adv. 1 widely. 2 to the full extent. 3 far from the target etc. (shooting wide). —n. = +wide ball. ~ give a wide berth to see +berth. Wide of the mark see +mark1. Wide open (often foll. By to) exposed (to attack etc.). The wide world all the world, great as it is. [old english]
Wide awake adj. 1 fully awake. 2 colloq. Wary, knowing.
Wide ball n. Cricket ball judged to be beyond the batsman's reach, so scoring a run.
Wide-eyed adj. Surprised; naïve.
Widely adv. 1 to a wide extent; far apart. 2 extensively. 3 by many people (it is widely thought that). 4 considerably; to a large degree (holds a widely different view).
Widen v. Make or become wider.
Widespread adj. Widely distributed.
Widgeon n. (also wigeon) a kind of wild duck. [origin uncertain]
Widow —n. 1 woman who has lost her husband by death and not married again. 2 woman whose husband is often away on a specified activity (golf widow). —v. 1 make into a widow or widower. 2 (as widowed adj.) Bereft by the death of a spouse. ~ widowhood n. [old english]
Widower n. Man who has lost his wife by death and not married again.
Widow's peak n. V-shaped growth of hair towards the centre of the forehead.
Width n. 1 measurement from side to side. 2 large extent. 3 liberality of views etc. 4 strip of material of full width. ~ widthways adv. [from +wide]
Wield v. Hold and use; command, exert (a weapon, tool, power, etc.). [old english]
Wiener schnitzel n. Veal cutlet breaded, fried, and garnished. [german]
Wife n. (pl. Wives) 1 married woman, esp. In relation to her husband. 2 archaic woman. ~ wifely adj. [old english, = woman]
Wig n. Artificial head of hair. [abbreviation of +periwig]
Wigeon var. Of +widgeon.
Wigging n. Colloq. Reprimand. [origin uncertain]
Wiggle colloq. —v. (-ling) move from side to side etc. —n. Act of wiggling; kink in a line etc. ~ wiggly adj. (-ier, -iest). [low german or dutch wiggelen]
Wight n. Archaic person. [old english, = thing, creature]
Wigwam n. N. American indian's hut or tent. [ojibwa]
Wilco int. Colloq. Expressing compliance or agreement. [abbreviation of will comply]
Wild —adj. 1 in its original natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or civilized (wild cat; wild strawberry). 2 unrestrained, disorderly, uncontrolled (wild youth; wild hair). 3 tempestuous (wild night). 4 intensely eager, frantic (wild excitement; wild delight). 5 (foll. By about) colloq. Enthusiastically devoted to. 6 colloq. Infuriated. 7 haphazard, ill-aimed, rash (wild guess; wild venture). 8 colloq. Exciting, delightful. —adv. In a wild manner. —n. 1 wild tract of land. 2 desert. ~ in the wild in an uncultivated etc. State. In the wilds colloq. Far from towns etc. Run wild grow or stray unchecked or undisciplined. ~ wildly adv. Wildness n. [old english]
Wild card n. 1 card having any rank chosen by the player holding it. 2 computing character that will match any character or combination of characters. 3 person or thing that can be used in several different ways.
Wildcat —n. 1 hot-tempered or violent person. 2 exploratory oil well. —adj. (attrib.) 1 (of a strike) sudden and unofficial. 2 reckless; financially unsound.
Wildebeest n. (pl. Same or -s) = +gnu. [afrikaans: related to +wild, +beast]
Wilderness n. 1 desert; uncultivated region or garden area. 2 (foll. By of) confused assemblage. [old english: related to +wild, +deer]
Wildfire n. Hist. Combustible liquid used in war. ~ spread like wildfire spread with great speed.
Wildfowl n. (pl. Same) game-bird.
Wild-goose chase n. Foolish or hopeless quest.
Wild hyacinth n. = +bluebell.
Wildlife n. Wild animals collectively.
Wild west n. Western us before the establishment of law and order.
Wile —n. (usu. In pl.) Stratagem, trick. —v. (-ling) (foll. By away, into, etc.) Lure. [perhaps from scandinavian]
Wilful adj. (us willful) 1 intentional, deliberate (wilful murder; wilful neglect). 2 obstinate. ~ wilfully adv. [from +will2]
Will1 v.aux. (3rd sing. Present will; past would) 1 (strictly only in the 2nd and 3rd persons: see +shall) expressing a future statement, command, etc. (you will regret this; they will leave at once). 2 expressing the speaker's intention (i will return soon). 3 wish or desire (will you have a drink?; come when you will). 4 expressing a request as a question (will you please open the window?). 5 be able to (the jar will hold a kilo). 6 have a habit or tendency to (accidents will happen; will sit there for hours). 7 expressing probability or expectation (that will be my wife). [old english]
Will2 —n. 1 faculty by which a person decides what to do. 2 strong desire or intention (will to live). 3 determination, will-power (has a strong will). 4 legal written directions for the disposal of one's property after death. 5 disposition towards others (good will). 6 archaic what one desires or ordains. —v. 1 try to cause by will-power (willed her to win). 2 intend; desire. 3 bequeath by a will. ~ at will whenever one wishes. With a will energetically or resolutely. [old english]
Willful adj. (brit. Wilful) 1 intentional, deliberate (wilful murder; wilful neglect). 2 obstinate. ~ wilfully adv. [from +will2]
Willie var. Of +willy.
Willies n.pl. Colloq. Nervous discomfort (gives me the willies). [origin unknown]
Willing adj. 1 ready to consent or undertake. 2 given or done etc. By a willing person. ~ willingly adv. Willingness n.
Will-o'-the-wisp n. 1 phosphorescent light seen on marshy ground. 2 elusive person. [= william of the torch]
Willow n. Tree with pliant branches yielding osiers and timber for cricket-bats etc., usu. Growing near water. [old english]
Willow-herb n. Plant with leaves like a willow.
Willow-pattern n. Conventional chinese design of blue on white porcelain etc.
Willow-warbler n. Small woodland bird with a tuneful song.
Willowy adj. 1 lithe and slender. 2 having willows.
Will-power n. Control by deliberate purpose over impulse.
Willy n. (also willie) (pl. -ies) colloq. Penis. [diminutive of william]
Willy-nilly adv. Whether one likes it or not. [later spelling of will i, nill i i am willing, i am unwilling]
Wilt —v. 1 wither, droop. 2 lose energy, flag. —n. Plant-disease causing wilting. [originally dial.]
Wily adj. (-ier, -iest) crafty, cunning. ~ wiliness n.
