Z n. (also z) (pl. Zs or z's) 1 twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet. 2 (usu. Z) algebra third unknown quantity.
Zabaglione n. Italian dessert of whipped and heated egg-yolks, sugar, and wine. [italian]
Zany adj. (-ier, -iest) comically idiotic; crazily ridiculous. [french or italian]
Zap slang —v. (-pp-) 1 a kill or destroy; attack. B hit hard (zapped the ball over the net). 2 move quickly. 3 overwhelm emotionally. —int. Expressing the sound or impact of a bullet, ray gun, etc., or any sudden event. [imitative]
Zappy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Lively, energetic.
Zarathustrian var. Of +zoroastrian.
Zeal n. Earnestness or fervour; hearty persistent endeavour. [greek zelos]
Zealot n. Extreme partisan; fanatic. ~ zealotry n.
Zealous adj. Full of zeal; enthusiastic. ~ zealously adv.
Zebra n. (pl. Same or -s) black-and-white striped african animal of the family including the ass and horse. [italian or portuguese from congolese]
Zebra crossing n. Striped street-crossing where pedestrians have precedence.
Zebu n. (pl. Same or -s) humped ox of asia and africa. [french]
Zed n. Letter z. [greek +zeta]
Zee n. Us letter z. [var. Of +zed]
Zeitgeist n. The spirit of the times. [german]
Zen n. Form of buddhism emphasizing meditation and intuition. [japanese, = meditation]
Zend n. An interpretation of the avesta. [persian]
Zend-avesta n. Zoroastrian sacred writings of the avesta (or text) and zend (or commentary).
Zenith n. 1 point of the heavens directly above an observer. 2 highest point (of power or prosperity etc.). [latin from arabic]
Zephyr n. Literary mild gentle breeze. [greek, = west wind]
Zeppelin n. Large dirigible german airship of the early 20th c. [count f. Von zeppelin, name of an airman]
Zero n. (pl. -s) 1 figure 0; nought; nil. 2 point on the scale of a thermometer etc. From which a positive or negative quantity is reckoned. 3 (attrib.) No, not any (zero growth). 4 (in full zero-hour) a hour at which a planned, esp. Military, operation is timed to begin. B crucial moment. 5 lowest or earliest point (down to zero; the year zero). ~ zero in on (-oes, -oed) 1 take aim at. 2 focus one's attention on. [arabic: related to +cipher]
Zero option n. Disarmament proposal for the total removal of certain types of weapons on both sides.
Zero-rated adj. On which no vat is charged.
Zest n. 1 piquancy; stimulating flavour or quality. 2 a keen enjoyment or interest. B (often foll. By for) relish. C gusto. 3 scraping of orange or lemon peel as flavouring. ~ zestful adj. Zestfully adv. [french]
Zeta n. Sixth letter of the greek alphabet (z, z). [greek]
Zeugma n. Figure of speech using a verb or adjective with two nouns, to one of which it is strictly applicable while the word appropriate to the other is not used (e.g. With weeping eyes and [sc. Grieving] hearts) (cf. +syllepsis). [greek, = a yoking, from zugon yoke]
Ziggurat n. Rectangular stepped tower in ancient mesopotamia, surmounted by a temple. [assyrian]
Zigzag —adj. With abrupt alternate right and left turns (zigzag line). —n. Zigzag line; thing having the form of a zigzag or having sharp turns. —adv. With a zigzag course. —v. (-gg-) move in a zigzag course. [french from german]
Zilch n. Esp. Us slang nothing. [origin uncertain]
Zillion n. Colloq. Indefinite large number. [probably after million]
Zimmer frame n. Propr. A kind of walking-frame. [zimmer, name of the maker]
Zinc n. Greyish-white metallic element used as a component of brass and in galvanizing sheet iron. [german zink]
Zing colloq. —n. Vigour, energy. —v. Move swiftly, esp. With a high-pitched ringing sound. [imitative]
Zinnia n. Garden plant with showy flowers. [zinn, name of a physician and botanist]
Zion n. 1 ancient jerusalem; its holy hill. 2 a the jewish people or religion. B the christian church. 3 the kingdom of heaven. [hebrew siyôn]
Zionism n. Movement for the re-establishment and development of a jewish nation in what is now israel. ~ zionist n. & adj.
