T1 n. (also t) (pl. Ts or t's) 1 twentieth letter of the alphabet. 2 t-shaped thing (esp. Attrib.: t-joint). ~ to a t exactly; to a nicety.
T2 symb. Tritium.
T. Abbr. (also t) 1 ton(s). 2 tonne(s).
Ta abbr. Territorial army.
Ta symb. Tantalum.
Ta int. Colloq. Thank you. [infantile form]
Tab1 —n. 1 small flap or strip of material attached for grasping, fastening, or hanging up, or for identification. 2 us colloq. Bill (picked up the tab). 3 distinguishing mark on a staff officer's collar. —v. (-bb-) provide with a tab or tabs. ~ keep tabs (or a tab) on colloq. 1 keep account of. 2 have under observation or in check. [probably dial.]
Tab2 n. = +tabulator 2. [abbreviation]
Tabard n. 1 herald's official coat emblazoned with royal arms. 2 woman's or girl's sleeveless jerkin. 3 hist. Knight's short emblazoned garment worn over armour. [french]
Tabasco n. 1 pungent pepper. 2 (tabasco) propr. Sauce made from this. [tabasco in mexico]
Tabby n. (pl. -ies) 1 grey or brownish cat with dark stripes. 2 a kind of watered silk. [french from arabic]
Tabernacle n. 1 hist. Tent used as a sanctuary by the israelites during the exodus. 2 niche or receptacle, esp. For the eucharistic elements. 3 nonconformist meeting-house. [latin: related to +tavern]
Tabla n. Pair of small drums played with the hands, esp. In indian music. [arabic, = drum]
Table —n. 1 flat surface on a leg or legs, used for eating, working at, etc. 2 a food provided in a household (keeps a good table). B group seated for dinner etc. 3 a set of facts or figures in columns etc. (table of contents). B matter contained in this. C = +multiplication table. —v. (-ling) 1 bring forward for discussion etc. At a meeting. 2 esp. Us postpone consideration of (a matter). ~ at table taking a meal at a table. On the table offered for discussion. Turn the tables (often foll. By on) reverse circumstances to one's advantage (against). Under the table colloq. 1 very drunk.
Tableau n. (pl. -x) 1 picturesque presentation. 2 group of silent motionless people representing a scene on stage. [french, = picture, diminutive of +table]
Tablecloth n. Cloth spread over a table, esp. For meals.
Table d'hôte n. (often attrib.) Meal from a set menu at a fixed price. [french, = host's table]
Tableland n. Elevated plateau.
Table licence n. Licence to serve alcoholic drinks with meals only.
Table linen n. Tablecloths, napkins, etc.
Tablespoon n. 1 large spoon for serving food. 2 amount held by this. ~ tablespoonful n. (pl. -s).
Tablet n. 1 small solid dose of a medicine etc. 2 bar of soap etc. 3 flat slab of esp. Stone, usu. Inscribed. 4 us writing-pad. [latin diminutive: related to +table]
Table talk n. Informal talk at table.
Table tennis n. Indoor ball game played with small bats on a table divided by a net.
Tabletop n. Surface of a table.
Tableware n. Dishes, plates, etc., for meals.
Table wine n. Wine of ordinary quality.
Tabloid n. Small-sized, often popular or sensational, newspaper. [from +tablet]
Taboo (also tabu) —n. (pl. -s) 1 ritual isolation of a person or thing as sacred or accursed. 2 prohibition imposed by social custom. —adj. Avoided or prohibited, esp. By social custom (taboo words). —v. (-oos, -ooed or -us, -ued) 1 put under taboo. 2 exclude or prohibit, esp. Socially. [tongan]
Tabor n. Hist. Small drum, esp. Used to accompany a pipe. [french]
Tabu var. Of +taboo.
Tabular adj. Of or arranged in tables or lists. [latin: related to +table]
Tabulate v. (-ting) arrange (figures or facts) in tabular form. ~ tabulation n.
Tabulator n. 1 person or thing that tabulates. 2 device on a typewriter etc. For advancing to a sequence of set positions in tabular work.
Tacho n. (pl. -s) colloq. = +tachometer. [abbreviation]
Tachograph n. Device in a vehicle recording speed and travel time. [greek takhos speed]
Tachometer n. Instrument measuring velocity or rate of rotation of a shaft (esp. In a vehicle).
Tacit adj. Understood or implied without being stated (tacit consent). ~ tacitly adv. [latin taceo be silent]
Taciturn adj. Saying little; uncommunicative. ~ taciturnity n. [latin: related to +tacit]
Tack1 —n. 1 small sharp broad-headed nail. 2 us drawing-pin. 3 long stitch for joining fabrics etc. Lightly or temporarily together. 4 (in sailing) direction, or temporary change of direction, esp. Taking advantage of a side wind (starboard tack). 5 course of action or policy (change tack). 6 sticky condition of varnish etc. —v. 1 (often foll. By down etc.) Fasten with tacks. 2 stitch lightly together. 3 (foll. By to, on, on to) add or append. 4 a change a ship's course by turning its head to the wind. B make a series of such tacks. [probably related to french tache clasp, nail]
Tack2 n. Saddle, bridle, etc., of a horse. [from +tackle]
Tack3 n. Colloq. Cheap or shoddy material; tat, kitsch. [back formation from +tacky2]
Tackle —n. 1 equipment for a task or sport. 2 mechanism, esp. Of ropes, pulley-blocks, hooks, etc., for lifting weights, managing sails, etc. 3 windlass with its ropes and hooks. 4 act of tackling in football etc. —v. (-ling) 1 try to deal with (a problem or difficulty). 2 grapple with (an opponent). 3 confront (a person) in discussion or argument. 4 intercept or stop (a player running with the ball). ~ tackler n. [low german]
Tackle-block n. Pulley over which a rope runs.
Tacky1 adj. (-ier, -iest) slightly sticky. ~ tackiness n. [from +tack1]
Tacky2 adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 in poor taste, cheap. 2 tatty, shabby. ~ tackiness n. [origin unknown]
Taco n. (pl. -s) mexican dish of meat etc. In a folded tortilla. [mexican spanish]
Tact n. 1 skill in dealing with others, esp. In delicate situations. 2 intuitive perception of the right thing to do or say. [latin tango tact- touch]
Tactful adj. Having or showing tact. ~ tactfully adv.
Tactic n. 1 tactical manoeuvre. 2 = +tactics. [greek from tasso arrange]
Tactical adj. 1 of tactics (tactical retreat). 2 (of bombing etc.) Done in direct support of military or naval operations. 3 adroitly planning or adroitly planned. ~ tactically adv.
Tactics n.pl. 1 (also treated as sing.) Disposition of armed forces, esp. In warfare. 2 short-term procedure adopted in carrying out a scheme or achieving an end. ~ tactician n.
Tactile adj. 1 of the sense of touch. 2 perceived by touch; tangible. ~ tactility n. [latin: related to +tact]
Tactless adj. Having or showing no tact. ~ tactlessly adv.
Tadpole n. Larva, esp. Of a frog, toad, or newt. [related to +toad, +poll]
Taffeta n. Fine lustrous silk or silklike fabric. [french or medieval latin from persian]
Taffrail n. Rail round a ship's stern. [dutch taffereel panel]
Taffy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Often offens. Welshman. [a supposed pronunciation of davy = david]
Tag1 —n. 1 label, esp. On an object to show its address, price, etc. 2 metal etc. Point on a shoelace etc. 3 loop or flap for handling or hanging a thing. 4 loose or ragged end. 5 trite quotation or stock phrase. —v. (-gg-) 1 provide with a tag or tags. 2 (often foll. By on, on to) join or attach. ~ tag along (often foll. By with) go along, accompany passively. [origin unknown]
Tag2 —n. Children's chasing game. —v. (-gg-) touch in a game of tag. [origin unknown]
Tag end n. Esp. Us last remnant.
Tagliatelle n. Narrow ribbon-shaped pasta. [italian]
T'ai chi n. (in full t'ai chi ch'uan) chinese martial art and system of callisthenics with slow controlled movements. [chinese, = great ultimate boxing]
Tail1 —n. 1 hindmost part of an animal, esp. Extending beyond the body. 2 a thing like a tail, esp. An extension at the rear. B rear of a procession etc. 3 rear part of an aeroplane, vehicle, or rocket. 4 luminous trail following a comet. 5 inferior, weaker, or last part of anything. 6 part of a shirt or coat below the waist at the back. 7 (in pl.) Colloq. A tailcoat. B evening dress including this. 8 (in pl.) Reverse of a coin as a choice when tossing. 9 colloq. Person following another. —v. 1 remove the stalks of (fruit). 2 (often foll. By after) colloq. Follow closely. ~ on a person's tail closely following a person. Tail off (or away) gradually decrease or diminish; end inconclusively. With one's tail between one's legs dejected, humiliated. ~ tailless adj. [old english]
Tail2 law —n. Limitation of ownership, esp. Of an estate limited to a person and that person's heirs. —adj. So limited (estate tail). ~ in tail under such a limitation. [french taillier cut: related to +tally]
Tailback n. Long line of traffic caused by an obstruction.
Tailboard n. Hinged or removable flap at the rear of a lorry etc.
Tailcoat n. Man's coat with a long divided flap at the back, worn as part of formal dress.
Tail-end n. Hindmost, lowest, or last part.
Tailgate n. 1 esp. Us = +tailboard. 2 rear door of an estate car or hatchback.
Tail-light n. (also tail-lamp) us rear light on a vehicle etc.
Tailor —n. Maker of clothes, esp. Men's outer garments to measure. —v. 1 make (clothes) as a tailor. 2 make or adapt for a special purpose. 3 work as or be a tailor. [anglo-french taillour: related to +tail2]
Tailored adj. 1 (of clothing) well or closely fitted. 2 = +tailor-made.
Tailor-made adj. 1 made to order by a tailor. 2 made or suited for a particular purpose.
Tailpiece n. 1 rear appendage. 2 final part of a thing. 3 decoration in a blank space at the end of a chapter etc.
Tailpipe n. Rear section of an exhaust-pipe.
Tailplane n. Horizontal aerofoil at the tail of an aircraft.
Tailspin n. 1 spin by an aircraft with the tail spiralling. 2 state of chaos or panic.
Tail wind n. Wind blowing in the direction of travel.
Taint —n. 1 spot or trace of decay, infection, corruption, etc. 2 corrupt condition or infection. —v. 1 affect with a taint; become tainted. 2 (foll. By with) affect slightly. [latin: related to +tinge]
Take —v. (-king; past took; past part. Taken) 1 lay hold of; get into one's hands. 2 acquire, capture, earn, or win. 3 get by purchase, hire, or formal agreement (take lodgings; took a taxi). 4 (in a recipe) use. 5 regularly buy (a newspaper etc.). 6 obtain after qualifying (take a degree). 7 occupy (take a chair). 8 make use of (take the next turning on the left; take the bus). 9 consume (food or medicine). 10 a be effective (inoculation did not take). B (of a plant, seed, etc.) Begin to grow. 11 require or use up (will only take a minute). 12 carry or accompany (take the book home; bus will take you). 13 remove; steal (someone has taken my pen). 14 catch or be infected with (fire or fever etc.). 15 a experience, seek, or be affected by (take fright; take pleasure). B exert (take no notice). 16 find out and note (took his address; took her temperature). 17 understand; assume (i took you to mean yes). 18 treat, deal with, or regard in a specified way (took it badly; took the corner too fast). 19 (foll. By for) regard as being (do you take me for an idiot?). 20 a accept, receive (take the offer; take a call; takes boarders). B hold (takes 3 pints). C submit to; tolerate (take a joke). 21 wear (takes size 10). 22 choose or assume (took a job; took the initiative). 23 derive (takes its name from the inventor). 24 (foll. By from) subtract (take 3 from 9). 25 perform or effect (take notes; take an oath; take a look). 26 occupy or engage oneself in (take a rest). 27 conduct (took prayers). 28 teach, be taught, or be examined in (a subject). 29 a make (a photograph). B photograph (a person etc.). 30 (in imper.) Use as an example (take napoleon). 31 gram. Have or require as part of a construction (this verb takes an object). 32 have sexual intercourse with (a woman). 33 (in passive; foll. By by, with) be attracted or charmed by. —n. 1 amount taken or caught at a time etc. 2 scene or film sequence photographed continuously at one time. ~ be taken ill become ill, esp. Suddenly. Have what it takes colloq. Have the necessary qualities etc. For success. Take account of see +account. Take advantage of see +advantage. Take after resemble (a parent etc.). Take against begin to dislike. Take aim see +aim. Take apart 1 dismantle. 2 colloq. Beat or defeat. 3 colloq. Criticize severely. Take away 1 remove or carry elsewhere. 2 subtract. 3 buy (hot food etc.) For eating elsewhere. Take back 1 retract (a statement). 2 convey to an original position. 3 carry in thought to a past time. 4 a return (goods) to a shop. B (of a shop) accept such goods. 5 accept (a person) back into one's affections, into employment, etc. Take the biscuit (or bun or cake) colloq. Be the most remarkable. Take down 1 write down (spoken words). 2 remove or dismantle. 3 lower (a garment worn below the waist). Take effect see +effect. Take for granted see +grant. Take fright see +fright. Take heart be encouraged. Take in 1 receive as a lodger etc. 2 undertake (work) at home. 3 make (a garment etc.) Smaller. 4 understand; observe (did you take that in?). 5 cheat. 6 include. 7 colloq. Visit (a place) on the way to another (took in bath). 8 absorb into the body. Take in hand 1 undertake; start doing or dealing with. 2 undertake to control or reform (a person). Take into account see +account. Take it 1 (often foll. By that) assume. 2 colloq. Endure in a specified way (took it badly). Take it easy see +easy. Take it into one's head see +head. Take it on one (or oneself) (foll. By to + infin.) Venture or presume. Take it or leave it (esp. In imper.) Accept it or not. Take it out of 1 exhaust the strength of. 2 have revenge on. Take it out on relieve one's frustration by treating aggressively.
Take-away —attrib. Adj. (of food) bought cooked for eating elsewhere. —n. 1 this food. 2 establishment selling this.
Take-home pay n. Employee's pay after the deduction of tax etc.
Take-off n. 1 act of becoming airborne. 2 act of mimicking.
Take-over n. Assumption of control (esp. Of a business); buying-out.
Taker n. Person who takes a bet, accepts an offer, etc.
Take-up n. Acceptance of a thing offered.
Taking —adj. Attractive, captivating. —n. (in pl.) Amount of money taken at a show, in a shop, etc.
Talc n. 1 talcum powder. 2 magnesium silicate formed as soft flat plates, used as a lubricator etc. [arabic from persian talk]
Talcum n. 1 = +talc 2. 2 (in full talcum powder) powdered talc for toilet use, usu. Perfumed. [medieval latin: see +talc]
Tale n. 1 (usu. Fictitious) narrative or story. 2 allegation, often malicious or in breach of confidence. [old english]
Talent n. 1 special aptitude or faculty (talent for music). 2 high mental ability. 3 a person or persons of talent. B colloq. Attractive members of the opposite sex (plenty of local talent). 4 ancient esp. Greek weight and unit of currency. ~ talented adj. [greek talanton]
Talent-scout n. (also talent-spotter) person seeking new talent, esp. In sport or entertainment.
Talisman n. (pl. -s) ring, stone, etc. Thought to have magic powers, esp. To bring good luck. ~ talismanic adj. [french and spanish from greek]
Talk —v. 1 (often foll. By to, with) converse or communicate verbally. 2 have the power of speech. 3 (often foll. By about) a discuss; express; utter (talked cricket; talking nonsense). B (in imper.) Colloq. As an emphatic statement (talk about expense!). 4 use (a language) in speech (talking spanish). 5 (foll. By at) address pompously. 6 (usu. Foll. By into, out of) bring into a specified condition etc. By talking (talked himself hoarse; did you talk them into it?). 7 betray secrets. 8 gossip (people will talk). 9 have influence (money talks). —n. 1 conversation, talking. 2 particular mode of speech (baby-talk). 3 informal address or lecture. 4 a rumour or gossip (talk of a merger). B its theme (the talk was all babies). 5 empty promises; boasting. 6 (often in pl.) Discussions or negotiations. ~ now you're talking colloq. I like what you say, suggest, etc. Talk back reply defiantly. Talk down to speak condescendingly to. Talk a person down 1 silence by loudness or persistence. 2 bring (a pilot or aircraft) to landing by radio. Talk of 1 discuss or mention. 2 (often foll. By verbal noun) express some intention of (talked of moving to london). Talk out block (a bill in parliament) by prolonging discussion to the time of adjournment. Talk over discuss at length. Talk a person over (or round) gain agreement by talking. Talk shop talk about one's occupation etc. Talk to rebuke, scold. ~ talker n. [from +tale or +tell]
Talkative adj. Fond of or given to talking.
Talkback n. (often attrib.) System of two-way communication by loudspeaker.
Talkie n. Colloq. (esp. Early) film with a soundtrack.
Talking —adj. 1 that talks, or is able to talk (talking parrot). 2 expressive (talking eyes). —n. In senses of +talk v. ~ talking of while we are discussing.
Talking book n. Recorded reading of a book, esp. For the blind.
Talking-point n. Topic for discussion.
Talking-shop n. Derog. Arena or opportunity for empty talk.
Talking-to n. Colloq. Reproof, reprimand.
Tall —adj. 1 of more than average height. 2 of a specified height (about six feet tall). 3 higher than the surrounding objects (tall building). —adv. As if tall; proudly (sit tall). ~ tallish adj. Tallness n. [old english, = swift]
Tallboy n. Tall chest of drawers.
Tall order n. Unreasonable demand.
Tallow n. Hard (esp. Animal) fat melted down to make candles, soap, etc. ~ tallowy adj. [low german]
Tall ship n. Sailing-ship with a high mast.
Tall story n. Colloq. Extravagant story that is difficult to believe.
Tally —n. (pl. -ies) 1 reckoning of a debt or score. 2 total score or amount. 3 mark registering the number of objects delivered or received. 4 hist. A piece of notched wood for keeping account. B account kept thus. 5 identification ticket or label. 6 corresponding thing, counterpart, or duplicate. —v. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. By with) agree or correspond. [latin talea rod]
Tally-ho —int. Huntsman's cry on sighting a fox. —n. (pl. -s) cry of this. —v. (-hoes, -hoed) 1 utter a cry of ‘tally-ho’. 2 indicate (a fox) or urge (hounds) with this cry. [cf. French taïaut]
Talmud n. Body of jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend. ~ talmudic adj. Talmudist n. [hebrew, = instruction]
Talon n. Claw, esp. Of a bird of prey. [latin talus ankle]
Talus n. (pl. Tali) ankle-bone supporting the tibia. [latin, = ankle]
Tamarind n. 1 tropical evergreen tree. 2 fruit pulp from this used as food and in drinks. [arabic, = indian date]
Tamarisk n. Seashore shrub usu. With small pink or white flowers. [latin]
Tambour n. 1 drum. 2 circular frame holding fabric taut for embroidering. [french: related to +tabor]
Tambourine n. Small shallow drum with jingling discs in its rim, shaken or banged as an accompaniment. [french, diminutive of +tambour]
Tame —adj. 1 (of an animal) domesticated; not wild or shy. 2 insipid; dull (tame entertainment). 3 (of a person) amenable. —v. (-ming) 1 make tame; domesticate. 2 subdue, curb. ~ tameable adj. Tamely adv. Tameness n. Tamer n. (also in comb.). [old english]
Tamil —n. 1 member of a people of south india and sri lanka. 2 language of this people. —adj. Of this people or language. [native name]
Tam-o'-shanter n. Floppy round esp. Woollen beret, of scottish origin. [hero of a poem by burns]
Tamp v. Ram down hard or tightly. [tampion stopper for gun-muzzle, from french tampon]
Tamper v. (foll. By with) 1 meddle with or change illicitly. 2 exert a secret or corrupt influence upon; bribe. [var. Of +temper]
Tampon n. Plug of soft material used esp. To absorb menstrual blood. [french: related to +tamp]
Tam-tam n. Large metal gong. [hindi]
Tan1 —n. 1 = +suntan. 2 yellowish-brown colour. 3 bark, esp. Of oak, used to tan hides. —adj. Yellowish-brown. —v. (-nn-) 1 make or become brown by exposure to sunlight. 2 convert (raw hide) into leather. 3 slang beat, thrash. [medieval latin tanno, perhaps from celtic]
Tan2 abbr. Tangent.
Tandem —n. 1 bicycle with two or more seats one behind another. 2 group of two people etc. With one behind or following the other. 3 carriage driven tandem. —adv. With two or more horses harnessed one behind another (drive tandem). ~ in tandem 1 one behind another. 2 alongside each other; together. [latin, = at length]
Tandoor n. Clay oven. [hindustani]
Tandoori n. Food spiced and cooked over charcoal in a tandoor (often attrib.: tandoori chicken). [hindustani]
Tang n. 1 strong taste or smell. 2 characteristic quality. 3 projection on the blade of esp. A knife, by which it is held firm in the handle. [old norse tange point]
Tangent n. 1 (often attrib.) Straight line, curve, or surface that meets a curve at a point, but does not intersect it. 2 ratio of two sides (other than the hypotenuse) opposite and adjacent to an acute angle in a right-angled triangle. ~ at a tangent diverging from a previous course or from what is relevant or central (go off at a tangent). [latin tango tact- touch]
Tangential adj. 1 of or along a tangent. 2 divergent. 3 peripheral. ~ tangentially adv.
Tangerine n. 1 small sweet thin-skinned citrus fruit like an orange; mandarin. 2 deep orange-yellow colour. [tangier in morocco]
Tangible adj. 1 perceptible by touch. 2 definite; clearly intelligible; not elusive (tangible proof). ~ tangibility n. Tangibleness n. Tangibly adv. [latin: related to +tangent]
Tangle —v. (-ling) 1 intertwine (threads or hairs etc.) Or become entwined in a confused mass; entangle. 2 (foll. By with) colloq. Become involved (esp. In conflict) with (don't tangle with me). 3 complicate (tangled affair). —n. 1 confused mass of intertwined threads etc. 2 confused state. [origin uncertain]
Tangly adj. (-ier, -iest) tangled.
Tango —n. (pl. -s) 1 slow s. American ballroom dance. 2 music for this. —v. (-goes, -goed) dance the tango. [american spanish]
Tangy adj. (-ier, -iest) having a strong usu. Acid tang.
Tanh abbr. Hyperbolic tangent.
Tank —n. 1 large container, usu. For liquid or gas. 2 heavy armoured fighting vehicle moving on continuous tracks. —v. (usu. Foll. By up) fill the tank of (a vehicle etc.) With fuel. ~ tankful n. (pl. -s). [originally indian, = pond, from gujarati]
Tankard n. 1 tall beer mug with a handle. 2 contents of or amount held by this (drank a tankard of ale). [probably dutch tankaert]
Tanked up predic. Adj. Colloq. Drunk.
Tank engine n. Steam engine with integral fuel and water containers.
Tanker n. Ship, aircraft, or road vehicle for carrying liquids, esp. Oil, in bulk.
Tanner n. Person who tans hides.
Tannery n. (pl. -ies) place where hides are tanned.
Tannic adj. Of tan (sense 3). [french tannique: related to +tannin]
Tannic acid n. Natural yellowish organic compound used as a mordant and astringent.
Tannin n. Any of various organic compounds found in tree-barks and oak-galls, used in leather production. [french tanin: related to +tan1]
Tannoy n. Propr. Type of public-address system. [origin uncertain]
Tansy n. (pl. -ies) plant with yellow flowers and aromatic leaves. [greek athanasia immortality]
Tantalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 torment or tease by the sight or promise of the unobtainable. 2 raise and then dash the hopes of. ~ tantalization n. [tantalus, mythical king punished in hades with sight of water and fruit which drew back whenever he tried to reach them]
Tantalum n. Rare hard white metallic element. ~ tantalic adj. [related to +tantalize]
Tantalus n. Stand in which spirit-decanters may be locked up but visible. [see +tantalize]
Tantamount predic. Adj. (foll. By to) equivalent to. [italian tanto montare amount to so much]
Tantra n. Any of a class of hindu or buddhist mystical or magical writings. [sanskrit, = doctrine]
Tantrum n. (esp. Child's) outburst of bad temper or petulance. [origin unknown]
Taoiseach n. Prime minister of the irish republic. [irish, = chief, leader]
Taoism n. Chinese philosophy advocating humility and religious piety. ~ taoist n. [chinese dao right way]
Tap1 —n. 1 device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or vessel can be controlled. 2 tapping of a telephone etc. 3 taproom. —v. (-pp-) 1 provide (a cask) or let out (liquid) with a tap. 2 draw sap from (a tree) by cutting into it. 3 obtain information or supplies from. 4 extract or obtain; discover and exploit (mineral wealth waiting to be tapped; tap skills of young people). 5 connect a listening device to (a telephone etc.). ~ on tap 1 ready to be drawn off by tap. 2 colloq. Freely available. [old english]
Tap2 —v. (-pp-) 1 (foll. By at, on) strike a gentle but audible blow. 2 (often foll. By against, on, etc.) Strike or cause (a thing) to strike lightly (tapped me on the shoulder). 3 (often foll. By out) make by a tap or taps (tapped out the rhythm). 4 tap-dance. —n. 1 a light blow; rap. B sound of this. 2 a tap-dancing. B metal attachment on a tap-dancer's shoe. [imitative]
Tapas n.pl. (often attrib.) Small savoury esp. Spanish dishes. [spanish]
Tap-dance —n. Rhythmic dance performed with shoes with metal taps. —v. Perform a tap-dance. ~ tap-dancer n. Tap-dancing n.
Tape —n. 1 narrow strip of woven material for tying up, fastening, etc. 2 this across the finishing line of a race. 3 (in full adhesive tape) strip of adhesive plastic etc. For fastening, masking, insulating, etc. 4 a = +magnetic tape. B reel or cassette containing this. C tape recording. 5 = +tape-measure. —v. (-ping) 1 a fasten or join etc. With tape. B apply tape to. 2 (foll. By off) seal or mark off with tape. 3 record on magnetic tape. 4 measure with tape. ~ have (or get) a person or thing taped colloq. Understand (him, it, etc.) Fully. [old english]
Tape deck n. Machine for using audiotape (separate from the amplifier, speakers, etc.).
Tape machine n. 1 machine for recording telegraph messages. 2 = +tape recorder.
Tape-measure n. Strip of marked tape or flexible metal for measuring.
Taper —n. 1 wick coated with wax etc. For conveying a flame. 2 slender candle. —v. (often foll. By off) 1 diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end. 2 make or become gradually less. [old english]
Tape recorder n. Apparatus for recording and replaying sounds on magnetic tape. ~ tape-record v. Tape recording n.