Wimp n. Colloq. Feeble or ineffectual person. ~ wimpish adj. [origin uncertain]
Wimple n. Headdress also covering the neck and the sides of the face, worn by some nuns. [old english]
Win —v. (-nn-; past and past part. Won) 1 secure as a result of a fight, contest, bet, effort, etc. 2 be the victor; be victorious in. —n. Victory in a game etc. ~ win the day be victorious in battle, argument, etc. Win over persuade, gain the support of. Win one's spurs colloq. Gain distinction or fame. Win through (or out) overcome obstacles. You can't win colloq. There is no way to succeed or to please. ~ winnable adj. [old english, = toil]
Wince —n. Start or involuntary shrinking movement of the face, showing pain or distress. —v. (-cing) give a wince. [germanic: related to +wink]
Wincey n. (pl. -s) lightweight fabric of wool and cotton or linen. [apparently an alteration of woolsey in +linsey-woolsey]
Winceyette n. Lightweight flannelette.
Winch —n. 1 crank of a wheel or axle. 2 windlass. —v. Lift with a winch. [old english]
Wind1 —n. 1 air in natural motion, esp. A current of this. 2 a breath, esp. As needed in exercise or playing a wind instrument. B power of breathing easily. 3 empty talk. 4 gas generated in the bowels etc. 5 wind instruments of an orchestra etc. 6 scent carried by the wind. —v. 1 cause to be out of breath by exertion or a blow. 2 make (a baby) bring up wind after feeding. 3 detect the presence of by a scent.
Wind2 —v. (past and past part. Wound) 1 (often as winding adj.) Go in a spiral, curved, or crooked course. 2 make (one's way) thus. 3 wrap closely; coil. 4 a provide with a coiled thread etc. B surround with or as with a coil. 5 wind up (a clock etc.). —n. 1 bend or turn in a course. 2 single turn when winding. ~ wind down 1 lower by winding. 2 unwind. 3 draw gradually to a close. Wind off unwind. Wind up 1 coil the whole of. 2 tighten the coiling or coiled spring of (esp. A clock). 3 colloq. A increase the intensity of (feelings etc.), excite. B provoke (a person) to anger etc. 4 bring to a conclusion; end. 5 a arrange the affairs of and dissolve (a company). B cease business and go into liquidation. 6 colloq. Arrive finally. [old english]
Windbag n. Colloq. Person who talks a lot but says little of any value.
Wind-break n. Thing serving to break the force of the wind.
Windburn n. Inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to the wind.
Windcheater n. Wind-resistant jacket.
Wind-cone n. = +wind-sock.
Wind-down n. Colloq. Gradual lessening of excitement or activity.
Winder n. Winding mechanism, esp. Of a clock or watch.
Windfall n. 1 fruit, esp. An apple, blown to the ground by the wind. 2 unexpected good fortune, esp. A legacy.
Winding-sheet n. Sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial.
Wind instrument n. Musical instrument sounded by an air-current, esp. The breath.
Wind-jammer n. Merchant sailing-ship.
Windlass n. Machine with a horizontal axle for hauling or hoisting. [old norse, = winding-pole]
Windmill n. 1 mill worked by the wind acting on its sails. 2 toy consisting of a stick with curved vanes that revolve in a wind. ~ tilt at windmills attack an imaginary enemy.
Window n. 1 a opening in a wall etc., usu. With glass to admit light etc. B the glass itself. 2 space for display behind the window of a shop. 3 window-like opening. 4 opportunity to learn from observation. 5 transparent part in an envelope showing an address. 6 vdu display showing a particular part of the data. ~ windowless adj. [old norse, = wind-eye]
Window-box n. Box placed outside a window for growing flowers.
Window-dressing n. 1 art of arranging a display in a shop-window etc. 2 adroit presentation of facts etc. To give a deceptively favourable impression.
Window-pane n. Pane of glass in a window.
Window-seat n. 1 seat below a window, esp. In an alcove. 2 seat next to a window in an aircraft, train, etc.
Window-shop v. Look at goods displayed in shop-windows, without buying anything.
Window-sill n. Sill below a window.
Windpipe n. Air-passage from the throat to the lungs.
Windscreen n. Screen of glass at the front of a motor vehicle.
Windscreen wiper n. Blade moving in an arc to keep a windscreen clear of rain etc.
Windshield n. Us = +windscreen.
Wind-sock n. Canvas cylinder or cone on a mast to show the direction of the wind at an airfield etc.
Windsurfing n. Sport of riding on water on a sailboard. ~ windsurf v. Windsurfer n.
Windswept adj. Exposed to or swept back by the wind.
Wind-tunnel n. Tunnel-like device producing an air-stream past models of aircraft etc. For the study of aerodynamics.
Wind-up —n. 1 conclusion; finish. 2 colloq. Attempt to provoke. —attrib. Adj. (of a mechanism) operating by being wound up.
Windward —adj. & adv. On the side from which the wind is blowing. —n. Windward direction.
Windy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 stormy with or exposed to wind. 2 generating or characterized by flatulence. 3 colloq. Wordy. 4 colloq. Nervous, frightened. ~ windiness n. [old english: related to +wind1]
Wine —n. 1 fermented grape juice as an alcoholic drink. 2 fermented drink resembling this made from other fruits etc. 3 dark-red colour of red wine. —v. (-ning) (esp. In phr. Wine and dine) 1 drink wine. 2 entertain with wine. [old english]
Wine bar n. Bar or small restaurant where wine is the main drink available.
Winebibber n. Tippler.
Wine cellar n. 1 cellar for storing wine. 2 its contents.
Wineglass n. Glass for wine, usu. With a stem and foot.
Wine list n. List of wines available in a restaurant etc.
Winepress n. Press in which grapes are squeezed in making wine.
Wine vinegar n. Vinegar made from wine as distinct from malt etc.
Wine waiter n. Waiter responsible for serving wine.
Wing —n. 1 each of the limbs or organs by which a bird etc. Is able to fly. 2 winglike structure supporting an aircraft. 3 part of a building etc. Extended in a certain direction. 4 a forward player at either end of a line in football, hockey, etc. B side part of a playing-area. 5 (in pl.) Sides of a theatre stage. 6 polarized section of a political party in terms of its views. 7 flank of a battle array. 8 the part of a vehicle over a wheel. 9 air-force unit of several squadrons or groups. —v. 1 travel or traverse on wings. 2 wound in a wing or an arm. 3 equip with wings. 4 enable to fly; send in flight. ~ on the wing flying, in flight. Take under one's wing treat as a protégé. Take wing fly away. ~ winged adj. Winglike adj. [old norse]
Wing-case n. Horny cover of an insect's wing.
Wing-chair n. Chair with side-pieces at the top of a high back.
Wing-collar n. Man's high stiff collar with turned-down corners.
Wing commander n. Raf officer next below group captain.
Winger n. 1 (in football etc.) Wing player. 2 (in comb.) Member of a specified political wing.
Wing-nut n. Nut with projections for the fingers to turn it.
Wing-span n. (also wing-spread) measurement right across the wings.
