U1 n. (also u) (pl. Us or u's) 1 twenty-first letter of the alphabet. 2 u-shaped object or curve.
U2 adj. Colloq. Upper class or supposedly upper class. [abbreviation]
U3 abbr. (also u.) Universal (of films classified as suitable for all).
U4 symb. Uranium.
Ub40 abbr. 1 card issued to people claiming unemployment benefit. 2 colloq. Unemployed person. [unemployment benefit]
Ubiquitous adj. 1 (seemingly) present everywhere simultaneously. 2 often encountered. ~ ubiquity n. [latin ubique everywhere]
U-boat n. Hist. German submarine. [german untersee undersea]
U.c. Abbr. Upper case.
Ucca abbr. Universities central council on admissions.
Uda abbr. Ulster defence association (a loyalist paramilitary organization).
Udder n. Baglike mammary organ of cattle etc., with several teats. [old english]
Udi abbr. Unilateral declaration of independence.
Udr abbr. Ulster defence regiment.
Uefa abbr. Union of european football associations.
Ufo n. (also ufo) (pl. -s) unidentified flying object.
Ugh int. 1 expressing disgust etc. 2 sound of a cough or grunt. [imitative]
Ugli n. (pl. -lis or -lies) propr. Mottled green and yellow hybrid of a grapefruit and a tangerine. [from +ugly]
Uglify v. (-ies, -ied) make ugly.
Ugly adj. (-lier, -liest) 1 unpleasant to the eye, ear, or mind etc. (ugly scar; ugly snarl). 2 unpleasantly suggestive; discreditable (ugly rumours). 3 threatening, dangerous (an ugly look). 4 morally repulsive (ugly vices). ~ ugliness n. [old norse]
Ugly customer n. Threatening or violent person.
Ugly duckling n. Person lacking early promise but blossoming later.
Uhf abbr. Ultrahigh frequency.
Uh-huh int. Colloq. Yes; indeed. [imitative]
Uht abbr. Ultra heat treated (esp. Of milk, for long keeping).
Uk abbr. United kingdom.
Ukrainian —n. 1 native or language of ukraine. 2 person of ukrainian descent. —adj. Of ukraine, its people, or language. [ukraine in eastern europe]
Ukulele n. Small four-stringed hawaiian guitar. [hawaiian]
Ulcer n. 1 open sore on or in the body, often forming pus. 2 corrupting influence etc. ~ ulcerous adj. [latin ulcus -cer-]
Ulcerate v. (-ting) form into or affect with an ulcer. ~ ulceration n.
-ule suffix forming diminutive nouns (globule). [latin -ulus]
Ullage n. 1 amount by which a cask etc. Falls short of being full. 2 loss by evaporation or leakage. [french from latin]
Ulna n. (pl. Ulnae) 1 thinner and longer bone in the forearm, opposite to the thumb. 2 corresponding bone in an animal's foreleg or a bird's wing. ~ ulnar adj. [latin]
Ulster n. Long loose overcoat of rough cloth. [ulster in ireland]
Ulsterman n. (fem. Ulsterwoman) native of ulster.
Ult. Abbr. Ultimo.
Ulterior adj. Not evident or admitted; hidden, secret (esp. Ulterior motive). [latin, = further]
Ultimate —adj. 1 last or last possible, final. 2 fundamental, primary, basic (ultimate truths). —n. 1 (prec. By the) best achievable or imaginable. 2 final or fundamental fact or principle. ~ ultimately adv. [latin ultimus last]
Ultimatum n. (pl. -s) final statement of terms, the rejection of which could cause hostility etc. [latin: related to +ultimate]
Ultimo adj. Commerce of last month (the 28th ultimo). [latin, = in the last (mense month)]
Ultra —adj. Extreme, esp. In religion or politics. —n. Extremist. [see +ultra-]
Ultra- comb. Form 1 extreme(ly), excessive(ly) (ultra-modern). 2 beyond. [latin ultra beyond]
Ultra-high adj. (of a frequency) in the range 300 to 3000 megahertz.
Ultramarine —n. 1 brilliant blue pigment orig. From lapis lazuli. 2 colour of this. —adj. Of this colour. [italian and medieval latin, = beyond the sea, from where lapis lazuli was brought]
Ultramicroscopic adj. Too small to be seen by an ordinary optical microscope.
Ultramontane —adj. 1 situated beyond the alps. 2 advocating supreme papal authority. —n. 1 person living beyond the alps. 2 advocate of supreme papal authority. [medieval latin: related to +mountain]
Ultrasonic adj. Of or using sound waves pitched above the range of human hearing. ~ ultrasonically adv.
Ultrasonics n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) Science of ultrasonic waves.
Ultrasound n. Ultrasonic waves.
Ultraviolet adj. Of or using radiation with a frequency just beyond that of the violet end of the visible spectrum.
Ultra vires adv. & predic.adj. Beyond one's legal power or authority. [latin]
Ululate v. (-ting) howl, wail. ~ ululation n. [latin]
Um int. Expressing hesitation or a pause in speech. [imitative]
Umbel n. Flower-cluster with stalks springing from a common centre and forming a flat or curved surface. ~ umbellate adj. [latin umbella sunshade]
Umbelliferous adj. (of a plant) bearing umbels, such as parsley and carrot.
Umber —n. 1 natural pigment like ochre but darker and browner. 2 colour of this. —adj. Of this colour. [latin umbra shadow]
Umbilical adj. Of the navel. [from +umbilicus]
Umbilical cord n. Cordlike structure attaching a foetus to the placenta.
Umbilicus n. (pl. -ci or -cuses) navel. [latin]
Umbra n. (pl. -s or -brae) total shadow, esp. That cast on the earth by the moon during a solar eclipse. [latin, = shadow]
Umbrage n. Offence taken (esp. Take umbrage at). [latin: related to +umbra]
Umbrella n. 1 collapsible cloth canopy on a central stick, used against rain, strong sun, etc. 2 protection, patronage. 3 (often attrib.) Coordinating agency (umbrella organization). [italian diminutive: related to +umbra]
Umlaut n. 1 mark (¨) used over a vowel, esp. In germanic languages, to indicate a vowel change. 2 such a vowel change, e.g. German mann, männer, english man, men. [german]
Umpire —n. Person enforcing rules and settling disputes in esp. Cricket or between disputants. —v. (-ring) (often foll. By for, in, etc.) Act as umpire (in). [french nonper not equal: related to +peer2]
Umpteen colloq. —adj. Indefinitely many; a lot of. —pron. Indefinitely many. ~ umpteenth adj. [jocular formation on +-teen]
Un abbr. United nations.
Un-1 prefix 1 added to adjectives and participles and their derivative nouns and adverbs, meaning: a not (unusable). B reverse of (esp. With implied approval etc.) (unselfish; unsociable). 2 (less often) added to nouns, meaning ‘a lack of’, ‘the reverse of’ (unrest; untruth). [old english]
Usage the number of words that can be formed with this prefix (and with un-2) is virtually unlimited; consequently only a selection can be given here.
Un-2 prefix added to verbs and (less often) nouns, forming verbs denoting: 1 reversal (undress; unsettle). 2 deprivation (unmask). 3 release from (unburden; uncage). 4 causing to be no longer (unman). [old english]
Usage see note at un-1.
Un-3 prefix chem. Denoting ‘one’, combined with other numerical roots nil (= 0), un (= 1), bi (= 2), etc., to form the names of elements based on the atomic number, and terminated with -ium, e.g. Unnilquadium = 104, ununbium = 112. [latin unus one]
Unabashed adj. Not abashed.
Unabated adj. Not abated; undiminished.
Unable predic. Adj. (usu. Foll. By to + infin.) Not able.
Unabridged adj. Complete; not abridged.
Unacademic adj. (of a person, book, etc.) Not academic.
Unacceptable adj. Not acceptable. ~ unacceptably adv.
Unaccompanied adj. 1 not accompanied. 2 mus. Without accompaniment.
Unaccomplished adj. 1 uncompleted. 2 lacking accomplishments.
Unaccountable adj. 1 without explanation; strange. 2 not answerable for one's actions. ~ unaccountably adv.
Unaccounted adj. (often foll. By for) unexplained; excluded.
Unaccustomed adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By to) not accustomed. 2 unusual (unaccustomed silence).
Unacknowledged adj. Not acknowledged.
Unacquainted adj. (usu. Foll. By with) not acquainted.
Unadopted adj. (of a road) not maintained by a local authority.
Unadorned adj. Plain.
Unadulterated adj. 1 pure. 2 complete, utter.
Unadventurous adj. Not adventurous.
Unadvised adj. 1 indiscreet; rash. 2 without advice. ~ unadvisedly adv.
Unaffected adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By by) not affected. 2 free from affectation. ~ unaffectedly adv.
Unaffiliated adj. Not affiliated.
Unafraid adj. Not afraid.
Unaided adj. Without help.
Unalike adj. Not alike; different.
Unalloyed adj. 1 complete; utter (unalloyed joy). 2 pure.
Unalterable adj. Not alterable.
Unaltered adj. Not altered; remaining the same.
Unambiguous adj. Not ambiguous; clear or definite in meaning. ~ unambiguously adv.
Unambitious adj. Not ambitious.
Un-american adj. 1 uncharacteristic of americans. 2 contrary to us interests, treasonable.
Unamused adj. Not amused.
Unanimous adj. 1 all in agreement (committee was unanimous). 2 (of an opinion, vote, etc.) By all without exception (unanimous choice). ~ unanimity n. Unanimously adv. [latin unus one, animus mind]
Unannounced adj. Not announced; without warning (of arrival etc.).
Unanswerable adj. 1 irrefutable (unanswerable case). 2 unable to be answered (unanswerable question).
Unanswered adj. Not answered.
Unanticipated adj. Not anticipated.
Unappealing adj. Unattractive.
Unappetizing adj. Not appetizing.
Unappreciated adj. Not appreciated.
Unappreciative adj. Not appreciative.
Unapproachable adj. 1 inaccessible. 2 (of a person) unfriendly.
Unarmed adj. Not armed; without weapons.
Unashamed adj. 1 feeling no guilt. 2 blatant; bold. ~ unashamedly adv.
Unassailable adj. Unable to be attacked; impregnable.
Unassuming adj. Not pretentious; modest.
Unattached adj. 1 not engaged, married, etc. 2 (often foll. By to) not attached, esp. To a particular organization etc.
Unattainable adj. Not attainable.
Unattended adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By to) not attended. 2 (of a person, vehicle, etc.) Alone.
Unattractive adj. Not attractive. ~ unattractively adv.
Unattributable adj. (esp. Of published information) not attributed to a source etc.
Unauthorized adj. (also -ised) not authorized.
Unavailable adj. Not available. ~ unavailability n.
Unavailing adj. Achieving nothing. ~ unavailingly adv.
Unavoidable adj. Inevitable. ~ unavoidably adv.
Unaware —adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By of or that) not aware. 2 unperceptive. —adv. = +unawares. ~ unawareness n.
Unawares adv. 1 unexpectedly. 2 inadvertently.
Unbalanced adj. 1 emotionally unstable. 2 biased (unbalanced report).
Unban v. (-nn-) remove prohibited status from; allow.
Unbar v. (-rr-) 1 unlock, open. 2 remove a bar from (a gate etc.).
Unbearable adj. Unendurable. ~ unbearably adv.
Unbeatable adj. Not beatable; excelling.