Tapestry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thick fabric in which coloured weft threads are woven to form pictures or designs. B (usu. Wool) embroidery imitating this. C piece of this. 2 events or circumstances etc. Seen as interwoven etc. (life's rich tapestry). ~ tapestried adj. [tapissery from french tapis carpet]
Tapeworm n. Parasitic intestinal flatworm with a segmented body.
Tapioca n. Starchy substance in hard white grains, obtained from cassava and used for puddings etc. [tupi-guarani]
Tapir n. Nocturnal central and s. American or malaysian hoofed mammal with a short flexible snout. [tupi]
Tappet n. Lever or projecting part in machinery giving intermittent motion. [from +tap2]
Taproom n. Room in a pub serving drinks on tap.
Tap root n. Tapering root growing vertically downwards.
Tar1 —n. 1 dark thick inflammable liquid distilled from wood or coal etc., used as a preservative of wood and iron, in making roads, as an antiseptic, etc. 2 similar substance formed in the combustion of tobacco etc. —v. (-rr-) cover with tar. ~ tar and feather smear with tar and then cover with feathers as a punishment. Tarred with the same brush having the same faults. [old english]
Tar2 n. Colloq. Sailor. [from +tarpaulin]
Taramasalata n. (also taramosalata) pâté made from roe with olive oil, seasoning, etc. [greek taramas roe, salata +salad]
Tarantella n. 1 whirling s. Italian dance. 2 music for this. [italian from taranto in italy]
Tarantula n. 1 large hairy tropical spider. 2 large black s. European spider. [medieval latin: related to +tarantella]
Tarboosh n. Cap like a fez. [arabic from persian]
Tardy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 slow to act, come, or happen. 2 delaying or delayed. ~ tardily adv. Tardiness n. [latin tardus slow]
Tare1 n. 1 vetch, esp. As a cornfield weed or fodder. 2 (in pl.) Bibl. An injurious cornfield weed (matt. 13:24-30). [origin unknown]
Tare2 n. 1 allowance made for the weight of packing or wrapping around goods. 2 weight of a vehicle without fuel or load. [arabic tarha]
Target —n. 1 mark fired or aimed at, esp. A round object marked with concentric circles. 2 person or thing aimed or fired at etc. (an easy target). 3 objective or result aimed at. 4 butt for criticism, abuse, etc. —v. (-t-) 1 identify or single out as a target. 2 aim or direct (missiles targeted on major cities). [french targe shield]
Tariff n. 1 table of fixed charges (hotel tariff). 2 a duty on a particular class of goods. B list of duties or customs due. [arabic, = notification]
Tarlatan n. Thin stiff open-weave muslin. [french; probably originally indian]
Tarmac —n. Propr. 1 = +tarmacadam. 2 runway etc. Made of this. —v. (tarmac) (-ck-) apply tarmacadam to. [abbreviation]
Tarmacadam n. Stone or slag bound with bitumen, used in paving roads etc. [from +tar1, +macadam]
Tarn n. Small mountain lake. [old norse]
Tarnish —v. 1 (cause to) lose lustre. 2 impair (one's reputation etc.). —n. 1 loss of lustre, esp. As a film on a metal's surface. 2 blemish, stain. [french ternir from terne dark]
Taro n. (pl. -s) tropical plant with tuberous roots used as food. [polynesian]
Tarot n. (often attrib.) 1 (in sing. Or pl.) A pack of mainly picture cards used in fortune-telling. B any game played with a similar pack of 78 cards. 2 any card from a tarot pack. [french]
Tarpaulin n. 1 heavy-duty cloth waterproofed esp. With tar. 2 sheet or covering of this. [from +tar1, +pall1]
Tarragon n. Bushy herb used in salads, stuffings, vinegar, etc. [medieval latin from greek]
Tarry1 adj. (-ier, -iest) of, like, or smeared with tar.
Tarry2 v. (-ies, -ied) archaic linger, stay, wait. [origin unknown]
Tarsal —adj. Of the ankle-bones. —n. Tarsal bone. [from +tarsus]
Tarsus n. (pl. Tarsi) 1 bones of the ankle and upper foot. 2 shank of a bird's leg. [greek]
Tart1 n. 1 open pastry case containing jam etc. 2 pie with a fruit or other sweet filling. ~ tartlet n. [french tarte]
Tart2 —n. Slang 1 prostitute; promiscuous woman. 2 slang offens. Girl or woman. —v. (foll. By up) colloq. (usu. Refl.) Smarten or dress up, esp. Gaudily. [probably abbreviation of +sweetheart]
Tart3 adj. 1 sharp or acid in taste. 2 (of a remark etc.) Cutting, bitter. ~ tartly adv. Tartness n. [old english]
Tartan n. 1 pattern of coloured stripes crossing at right angles, esp. Denoting a scottish highland clan. 2 woollen cloth woven in this pattern (often attrib.: tartan scarf). [origin uncertain]
Tartar —n. 1 a member of a group of central asian peoples including mongols and turks. B turkic language of these peoples. 2 (tartar) harsh or formidable person. —adj. 1 of tartars. 2 of central asia east of the caspian sea. [french or medieval latin]
Tartar n. 1 hard deposit that forms on the teeth. 2 deposit that forms a hard crust in wine. [medieval latin from greek]
Tartare adj. (in phr. Sauce tartare) = +tartar sauce. [french]
Tartaric adj. Of or from tartar.
Tartaric acid n. Natural acid found esp. In unripe grapes, used in baking powders etc.
Tartar sauce n. Sauce of mayonnaise and chopped gherkins, capers, etc. [from +tartar]
Tartrazine n. Brilliant yellow dye from tartaric acid, used to colour food etc.
Tarty adj. Colloq. (-ier, -iest) (esp. Of a woman) vulgar, gaudy; promiscuous. [from +tart2]
Tarzan n. Colloq. Agile muscular man. [name of a character in stories by e. R. Burroughs]
Task —n. Piece of work to be done. —v. Make great demands on (a person's powers etc.). ~ take to task rebuke, scold. [medieval latin tasca, probably = taxa +tax]
Task force n. (also task group) armed force or other group organized for a specific operation or task.
Taskmaster n. (fem. Taskmistress) person who makes others work hard.
Tass n. Official russian news agency. [russian]
Tassel n. 1 tuft of loosely hanging threads or cords etc. As decoration. 2 tassel-like flower-head of some plants, esp. Maize. ~ tasselled adj. (us taseled). [french tas(s)el clasp]
Taste —n. 1 a sensation caused in the mouth by contact with a soluble substance. B faculty of perceiving this (bitter to the taste). 2 small sample of food or drink. 3 slight experience (taste of success). 4 (often foll. By for) liking or predilection (expensive tastes). 5 aesthetic discernment in art, clothes, conduct, etc. (in poor taste). —v. (-ting) 1 sample the flavour of (food etc.) By taking it into the mouth. 2 (also absol.) Perceive the flavour of (cannot taste with a cold). 3 (esp.
Taste bud n. Cell or nerve-ending on the surface of the tongue by which things are tasted.
Tasteful adj. Having, or done in, good taste. ~ tastefully adv. Tastefulness n.
Tasteless adj. 1 lacking flavour. 2 having, or done in, bad taste. ~ tastelessly adv. Tastelessness n.
Taster n. 1 person employed to test food or drink by tasting. 2 small sample.
Tasting n. Gathering at which food or drink is tasted and evaluated.
Tasty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 pleasing in flavour; appetizing. 2 colloq. Attractive. ~ tastily adv. Tastiness n.
Tat1 n. Colloq. Tatty things; rubbish, junk. [back-formation from +tatty]
Tat2 v. (-tt-) do, or make by, tatting. [origin unknown]
Tat3 see +tit2.
Ta-ta int. Colloq. Goodbye. [origin unknown]
Tatter n. (usu. In pl.) Rag; irregularly torn cloth or paper etc. ~ in tatters colloq. 1 torn in many places. 2 destroyed, ruined. [old norse]
Tattered adj. In tatters.
Tatting n. 1 a kind of handmade knotted lace used for trimming etc. 2 process of making this. [origin unknown]
Tattle —v. (-ling) prattle, chatter, gossip. —n. Gossip; idle talk. [flemish tatelen, imitative]
Tattoo1 n. 1 evening drum or bugle signal recalling soldiers to quarters. 2 elaboration of this with music and marching as an entertainment. 3 rhythmic tapping or drumming. [earlier tap-too from dutch taptoe, literally ‘close the tap’ (of the cask)]
Tattoo2 —v. (-oos, -ooed) 1 mark (skin) indelibly by puncturing it and inserting pigment. 2 make (a design) in this way. —n. Such a design. ~ tattooer n. Tattooist n. [polynesian]
Tatty adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 tattered; shabby. 2 inferior. 3 tawdry. ~ tattily adv. Tattiness n. [originally scots, = shaggy, apparently related to +tatter]
Tau n. Nineteenth letter of the greek alphabet (t, t). [greek]
Taught past and past part. Of +teach.
Taunt —n. Insult; provocation. —v. Insult; provoke contemptuously. [french tant pour tant tit for tat, smart rejoinder]
Taupe adj. & n. Grey tinged with esp. Brown. [french, = +mole1]
Taurus n. (pl. -es) 1 constellation and second sign of the zodiac (the bull). 2 person born when the sun is in this sign. ~ taurean adj. & n. [latin, = bull]
Taut adj. 1 (of a rope etc.) Tight; not slack. 2 (of nerves etc.) Tense. 3 (of a ship etc.) In good condition. ~ tauten v. Tautly adv. Tautness n. [perhaps = +tough]
Tautology n. (pl. -ies) repetition using different words, esp. As a fault of style (e.g. Arrived one after the other in succession). ~ tautological adj. Tautologous adj. [greek tauto the same]
Tavern n. Archaic or literary inn, pub. [latin taberna]
Taverna n. Greek restaurant. [modern greek: related to +tavern]
Tawdry adj. (-ier, -iest) showy but worthless; gaudy. ~ tawdrily adv. Tawdriness n. [tawdry lace from st audrey's lace]
Tawny adj. (-ier, -iest) orange-brown or yellow-brown. [anglo-french tauné: related to +tan1]
Tawny owl n. Reddish-brown european owl.
Tax —n. 1 money compulsorily levied by the state or local authorities on individuals, property, or businesses. 2 (usu. Foll. By on, upon) strain, heavy demand, or burdensome obligation. —v. 1 impose a tax on. 2 deduct tax from (income etc.).
Taxa pl. Of +taxon.
Taxation n. Imposition or payment of tax. [latin: related to +tax]
Tax avoidance n. Minimizing payment of tax by financial manoeuvring.
Tax-deductible adj. (of expenditure) legally deductible from income before tax assessment.
Tax disc n. Road tax receipt displayed on the windscreen of a vehicle.
Tax evasion n. Illegal non-payment or underpayment of tax.
Tax-free adj. Exempt from tax.
Tax haven n. Country etc. Where taxes are low.
Taxi —n. (pl. -s) (in full taxi-cab) car licensed to ply for hire and usu. Fitted with a taximeter. —v. (-xis, -xied, -xiing or -xying) 1 (of an aircraft or pilot) drive on the ground before take-off or after landing. 2 go or convey in a taxi. [abbreviation of taximeter cab]
Taxidermy n. Art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals. ~ taxidermist n. [greek taxis arrangement, derma skin]
Taximeter n. Automatic fare-indicator fitted to a taxi. [french: related to +tax]
Taxi rank n. (us taxi stand) place where taxis wait to be hired.
Taxman n. Colloq. Inspector or collector of taxes.
Taxon n. (pl. Taxa) any taxonomic group. [back-formation from +taxonomy]
Taxonomy n. Classification of living and extinct organisms. ~ taxonomic adj. Taxonomical adj. Taxonomically adv. Taxonomist n. [greek taxis arrangement, -nomia distribution]
Taxpayer n. Person who pays taxes.
Tax return n. Declaration of income for taxation purposes.
Tayberry n. (pl. -ies) hybrid fruit between the blackberry and raspberry. [river tay in scotland]
Tb abbr. 1 tubercle bacillus. 2 tuberculosis.
Tb symb. Terbium.
T.b.a. Abbr. To be announced.
T-bone n. T-shaped bone, esp. In steak from the thin end of a loin.
Tbsp. Abbr. Tablespoonful.
Tc symb. Technetium.
Tcp abbr. Propr. A disinfectant and germicide. [trichlorophenylmethyliodasalicyl]
Te symb. Tellurium.
Te n. (also ti) seventh note of a major scale. [earlier si: french from italian]
Tea n. 1 a (in full tea plant) asian evergreen shrub or small tree. B its dried leaves. 2 drink made by infusing tea-leaves in boiling water. 3 infusion of other leaves etc. (camomile tea; beef tea). 4 a light afternoon meal of tea, bread, cakes, etc. B = +high tea. [probably dutch tee from chinese]
Tea bag n. Small perforated bag of tea for infusion.
Tea break n. Pause in work etc. To drink tea.
Tea caddy n. Container for tea.
Teacake n. Light usu. Toasted sweet bun eaten at tea.
Teach v. (past and past part. Taught) 1 a give systematic information, instruction, or training to (a person) or about (a subject or skill) (taught me to swim). B (absol.) Practise this professionally. C communicate, instruct in (suffering taught me patience). 2 advocate as a moral etc. Principle (taught forgiveness). 3 (foll. By to + infin.) A instruct (a person) by example or punishment (that will teach you not to disobey). B colloq. Discourage (a person) from (that will teach you to laugh). ~ teachable adj. [old english]
Teacher n. Person who teaches, esp. In a school.
Tea chest n. Light metal-lined plywood box for transporting tea.
Teaching n. 1 profession of a teacher. 2 (often in pl.) What is taught; doctrine.
Tea cloth n. = +tea towel.
Tea cosy n. Cover to keep a teapot warm.
Teacup n. 1 cup from which tea is drunk. 2 amount held by this. ~ teacupful n. (pl. -s).
Tea dance n. Afternoon tea with dancing.
Teak n. 1 a hard durable timber. 2 large indian or se asian deciduous tree yielding this. [portuguese from malayalam]
Teal n. (pl. Same) small freshwater duck. [origin unknown]
Tea lady n. Woman employed to make tea in offices etc.
Tea-leaf n. 1 dried leaf of tea. 2 (esp. In pl.) These as dregs. 3 rhyming sl. Thief.
Team —n. 1 set of players forming one side in a game. 2 two or more people working together. 3 set of draught animals. —v. 1 (usu. Foll. By up) join in a team or in common action (teamed up with them). 2 (foll. By with) match or coordinate (clothes). [old english]
Team-mate n. Fellow-member of a team.
Team spirit n. Willingness to act for the communal good.
Teamster n. 1 us lorry-driver. 2 driver of a team of animals.
Teamwork n. Combined action; co-operation.
Tea-planter n. Proprietor or cultivator of a tea plantation.
Teapot n. Pot with a handle, spout, and lid, for brewing and then pouring tea.
Tear1 —v. (past tore; past part. Torn) 1 (often foll. By up) pull apart or to pieces with some force (tore up the letter). 2 a make a hole or rent in this way; undergo this (have torn my coat; curtain tore). B make (a hole or rent). 3 (foll. By away, off, at, etc.) Pull violently (tore off the cover; tore down the notice). 4 violently disrupt or divide (torn by guilt). 5 colloq. Go hurriedly (tore across the road). —n. 1 hole etc. Caused by tearing. 2 torn part of cloth etc. ~ be torn between have difficulty in choosing between. Tear apart 1 search (a place) exhaustively. 2 criticize forcefully. 3 destroy; divide utterly; distress greatly. Tear one's hair out colloq. Behave with extreme desperation. Tear into colloq. 1 severely reprimand. 2 start (an activity) vigorously. Tear oneself away leave reluctantly. Tear to shreds colloq. Refute or criticize thoroughly. That's torn it colloq. That has spoiled things etc. [old english]
Tear2 n. 1 drop of clear salty liquid secreted by glands from the eye, and shed esp. In grief. 2 tearlike thing; drop. ~ in tears crying. [old english]
Tearaway n. Colloq. Unruly young person.
Tear-drop n. Single tear.
Tear-duct n. Drain for carrying tears to or from the eye.
Tearful adj. 1 crying or inclined to cry. 2 sad (tearful event). ~ tearfully adv.
Tear-gas n. Gas causing severe irritation to the eyes.
Tearing hurry n. Colloq. Great hurry.
Tear-jerker n. Colloq. Sentimental story, film, etc.
Tearoom n. Small unlicensed café serving tea etc.
Tea rose n. Hybrid shrub with a tealike scent.
Tease —v. (-sing) (also absol.) 1 a make fun of playfully, unkindly, or annoyingly; irritate. B allure, esp. Sexually, while withholding satisfaction. 2 pick (wool etc.) Into separate fibres. 3 dress (cloth) esp. With teasels. —n. 1 colloq. Person fond of teasing. 2 act of teasing (only a tease). ~ tease out separate by disentangling. [old english]
Teasel n. (also teazel, teazle) 1 plant with large prickly heads that are dried and used to raise the nap on woven cloth. 2 other device used for this purpose. ~ teaseler n. [old english: related to +tease]
Teaser n. 1 person who teases. 2 colloq. Hard question or task.
Teaset n. Set of crockery for serving tea.
Teashop n. = +tearoom.
Teaspoon n. 1 small spoon for stirring tea. 2 amount held by this. ~ teaspoonful n. (pl. -s).
Teat n. 1 mammary nipple, esp. Of an animal. 2 rubber nipple for sucking from a bottle. [french from germanic]
Teatime n. Time in the afternoon when tea is served.
Tea towel n. Towel for drying washed crockery etc.
Tea trolley n. (us tea wagon) small trolley from which tea is served.
Teazel (also teazle) var. Of +teasel.
Tec abbr. Training and enterprise council.
Tec n. Colloq. Detective. [abbreviation]
Tech n. (also tec) colloq. Technical college. [abbreviation]
Technetium n. Artificially produced radioactive metallic element. [greek tekhnetos artificial]
Technic n. 1 (usu. In pl.) A technology. B technical terms, details, methods, etc. 2 technique. [greek tekhne art]
Technical adj. 1 of the mechanical arts and applied sciences (technical college). 2 of a particular subject or craft etc. Or its techniques (technical terms). 3 (of a book or discourse etc.) Using technical language; specialized. 4 due to mechanical failure (technical hitch). 5 strictly or legally interpreted (lost on a technical point). ~ technically adv.
Technicality n. (pl. -ies) 1 being technical. 2 technical expression. 3 technical point or detail (acquitted on a technicality).
Technical knockout n. Ruling by the referee that a boxer has lost because he is not fit to continue.
Technician n. 1 person doing practical or maintenance work in a laboratory etc. 2 person skilled in artistic etc. Technique. 3 expert in practical science.
Technicolor n. (often attrib.) 1 propr. Process of colour cinematography. 2 (usu. Technicolor) colloq. A vivid colour. B artificial brilliance.
Technique n. 1 mechanical skill in art. 2 skilful manipulation of a situation, people, etc. 3 manner of artistic execution in music, painting, etc. [french: related to +technic]
Technocracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 rule or control by technical experts. 2 instance or application of this. [greek tekhne art]
Technocrat n. Exponent or advocate of technocracy. ~ technocratic adj.
Technology n. (pl. -ies) 1 knowledge or use of the mechanical arts and applied sciences (lacked the technology). 2 these subjects collectively. ~ technological adj. Technologically adv. Technologist n. [greek tekhnologia systematic treatment, from tekhne art]
Tectonic adj. 1 of building or construction. 2 of the deformation and subsequent structural changes of the earth's crust (see +plate tectonics). [greek tekton craftsman]
Tectonics n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) Study of the earth's large-scale structural features (see +plate tectonics).
Ted n. (also ted) colloq. Teddy boy. [abbreviation]
Teddy n. (also teddy) (pl. -ies) (in full teddy bear) soft toy bear. [teddy, pet form of theodore roosevelt]
Teddy boy n. Colloq. Youth, esp. Of the 1950s, wearing edwardian-style clothes, hairstyle, etc. [teddy, pet form of edward]
Tedious adj. Tiresomely long; wearisome. ~ tediously adv. Tediousness n. [latin: related to +tedium]
Tedium n. Tediousness. [latin taedium from taedet it bores]
Tee1 n. = +t1. [phonetic spelling]
Tee2 —n. 1 a cleared space from which the golf ball is struck at the start of play for each hole. B small wooden or plastic support for a golf ball used then. 2 mark aimed at in bowls, quoits, curling, etc. —v. (tees, teed) (often foll. By up) place (a ball) on a golf tee. ~ tee off 1 play a ball from a tee. 2 colloq. Start, begin. [origin unknown]
Tee-hee (also te-hee) —int. Expressing esp. Derisive amusement. —n. Titter, giggle. —v. (-hees, -heed) titter, giggle. [imitative]
Teem1 v. 1 be abundant. 2 (foll. By with) be full of or swarming with (teeming with ideas). [old english, = give birth to]
Teem2 v. (often foll. By down) (of water etc.) Flow copiously; pour (teeming with rain). [old norse]
Teen attrib. Adj. = +teenage. [abbreviation]
-teen suffix forming numerals from 13 to 19. [old english]
Teenage attrib. Adj. Of or characteristic of teenagers. ~ teenaged adj.
Teenager n. Person from 13 to 19 years of age.
Teens n.pl. Years of one's age from 13 to 19 (in his teens).
Teensy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. = +teeny.
Teeny adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Tiny. [var. Of +tiny]
Teeny-bopper n. Colloq. Young teenager, usu. A girl, who follows the latest fashions.
Teeny-weeny adj. (also teensy-weensy) very tiny.
Teepee var. Of +tepee.
Teeter v. Totter; move unsteadily. [dial. Titter]
Teeth pl. Of +tooth.
Teethe v. (-thing) grow or cut teeth, esp. Milk teeth.
Teething-ring n. Ring for an infant to bite on while teething.
Teething troubles n.pl. Initial difficulties in an enterprise etc.
Teetotal adj. Of or advocating total abstinence from alcohol. ~ teetotalism n. Teetotaller n. [reduplication of +total]
Teff n. An african cereal. [amharic]
Tefl abbr. Teaching of english as a foreign language.
Teflon n. Propr. Non-stick coating for kitchen utensils. [from tetra-, fluor-, -on]
Te-hee var. Of +tee-hee.
Tel. Abbr. (also tel.) Telephone.
Tele- comb. Form 1 at or to a distance (telekinesis, telescope). 2 television (telecast). 3 by telephone (telesales). [greek tele far off]
Tele-ad n. Advertisement telephoned to a newspaper etc.
Telecast —n. Television broadcast. —v. Transmit by television. ~ telecaster n.
Telecommunication n. 1 communication over a distance by circuits using cable, fibre optics, satellites, radio etc. 2 (usu. In pl.) Technology of this.
Teleconference n. Conference with participants linked by telephone etc. ~ teleconferencing n.
Telefax n. = +fax. [abbreviation of telefacsimile]
Telegram n. Message sent by telegraph and delivered in printed form.
Usage since 1981 telegram has not been in uk official use, except for international messages. See also telemessage.
Telegraph —n. (often attrib.) Device or system for transmitting messages or signals to a distance, esp. By making and breaking an electrical connection (telegraph wire). —v. 1 (often followed by to) send a message by telegraph to. 2 send or communicate by telegraph (telegraphed my concern). 3 give advance indication of (telegraphed his punch). ~ telegraphist n.
Telegraphic adj. 1 of or by telegraphs or telegrams. 2 economically worded. ~ telegraphically adv.
Telegraphy n. Communication by telegraph.
Telekinesis n. Supposed paranormal force moving objects at a distance. ~ telekinetic adj. [greek kineo move]
Telemarketing n. Marketing of goods etc. By unsolicited telephone calls.
Telemessage n. Message sent by telephone or telex and delivered in printed form.
Usage telemessage has been in uk official use since 1981 for inland messages, replacing telegram.
Telemetry n. Process of recording the readings of an instrument and transmitting them by radio. ~ telemeter n.
Teleology n. (pl. -ies) philos. 1 explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve. 2 theol. Doctrine of design and purpose in the material world. ~ teleological adj. [greek telos end]
Telepathy n. Supposed paranormal communication of thoughts. ~ telepathic adj. Telepathically adv.
Telephone —n. 1 apparatus for transmitting sound (esp. Speech) to a distance, esp. By using optical or electrical signals. 2 handset etc. Used in this. 3 system of communication using a network of telephones. —v. (-ning) 1 speak to or send (a message) by telephone. 2 make a telephone call. ~ on the telephone having or using a telephone. Over the telephone using the telephone. ~ telephonic adj. Telephonically adv.
Telephone book n. = +telephone directory.
Telephone booth n. (also telephone kiosk, telephone box) booth etc. With a telephone for public use.
Telephone directory n. Book listing telephone subscribers and numbers.
Telephone number n. Number used to call a particular telephone.
Telephonist n. Operator in a telephone exchange or at a switchboard.
Telephony n. Transmission of sound by telephone.
Telephoto n. (pl. -s) (in full telephoto lens) lens used in telephotography.
Telephotography n. Photographing of distant objects with a system of lenses giving a large image. ~ telephotographic adj.
Teleprinter n. Device for transmitting, receiving, and printing telegraph messages.
Teleprompter n. Device beside a television or cinema camera that slowly unrolls a speaker's script out of sight of the audience.
Telesales n.pl. Selling by telephone.
Telescope —n. 1 optical instrument using lenses or mirrors to magnify distant objects. 2 = +radio telescope. —v. (-ping) 1 press or drive (sections of a tube, colliding vehicles, etc.) Together so that one slides into another. 2 close or be capable of closing in this way. 3 compress so as to occupy less space or time.
Telescopic adj. 1 of or made with a telescope (telescopic observations). 2 (esp. Of a lens) able to focus on and magnify distant objects. 3 consisting of sections that telescope. ~ telescopically adv.
Telescopic sight n. Telescope on a rifle etc. Used for sighting.
Teletext n. Computerized news and information service transmitted to the televisions of subscribers.
Telethon n. Exceptionally long television programme, esp. To raise money for charity. [from +tele-, +marathon]
Teletype n. Propr. A kind of teleprinter.
Televise v. (-sing) broadcast on television.
Television n. 1 system for reproducing on a screen visual images transmitted (usu. With sound) by radio signals or cable. 2 (in full television set) device with a screen for receiving these signals. 3 television broadcasting. ~ televisual adj.