Wink —v. 1 (often foll. By at) close and open one eye quickly, esp. As a signal. 2 close and open (one or both eyes) quickly. 3 (of a light etc.) Twinkle; (of an indicator) flash on and off. —n. 1 act of winking. 2 colloq. Short sleep. ~ in a wink very quickly. Wink at purposely avoid seeing; pretend not to notice. ~ winker n. (in sense 3 of v.). [old english]
Winkle —n. Small edible sea snail. —v. (-ling) (foll. By out) extract with difficulty. [abbreviation of +periwinkle2]
Winkle-picker n. Slang long pointed shoe.
Winner n. 1 person etc. That wins. 2 colloq. Successful or highly promising idea etc.
Winning —adj. 1 having or bringing victory. 2 attractive (winning smile). —n. (in pl.) Money won. ~ winningly adv.
Winning-post n. Post marking the end of a race.
Winnow v. 1 blow (grain) free of chaff etc. By an air-current. 2 (foll. By out, away, from, etc.) Get rid of (chaff etc.) From grain. 3 sift, examine (evidence etc.). [old english: related to +wind1]
Wino n. (pl. -s) slang alcoholic.
Winsome adj. Attractive, engaging. ~ winsomely adv. Winsomeness n. [old english, = joyous]
Winter —n. 1 coldest and last season of the year. 2 (attrib.) Characteristic of or fit for winter. —v. (usu. Foll. By at, in) pass the winter. [old english]
Winter garden n. Garden or conservatory of plants flourishing in winter.
Wintergreen n. A kind of plant remaining green all winter.
Winter jasmine n. Jasmine with yellow flowers in winter.
Winter solstice n. About 22 dec.
Winter sports n.pl. Sports performed on snow or ice.
Wintertime n. Season or period of winter.
Wintry adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 characteristic of winter. 2 lacking warmth; unfriendly. ~ wintriness n.
Winy adj. (-ier, -iest) wine-flavoured.
Wipe —v. (-ping) 1 clean or dry the surface of by rubbing. 2 rub (a cloth) over a surface. 3 spread (a liquid etc.) Over a surface by rubbing. 4 (often foll. By away, off, etc.) A clear or remove by wiping. B erase or eliminate completely. —n. 1 act of wiping. 2 piece of specially treated material for wiping (antiseptic wipes). ~ wipe down clean (a wall etc.) By wiping. Wipe the floor with colloq. Inflict a humiliating defeat on. Wipe off annul (a debt etc.). Wipe out 1 destroy, annihilate, obliterate. 2 clean the inside of. Wipe up 1 dry (dishes etc.). 2 take up (a liquid etc.) By wiping. [old english]
Wiper n. = +windscreen wiper.
Wire —n. 1 a metal drawn out into a thread or thin flexible rod. B piece of this. C (attrib.) Made of wire. 2 length of this for fencing or to carry an electric current etc. 3 colloq. Telegram. —v. (-ring) 1 provide, fasten, strengthen, etc., with wire. 2 (often foll. By up) install electrical circuits in (a building, equipment, etc.). 3 colloq. Telegraph. ~ get one's wires crossed become confused and misunderstood. [old english]
Wire-haired adj. (esp. Of a dog) with stiff or wiry hair.
Wireless n. Radio; radio receiving set.
Wire netting n. Netting of meshed wire.
Wire-tapping n. Tapping of telephone lines to eavesdrop.
Wire wool n. Mass of fine wire for scouring or rubbing down.
Wireworm n. Destructive larva of a kind of beetle.
Wiring n. System or installation of wires providing electrical circuits.
Wiry adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 sinewy, untiring. 2 like wire; tough, coarse. ~ wiriness n.
Wisdom n. 1 experience and knowledge together with the power of applying them. 2 prudence; common sense. 3 wise sayings. [old english: related to +wise1]
Wisdom tooth n. Hindmost molar usu. Cut at about 20 years of age.
Wise1 adj. 1 having, showing, or dictated by wisdom. 2 prudent, sensible. 3 having knowledge (often in comb.: streetwise; worldly-wise). 4 suggestive of wisdom. 5 us colloq. Alert, crafty. ~ be (or get) wise to colloq. Be (or become) aware of. None the wiser knowing no more than before. Put wise (often foll. By to) colloq. Inform (of). Wise up esp. Us colloq. Put or get wise. ~ wisely adv. [old english]
Wise2 n. Archaic way, manner, or degree. ~ in no wise not at all. [old english]
-wise suffix forming adjectives and adverbs of manner (clockwise; lengthwise) or respect (moneywise).
Usage more fanciful phrase-based combinations, such as employment-wise (= as regards employment) are restricted to informal contexts.
Wiseacre n. Person who affects a wise manner. [dutch wijsseggher soothsayer]
Wisecrack colloq. —n. Smart pithy remark. —v. Make a wisecrack.
Wise guy n. Colloq. Know-all.
Wise man n. Wizard, esp. One of the magi.
Wisent n. European bison. [german: cf. +bison]
Wish —v. 1 (often foll. By for) have or express a desire or aspiration for (wish for happiness). 2 have as a desire or aspiration (i wish i could sing). 3 want or demand (i wish to go; i wish you to do it). 4 express one's hopes for (wish you success). 5 (foll. By on, upon) colloq. Foist on. —n. 1 a desire, request. B expression of this. 2 thing desired. ~ best (or good) wishes hopes felt or expressed for another's happiness etc. [old english]
Wishbone n. Forked bone between the neck and breast of a fowl often broken between two people, the longer portion entitling the holder to make a wish.
Wishful adj. (often foll. By to + infin.) Desiring. ~ wishfully adv.
Wish-fulfilment n. Tendency for subconscious desire to be satisfied in fantasy.
Wishful thinking n. Belief founded on wishes rather than facts.
Wishing-well n. Well into which coins are dropped and a wish is made.
Wishy-washy adj. Colloq. 1 feeble in quality or character. 2 weak, watery. [from +wash]
Wisp n. 1 small bundle or twist of straw etc. 2 small separate quantity of smoke, hair, etc. 3 small thin person etc. ~ wispy adj. (-ier, -iest). [origin uncertain]
Wisteria n. (also wistaria) climbing plant with blue, purple, or white hanging flowers. [wistar, name of an anatomist]
Wistful adj. Yearning, mournfully expectant or wishful. ~ wistfully adv. Wistfulness n. [apparently an assimilation of obsolete wistly ‘intently’ to wishful]
Wit n. 1 (in sing. Or pl.) Intelligence; quick understanding. 2 a unexpected combining or contrasting of ideas or expressions. B power of giving pleasure by this. 3 person possessing such power. ~ at one's wit's (or wits') end utterly at a loss or in despair. Have (or keep) one's wits about one be alert. Live by one's wits live by ingenious or crafty expedients, without a settled occupation. Out of one's wits mad. To wit that is to say, namely. [old english]
Witch n. 1 sorceress, woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits. 2 old hag. 3 fascinating girl or woman. [old english]
Witchcraft n. 1 use of magic. 2 bewitching charm.