Unbeaten adj. 1 not beaten. 2 (of a record etc.) Not surpassed.
Unbecoming adj. 1 unflattering (unbecoming hat). 2 (usu. Foll. By to, for) not fitting; indecorous. ~ unbecomingly adv.
Unbeknown adj. (also unbeknownst) (foll. By to) without the knowledge of (unbeknown to us).
Unbelief n. Lack of esp. Religious belief. ~ unbeliever n. Unbelieving adj.
Unbelievable adj. Not believable; incredible. ~ unbelievably adv.
Unbend v. (past and past part. Unbent) 1 straighten. 2 relax; become affable.
Unbending adj. 1 inflexible. 2 firm; austere.
Unbiased adj. (also unbiassed) impartial.
Unbidden adj. Not commanded or invited (arrived unbidden).
Unbind v. (past and past part. Unbound) release; unfasten, untie.
Unbleached adj. Not bleached.
Unblemished adj. Not blemished.
Unblinking adj. 1 not blinking. 2 steadfast; stolid.
Unblock v. Remove an obstruction from.
Unblushing adj. 1 shameless. 2 frank.
Unbolt v. Release the bolt of (a door etc.).
Unborn adj. Not yet, or never to be, born (unborn child; unborn hopes).
Unbosom v. (often refl.) Disclose (thoughts etc.); unburden oneself.
Unbothered predic. Adj. Not bothered; unconcerned.
Unbound1 adj. 1 not bound. 2 unconstrained. 3 a (of a book) without a binding. B having paper covers.
Unbound2 past and past part. Of +unbind.
Unbounded adj. Infinite (unbounded optimism).
Unbreakable adj. Not breakable.
Unbridgeable adj. Unable to be bridged.
Unbridle v. (-ling) remove a bridle, constraints, etc., from (a horse, one's tongue, etc.) (unbridled insolence).
Unbroken adj. 1 not broken. 2 untamed (unbroken horse). 3 uninterrupted (unbroken sleep). 4 unsurpassed (unbroken record).
Unbuckle v. (-ling) release the buckle of (a strap, shoe, etc.).
Unburden v. (often refl.; often followed by to) relieve (oneself, one's conscience, etc.) By confession etc.
Unbusinesslike adj. Not businesslike.
Unbutton v. 1 unfasten the buttons of (a garment, person, etc.). 2 (absol.) Colloq. Relax.
Uncalled-for adj. (of a remark, action, etc.) Rude, unnecessary.
Uncanny adj. (-ier, -iest) seemingly supernatural; mysterious. ~ uncannily adv. Uncanniness n.
Uncapped adj. Sport (of a player) not yet awarded his cap or never having been selected to represent his country.
Uncared-for adj. Disregarded; neglected.
Uncaring adj. Neglectful, lacking compassion.
Unceasing adj. Not ceasing; continuous (unceasing effort).
Uncensored adj. Not censored.
Unceremonious adj. 1 abrupt; discourteous. 2 informal. ~ unceremoniously adv.
Uncertain adj. 1 not certainly knowing or known (result is uncertain). 2 unreliable. 3 changeable, erratic (uncertain weather). ~ in no uncertain terms clearly and forcefully. ~ uncertainly adv. Uncertainty n. (pl. -ies).
Unchain v. Remove the chain(s) from; release.
Unchallengeable adj. Not challengeable; unassailable.
Unchallenged adj. Not challenged.
Unchangeable adj. Unable to be changed.
Unchanged adj. Not changed; unaltered.
Unchanging adj. Not changing; remaining the same.
Unchaperoned adj. Without a chaperone.
Uncharacteristic adj. Not characteristic. ~ uncharacteristically adv.
Uncharitable adj. Censorious, severe in judgement. ~ uncharitably adv.
Uncharted adj. Not mapped or surveyed.
Unchecked adj. 1 not checked. 2 unrestrained (unchecked violence).
Unchivalrous adj. Not chivalrous. ~ unchivalrously adv.
Unchristian adj. Contrary to christian principles, esp. Uncaring or selfish.
Uncial —adj. Of or written in rounded unjoined letters similar to capitals, found in manuscripts of the 4th–8th c. —n. Uncial letter, style, or ms. [latin uncia inch]
Uncircumcised adj. Not circumcised.
Uncivil adj. Ill-mannered; impolite. ~ uncivilly adv.
Uncivilized adj. (also -ised) 1 not civilized. 2 rough; uncultured.
Unclaimed adj. Not claimed.
Unclasp v. 1 loosen the clasp(s) of. 2 release the grip of (a hand etc.).
Unclassified adj. 1 not classified. 2 (of state information) not secret.
Uncle n. 1 a brother of one's father or mother. B aunt's husband. 2 colloq. (form of address by a child to) parent's male friend. 3 slang esp. Hist. Pawnbroker. [latin avunculus]
-uncle suffix forming nouns, usu. Diminutives (carbuncle). [latin -unculus]
Unclean adj. 1 not clean. 2 unchaste. 3 religiously impure; forbidden.
Unclear adj. 1 not clear or easy to understand. 2 (of a person) uncertain (i'm unclear as to what you mean).
Unclench v. 1 release (clenched hands etc.). 2 (of hands etc.) Become relaxed or open.
Uncle sam n. Colloq. Us government.
Unclothe v. (-thing) 1 remove clothes, leaves, etc. From. 2 expose, reveal.
Unclouded adj. 1 clear; bright. 2 untroubled (unclouded serenity).
Uncluttered adj. Not cluttered; austere, simple.
Uncoil v. Unwind.
Uncoloured adj. 1 having no colour. 2 not influenced; impartial.
Uncombed adj. (of hair or a person) not combed.
Uncomfortable adj. 1 not comfortable. 2 uneasy; disquieting (uncomfortable silence). ~ uncomfortably adv.
Uncommercial adj. Not commercial.
Uncommitted adj. 1 not committed. 2 not politically attached.
Uncommon adj. 1 unusual. 2 remarkably great etc. (uncommon appetite). ~ uncommonly adv. Uncommonness n.
Uncommunicative adj. Taciturn.
Uncompetitive adj. Not competitive.
Uncomplaining adj. Not complaining; resigned. ~ uncomplainingly adv.
Uncompleted adj. Not completed; incomplete.
Uncomplicated adj. Simple; straightforward.
Uncomplimentary adj. Insulting.
Uncomprehending adj. Not comprehending.
Uncompromising adj. Stubborn; unyielding. ~ uncompromisingly adv.
Unconcealed adj. Not concealed; obvious.
Unconcern n. Calmness; indifference; apathy. ~ unconcerned adj. Unconcernedly adv.
Unconditional adj. Not subject to conditions; complete (unconditional surrender). ~ unconditionally adv.
Unconditioned reflex n. Instinctive response to a stimulus.
Unconfined adj. Not confined; boundless.
Unconfirmed adj. Not confirmed.
Uncongenial adj. Not congenial.
Unconnected adj. 1 not physically joined. 2 not connected or associated. 3 disconnected (unconnected ideas).
Unconquerable adj. Not conquerable.
Unconscionable adj. 1 without or contrary to conscience. 2 excessive (unconscionable waste). ~ unconscionably adv. [from +un-1, +conscience]
Unconscious —adj. Not conscious (fell unconscious; unconscious prejudice). —n. Normally inaccessible part of the mind affecting the emotions etc. ~ unconsciously adv. Unconsciousness n.
Unconsidered adj. 1 not considered; disregarded. 2 not premeditated.
Unconstitutional adj. In breach of a political constitution or procedural rules. ~ unconstitutionally adv.
Unconstrained adj. Not constrained or compelled.
Uncontaminated adj. Not contaminated.
Uncontested adj. Not contested.
Uncontrollable adj. Not controllable. ~ uncontrollably adv.
Uncontrolled adj. Not controlled; unrestrained.
Uncontroversial adj. Not controversial.
Unconventional adj. Unusual; unorthodox. ~ unconventionality n. Unconventionally adv.
Unconvinced adj. Not convinced.
Unconvincing adj. Not convincing. ~ unconvincingly adv.
Uncooked adj. Not cooked; raw.
Uncooperative adj. Not cooperative.
Uncoordinated adj. 1 not coordinated. 2 clumsy.
Uncork v. 1 draw the cork from (a bottle). 2 vent (feelings etc.).
Uncorroborated adj. (esp. Of evidence etc.) Not corroborated.
Uncountable adj. 1 inestimable, immense (uncountable wealth). 2 (of a noun) not used in the plural or with the indefinite article (e.g. Happiness, milk).
Uncouple v. (-ling) release from couplings or couples.
Uncouth adj. Uncultured, rough. [old english, = unknown]
Uncover v. 1 remove a cover or covering from. 2 disclose (uncovered the truth).
Uncritical adj. 1 not critical; complacently accepting. 2 not in accordance with the principles of criticism. ~ uncritically adv.
Uncross v. 1 remove from a crossed position. 2 (as uncrossed adj.) (of a cheque) not crossed.
Uncrown v. 1 deprive of a crown, a position, etc. 2 (as uncrowned adj.) A not crowned. B having the status but not the name of (uncrowned king of boxing).
Unction n. 1 a anointing with oil etc. As a religious rite or medical treatment. B oil, ointment, etc. So used. 2 a soothing words or thought. B excessive or insincere flattery. 3 a emotional fervency. B pretence of this. [latin ungo unct- anoint]
Unctuous adj. 1 unpleasantly flattering; oily. 2 greasy or soapy. ~ unctuously adv. [medieval latin: related to +unction]
Uncultivated adj. Not cultivated.
Uncured adj. 1 not cured. 2 (of pork etc.) Not salted or smoked.
Uncurl v. Straighten out, untwist.
Uncut adj. 1 not cut. 2 (of a book) with the pages sealed or untrimmed. 3 (of a book, film, etc.) Complete; uncensored. 4 (of esp. A diamond) not shaped. 5 (of fabric) with a looped pile.
Undamaged adj. Intact.
Undated adj. Without a date.
Undaunted adj. Not daunted.
Undeceive v. (-ving) (often foll. By of) free (a person) from a misconception, deception, or error.
Undecided adj. 1 not settled. 2 irresolute.
Undeclared adj. Not declared.
Undefeated adj. Not defeated.
Undefended adj. Not defended.
Undefined adj. Not defined; vague, indefinite.
Undemanding adj. Not demanding; easily done or satisfied (undemanding reading).
Undemocratic adj. Not democratic.
Undemonstrative adj. Not emotionally expressive; reserved.
Undeniable adj. Indisputable; certain. ~ undeniably adv.
Under —prep. 1 a in or to a position lower than; below; beneath (under the table). B on the inside of (vest under his shirt). 2 inferior to; less than (no-one under a major; is under 18; was under £20). 3 a subject to; controlled by (under constraint; born under saturn; prospered under him). B undergoing (is under repair). C classified or subsumed in (under two headings). 4 at the foot of or sheltered by (under the cliff). 5 planted with (a crop). 6 powered by (sail, steam, etc.). —adv. 1 in or to a lower position or condition (kept him under). 2 colloq. In or into unconsciousness (put him under). —adj.
Under- prefix in senses of +under: 1 below, beneath (underground). 2 lower; subordinate (under-secretary). 3 insufficiently, incompletely (undercook; underdeveloped).
Underachieve v. (-ving) do less well than might be expected (esp. Academically). ~ underachiever n.