Telex (also telex) —n. International system of telegraphy by teleprinters using the public telecommunications network. —v. Send, or communicate with, by telex. [from +teleprinter, +exchange]
Tell v. (past and past part. Told) 1 relate in speech or writing (tell me a story). 2 make known; express in words (tell me your name). 3 reveal or signify to (a person) (your face tells me everything). 4 utter (tell lies). 5 a (often foll. By of, about) divulge information etc.; reveal a secret, the truth etc. (told her about venice; book tells you how to cook; promise you won't tell; time will tell). B (foll. By on) colloq. Inform against. 6 (foll. By to + infin.) Direct; order (tell them to wait). 7 assure (it's true, i tell you). 8 decide, determine, distinguish (tell one from the other). 9 (often foll. By on) produce a noticeable effect or influence (strain told on me; evidence tells against you). 10 (often absol.) Count (votes) at a meeting, election, etc. ~ tell apart distinguish between (could not tell them apart). Tell off colloq. Scold. Tell tales make known another person's faults etc. Tell the time read the time from a clock or watch. You're telling me colloq. I agree wholeheartedly. [old english: related to +tale]
Teller n. 1 person working at the counter of a bank etc. 2 person who counts votes. 3 person who tells esp. Stories (teller of tales).
Telling adj. Having a marked effect; striking; impressive. ~ tellingly adv.
Telling-off n. (pl. Tellings-off) colloq. Scolding.
Tell-tale n. 1 person who reveals secrets about another. 2 (attrib.) That reveals or betrays (tell-tale smile). 3 automatic monitoring or registering device.
Tellurium n. Rare lustrous silver-white element used in semiconductors. ~ telluric adj. [latin tellus -ur- earth]
Telly n. (pl. -ies) colloq. 1 television. 2 television set. [abbreviation]
Temerity n. Rashness; audacity. [latin temere rashly]
Temp colloq. —n. Temporary employee, esp. A secretary. —v. Work as a temp. [abbreviation]
Temper —n. 1 mental disposition, mood (placid temper). 2 irritation or anger (fit of temper). 3 tendency to lose one's temper (have a temper). 4 composure, calmness (lose one's temper). 5 hardness or elasticity of metal. —v. 1 bring (metal or clay) to a proper hardness or consistency. 2 (foll. By with) moderate, mitigate (temper justice with mercy). ~ in a bad (or out of) temper irritable, angry. In a good temper amicable, happy. [latin tempero mingle]
Tempera n. 1 method of painting using an emulsion, e.g. Of pigment with egg-yolk and water, esp. On canvas. 2 this emulsion. [italian]
Temperament n. Person's or animal's nature and character (nervous temperament). [latin: related to +temper]
Temperamental adj. 1 of temperament. 2 a (of a person) unreliable; moody. B colloq. (of esp. A machine) unreliable, unpredictable. ~ temperamentally adv.
Temperance n. 1 moderation, esp. In eating and drinking. 2 (often attrib.) Abstinence, esp. Total, from alcohol (temperance hotel). [latin: related to +temper]
Temperate adj. 1 avoiding excess. 2 moderate. 3 (of a region or climate) mild. [latin: related to +temper]
Temperature n. 1 measured or perceived degree of heat or cold of a thing, region, etc. 2 colloq. Body temperature above the normal (have a temperature). 3 degree of excitement in a discussion etc. [latin: related to +temper]
Tempest n. Violent storm. [latin tempus time]
Tempestuous adj. Stormy; turbulent. ~ tempestuously adv.
Tempi pl. Of +tempo.
Template n. Piece of thin board or metal plate etc., used as a pattern in cutting or drilling etc. [originally templet, diminutive of temple, device in a loom to keep the cloth stretched]
Temple1 n. Building for the worship, or seen as the dwelling-place, of a god or gods etc. [latin templum]
Temple2 n. Flat part of either side of the head between the forehead and the ear. [french from latin]
Tempo n. (pl. -s or -pi) 1 speed at which music is or should be played. 2 speed or pace. [latin tempus -por- time]
Temporal adj. 1 worldly as opposed to spiritual; secular. 2 of time. 3 gram. Denoting time or tense (temporal conjunction). 4 of the temples of the head (temporal artery). [latin tempus -por- time]
Temporary —adj. Lasting or meant to last only for a limited time. —n. (pl. -ies) person employed temporarily. ~ temporarily adv. Temporariness n.
Temporize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 avoid committing oneself so as to gain time; procrastinate. 2 comply temporarily; adopt a time-serving policy.
Tempt v. 1 entice or incite (a person) to do what is wrong or forbidden (tempted him to steal it). 2 allure, attract. 3 risk provoking (fate etc.). ~ be tempted to be strongly disposed to. ~ tempter n. Temptress n. [latin tempto, tento try, test]
Temptation n. 1 tempting or being tempted; incitement, esp. To wrongdoing. 2 attractive thing or course of action. 3 archaic putting to the test.
Tempting adj. Attractive, inviting. ~ temptingly adv.
Tempura n. Japanese dish of fish, shellfish, etc., fried in batter. [japanese]
Ten adj. & n. 1 one more than nine. 2 symbol for this (10, x, x). 3 size etc. Denoted by ten. 4 ten o'clock. ~ ten to one very probably. [old english]
Tenable adj. 1 maintainable or defensible against attack or objection (tenable position). 2 (foll. By for, by) (of an office etc.) That can be held for (a specified period) or by (a specified class of person). ~ tenability n. [french tenir hold]
Tenacious adj. 1 (often foll. By of) keeping a firm hold. 2 persistent, resolute. 3 (of memory) retentive. ~ tenaciously adv. Tenacity n. [latin tenax -acis from teneo hold]
Tenancy n. (pl. -ies) 1 status of or possession as a tenant. 2 duration of this.
Tenant n. 1 person who rents land or property from a landlord. 2 (often foll. By of) occupant of a place. [french: related to +tenable]
Tenant farmer n. Person who farms rented land.
Tenantry n. Tenants of an estate etc.
Tench n. (pl. Same) european freshwater fish of the carp family. [latin tinca]
Ten commandments n.pl. (prec. By the) rules of conduct given by god to moses (exod. 20:1–17).
Tend1 v. 1 (often foll. By to) be apt or inclined (tends to lose his temper; tends to fat). 2 be moving; hold a course (tends in our direction). [latin tendo tens- or tent- stretch]
Tend2 v. Take care of, look after (an invalid, sheep, a machine etc.). [from +attend]
Tendency n. (pl. -ies) (often foll. By to, towards) leaning or inclination. [medieval latin: related to +tend1]
Tendentious adj. Derog. Calculated to promote a particular cause or viewpoint; biased; controversial. ~ tendentiously adv. Tendentiousness n.
Tender1 adj. (tenderer, tenderest) 1 easily cut or chewed, not tough (tender steak). 2 susceptible to pain or grief; vulnerable; compassionate (tender heart). 3 sensitive; fragile; delicate (tender skin; tender reputation). 4 loving, affectionate. 5 requiring tact (tender subject). 6 (of age) early, immature (of tender years). ~ tenderly adv. Tenderness n. [latin tener]
Tender2 —v. 1 offer, present (one's services, resignation, money as payment, etc.). 2 (often foll. By for) offer a tender. —n. Offer, esp. In writing, to execute work or supply goods at a stated price. ~ put out to tender seek competitive tenders for (work etc.). ~ tenderer n. [french: related to +tend1]
Tender3 n. 1 person who looks after people or things. 2 supply ship attending a larger one etc. 3 truck coupled to a steam locomotive to carry fuel and water. [from +tend2]
Tenderfoot n. (pl -s or -feet) newcomer, novice.
Tender-hearted adj. Easily moved; compassionate. ~ tender-heartedness n.
Tenderize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make (esp. Meat) tender by beating, hanging, marinading, etc. ~ tenderizer n.
Tenderloin n. 1 middle part of pork loin. 2 us undercut of sirloin.
Tender mercies n.pl. Iron. Harsh treatment.
Tender spot n. Subject on which a person is touchy.
Tendon n. Cord of strong connective tissue attaching a muscle to a bone etc. ~ tendinitis n. [latin tendo stretch]
Tendril n. Slender leafless shoot by which some climbing plants cling. [probably from french tendrillon]
Tenebrous adj. Literary dark, gloomy. [latin tenebrosus]
Tenement n. 1 room or flat within a house or block of flats. 2 (also tenement-house or -block) house or block so divided. [latin teneo hold]
Tenet n. Doctrine, principle. [latin, = he holds]
Tenfold adj. & adv. 1 ten times as much or as many. 2 consisting of ten parts.
Ten-gallon hat n. Cowboy's large broad-brimmed hat.
Tenner n. Colloq. Ten-pound or ten-dollar note.
Tennis n. Game in which two or four players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court. [probably french tenez take! (as a server's call)]
Tennis elbow n. Sprain caused by overuse of forearm muscles.
Tenon n. Wooden projection made for insertion into a cavity, esp. A mortise, in another piece. [latin: related to +tenor]
Tenor n. 1 a male singing-voice between baritone and alto or counter-tenor. B singer with this voice. 2 (often attrib.) Instrument with a similar range. 3 (usu. Foll. By of) general meaning. 4 (usu. Foll. By of) prevailing course, esp. Of a person's life or habits. [latin teneo hold]
Tenosynovitis n. Injury of esp. A wrist tendon resulting from repetitive strain. [greek tenon tendon, +synovia]
Tenpin n. Pin used in tenpin bowling.
Tenpin bowling n. Game in which ten pins or skittles are bowled at in an alley.
Tense1 —adj. 1 stretched tight, strained. 2 causing tenseness (tense moment). —v. (-sing) make or become tense. ~ tense up become tense. ~ tensely adv. Tenseness n. [latin tensus: related to +tend1]
Tense2 n. 1 form of a verb indicating the time (also the continuance or completeness) of the action etc. 2 set of such forms as a paradigm. [latin tempus time]
Tensile adj. 1 of tension. 2 capable of being stretched. ~ tensility n. [medieval latin: related to +tense1]
Tensile strength n. Resistance to breaking under tension.
Tension —n. 1 stretching or being stretched; tenseness. 2 mental strain or excitement. 3 strained (political, social, etc.) State or relationship. 4 stress produced by forces pulling apart. 5 degree of tightness of stitches in knitting and machine sewing. 6 voltage (high tension; low tension). —v. Subject to tension. ~ tensional adj
Tent n. 1 portable canvas etc. Shelter or dwelling supported by poles and cords attached to pegs driven into the ground. 2 tentlike enclosure, e.g. Supplying oxygen to a patient. [latin: related to +tend1]
Tentacle n. 1 long slender flexible appendage of an (esp. Invertebrate) animal, used for feeling, grasping, or moving. 2 channel for gathering information, exercising influence, etc. ~ tentacled adj. [latin: related to +tempt]
Tentative adj. 1 experimental. 2 hesitant, not definite (tentative suggestion). ~ tentatively adv. Tentativeness n. [medieval latin: related to +tempt]
Tenter n. Machine for stretching cloth to dry in shape. [medieval latin tentorium: related to +tend1]
Tenterhook n. Hook to which cloth is fastened on a tenter. ~ on tenterhooks in a state of suspense or agitation due to uncertainty.
Tenth adj. & n. 1 next after ninth. 2 any of ten equal parts of a thing. ~ tenthly adv.
Tent-stitch n. 1 series of parallel diagonal stitches. 2 such a stitch.
Tenuous adj. 1 slight, insubstantial (tenuous connection). 2 (of a distinction etc.) Oversubtle. 3 thin, slender, small. 4 rarefied. ~ tenuity n. Tenuously adv. [latin tenuis]
Tenure n. 1 condition, or form of right or title, under which (esp. Real) property is held. 2 (often foll. By of) a holding or possession of an office or property. B period of this. 3 guaranteed permanent employment, esp. As a teacher or lecturer. ~ tenured adj. [latin teneo]
Tepee n. (also teepee) n. American indian's conical tent. [dakota]
Tepid adj. 1 lukewarm. 2 unenthusiastic. ~ tepidity n. Tepidly adv. [latin]
Tequila n. Mexican liquor made from an agave. [tequila in mexico]
Tera- comb. Form denoting a factor of 1012. [greek teras monster]
Terbium n. Silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series. [ytterby in sweden]
Tercel n. (also tiercel) male hawk, esp. A peregrine or goshawk. [latin tertius third]
Tercentenary n. (pl. -ies) 1 three-hundredth anniversary. 2 celebration of this. [latin ter, = three times]
Teredo n. (pl. -s) bivalve mollusc that bores into submerged timbers of ships etc. [latin from greek]
Tergiversate v. (-ting) 1 change one's party or principles; apostatize. 2 make conflicting or evasive statements. ~ tergiversation n. Tergiversator n. [latin tergum back, verto turn]
Term —n. 1 word for a definite concept, esp. Specialized (technical term). 2 (in pl.) Language used; mode of expression (in no uncertain terms). 3 (in pl.) Relation, footing (on good terms). 4 (in pl.) A stipulations (accepts your terms). B charge or price (reasonable terms). 5 a limited, usu. Specified, period (term of five years; in the short term). B period of weeks during which instruction is given or during which a lawcourt holds sessions. 6 logic word or words that may be the subject or predicate of a proposition. 7 math. A each of the quantities in a ratio or series. B part of an algebraic expression. 8 completion of a normal length of pregnancy. —v. Call, name (was termed a bigot). ~ bring to terms cause to accept conditions. Come to terms yield, give way. Come to terms with reconcile oneself to (a difficulty etc.). In terms of in the language peculiar to; referring to. ~ termly adj. & adv. [latin +terminus]
Termagant n. Overbearing woman; virago. [french tervagan from italian]
Terminable adj. Able to be terminated.
Terminal —adj. 1 a (of a condition or disease) fatal. B (of a patient) dying. 2 of or forming a limit or terminus (terminal station). —n. 1 terminating thing; extremity. 2 terminus for trains or long-distance buses. 3 = +air terminal.
Terminate v. (-ting) 1 bring or come to an end. 2 (foll. By in) (of a word) end in (a specified letter etc.).
Termination n. 1 terminating or being terminated. 2 induced abortion. 3 ending or result. 4 word's final syllable or letter.
Termini pl. Of +terminus.
Terminology n. (pl. -ies) 1 system of specialized terms. 2 science of the use of terms. ~ terminological adj. [german: related to +terminus]
Terminus n. (pl. -ni or -nuses) 1 station at the end of a railway or bus route. 2 point at the end of a pipeline etc. [latin, = end, limit, boundary]
Termite n. Small tropical antlike social insect destructive to timber. [latin termes -mitis]
Terms of reference n.pl. Scope of an inquiry etc.; definition of this.
Tern n. Marine gull-like bird with a long forked tail. [scandinavian]
Ternary adj. Composed of three parts. [latin terni, = three each]
Terrace —n. 1 flat area made on a slope for cultivation. 2 level paved area next to a house. 3 row of houses built in one block of uniform style. 4 tiered standing accommodation for spectators at a sports ground. —v. (-cing) form into or provide with a terrace or terraces. [latin terra earth]
Terrace house n. (also terraced house) house in a terrace.
Terracotta n. 1 a unglazed usu. Brownish-red earthenware. B statuette of this. 2 its colour. [italian, = baked earth]
Terra firma n. Dry land, firm ground. [latin]
Terrain n. Tract of land, esp. In geographical or military contexts. [latin: related to +terrene]
Terra incognita n. Unexplored region. [latin, = unknown land]
Terrapin n. 1 n. American edible freshwater turtle. 2 (terrapin) propr. Type of prefabricated one-storey building. [algonquian]
Terrarium n. (pl. -s or -ria) 1 place for keeping small land animals. 2 sealed transparent globe etc. Containing growing plants. [latin terra earth, after aquarium]
Terrazzo n. (pl. -s) smooth flooring-material of stone chips set in concrete. [italian, = terrace]
Terrene adj. 1 of the earth; worldly. 2 of earth, earthy. 3 terrestrial. [latin terrenus from terra earth]
Terrestrial adj. 1 of or on the earth; earthly. 2 of or on dry land. [latin terrestris: related to +terrene]
Terrible adj. 1 colloq. Very great or bad (terrible bore). 2 colloq. Very incompetent (terrible at maths). 3 causing or likely to cause terror; dreadful, formidable. [latin terreo frighten]
Terribly adv. 1 colloq. Very, extremely (terribly nice). 2 in a terrible manner.
Terrier n. Small dog of various breeds originally used for digging out foxes etc. [french chien terrier dog that chases to earth]
Terrific adj. 1 colloq. A huge; intense (terrific noise). B excellent (did a terrific job). 2 causing terror. ~ terrifically adv. [latin: related to +terrible]
Terrify v. (-ies, -ied) fill with terror (terrified of dogs). ~ terrifying adj. Terrifyingly adv.
Terrine n. 1 pâté or similar food. 2 earthenware vessel, esp. For pâté. [latin terra earth]
Territorial —adj. 1 of territory or a district (territorial possessions; territorial right). 2 tending to defend one's territory. —n. (territorial) member of the territorial army. ~ territorially adv. [latin: related to +territory]
Territorial army n. Local volunteer reserve force.
Territorial waters n.pl. Area of sea under the jurisdiction of a state, esp. Within a stated distance of the shore.
Territory n. (pl. -ies) 1 extent of the land under the jurisdiction of a ruler, state, etc. 2 (territory) organized division of a country, esp. One not yet admitted to the full rights of a state. 3 sphere of action etc.; province. 4 commercial traveller's sales area. 5 animal's or human's defended space or area. 6 area defended by a team or player in a game. [latin terra land]
Terror n. 1 extreme fear. 2 a terrifying person or thing. B colloq. Formidable or troublesome person or thing, esp. A child. 3 organized intimidation; terrorism. [latin terreo frighten]
Terrorist n. (often attrib.) Person using esp. Organized violence against a government etc. ~ terrorism n. [french: related to +terror]
Terrorize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 fill with terror. 2 use terrorism against. ~ terrorization n.
Terror-stricken adj. (also terror-struck) affected with terror.
Terry n. (often attrib.) Looped pile fabric used esp. For towels and nappies. [origin unknown]
Terse adj. (terser, tersest) 1 brief, concise. 2 curt, abrupt. ~ tersely adv. Terseness n. [latin tergo ters- wipe]
Tertiary —adj. 1 third in order or rank etc. 2 (tertiary) of the first period in the cenozoic era. —n. (tertiary) tertiary period. [latin tertius third]
Tervalent adj. Having a valency of three. [from +tercentenary, +valence1]
Terylene n. Propr. Synthetic textile fibre of polyester. [from terephthalic acid, +ethylene]
Tesl abbr. Teaching of english as a second language.
Tesla n. Si unit of magnetic induction. [tesla, name of a scientist]
Tessa abbr. Tax exempt special savings account.
Tessellated adj. 1 of or resembling a mosaic. 2 regularly chequered. [latin tessella diminutive of +tessera]
Tessellation n. Close arrangement of polygons, esp. In a repeated pattern.
Tessera n. (pl. Tesserae) small square block used in mosaic. [latin from greek]
Tessitura n. Range of a singing voice or vocal part. [italian, = +texture]
Test1 —n. 1 critical examination or trial of a person's or thing's qualities. 2 means, procedure, or standard for so doing. 3 minor examination, esp. In school (spelling test). 4 colloq. Test match. —v. 1 put to the test. 2 try or tax severely. 3 examine by means of a reagent. ~ put to the test cause to undergo a test. Test out put to a practical test. ~ testable adj. [latin testu(m) = testa: related to +test2]
Test2 n. Shell of some invertebrates. [latin testa pot, tile, shell]
Testa n. (pl. Testae) seed's protective outer covering. [latin: related to +test2]
Testaceous adj. Having a hard continuous shell.
Testament n. 1 will (esp. Last will and testament). 2 (usu. Foll. By to) evidence, proof (is testament to his loyalty). 3 bibl. A covenant, dispensation. B (testament) division of the bible (see +old testament, +new testament). [latin testamentum will: related to +testate]
Testamentary adj. Of, by, or in a will.
Testate —adj. Having left a valid will at death. —n. Testate person. ~ testacy n. (pl. -ies). [latin testor testify, from testis witness]
Testator n. (fem. Testatrix) (esp. Deceased) person who has made a will. [latin: related to +testate]
Test card n. Still television picture outside normal programme hours used for adjusting brightness, definition, etc.
Test case n. Law case setting a precedent for other similar cases.
Test drive n. Drive taken to judge the performance of a vehicle. ~ test-drive v.
Tester n. 1 person or thing that tests. 2 bottle etc. Containing a cosmetic for trial in a shop.
Testes pl. Of +testis.
Test flight n. Aircraft flight for evaluation purposes. ~ test-fly v.
Testicle n. Male organ that produces spermatozoa etc., esp. One of a pair in the scrotum in man and most mammals. [latin, diminutive of testis witness]
Testify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. By to) (of a person or thing) bear witness; be evidence of (testified to the facts). 2 give evidence. 3 affirm or declare. [latin testificor from testis witness]
Testimonial n. 1 certificate of character, conduct, or qualifications. 2 gift presented to a person (esp. In public) as a mark of esteem etc. [french: related to +testimony]
Testimony n. (pl. -ies) 1 witness's statement under oath etc. 2 declaration or statement of fact. 3 evidence, demonstration (produce testimony). [latin testimonium from testis witness]
Testis n. (pl. Testes) anat. & zool. Testicle. [latin, = witness (cf. +testicle)]
Test match n. International cricket or rugby match, usu. In a series.
Testosterone n. Male sex hormone formed in the testicles. [from +testis, +sterol]
Test paper n. 1 minor examination paper. 2 paper impregnated with a substance changing colour under known conditions.
Test pilot n. Pilot who test-flies aircraft.
Test-tube n. Thin glass tube closed at one end, used for chemical tests etc.
Test-tube baby n. Colloq. Baby conceived by in vitro fertilization.
Testy adj. (-ier, -iest) irritable, touchy. ~ testily adv. Testiness n. [french teste head: related to +test2]
Tetanus n. Bacterial disease causing painful spasm of the voluntary muscles. [greek teino stretch]
Tetchy adj. (-ier, -iest) peevish, irritable. ~ tetchily adv. Tetchiness n. [teche blemish, fault]
Tête-à-tête —n. (often attrib.) Private conversation between two persons. —adv. Privately without a third person (dined tête-à-tête). [french, literally ‘head-to-head’]
Tether —n. Rope etc. Confining a grazing animal. —v. Tie with a tether. ~ at the end of one's tether at the limit of one's patience, resources, etc. [old norse]
Tetra- comb. Form four. [greek tettares four]
Tetrad n. Group of four. [greek: related to +tetra-]
Tetragon n. Plane figure with four angles and sides. ~ tetragonal adj. [greek -gonos -angled]
Tetrahedron n. (pl. -dra or -s) four-sided solid; triangular pyramid. ~ tetrahedral adj. [greek hedra base]
Tetralogy n. (pl. -ies) group of four related novels, plays, operas, etc.
Tetrameter n. Prosody verse of four measures.
Teuton n. Member of a teutonic nation, esp. A german. [latin teutones, ancient tribe of n. Europe]
Teutonic adj. 1 of the germanic peoples or languages. 2 german. [latin: related to +teuton]
Text n. 1 main body of a book as distinct from notes etc. 2 original book or document, esp. As distinct from a paraphrase etc. 3 passage from scripture, esp. As the subject of a sermon. 4 subject, theme. 5 (in pl.) Books prescribed for study. 6 data in textual form, esp. As stored, processed, or displayed in a word processor etc. [latin texo text- weave]
Textbook —n. Book for use in studying, esp. A standard account of a subject. —attrib. Adj. 1 exemplary, accurate. 2 instructively typical.
Text editor n. Computing system or program allowing the user to enter and edit text.
Textile —n. 1 (often in pl.) Fabric, cloth, or fibrous material, esp. Woven. 2 fibre, yarn. —adj. 1 of weaving or cloth (textile industry). 2 woven (textile fabrics). [latin: related to +text]
Text processing n. Computing manipulation of text, esp. Transforming it from one format to another.
Textual adj. Of, in, or concerning a text. ~ textually adv.
Texture —n. 1 feel or appearance of a surface or substance. 2 arrangement of threads etc. In textile fabric. —v. (-ring) (usu. As textured adj.) 1 provide with a texture. 2 (of vegetable protein) provide with a texture resembling meat. ~ textural adj. [latin: related to +text]
Th symb. Thorium.
-th suffix (also -eth) forming ordinal and fractional numbers from four onwards. [old english]
Thai —n. (pl. Same or -s) 1 a native or national of thailand. B person of thai descent. 2 language of thailand. —adj. Of thailand. [thai, = free]
Thalidomide n. Sedative drug found in 1961 to cause foetal malformation when taken early in pregnancy. [from phthalimidoglutarimide]
Thallium n. Rare soft white metallic element. [greek thallos green shoot]
Than conj. Introducing a comparison (plays better than he did before; more bread than meat in these sausages; cost more than £100; you are older than he). [old english, originally = +then]
Usage with reference to the last example, it is also legitimate to say you are older than him, with than treated as a preposition, esp. In less formal contexts.
Thane n. Hist. 1 man who held land from an english king or other superior by military service. 2 man who held land from a scottish king and ranked with an earl's son; chief of a clan. [old english]
Thank —v. 1 express gratitude to (thanked him for the present). 2 hold responsible (you can thank yourself for that). —n. (in pl.) 1 gratitude. 2 expression of gratitude. 3 (as a formula) thank you (thanks for your help). ~ thank goodness (or god or heavens etc.) Colloq. Expression of relief etc. Thanks to as the result of (thanks to my foresight; thanks to your obstinacy). Thank you polite formula expressing gratitude. [old english]
Thankful adj. 1 grateful, pleased. 2 expressive of thanks.
Thankfully adv. 1 in a thankful manner. 2 let us be thankful (that) (thankfully, it didn't rain).
Usage the use of thankfully in sense 2 is common, but is considered incorrect by some people.
Thankless adj. 1 not expressing or feeling gratitude. 2 (of a task etc.) Giving no pleasure or profit; unappreciated.
Thanksgiving n. 1 expression of gratitude, esp. To god. 2 (thanksgiving or thanksgiving day) fourth thursday in november (a national holiday in the us).
That —demons. Pron. (pl. Those) 1 person or thing indicated, named, or understood (i heard that; who is that in the garden?). 2 contrasted with this (this is much better than that). 3 (esp. In relative constructions) the one, the person, etc. (a table like that described above). 4 (pl. That) used instead of which or whom to introduce a defining clause (the book that you sent me; there is nothing here that matters). —demons. Adj. (pl. Those) designating the person or thing indicated, named, understood, etc. (cf. Sense 1 of pron.). —adv. 1 to such a degree; so (have done that much). 2 colloq. Very (not that good). —conj. Introducing a subordinate clause indicating: 1 statement or hypothesis (they say that he is better). 2 purpose (we eat that we may live). 3 result (am so sleepy that i cannot work). ~ all that very (not all that good). That is (or that is to say) formula introducing or following an explanation of a preceding word or words. That's that formula indicating conclusion or completion. [old english]
Usage in sense 4 of the pronoun, that usually specifies or identifies something referred to, whereas who or which need not: compare the book that you sent me is lost with the book, which i gave you, is lost. That is often omitted in senses 1 and 3 of the conjunction: they say he is ill.