Witch-doctor n. Tribal magician of primitive people.
Witchery n. = +witchcraft.
Witches' sabbath n. Supposed midnight orgy of the devil and witches.
Witch-hazel n. (also wych-hazel) 1 american shrub with bark yielding an astringent lotion. 2 this lotion.
Witch-hunt n. Campaign against persons suspected of unpopular or unorthodox views, esp. Communists.
With prep. Expressing: 1 instrument or means used (cut with a knife). 2 a association or company (lives with his mother; works with shell). B parting of company (dispense with). 3 cause (shiver with fear). 4 possession (man with dark hair; filled with water). 5 circumstances (sleep with the window open). 6 manner (handle with care). 7 agreement (sympathize with). 8 disagreement, antagonism (incompatible with; quarrel with). 9 understanding (are you with me?). 10 reference or regard (be patient with them; how are things with you?). ~ away (or in or out etc.) With (as int.) Take, send, or put (a person or thing) away (or in or out etc.). With it colloq. 1 up to date. 2 alert and comprehending. With that thereupon. [old english]
Withdraw v. (past withdrew; past part. Withdrawn) 1 pull or take aside or back. 2 discontinue, cancel, retract. 3 remove; take away. 4 take (money) out of an account. 5 retire or move apart. 6 (as withdrawn adj.) Abnormally shy and unsociable; mentally detached. [from +with = away]
Withdrawal n. 1 withdrawing or being withdrawn. 2 process of ceasing to take an addictive drug etc., often with an unpleasant reaction (withdrawal symptoms). 3 = +coitus interruptus.
Withe n. (also withy) (pl. Withes or withies) tough flexible shoot, esp. Of willow, used for binding, basketwork, etc. [old english]
Wither v. 1 (often foll. By up) make or become dry and shrivelled. 2 (often foll. By away) deprive of or lose vigour or freshness. 3 (esp. As withering adj.) Blight with scorn etc. ~ witheringly adv. [apparently var. Of +weather]
Withers n.pl. Ridge between a horse's shoulder-blades. [obsolete wither against (the collar)]
Withershins var. Of +widdershins.
Withhold v. (past and past part. -held) 1 hold back; restrain. 2 refuse to give, grant, or allow. [from +with = away]
Within —adv. 1 inside. 2 indoors. 3 in spirit (pure within). —prep. 1 inside. 2 a not beyond or out of. B not transgressing or exceeding. 3 not further off than (within three miles; within ten days). ~ within one's grasp close enough to be obtained.
Without —prep. 1 not having or feeling or showing. 2 with freedom from. 3 in the absence of. 4 with neglect or avoidance of. 5 archaic outside. —adv. Archaic or literary 1 outside. 2 out of doors. [old english: related to +with, +out]
Withstand v. (past and past part. -stood) oppose, hold out against. [old english: related to +with, +stand]
Withy var. Of +withe.
Witless adj. Foolish, crazy. [old english: related to +wit]
Witness —n. 1 = +eyewitness. 2 a person giving sworn testimony. B person attesting another's signature to a document. 3 (foll. By to, of) person or thing whose existence etc. Attests or proves something. 4 testimony, evidence, confirmation. —v. 1 be an eye-witness of. 2 be witness to the authenticity of (a signature etc.). 3 serve as evidence or an indication of. 4 (foll. By against, for, to) give or serve as evidence. ~ bear witness to (or of) 1 attest the truth of. 2 state one's belief in. Call to witness appeal to for confirmation etc. [old english: related to +wit]
Witness-box n. (us witness-stand) enclosure in a lawcourt from which witnesses give evidence.
Witter v. (often foll. By on) colloq. Chatter annoyingly or on trivial matters. [origin unknown]
Witticism n. Witty remark. [from +witty]
Wittingly adv. Aware of what one is doing; intentionally. [from +wit]
Witty adj. (-ier, -iest) showing esp. Verbal wit. ~ wittily adv. Wittiness n. [old english: related to +wit]
Wives pl. Of +wife.
Wizard —n. 1 sorcerer; magician. 2 person of remarkable powers, genius. —adj. Slang wonderful. ~ wizardry n. [from +wise1]
Wizened adj. Shrivelled-looking. [old english]
Wnw abbr. West-north-west.
Wo abbr. Warrant-officer.
Woad n. 1 plant yielding a blue dye. 2 dye from this. [old english]
Wobble —v. (-ling) 1 sway from side to side. 2 stand or go unsteadily; stagger. 3 waver, vacillate. —n. State or instance of wobbling. [cf. Low german wabbeln]
Wobbly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 tending to wobble. 2 wavy (wobbly line). 3 weak after illness. 4 wavering, insecure (the economy was wobbly). ~ throw a wobbly slang have a tantrum or fit of nerves.
Wodge n. Colloq. Chunk, lump. [alteration of +wedge]
Woe n. 1 affliction; bitter grief. 2 (in pl.) Calamities. ~ woe betide see +betide. Woe is me alas. [old english]
Woebegone adj. Dismal-looking. [from +woe, begone = surrounded]
Woeful adj. 1 sorrowful. 2 causing or feeling affliction. 3 very bad. ~ woefully adv.
Wog n. Slang offens. Foreigner, esp. A non-white one. [origin unknown]
Woggle n. Leather etc. Ring through which the ends of a scout's neckerchief are passed at the neck. [origin unknown]
Wok n. Bowl-shaped frying-pan used in esp. Chinese cookery. [chinese]
Woke past of +wake1.
Woken past part. Of +wake1.
Wold n. High open uncultivated land or moor. [old english]
Wolf —n. (pl. Wolves) 1 wild animal related to the dog, usu. Hunting in packs. 2 slang man who seduces women. —v. (often foll. By down) devour greedily. ~ cry wolf raise false alarms. Keep the wolf from the door avert starvation. ~ wolfish adj. [old english]
Wolfhound n. Dog of a kind used orig. To hunt wolves.
Wolf in sheep's clothing n. Hostile person who pretends friendship.
Wolfram n. 1 tungsten. 2 tungsten ore. [german]
Wolfsbane n. Aconite.
Wolf-whistle n. Whistle made by a man to a sexually attractive woman.
Wolverine n. N. American animal of the weasel family. [related to +wolf]
Wolves pl. Of +wolf.
Woman n. (pl. Women) 1 adult human female. 2 the female sex. 3 colloq. Wife or girlfriend. 4 (prec. By the) feminine characteristics (brought out the woman in him). 5 (attrib.) Female (woman doctor). 6 (in comb.) Woman of a specified nationality, skill, etc. (englishwoman; horsewoman). 7 colloq. Charwoman. [old english]
Womanhood n. 1 female maturity. 2 womanly instinct. 3 womankind.