Underact v. Theatr. Act with insufficient force.
Under-age adj. (also under age) not old enough.
Underarm —adj. & adv. Sport, esp. Cricket with the arm below shoulder-level. —attrib. Adj. 1 under the arm (underarm seam). 2 in the armpit.
Underbelly n. (pl. -ies) undersurface of an animal, vehicle, etc., esp. As vulnerable to attack.
Underbid —v. (-dd-; past and past part. -bid) 1 make a lower bid than. 2 (also absol.) Bridge etc. Bid less on (one's hand) than warranted. —n. Such a bid.
Undercarriage n. 1 wheeled retractable structure beneath an aircraft, used for landing etc. 2 supporting frame of a vehicle.
Undercharge v. (-ging) 1 charge too little to (a person). 2 give too little charge to (a gun, electric battery, etc.).
Underclothes n.pl. Clothes worn under others, esp. Next to the skin.
Underclothing n. Underclothes collectively.
Undercoat n. 1 a layer of paint under a topcoat. B paint for this. 2 animal's under layer of hair etc.
Undercook v. Cook insufficiently.
Undercover adj. (usu. Attrib.) 1 surreptitious. 2 spying incognito, esp. By infiltration (undercover agent).
Undercroft n. Crypt. [obsolete croft from latin]
Undercurrent n. 1 current below the surface. 2 underlying often contrary feeling, influence, etc. (undercurrent of protest).
Undercut —v. (-tt-; past and past part. -cut) 1 sell or work at a lower price than. 2 strike (a ball) to make it rise high. 3 cut away the part below. 4 undermine. —n. Underside of sirloin.
Underdeveloped adj. 1 not fully developed; immature. 2 (of a country etc.) With unexploited potential. ~ underdevelopment n.
Underdog n. 1 oppressed person. 2 loser in a fight.
Underdone adj. Undercooked.
Underemployed adj. Not fully occupied. ~ underemployment n.
Underestimate —v. (-ting) form too low an estimate of. —n. Estimate that is too low. ~ underestimation n.
Underexpose v. (-sing) expose (film) for too short a time etc. ~ underexposure n.
Underfed adj. Malnourished.
Underfelt n. Felt laid under a carpet.
Underfloor attrib. Adj. Beneath the floor (underfloor heating).
Underfoot adv. (also under foot) 1 under one's feet. 2 on the ground.
Underfunded adj. Provided with insufficient money.
Undergarment n. Piece of underclothing.
Undergo v. (3rd sing. Present -goes; past -went; past part. -gone) be subjected to; suffer; endure.
Undergraduate n. Person studying for a first degree.
Underground —adv. 1 beneath the ground. 2 in or into secrecy or hiding. —adj. 1 situated underground. 2 secret, subversive. 3 unconventional (underground literature). —n. 1 underground railway. 2 secret subversive group or activity.
Undergrowth n. Dense shrubs etc., esp. In a wood.
Underhand adj. 1 deceitful; crafty; secret. 2 sport, esp. Cricket underarm.
Underlay1 —v. (past and past part. -laid) lay something under (a thing) to support or raise it. —n. Thing so laid (esp. Under a carpet).
Underlay2 past of +underlie.
Underlie v. (-lying; past -lay; past part. -lain) 1 (also absol.) Lie under (a stratum etc.). 2 (also absol.) (esp. As underlying adj.) Be the basis of (a doctrine, conduct, etc.). 3 exist beneath the superficial aspect of.
Underline v. (-ning) 1 draw a line under (a word etc.) To give emphasis, indicate italic type, etc. 2 emphasize, stress.
Underling n. Usu. Derog. Subordinate.
Underlying pres. Part. Of +underlie.
Undermanned adj. Having an insufficient crew or staff.
Undermentioned adj. Mentioned later in a book etc.
Undermine v. (-ning) 1 injure (a person, reputation, health, etc.) Secretly or insidiously. 2 wear away the base of (banks were undermined). 3 make an excavation under.
Underneath —prep. 1 at or to a lower place than, below. 2 on the inside of. —adv. 1 at or to a lower place. 2 inside. —n. Lower surface or part. —adj. Lower. [old english: related to +nether]
Undernourished adj. Insufficiently nourished. ~ undernourishment n.
Underpaid past and past part. Of +underpay.
Underpants n.pl. Undergarment, esp. Men's, covering the genitals and buttocks.
Underpart n. Lower or subordinate part.
Underpass n. 1 road etc. Passing under another. 2 subway.
Underpay v. (past and past part. -paid) pay too little to (a person) or for (a thing). ~ underpayment n.
Underpin v. (-nn-) 1 support from below with masonry etc. 2 support, strengthen.
Underplay v. 1 make little of. 2 theatr. Underact.
Underpopulated adj. Having an insufficient or very small population.
Underprice v. (-cing) price lower than what is usual or appropriate.
Underprivileged adj. Less privileged than others; having below average income, rights, etc.
Underrate v. (-ting) have too low an opinion of.
Underscore v. (-ring) = +underline.
Undersea adj. Below the sea or its surface.
Underseal —v. Seal the underpart of (esp. A vehicle against rust etc.). —n. Protective coating for this.
Under-secretary n. (pl. -ies) subordinate official, esp. A junior minister or senior civil servant.
Undersell v. (past and past part. -sold) sell at a lower price than (another seller).
Undersexed adj. Having unusually weak sexual desires.
Undershirt n. Esp. Us man's or boy's vest.
Undershoot v. (past and past part. -shot) land short of (a runway etc.).
Undershot adj. 1 (of a water-wheel) turned by water flowing under it. 2 (of a lower jaw) projecting beyond the upper jaw.
Underside n. Lower or under side or surface.
Undersigned adj. (usu. Absol.) Whose signature is appended (we, the undersigned).
Undersized adj. Smaller than average.
Underskirt n. Petticoat.
Underslung adj. Supported from above.
Undersold past and past part. Of +undersell.
Underspend v. (past and past part. -spent) (usu. Absol.) Spend less than (the expected amount), or too little.
Understaffed adj. Having too few staff.
Understand v. (past and past part. -stood) 1 perceive the meaning of (words, a person, a language, a subject, etc.) (understood you perfectly; cannot understand algebra). 2 perceive the significance or cause of (do not understand why he came). 3 (often absol.) Sympathize with, know how to deal with (quite understand your difficulty; ask her, she understands). 4 (often foll. By that or absol.) Infer, take as implied (am i to understand that you refuse?; he is old, i understand).
Understanding —n. 1 ability to understand or think; intelligence. 2 individual's perception of a situation etc. 3 agreement, esp. Informal (had an understanding). 4 sympathy; tolerance. —adj. 1 having understanding or insight. 2 sympathetic. ~ understandingly adv.
Understate v. (-ting) 1 express mildly or in a restrained way. 2 represent as less than it actually is. ~ understatement n.
Understeer n. Tendency of a vehicle not to turn sharply enough.
Understood past and past part. Of +understand.
Understudy esp. Theatr. —n. (pl. -ies) person ready to take on another's role etc. When required. —v. (-ies, -ied) 1 study (a role etc.) Thus. 2 act as an understudy to.
Undersubscribed adj. Without sufficient subscribers, participants, etc.
Undersurface n. Lower or under surface.
Undertake v. (-king; past -took; past part. -taken) 1 agree to perform or be responsible for; engage in, enter upon (work, a responsibility, etc.). 2 (usu. Foll. By to + infin.) Promise. 3 guarantee (undertake that he is innocent).
Undertaker n. Professional funeral organizer.
Undertaking n. 1 work etc. Undertaken, enterprise (serious undertaking). 2 promise. 3 professional funeral management.
Underthings n.pl. Underclothes.
Undertone n. 1 subdued tone or colour. 2 underlying quality or feeling.
Undertook past of +undertake.
Undertow n. Current below the surface of the sea contrary to the surface current.
Underused adj. Not used to capacity.
Undervalue v. (-ues, -ued, -uing) 1 value insufficiently. 2 underestimate.
Undervest n. Vest.
Underwater —adj. Situated or done under water. —adv. Under water.
Underwear n. Underclothes.
Underweight —adj. Below normal weight. —n. Insufficient weight.
Underwent past of +undergo.
Underwhelm v. Joc. Fail to impress. [alteration of +overwhelm]
Underworld n. 1 those who live by organized crime and vice. 2 mythical abode of the dead under the earth.
Underwrite v. (-ting; past -wrote; past part. -written) 1 a sign and accept liability under (an insurance policy, esp. On shipping etc.). B accept (liability) in this way. 2 undertake to finance or support. 3 engage to buy all the unsold stock in (a company etc.). ~ underwriter n.
Undescended adj. (of a testicle) not descending normally into the scrotum.
Undeserved adj. Not deserved. ~ undeservedly adv.
Undeserving adj. Not deserving.
Undesigned adj. Unintentional.
Undesirable —adj. Objectionable, unpleasant. —n. Undesirable person. ~ undesirability n.
Undetectable adj. Not detectable.
Undetected adj. Not detected.
Undetermined adj. = +undecided.
Undeterred adj. Not deterred.
Undeveloped adj. Not developed.
Undid past of +undo.
Undies n.pl. Colloq. (esp. Women's) underclothes. [abbreviation]
Undifferentiated adj. Not differentiated; amorphous.
Undigested adj. 1 not digested. 2 (of facts etc.) Not properly arranged or considered.
Undignified adj. Lacking dignity.
Undiluted adj. 1 not diluted. 2 complete, utter.
Undiminished adj. Not diminished or lessened.
Undine n. Female water-spirit. [latin unda wave]
Undiplomatic adj. Tactless.
Undisciplined adj. Lacking discipline; not disciplined.
Undisclosed adj. Not revealed or made known.
Undiscovered adj. Not discovered.
Undiscriminating adj. Lacking good judgement.
Undisguised adj. Not disguised; open.
Undismayed adj. Not dismayed.
Undisputed adj. Not disputed or called in question.
Undistinguished adj. Not distinguished; mediocre.
Undisturbed adj. Not disturbed or interfered with.
Undivided adj. Not divided or shared; whole, entire (undivided attention).
Undo v. (3rd sing. Present -does; past -did; past part. -done; pres. Part. -doing) 1 unfasten (a coat, button, parcel, etc.), or the clothing of (a person). 2 annul, cancel (cannot undo the past). 3 ruin the prospects, reputation, or morals of.
Undoing n. 1 ruin or cause of ruin. 2 reversing of an action etc. 3 opening or unfastening.
Undone adj. 1 not done. 2 not fastened. 3 archaic ruined.
Undoubted adj. Certain, not questioned. ~ undoubtedly adv.
Undreamed adj. (also undreamt) (often foll. By of) not dreamed, thought, or imagined.
Undress —v. 1 take off one's clothes. 2 take the clothes off (a person). —n. 1 ordinary or casual dress, esp. As opposed to full dress or uniform. 2 naked or scantily clad state.
Undressed adj. 1 not, or no longer, dressed. 2 (of food) without a dressing. 3 (of leather etc.) Not treated.
Undrinkable adj. Unfit for drinking.
Undue adj. Excessive, disproportionate. ~ unduly adv.
Undulate v. (-ting) (cause to) have a wavy motion or look. ~ undulation n. [latin unda wave]
Undying adj. Immortal; never-ending (undying love).
Unearned adj. Not earned.
Unearned income n. Income from investments etc. Rather than from working.