Thatch —n. 1 roof-covering of straw, reeds, etc. 2 colloq. Hair of the head. —v. (also absol.) Cover with thatch. ~ thatcher n. [old english]
Thaw —v. 1 (often foll. By out) pass from a frozen into a liquid or unfrozen state. 2 (usu. Prec. By it as subject) (of the weather) become warm enough to melt ice etc. 3 become warm enough to lose numbness etc.
The —adj. (called the definite article) 1 denoting person(s) or thing(s) already mentioned, under discussion, implied, or familiar (gave the man a wave). 2 describing as unique (the thames). 3 a (foll. By defining adj.) Which is, who are, etc. (edward the seventh). B (foll. By adj. Used absol.) Denoting a class described (from the sublime to the ridiculous). 4 best known or best entitled to the name (with the stressed: do you mean the kipling?). 5 indicating a following defining clause or phrase (the book that you borrowed). 6 a indicating that a singular noun represents a species etc. (the cat is a mammal). B used with a noun which figuratively represents an occupation etc. (went on the stage). C (foll. By the name of a unit) a, per (5p in the pound). —adv. (preceding comparatives in expressions of proportional variation) in or by that (or such a) degree; on that account (the more the merrier; the more he has the more he wants). [old english]
Theater n. (brit. Theatre) 1 building or outdoor area for dramatic performances. 2 writing and production of plays. 3 room or hall for lectures etc. With seats in tiers. 4 operating theatre. 5 a scene or field of action (the theatre of war). B (attrib.) Designating weapons intermediate between tactical and strategic. [greek theatron]
Theatre n. (us theater) 1 building or outdoor area for dramatic performances. 2 writing and production of plays. 3 room or hall for lectures etc. With seats in tiers. 4 operating theatre. 5 a scene or field of action (the theatre of war). B (attrib.) Designating weapons intermediate between tactical and strategic. [greek theatron]
Theatrical —adj. 1 of or for the theatre or acting. 2 (of a manner or person etc.) Calculated for effect; showy. —n. (in pl.) Dramatic performances (amateur theatricals). ~ theatricality n. Theatrically adv.
Thee objective case of +thou1.
Theft n. Act of stealing. [old english: related to +thief]
Their poss. Pron. (attrib.) Of or belonging to them. [old norse]
Theirs poss. Pron. The one or ones of or belonging to them (it is theirs; theirs are over here). ~ of theirs of or belonging to them (a friend of theirs).
Theism n. Belief in gods or a god, esp. A god supernaturally revealed to man. ~ theist n. Theistic adj. [greek theos god]
Them —pron. 1 objective case of +they. 2 colloq. They (it's them again). —demons. Adj. Slang or dial. Those. [old norse]
Theme n. 1 subject or topic of a talk, book, etc. 2 mus. Prominent melody in a composition. 3 us school exercise on a given subject. ~ thematic adj. Thematically adv. [greek thema -mat-]
Theme park n. Amusement park organized round a unifying idea.
Theme song n. (also theme tune) 1 recurrent melody in a musical play or film. 2 signature tune.
Themselves pron. 1 emphat. Form of +they or +them. 2 refl. Form of +them. ~ be themselves act in their normal, unconstrained manner. By themselves see by oneself.
Then —adv. 1 at that time. 2 a next; after that. B and also. 3 a in that case (then you should have said so). B implying grudging or impatient concession (all right then, if you must). C used parenthetically to resume a narrative etc. (the policeman, then, knocked on the door). —attrib. Adj. Such at the time in question (the then king). —n. That time (until then). ~ then and there immediately and on the spot. [old english]
Thence adv. (also from thence) archaic or literary 1 from that place. 2 for that reason. [old english]
Thenceforth adv. (also thenceforward) archaic or literary from that time onward.
Theo- comb. Form god or god(s). [greek theos god]
Theocracy n. (pl. -ies) form of government by god or a god directly, or through a priestly order etc. ~ theocratic adj.
Theodolite n. Surveying-instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles with a rotating telescope. [origin unknown]
Theologian n. Expert in theology. [french: related to +theology]
Theology n. (pl. -ies) the study or a system of theistic (esp. Christian) religion. ~ theological adj. Theologically adv. [greek: related to +theo-]
Theorem n. Esp. Math. 1 general proposition that is not self-evident but is proved by reasoning. 2 rule in algebra etc., esp. One expressed by symbols or formulae. [greek theoreo look at]
Theoretical adj. 1 concerned with knowledge but not with its practical application. 2 based on theory rather than experience. ~ theoretically adv.
Theoretician n. Person concerned with the theoretical aspects of a subject.
Theorist n. Holder or inventor of a theory.
Theorize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) evolve or indulge in theories.
Theory n. (pl. -ies) 1 supposition or system of ideas explaining something, esp. One based on general principles independent of the particular things to be explained (atomic theory; theory of evolution). 2 speculative (esp. Fanciful) view (one of my pet theories). 3 abstract knowledge or speculative thought (all very well in theory). 4 exposition of the principles of a science etc. (the theory of music). 5 collection of propositions to illustrate the principles of a mathematical subject (probability theory). [greek: related to +theorem]
Theosophy n. (pl. -ies) any of various philosophies professing to achieve knowledge of god by spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition, or special individual relations, esp. A modern movement following hindu and buddhist teachings and seeking universal brotherhood. ~ theosophical adj. Theosophist n. [greek theosophos wise concerning god]
Therapeutic adj. 1 of, for, or contributing to, the cure of disease. 2 soothing, conducive to well-being. ~ therapeutically adv. [greek therapeuo wait on, cure]
Therapeutics n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) Branch of medicine concerned with cures and remedies.
Therapy n. (pl. -ies) non-surgical treatment of disease or disability. ~ therapist n. [greek therapeia healing]
There —adv. 1 in, at, or to that place or position (lived there for a year; goes there daily). 2 at that point (in speech, performance, writing, etc.). 3 in that respect (i agree with you there). 4 used for emphasis in calling attention (you there!). 5 used to indicate the fact or existence of something (there is a house on the corner). —n. That place (lives near there). —int. 1 expressing confirmation, triumph, etc. (there! What did i tell you?). 2 used to soothe a child etc. (there, there, never mind). ~ there and then = then and there. [old english]
Thereabouts adv. (also thereabout) 1 near that place. 2 near that number, quantity, etc.
Thereafter adv. Formal after that.
Thereby adv. By that means, as a result of that. ~ thereby hangs a tale much could be said about that.
Therefore adv. For that reason; accordingly, consequently.
Therein adv. Formal 1 in that place etc. 2 in that respect.
Thereof adv. Formal of that or it.
Thereto adv. Formal 1 to that or it. 2 in addition.
Thereupon adv. 1 in consequence of that. 2 immediately after that.
Therm n. Unit of heat, esp. As the statutory unit of gas supplied, equivalent to 100,000 british thermal units (1.055 x 108 joules). [greek therme heat]
Thermal —adj. 1 of, for, or producing heat. 2 promoting the retention of heat (thermal underwear). —n. Rising current of warm air (used by gliders etc. To gain height). ~ thermally adv. [french: related to +therm]
Thermal unit n. Unit for measuring heat.
Thermionic adj. Of electrons emitted from a very hot substance. [from +thermo-, +ion]
Thermionic valve n. Device giving a flow of thermionic electrons in one direction, used esp. In the rectification of a current and in radio reception.
Thermo- comb. Form heat. [greek]
Thermocouple n. Device for measuring temperatures by means of a pair of different metals in contact at a point and generating a thermoelectric voltage.
Thermodynamics n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) Science of the relations between heat and other forms of energy. ~ thermodynamic adj.
Thermoelectric adj. Producing electricity by a difference of temperatures.
Thermometer n. Instrument for measuring temperature, esp. A graduated glass tube containing mercury or alcohol. [french: related to +thermo-, +-meter]
Thermonuclear adj. 1 relating to nuclear reactions that occur only at very high temperatures. 2 (of weapons) using thermonuclear reactions.
Thermoplastic —adj. That becomes plastic on heating and hardens on cooling. —n. Thermoplastic substance.
Thermos n. (in full thermos flask) propr. Vacuum flask. [greek: related to +thermo-]
Thermosetting adj. (of plastics) setting permanently when heated.
Thermosphere n. Region of the atmosphere beyond the mesosphere.
Thermostat n. Device that automatically regulates or responds to temperature. ~ thermostatic adj. Thermostatically adv. [from +thermo-, greek statos standing]
Thesaurus n. (pl. -ri or -ruses) book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts. [greek: related to +treasure]
These pl. Of +this.
Thesis n. (pl. Theses) 1 proposition to be maintained or proved. 2 dissertation, esp. By a candidate for a higher degree. [greek, = putting]
Thespian —adj. Of drama. —n. Actor or actress. [greek thespis, name of a greek tragedian]
Theta n. Eighth letter of the greek alphabet (q, q). [greek]
They pron. (obj. Them; poss. Their, theirs) 1 pl. Of +he, +she, +it. 2 people in general (so they say). 3 those in authority (they have raised taxes). [old norse]
They'd contr. 1 they had. 2 they would.
They'll contr. 1 they will. 2 they shall.
They're contr. They are.
They've contr. They have.
Thiamine n. (also thiamin) b vitamin found in unrefined cereals, beans, and liver, a deficiency of which causes beriberi. [greek theion sulphur, amin from +vitamin]
Thick —adj. 1 of great or specified extent between opposite surfaces. 2 (of a line etc.) Broad; not fine. 3 arranged closely; crowded together; dense. 4 (usu. Foll. By with) densely covered or filled (air thick with smoke). 5 a firm in consistency; containing much solid matter. B made of thick material (a thick coat). 6 a muddy, cloudy; impenetrable by sight. B (of one's head) suffering from a hangover, headache, etc. 7 colloq. Stupid. 8 a (of a voice) indistinct. B (of an accent) very marked. 9 colloq. Intimate, very friendly. —n. Thick part of anything. —adv. Thickly (snow was falling thick). ~ a bit thick colloq. Unreasonable or intolerable. In the thick of at the busiest part of. Through thick and thin under all conditions; in spite of all difficulties. ~ thickish adj. Thickly adv. [old english]
Thicken v. 1 make or become thick or thicker. 2 become more complicated (plot thickens). ~ thickener n.
Thickening n. 1 becoming thick or thicker. 2 substance used to thicken liquid. 3 thickened part.
Thicket n. Tangle of shrubs or trees. [old english: related to +thick]
Thickhead n. Colloq. Stupid person. ~ thickheaded adj.
Thickness n. 1 being thick. 2 extent of this. 3 layer of material (use three thicknesses).
Thickset adj. 1 heavily or solidly built. 2 set or growing close together.
Thick-skinned adj. Not sensitive to criticism.
Thief n. (pl. Thieves) person who steals, esp. Secretly. [old english]
Thieve v. (-ving) 1 be a thief. 2 steal (a thing). [old english: related to +thief]
Thievery n. Stealing.
Thievish adj. Given to stealing.
Thigh n. Part of the leg between the hip and the knee. [old english]
Thigh-bone n. = +femur.
Thimble n. Metal or plastic cap worn to protect the finger and push the needle in sewing. [old english: related to +thumb]
Thimbleful n. (pl. -s) small quantity, esp. Of drink.
Thin —adj. (thinner, thinnest) 1 having opposite surfaces close together; of small thickness or diameter. 2 (of a line) narrow or fine. 3 made of thin material (thin dress). 4 lean; not plump. 5 not dense or copious (thin hair). 6 of slight consistency. 7 weak; lacking an important ingredient (thin blood; a thin voice). 8 (of an excuse etc.) Flimsy or transparent. —adv. Thinly (cut the bread very thin). —v. (-nn-) 1 (often foll. By down) make or become thin or thinner. 2 (often foll. By out) make or become less dense or crowded or numerous. ~ have a thin time colloq. Have a wretched or uncomfortable time. Thin on the ground few in number. Thin on top balding. ~ thinly adv. Thinness n. Thinnish adj. [old english]
Thine poss. Pron. Archaic 1 (predic. Or absol.) Of or belonging to thee. 2 (attrib. Before a vowel) = +thy. [old english]
Thin end of the wedge see +wedge.
Thing n. 1 entity, idea, action, etc., that exists or may be thought about or perceived. 2 inanimate material object (take that thing away). 3 unspecified item (a few things to buy). 4 act, idea, or utterance (silly thing to do). 5 event (unfortunate thing to happen). 6 quality (patience is a useful thing). 7 person regarded with pity, contempt, or affection (poor thing!). 8 specimen or type (latest thing in hats). 9 colloq. One's special interest (not my thing). 10 colloq. Something remarkable (there's a thing!). 11 (prec. By the) colloq. A what is proper or fashionable. B what is needed (just the thing). C what is to be considered (the thing is, shall we go or not?). D what is important. 12 (in pl.) Personal belongings or clothing (where are my things?). 13 (in pl.) Equipment (painting things). 14 (in pl.) Affairs in general (not in the nature of things). 15 (in pl.) Circumstances, conditions (things look good). 16 (in pl. With a following adjective) all that is so describable (things greek). ~ do one's own thing colloq. Pursue one's own interests or inclinations. Have a thing about colloq. Be obsessed or prejudiced about. Make a thing of colloq. 1 regard as essential. 2 cause a fuss about. [old english]
Thingummy n. (pl. -ies) (also thingumabob, thingumajig) colloq. Person or thing whose name one has forgotten or does not know.
Think —v. (past and past part. Thought) 1 be of the opinion (think that they will come). 2 judge or consider (is thought to be a fraud). 3 exercise the mind (let me think for a moment). 4 (foll. By of or about) a consider; be or become aware of. B form or entertain the idea of; imagine. 5 have a half-formed intention (i think i'll stay). 6 form a conception of. 7 recognize the presence or existence of (thought no harm in it). —n. Colloq. Act of thinking (have a think). ~ think again revise one's plans or opinions. Think aloud utter one's thoughts as soon as they occur. Think better of change one's mind about (an intention) after reconsideration. Think fit see +fit1. Think little (or nothing) of consider to be insignificant. Think much (or a lot or highly) of have a high opinion of. Think out 1 consider carefully. 2 produce (an idea etc.) By thinking. Think over reflect upon in order to reach a decision. Think through reflect fully upon (a problem etc.). Think twice use careful consideration, avoid hasty action, etc. Think up colloq. Devise. [old english]
Thinker n. 1 person who thinks, esp. In a specified way (an original thinker). 2 person with a skilled or powerful mind.
Thinking —attrib. Adj. Intelligent, rational. —n. Opinion or judgement.
Think-tank n. Colloq. Body of experts providing advice and ideas on national or commercial problems.
Thinner n. Solvent for diluting paint etc.
Thin-skinned adj. Sensitive to criticism.
Thiosulphate n. Sulphate in which one oxygen atom is replaced by sulphur. [greek theion sulphur]
Third adj. & n. 1 next after second. 2 each of three equal parts of a thing. ~ thirdly adv. [old english: related to +three]
Third degree —n. Long and severe questioning, esp. By police to obtain information or a confession. —adj. (third-degree) denoting burns of the most severe kind, affecting lower layers of tissue.
Third man n. Fielder positioned near the boundary behind the slips.
Third party —n. 1 another party besides the two principals. 2 bystander etc. —adj. (third-party) (of insurance) covering damage or injury suffered by a person other than the insured.
Third person n. 1 = +third party. 2 gram. See +person.
Third-rate adj. Inferior; very poor.
Third reading n. Third presentation of a bill to a legislative assembly.
Third reich n. Nazi regime, 1933-45.
Third world n. (usu. Prec. By the) developing countries of asia, africa, and latin america.
Thirst —n. 1 need to drink; discomfort caused by this. 2 desire, craving. —v. (often foll. By for or after) 1 feel thirst. 2 have a strong desire. [old english]
Thirsty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 feeling thirst. 2 (of land, a season, etc.) Dry or parched. 3 (often foll. By for or after) eager. 4 colloq. Causing thirst (thirsty work). ~ thirstily adv. Thirstiness n. [old english: related to +thirst]
Thirteen adj. & n. 1 one more than twelve. 2 symbol for this (13, xiii, xiii). 3 size etc. Denoted by thirteen. ~ thirteenth adj. & n. [old english: related to +three]
Thirty adj. & n. (pl. -ies) 1 three times ten. 2 symbol for this (30, xxx, xxx). 3 (in pl.) Numbers from 30 to 39, esp. The years of a century or of a person's life. ~ thirtieth adj. & n. [old english: related to +three]
Thirty-nine articles n.pl. Points of doctrine assented to by those taking orders in the church of england.
This —demons. Pron. (pl. These) 1 person or thing close at hand or indicated or already named or understood (can you see this?; this is my cousin). 2 (contrasted with that) the person or thing nearer to hand or more immediately in mind. —demons. Adj. (pl. These) 1 designating the person or thing close at hand etc. (cf. Senses 1, 2 of pron.). 2 (of time) the present or current (am busy all this week). 3 colloq. (in narrative) designating a person or thing previously unmentioned (then up came this policeman). —adv. To the degree or extent indicated (knew him when he was this high). ~ this and that colloq. Various unspecified things. [old english]
Thistle n. 1 prickly plant, usu. With globular heads of purple flowers. 2 this as the scottish national emblem. [old english]
Thistledown n. Light down containing thistle-seeds and blown about in the wind.
Thistly adj. Overgrown with thistles.
Thither adv. Archaic or formal to or towards that place. [old english]
Tho' (also tho) var. Of +though.
Thole n. (in full thole-pin) 1 pin in the gunwale of a boat as the fulcrum for an oar. 2 each of two such pins forming a rowlock. [old english]
Thong n. Narrow strip of hide or leather. [old english]
Thorax n. (pl. -races or -raxes) anat. & zool. Part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen. ~ thoracic adj. [latin from greek]
Thorium n. Chem. Radioactive metallic element. [thor, name of scandinavian god of thunder]
Thorn n. 1 sharp-pointed projection on a plant. 2 thorn-bearing shrub or tree. ~ thorn in one's flesh (or side) constant nuisance. ~ thornless adj. [old english]
Thorny adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having many thorns. 2 problematic, causing disagreement. ~ thornily adv. Thorniness n. [old english: related to +thorn]
Thorough adj. 1 complete and unqualified; not superficial. 2 acting or done with great care and completeness. 3 absolute (thorough nuisance). ~ thoroughly adv. Thoroughness n. [related to +through]
Thoroughbred —adj. 1 of pure breed. 2 high-spirited. —n. Thoroughbred animal, esp. A horse.
Thoroughfare n. Road or path open at both ends, esp. For traffic.
Thoroughgoing attrib. Adj. Thorough; complete.
Those pl. Of +that.
Thou1 pron. (obj. Thee; poss. Thy or thine; pl. Ye or you) archaic second person singular pronoun. [old english]
Usage thou has now been replaced by you except in some formal, liturgical, dialect, and poetic uses.
Thou2 n. (pl. Same or -s) colloq. 1 thousand. 2 one thousandth. [abbreviation]
Though (also tho') —conj. 1 despite the fact that; in spite of being (though it was early we left; though annoyed, i agreed). 2 (introducing a possibility) even if (ask him though he may refuse). 3 and yet; nevertheless. —adv. Colloq. However; all the same. [old norse]
Thought1 n. 1 process or power of thinking; faculty of reason. 2 way of thinking associated with a particular time, group, etc. 3 sober reflection or consideration. 4 idea or piece of reasoning produced by thinking. 5 (foll. By of + verbal noun or to + infin.) Partly formed intention (had no thought to go). 6 (usu. In pl.) What one is thinking; one's opinion. 7 (prec. By a) somewhat (a thought arrogant). ~ in thought meditating. [old english: related to +think]
Thought2 past and past part. Of +think.
Thoughtful adj. 1 engaged in or given to meditation. 2 (of a book, writer, etc.) Giving signs of serious thought. 3 (often foll. By of) (of a person or conduct) considerate. ~ thoughtfully adv. Thoughtfulness n.
Thoughtless adj. 1 careless of consequences or of others' feelings. 2 due to lack of thought. ~ thoughtlessly adv. Thoughtlessness n.
Thought-reader n. Person supposedly able to perceive another's thoughts.
Thousand adj. & n. (pl. Thousands or (in sense 1) thousand) (in sing. Prec. By a or one) 1 ten hundred. 2 symbol for this (1,000, m, m). 3 (in sing. Or pl.) Colloq. Large number. ~ thousandfold adj. & adv. Thousandth adj. & n. [old english]
Thrall n. Literary 1 (often foll. By of, to) slave (of a person, or of a power or influence). 2 slavery (in thrall). ~ thraldom n. [old english from old norse]
Thrash —v. 1 beat or whip severely. 2 defeat thoroughly. 3 deliver repeated blows. 4 (foll. By about, around) move or fling (esp. The limbs) about violently. 5 = +thresh 1. —n. 1 act of thrashing. 2 slang (esp. Lavish) party. ~ thrash out discuss to a conclusion. [old english]
Thread —n. 1 a spun-out cotton, silk, or glass etc.; yarn. B length of this. 2 thin cord of twisted yarns used esp. In sewing and weaving. 3 continuous aspect of a thing (the thread of life; thread of his argument). 4 spiral ridge of a screw. —v. 1 pass a thread through (a needle). 2 put (beads) on a thread. 3 insert (a strip of material, e.g. Film or magnetic tape) into equipment. 4 make (one's way) carefully through a crowded place, over a difficult route, etc. [old english: related to +throw]
Threadbare adj. 1 (of cloth) with the nap worn away and the thread visible. 2 (of a person) wearing such clothes. 3 hackneyed.
Threadworm n. Parasitic threadlike worm.
Threat n. 1 declaration of an intention to punish or hurt if an order etc. Is not obeyed. 2 indication of something undesirable coming (threat of war). 3 person or thing as a likely cause of harm etc. [old english]
Threaten v. 1 make a threat or threats against. 2 be a sign of (something undesirable). 3 (foll. By to + infin.) Announce one's intention to do an undesirable thing. 4 (also absol.) Warn of the infliction of (harm etc.).
Three adj. & n. 1 a one more than two. B symbol for this (3, iii, iii). 2 size etc. Denoted by three. [old english]
Three-cornered adj. 1 triangular. 2 (of a contest etc.) Between three parties.
Three-decker n. 1 warship with three gun-decks. 2 thing with three levels or divisions.
Three-dimensional adj. Having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth.
Threefold adj. & adv. 1 three times as much or as many. 2 consisting of three parts.
Three-legged race n. Running-race between pairs, one member of each pair having the left leg tied to the right leg of the other.
Three-line whip n. Written notice to mps from their leader insisting on attendance at a debate and voting a certain way.
Threepence n. Sum of three pence.
Threepenny attrib. Adj. Costing three pence.
Three-piece —n. Three-piece suit or suite. —attrib. Adj. (esp. Of a suit or suite) consisting of three items.
Three-ply —adj. Of three strands or layers etc. —n. 1 three-ply wool. 2 three-ply wood.
Three-point turn n. Method of turning a vehicle round in a narrow space by moving forwards, backwards, and forwards again.
Three-quarter n. (also three-quarter back) rugby any of three or four players just behind the half-backs.
Three-quarters n.pl. Three parts out of four.
Three rs n.pl. (prec. By the) reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Threescore n. & adj. Archaic sixty.
Threesome n. Group of three persons.
Three-way adj. Involving three directions or participants.
Threnody n. (pl. -ies) song of lamentation or mourning. [greek]
Thresh v. 1 beat out or separate grain from (corn etc.). 2 = +thrash v. 4. ~ thresher n. [old english]
Threshing-floor n. Hard level floor for threshing esp. With flails.
Threshold n. 1 strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house etc. 2 point of entry or beginning. 3 limit below which a stimulus causes no reaction. [old english: related to +thrash in the sense ‘tread’]
Threw past of +throw.
Thrice adv. Archaic or literary 1 three times. 2 (esp. In comb.) Highly (thrice-blessed). [related to +three]
Thrift n. 1 frugality; careful use of money etc. 2 the sea pink. [old norse: related to +thrive]
Thriftless adj. Wasteful.
Thrifty adj. (-ier, -iest) economical. ~ thriftily adv. Thriftiness n.
Thrill —n. 1 wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation (a thrill of joy). 2 throb, pulsation. —v. 1 (cause to) feel a thrill. 2 quiver or throb with or as with emotion. [old english, = pierce: related to +through]
Thriller n. Exciting or sensational story or play etc., esp. About crime or espionage.
Thrips n. (pl. Same) an insect harmful to plants. [greek, = woodworm]
Thrive v. (-ving; past throve or thrived; past part. Thriven or thrived) 1 prosper, flourish. 2 grow rich. 3 (of a child, animal, or plant) grow vigorously. [old norse]
Thro' var. Of +through.
Throat n. 1 a windpipe or gullet. B front part of the neck containing this. 2 literary narrow passage, entrance, or exit. ~ cut one's own throat harm oneself or one's interests. Ram (or thrust) down a person's throat force on a person's attention. [old english]
Throaty adj. (-ier, -iest) (of a voice) hoarsely resonant. ~ throatily adv. Throatiness n.