Womanish adj. Derog. Effeminate, unmanly.
Womanize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) chase after women; philander. ~ womanizer n.
Womankind n. (also womenkind) women in general.
Womanly adj. Having or showing qualities associated with women. ~ womanliness n.
Womb n. Organ of conception and gestation in a woman and other female mammals. [old english]
Wombat n. Burrowing plant-eating australian marsupial. [aboriginal]
Women pl. Of +woman.
Womenfolk n. 1 women in general. 2 the women in a family.
Womenkind var. Of +womankind.
Women's libber n. Colloq. Supporter of women's liberation.
Women's liberation n. (also women's lib) colloq. Movement urging the liberation of women from domestic duties and subservient status.
Women's rights n.pl. Position of legal and social equality with men.
Won past and past part. Of +win.
Wonder —n. 1 emotion, esp. Admiration, excited by what is unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. 2 strange or remarkable thing, specimen, event, etc. 3 (attrib.) Having marvellous or amazing properties etc. (wonder drug; wonder woman). —v. 1 be filled with wonder or great surprise. 2 (foll. By that) be surprised to find. 3 desire or be curious to know (i wonder what the time is). ~ i shouldn't wonder colloq. I think it likely. No (or small) wonder one cannot be surprised. Work (or do) wonders 1 do miracles. 2 be remarkably effective. [old english]
Wonderful adj. Very remarkable or admirable. ~ wonderfully adv. [old english]
Wonderland n. 1 fairyland. 2 land of surprises or marvels.
Wonderment n. Surprise, awe.
Wondrous poet. —adj. Wonderful. —adv. Wonderfully (wondrous kind).
Wonky adj. (-ier, -iest) slang 1 crooked, askew. 2 loose, unsteady. 3 unreliable. [fanciful]
Wont —predic. Adj. Archaic or literary (foll. By to + infin.) Accustomed. —n. Formal or joc. What is customary, one's habit. [old english]
Won't contr. Will not.
Wonted attrib. Adj. Habitual, usual.
Woo v. (woos, wooed) 1 court; seek the hand or love of. 2 try to win (fame, fortune, etc.). 3 seek the favour or support of. 4 coax or importune. ~ wooer n. [old english]
Wood n. 1 a hard fibrous substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub. B this for timber or fuel. 2 (in sing. Or pl.) Growing trees densely occupying a tract of land. 3 wooden cask for wine etc. 4 wooden-headed golf club. 5 = +bowl2 n. 1. ~ not see the wood for the trees fail to grasp the main issue from over-attention to details. Out of the wood (or woods) out of danger or difficulty. [old english]
Wood anemone n. A wild spring-flowering anemone.
Woodbine n. Honeysuckle.
Woodchuck n. N. American marmot. [american indian name]
Woodcock n. Game-bird related to the snipe.
Woodcraft n. 1 knowledge of woodland, esp. In camping etc. 2 skill in woodwork.
Woodcut n. 1 relief cut on wood. 2 print made from this.
Woodcutter n. Person who cuts timber.
Wooded adj. Having woods or many trees.
Wooden adj. 1 made of wood. 2 like wood. 3 a stiff, clumsy. B expressionless. ~ woodenly adv. Woodenness n.
Woodland n. (often attrib.) Wooded country, woods.
Woodlouse n. (pl. -lice) small land crustacean with many legs.
Woodman n. Forester.
Woodpecker n. Bird that taps tree-trunks in search of insects.
Woodpigeon n. Dove with white patches like a ring round its neck.
Woodpile n. Pile of wood, esp. For fuel.
Wood pulp n. Wood-fibre prepared for paper-making.
Woodruff n. White-flowered plant with fragrant leaves.
Woodshed n. Shed where wood for fuel is stored. ~ something nasty in the woodshed colloq. Shocking thing kept secret.
Woodwind n. 1 wind instruments that were (mostly) orig. Made of wood, e.g. The flute, clarinet, oboe, and saxophone. 2 one such instrument.
Woodwork n. 1 making of things in wood. 2 things made of wood. ~ crawl out of the woodwork colloq. (of something distasteful) appear.
Woodworm n. 1 wood-boring larva of a kind of beetle. 2 condition of wood affected by this.
Woody adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 wooded. 2 like or of wood. ~ woodiness n.
Woodyard n. Yard where wood is used or stored.
Woody nightshade n. A kind of nightshade with poisonous red berries.
Woof1 —n. Gruff bark of a dog. —v. Give a woof. [imitative]
Woof2 n. = +weft 1. [old english: related to +web]
Woofer n. Loudspeaker for low frequencies. [from +woof1]
Wool n. 1 fine soft wavy hair from the fleece of sheep etc. 2 woollen yarn or cloth or clothing. 3 wool-like substance (steel wool). ~ pull the wool over a person's eyes deceive a person. [old english]
Woolen (brit. Woollen) —adj. Made wholly or partly of wool. —n. 1 woollen fabric. 2 (in pl.) Woollen garments. [old english]
Wool-gathering n. Absent-mindedness.
Woollen (us woolen) —adj. Made wholly or partly of wool. —n. 1 woollen fabric. 2 (in pl.) Woollen garments. [old english]
Woolly —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 bearing wool. 2 like wool. 3 woollen (a woolly cardigan). 4 (of a sound) indistinct. 5 (of thought) vague or confused. —n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Woollen garment, esp. A pullover. ~ woolliness n.
Woolsack n. 1 lord chancellor's wool-stuffed seat in the house of lords. 2 his position.
Woozy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 dizzy or unsteady. 2 slightly drunk. ~ woozily adv. Wooziness n. [origin unknown]
Wop n. Slang offens. Italian or other s. European. [origin uncertain]
Worcester sauce n. A pungent sauce. [worcester in england]
Word —n. 1 meaningful element of speech, usu. Shown with a space on either side of it when written or printed. 2 speech, esp. As distinct from action. 3 one's promise or assurance. 4 (in sing. Or pl.) Thing said, remark, conversation. 5 (in pl.) Text of a song or an actor's part. 6 (in pl.) Angry talk (have words). 7 news, message (send word). 8 command (gave the word to begin). —v. Put into words; select words to express. ~ in other words expressing the same thing differently. In so many words in those very words; explicitly. In a (or one) word briefly. My (or upon my) word exclamation of surprise etc. Take a person at his or her word interpret a person's words literally. Take a person's word for it believe a person's statement without investigation etc. The word (or word of god) the bible. Word for word in exactly the same or (of translation) corresponding words. ~ wordless adj. [old english]
Word-blindness n. = +dyslexia.
Word-game n. Game involving the making or selection etc. Of words.
Wording n. Form of words used.
Word of mouth n. Speech (only).
Word-perfect adj. Knowing one's part etc. By heart.
Wordplay n. Witty use of words, esp. Punning.