Unearth v. Discover by searching, digging, or rummaging.
Unearthly adj. 1 supernatural, mysterious. 2 colloq. Absurdly early or inconvenient (unearthly hour). ~ unearthliness n.
Unease n. Nervousness, anxiety.
Uneasy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 nervous, anxious. 2 disturbing (uneasy suspicion). ~ uneasily adv. Uneasiness n.
Uneatable adj. Not able to be eaten (cf. +inedible).
Uneaten adj. Left not eaten.
Uneconomic adj. Not economic; unprofitable.
Uneconomical adj. Not economical; wasteful.
Unedifying adj. Distasteful, degrading.
Unedited adj. Not edited.
Uneducated adj. Not educated.
Unembarrassed adj. Not embarrassed.
Unemotional adj. Not emotional; lacking emotion.
Unemphatic adj. Not emphatic.
Unemployable adj. Unfit for paid employment. ~ unemployability n.
Unemployed adj. 1 out of work. 2 not in use.
Unemployment n. 1 being unemployed. 2 lack of employment in a country etc.
Unemployment benefit n. State payment made to an unemployed person.
Unencumbered adj. 1 (of an estate) not having liabilities (e.g. A mortgage). 2 free; not burdened.
Unending adj. Endless or seemingly endless.
Unendurable adj. Too bad to be borne.
Unenlightened adj. Not enlightened.
Unenterprising adj. Not enterprising.
Unenthusiastic adj. Not enthusiastic. ~ unenthusiastically adv.
Unenviable adj. Not enviable.
Unequal adj. 1 (often foll. By to) not equal. 2 of varying quality. 3 unfair (unequal contest). ~ unequally adv.
Unequaled adj. (brit. -alled) superior to all others.
Unequalled adj. (us -aled) superior to all others.
Unequivocal adj. Not ambiguous, plain, unmistakable. ~ unequivocally adv.
Unerring adj. Not erring; true, certain. ~ unerringly adv.
Unesco abbr. (also unesco) united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization.
Unethical adj. Not ethical, esp. Unscrupulous or unprofessional. ~ unethically adv.
Uneven adj. 1 not level or smooth. 2 of variable quality etc. 3 (of a contest) unequal. ~ unevenly adv. Unevenness n.
Uneventful adj. Not eventful. ~ uneventfully adv.
Unexampled adj. Without precedent.
Unexceptionable adj. Entirely satisfactory.
Unexceptional adj. Usual, normal, ordinary.
Unexciting adj. Not exciting; dull.
Unexpected adj. Not expected; surprising. ~ unexpectedly adv. Unexpectedness n.
Unexplained adj. Not explained.
Unexplored adj. Not explored.
Unexposed adj. Not exposed.
Unexpressed adj. Not expressed or made known (unexpressed fears).
Unexpurgated adj. (esp. Of a text etc.) Complete.
Unfading adj. Never fading.
Unfailing adj. Not failing or dwindling; constant; reliable. ~ unfailingly adv.
Unfair adj. Not fair, just, or impartial. ~ unfairly adv. Unfairness n.
Unfaithful adj. 1 not faithful, esp. Adulterous. 2 treacherous; disloyal. ~ unfaithfully adv. Unfaithfulness n.
Unfamiliar adj. Not familiar. ~ unfamiliarity n.
Unfashionable adj. Not fashionable. ~ unfashionably adv.
Unfasten v. 1 make or become loose. 2 open the fastening(s) of. 3 detach.
Unfathomable adj. Incapable of being fathomed.
Unfavorable adj. (brit. Unfavourable) not favourable; adverse, hostile. ~ unfavourably adv.
Unfavourable adj. (us unfavorable) not favourable; adverse, hostile. ~ unfavourably adv.
Unfeasible adj. Not feasible; impractical.
Unfeeling adj. Unsympathetic, harsh.
Unfeigned adj. Genuine, sincere.
Unfertilized adj. (also -ised) not fertilized.
Unfetter v. Release from fetters.
Unfilled adj. Not filled.
Unfinished adj. Not finished; incomplete.
Unfit adj. (often foll. By for, or to + infin.) Not fit.
Unfitted adj. 1 not fit. 2 not fitted or suited. 3 having no fittings.
Unfitting adj. Not suitable, unbecoming.
Unfix v. Release, loosen, or detach.
Unflagging adj. Tireless, persistent.
Unflappable adj. Colloq. Imperturbable; calm. ~ unflappability n.
Unflattering adj. Not flattering. ~ unflatteringly adv.
Unfledged adj. 1 (of a person) inexperienced. 2 (of a bird) not yet fledged.
Unflinching adj. Not flinching. ~ unflinchingly adv.
Unfold v. 1 open the fold or folds of, spread out. 2 reveal (thoughts etc.). 3 become opened out. 4 develop.
Unforced adj. 1 easy, natural. 2 not compelled or constrained.
Unforeseeable adj. Not foreseeable.
Unforeseen adj. Not foreseen.
Unforgettable adj. That cannot be forgotten; memorable, wonderful.
Unforgivable adj. That cannot be forgiven.
Unforgiving adj. Not forgiving.
Unformed adj. 1 not formed; undeveloped. 2 shapeless.
Unforthcoming adj. Not forthcoming.
Unfortunate —adj. 1 unlucky. 2 unhappy. 3 regrettable. —n. Unfortunate person.
Unfortunately adv. 1 (qualifying a sentence) it is unfortunate that. 2 in an unfortunate manner.
Unfounded adj. Without foundation (unfounded rumour).
Unfreeze v. (-zing; past unfroze; past part. Unfrozen) 1 (cause to) thaw. 2 derestrict (assets, credits, etc.).
Unfrequented adj. Not frequented.
Unfriendly adj. (-ier, -iest) not friendly; hostile.
Unfrock v. = +defrock.
Unfroze past of +unfreeze.
Unfrozen past part. Of +unfreeze.
Unfulfilled adj. Not fulfilled.
Unfunny adj. (-ier, -iest) failing to amuse.
Unfurl v. 1 unroll, spread out (a sail, umbrella, etc.). 2 become unrolled.
Unfurnished adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By with) not supplied. 2 without furniture.
Ungainly adj. Awkward, clumsy. ~ ungainliness n. [obsolete gain straight, from old norse]
Ungenerous adj. Mean. ~ ungenerously adv.
Ungentlemanly adj. Not gentlemanly.
Unget-at-able adj. Colloq. Inaccessible.
Ungird v. Release the girdle, belt, etc. Of.
Ungodly adj. 1 impious, wicked. 2 colloq. Outrageous (ungodly hour).
Ungovernable adj. Uncontrollable, violent.
Ungraceful adj. Lacking grace or elegance. ~ ungracefully adv.
Ungracious adj. Discourteous; grudging. ~ ungraciously adv.
Ungrammatical adj. Contrary to the rules of grammar. ~ ungrammatically adv.
Ungrateful adj. Not feeling or showing gratitude. ~ ungratefully adv.
Ungreen adj. Not concerned with the protection of the environment; harmful to the environment.
Ungrudging adj. Not grudging.
Unguarded adj. 1 incautious, thoughtless (unguarded remark). 2 not guarded.
Unguent n. Soft ointment or lubricant. [latin unguo anoint]
Ungulate —adj. Hoofed. —n. Hoofed mammal. [latin ungula hoof, claw]
Unhallowed adj. 1 not consecrated. 2 not sacred, wicked.
Unhampered adj. Not hampered.
Unhand v. Rhet. Or joc. Take one's hands off (a person); release.
Unhappy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 miserable. 2 unfortunate. 3 disastrous. ~ unhappily adv. Unhappiness n.
Unharmed adj. Not harmed.
Unharness v. Remove a harness from.
Unhealthy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 in poor health. 2 a harmful to health. B unwholesome. C slang dangerous. ~ unhealthily adv. Unhealthiness n.
Unheard adj. 1 not heard. 2 (usu. Unheard-of) unprecedented.
Unheeded adj. Disregarded.
Unhelpful adj. Not helpful. ~ unhelpfully adv.
Unhesitating adj. Without hesitation. ~ unhesitatingly adv.
Unhindered adj. Not hindered.
Unhinge v. (-ging) 1 take (a door etc.) Off its hinges. 2 (esp. As unhinged adj.) Make mad or crazy.
Unhistorical adj. Not historical.
Unhitch v. 1 release from a hitched state. 2 unhook, unfasten.
Unholy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 impious, wicked. 2 colloq. Dreadful; outrageous (unholy row).
Unhook v. 1 remove from a hook or hooks. 2 unfasten the hook(s) of.
Unhoped-for adj. Not hoped for or expected.
Unhorse v. (-sing) throw (a rider) from a horse.
Unhurried adj. Not hurried.
Unhurt adj. Not hurt.
Unhygienic adj. Not hygienic.
Uni n. (pl. -s) esp. Austral. & nz colloq. University. [abbreviation]
Uni- comb. Form one; having or consisting of one. [latin unus one]
Uniat (also uniate) —adj. Of the church in e. Europe or the near east, acknowledging papal supremacy but retaining its own liturgy etc. —n. Member of such a church. [latin unio +union]
Unicameral adj. Having a single legislative chamber. [related to +chamber]
Unicef abbr. United nations children's (orig. International children's emergency) fund.
Unicellular adj. (of an organism etc.) Consisting of a single cell.
Unicorn n. Mythical horse with a single straight horn. [latin cornu horn]
Unicycle n. Single-wheeled cycle, esp. As used by acrobats. ~ unicyclist n.
Unidentified adj. Not identified.
Unification n. Unifying or being unified. ~ unificatory adj.
Unification church n. Religious organization founded by sun myung moon.
Uniform —adj. 1 unvarying (uniform appearance). 2 conforming to the same standard, rules, etc. 3 constant over a period (uniform acceleration). —n. Distinctive clothing worn by soldiers, police, schoolchildren, etc. ~ uniformed adj. Uniformity n. Uniformly adv. [latin: related to +form]
Unify v. (-ies, -ied) make or become united or uniform. [latin: related to +uni-]
Unilateral adj. Done by or affecting only one person or party (unilateral disarmament). ~ unilaterally adv.
Unilateralism n. Unilateral disarmament. ~ unilateralist n. & adj.
Unimaginable adj. Impossible to imagine.
Unimaginative adj. Lacking imagination; stolid, dull. ~ unimaginatively adv.
Unimpaired adj. Not impaired.
Unimpeachable adj. Beyond reproach or question.
Unimpeded adj. Not impeded.
Unimportant adj. Not important.
Unimpressed adj. Not impressed.
Unimpressive adj. Not impressive.
Uninformed adj. Not informed; ignorant.
Uninhabitable adj. Unfit for habitation.
Uninhabited adj. Not inhabited.
Uninhibited adj. Not inhibited.
Uninitiated adj. Not initiated, admitted, or instructed.
Uninjured adj. Not injured.
Uninspired adj. Not inspired; commonplace, pedestrian.
Uninspiring adj. Not inspiring.
Unintelligent adj. Not intelligent.
Unintelligible adj. Not intelligible.
Unintended adj. Not intended.
Unintentional adj. Not intentional. ~ unintentionally adv.
Uninterested adj. Not interested; indifferent.
Uninteresting adj. Not interesting.
Uninterrupted adj. Not interrupted.
Uninvited adj. Not invited.
Uninviting adj. Unattractive, repellent.