Throb —v. (-bb-) 1 pulsate, esp. With more than the usual force or rapidity. 2 vibrate with a persistent rhythm or with emotion. —n. 1 throbbing. 2 (esp. Violent) pulsation. [imitative]
Throe n. (usu. In pl.) Violent pang, esp. Of childbirth or death. ~ in the throes of struggling with the task of. [old english, alteration of original throwe, perhaps by association with woe]
Thrombosis n. (pl. -boses) coagulation of the blood in a blood-vessel or organ. [greek, = curdling]
Throne —n. 1 chair of state for a sovereign or bishop etc. 2 sovereign power (came to the throne). —v. (-ning) enthrone. [greek thronos]
Throng —n. (often foll. By of) crowd, esp. Of people. —v. 1 come in great numbers (crowds thronged to the stadium). 2 flock into or crowd round; fill with or as with a crowd. [old english]
Throstle n. Song thrush. [old english]
Throttle —n. 1 a valve controlling the flow of fuel or steam etc. In an engine. B (in full throttle-lever) lever or pedal operating this valve. 2 throat, gullet, or windpipe. —v. (-ling) 1 choke or strangle. 2 prevent the utterance etc. Of. 3 control (an engine or steam etc.) With a throttle. ~ throttle back (or down) reduce the speed of (an engine or vehicle) by throttling. [perhaps from +throat]
Through (also thro', us thru) —prep. 1 a from end to end or side to side of. B going in one side or end and out the other of. 2 between or among (swam through the waves). 3 from beginning to end of (read through the letter; went through many difficulties). 4 because of; by the agency, means, or fault of (lost it through carelessness). 5 us up to and including (monday through friday). —adv. 1 through a thing; from side to side, end to end, or beginning to end. 2 so as to be connected by telephone (will put you through). —attrib. Adj. 1 (of a journey, route, etc.) Done without a change of line or vehicle etc. Or with one ticket. 2 (of traffic) going through a place to its destination. 3 (of a road) open at both ends. ~ be through colloq. 1 (often foll. By with) have finished. 2 (often foll. By with) cease to have dealings. 3 have no further prospects. Through and through thoroughly, completely. [old english]
Throughout —prep. Right through; from end to end of. —adv. In every part or respect.
Throughput n. Amount of material put through a process, esp. In manufacturing or computing.
Throve past of +thrive.
Throw —v. (past threw; past part. Thrown) 1 propel with force through the air. 2 force violently into, or compel to be in, a specified position or state (thrown on the rocks; threw themselves down; thrown out of work). 3 turn or move (part of the body) quickly or suddenly (threw an arm out). 4 project or cast (light, a shadow, etc.). 5 a bring to the ground in wrestling. B (of a horse) unseat (its rider). 6 colloq. Disconcert (the question threw me). 7 (foll. By on, off, etc.) Put (clothes etc.) Hastily on or off etc. 8 a cause (dice) to fall on a table etc. B obtain (a specified number) by throwing dice. 9 cause to pass or extend suddenly to another state or position (threw a bridge across the river). 10 operate (a switch or lever). 11 form on a potter's wheel. 12 have (a fit or tantrum etc.). 13 give (a party). —n. 1 act of throwing or being thrown. 2 distance a thing is or may be thrown. 3 (prec. By a) slang each; per item (sold at £10 a throw). ~ throw away 1 discard as useless or unwanted. 2 waste or fail to make use of (an opportunity etc.). Throw back 1 revert to ancestral character. 2 (usu. In passive; foll. By on) compel to rely on. Throw in 1 interpose (a word or remark). 2 include at no extra cost. 3 throw (a football) from the edge of the pitch where it has gone out of play. Throw in the towel (or sponge) admit defeat. Throw off 1 discard; contrive to get rid of. 2 write or utter in an offhand manner. Throw oneself at seek blatantly as a sexual partner. Throw oneself into engage vigorously in. Throw oneself on (or upon) rely completely on. Throw open (often foll. By to) 1 cause to be suddenly or widely open. 2 make accessible. Throw out 1 put out forcibly or suddenly. 2 discard as unwanted. 3 reject (a proposal).
Throw-away attrib. Adj. 1 meant to be thrown away after (one) use. 2 spoken in a deliberately casual way. 3 disposed to throwing things away (throw-away society).
Throwback n. 1 reversion to ancestral character. 2 instance of this.
Throw-in n. Throwing in of a football during play.
Thrown past part of +throw.
Thru us var. Of +through.
Thrum1 —v. (-mm-) 1 play (a stringed instrument) monotonously or unskilfully. 2 (often foll. By on) drum idly. —n. 1 such playing. 2 resulting sound. [imitative]
Thrum2 n. 1 unwoven end of a warp-thread, or the whole of such ends, left when the finished web is cut away. 2 any short loose thread. [old english]
Thrush1 n. Any of various songbirds, esp. The song thrush and mistle thrush. [old english]
Thrush2 n. 1 fungous disease, esp. Of children, affecting the mouth and throat. 2 similar disease of the vagina. [origin unknown]
Thrust —v. (past and past part. Thrust) 1 push with a sudden impulse or with force. 2 (foll. By on) impose (a thing) forcibly; enforce acceptance of (a thing). 3 (foll. By at, through) pierce, stab; lunge suddenly. 4 make (one's way) forcibly. 5 (as thrusting adj.) Aggressive, ambitious. —n. 1 sudden or forcible push or lunge. 2 propulsive force produced by a jet or rocket engine. 3 strong attempt to penetrate an enemy's line or territory. 4 remark aimed at a person. 5 stress between the parts of an arch etc. 6 (often foll. By of) chief theme or gist of remarks etc. [old norse]
Thud —n. Low dull sound as of a blow on a non-resonant surface. —v. (-dd-) make or fall with a thud. [probably old english]
Thug n. 1 violent ruffian. 2 (thug) hist. Member of a religious organization of robbers and assassins in india. ~ thuggery n. Thuggish adj. [hindi]
Thulium n. Metallic element of the lanthanide series. [latin thule region in the remote north]
Thumb —n. 1 short thick finger on the human hand, set apart from the other four. 2 part of a glove etc. For a thumb. —v. 1 wear or soil (pages etc.) With a thumb. 2 turn over pages with or as with a thumb (thumbed through the directory). 3 request or get (a lift) by signalling with a raised thumb. 4 use the thumb in a gesture. ~ thumb one's nose = cock a snook (see +snook). Thumbs down indication of rejection. Thumbs up indication of satisfaction or approval. Under a person's thumb completely dominated by a person. [old english]
Thumb index n. Set of lettered grooves cut down the side of a book for easy reference.
Thumbnail n. 1 nail of a thumb. 2 (attrib.) Concise (thumbnail sketch).
Thumbprint n. Impression of a thumb esp. For identification.
Thumbscrew n. Instrument of torture for crushing the thumbs.
Thump —v. 1 beat or strike heavily, esp. With the fist. 2 throb strongly. 3 (foll. By at, on, etc.) Knock loudly. —n. 1 heavy blow. 2 dull sound of this. [imitative]
Thumping adj. Colloq. (esp. As an intensifier) huge (a thumping lie; a thumping great house).
Thunder —n. 1 loud noise caused by lightning and due to the expansion of rapidly heated air. 2 resounding loud deep noise (thunders of applause). 3 strong censure or denunciation. —v. 1 (prec. By it as subject) thunder sounds (it is thundering; if it thunders). 2 make or proceed with a noise like thunder. 3 utter (threats, compliments, etc.) Loudly. 4 (foll. By against etc.) Make violent threats etc. Against. ~ steal a person's thunder see +steal. ~ thundery adj. [old english]
Thunderbolt n. 1 flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder. 2 unexpected occurrence or announcement. 3 supposed bolt or shaft as a destructive agent, esp. As an attribute of a god.
Thunderclap n. 1 crash of thunder. 2 something startling or unexpected.
Thundercloud n. Cumulus cloud charged with electricity and producing thunder and lightning.
Thunder-fly n. = +thrips.
Thundering adj. Colloq. (esp. As an intensifier) huge (a thundering nuisance; a thundering great bruise).
Thunderous adj. 1 like thunder. 2 very loud.
Thunderstorm n. Storm with thunder and lightning and usu. Heavy rain or hail.
Thunderstruck predic. Adj. Amazed.
Thur. Abbr. (also thurs.) Thursday.
Thurible n. Censer. [latin thus thur- incense]
Thursday —n. Day of the week following wednesday. —adv. Colloq. 1 on thursday. 2 (thursdays) on thursdays; each thursday. [old english]
Thus adv. Formal 1 a in this way. B as indicated. 2 a accordingly. B as a result or inference. 3 to this extent; so (thus far; thus much). [old english]
Thwack —v. Hit with a heavy blow. —n. Heavy blow. [imitative]
Thwart —v. Frustrate or foil (a person, plan, etc.). —n. Rower's seat. [old norse, = across]
Thy poss. Pron. (attrib.) (also thine predic. Or before a vowel) archaic of or belonging to thee. [from +thine]
Usage thy has now been replaced by your except in some formal, liturgical, dialect, and poetic uses.
Thyme n. Any of several herbs with aromatic leaves. [greek thumon]
Thymol n. Antiseptic obtained from oil of thyme.
Thymus n. (pl. Thymi) lymphoid organ situated in the neck of vertebrates. [greek]
Thyroid n. (in full thyroid gland) 1 large ductless gland in the neck of vertebrates, secreting a hormone which regulates growth and development. 2 extract prepared from the thyroid gland of animals and used in treating goitre etc. [greek thureos oblong shield]
Thyroid cartilage n. Large cartilage of the larynx, forming the adam's apple.
Thyself pron. Archaic emphat. & refl. Form of +thou1, +thee.
Ti symb. Titanium.
Ti var. Of +te.
Tiara n. 1 jewelled ornamental band worn on the front of a woman's hair. 2 three-crowned diadem worn by a pope. ~ tiaraed adj. [latin from greek]
Tibia n. (pl. Tibiae) anat. Inner of two bones extending from the knee to the ankle. ~ tibial adj. [latin]
Tic n. (in full nervous tic) occasional involuntary contraction of the muscles, esp. Of the face. [french from italian]
Tick1 —n. 1 slight recurring click, esp. That of a watch or clock. 2 colloq. Moment. 3 mark to denote correctness, check items in a list, etc. —v. 1 (of a clock etc.) Make ticks. 2 a mark with a tick. B (often foll. By off) mark (an item) with a tick in checking. ~ tick off colloq. Reprimand. Tick over 1 (of an engine etc.) Idle. 2 (of a person, project, etc.) Be functioning at a basic level. What makes a person tick colloq. Person's motivation. [probably imitative]
Tick2 n. 1 parasitic arachnid on the skin of dogs, cattle, etc. 2 parasitic insect on sheep and birds etc. [old english]
Tick3 n. Colloq. Credit (buy goods on tick). [apparently an abbreviation of +ticket in on the ticket]
Tick4 n. 1 cover of a mattress or pillow. 2 = +ticking. [greek theke case]
Ticker n. Colloq. 1 heart. 2 watch. 3 us = +tape machine 1.
Ticker-tape n. 1 paper strip from a tape machine. 2 this or similar material thrown from windows etc. To greet a celebrity.
Ticket —n. 1 written or printed piece of paper or card entitling the holder to enter a place, participate in an event, travel by public transport, etc. 2 notification of a traffic offence etc. (parking ticket). 3 certificate of discharge from the army. 4 certificate of qualification as a ship's master, pilot, etc. 5 price etc. Label. 6 esp. Us a list of candidates put forward by one group, esp. A political party. B principles of a party. 7 (prec. By the) colloq. What is correct or needed. —v. (-t-) attach a ticket to. [obsolete french étiquet]
Ticking n. Stout usu. Striped material used to cover mattresses etc. [from +tick4]
Tickle —v. (-ling) 1 a touch or stroke (a person etc.) Playfully or lightly so as to produce laughter and spasmodic movement. B produce this sensation. 2 excite agreeably; amuse. 3 catch (a trout etc.) By rubbing it so that it moves backwards into the hand. —n.
Ticklish adj. 1 sensitive to tickling. 2 (of a matter or person) difficult to handle.
Tick-tack n. A kind of manual semaphore used by racecourse bookmakers.
Tick-tock n. Ticking of a large clock etc.
Tidal adj. Relating to, like, or affected by tides. ~ tidally adv.
Tidal wave n. 1 exceptionally large ocean wave, esp. One caused by an underwater earthquake. 2 widespread manifestation of feeling etc.
Tidbit n. (brit. Titbit) 1 dainty morsel. 2 piquant item of news etc. [perhaps from dial. Tid tender]
Tiddler n. Colloq. 1 small fish, esp. A stickleback or minnow. 2 unusually small thing. [perhaps related to +tiddly2 and tittlebat, a childish form of stickleback]
Tiddly1 adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Slightly drunk. [origin unknown]
Tiddly2 adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Little. [origin unknown]
Tiddly-wink n. 1 counter flicked with another into a cup etc. 2 (in pl.) This game. [perhaps related to +tiddly1]
Tide n. 1 a periodic rise and fall of the sea due to the attraction of the moon and sun. B water as affected by this. 2 time or season (usu. In comb.: whitsuntide). 3 marked trend of opinion, fortune, or events. ~ tide (-ding) over provide (a person) with what is needed during a difficult period. [old english, = +time]
Tidemark n. 1 mark made by the tide at high water. 2 a line left round a bath by the dirty water. B colloq. Line between washed and unwashed parts of a person's body.
Tidetable n. Table indicating the times of high and low tides.
Tideway n. Tidal part of a river.
Tidings n. (as sing. Or pl.) Archaic or joc. News. [old english, probably from old norse]
Tidy —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 neat, orderly. 2 (of a person) methodical. 3 colloq. Considerable (a tidy sum). —n. (pl. -ies) 1 receptacle for holding small objects etc. 2 esp. Us cover for a chair-back etc. —v. (-ies, -ied) (also absol.; often foll. By up) put in good order; make (oneself, a room, etc.) Tidy. ~ tidily adv. Tidiness n. [originally = timely etc., from +tide]
Tie —v. (tying) 1 attach or fasten with string or cord etc. 2 a form (a string, ribbon, shoelace, necktie, etc.) Into a knot or bow. B form (a knot or bow) in this way. 3 (often foll. By down) restrict (a person) in some way (is tied to his job). 4 (often foll. By with) achieve the same score or place as another competitor (tied with her for first place). 5 hold (rafters etc.) Together by a crosspiece etc. 6 mus. Unite (written notes) by a tie. —n. 1 cord or wire etc. Used for fastening. 2 strip of material worn round the collar and tied in a knot at the front. 3 thing that unites or restricts persons (family ties). 4 draw, dead heat, or equality of score among competitors. 5 match between any pair from a group of competing players or teams. 6 (also tie-beam etc.) Rod or beam holding parts of a structure together. 7 mus. Curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch indicating that they are to be played without a break between them. ~ tie in (foll. By with) bring into or have a close association or agreement. Tie up 1 bind securely with cord etc. 2 invest or reserve (capital etc.) So that it is not immediately available for use. 3 (often foll. By with) = tie in. 4 (usu. In passive) fully occupy (a person). 5 bring to a satisfactory conclusion. [old english]
Tie-break n. (also tie-breaker) means of deciding a winner from competitors who have tied.
Tied attrib. Adj. 1 (of a house) occupied subject to the tenant's working for its owner. 2 (of a public house etc.) Bound to supply the products of a particular brewery only.
Tie-dye n. (also tie and dye) method of producing dyed patterns by tying string etc. To keep the dye away from parts of the fabric.
Tie-in n. 1 connection or association. 2 joint promotion of related commodities etc. (e.g. A book and a film).
Tie-pin n. Ornamental pin for holding a tie in place.
Tier n. Row, rank, or unit of a structure, as one of several placed one above another (tiers of seats). ~ tiered adj. [french tire from tirer draw, elongate]
Tiercel var. Of +tercel.
Tie-up n. Connection, association.
Tiff n. Slight or petty quarrel. [origin unknown]
Tiffin n. Ind. Light meal, esp. Lunch. [apparently from tiffing sipping]
Tiger n. 1 large asian animal of the cat family, with a yellow-brown coat with black stripes. 2 fierce, energetic, or formidable person. [greek tigris]
Tiger-cat n. Any moderate-sized feline resembling the tiger, e.g. The ocelot.
Tiger lily n. Tall garden lily with dark-spotted orange flowers.
Tiger moth n. Moth with richly spotted and streaked wings.
Tight —adj. 1 closely held, drawn, fastened, fitting, etc. (tight hold; tight skirt). 2 too closely fitting. 3 impermeable, impervious, esp. (in comb.) To a specified thing (watertight). 4 tense; stretched. 5 colloq. Drunk. 6 colloq. Stingy. 7 (of money or materials) not easily obtainable. 8 a (of precautions, a programme, etc.) Stringent, demanding. B presenting difficulties (tight situation). 9 produced by or requiring great exertion or pressure (tight squeeze). —adv. Tightly (hold tight!). ~ tightly adv. Tightness n. [old norse]
Tight corner n. (also tight place or spot) difficult situation.
Tighten v. Make or become tighter.
Tight-fisted adj. Stingy.
Tight-lipped adj. With or as with the lips compressed to restrain emotion or speech; determinedly reticent.
Tightrope n. Rope stretched tightly high above the ground, on which acrobats perform.
Tights n.pl. 1 thin close-fitting wool or nylon etc. Garment covering the legs, feet, and the lower part of the torso, worn by women and girls. 2 similar garment worn by a dancer, acrobat, etc.
Tigress n. Female tiger.
Tike var. Of +tyke.
Tilde n. Mark (˜) put over a letter, e.g. Over a spanish n when pronounced ny (as in señor). [latin: related to +title]
Tile —n. 1 thin slab of concrete or baked clay etc. Used for roofing or paving etc. 2 similar slab of glazed pottery, cork, linoleum, etc., for covering a wall, floor, etc. 3 thin flat piece used in a game (esp. In mah-jong). —v. (-ling) cover with tiles. ~ on the tiles colloq. Having a spree. ~ tiler n. [latin tegula]
Tiling n. 1 process of fixing tiles. 2 area of tiles.
Till1 —prep. 1 up to or as late as (wait till six o'clock). 2 up to the time of (faithful till death). —conj. 1 up to the time when (wait till i return). 2 so long that (laughed till i cried). [old norse: related to +till3]
Usage in all senses, till can be replaced by until which is more formal in style.
Till2 n. Drawer for money in a shop or bank etc., esp. With a device recording the amount of each purchase. [origin unknown]
Till3 v. Cultivate (land). ~ tiller n. [old english, = strive for]
Tillage n. 1 preparation of land for growing crops. 2 tilled land.
Tiller n. Bar fitted to a boat's rudder to turn it in steering. [anglo-french telier weaver's beam]
Tilt —v. 1 (cause to) assume a sloping position; heel over. 2 (foll. By at) strike, thrust, or run at, with a weapon. 3 (foll. By with) engage in a contest. —n. 1 tilting. 2 sloping position. 3 (of medieval knights etc.) Charging with a lance against an opponent or at a mark. 4 attack, esp. With argument or satire (have a tilt at).
Tilth n. 1 tillage, cultivation. 2 tilled soil. [old english: related to +till3]
Timber n. 1 wood prepared for building, carpentry, etc. 2 piece of wood or beam, esp. As the rib of a vessel. 3 large standing trees. 4 (esp. As int.) Warning cry that a tree is about to fall. [old english, = building]
Timbered adj. 1 made wholly or partly of timber. 2 (of country) wooded.
Timberline n. Line or level above which no trees grow.
Timbre n. Distinctive character of a musical sound or voice apart from its pitch and volume. [greek: related to +tympanum]
Timbrel n. Archaic tambourine. [french: related to +timbre]
Time —n. 1 indefinite continued progress of existence, events, etc., in the past, present, and future, regarded as a whole. 2 progress of this as affecting persons or things. 3 portion of time belonging to particular events or circumstances (the time of the plague; prehistoric times). 4 allotted or available portion of time (had no time to eat). 5 point of time, esp. In hours and minutes (the time is 7.30). 6 (prec. By a) indefinite period. 7 time or an amount of time as reckoned by a conventional standard (eight o'clock new york time; the time allowed is one hour). 8 occasion (last time). 9 moment etc. Suitable for a purpose etc. (the time to act). 10 (in pl.) Expressing multiplication (five times six is thirty). 11 lifetime (will last my time). 12 (in sing. Or pl.) Conditions of life or of a period (hard times). 13 slang prison sentence (is doing time). 14 apprenticeship (served his time). 15 period of gestation. 16 date or expected date of childbirth or death. 17 measured time spent in work. 18 a any of several rhythmic patterns of music. B duration of a note. —v. (-ming) 1 choose the time for. 2 do at a chosen or correct time. 3 arrange the time of arrival of. 4 ascertain the time taken by. ~ against time with utmost speed, so as to finish by a specified time. Ahead of time earlier than expected. All the time 1 during the whole of the time referred to (often despite some contrary expectation etc.). 2 constantly. At one time 1 in a known but unspecified past period. 2 simultaneously. At the same time 1 simultaneously. 2 nevertheless. At times intermittently. For the time being until some other arrangement is made. Half the time colloq. As often as not. Have no time for 1 be unable or unwilling to spend time on. 2 dislike. Have a time of it undergo trouble or difficulty. In no time 1 very soon. 2 very quickly. In time 1 not late, punctual. 2 eventually. 3 in accordance with a given rhythm. Keep time move or sing etc. In time. Pass the time of day colloq. Exchange a greeting or casual remarks. Time after time 1 on many occasions. 2 in many instances. Time and (or time and time) again on many occasions. The time of one's life period of exceptional enjoyment. Time out of mind a longer time than anyone can remember. Time was there was a time. [old english]
Time and a half n. One and a half times the normal rate of payment.
Time-and-motion adj. (usu. Attrib.) Measuring the efficiency of industrial and other operations.
Time bomb n. Bomb designed to explode at a pre-set time.
Time capsule n. Box etc. Containing objects typical of the present time, buried for future discovery.
Time clock n. Clock with a device for recording workers' hours of work.
Time exposure n. Exposure of photographic film for longer than the slowest normal shutter setting.
Time-honoured adj. Esteemed by tradition or through custom.
Timekeeper n. 1 person who records time, esp. Of workers or in a game. 2 a watch or clock as regards accuracy (a good timekeeper). B person as regards punctuality. ~ timekeeping n.
Time-lag n. Interval of time between a cause and effect.
Timeless adj. Not affected by the passage of time. ~ timelessly adv. Timelessness n.
Time-limit n. Limit of time within which a task must be done.
Timely adj. (-ier, -iest) opportune; coming at the right time. ~ timeliness n.
Timepiece n. Clock or watch.
Timer n. Person or device that measures or records time taken.
Time-served adj. Having completed a period of apprenticeship or training.
Time-server n. Derog. Person who changes his or her view to suit the prevailing circumstances, fashion, etc. ~ time-serving adj.
Time-share n. Share in a property under a time-sharing scheme.
Time-sharing n. 1 use of a holiday home at contractually agreed different times by several joint owners. 2 operation of a computer system by several users for different operations at the same time.
Time sheet n. Sheet of paper for recording hours of work etc.
Time-shift —v. Move from one time to another, esp. Record (a television programme) for later viewing. —n. Movement from one time to another (the continual time-shifts make the plot difficult to follow).
Time signal n. Audible signal of the exact time of day.
Time signature n. Mus. Indication of tempo following a clef.
Time switch n. Switch acting automatically at a pre-set time.
Timetable —n. List of times at which events are scheduled to take place, esp. The arrival and departure of transport or a sequence of lessons. —v. (-ling) include in or arrange to a timetable; schedule.
Time zone n. Range of longitudes where a common standard time is used.
Timid adj. (timider, timidest) easily frightened; apprehensive. ~ timidity n. Timidly adv. [latin timeo fear]
Timing n. 1 way an action or process is timed. 2 regulation of the opening and closing of valves in an internal-combustion engine.
Timorous adj. 1 timid. 2 frightened. ~ timorously adv. [medieval latin: related to +timid]
Timpani n.pl. (also tympani) kettledrums. ~ timpanist n. [italian, pl. Of timpano = +tympanum]
Tin —n. 1 silvery-white metallic element, used esp. In alloys and in making tin plate. 2 container made of tin or tinned iron, esp. Airtight for preserving food. 3 = +tin plate. —v. (-nn-) 1 seal (food) in a tin for preservation. 2 cover or coat with tin. [old english]
Tin can n. Tin container, esp. An empty one.
Tincture —n. (often foll. By of) 1 slight flavour or trace. 2 tinge (of a colour). 3 medicinal solution (of a drug) in alcohol (tincture of quinine). —v. (-ring) 1 colour slightly; tinge, flavour. 2 (often foll. By with) affect slightly (with a quality). [latin: related to +tinge]
Tinder n. Dry substance that readily catches fire from a spark. ~ tindery adj. [old english]
Tinder-box n. Hist. Box containing tinder, flint, and steel, formerly used for kindling fires.
Tine n. Prong, tooth, or point of a fork, comb, antler, etc. [old english]
Tin foil n. Foil made of tin, aluminium, or tin alloy, used for wrapping food.
Ting —n. Tinkling sound as of a bell. —v. (cause to) emit this sound. [imitative]
Tinge —v. (-ging) (often foll. By with; often in passive) 1 colour slightly. 2 affect slightly. —n. 1 tendency towards or trace of some colour. 2 slight admixture of a feeling or quality. [latin tingo tinct- dye]
Tingle —v. (-ling) 1 feel a slight prickling, stinging, or throbbing sensation. 2 cause this (the reply tingled in my ears). —n. Tingling sensation. ~ tingly adj. [probably from +tinkle]
Tin hat n. Colloq. Military steel helmet.
Tinker —n. 1 itinerant mender of kettles and pans etc. 2 scot. & ir. Gypsy. 3 colloq. Mischievous person or animal. 4 spell of tinkering. —v. 1 (foll. By at, with) work in an amateurish or desultory way. 2 work as a tinker. [origin unknown]
Tinkle —v. (-ling) (cause to) make a succession of short light ringing sounds. —n. 1 tinkling sound. 2 colloq. Telephone call. ~ tinkly adj. [imitative]
Tinnitus n. Med. Condition with ringing in the ears. [latin tinnio tinnit- ring, tinkle]
Tinny adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like tin. 2 flimsy, insubstantial. 3 (of sound) thin and metallic.
Tin-opener n. Tool for opening tins.
Tin-pan alley n. World of composers and publishers of popular music.
Tin plate n. Sheet iron or sheet steel coated with tin.
Tinpot attrib. Adj. Cheap, inferior.
Tinsel n. 1 glittering metallic strips, threads, etc., used as decoration. 2 superficial brilliance or splendour. 3 (attrib.) Gaudy, flashy. ~ tinselled adj. Tinselly adj. [latin scintilla spark]
Tinsmith n. Worker in tin and tin plate.
Tinsnips n. Clippers for cutting sheet metal.
Tint —n. 1 variety of a colour, esp. Made by adding white. 2 tendency towards or admixture of a different colour (red with a blue tint). 3 faint colour spread over a surface. —v. Apply a tint to; colour. [tinct: related to +tinge]
Tin-tack n. Iron tack.
Tintinnabulation n. Ringing or tinkling of bells. [latin tintinnabulum bell]
Tin whistle n. = +penny whistle.