Word processor n. Computer program, or device incorporating a computer, used for storing text entered from a keyboard, making corrections, and providing a printout. ~ word-process v. Word processing n.
Wordy adj. (-ier, -iest) using or expressed in too many words. ~ wordily adv. Wordiness n.
Wore past of +wear.
Work —n. 1 application of mental or physical effort to a purpose; use of energy. 2 task to be undertaken. 3 thing done or made by work; result of an action. 4 employment or occupation etc., esp. As a means of earning income. 5 literary or musical composition. 6 actions or experiences of a specified kind (nice work!). 7 (in comb.) Things made of a specified material or with specified tools etc. (ironwork; needlework).
Workable adj. That can be worked, will work, or is worth working. ~ workability n.
Workaday adj. Ordinary, everyday, practical.
Workaholic n. Colloq. Person addicted to working.
Work-basket n. Basket for sewing materials.
Workbench n. Bench for manual work, esp. Carpentry.
Workbook n. Student's book with exercises.
Workbox n. Box for tools, needlework, etc.
Work camp n. Camp at which community work is done, esp. By young volunteers.
Workday n. Day on which work is usually done.
Worker n. 1 person who works, esp. For an employer. 2 neuter bee or ant. 3 person who works hard.
Work experience n. Scheme intended to give young people temporary experience of employment.
Workforce n. 1 workers engaged or available. 2 number of these.
Workhouse n. Hist. Public institution for the poor of a parish.
Working —attrib. Adj. 1 a engaged in work (working mother; working man). B while so engaged (all his working life; in working hours). 2 functioning or able to function (working model). —n. 1 activity of work. 2 functioning. 3 mine or quarry. 4 (usu. In pl.) Machinery, mechanism.
Working capital n. Capital actually used in a business.
Working class n. Social class employed, esp. In manual or industrial work, for wages. ~ working-class adj.
Working day n. 1 workday. 2 part of the day devoted to work.
Working hypothesis n. Hypothesis as a basis for action.
Working knowledge n. Knowledge adequate to work with.
Working lunch n. Lunch at which business is conducted.
Working order n. Condition in which a machine works.
Working party n. Group of people appointed to study and advise on a particular problem.
Workload n. Amount of work to be done.
Workman n. 1 man employed to do manual labour. 2 person with regard to skill in a job (a good workman).
Workmanlike adj. Competent, showing practised skill.
Workmanship n. Degree of skill in doing a task or of finish in the product made.
Workmate n. Person working alongside another.
Work of art n. Fine picture, poem, building, etc.
Workout n. Session of physical exercise or training.
Workpiece n. Thing worked on with a tool or machine.
Workplace n. Place at which a person works.
Workroom n. Room for working in.
Worksheet n. 1 paper for recording work done or in progress. 2 paper listing questions or activities for students etc. To work through.
Workshop n. 1 room or building in which goods are manufactured. 2 place or meeting for concerted discussion or activity (dance workshop).
Work-shy adj. Disinclined to work.
Workstation n. 1 location of a stage in a manufacturing process. 2 computer terminal or the desk etc. Where this is located.
Work study n. Assessment of methods of working so as to achieve maximum productivity.
Work table n. Table for working at.
Worktop n. Flat surface for working on, esp. In a kitchen.
Work-to-rule n. Working to rule.
World n. 1 a the earth, or a planetary body like it. B its countries and people. 2 the universe, all that exists. 3 a the time, state, or scene of human existence. B (prec. By the, this) mortal life. 4 secular interests and affairs. 5 human affairs; active life. 6 average, respectable, or fashionable people or their customs or opinions. 7 all that concerns or all who belong to a specified class or sphere of activity (the world of sport). 8 (foll. By of) vast amount. 9 (attrib.) Affecting many nations, of all nations (world politics; world champion). ~ bring (or come) into the world give birth (or be born). For all the world (foll. By like, as if) precisely. In the world of all; at all (what in the world is it?). Man (or woman) of the world person experienced and practical in human affairs. Out of this world colloq. Extremely good etc. Think the world of have a very high regard for. [old english]
World-beater n. Person or thing surpassing all others.
World-class adj. Of a quality or standard regarded as high throughout the world.
World cup n. Competition between football teams from various countries.
World-famous adj. Known throughout the world.
Worldly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of the affairs of the world, temporal, earthly (worldly goods). 2 experienced in life, sophisticated, practical. ~ worldliness n.
Worldly-wise adj. Prudent or shrewd in one's dealings with the world.
World music n. Pop music that incorporates local or ethnic elements (esp. From the developing world).
World war n. War involving many major nations.
World-weary adj. Bored with human affairs. ~ world-weariness n.
Worldwide —adj. Occurring in or known in all parts of the world. —adv. Throughout the world.
Worm —n. 1 any of various types of creeping invertebrate animals with long slender bodies and no limbs. 2 larva of an insect, esp. In fruit or wood. 3 (in pl.) Intestinal parasites. 4 insignificant or contemptible person. 5 spiral part of a screw. —v. 1 (often refl.) Move with a crawling motion. 2 refl. (foll. By into) insinuate oneself into favour etc. 3 (foll. By out) obtain (a secret etc.) By cunning persistence. 4 rid (a dog etc.) Of worms. [old english]
Worm-cast n. Convoluted mass of earth left on the surface by a burrowing earthworm.
Wormeaten adj. 1 eaten into by worms; decayed. 2 old and dilapidated.
Worm-hole n. Hole left by the passage of a worm.
Worm's-eye view n. View from below or from a humble position.
Wormwood n. 1 plant with a bitter aromatic taste. 2 bitter mortification; source of this. [old english: cf. +vermouth]
Wormy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of worms. 2 wormeaten. ~ worminess n.
Worn past part. Of +wear. —adj. 1 damaged by use or wear. 2 looking tired and exhausted.
Worrisome adj. Causing worry.
Worry —v. (-ies, -ied) 1 give way to anxiety. 2 harass, importune; be a trouble or anxiety to. 3 (of a dog etc.) Shake or pull about with the teeth. 4 (as worried adj.) Uneasy. —n. (pl. -ies) 1 thing that causes anxiety or disturbs tranquility. 2 disturbed state of mind; anxiety. ~ worrier n. [old english, = strangle]
Worry beads n.pl. String of beads manipulated with the fingers to occupy or calm oneself.
Worse —adj. 1 more bad. 2 (predic.) In or into worse health or a worse condition (is getting worse). —adv. More badly; more ill. —n. 1 worse thing or things (you might do worse than accept). 2 (prec. By the) worse condition (a change for the worse). ~ none the worse (often foll. By for) not adversely affected (by). The worse for wear 1 damaged by use. 2 injured. Worse luck unfortunately. Worse off in a worse (esp. Financial) position. [old english]
Worsen v. Make or become worse.