Union n. 1 uniting or being united. 2 a whole formed from parts or members. B political unit so formed. 3 = +trade union. 4 marriage. 5 concord (perfect union). 6 (union) a university social club and (at oxbridge) debating society. B buildings of this. 7 math. Totality of the members of two or more sets. 8 mixed fabric, e.g. Cotton with linen or silk. [latin unus one]
Union-bashing n. Colloq. Media or government campaign against trade unions.
Unionist n. 1 a member of a trade union. B advocate of trade unions. 2 (usu. Unionist) member of a party advocating continued union between great britain and northern ireland. ~ unionism n.
Unionize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) organize in or into a trade union. ~ unionization n.
Union jack n. (also union flag) national ensign of the united kingdom.
Unique adj. 1 being the only one of its kind; having no like, equal, or parallel. 2 remarkable (unique opportunity). ~ uniquely adv. [latin unicus from unus one]
Usage in sense 1, unique cannot be qualified by adverbs such as absolutely, most, and quite. The use of unique in sense 2 is regarded as incorrect by some people.
Unisex adj. (of clothing, hairstyles, etc.) Designed for both sexes.
Unison n. 1 concord (acted in perfect unison). 2 coincidence in pitch of sounds or notes (sung in unison). [latin sonus +sound1]
Unit n. 1 a individual thing, person, or group, esp. For calculation. B smallest component of a complex whole. 2 quantity as a standard of measurement (unit of heat; si unit). 3 smallest share in a unit trust. 4 part of a mechanism with a specified function. 5 fitted item of furniture, esp. As part of a set. 6 subgroup with a special function. 7 group of buildings, wards, etc., in a hospital. 8 a single-digit number. B the number ‘one’. [latin unus one]
Unitarian —n. 1 person who believes that god is one, not a trinity. 2 member of a religious body so believing. —adj. Of unitarians. ~ unitarianism n. [latin unitas +unity]
Unitary adj. 1 of a unit or units. 2 marked by unity or uniformity. [from +unit or +unity]
Unit cost n. Cost of producing one item.
Unite v. (-ting) 1 join together; combine, esp. For a common purpose or action (united in their struggle). 2 join in marriage. 3 (cause to) form a physical or chemical whole (oil will not unite with water). [latin unio -it- from unus one]
United kingdom n. Great britain and northern ireland.
United nations n.pl. (as sing. Or pl.) Supranational peace-seeking organization.
United reformed church n. Church formed in 1972 from the english presbyterian and congregational churches.
United states n. (in full united states of america) federal republic of 50 states, mostly in n. America and including alaska and hawaii.
Unit price n. Price charged for each unit of goods supplied.
Unit trust n. Company investing contributions from many persons in various securities and paying proportional dividends.
Unity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a oneness; being one; interconnected parts constituting a whole (national unity). B such a complex whole (person regarded as a unity). 2 a being united; solidarity. B harmony (lived together in unity). 3 the number ‘one’. [latin unus one]
Univalent adj. Having a valency of one. [from +uni-, +valence1]
Univalve zool. —adj. Having one valve. —n. Univalve mollusc.
Universal —adj. Of, belonging to, or done etc. By all; applicable to all cases. —n. Term, characteristic, or concept of general application. ~ universality n. Universally adv. [latin: related to +universe]
Universal coupling n. (also universal joint) coupling or joint which can transmit rotary power by a shaft at any angle.
Universal time n. = +greenwich mean time.
Universe n. 1 all existing things; creation. 2 all mankind. 3 statistics & logic all the objects under consideration. [latin universus combined into one]
University n. (pl. -ies) 1 educational institution of advanced learning and research conferring degrees. 2 members of this. [latin: related to +universe]
Unjust adj. Not just, not fair. ~ unjustly adv. Unjustness n.
Unjustifiable adj. Not justifiable. ~ unjustifiably adv.
Unjustified adj. Not justified.
Unkempt adj. Untidy, dishevelled. [= uncombed]
Unkind adj. Not kind; harsh, cruel. ~ unkindly adv. Unkindness n.
Unknot v. (-tt-) release the knot(s) of, untie.
Unknowable —adj. That cannot be known. —n. 1 unknowable thing. 2 (the unknowable) the postulated absolute or ultimate reality.
Unknowing adj. (often foll. By of) not knowing; ignorant, unconscious. ~ unknowingly adv.
Unknown —adj. (often foll. By to) not known, unfamiliar. —n. Unknown thing, person, or quantity. ~ unknown to without the knowledge of (did it unknown to me).
Unknown quantity n. Mysterious or obscure person or thing.
Unknown soldier n. Unidentified soldier etc. Symbolizing a nation's dead in war.
Unknown warrior n. = +unknown soldier.
Unlabeled adj. (brit. Unlabelled) not labelled; without a label.
Unlabelled adj. (us unlabeled) not labelled; without a label.
Unlace v. (-cing) 1 undo the lace(s) of. 2 unfasten or loosen in this way.
Unladen adj. Not laden.
Unladen weight n. Weight of a vehicle etc. When not loaded.
Unladylike adj. Not ladylike.
Unlatch v. 1 release the latch of. 2 open in this way.
Unlawful adj. Illegal, not permissible. ~ unlawfully adv.
Unleaded adj. (of petrol etc.) Without added lead.
Unlearn v. (past and past part. Unlearned or unlearnt) 1 forget deliberately. 2 rid oneself of (a habit, false information, etc.).
Unlearned1 adj. Not well educated; ignorant.
Unlearned2 adj. (also unlearnt) not learnt.
Unleash v. 1 release from a leash or restraint. 2 set free to engage in pursuit or attack.
Unleavened adj. Not leavened; made without yeast etc.
Unless conj. If not; except when (shall go unless i hear from you). [= on less]
Unlettered adj. Illiterate; not well educated.
Unlicensed adj. Not licensed, esp. To sell alcohol.
Unlike —adj. 1 not like; different from. 2 uncharacteristic of (greed is unlike her). 3 dissimilar, different. —prep. Differently from (acts quite unlike anyone else).
Unlikely adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 improbable (unlikely tale). 2 (foll. By to + infin.) Not expected (unlikely to die). 3 unpromising (unlikely candidate). ~ unlikeliness n.
Unlike signs n.pl. Math. Plus and minus.
Unlimited adj. Unrestricted; enormous (unlimited expanse).
Unlined1 adj. Without lines or wrinkles.
Unlined2 adj. Without a lining.
Unlisted adj. Not in a published list, esp. Of stock exchange prices or telephone numbers.
Unlit adj. Not lit.
Unload v. 1 (also absol.) Remove a load from (a vehicle etc.). 2 remove (a load) from a vehicle etc. 3 remove the ammunition from (a gun etc.). 4 colloq. Get rid of.
Unlock v. 1 a release the lock of (a door, box, etc.). B release or disclose by unlocking. 2 release thoughts, feelings, etc. From (one's mind etc.).
Unlooked-for adj. Unexpected.
Unloose v. (-sing) (also unloosen) unfasten, loose; set free.
Unlovable adj. Not lovable.
Unloved adj. Not loved.
Unlovely adj. Not attractive; unpleasant.
Unloving adj. Not loving.
Unlucky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 not fortunate or successful. 2 wretched. 3 bringing bad luck. 4 ill-judged. ~ unluckily adv.
Unmade adj. (esp. Of a bed) not made.
Unmake v. (-king; past and past part. Unmade) undo; destroy, depose, annul.
Unman v. (-nn-) make weak, cowardly, etc.; cause to weep etc.
Unmanageable adj. Not easily managed or controlled.
Unmanly adj. Not manly.
Unmanned adj. 1 not manned. 2 overcome by emotion etc.
Unmannerly adj. Ill-mannered. ~ unmannerliness n.
Unmarked adj. 1 not marked. 2 not noticed.
Unmarried adj. Not married, single.
Unmask v. 1 a remove the mask from. B expose the true character of. 2 remove one's mask.
Unmatched adj. Not matched or equalled.
Unmentionable —adj. Unsuitable for polite conversation. —n. (in pl.) Joc. Undergarments.
Unmerciful adj. Merciless. ~ unmercifully adv.
Unmerited adj. Not merited.
Unmet adj. (of a demand, goal, etc.) Not achieved or fulfilled.
Unmethodical adj. Not methodical.
Unmindful adj. (often foll. By of) not mindful.
Unmissable adj. That cannot or should not be missed.
Unmistakable adj. Clear, obvious, plain. ~ unmistakably adv.
Unmitigated adj. Not mitigated; absolute (unmitigated disaster).
Unmixed adj. Not mixed.
Unmodified adj. Not modified.
Unmoral adj. Not concerned with morality (cf. +immoral). ~ unmorality n.
Unmoved adj. 1 not moved. 2 constant in purpose. 3 unemotional.
Unmusical adj. 1 discordant. 2 unskilled in or indifferent to music.
Unnameable adj. Too bad to be named or mentioned.
Unnamed adj. Not named.
Unnatural adj. 1 contrary to nature; not normal. 2 lacking natural feelings, esp. Cruel or wicked. 3 artificial. 4 affected. ~ unnaturally adv.
Unnecessary adj. 1 not necessary. 2 superfluous. ~ unnecessarily adv.
Unneeded adj. Not needed.
Unnerve v. (-ving) deprive of confidence etc.
Unnoticeable adj. Not easily seen or noticed.
Unnoticed adj. Not noticed.
Unnumbered adj. 1 without a number. 2 not counted. 3 countless.
Unobjectionable adj. Not objectionable; acceptable.
Unobservant adj. Not observant.
Unobserved adj. Not observed.
Unobtainable adj. That cannot be obtained.
Unobtrusive adj. Not making oneself or itself noticed. ~ unobtrusively adv.
Unoccupied adj. Not occupied.
Unofficial adj. Not officially authorized or confirmed. ~ unofficially adv.
Unofficial strike n. Strike not ratified by the strikers' trade union.
Unopened adj. Not opened.
Unopposed adj. Not opposed.
Unorganized adj. (also -ised) not organized.
Unoriginal adj. Lacking originality; derivative.
Unorthodox adj. Not orthodox.
Unpack v. 1 (also absol.) Open and empty (a package, luggage, etc.). 2 take (a thing) from a package etc.
Unpaid adj. (of a debt or a person) not paid.
Unpainted adj. Not painted.
Unpaired adj. 1 not being one of a pair. 2 not united or arranged in pairs.
Unpalatable adj. (of food, an idea, suggestion, etc.) Disagreeable, distasteful.
Unparalleled adj. Unequalled.
Unpardonable adj. That cannot be pardoned. ~ unpardonably adv.
Unparliamentary language n. Oaths or abuse.
Unparliamentary adj. Contrary to proper parliamentary usage.
Unpasteurized adj. (also -ised) not pasteurized.
Unpatriotic adj. Not patriotic.
Unperson n. Person said not to exist, esp. By the state.
Unperturbed adj. Not perturbed.
Unpick v. Undo the sewing of (stitches, a garment, etc.).
Unpin v. (-nn-) unfasten or detach by removing or opening a pin or pins.
Unplaced adj. Not placed, esp. Not one of the first three in a race etc.
Unplanned adj. Not planned.
Unplayable adj. 1 sport (of a ball) too fast etc. To be returned. 2 that cannot be played.
Unpleasant adj. Not pleasant, disagreeable. ~ unpleasantly adv. Unpleasantness n.
Unpleasing adj. Not pleasing.