Tiny adj. (-ier, -iest) very small or slight. ~ tinily adv. Tininess n. [origin unknown]
Tip1 —n. 1 extremity or end, esp. Of a small or tapering thing. 2 small piece or part attached to the end of a thing. 3 leaf-bud of tea. —v. (-pp-) provide with a tip. ~ on the tip of one's tongue about to be said or remembered. Tip of the iceberg small evident part of something much larger. [old norse]
Tip2 —v. (-pp-) 1 (often foll. By over, up) a lean or slant. B cause to do this. 2 (foll. By into etc.) A overturn or cause to overbalance. B discharge the contents of (a container etc.) In this way. —n. 1 a slight push or tilt. B light stroke. 2 place where material (esp. Refuse) is tipped. ~ tip the scales see +scale2. [origin uncertain]
Tip3 —v. (-pp-) 1 make a small present of money to, esp. For a service given. 2 name as the likely winner of a race or contest etc. 3 strike or touch lightly. —n. 1 small money present, esp. For a service given. 2 piece of private or special information, esp. Regarding betting or investment. 3 small or casual piece of advice. ~ tip off give (a person) a hint or piece of special information or warning. Tip a person the wink give a person private information. [origin uncertain]
Tip-off n. Hint or warning etc.
Tipper n. (often attrib.) Road haulage vehicle that tips at the back to discharge its load.
Tippet n. 1 long piece of fur etc. Worn by a woman round the shoulders. 2 similar garment worn by judges, clergy, etc. [probably from +tip1]
Tipple —v. (-ling) 1 drink intoxicating liquor habitually. 2 drink (liquor) repeatedly in small amounts. —n. Colloq. Alcoholic drink. ~ tippler n. [origin unknown]
Tipstaff n. 1 sheriff's officer. 2 metal-tipped staff carried as a symbol of office. [from +tip1]
Tipster n. Person who gives tips, esp. About betting at horse-races.
Tipsy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 slightly drunk. 2 caused by or showing intoxication (a tipsy lurch). ~ tipsily adv. Tipsiness n. [from +tip2]
Tiptoe —n. The tips of the toes. —v. (-toes, -toed, -toeing) walk on tiptoe, or very stealthily. —adv. (also on tiptoe) with the heels off the ground.
Tiptop colloq. —adj. Highest in excellence. —n. Highest point of excellence. —adv. Most excellently.
Tip-up attrib. Adj. Able to be tipped, e.g. Of a theatre seat.
Tir abbr. International road transport. [french transport international routier]
Tirade n. Long vehement denunciation or declamation. [french from italian]
Tire1 v. (-ring) 1 make or grow weary. 2 exhaust the patience or interest of; bore. 3 (in passive; foll. By of) have had enough of; be fed up with. [old english]
Tire2 n. Band of metal placed round the rim of a wheel to strengthen it. [perhaps = archaic tire ‘headdress’]
Tire3 n. (brit. Tyre) rubber covering, usu. Inflated, placed round a wheel to form a soft contact with the road. [var. Of +tire2]
Tired adj. 1 weary; ready for sleep. 2 (of an idea etc.) Hackneyed. ~ tiredly adv. Tiredness n.
Tireless adj. Not tiring easily, energetic. ~ tirelessly adv. Tirelessness n.
Tiresome adj. 1 wearisome, tedious. 2 colloq. Annoying. ~ tiresomely adv. Tiresomeness n.
Tiro n. (also tyro) (pl. -s) beginner, novice. [latin, = recruit]
'Tis archaic it is. [contraction]
Tissue n. 1 any of the coherent collections of specialized cells of which animals or plants are made (muscular tissue). 2 = +tissue-paper. 3 disposable piece of thin soft absorbent paper for wiping, drying, etc. 4 fine woven esp. Gauzy fabric. 5 (foll. By of) connected series (tissue of lies). [french tissu woven cloth]
Tissue-paper n. Thin soft paper for wrapping etc.
Tit1 n. Any of various small birds. [probably from scandinavian]
Tit2 n. ~ tit for tat blow for blow; retaliation. [= earlier tip in tip for tap: see +tip2]
Tit3 n. 1 coarse slang woman's breast. 2 colloq. Nipple. [old english]
Titan n. (often titan) person of very great strength, intellect, or importance. [greek, = member of a race of giants]
Titanic adj. Gigantic, colossal. ~ titanically adv. [greek: related to +titan]
Titanium n. Grey metallic element. [greek: related to +titan]
Titbit n. (us tidbit) 1 dainty morsel. 2 piquant item of news etc. [perhaps from dial. Tid tender]
Titchy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Very small. [titch small person, from tich, name of a comedian]
Titfer n. Slang hat. [abbreviation of tit for tat, rhyming slang]
Tithe —n. 1 one-tenth of the annual produce of land or labour, formerly taken as a tax for the church. 2 tenth part. —v. (-thing) 1 subject to tithes. 2 pay tithes. [old english, = tenth]
Tithe barn n. Barn built to hold tithes paid in kind.
Titian adj. (of hair) bright auburn. [titian, name of a painter]
Titillate v. (-ting) 1 excite, esp. Sexually. 2 tickle. ~ titillation n. [latin]
Titivate v. (-ting) (often refl.) Colloq. Smarten up; put the finishing touches to. ~ titivation n. [earlier tidivate, perhaps from +tidy after cultivate]
Title n. 1 name of a book, work of art, etc. 2 heading of a chapter, document, etc. 3 a = +title-page. B book, magazine, etc., in terms of its title (brought out two new titles). 4 (usu. In pl.) Caption or credit in a film etc. 5 name indicating a person's status (e.g. Queen, professor) or used as a form of address or reference (e.g. Lord, mr, your grace). 6 championship in sport. 7 law a right to ownership of property with or without possession. B facts constituting this. C (foll. By to) just or recognized claim. [latin titulus]
Titled adj. Having a title of nobility or rank.
Title-deed n. Legal instrument as evidence of a right.
Title-holder n. Person who holds a title, esp. A sporting champion.
Title-page n. Page at the beginning of a book giving the title, author, etc.
Title role n. Part in a play etc. That gives it its name (e.g. Othello).
Titmouse n. (pl. Titmice) small active tit. [old english tit little, mase titmouse, assimilated to +mouse]
Titrate v. (-ting) chem. Ascertain the amount of a constituent in (a solution) by reaction with a known concentration of reagent. ~ titration n. [french titre title]
Titter —v. Laugh covertly; giggle. —n. Covert laugh. [imitative]
Tittle n. 1 small written or printed stroke or dot. 2 particle; whit (not one jot or tittle). [latin: related to +title]
Tittle-tattle —n. Petty gossip. —v. (-ling) gossip, chatter. [reduplication of +tattle]
Tittup —v. (-p- or -pp-) go about friskily or jerkily; bob up and down; canter. —n. Such a gait or movement. [perhaps imitative]
Titular adj. 1 of or relating to a title. 2 existing, or being, in name or title only (titular ruler). [french: related to +title]
Tizzy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. State of agitation (in a tizzy). [origin unknown]
T-junction n. Road junction at which one road joins another at right angles without crossing it.
Tl symb. Thallium.
Tm symb. Thulium.
Tnt abbr. Trinitrotoluene, a high explosive formed from toluene.
To , before a vowel, when stressed —prep. 1 introducing a noun expressing: a what is reached, approached, or touched (fell to the ground; went to paris; five minutes to six). B what is aimed at (throw it to me). C as far as (went on to the end). D what is followed (made to order). E what is considered or affected (am used to that; that is nothing to me). F what is caused or produced (turn to stone). G what is compared (nothing to what it once was; equal to the occasion). H what is increased (add it to mine). I what is involved or composed as specified (there is nothing to it). 2 introducing the infinitive: a as a verbal noun (to get there is the priority). B expressing purpose, consequence, or cause (we eat to live; left him to starve; i'm sorry to hear that). C as a substitute for to + infinitive (wanted to come but was unable to). —adv. 1 in the normal or required position or condition (come to; heave to). 2 (of a door) in a nearly closed position. ~ to and fro 1 backwards and forwards. 2 repeatedly between the same points. [old english]
Toad n. 1 froglike amphibian breeding in water but living chiefly on land. 2 repulsive person. [old english]
Toadflax n. Plant with yellow or purple flowers.
Toad-in-the-hole n. Sausages baked in batter.
Toadstool n. Fungus, usu. Poisonous, with a round top and slender stalk.
Toady —n. (pl. -ies) sycophant. —v. (foll. By to) (-ies, -ied) behave servilely to; fawn upon. ~ toadyism n. [contraction of toad-eater]
Toast —n. 1 sliced bread browned on both sides by radiant heat. 2 a person or thing in whose honour a company is requested to drink. B call to drink or an instance of drinking in this way. —v. 1 brown by radiant heat. 2 warm (one's feet, oneself, etc.) At a fire etc. 3 drink to the health or in honour of (a person or thing). [french toster roast]
Toaster n. Electrical device for making toast.
Toasting-fork n. Long-handled fork for making toast.
Toastmaster n. (fem. Toastmistress) person responsible for announcing toasts at a public occasion.
Toast rack n. Rack for holding slices of toast at table.
Tobacco n. (pl. -s) 1 plant of american origin with narcotic leaves used for smoking, chewing, or snuff. 2 its leaves, esp. As prepared for smoking. [spanish tabaco, of american indian origin]
Tobacconist n. Dealer in tobacco, cigarettes, etc.
Toboggan —n. Long light narrow sledge for sliding downhill over snow or ice. —v. Ride on a toboggan. [canadian french from algonquian]
Toby jug n. Jug or mug in the form of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat. [familiar form of the name tobias]
Toccata n. Musical composition for a keyboard instrument, designed to exhibit the performer's touch and technique. [italian, = touched]
Tocsin n. Alarm bell or signal. [provençal tocasenh]
Tod n. Slang ~ on one's tod alone; on one's own. [rhyming slang on one's tod sloan]
Today —adv. 1 on this present day. 2 nowadays. —n. 1 this present day. 2 modern times. [old english]
Toddle —v. (-ling) 1 walk with short unsteady steps like a small child. 2 colloq. A walk, stroll. B (usu. Foll. By off or along) depart. —n. Act of toddling. [origin unknown]
Toddler n. Child who is just learning to walk.
Toddy n. (pl. -ies) drink of spirits with hot water and sugar etc. [hindustani tar palm]
To-do n. (pl. -s) commotion or fuss.
Toe —n. 1 any of the five terminal projections of the foot. 2 corresponding part of an animal. 3 part of a shoe etc. That covers the toes. 4 lower end or tip of an implement etc. —v. (toes, toed, toeing) touch (a starting-line etc.) With the toes. ~ on one's toes alert. Toe the line conform, esp. Under pressure. [old english]
Toecap n. (usu. Strengthened) outer covering of the toe of a boot or shoe.
Toe-hold n. 1 small foothold. 2 small beginning or advantage.
Toenail n. Nail of each toe.
Toff n. Slang upper-class person. [perhaps from tuft, = titled undergraduate]
Toffee n. 1 firm or hard sweet made by boiling sugar, butter, etc. 2 this substance. ~ for toffee slang (prec. By can't etc.) (denoting incompetence) at all (they couldn't sing for toffee). [origin unknown]
Toffee-apple n. Apple with a coating of toffee.
Toffee-nosed adj. Slang snobbish, superior.
Tofu n. Curd of mashed soya beans. [japanese]
Tog1 colloq. —n. (usu. In pl.) Item of clothing. —v. (-gg-) (foll. By out, up) dress. [apparently originally cant: ultimately related to latin +toga]
Tog2 n. Unit of thermal resistance used to express the insulating properties of clothes and quilts. [arbitrary, probably from +tog1]
Toga n. Hist. Ancient roman citizen's loose flowing outer garment. ~ togaed adj. (also toga'd). [latin]
Together —adv. 1 in company or conjunction (walking together; were at school together). 2 simultaneously (both shouted together). 3 one with another (talking together). 4 into conjunction; so as to unite (tied them together; put two and two together). 5 into company or companionship. 6 uninterruptedly (he could talk for three hours together). —adj. Colloq. Well-organized; self-assured; emotionally stable.~ together with as well as. [old english: related to +to, +gather]
Togetherness n. 1 being together. 2 feeling of comfort from this.
Toggle n. 1 fastener for a garment consisting of a crosspiece which passes through a hole or loop. 2 computing switch action that is operated the same way but with opposite effect on successive occasions. [origin unknown]
Toggle switch n. Electric switch with a lever to be moved usu. Up and down.
Toil —v. 1 work laboriously or incessantly. 2 make slow painful progress. —n. Intensive labour; drudgery. [anglo-french toil(er) dispute]
Toilet n. 1 = +lavatory. 2 process of washing oneself, dressing, etc. (at one's toilet). [french toilette diminutive of toile cloth]
Toilet paper n. Paper for cleaning oneself after excreting.
Toilet roll n. Roll of toilet paper.
Toiletry n. (pl. -ies) (usu. In pl.) Article or cosmetic used in washing, dressing, etc.
Toilet soap n. Soap for washing oneself.
Toilette n. = +toilet 2. [french]
Toilet-training n. Training of a young child to use the lavatory. ~ toilet-train v.
Toilet water n. Dilute perfume used after washing.
Toils n.pl. Net, snare. [toil from french: related to +toilet]
Toilsome adj. Involving toil.
Toing and froing n. Constant movement to and fro; bustle; dispersed activity. [from +to, +fro]
Tokay n. A sweet hungarian wine. [tokaj in hungary]
Token n. 1 thing serving as a symbol, reminder, or mark (as a token of affection; in token of my esteem). 2 voucher. 3 thing equivalent to something else, esp. Money. 4 (attrib.) A perfunctory (token effort). B conducted briefly to demonstrate strength of feeling (token strike). C chosen by tokenism to represent a group (token woman).
Tokenism n. 1 granting of minimum concessions, esp. To minority groups. 2 making of only a token effort.
Told past and past part. Of +tell.
Tolerable adj. 1 endurable. 2 fairly good. ~ tolerably adv. [latin: related to +tolerate]
Tolerance n. 1 willingness or ability to tolerate; forbearance. 2 allowable variation in any measurable property.
Tolerant adj. 1 disposed to tolerate others or their acts or opinions. 2 (foll. By of) enduring or patient.
Tolerate v. (-ting) 1 allow the existence or occurrence of without authoritative interference. 2 endure (suffering etc.). 3 find or treat as endurable. 4 be able to take or undergo (drugs, treatment, etc.) Without adverse effects. [latin tolero]
Toleration n. Tolerating or being tolerated, esp. The allowing of religious differences without discrimination. [latin: related to +tolerate]
Toll1 n. 1 charge to use a bridge, road, etc. 2 cost or damage caused by a disaster etc. ~ take its toll be accompanied by loss, injury, etc.
Toll2 —v. 1 a (of a bell) sound with slow uniform strokes. B ring (a bell) in this way. C (of a bell) announce or mark (a death etc.) In this way. 2 strike (the hour). —n. 1 tolling. 2 stroke of a bell. [(now dial.) Toll entice, pull, from an old english root]
Toll-bridge n. Bridge at which a toll is charged.
Toll-gate n. Gate preventing passage until a toll is paid.
Toll-road n. Road maintained by the tolls collected on it.
Toluene n. Colourless aromatic liquid hydrocarbon derivative of benzene, used in the manufacture of explosives etc. [tolu in colombia]
Tom n. (in full tom-cat) male cat. [abbreviation of the name thomas]
Tomahawk n. N. American indian war-axe. [renape]
Tomato n. (pl. -es) 1 glossy red or yellow pulpy edible fruit. 2 plant bearing this. [ultimately from mexican tomatl]
Tomb n. 1 burial-vault. 2 grave. 3 sepulchral monument. [greek tumbos]
Tombola n. Lottery with tickets drawn from a drum for immediate prizes. [french or italian]
Tomboy n. Boisterous girl who enjoys activities traditionally associated with boys. ~ tomboyish adj. [from +tom]
Tombstone n. Memorial stone over a grave, usu. With an epitaph.
Tom, dick, and harry n. (also tom, dick, or harry) (usu. Prec. By any or every) person taken at random (any tom, dick, or harry can walk in).
Tome n. Heavy book or volume. [greek temno cut]
Tomfool —n. Foolish person. —attrib. Adj. Silly, foolish.
Tomfoolery n. Foolish behaviour.
Tommy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. British private soldier. [tommy atkins, name used in specimens of completed official forms]
Tommy-gun n. Sub-machine-gun. [thompson, name of its co-inventor]
Tommy-rot n. Slang nonsense. [from +tom]
Tomography n. Method of radiography displaying details in a selected plane within the body. [greek tome a cutting]
Tomorrow —adv. 1 on the day after today. 2 at some future time. —n. 1 the day after today. 2 the near future. [from +to, +morrow]
Tomtit n. Tit, esp. A blue tit.
Tom-tom n. 1 primitive drum beaten with the hands. 2 tall drum used in jazz bands etc. [hindi tamtam, imitative]
Ton n. 1 (in full long ton) unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb (1016.05 kg). 2 (in full short ton) unit of weight equal to 2,000 lb (907.19 kg). 3 = +metric ton. 4 (in full displacement ton) unit of measurement of a ship's weight or volume. 5 (usu. In pl.) Colloq. Large number or amount (tons of people). 6 slang a speed of 100 m.p.h. B £100. ~ weigh a ton colloq. Be very heavy. [originally the same word as +tun]
Tonal adj. Of or relating to tone or tonality. ~ tonally adv. [medieval latin: related to +tone]
Tonality n. (pl. -ies) 1 mus. A relationship between the tones of a musical scale. B observance of a single tonic key as the basis of a composition. 2 colour scheme of a picture.
Tone —n. 1 musical or vocal sound, esp. With reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. 2 (often in pl.) Modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood (a cheerful tone). 3 manner of expression in writing or speaking. 4 mus. A musical sound, esp. Of a definite pitch and character. B interval of a major second, e.g. C–d. 5 a general effect of colour or of light and shade in a picture. B tint or shade of a colour. 6 prevailing character of the morals and sentiments etc. In a group. 7 proper firmness of the body. 8 state of good or specified health. —v. (-ning) 1 give the desired tone to. 2 modify the tone of. 3 (often foll. By to) attune. 4 (foll. By with) (esp. Of colour) be in harmony with. ~ tone down make or become softer in tone. Tone up make or become stronger in tone. ~ toneless adj. Tonelessly adv. Toner n. [greek tonos from teino stretch]
Tone-deaf adj. Unable to perceive differences of musical pitch accurately.
Tone poem n. Orchestral composition with a descriptive or rhapsodic theme.
Tongs n.pl. Implement with two arms for grasping coal, sugar, etc. [old english]
Tongue —n. 1 fleshy muscular organ in the mouth used in tasting, licking, and swallowing, and (in man) for speech. 2 tongue of an ox etc. As food. 3 faculty of or tendency in speech (a sharp tongue). 4 particular language (the german tongue). 5 thing like a tongue in shape or position, esp.: a a long low promontory. B a strip of leather etc. Under the laces in a shoe. C the clapper of a bell. D the pin of a buckle. E a projecting strip on a board etc. Fitting into the groove of another. —v. (-guing) use the tongue to articulate (notes) in playing a wind instrument.~ find (or lose) one's tongue be able (or unable) to express oneself after a shock etc. Hold one's tongue see +hold1. With one's tongue in one's cheek insincerely or ironically. [old english]
Tongue-and-groove —n. (often attrib.) Planking etc. With a projecting strip down one side and a groove down the other. —v. 1 panel with tongue-and-groove. 2 (as tongued and grooved adj.) Having a tongue-and-groove joint.
Tongue-in-cheek —adj. Ironic. —adv. Insincerely or ironically.
Tongue-tie n. Speech impediment due to a malformation of the tongue.
Tongue-tied adj. 1 too shy or embarrassed to speak. 2 having a tongue-tie.
Tongue-twister n. Sequence of words difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly.
Tonic —n. 1 invigorating medicine. 2 anything serving to invigorate. 3 = +tonic water. 4 mus. Keynote. —adj. Invigorating. [greek: related to +tone]
Tonic sol-fa n. Mus. System of notation used esp. In teaching singing.
Tonic water n. Carbonated water flavoured with quinine.
Tonight —adv. On the present or approaching evening or night. —n. The evening or night of the present day. [old english]
Tonnage n. 1 ship's internal cubic capacity or freight-carrying capacity. 2 charge per ton on freight or cargo. [related to +ton]
Tonne n. = +metric ton. [french: related to +ton]
Tonsil n. Either of two small organs, one on each side of the root of the tongue. [latin]
Tonsillectomy n. (pl. -ies) surgical removal of the tonsils.
Tonsillitis n. Inflammation of the tonsils.
Tonsorial adj. Usu. Joc. Of a hairdresser or hairdressing. [latin tondeo tons- shave]
Tonsure —n. 1 shaving of the crown of the head or the entire head, esp. Of a person entering the priesthood or a monastic order. 2 bare patch made in this way. —v. (-ring) give a tonsure to. [latin: related to +tonsorial]
Ton-up attrib. Adj. Slang (of a motor cyclist) achieving a speed of 100 m.p.h., esp. Habitually.
Too adv. 1 to a greater extent than is desirable or permissible (too large). 2 colloq. Very (not too sure). 3 in addition (i'm coming too). 4 moreover (food was bad, and expensive too). ~ none too rather less than (feeling none too good). Too bad see +bad. Too much intolerable. Too much for 1 more than a match for. 2 beyond what is endurable by. Too right see +right. [stressed form of +to]
Took past of +take.
Tool —n. 1 implement used to carry out mechanical functions by hand or by machine. 2 thing used in an occupation or pursuit (tools of one's trade). 3 person merely used by another. 4 coarse slang penis. —v. 1 dress (stone) with a chisel. 2 impress a design on (leather). 3 (foll. By along, around, etc.) Slang drive or ride, esp. In a casual or leisurely manner. [old english]
Toolmaker n. Person who makes precision tools. ~ toolmaking n.
Tool-pusher n. Worker directing the drilling on an oil rig.
Toot —n. Short sharp sound as made by a trumpet. —v. 1 sound (a trumpet etc.) With a short sharp sound. 2 give out such a sound. [probably imitative]
Tooth n. (pl. Teeth) 1 each of a set of hard bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing. 2 toothlike part or projection, e.g. The cog of a gearwheel, the point of a saw or comb, etc. 3 (often foll. By for) taste; appetite. 4 (in pl.) Force, effectiveness. ~ armed to the teeth completely and elaborately armed. Fight tooth and nail fight very fiercely. Get one's teeth into devote oneself seriously to. In the teeth of 1 in spite of (opposition or difficulty etc.). 2 contrary to (instructions etc.). 3 directly against (the wind etc.). ~ toothed adj. (also in comb.). Toothless adj. [old english]
Toothache n. Pain in a tooth or teeth.
Toothbrush n. Brush for cleaning the teeth.
Tooth-comb n. = +fine-tooth comb.
Toothpaste n. Paste for cleaning the teeth.
Toothpick n. Small sharp stick for removing food lodged between the teeth.
Tooth powder n. Powder for cleaning the teeth.
Toothsome adj. (of food) delicious.
Toothy adj. (-ier, -iest) having large, numerous, or prominent teeth.
Tootle v. (-ling) 1 toot gently or repeatedly. 2 (usu. Foll. By along, around, etc.) Colloq. Move casually.
Tootsy n. (pl. -ies) slang usu. Joc. Foot. [origin uncertain]
Top1 —n. 1 highest point or part. 2 a highest rank or place. B person occupying this. C upper end or head (top of the table). 3 upper surface or part of a thing. 4 stopper of a bottle, lid of a jar, etc. 5 garment for the upper part of the body. 6 utmost degree; height (at the top of his voice). 7 (in pl.) Colloq. Person or thing of the best quality. 8 (esp. In pl.) Leaves etc. Of a plant grown esp. For its root (turnip-tops). 9 naut. Platform round the head of the lower mast. 10 = +top gear (climbed the hill in top). —attrib. Adj. 1 highest in position. 2 highest in degree or importance. —v. (-pp-) 1 provide with a top, cap, etc. 2 be higher or better than; surpass; be at the top of (topped the list). 3 reach the top of (a hill etc.). 4 slang kill. 5 golf hit (a ball) above the centre. ~ off the top of one's head see +head. On top in a superior position; above. On top of 1 fully in command of. 2 in close proximity to. 3 in addition to. On top of the world colloq. Exuberant. Over the top 1 over the parapet of a trench (and into battle). 2 beyond what is normally acceptable (that joke was over the top). Top off (or up) put an end or the finishing touch to.
Top2 n. Toy spinning on a point when set in motion. [old english]
Topaz n. Transparent mineral, usu. Yellow, used as a gem. [greek topazos]
Top brass n. Colloq. Highest-ranking officers.
Topcoat n. 1 overcoat. 2 outer coat of paint etc.
Top dog n. Colloq. Victor; master.
Top drawer n. Colloq. High social position or origin.
Top-dress v. Apply fertilizer on the top of (earth) instead of ploughing it in. ~ top-dressing n.
Tope v. (-ping) archaic or literary drink alcohol to excess, esp. Habitually. ~ toper n. [origin uncertain]
Topee var. Of +topi.
Top-flight adj. Of the highest rank of achievement.
Topgallant n. Mast, sail, yard, or rigging immediately above the topmast and topsail.
Top gear n. Highest gear.
Top hat n. Tall silk hat.
Top-heavy adj. Disproportionately heavy at the top.
Topi n. (also topee) (pl. -s) hat, esp. A sola topi. [hindi, = hat]
Topiary —adj. Concerned with or formed by clipping shrubs, trees, etc. Into ornamental shapes. —n. Topiary art. [greek topos place]
Topic n. Subject of a discourse, conversation, or argument. [greek topos place, commonplace]
Topical adj. Dealing with the news, current affairs, etc. ~ topicality n. Topically adv.
Topknot n. Knot, tuft, crest, or bow of ribbon, worn or growing on the head.
Topless adj. 1 without a top. 2 a (of clothes) having no upper part. B (of esp. A woman) bare-breasted. C (of a place) where women go topless; employing bare-breasted women.
Top-level adj. Of the highest level of importance, prestige, etc.
Topmast n. Mast next above the lower mast.
Top-notch adj. Colloq. First-rate.
Topography n. 1 detailed description, representation on a map, etc., of the features of a town, district, etc. 2 such features. ~ topographer n. Topographical adj. [greek topos place]
Topology n. The study of geometrical properties unaffected by changes of shape or size. ~ topological adj. [greek topos place]
Topper n. Colloq. = +top hat.
Topping —adj. Archaic slang excellent. —n. Thing that tops another thing, esp. Sauce on a dessert etc.
Topple v. (-ling) 1 (often foll. By over, down) (cause to) fall as if top-heavy. 2 overthrow. [from +top1]
Topsail n. Square sail next above the lowest; fore-and-aft sail on a gaff.
Top secret adj. Of the highest secrecy.