Worship —n. 1 a homage or service to a deity. B acts, rites, or ceremonies of this. 2 adoration, devotion. 3 (worship) (prec. By his, her, your) forms of description or address for a mayor, certain magistrates, etc. —v. (-pp-; us -p-) 1 adore as divine; honour with religious rites. 2 idolize or regard with adoration. 3 attend public worship. 4 be full of adoration. ~ worshipper n. [old english: related to +worth, +-ship]
Worshipful adj. (also worshipful) archaic (esp. In old titles of companies or officers) honourable, distinguished.
Worst —adj. Most bad. —adv. Most badly. —n. Worst part or possibility (prepare for the worst). —v. Get the better of; defeat. ~ at its etc. Worst in the worst state. At worst (or the worst) in the worst possible case. Do your worst expression of defiance. Get the worst of it be defeated. If the worst comes to the worst if the worst happens. [old english: related to +worse]
Worsted n. 1 fine woollen yarn. 2 fabric made from this. [worste(a)d in norfolk]
Wort n. 1 archaic (except in names) plant (liverwort). 2 infusion of malt before it is fermented into beer. [old english]
Worth —predic. Adj. (used like a preposition) 1 of a value equivalent to (is worth £50; is worth very little). 2 such as to justify or repay (worth doing; not worth the trouble). 3 possessing or having property amounting to (is worth a million pounds). —n. 1 what a person or thing is worth; the (usu. High) merit of (of great worth). 2 equivalent of money in a commodity (ten pounds' worth of petrol). ~ for all one is worth colloq. With one's utmost efforts. For what it is worth without a guarantee of its truth or value. Worth it colloq. Worth while. Worth one's salt see +salt. Worth one's weight in gold see +weight. Worth while (or one's while) see +while. [old english]
Worthless adj. Without value or merit. ~ worthlessness n.
Worthwhile adj. That is worth the time, effort, or money spent.
Usage see note at while.
Worthy —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 deserving respect, estimable (lived a worthy life). 2 entitled to (esp. Condescending) recognition (a worthy old couple). 3 a (foll. By of or to + infin.) Deserving (worthy of a mention). B (foll. By of) adequate or suitable to the dignity etc. Of (words worthy of the occasion). —n. (pl. -ies) 1 worthy person. 2 person of some distinction. ~ worthily adv. Worthiness n.
-worthy comb. Form forming adjectives meaning: 1 deserving of (noteworthy). 2 suitable for (roadworthy).
Would v.aux. (3rd sing. Would) past of +will1, used esp.: 1 in reported speech (he said he would be home by evening). 2 to express a condition (they would have been killed if they had gone). 3 to express habitual action (would wait every evening). 4 to express a question or polite request (would they like it?; would you come in, please?). 5 to express probability (she would be over fifty by now). 6 to express consent (they would not help).
Would-be attrib. Adj. Desiring or aspiring to be.
Wouldn't contr. Would not.
Wound1 —n. 1 injury done to living tissue by a deep cut or heavy blow etc. 2 pain inflicted on one's feelings; injury to one's reputation. —v. Inflict a wound on. [old english]
Wound2 past and past part. Of +wind2.
Wound up adj. Excited; tense; angry.
Wove past of +weave1.
Woven past part. Of +weave1.
Wow1 —int. Expressing astonishment or admiration. —n. Slang sensational success. —v. Slang impress greatly. [imitative]
Wow2 n. Slow pitch-fluctuation in sound-reproduction, perceptible in long notes. [imitative]
Wp abbr. Word processor.
Wpc abbr. Woman police constable.
W.p.m. Abbr. Words per minute.
Wrac abbr. Women's royal army corps.
Wrack n. 1 seaweed cast up or growing on the shore. 2 destruction. [low german or dutch wrak: cf. +wreck]
Wraf abbr. Women's royal air force.
Wraith n. 1 ghost. 2 spectral appearance of a living person supposed to portend that person's death. [origin unknown]
Wrangle —n. Noisy argument or dispute. —v. (-ling) engage in a wrangle. [low german or dutch]
Wrap —v. (-pp-) 1 (often foll. By up) envelop in folded or soft encircling material. 2 (foll. By round, about) arrange or draw (a pliant covering) round (a person). 3 (foll. By round) slang crash (a vehicle) into (a stationary object). —n. 1 shawl, scarf, etc. 2 esp. Us wrapping material. ~ take the wraps off disclose. Under wraps in secrecy. Wrapped up in engrossed or absorbed in. Wrap up 1 colloq. Finish off (a matter). 2 put on warm clothes (wrap up well). 3 (in imper.) Slang be quiet. [origin unknown]
Wraparound adj. (also wrapround) 1 (esp. Of clothing) designed to wrap round. 2 curving or extending round at the edges.
Wrap-over —attrib. Adj. (of a garment) overlapping when worn. —n. Such a garment.
Wrapper n. 1 cover for a sweet, book, posted newspaper, etc. 2 loose enveloping robe or gown.
Wrapping n. (esp. In pl.) Material used to wrap; wraps, wrappers.
Wrapping paper n. Strong or decorative paper for wrapping parcels.
Wrapround var. Of +wraparound.
Wrasse n. Bright-coloured marine fish. [cornish wrach]
Wrath n. Literary extreme anger. [old english: related to +wroth]
Wrathful adj. Literary extremely angry. ~ wrathfully adv.
Wreak v. 1 (usu. Foll. By upon) give play to (vengeance or one's anger etc.). 2 cause (damage etc.) (wreak havoc). [old english, = avenge]
Wreath n. (pl. -s) 1 flowers or leaves fastened in a ring, esp. As an ornament for the head or for laying on a grave etc. 2 curl or ring of smoke, cloud, or soft fabric. [old english: related to +writhe]
Wreathe v. (-thing) 1 encircle or cover as, with, or like a wreath. 2 (foll. By round) wind (one's arms etc.) Round (a person etc.). 3 (of smoke etc.) Move in wreaths.
Wreck —n. 1 the sinking or running aground of a ship. 2 ship that has suffered a wreck. 3 greatly damaged building, thing, or person. 4 (foll. By of) wretched remnant. —v. 1 a seriously damage (a vehicle etc.). B ruin (hopes, a life, etc.). 2 cause the wreck of (a ship). [anglo-french wrec from germanic]
Wreckage n. 1 wrecked material. 2 remnants of a wreck. 3 act of wrecking.
Wrecker n. 1 person or thing that wrecks or destroys. 2 esp. Us person employed in demolition or breaking up damaged vehicles. 3 esp. Hist. Person on the shore who tries to bring about a shipwreck for plunder or profit.