Unplug v. (-gg-) 1 disconnect (an electrical device) by removing its plug from the socket. 2 unstop.
Unplumbed adj. 1 not plumbed. 2 not fully explored or understood.
Unpointed adj. 1 having no point or points. 2 not punctuated. 3 (of brickwork etc.) Not pointed.
Unpolished adj. Not polished or refined; rough.
Unpolitical adj. Not concerned with politics.
Unpopular adj. Not popular; disliked. ~ unpopularity n.
Unpopulated adj. Not populated.
Unpractical adj. 1 not practical. 2 (of a person) without practical skill.
Unpracticed adj. (brit. Unpractised) 1 not experienced or skilled. 2 not put into practice.
Unpractised adj. (us unpracticed) 1 not experienced or skilled. 2 not put into practice.
Unprecedented adj. Having no precedent; unparalleled. ~ unprecedentedly adv.
Unpredictable adj. That cannot be predicted. ~ unpredictability n. Unpredictably adv.
Unprejudiced adj. Not prejudiced.
Unpremeditated adj. Not deliberately planned, unintentional.
Unprepared adj. Not prepared; not ready.
Unprepossessing adj. Unattractive.
Unpretentious adj. Simple, modest, unassuming.
Unpriced adj. Not having a price fixed, marked, or stated.
Unprincipled adj. Lacking or not based on moral principles.
Unprintable adj. Too offensive or indecent to be printed.
Unproductive adj. Not productive.
Unprofessional adj. 1 contrary to professional standards. 2 unskilled, amateurish. ~ unprofessionally adv.
Unprofitable adj. Not profitable.
Unprogressive adj. Not progressive, old-fashioned.
Unpromising adj. Not likely to turn out well.
Unprompted adj. Spontaneous.
Unpronounceable adj. That cannot be pronounced.
Unpropitious adj. Not propitious.
Unprotected adj. Not protected.
Unprovable adj. That cannot be proved.
Unproved adj. (also unproven) not proved.
Unprovoked adj. Without provocation.
Unpublished adj. Not published.
Unpunctual adj. Not punctual.
Unpunished adj. Not punished.
Unputdownable adj. Colloq. (of a book) compulsively readable.
Unqualified adj. 1 not legally or officially qualified. 2 complete (unqualified success). 3 not competent (unqualified to say).
Unquenchable adj. That cannot be quenched.
Unquestionable adj. That cannot be disputed or doubted. ~ unquestionably adv.
Unquestioned adj. Not disputed or doubted; definite, certain.
Unquestioning adj. 1 asking no questions. 2 (of obedience etc.) Absolute. ~ unquestioningly adv.
Unquiet adj. 1 restless, agitated. 2 anxious.
Unquote v. (as int.) Verbal formula indicating closing quotation marks.
Unravel v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 make or become disentangled, unknitted, unknotted, etc. 2 probe and solve (a mystery etc.). 3 undo (esp. Knitted fabric).
Unread adj. 1 (of a book etc.) Not read. 2 (of a person) not well-read.
Unreadable adj. Too dull, bad, or difficult to read.
Unready adj. 1 not ready. 2 hesitant.
Unreal adj. 1 not real. 2 imaginary. 3 slang incredible. ~ unreality n.
Unrealistic adj. Not realistic. ~ unrealistically adv.
Unrealizable adj. (also -isable) that cannot be realized.
Unrealized adj. (also -ised) not realized.
Unreason n. Madness; chaos; disorder.
Unreasonable adj. 1 excessive (unreasonable demands). 2 not heeding reason. ~ unreasonably adv.
Unreasoning adj. Not reasoning.
Unrecognizable adj. (also -isable) that cannot be recognized.
Unrecognized adj. (also -ised) not acknowledged.
Unrecorded adj. Not recorded.
Unredeemed adj. Not redeemed.
Unreel v. Unwind from a reel.
Unrefined adj. Not refined.
Unreflecting adj. Not thoughtful.
Unreformed adj. Not reformed.
Unregenerate adj. Obstinately wrong or bad.
Unregistered adj. Not registered.
Unregulated adj. Not regulated.
Unrehearsed adj. Not rehearsed.
Unrelated adj. Not related.
Unrelenting adj. Not abating, yielding, or relaxing; unmerciful. ~ unrelentingly adv.
Unreliable adj. Not reliable; erratic. ~ unreliability n.
Unrelieved adj. Not relieved; monotonously uniform.
Unremarkable adj. Not remarkable; uninteresting, ordinary.
Unremarked adj. Not mentioned or remarked upon.
Unremitting adj. Incessant. ~ unremittingly adv.
Unremunerative adj. Not, or not very, profitable.
Unrepeatable adj. 1 that cannot be done, made, or said again. 2 too indecent to repeat.
Unrepentant adj. Not repentant, impenitent. ~ unrepentantly adv.
Unrepresentative adj. Not representative.
Unrepresented adj. Not represented.
Unrequited adj. (of love etc.) Not returned.
Unreserved adj. 1 not reserved. 2 total; without reservation. ~ unreservedly adv.
Unresisting adj. Not resisting.
Unresolved adj. 1 irresolute, undecided. 2 (of questions etc.) Undetermined.
Unresponsive adj. Not responsive.
Unrest n. Disturbed or dissatisfied state (industrial unrest).
Unrestrained adj. Not restrained.
Unrestricted adj. Not restricted.
Unrewarded adj. Not rewarded.
Unrewarding adj. Not rewarding or satisfying.
Unrighteous adj. Wicked.
Unripe adj. Not ripe.
Unrivaled adj. (brit. Unrivalled) having no equal.
Unrivalled adj. (us unrivaled) having no equal.
Unroll v. 1 open out from a rolled-up state. 2 display or be displayed like this.
Unromantic adj. Not romantic.
Unruffled adj. Calm.
Unruly adj. (-ier, -iest) undisciplined, disorderly. ~ unruliness n. [related to +rule]
Unsaddle v. (-ling) 1 remove the saddle from. 2 unhorse.
Unsafe adj. Not safe.
Unsaid adj. Not uttered or expressed (left it unsaid).
Unsaleable adj. Not saleable.
Unsalted adj. Not salted.
Unsatisfactory adj. Poor, unacceptable.
Unsatisfied adj. Not satisfied.
Unsatisfying adj. Not satisfying.
Unsaturated adj. Chem. (of esp. A fat or oil) having double or triple bonds in its molecule and therefore capable of further reaction.
Unsavory adj. (brit. Unsavoury) 1 disgusting, unpleasant. 2 morally offensive.
Unsavoury adj. (us unsavory) 1 disgusting, unpleasant. 2 morally offensive.
Unsay v. (past and past part. Unsaid) retract (a statement).
Unscalable adj. That cannot be scaled.
Unscarred adj. Not scarred or damaged.
Unscathed adj. Without injury.
Unscheduled adj. Not scheduled.
Unschooled adj. Uneducated, untrained.
Unscientific adj. Not scientific in method etc. ~ unscientifically adv.
Unscramble v. (-ling) make plain, decode, interpret (a scrambled transmission etc.).
Unscreened adj. 1 a (esp. Of coal) not passed through a screen or sieve. B not checked, esp. For security or medical problems. 2 not having a screen. 3 not shown on a screen.
Unscrew v. 1 unfasten by removing a screw or screws. 2 loosen (a screw or screw-top).
Unscripted adj. (of a speech etc.) Delivered impromptu.
Unscrupulous adj. Having no scruples, unprincipled. ~ unscrupulously adv. Unscrupulousness n.
Unseal v. Break the seal of; open (a letter, receptacle, etc.).
Unseasonable adj. 1 not seasonable. 2 untimely, inopportune. ~ unseasonably adv.
Unseasonal adj. Not typical of, or appropriate to, the time or season. ~ unseasonally adv.
Unseat v. 1 remove from (esp. A parliamentary) seat. 2 dislodge from a seat, esp. On horseback.
Unseeded adj. Sport (of a player) not seeded.
Unseeing adj. 1 unobservant. 2 blind. ~ unseeingly adv.
Unseemly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 indecent. 2 unbecoming. ~ unseemliness n.
Unseen —adj. 1 not seen. 2 invisible. 3 (of a translation) to be done without preparation. —n. Unseen translation.
Unselfconscious adj. Not self-conscious. ~ unselfconsciously adv. Unselfconsciousness n.
Unselfish adj. Concerned about others; sharing. ~ unselfishly adv. Unselfishness n.
Unsentimental adj. Not sentimental.
Unsettle v. (-ling) 1 disturb; discompose. 2 derange.
Unsettled adj. 1 restless, disturbed; unpredictable, changeable. 2 open to change or further discussion. 3 (of a bill etc.) Unpaid.
Unsex v. Deprive (a person, esp. A woman) of the qualities of her or his sex.
Unshackle v. (-ling) 1 release from shackles. 2 set free.
Unshakeable adj. Firm; obstinate. ~ unshakeably adv.
Unshaken adj. Not shaken.
Unshaven adj. Not shaved.
Unsheathe v. (-thing) remove (a knife etc.) From a sheath.
Unshockable adj. Unable to be shocked.
Unshrinking adj. Unhesitating, fearless.
Unsighted adj. 1 not sighted or seen. 2 prevented from seeing.
Unsightly adj. Ugly. ~ unsightliness n.
Unsigned adj. Not signed.
Unsinkable adj. Unable to be sunk.
Unskilful adj. (us unskillful) not skilful.
Unskilled adj. Lacking, or (of work) not needing, special skill or training.
Unskillful adj. (brit. Unskilful) not skilful.
Unsliced adj. (esp. Of a loaf of bread) not sliced.
Unsmiling adj. Not smiling.
Unsmoked adj. Not cured by smoking (unsmoked bacon).
Unsociable adj. Not sociable, disliking company.
Usage see note at unsocial.
Unsocial adj. 1 not social; not suitable for or seeking society. 2 outside the normal working day (unsocial hours). 3 antisocial.
Usage unsocial is sometimes confused with unsociable.
Unsoiled adj. Not soiled or dirtied.
Unsold adj. Not sold.
Unsolicited adj. Not asked for; voluntary.
Unsolved adj. Not solved.
Unsophisticated adj. Artless, simple, natural.
Unsorted adj. Not sorted.
Unsought adj. 1 not sought for. 2 without being requested.
Unsound adj. 1 unhealthy, not sound. 2 rotten, weak; unreliable. 3 ill-founded. ~ of unsound mind insane. ~ unsoundness n.
Unsparing adj. 1 lavish. 2 merciless.
Unspeakable adj. 1 that cannot be expressed in words. 2 indescribably bad. ~ unspeakably adv.
Unspecific adj. Not specific; general, inexact.
Unspecified adj. Not specified.
Unspectacular adj. Not spectacular; dull.
Unspoiled adj. (also unspoilt) not spoilt.
Unspoken adj. 1 not expressed in speech. 2 not uttered as speech.
Unsporting adj. Not fair or generous.
Unsportsmanlike adj. Unsporting.
Unstable adj. (unstabler, unstablest) 1 not stable; likely to fall. 2 not stable emotionally. 3 changeable.~ unstably adv.
Unstained adj. Not stained.
Unstated adj. Not stated or declared.
Unsteady adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 not steady or firm. 2 changeable. 3 not uniform or regular. ~ unsteadily adv. Unsteadiness n.