Topside n. 1 outer side of a round of beef. 2 side of a ship above the water-line.
Topsoil n. Top layer of soil.
Topspin n. Spinning motion imparted to a ball in tennis etc. By hitting it forward and upward.
Topsy-turvy adv. & adj. 1 upside down. 2 in utter confusion. [from +top1, obsolete terve overturn]
Top-up n. Addition; something that serves to top up.
Toque n. Woman's small brimless hat. [french]
Tor n. Hill or rocky peak. [old english]
Torch n. 1 portable battery-powered electric lamp. 2 thing lit for illumination. 3 source of heat, illumination, or enlightenment. ~ carry a torch for suffer from unrequited love for. [latin: related to +tort]
Torchlight n. Light of a torch or torches. ~ torchlit adj.
Torch song n. Popular song of unrequited love.
Tore past of +tear1.
Toreador n. Bullfighter, esp. On horseback. [latin taurus]
Torment —n. 1 severe physical or mental suffering. 2 cause of this. —v. 1 subject to torment. 2 tease or worry excessively. ~ tormentor n. [latin tormentum: related to +tort]
Tormentil n. Low-growing plant with bright yellow flowers. [french from medieval latin]
Torn past part. Of +tear1.
Tornado n. (pl. -es) violent storm of small extent with whirling winds. [spanish tronada thunderstorm]
Torpedo —n. (pl. -es) 1 cigar-shaped self-propelled underwater missile that explodes on impact with a ship. 2 similar device dropped from an aircraft. —v. (-es, -ed) 1 destroy or attack with a torpedo. 2 destroy or damage (a policy, institution, plan, etc.). [latin, = electric ray: related to +torpor]
Torpedo-boat n. Small fast warship armed with torpedoes.
Torpid adj. 1 sluggish, inactive, apathetic. 2 numb. 3 (of a hibernating animal) dormant. ~ torpidity n. [latin: related to +torpor]
Torpor n. Torpid condition. [latin torpeo be sluggish]
Torque n. 1 mech. Twisting or rotating force, esp. In a machine. 2 hist. Necklace of twisted metal, esp. Of the ancient gauls and britons. [latin: related to +tort]
Torr n. (pl. Same) unit of pressure equal to 133.32 pascals (1/760 of one atmosphere). [torricelli, name of a physicist]
Torrent n. 1 rushing stream of liquid. 2 (in pl.) Great downpour of rain. 3 (usu. Foll. By of) violent or copious flow (torrent of abuse). ~ torrential adj. [french from italian]
Torrid adj. 1 a (of the weather) very hot and dry. B (of land etc.) Parched by such weather. 2 passionate, intense. [latin torreo tost- parch]
Torrid zone n. The part of the earth between the tropics of cancer and capricorn.
Torsion n. Twisting, esp. Of one end of a body while the other is held fixed. ~ torsional adj. [latin: related to +tort]
Torso n. (pl. -s) 1 trunk of the human body. 2 statue of this. [latin thyrsus rod]
Tort n. Law breach of duty (other than under contract) leading to liability for damages. ~ tortious adj. [latin torqueo tort- twist]
Tortilla n. Thin flat orig. Mexican maize cake eaten hot. [spanish diminutive of torta cake]
Tortoise n. Slow-moving reptile with a horny domed shell. [medieval latin tortuca]
Tortoiseshell —n. 1 yellowish-brown mottled or clouded outer shell of some turtles. 2 a = +tortoiseshell cat. B = +tortoiseshell butterfly. —adj. Having the colouring or appearance of tortoiseshell.
Tortoiseshell butterfly n. Butterfly with wings mottled like tortoiseshell.
Tortoiseshell cat n. Domestic cat with markings resembling tortoiseshell.
Tortuous adj. 1 full of twists and turns. 2 devious, circuitous. ~ tortuously adv. [latin: related to +tort]
Usage tortuous should not be confused with torturous which means ‘involving torture, excruciating’.
Torture —n. 1 infliction of severe bodily pain, esp. As a punishment or means of persuasion. 2 severe physical or mental suffering. —v. (-ring) subject to torture. ~ torturer n. Torturous adj. [latin tortura twisting: related to +tort]
Tory —n. (pl. -ies) 1 colloq. = +conservative n. 2. 2 hist. Member of the party that gave rise to the conservative party (opp. +whig). —adj. Colloq. = +conservative adj. 3. ~ toryism n. [originally = irish outlaw]
Tosa n. Dog of a breed of mastiff, orig. Kept for dog-fighting. [japanese]
Tosh n. Colloq. Rubbish, nonsense. [origin unknown]
Toss —v. 1 throw up (a ball etc.), esp. With the hand. 2 roll about, throw, or be thrown, restlessly or from side to side. 3 (usu. Foll. By to, away, aside, out, etc.) Throw (a thing) lightly or carelessly. 4 a throw (a coin) into the air to decide a choice etc. By the side on which it lands. B (also absol.; often foll. By for) settle a question or dispute with (a person) in this way. 5 (of a bull etc.) Throw (a person etc.) Up with the horns. 6 coat (food) with dressing etc. By shaking it. —n. 1 act of tossing (a coin, the head, etc.). 2 fall, esp. From a horse. ~ toss one's head throw it back esp. In anger, impatience, etc. Toss off 1 drink off at a draught. 2 dispatch (work) rapidly or without effort. 3 coarse slang masturbate. Toss up toss a coin. [origin unknown]
Toss-up n. 1 doubtful matter. 2 tossing of a coin.
Tot1 n. 1 small child. 2 dram of liquor. [originally dial.]
Tot2 v. (-tt-) 1 (usu. Foll. By up) add (figures etc.). 2 (foll. By up) (of items) mount up. ~ tot up to amount to. [abbreviation of +total or of latin totum the whole]
Total —adj. 1 complete, comprising the whole (total number of votes). 2 absolute, unqualified (in total ignorance). —n. Total number or amount. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 a amount in number to. B find the total of. 2 (foll. By to, up to) amount to. [medieval latin totus entire]
Totalitarian adj. Of a one-party form of government requiring complete subservience to the state. ~ totalitarianism n.
Totality n. 1 complete amount. 2 time during which an eclipse is total.
Totalizator n. (also totalisator) 1 device showing the number and amount of bets staked on a race, to facilitate the division of the total among those backing the winner. 2 system of betting based on this.
Totalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) collect into a total; find the total of.
Totally adv. Completely.
Tote1 n. Slang totalizator. [abbreviation]
Tote2 v. (-ting) esp. Us colloq. Carry, convey (toting a gun). [originally us, probably of dial. Origin]
Tote bag n. Woman's large bag for shopping etc.
Totem n. 1 natural object, esp. An animal, adopted esp. By n. American indians as an emblem of a clan or individual. 2 image of this. ~ totemic adj. [algonquian]
Totem-pole n. Pole on which totems are carved or hung.
T'other adj. & pron. Dial. Or joc. The other. [thet other ‘that other’]
Totter —v. 1 stand or walk unsteadily or feebly. 2 a (of a building etc.) Shake as if about to collapse. B (of a system of government etc.) Be about to fall. —n. Unsteady or shaky movement or gait. ~ tottery adj. [dutch]
Totting-up n. 1 adding of separate items. 2 adding up of convictions for driving offences, possibly resulting in disqualification.
Toucan n. Tropical american fruit-eating bird with an immense beak. [tupi]
Touch —v. 1 come into or be in physical contact with (a thing, each other, etc.). 2 (often foll. By with) bring the hand etc. Into contact with. 3 bring (two things) into mutual contact. 4 rouse tender or painful feelings in. 5 strike lightly. 6 (usu. With neg.) A disturb, harm, or affect. B have any dealings with. C consume, use (i don't touch alcohol). 7 concern. 8 a reach as far as, esp. Momentarily. B (usu. With neg.) Approach in excellence etc. (can't touch him for style). 9 modify (pity touched with fear). 10 (as touched adj.) Colloq. Slightly mad. 11 (usu. Foll.
Touch-and-go adj. Critical, risky.
Touchdown n. Act of touching down by an aircraft.
Touché int. 1 acknowledgement of a justified accusation or retort. 2 acknowledgement of a hit by a fencing-opponent. [french, = touched]
Touching —adj. Moving; pathetic. —prep. Literary concerning. ~ touchingly adv.
Touch-line n. (in various sports) either of the lines marking the side boundaries of the pitch.
Touch-paper n. Paper impregnated with nitre, for igniting etc.
Touchstone n. 1 dark schist or jasper used for testing alloys by marking it with them. 2 criterion.
Touch-type v. Type without looking at the keys. ~ touch-typist n.
Touchwood n. Readily inflammable wood etc., esp. When made soft by fungi.
Touchy adj. (-ier, -iest) apt to take offence; over-sensitive. ~ touchily adv. Touchiness n.
Tough —adj. 1 hard to break, cut, tear, or chew. 2 able to endure hardship; hardy. 3 unyielding, stubborn, difficult (it was a tough job). 4 colloq. A acting sternly; hard (get tough with). B (of circumstances, luck, etc.) Severe, hard. 5 colloq. Criminal or violent. —n. Tough person, esp. A ruffian. ~ toughen v. Toughness n. [old english]
Toupee n. Hairpiece to cover a bald spot. [french]
Tour —n. 1 a journey from place to place as a holiday; sightseeing excursion. B a walk round; inspection (made a tour of the garden). 2 spell of duty on military or diplomatic service. 3 series of performances, matches, etc., at different places. —v. 1 (usu. Foll. By through) make a tour. 2 make a tour of (a country etc.). ~ on tour (esp. Of a team, theatre company, etc.) Touring. [latin: related to +turn]
Tour de force n. (pl. Tours de force) outstanding feat or performance. [french]
Tourer n. Car or caravan for touring in.
Tourism n. Commercial organization and operation of holidays.
Tourist n. 1 holiday-maker, esp. Abroad (often attrib.: tourist season). 2 member of a touring sports team.
Tourist class n. Lowest class of passenger accommodation in a ship, aircraft, etc.
Touristy adj. Usu. Derog. Appealing to or visited by many tourists.
Tourmaline n. Mineral of various colours used as a gemstone. [french from sinhalese]
Tournament n. 1 large contest of many rounds (chess tournament). 2 display of military exercises etc. (royal tournament). 3 hist. Pageant with jousting. [french: related to +tourney]
Tournedos n. (pl. Same) small round thick cut from a fillet of beef. [french]
Tourney —n. (pl. -s) tournament. —v. (-eys, -eyed) take part in a tournament. [french: related to +turn]
Tourniquet n. Device for stopping the flow of blood through an artery by constriction. [french]
Tour operator n. Travel agent specializing in package holidays.
Tousle v. (-ling) 1 make (esp. The hair) untidy. 2 handle roughly. [dial. Touse]
Tout —v. 1 (usu. Foll. By for) solicit custom persistently; pester customers. 2 solicit the custom of (a person) or for (a thing), esp. Sell (tickets) at a price higher than the official one. 3 spy out the movements and condition of racehorses in training. —n. Person who touts, esp. Tickets. [old english, = peep]
Tow1 —v. Pull (a boat, vehicle, etc.) Along by a rope etc. —n. Towing or being towed. ~ have in (or on) tow 1 be towing. 2 be accompanied by and often in charge of (a person). On tow being towed. [old english]
Tow2 n. Coarse part of flax or hemp prepared for spinning. [low german touw]
Toward prep. = +towards.
Towards prep. 1 in the direction of (set out towards town). 2 as regards; in relation to (attitude towards death). 3 as a contribution to; for (put it towards her holiday). 4 near (towards the end of our journey). [old english, = future: related to +to, +-ward]
Tow-bar n. Bar for towing esp. A caravan.
Towel —n. Absorbent cloth or paper etc. Used for drying after washing. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) (often refl.) Wipe or dry with a towel. [french toail(l)e from germanic]
Towelling n. Thick soft absorbent cloth, used esp. For towels.
Tower —n. 1 tall structure, often part of a church, castle, etc. 2 fortress etc. With a tower. 3 tall structure housing machinery etc. (cooling tower; control tower). —v. 1 (usu. Foll. By above, up) reach or be high or above; be superior. 2 (as towering adj.) A high, lofty (towering intellect). B violent (towering rage). [greek turris]
Tower block n. Tall building containing offices or flats.
Tower of strength n. Person who gives strong emotional support.
Tow-headed adj. Having very light or unkempt hair.
Town n. 1 a densely populated built-up defined area, between a city and a village in size. B densely populated area, esp. As opposed to the country. 2 a london or the chief city or town in an area (went up to town). B central business area in a neighbourhood. ~ go to town colloq. Do something with great energy or enthusiasm. On the town colloq. Enjoying night-life in a town. [old english]
Town clerk n. Us & hist. Official in charge of the records etc. Of a town.
Town crier n. = +crier 2.
Townee var. Of +townie.
Town gas n. Manufactured gas for domestic and commercial use.
Town hall n. Headquarters of local government, with public meeting rooms etc.
Town house n. 1 town residence, esp. Of a person with a house in the country. 2 terrace house. 3 house in a planned group in a town.
Townie n. (also townee) derog. Town inhabitant ignorant of country life.
Town planning n. Planning of the construction and growth of towns. ~ town planner n.
Townscape n. 1 visual appearance of a town or towns. 2 picture of a town.
Townsfolk n. Inhabitants of a town or towns.
Township n. 1 s.afr. Urban area set aside for black occupation. 2 us & can. A division of a county. B district six miles square. 3 hist. Small town or village forming part of a large parish. 4 austral. & nz small town.
Townsman n. (fem. Townswoman) inhabitant of a town.
Townspeople n.pl. People of a town.
Tow-path n. Path by a river or canal, orig. Used for towing a boat by horse.
Toxaemia n. (us toxemia) 1 blood-poisoning. 2 increased blood pressure in pregnancy. [related to +toxic, greek haima blood]
Toxemia n. (brit. Toxaemia) 1 blood-poisoning. 2 increased blood pressure in pregnancy. [related to +toxic, greek haima blood]
Toxic adj. 1 poisonous. 2 of poison. ~ toxicity n. [greek toxikon poison for arrows]
Toxicology n. The study of poisons. ~ toxicological adj. Toxicologist n.
Toxin n. Poison produced by a living organism.
Toxocara n. Parasitic worm in dogs and cats.
Toxocariasis n. Disease resulting from infection by the toxocara.
Toy —n. 1 plaything. 2 thing regarded as providing amusement. 3 (usu. Attrib.) Diminutive breed of dog etc. —v. (usu. Foll. By with) 1 trifle, amuse oneself, flirt. 2 move a thing idly. [origin unknown]
Toy boy n. Colloq. Woman's much younger boyfriend.
Toyshop n. Shop selling toys.
Trace1 —v. (-cing) 1 a observe or find vestiges or signs of by investigation. B (often foll. By along, through, to, etc.) Follow or mark the track or position of. C (often foll. By back) follow to its origins. 2 copy (a drawing etc.) By drawing over its lines on superimposed translucent paper. 3 (often foll. By out) mark out, delineate, sketch, or write, esp. Laboriously. 4 make one's way along (a path etc.). —n. 1 a indication of something having existed; vestige. B very small quantity. 2 track or footprint. 3 track left by the moving pen of an instrument etc. ~ traceable adj. [latin traho draw]
Trace2 n. Each of the two side-straps, chains, or ropes by which a horse draws a vehicle. ~ kick over the traces become insubordinate or reckless. [french trais, pl. Of +trait]
Trace element n. Chemical element required only in minute amounts by living organisms for normal growth.
Tracer n. 1 bullet etc. That is visible in flight because of flames etc. Emitted. 2 artificial radioactive isotope which can be followed through the body by the radiation it produces.
Tracery n. (pl. -ies) 1 ornamental stone openwork, esp. In the upper part of a gothic window. 2 fine decorative pattern.
Trachea n. (pl. -cheae) windpipe. [latin from greek]
Tracheotomy n. (pl. -ies) incision of the trachea to relieve an obstruction.
Tracing n. 1 traced copy of a drawing etc. 2 act of tracing.
Tracing-paper n. Translucent paper for making tracings.
Track —n. 1 a mark(s) left by a person, animal, vehicle, etc. B (in pl.) Such marks, esp. Footprints. 2 rough path, esp. One beaten by use. 3 continuous railway line. 4 a racecourse; circuit. B prepared course for runners etc. 5 a groove on a gramophone record. B section of a record, cd, or magnetic tape containing one song etc. C lengthwise strip of magnetic tape containing a single sequence of signals. 6 line of travel (track of the comet). 7 band round the wheels of a tank etc. 8 line of thought or action. —v. 1 follow the track of. 2 trace (a course, development, etc.) By vestiges. 3 (often foll. By back, in, etc.) (of a film or television camera) move in relation to the subject being filmed. ~ in one's tracks colloq. Where one stands, instantly (stopped him in his tracks). Keep (or lose) track of follow (or fail to follow) the course of. Make tracks colloq. Depart. Make tracks for colloq. Go in pursuit of or towards. Off the track away from the subject. Track down reach or capture by tracking. ~ tracker n. [french trac]
Tracker dog n. Police dog tracking by scent.
Track events n.pl. Running-races as opposed to jumping etc.
Track record n. Person's past performance.
Track shoe n. Runner's spiked shoe.
Track suit n. Loose warm suit worn for exercising etc.
Tract1 n. 1 stretch or extent of territory, esp. Large. 2 bodily organ or system (digestive tract). [latin traho tract- pull]
Tract2 n. Pamphlet, esp. Propagandist. [apparently latin tractatus from tracto handle]
Tractable adj. (of a person or material) easily handled; manageable. ~ tractability n. [latin tracto handle]
Traction n. 1 act of hauling or pulling a thing over a surface. 2 sustained therapeutic pulling on a limb etc. With pulleys, weights, etc. [french or medieval latin: related to +tract1]
Traction-engine n. Steam or diesel engine for drawing heavy loads on roads, fields, etc.
Tractor n. 1 vehicle used for pulling farm machinery etc. 2 traction-engine. [related to +traction]
Trad colloq. —n. Traditional jazz. —adj. Traditional. [abbreviation]
Trade —n. 1 a buying and selling. B this between nations etc. C business conducted for profit (esp. As distinct from a profession). D business of a specified nature or time (christmas trade; tourist trade). 2 skilled craft practised professionally. 3 (usu. Prec. By the) people engaged in a specific trade (the trade will never agree). 4 us transaction, esp. A swap. 5 (usu. In pl.) Trade wind. —v. (-ding) 1 (often foll. By in, with) engage in trade; buy and sell. 2 a exchange in commerce. B exchange (insults, blows, etc.). C us swap. 3 (usu. Foll. By with, for) have a transaction with a person for a thing. ~ trade in (often foll. By for) exchange (esp. A used car) in part payment for another. Trade off exchange, esp. As a compromise. Trade on take advantage of. ~ tradable adj. Tradeable adj. [low german, = track: related to +tread]
Trade-in n. Thing given in part exchange for another.
Trade mark n. 1 device or name secured by law or custom as representing a company, product, etc. 2 distinctive characteristic etc.
Trade name n. 1 name by which a thing is called in a trade. 2 name given to a product. 3 name under which a business trades.
Trade-off n. Balance, compromise.
Trade price n. Price charged to the retailer.
Trader n. 1 person engaged in trade. 2 merchant ship.
Tradescantia n. (usu. Trailing) plant with large blue, white, or pink flowers. [tradescant, name of a naturalist]
Trade secret n. 1 secret device or technique used esp. In a trade. 2 joc. Any secret.
Tradesman n. (fem. Tradeswoman) person engaged in trade, esp. A shopkeeper.
Tradespeople n.pl. People engaged in trade.
Trades union congress n. Official representative body of british trade unions.
Trade union n. (also trades union) organized association of workers in a trade, profession, etc., formed to protect and further their rights and interests. ~ trade-unionism n. Trade-unionist n.
Trade wind n. Wind blowing continually towards the equator and deflected westward.
Trading n. Act of engaging in trade.
Trading estate n. Specially-designed industrial and commercial area.
Trading post n. Store etc. In a remote or unsettled region.
Trading-stamp n. Stamp given to customers by some shops and exchangeable in large numbers for goods or cash.
Tradition n. 1 a custom, opinion, or belief handed down to posterity. B this process of handing down. 2 artistic, literary, etc. Principles based on experience and practice; any one of these. [latin trado -dit- hand on, betray]
Traditional adj. 1 of, based on, or obtained by tradition. 2 (of jazz) in the style of the early 20th c. ~ traditionally adv.
Traditionalism n. Respect or support for tradition. ~ traditionalist n. & adj.
Traduce v. (-cing) speak ill of; misrepresent. ~ traducement n. Traducer n. [latin, = disgrace]
Traffic —n. 1 vehicles moving on a public highway or in the air or at sea. 2 (usu. Foll. By in) trade, esp. Illegal (drugs traffic). 3 coming and going of people or goods by road, rail, air, sea, etc. 4 dealings between people etc. (had no traffic with them). 5 messages etc. Transmitted through a communications system; volume of this. —v. (-ck-) 1 (usu. Foll. By in) deal in something, esp. Illegally. 2 deal in; barter. ~ trafficker n. [french from italian]
Traffic island n. Raised area in a road to divide traffic streams and for pedestrians to use in crossing.
Traffic jam n. Traffic at a standstill because of roadworks, an accident, etc.
Traffic-light n. (also traffic-lights n.pl.) Signal controlling road traffic by coloured lights.
Traffic warden n. Official employed to help control road traffic and esp. Parking.
Tragedian n. 1 writer of tragedies. 2 (fem. Tragedienne) actor in tragedy. [french: related to +tragedy]
Tragedy n. (pl. -ies) 1 serious accident, disaster, etc.; sad event. 2 a play dealing with tragic events and ending unhappily, esp. With the downfall of the protagonist. B such plays as a genre. [greek tragoidia]
Tragic adj. 1 disastrous; greatly distressing; very sad. 2 of tragedy. ~ tragically adv.
Tragicomedy n. (pl. -ies) play or situation with a mixture of comedy and tragedy. ~ tragicomic adj.
Trail —n. 1 track or scent left by a moving thing, person, etc. 2 beaten path, esp. Through a wild region. 3 long line of people or things following behind something. 4 part dragging behind a thing or person. —v. 1 draw or be drawn along behind, esp. On the ground. 2 (often foll. By behind) walk wearily. 3 follow the trail of; pursue. 4 be losing in a contest (trailing by three points). 5 (usu. Foll. By away, off) peter out; tail off. 6 a (of a plant etc.) Grow or hang over a wall, along the ground, etc. B hang loosely. 7 (often refl.) Drag (oneself, one's limbs, etc.) Along wearily etc. [french or low german]
Trail-blazer n. 1 person who marks a new track through wild country. 2 pioneer. ~ trail-blazing n.
Trailer n. 1 set of brief extracts from a film etc., used to advertise it in advance. 2 vehicle towed by another, esp.: a the rear section of an articulated lorry. B an open cart. C a platform for transporting a boat etc. D us a caravan.
Trailing edge n. Rear edge of an aircraft's wing etc.
Train —v. 1 a (often foll. By to + infin.) Teach (a person, animal, oneself, etc.) A specified skill, esp. By practice. B undergo this process (trained as a teacher). 2 bring or come to physical efficiency by exercise, diet, etc. 3 (often foll. By along, up) guide the growth of (a plant). 4 (usu. As trained adj.) Make (the mind, eye, etc.) Discerning through practice etc. 5 (often foll. By on) point or aim (a gun, camera, etc.) At an object etc. —n. 1 series of railway carriages or trucks drawn by an engine. 2 thing dragged along behind or forming the back part of a dress, robe, etc. 3 succession or series of people, things, events, etc. (train of thought). 4 body of followers; retinue. ~ in train properly arranged or directed. ~ trainee n. [latin traho draw]
Train-bearer n. Person holding up the train of a robe etc.
Trainer n. 1 person who trains horses, athletes, footballers, etc. 2 aircraft or simulator used to train pilots. 3 soft running shoe.
Training n. Process of teaching or learning a skill etc.
Train-spotter n. Person who collects locomotive numbers as a hobby. ~ train-spotting n.
Traipse colloq. —v. (-sing) tramp or trudge wearily. —n. Tedious journey on foot. [origin unknown]
Trait n. Characteristic. [latin tractus: related to +tract1]
Traitor n. (fem. Traitress) (often foll. By to) person who is treacherous or disloyal, esp. To his or her country. ~ traitorous adj. [latin traditor: related to +tradition]
Trajectory n. (pl. -ies) path of an object moving under given forces. [latin traicio -ject- throw across]
Tram n. 1 (also tramcar) electrically-powered passenger road vehicle running on rails. 2 four-wheeled vehicle used in coalmines. [low german and dutch trame beam]
Tramlines n.pl. 1 rails for a tramcar. 2 colloq. Pair of long parallel lines at the sides of a tennis or badminton court.
Trammel —n. 1 (usu. In pl.) Impediment; hindrance (trammels of domesticity). 2 triple drag-net for fishing. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) hamper. [medieval latin tremaculum]
Tramp —v. 1 a walk heavily and firmly. B go on foot, esp. A distance. 2 a cross on foot, esp. Wearily or reluctantly. B cover (a distance) in this way. 3 (often foll. By down) tread on; trample; stamp on. 4 live as a tramp. —n. 1 itinerant vagrant or beggar. 2 sound of a person, or esp. People, walking, marching, etc. 3 long walk. 4 slang derog. Promiscuous woman. [germanic]
Trample v. (-ling) 1 tread under foot. 2 press down or crush in this way. ~ trample on 1 tread heavily on. 2 treat roughly or with contempt. [from +tramp]
Trampoline —n. Strong fabric sheet connected by springs to a horizontal frame, used for gymnastic jumping. —v. (-ning) use a trampoline. [italian trampolino]
Tramway n. Rails for a tram.
Trance n. 1 a sleeplike state without response to stimuli. B hypnotic or cataleptic state. 2 such a state as entered into by a medium. 3 rapture, ecstasy. [latin transeo pass over]
Tranny n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Transistor radio. [abbreviation]
Tranquil adj. Calm, serene, undisturbed. ~ tranquillity n. Tranquilly adv. [latin]
Tranquilize v. (brit. Tranquillize, -ise) (-zing or -sing) make tranquil, esp. By a drug etc.
Tranquilizer n. (brit. Tranquillizer, -iser) drug used to diminish anxiety.
Tranquillize v. (us tranquilize, -ise) (-zing or -sing) make tranquil, esp. By a drug etc.
Tranquillizer n. (us tranquilizer, -iser) drug used to diminish anxiety.
Trans- prefix 1 across, beyond. 2 on or to the other side of. 3 through. [latin]
Transact v. Perform or carry through (business). [latin: related to +act]
Transaction n. 1 a piece of esp. Commercial business done. B transacting of business etc. 2 (in pl.) Published reports of discussions, papers read, etc., at the meetings of a learned society.