Wren n. Member of the women's royal naval service. [from the abbreviation wrns]
Wren n. Small usu. Brown short-winged songbird with an erect tail. [old english]
Wrench —n. 1 violent twist or oblique pull or tearing off. 2 tool like a spanner for gripping and turning nuts etc. 3 painful uprooting or parting. —v. 1 twist or pull violently round or sideways. 2 (often foll. By off, away, etc.) Pull off with a wrench. [old english]
Wrest v. 1 wrench away from a person's grasp. 2 (foll. By from) obtain by effort or with difficulty. [old english]
Wrestle —n. 1 contest in which two opponents grapple and try to throw each other to the ground, esp. As an athletic sport. 2 hard struggle. —v. (-ling) 1 (often foll. By with) take part or fight in a wrestle. 2 a (foll. By with, against) struggle. B (foll. By with) do one's utmost to deal with (a task, difficulty, etc.). ~ wrestler n. Wrestling n. [old english]
Wretch n. 1 unfortunate or pitiable person. 2 (often as a playful term of depreciation) reprehensible person. [old english, = outcast]
Wretched adj. (wretcheder, wretchedest) 1 unhappy, miserable; unwell. 2 of bad quality; contemptible. 3 displeasing, hateful. ~ wretchedly adv. Wretchedness n.
Wrick var. Of +rick2.
Wriggle —v. (-ling) 1 (of a worm etc.) Twist or turn its body with short writhing movements. 2 make wriggling motions. 3 (foll. By along, through, etc.) Go thus (wriggled through the gap). 4 be evasive. —n. Act of wriggling. ~ wriggle out of colloq. Avoid on a pretext. ~ wriggly adj. [low german wriggelen]
Wright n. Maker or builder (usu. In comb.: playwright; shipwright). [old english: related to +work]
Wring —v. (past and past part. Wrung) 1 a squeeze tightly. B (often foll. By out) squeeze and twist, esp. To remove liquid. 2 break by twisting. 3 distress, torture. 4 extract by squeezing. 5 (foll. By out, from) obtain by pressure or importunity; extort. —n. Act of wringing. ~ wring one's hands clasp them as a gesture of distress. Wring the neck of kill (a chicken etc.) By twisting its neck. [old english]
Wringer n. Device for wringing water from washed clothes etc.
Wringing adj. (in full wringing wet) so wet that water can be wrung out.
Wrinkle —n. 1 crease in the skin, esp. Caused by age. 2 similar mark in another flexible surface. 3 colloq. Useful tip or clever expedient. —v. (-ling) 1 make wrinkles in. 2 form wrinkles. [probably related to old english gewrinclod sinuous]
Wrinkly —adj. (-ier, -iest) having wrinkles. —n. Slang offens. Old or middle-aged person.
Wrist n. 1 joint connecting the hand with the arm. 2 part of a garment covering this. [old english]
Wristlet n. Band or ring to strengthen, guard, or adorn the wrist.
Wrist-watch n. Small watch worn on a strap etc. Round the wrist.
Writ1 n. Form of written command to act or not act in some way. [old english: related to +write]
Writ2 archaic past part. Of +write. ~ writ large in magnified or emphasized form.
C v. (-ting; past wrote; past part. Written) 1 mark paper or some other surface with symbols, letters, or words. 2 form or mark (such symbols etc.).
Write v. (-ting; past wrote; past part. Written) 1 mark paper or some other surface with symbols, letters, or words. 2 form or mark (such symbols etc.). 3 form or mark the symbols of (a word or sentence, or document etc.). 4 fill or complete (a sheet, cheque, etc.) With writing. 5 transfer (data) into a computer store. 6 (esp.
Write-off n. Thing written off, esp. A vehicle too badly damaged to be repaired.
Writer n. 1 person who writes or has written something. 2 person who writes books, author.
Writer's cramp n. Muscular spasm due to excessive writing.
Write-up n. Written or published account, review.
Writhe v. (-thing) 1 twist or roll oneself about in or as in acute pain. 2 suffer mental torture or embarrassment (writhed with shame). [old english]
Writing n. 1 written words etc. 2 handwriting. 3 (usu. In pl.) Author's works. ~ in writing in written form. The writing on the wall ominously significant event etc.
Writing-desk n. Desk for writing at, esp. With compartments for papers etc.
Writing-paper n. Paper for writing (esp. Letters) on.
Written past part. Of +write.
Wrns abbr. Women's royal naval service.
Wrong —adj. 1 mistaken; not true; in error. 2 unsuitable; less or least desirable (the wrong road; a wrong decision). 3 contrary to law or morality (it is wrong to steal). 4 amiss; out of order, in a bad or abnormal condition (something wrong with my heart; has gone wrong). —adv. (usually placed last) in a wrong manner or direction; with an incorrect result (guessed wrong). —n. 1 what is morally wrong. 2 unjust action (suffer a wrong). —v. 1 treat unjustly. 2 mistakenly attribute bad motives to. ~ do wrong sin. Do wrong to malign or mistreat (a person). Get wrong 1 misunderstand (a person etc.). 2 obtain an incorrect answer to. Get (or get hold of) the wrong end of the stick misunderstand completely. Go wrong 1 take the wrong path. 2 stop functioning properly. 3 depart from virtuous behaviour. In the wrong responsible for a quarrel, mistake, or offence. On the wrong side of 1 out of favour with (a person). 2 somewhat more than (a stated age). Wrong side out inside out. Wrong way round in the opposite or reverse of the normal or desirable orientation or sequence etc. ~ wrongly adv. Wrongness n. [old english]
Wrongdoer n. Person who behaves immorally or illegally. ~ wrongdoing n.
Wrong-foot v. Colloq. 1 (in tennis, football, etc.) Catch (an opponent) off balance. 2 disconcert; catch unprepared.
Wrongful adj. Unwarranted, unjustified (wrongful arrest). ~ wrongfully adv.
Wrong-headed adj. Perverse and obstinate.
Wrong side n. Worse or undesired or unusable side of esp. Fabric.
Wrote past of +write.
Wroth predic. Adj. Archaic angry. [old english]
Wrought archaic past and past part. Of +work. —adj. (of metals) beaten out or shaped by hammering.
Wrought iron n. Tough malleable form of iron suitable for forging or rolling, not cast.
Wrung past and past part. Of +wring.
Wrvs abbr. Women's royal voluntary service.
Wry adj. (wryer, wryest or wrier, wriest) 1 distorted or turned to one side. 2 (of a face, smile, etc.) Contorted in disgust, disappointment, or mockery. 3 (of humour) dry and mocking. ~ wryly adv. Wryness n. [old english]
Wryneck n. Small woodpecker able to turn its head over its shoulder.
Wsw abbr. West-south-west.
Wt abbr. Weight.
Wych- comb. Form in names of trees with pliant branches (wych-alder; wych-elm). [old english, = bending]
Wych-hazel var. Of +witch-hazel.
Wykehamist —adj. Of winchester college. —n. Past or present member of winchester college. [william of wykeham, name of the founder]
Wysiwyg adj. (also wysiwyg) computing denoting a form of text onscreen exactly corresponding to its printout. [acronym of what you see is what you get]
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