Unstick v. (past and past part. Unstuck) separate (a thing stuck to another). ~ come unstuck colloq. Come to grief, fail.
Unstinted adj. Not stinted.
Unstinting adj. Lavish; limitless. ~ unstintingly adv.
Unstitch v. Undo the stitches of.
Unstop v. (-pp-) 1 unblock. 2 remove the stopper from.
Unstoppable adj. That cannot be stopped or prevented.
Unstrap v. (-pp-) undo the strap(s) of.
Unstressed adj. Not pronounced with stress.
Unstring v. (past and past part. Unstrung) 1 remove or relax the string(s) of (a bow, harp, etc.). 2 remove (beads etc.) From a string. 3 (esp. As unstrung adj.) Unnerve.
Unstructured adj. 1 not structured. 2 informal.
Unstuck past and past part. Of +unstick.
Unstudied adj. Easy, natural, spontaneous.
Unsubstantial adj. = +insubstantial.
Unsubstantiated adj. Not substantiated.
Unsubtle adj. Not subtle; obvious; clumsy.
Unsuccessful adj. Not successful. ~ unsuccessfully adv.
Unsuitable adj. Not suitable. ~ unsuitability n. Unsuitably adv.
Unsuited adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By for) not fit. 2 (usu. Foll. By to) not adapted.
Unsullied adj. Not sullied.
Unsung adj. Not celebrated, unrecognized (unsung heroes).
Unsupervised adj. Not supervised.
Unsupported adj. Not supported.
Unsure adj. Not sure.
Unsurpassed adj. Not surpassed.
Unsurprised adj. Not surprised.
Unsurprising adj. Not surprising. ~ unsurprisingly adv.
Unsuspecting adj. Not suspecting. ~ unsuspected adj.
Unsustainable adj. That cannot be sustained.
Unsweetened adj. Not sweetened.
Unswept adj. Not swept.
Unswerving adj. Steady, constant. ~ unswervingly adv.
Unsymmetrical adj. Not symmetrical.
Unsympathetic adj. Not sympathetic. ~ unsympathetically adv.
Unsystematic adj. Not systematic. ~ unsystematically adv.
Untainted adj. Not tainted.
Untalented adj. Not talented.
Untameable adj. That cannot be tamed.
Untamed adj. Not tamed, wild.
Untangle v. (-ling) disentangle.
Untapped adj. Not (yet) tapped or used (untapped resources).
Untarnished adj. Not tarnished.
Untaught adj. (of a person, knowledge, etc.) Not taught.
Untaxed adj. (of a person, commodity, etc.) Not taxed.
Unteachable adj. (of a person, subject, etc.) Incapable of being taught.
Untenable adj. (of a theory etc.) Not tenable.
Untested adj. Not tested or proved.
Untether v. Release (an animal) from a tether.
Unthinkable adj. 1 unimaginable, inconceivable. 2 colloq. Highly unlikely or undesirable. ~ unthinkably adv.
Unthinking adj. 1 thoughtless. 2 unintentional, inadvertent. ~ unthinkingly adv.
Unthread v. Take the thread out of (a needle etc.).
Unthrone v. (-ning) dethrone.
Untidy adj. (-ier, -iest) not neat or orderly. ~ untidily adv. Untidiness n.
Untie v. (untying) 1 undo (a knot, package, etc.). 2 release from bonds or attachment.
Until prep. & conj. = +till1. [earlier untill: un from old norse und as far as]
Usage until, as opposed to till, is used esp. At the beginning of a sentence and in formal style, e.g. Until you told me, i had no idea; he resided there until his decease.
Untimely adj. 1 inopportune. 2 (of death) premature. ~ untimeliness n.
Untiring adj. Tireless. ~ untiringly adv.
Untitled adj. Having no title.
Unto prep. Archaic = +to (in all uses except signalling the infinitive). [from +until, with to replacing til]
Untold adj. 1 not told. 2 immeasurable (untold misery).
Untouchable —adj. That may not be touched. —n. Member of a hereditary hindu group held to defile members of higher castes on contact. ~ untouchability n.
Usage the use of this term, and social restrictions accompanying it, were declared illegal under the indian constitution in 1949.
Untouched adj. 1 not touched. 2 not affected physically, emotionally, etc. 3 not discussed.
Untoward adj. 1 inconvenient, unlucky. 2 awkward. 3 perverse, refractory. 4 unseemly.
Untraceable adj. That cannot be traced.
Untrained adj. Not trained.
Untrammelled adj. Not trammelled, unhampered.
Untranslatable adj. That cannot be translated satisfactorily.
Untreated adj. Not treated.
Untried adj. 1 not tried or tested. 2 inexperienced.
Untroubled adj. Calm, tranquil.
Untrue adj. 1 not true. 2 (often foll. By to) not faithful or loyal. 3 deviating from an accepted standard.
Untrustworthy adj. Not trustworthy. ~ untrustworthiness n.
Untruth n. 1 being untrue. 2 lie.
Untruthful adj. Not truthful. ~ untruthfully adv.
Untuck v. Free (bedclothes etc.) From being tucked in or up.
Unturned adj. 1 not turned over, round, away, etc. 2 not shaped by turning.
Untutored adj. Uneducated, untaught.
Untwine v. (-ning) untwist, unwind.
Untwist v. Open from a twisted or spiralled state.
Unusable adj. Not usable.
Unused adj. 1 a not in use. B never having been used. 2 (foll. By to) not accustomed.
Unusual adj. 1 not usual. 2 remarkable. ~ unusually adv.
Unutterable adj. Inexpressible; beyond description. ~ unutterably adv.
Unvarnished adj. 1 not varnished. 2 plain and straightforward (the unvarnished truth).
Unvarying adj. Not varying.
Unveil v. 1 uncover (a statue etc.) Ceremonially. 2 reveal. 3 remove a veil from; remove one's veil.
Unverified adj. Not verified.
Unversed adj. (usu. Foll. By in) not experienced or skilled.
Unviable adj. Not viable.
Unvoiced adj. 1 not spoken. 2 (of a consonant etc.) Not voiced.
Unwaged adj. Not receiving a wage; unemployed.
Unwanted adj. Not wanted.
Unwarrantable adj. Unjustifiable. ~ unwarrantably adv.
Unwarranted adj. 1 unauthorized. 2 unjustified.
Unwary adj. (often foll. By of) not cautious. ~ unwarily adv. Unwariness n.
Unwashed adj. Not washed or clean. ~ the great unwashed colloq. The rabble.
Unwavering adj. Not wavering. ~ unwaveringly adv.
Unweaned adj. Not yet weaned.
Unwearying adj. Persistent.
Unwelcome adj. Not welcome or acceptable.
Unwell adj. Ill.
Unwholesome adj. 1 detrimental to physical or moral health. 2 unhealthy-looking.
Unwieldy adj. (-ier, -iest) cumbersome or hard to manage, owing to size, shape, etc. ~ unwieldily adv. Unwieldiness n. [wieldy active, from +wield]
Unwilling adj. Not willing or inclined; reluctant. ~ unwillingly adv. Unwillingness n.
Unwind v. (past and past part. Unwound) 1 draw out or become drawn out after having been wound. 2 colloq. Relax.
Unwinking adj. 1 not winking. 2 vigilant.
Unwise adj. Foolish, imprudent. ~ unwisely adv.
Unwished adj. (usu. Foll. By for) not wished for.
Unwitting adj. 1 not knowing or aware (an unwitting offender). 2 unintentional. ~ unwittingly adv. [old english: related to +wit]
Unwonted adj. Not customary or usual.
Unworkable adj. Not workable; impracticable.
Unworkmanlike adj. Badly done or made.
Unworldly adj. Spiritual; naïve. ~ unworldliness n.
Unworn adj. Not worn or impaired by wear.
Unworried adj. Not worried; calm.
Unworthy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (often foll. By of) not worthy of or befitting a person etc. 2 discreditable, unseemly. ~ unworthily adv. Unworthiness n.
Unwound past and past part. Of +unwind.
Unwrap v. (-pp-) 1 remove the wrapping from. 2 open, unfold. 3 become unwrapped.
Unwritten adj. 1 not written. 2 (of a law etc.) Based on custom or judicial decision, not on statute.
Unyielding adj. 1 not yielding. 2 firm, obstinate.
Unzip v. (-pp-) unfasten the zip of.
Up —adv. 1 at, in, or towards a higher place or a place regarded as higher, e.g. The north, a capital or a university (up in the air; up in scotland; went up to london; came up in 1989). 2 a to or in an erect or required position or condition (stood it up; wound up the watch). B in or into an active condition (stirred up trouble; the hunt is up). 3 in a stronger or leading position (three goals up; am £10 up; is well up in class). 4 to a specified place, person, or time (a child came up to me; fine up till now). 5 higher in price or value (our costs are up; shares are up). 6 a completely (burn up; eat up). B more loudly or clearly (speak up). 7 completed (time is up). 8 into a compact, accumulated, or secure state (pack up; save up; tie up). 9 out of bed, having risen (are you up yet?; sun is up). 10 happening, esp. Unusually (something is up). 11 (usu. Foll. By before) appearing for trial etc. (up before the magistrate). 12 (of a road etc.) Being repaired. 13 (of a jockey) in the saddle. —prep. 1 upwards and along, through, or into (climbed up the ladder; went up the road). 2 from the bottom to the top of. 3 a at or in a higher part of (is up the street). B towards the source of (a river). —adj. 1 directed upwards (up stroke). 2 of travel towards a capital or centre (the up train). —n. Spell of good fortune. —v. (-pp-) 1 colloq. Start, esp. Abruptly, to speak or act (upped and hit him). 2 raise (upped their prices). ~ be all up with be hopeless for (a person). On the up (or up and up) colloq. Steadily improving. Up against 1 close to. 2 in or into contact with. 3 colloq. Confronted with (a problem etc.).
Up- prefix in senses of +up, added: 1 as an adverb to verbs and verbal derivations, = ‘upwards’ (upcurved; update). 2 as a preposition to nouns forming adverbs and adjectives (up-country; uphill). 3 as an adjective to nouns (upland; up-stroke).
Up-and-coming adj. Colloq. (of a person) promising; progressing.
Up-and-over adj. (of a door) opening by being raised and pushed back into a horizontal position.
Upbeat —n. Unaccented beat in music. —adj. Colloq. Optimistic, cheerful.
Upbraid v. (often foll. By with, for) chide, reproach. [old english: related to +braid = brandish]
Upbringing n. Rearing of a child. [obsolete upbring to rear]
Up-country adv. & adj. Inland.
Upcurved adj. Curved upwards.
Update —v. (-ting) bring up to date. —n. 1 updating. 2 updated information etc.
Up-end v. Set or rise up on end.
Upfield adv. In or to a position nearer to the opponents' end of a field.
Upfront colloq. —adv. (usu. Up front) 1 at the front; in front. 2 (of payments) in advance. —adj. 1 honest, frank, direct. 2 (of payments) made in advance.
Upgrade v. (-ding) 1 raise in rank etc. 2 improve (equipment etc.).
Upheaval n. Violent or sudden change or disruption. [from upheave, = heave or lift up]
Uphill —adv. Up a slope. —adj. 1 sloping up; ascending. 2 arduous.
Uphold v. (past and past part. Upheld) 1 confirm (a decision etc.). 2 support, maintain (a custom etc.). ~ upholder n.