Zip —n. 1 light fast sound. 2 energy, vigour. 3 a (in full zip-fastener) fastening device of two flexible strips with interlocking projections, closed or opened by sliding a clip along them. B (attrib.) Having a zip-fastener (zip bag). —v. (-pp-) 1 (often foll. By up) fasten with a zip-fastener. 2 move with zip or at high speed. [imitative]
Zip code n. Us postcode. [zone improvement plan]
Zipper n. Esp. Us = +zip 3a.
Zippy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Lively, speedy.
Zircon n. Zirconium silicate of which some translucent varieties are cut into gems. [german zirkon]
Zirconium n. Grey metallic element.
Zit n. Esp. Us slang pimple. [origin unknown]
Zither n. Stringed instrument with a flat soundbox, placed horizontally and played with the fingers and a plectrum. [latin: related to +guitar]
Zloty n. (pl. Same or -s) chief monetary unit of poland. [polish]
Zn symb. Zinc.
Zodiac n. 1 belt of the heavens including all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and planets as known to ancient astronomers, and divided into twelve equal parts (signs of the zodiac). 2 diagram of these signs. ~ zodiacal adj. [greek zoion animal]
Zombie n. 1 colloq. Person who acts mechanically or lifelessly. 2 corpse said to have been revived by witchcraft. [west african]
Zone —n. 1 area having particular features, properties, purpose, or use (danger zone; smokeless zone). 2 well-defined region of more or less beltlike form. 3 area between two concentric circles. 4 encircling band of colour etc. 5 archaic belt, girdle. —v. (-ning) 1 encircle as or with a zone. 2 arrange or distribute by zones. 3 assign as or to a particular area. ~ zonal adj. [greek zone girdle]
Zonked adj. Slang (often foll. By out) exhausted; intoxicated. [zonk hit]
Zoo n. Zoological garden. [abbreviation]
Zoological adj. Of zoology.
Usage see note at zoology.
Zoological garden n. (also zoological gardens n.pl.) Public garden or park with a collection of animals for exhibition and study.
Zoology n. The study of animals. ~ zoologist n. [greek zoion animal]
Usage the second pronunciation given for zoology, zoological, and zoologist, with the first syllable pronounced as in zoo, although extremely common, is considered incorrect by some people.
Zoom —v. 1 move quickly, esp. With a buzzing sound. 2 cause an aeroplane to mount at high speed and a steep angle. 3 (often foll. By in or in on) (of a camera) change rapidly from a long shot to a close-up (of). 4 (of prices etc.) Rise sharply. —n. 1 aeroplane's steep climb. 2 zooming camera shot. [imitative]
Zoom lens n. Lens allowing a camera to zoom by varying the focal length.
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Zoophyte n. Plantlike animal, esp. A coral, sea anemone, or sponge. [greek zoion animal, phuton plant]
Zoroastrian (also zarathustrian) —adj. Of zoroaster (or zarathustra) or the dualistic religious system taught by him. —n. Follower of zoroaster. ~ zoroastrianism n. [zoroaster, persian founder of the religion]
Zr symb. Zirconium.
Zucchini n. (pl. Same or -s) esp. Us & austral. Courgette. [italian, pl. Of zucchino, diminutive of zucca gourd]
Zulu —n. (pl. -s) 1 member of a s. African bantu people. 2 their language. —adj. Of this people or language. [native name]
Zygote n. Biol. Cell formed by the union of two gametes. [greek zugotos yoked: related to +zeugma]
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