Upholster v. Provide (furniture) with upholstery. [back formation from +upholsterer]
Upholsterer n. Person who upholsters, esp. For a living. [obsolete upholster from +uphold in sense ‘keep in repair’]
Upholstery n. 1 covering, padding, springs, etc. For furniture. 2 upholsterer's work.
Upkeep n. 1 maintenance in good condition. 2 cost or means of this.
Upland —n. (usu. In pl.) Higher or inland parts of a country. —adj. Of these parts.
Uplift —v. 1 raise. 2 (esp. As uplifting adj.) Elevate morally or emotionally. —n. 1 colloq. Elevating influence. 2 support for the bust etc.
Up-market adj. & adv. Of or directed at the upper end of the market; classy.
Upmost var. Of +uppermost.
Upon prep. = +on. [from up on]
Usage upon is sometimes more formal than on, but is standard in once upon a time and upon my word.
Upper1 —attrib. Adj. 1 higher in place; situated above another part. 2 higher in rank etc. (upper class). —n. Part of a boot or shoe above the sole. ~ on one's uppers colloq. Very short of money.
Upper2 n. Slang amphetamine or other stimulant.
Upper case n. Capital letters.
Upper crust n. Colloq. (prec. By the) the aristocracy.
Upper-cut —n. Upwards blow delivered with the arm bent. —v. Hit upwards with the arm bent.
Upper hand n. (prec. By the) dominance, control.
Upper house n. Higher house in a legislature, esp. The house of lords.
Uppermost —adj. (also upmost) 1 highest. 2 predominant. —adv. At or to the uppermost position.
Uppish adj. Colloq. Uppity.
Uppity adj. Colloq. Self-assertive, arrogant.
Upright —adj. 1 erect, vertical. 2 (of a piano) with vertical strings. 3 honourable or honest. —n. 1 upright post or rod, esp. As a structural support. 2 upright piano. [old english]
Uprising n. Insurrection.
Uproar n. Tumult; violent disturbance. [dutch, = commotion]
Uproarious adj. 1 very noisy. 2 provoking loud laughter; very funny. ~ uproariously adv.
Uproot v. 1 pull (a plant etc.) Up from the ground. 2 displace (a person). 3 eradicate.
Uprush n. Upward rush.
Ups-a-daisy var. Of +upsy-daisy.
Ups and downs n.pl. 1 rises and falls. 2 mixed fortune.
Upset —v. (-tt-; past and past part. Upset) 1 overturn. 2 disturb the composure or digestion of. 3 disrupt. —n. 1 emotional or physical disturbance. 2 surprising result. —adj. Disturbed (upset stomach).
Upshot n. Outcome, conclusion.
Upside down adv. & adj. 1 with the upper and lower parts reversed; inverted. 2 in or into total disorder. [from up so down, perhaps = ‘up as if down’]
Upsilon n. Twentieth letter of the greek alphabet (u, u). [greek, = slender u, from psilos slender, with ref. To its later coincidence in sound with greek oi]
Upstage —adj. & adv. Nearer the back of a theatre stage. —v. (-ging) 1 move upstage to make (another actor) face away from the audience. 2 divert attention from (a person) to oneself.
Upstairs —adv. To or on an upper floor. —attrib. Adj. Situated upstairs. —n. Upper floor.
Upstanding adj. 1 standing up. 2 strong and healthy. 3 honest.
Upstart —n. Newly successful, esp. Arrogant, person. —adj. 1 that is an upstart. 2 of upstarts.
Upstate us —n. Provincial, esp. Northern, part of a state. —attrib. Adj. Of this part. —adv. In or to this part.
Upstream adv. & adj. In the direction contrary to the flow of a stream etc.
Up-stroke n. Upwards stroke.
Upsurge n. Upward surge.
Upswept adj. (of hair) combed to the top of the head.
Upswing n. Upward movement or trend.
Upsy-daisy int. (also ups-a-daisy) expressing encouragement to a child who is being lifted or has fallen. [earlier up-a-daisy]
Uptake n. 1 colloq. Understanding (esp. Quick or slow on the uptake). 2 taking up (of an offer etc.).
Upthrust n. 1 upward thrust. 2 upward displacement of part of the earth's crust.
Uptight adj. Colloq. 1 nervously tense or angry. 2 us rigidly conventional.
Uptown us —attrib. Adj. Of the residential part of a town or city. —adv. In or into this part. —n. This part.
Upturn —n. Upward trend; improvement. —v. Turn up or upside down.
Upward —adv. (also upwards) towards what is higher, more important, etc. —adj. Moving or extending upwards. ~ upwards of more than (upwards of forty).
Upwardly adv. In an upward direction.
Upwardly mobile adj. Aspiring to advance socially or professionally.
Upwind adj. & adv. In the direction from which the wind is blowing.
Uranium n. Radioactive grey dense metallic element, capable of nuclear fission and used as a source of nuclear energy. [uranus, name of a planet]
Urban adj. Of, living in, or situated in a town or city. [latin urbs city]
Urbane adj. Suave; elegant. ~ urbanity n. [latin: related to +urban]
Urban guerrilla n. Terrorist operating in an urban area.
Urbanize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make urban, esp. By destroying the rural quality of (a district). ~ urbanization n.
Urchin n. 1 mischievous, esp. Ragged, child. 2 = +sea urchin. [latin ericius hedgehog]
Urdu n. Language related to hindi but with many persian words, used esp. In pakistan. [hindustani]
-ure suffix forming: 1 nouns of action (seizure). 2 nouns of result (creature). 3 collective nouns (nature). [latin -ura]
Urea n. Soluble nitrogenous compound contained esp. In urine. [french urée from greek ouron urine]
Ureter n. Duct conveying urine from the kidney to the bladder. [greek oureo urinate]
Urethra n. (pl. -s) duct conveying urine from the bladder. [greek: related to +ureter]
Urge —v. (-ging) 1 (often foll. By on) drive forcibly; hasten. 2 encourage or entreat earnestly or persistently. 3 (often foll. By on, upon) advocate (an action or argument etc.) Emphatically (to a person). —n. 1 urging impulse or tendency. 2 strong desire. [latin urgeo]
Urgent adj. 1 requiring immediate action or attention. 2 importunate. ~ urgency n. Urgently adv. [french: related to +urge]
Uric adj. Of urine. [french urique: related to +urine]
Uric acid n. Constituent of urine.
Urinal n. Place or receptacle for urination by men. [latin: related to +urine]
Urinary adj. Of or relating to urine.
Urinate v. (-ting) discharge urine. ~ urination n.
Urine n. Waste fluid secreted by the kidneys and discharged from the bladder. [latin urina]
Urn n. 1 vase with a foot and usu. A rounded body, used esp. For the ashes of the dead. 2 large vessel with a tap, in which tea or coffee etc. Is made or kept hot. [latin urna]
Urogenital adj. Of the urinary and reproductive systems. [greek ouron urine]
Urology n. The study of the urinary system. ~ urological adj.
Ursa major n. = great bear (see +bear2). [latin]
Ursa minor n. = little bear (see +bear2). [latin]
Ursine adj. Of or like a bear. [latin ursus bear]
Us abbr. United states.
Us pron. 1 objective case of +we (they saw us). 2 colloq. = +we (it's us again). 3 colloq. = +me1 (give us a kiss). [old english]
Usa abbr. United states of america.
Usable adj. That can be used.
Usaf abbr. United states air force.
Usage n. 1 use, treatment (damaged by rough usage). 2 customary practice, esp. In the use of a language or as creating a precedent in law.
Use —v. (using) 1 cause to act or serve for a purpose; bring into service. 2 treat in a specified manner (used him shamefully). 3 exploit for one's own ends. 4 did or had habitually (i used to drink; it used not (or did not use) to rain so often). 5 (as used adj.) Second-hand. 6 (as used predic. Adj.) (foll. By to) familiar by habit; accustomed (used to hard work). —n. 1 using or being used. 2 right or power of using (lost the use of his legs). 3 benefit, advantage (a torch would be of use; it's no use talking). 4 custom or usage (established by long use). ~ have no use for 1 not need. 2 dislike, be contemptuous of. In use being used. Make use of 1 use. 2 benefit from. Out of use not being used. Use up 1 consume completely. 2 find a use for (leftovers etc.). [french us, user, ultimately from latin utor us-]
Useful adj. 1 that can be used to advantage; helpful; beneficial. 2 colloq. Creditable, efficient (useful footballer). ~ make oneself useful help. ~ usefully adv. Usefulness n.
Useless adj. 1 serving no purpose; unavailing. 2 colloq. Feeble or ineffectual (useless at swimming). ~ uselessly adv. Uselessness n.
User n. Person who uses a thing.
User-friendly adj. (of a computer etc.) Easy to use.
Usher —n. 1 person who shows people to their seats in a cinema, church, etc. 2 doorkeeper at a court etc. —v. 1 act as usher to. 2 (usu. Foll. By in) announce, herald, or show in. [latin ostium door]
Usherette n. Female usher, esp. In a cinema.
Ussr abbr. Hist. Union of soviet socialist republics.
Usual adj. 1 customary, habitual (the usual time). 2 (absol., prec. By the, my, etc.) Colloq. Person's usual drink etc. ~ as usual as (or was) usual. ~ usually adv. [latin: related to +use]
Usurer n. Person who practises usury.
Usurp v. Seize (a throne or power etc.) Wrongfully. ~ usurpation n. Usurper n. [french from latin]
Usury n. 1 lending of money at interest, esp. At an exorbitant or illegal rate. 2 interest at this rate. ~ usurious adj. [anglo-french or medieval latin: related to +use]
Utensil n. Implement or vessel, esp. For kitchen use. [medieval latin: related to +use]
Uterine adj. Of the uterus.
Uterus n. (pl. Uteri) womb. [latin]
Utilitarian —adj. 1 designed to be useful rather than attractive; severely practical. 2 of utilitarianism. —n. Adherent of utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism n. Doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or benefit a majority.
Utility n. (pl. -ies) 1 usefulness. 2 useful thing. 3 = +public utility. 4 (attrib.) Basic and standardized (utility furniture). [latin utilis useful: related to +use]
Utility room n. Room for domestic appliances, e.g. A washing-machine, boiler, etc.
Utility vehicle n. Vehicle serving various functions.
Utilize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) use; turn to account. ~ utilization n. [italian: related to +utility]
Utmost —attrib. Adj. Furthest, extreme, greatest. —n. Utmost point or degree etc. ~ do one's utmost do all that one can. [old english, = outmost]
Utopia n. Imagined perfect place or state of things. ~ utopian adj. (also utopian). [title of a book by thomas more, from greek ou not, topos place]
Utter1 attrib. Adj. Complete, absolute. ~ utterly adv. [old english, comparative of +out]
Utter2 v. 1 emit audibly. 2 express in words. 3 law put (esp. Forged money) into circulation. [dutch]
Utterance n. 1 act of uttering. 2 thing spoken. 3 power or manner of speaking.
Uttermost attrib. Adj. Utmost.
U-turn n. 1 u-shaped turn of a vehicle so as to face in the opposite direction. 2 abrupt reversal of policy.
Uv abbr. Ultraviolet.
Uvpc abbr. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.
Uvula n. (pl. Uvulae) fleshy part of the soft palate hanging above the throat. ~ uvular adj. [latin diminutive of uva grape]
Uxorial adj. Of a wife. [latin uxor wife]
Uxorious adj. Greatly or excessively fond of one's wife.
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