Transalpine adj. On the north side of the alps. [latin]
Transatlantic adj. 1 beyond the atlantic, esp.: a american. B us european. 2 crossing the atlantic.
Transceiver n. Combined radio transmitter and receiver.
Transcend v. 1 be beyond the range or grasp of (human experience, reason, belief, etc.). 2 excel; surpass. [latin scando climb]
Transcendent adj. 1 excelling, surpassing. 2 transcending human experience. 3 (esp. Of god) existing apart from, not subject to the limitations of, the material universe. ~ transcendence n. Transcendency n.
Transcendental adj. 1 philos. A priori, not based on experience; intuitively accepted; innate in the mind. 2 a visionary, abstract. B vague, obscure. ~ transcendentally adv.
Transcendentalism n. Transcendental philosophy. ~ transcendentalist n.
Transcendental meditation n. Method of detaching oneself from problems, anxiety, etc., by silent meditation and repetition of a mantra.
Transcontinental adj. Extending across a continent.
Transcribe v. (-bing) 1 copy out. 2 write out (shorthand, notes, etc.) In full. 3 record for subsequent reproduction. 4 arrange (music) for a different instrument etc. ~ transcriber n. Transcription n. [latin transcribo -script-]
Transcript n. Written copy.
Transducer n. Any device for converting a non-electrical signal into an electrical one, e.g. Pressure into voltage. [latin: related to +duct]
Transept n. 1 part of a cross-shaped church at right angles to the nave. 2 either arm of this. [latin: related to +septum]
Transexual var. Of +transsexual.
Transfer —v. (-rr-) 1 (often foll. By to) a convey, remove, or hand over (a thing etc.). B make over the possession of (property, a ticket, rights, etc.) To a person. 2 change or move to another group, club, department, etc. 3 change from one station, route, etc., to another on a journey. 4 convey (a design) from one surface to another. 5 change (meaning) by extension or metaphor. —n. 1 transferring or being transferred. 2 design etc. Conveyed or to be conveyed from one surface to another. 3 football player etc. Who is transferred. 4 document effecting conveyance of property, a right, etc. ~ transferable adj. [latin fero lat- bear]
Transference n. 1 transferring or being transferred. 2 psychol. Redirection of childhood emotions to a new object, esp. To a psychoanalyst.
Transfiguration n. 1 change of form or appearance. 2 a christ's appearance in radiant glory to three of his disciples (matt. 17:2, mark 9:2–3). B (transfiguration) festival of christ's transfiguration, 6 august. [latin: related to +transfigure]
Transfigure v. (-ring) change in form or appearance, esp. So as to elevate or idealize. [latin]
Transfix v. 1 paralyse with horror or astonishment. 2 pierce with a sharp implement or weapon. [latin: related to +fix]
Transform v. 1 make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, character, etc., of. 2 change the voltage etc. Of (an alternating current). ~ transformation n. [latin]
Transformer n. Apparatus for reducing or increasing the voltage of an alternating current.
Transfuse v. (-sing) 1 a transfer (blood) from one person or animal to another. B inject (liquid) into a blood-vessel to replace lost fluid. 2 permeate. ~ transfusion n. [latin: related to +found3]
Transgress v. (also absol.) Go beyond the bounds or limits set by (a commandment, law, etc.); sin. ~ transgression n. Transgressor n. [latin transgredior -gress-]
Transient adj. Of short duration; passing. ~ transience n. [latin: related to +trance]
Transistor n. 1 semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to rectification. 2 (in full transistor radio) portable radio with transistors. [from +transfer, +resistor]
Transistorize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) equip with transistors (rather than valves).
Transit n. 1 going, conveying, or being conveyed, esp. Over a distance. 2 passage or route. 3 apparent passage of a celestial body across the meridian of a place, or across the sun or a planet. ~ in transit while going or being conveyed. [latin: related to +trance]
Transit camp n. Camp for the temporary accommodation of soldiers, refugees, etc.
Transition n. 1 passing or change from one place, state, condition, etc., to another. 2 art change from one style to another, esp. Archit. From norman to early english. ~ transitional adj. Transitionally adv. [latin: related to +transit]
Transitive adj. (of a verb) taking a direct object (whether expressed or implied), e.g. Saw in saw the donkey, saw that she was ill. [latin: related to +transit]
Transitory adj. Not permanent; brief, transient. ~ transitorily adv. Transitoriness n. [latin: related to +transit]
Translate v. (-ting) 1 (also absol.) (often foll. By into) express the sense of (a word, text, etc.) In another language or in another, esp. Simpler, form. 2 be translatable, bear translation (does not translate well). 3 interpret (translated his silence as dissent). 4 move or change, esp. From one person, place, or condition, to another. ~ translatable adj. Translation n. Translator n. [latin: related to +transfer]
Transliterate v. (-ting) represent (a word etc.) In the closest corresponding letters of a different script. ~ transliteration n. [latin littera letter]
Translucent adj. Allowing light to pass through; semi-transparent. ~ translucence n. Translucency n. [latin luceo shine]
Transmigrate v. (-ting) 1 (of the soul) pass into a different body. 2 migrate. ~ transmigration n. [latin]
Transmission n. 1 transmitting or being transmitted. 2 broadcast programme. 3 mechanism transmitting power from the engine to the axle in a vehicle.
Transmit v. (-tt-) 1 a pass or hand on; transfer (transmitted the message; how diseases are transmitted). B communicate (ideas, emotions, etc.). 2 a allow (heat, light, sound, electricity, etc.) To pass through. B be a medium for (ideas, emotions, etc.) (his message transmits hope). 3 broadcast (a radio or television programme). ~ transmissible adj. Transmittable adj. [latin mitto miss- send]
Transmitter n. 1 person or thing that transmits. 2 equipment used to transmit radio or other electronic signals.
Transmogrify v. (-ies, -ied) joc. Transform, esp. In a magical or surprising manner. ~ transmogrification n. [origin unknown]
Transmute v. (-ting) 1 change the form, nature, or substance of. 2 hist. Change (base metals) into gold. ~ transmutation n. [latin muto change]
Transoceanic adj. 1 beyond the ocean. 2 crossing the ocean.
Transom n. 1 horizontal bar of wood or stone across a window or the top of a door. 2 us = +transom window. [french traversin: related to +traverse]
Transom window n. Window above a transom.
Transparency n. (pl. -ies) 1 being transparent. 2 picture, esp. A photograph, to be viewed by light passing through it. [medieval latin: related to +transparent]
Transparent adj. 1 allowing light to pass through so that bodies can be distinctly seen. 2 a (of a disguise, pretext, etc.) Easily seen through. B (of a quality etc.) Evident; obvious. 3 easily understood; frank. ~ transparently adv. [latin pareo appear]
Transpire v. (-ring) 1 (usu. Prec. By it as subject) (of a secret or fact) come to be known; turn out; prove to be the case (it transpired he knew nothing about it). 2 occur; happen. 3 emit (vapour or moisture), or be emitted, through the skin, lungs, or leaves; perspire. ~ transpiration n. (in sense 3). [latin spiro breathe]
Usage the use of transpire in sense 2 is considered incorrect by some people.
Transplant —v. 1 plant in another place (transplanted the daffodils). 2 transfer (living tissue or an organ) to another part of the body or to another body. —n. 1 a transplanting of an organ or tissue. B such an organ etc. 2 thing, esp. A plant, transplanted. ~ transplantation n. [latin]
Transponder n. Device for receiving a radio signal and automatically transmitting a different signal. [from +transmit, +respond]
Transport —v. 1 take or carry (a person, goods, etc.) To another place. 2 hist. Deport (a criminal) to a penal colony. 3 (as transported adj.) (usu. Foll. By with) affected with strong emotion. —n. 1 a system of conveying people, goods, etc., from place to place. B means of this (our transport has arrived). 2 ship, aircraft, etc. Used to carry soldiers, stores, etc. 3 (esp. In pl.) Vehement emotion (transports of joy). ~ transportable adj. [latin porto carry]
Transportation n. 1 conveying or being conveyed. 2 a system of conveying. B esp. Us means of this. 3 hist. Deportation of convicts.
Transport café n. Roadside café for (esp. Commercial) drivers.
Transporter n. Vehicle used to transport other vehicles or heavy machinery etc. By road.
Transporter bridge n. Bridge carrying vehicles etc. Across water on a suspended moving platform.
Transpose v. (-sing) 1 a cause (two or more things) to change places. B change the position of (a thing) in a series. 2 change the order or position of (words or a word) in a sentence. 3 put (music) into a different key. ~ transposition n. [french: related to +pose]
Transputer n. Microprocessor with integral memory designed for parallel processing. [from +transistor, +computer]
Transsexual (also transexual) —adj. Having the physical characteristics of one sex and an overwhelming psychological identification with the other. —n. 1 transsexual person. 2 person who has had a sex change.
Transship v. (-pp-) transfer from one ship or form of transport to another. ~ transshipment n.
Transubstantiation n. Rc ch. Conversion of the eucharistic elements wholly into the body and blood of christ. [medieval latin: related to +trans-, +substance]
Transuranic adj. (of a chemical element) having a higher atomic number than uranium.
Transverse adj. Situated, arranged, or acting in a crosswise direction. ~ transversely adv. [latin transverto -vers- turn across]
Transvestite n. Man deriving esp. Sexual pleasure from dressing in women's clothes. ~ transvestism n. [latin vestio clothe]
Trap1 —n. 1 device, often baited, for catching animals. 2 trick betraying a person into speech or an act. 3 arrangement to catch an unsuspecting person. 4 device for hurling an object, e.g. A clay pigeon, into the air to be shot at. 5 compartment from which a greyhound is released at the start of a race. 6 device that sends a ball into the air. 7 curve in a downpipe etc. That fills with liquid and forms a seal against the return of gases. 8 two-wheeled carriage (pony and trap). 9 = +trapdoor. 10 slang mouth (esp. Shut one's trap). —v. (-pp-) 1 catch (an animal) in a trap. 2 catch or catch out (a person) by means of a trick etc. 3 stop and retain in or as in a trap. 4 provide (a place) with traps. [old english]
Trap2 n. (in full trap-rock) dark-coloured igneous rock. [swedish]
Trapdoor n. Door in a floor, ceiling, or roof.
Trapeze n. Crossbar suspended by ropes as a swing for acrobatics etc. [latin: related to +trapezium]
Trapezium n. (pl. -s or -zia) 1 quadrilateral with only one pair of sides parallel. 2 us = +trapezoid 1. [greek trapezion]
Trapezoid n. 1 quadrilateral with no two sides parallel. 2 us = +trapezium 1. [greek: related to +trapezium]
Trapper n. Person who traps wild animals, esp. For their fur.
Trappings n.pl. 1 ornamental accessories. 2 harness of a horse, esp. When ornamental. [trap from french drap cloth]
Trappist —n. Monk of an order vowed to silence. —adj. Of this order. [la trappe in normandy]
Trash —n. 1 esp. Us worthless or waste stuff; rubbish. 2 worthless person or persons. —v. Slang wreck, vandalize. ~ trashy adj. (-ier, -iest). [origin unknown]
Trash can n. Us dustbin.
Trattoria n. Italian restaurant. [italian]
Trauma n. (pl. Traumata or -s) 1 profound emotional shock. 2 physical injury. 3 physical shock syndrome following this. ~ traumatize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing). [greek, = wound]
Traumatic adj. 1 of or causing trauma. 2 colloq. Distressing (traumatic experience). ~ traumatically adv. [greek: related to +trauma]
Travail literary —n. 1 painful effort. 2 pangs of childbirth. —v. Make a painful effort, esp. In childbirth. [french travaillier]
Travel —v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 go from one place to another; make a journey, esp. A long one or abroad. 2 a journey along or through (a country). B cover (a distance) in travelling. 3 colloq. Withstand a long journey (wines that do not travel). 4 go from place to place as a salesman. 5 move or proceed as specified (light travels faster than sound).
Travel agency n. Agency that makes the necessary arrangements for travellers. ~ travel agent n.
Traveled adj. (brit. Travelled) experienced in travelling (also in comb.: much-travelled).
Traveler n. (brit. Traveller) 1 person who travels or is travelling. 2 travelling salesman. 3 gypsy.
Travelled adj. (us traveled) experienced in travelling (also in comb.: much-travelled).
Traveller n. (us traveler) 1 person who travels or is travelling. 2 travelling salesman. 3 gypsy.
Traveller's cheque n. Cheque for a fixed amount that may be cashed on signature abroad.
Traveller's joy n. Wild clematis.
Traveller's tale n. Incredible and probably untrue story.
Travelling salesman n. = +commercial traveller.
Travelogue n. Film or illustrated lecture about travel. [from +travel, after monologue]
Travel-sick adj. Suffering from nausea caused by motion in travelling.
Traverse —v. (-sing) 1 travel or lie across (traversed the country; pit traversed by a beam). 2 consider or discuss the whole extent of (a subject). —n. 1 sideways movement. 2 traversing. 3 thing that crosses another. ~ traversal n. [french: related to +transverse]
Travesty —n. (pl. -ies) grotesque misrepresentation or imitation (travesty of justice). —v. (-ies, -ied) make or be a travesty of. [french travestir disguise, from italian]
Trawl —v. 1 fish with a trawl or seine. 2 a catch by trawling. B (often foll. By through) search thoroughly (trawled her memory for their names). —n. 1 act of trawling. 2 (in full trawl-net) large wide-mouthed fishing-net dragged by a boat along the sea bottom. [probably dutch traghel drag-net]
Trawler n. Boat used for trawling.
Tray n. 1 flat board, usu. With a raised rim, for carrying dishes. 2 shallow lidless box for papers or small articles, sometimes forming a drawer in a cabinet etc. [old english]
Treacherous adj. 1 guilty of or involving treachery. 2 (of the weather, ice, the memory, etc.) Likely to fail or give way. ~ treacherously adv. [french from trichier cheat: related to +trick]
Treachery n. (pl. -ies) violation of faith or trust; betrayal.
Treacle n. 1 syrup produced in refining sugar. 2 molasses. ~ treacly adj. [french from latin theriaca antidote against a snake-bite, from therion wild animal]
Tread —v. (past trod; past part. Trodden or trod) 1 (often foll. By on) set down one's foot; walk, step. 2 a walk on. B (often foll. By down) press or crush with the feet. 3 perform (steps etc.) By walking. 4 (often foll. By in, into) press down into the ground with the feet (trod dirt into the carpet). —n. 1 manner or sound of walking. 2 top surface of a step or stair. 3 thick moulded part of a vehicle tyre for gripping the road. 4 a part of a wheel that touches the ground or rail. B part of a rail that the wheels touch. 5 part of the sole of a shoe that rests on the ground. ~ tread the boards be an actor. Tread on air feel elated. Tread on a person's toes offend a person; encroach on a person's privileges etc. Tread water maintain an upright position in water by moving the feet and hands. [old english]
Treadle n. Lever worked by the foot and imparting motion to a machine. [old english: related to +tread]
Treadmill n. 1 device for producing motion by the weight of persons or animals stepping on steps attached to a revolving upright wheel. 2 similar device used for exercise. 3 monotonous routine work.
Treadwheel n. = +treadmill 1, 2.
Treason n. Violation by a subject of allegiance to the sovereign or state. [latin: related to +tradition]
Usage the crime of petty treason was abolished in 1828. This is why high treason, originally distinguished from petty treason, now means the same as treason.
Treasonable adj. Involving or guilty of treason.
Treasure —n. 1 a precious metals or gems. B hoard of these. C accumulated wealth. 2 thing valued for its rarity, workmanship, associations, etc. (art treasures). 3 colloq. Much loved or highly valued person. —v. (-ring) 1 value highly. 2 (often foll. By up) store up as valuable. [greek thesauros]
Treasure hunt n. 1 search for treasure. 2 game in which players seek a hidden object from a series of clues.
Treasurer n. Person in charge of the funds of a society etc.
Treasure trove n. Treasure of unknown ownership found hidden.
Treasury n. (pl. -ies) 1 place or building where treasure is stored. 2 funds or revenue of a state, institution, or society. 3 (treasury) a department managing the public revenue of a country. B offices and officers of this.
Treasury bench n. Front bench in the house of commons occupied by cabinet ministers etc.
Treasury bill n. Bill of exchange issued by the government to raise money for temporary needs.
Treat —v. 1 act or behave towards or deal with (a person or thing) in a certain way (treated me kindly; treat it as a joke). 2 apply a process to (treat it with acid). 3 apply medical care or attention to. 4 present or deal with (a subject) in literature or art. 5 (often foll. By to) provide with food, drink, or entertainment at one's own expense (treated us to dinner). 6 (often foll. By with) negotiate terms (with a person). 7 (often foll. By of) give a spoken or written exposition. —n. 1 event or circumstance (esp. When unexpected or unusual) that gives great pleasure. 2 meal, entertainment, etc., designed to do this. 3 (prec. By a) extremely good or well (they looked a treat; has come on a treat). ~ treatable adj. [latin tracto handle]
Treatise n. A written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject. [anglo-french: related to +treat]
Treatment n. 1 process or manner of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing. 2 medical care or attention. 3 manner of treating a subject in literature or art. 4 (prec. By the) colloq. The customary way of dealing with a person, situation, etc. (got the full treatment).
Treaty n. (pl. -ies) 1 formal agreement between states. 2 agreement between parties, esp. For the purchase of property. [latin: related to +treat]
Treble —adj. 1 a threefold. B triple. C three times as much or many (treble the amount). 2 high-pitched. —n. 1 treble quantity or thing. 2 hit on the narrow band between the two middle circles of a dartboard, scoring treble. 3 a mus. = +soprano (esp. A boy's voice or part, or an instrument). B high-pitched voice. 4 high-frequency output of a radio, record-player, etc. —v. (-ling) make or become three times as much or many; increase threefold; multiply by three. ~ trebly adv. [latin: related to +triple]
Treble chance n. Method of competing in a football pool in which the chances of winning depend on the number of draws and home and away wins predicted by the competitors.
Treble clef n. Clef placing the g above middle c on the second lowest line of the staff.
Tree —n. 1 perennial plant with a woody self-supporting main stem or trunk and usu. Unbranched for some distance above the ground. 2 piece or frame of wood etc. For various purposes (shoe-tree). 3 = +family tree. —v. (trees; treed) force to take refuge in a tree.
Treecreeper n. Small creeping bird feeding on insects in tree-bark.
Tree-fern n. Large fern with an upright trunklike stem.
Tree line n. = +timberline.
Tree ring n. Ring in a cross-section of a tree, from one year's growth.
Tree surgeon n. Person who treats decayed trees in order to preserve them.
Treetop n. Topmost part of a tree.
Trefoil n. 1 leguminous plant with leaves of three leaflets, esp. Clover. 2 three-lobed ornamentation, esp. In tracery windows. [anglo-french: related to +tri-, +foil2]
Trek orig. S.afr. —v. (-kk-) 1 travel or make one's way arduously. 2 esp. Hist. Migrate or journey with one's belongings by ox-wagon. —n. 1 a long or arduous journey or walk (quite a trek to the launderette). B each stage of this. 2 organized migration of a body of people. ~ trekker n. [dutch, = draw]
Trellis n. (in full trellis-work) lattice of light wooden or metal bars, esp. As a support for climbing plants. [french trelis]
Trematode n. A kind of parasitic flatworm. [greek trema hole]
Tremble —v. (-ling) 1 shake involuntarily from emotion, weakness, etc. 2 be in a state of extreme apprehension. 3 quiver (leaves trembled in the breeze). —n. Trembling; quiver (tremble in his voice). [medieval latin: related to +tremulous]
Trembler n. Automatic vibrator for making and breaking an electrical circuit.
Trembly adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Trembling.
Tremendous adj. 1 colloq. Remarkable, considerable, excellent. 2 awe-inspiring, overpowering. ~ tremendously adv. [latin tremendus to be trembled at: related to +tremor]
Tremolo n. Tremulous effect in music. [italian: related to +tremulous]
Tremor n. 1 shaking, quivering. 2 thrill (of fear, exultation, etc.). 3 (in full earth tremor) slight earthquake. [latin tremo tremble]
Tremulous adj. Trembling. ~ tremulously adv. [latin tremulus: related to +tremor]
Trench —n. 1 long narrow usu. Deep ditch. 2 mil. This dug by troops as a shelter from enemy fire. —v. 1 dig a trench or trenches in (the ground). 2 turn over the earth of (a field, garden, etc.) By digging a succession of ditches. [french trenche, -ier cut]
Trenchant adj. (of style or language etc.) Incisive, terse, vigorous. ~ trenchancy n. Trenchantly adv. [french: related to +trench]
Trench coat n. 1 soldier's lined or padded waterproof coat. 2 loose belted raincoat.
Trencher n. Hist. Wooden or earthenware platter for serving food. [anglo-french: related to +trench]
Trencherman n. Person who eats well, or in a specified manner.
Trench warfare n. War carried on from trenches.
Trend —n. General direction and tendency (esp. Of events, fashion, or opinion). —v. 1 bend or turn away in a specified direction. 2 have a general tendency. [old english]
Trend-setter n. Person who leads the way in fashion etc.
Trendy colloq.; often derog. —adj. (-ier, -iest) fashionable. —n. (pl. -ies) fashionable person. ~ trendily adv. Trendiness n.
Trepan —n. Cylindrical saw formerly used by surgeons for removing part of the skull. —v. (-nn-) perforate (the skull) with a trepan. [greek trupanon auger]
Trepidation n. Fear, anxiety. [latin trepidus flurried]
Trespass —v. 1 (usu. Foll. By on, upon) make an unlawful or unauthorized intrusion (esp. On land or property). 2 (foll. By on) make unjustifiable claims on; encroach on (trespass on your hospitality). —n. 1 law act of trespassing. 2 archaic sin, offence. ~ trespasser n. [medieval latin: related to +trans-, +pass1]
Tress n. 1 long lock of human (esp. Female) hair. 2 (in pl.) Woman's or girl's head of hair. [french]
Trestle n. 1 supporting structure for a table etc., consisting of two frames fixed at an angle or hinged, or of a bar with two divergent pairs of legs. 2 (in full trestle-table) table of a board or boards on trestles etc. 3 (in full trestle-work) open braced framework to support a bridge etc. [latin transtrum cross-beam]
Trews n.pl. Close-fitting usu. Tartan trousers. [irish and gaelic: related to +trousers]
Tri- comb. Form three or three times. [latin and greek]
Triad n. 1 group of three (esp. Notes in a chord). 2 the number three. 3 (also triad) chinese secret society, usu. Criminal. ~ triadic adj. [latin from greek]
Trial n. 1 judicial examination and determination of issues between parties by a judge with or without a jury. 2 test (will give you a trial). 3 trying thing or person (trials of old age). 4 match held to select players for a team. 5 (often in pl.) Contest involving performance by horses, dogs, motor cycles, etc. ~ on trial 1 being tried in a court of law. 2 being tested; to be chosen or retained only if suitable. [anglo-french: related to +try]
Trial and error n. Repeated (usu. Unsystematic) attempts continued until successful.
Trial run n. Preliminary operational test.
Triangle n. 1 plane figure with three sides and angles. 2 any three things not in a straight line, with imaginary lines joining them. 3 implement of this shape. 4 musical instrument consisting of a steel rod bent into a triangle, struck with a small steel rod. 5 situation, esp. An emotional relationship, involving three people. ~ triangular adj. [latin: related to +tri-]
Triangulate v. (-ting) measure and map out (an area) by dividing it into triangles. ~ triangulation n.
Triassic geol. —adj. Of the earliest period of the mesozoic era. —n. This period. [related to +triad]
Triathlon n. Athletic contest of three events for all competitors. [from +tri- after +decathlon]
Tribe n. 1 group of (esp. Primitive) families or communities, linked by social, religious, or blood ties, and usu. Having a common culture and dialect and a recognized leader. 2 any similar natural or political division. 3 usu. Derog. Set or number of persons, esp. Of one profession etc. Or family. ~ tribal adj. Tribalism n. [latin tribus]
Tribesman n. (fem. -woman) member of a tribe.
Tribology n. The study of friction, wear, lubrication, and the design of bearings. [greek tribo rub]
Tribulation n. Great affliction. [latin tribulum threshing-sledge]
Tribunal n. 1 board appointed to adjudicate in some matter. 2 court of justice. 3 seat or bench for a judge or judges. [latin: related to +tribune]
Tribune n. 1 popular leader or demagogue. 2 (in full tribune of the people) official in ancient rome chosen by the people to protect their interests. [latin tribunus: related to +tribe]
Tributary —n. (pl. -ies) 1 river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake. 2 hist. Person or state paying or subject to tribute. —adj. 1 (of a river etc.) That is a tributary. 2 hist. A paying tribute. B serving as tribute. [latin: related to +tribute]
Tribute n. 1 thing said or done or given as a mark of respect or affection etc. 2 (foll. By to) indication of (some praiseworthy quality) (their success is a tribute to their perseverance). 3 hist. A periodic payment by one state or ruler to another, esp. As a sign of dependence. B obligation to pay this. [latin tributum neuter past part. Of tribuo -ut- assign, originally divide between +tribes]
Trice n. ~ in a trice in an instant. [trice haul up, from low german and dutch]
Triceps n. Muscle (esp. In the upper arm) with three points of attachment at one end. [latin caput head]
Triceratops n. Dinosaur with three sharp horns on the forehead and a wavy-edged collar round the neck. [greek, = three-horned face]
Trichinosis n. Disease caused by hairlike worms usu. Ingested in meat. [greek thrix trikh- hair]
Trichology n. The study of hair. ~ trichologist n.
Trichromatic adj. 1 having or using three colours. 2 (of vision) having the normal three colour-sensations, i.e. Red, green, and purple.
Trick —n. 1 action or scheme undertaken to deceive or outwit. 2 illusion (trick of the light). 3 special technique; knack. 4 a feat of skill or dexterity. B unusual action (e.g. Begging) learned by an animal. 5 foolish or discreditable act; practical joke (a mean trick to play). 6 idiosyncracy (has a trick of repeating himself). 7 a cards played in one round of a card-game. B point gained in this. 8 (attrib.) Done to deceive or mystify (trick photography; trick question). —v. 1 deceive by a trick; outwit. 2 (often foll. By out of) swindle (tricked out of his savings). 3 (foll. By into) cause to do something by trickery (tricked into marriage; tricked me into agreeing). 4 foil, baffle; take by surprise. ~ do the trick colloq. Achieve the required result. How's tricks? Colloq. How are you? Trick or treat esp. Us children's custom of calling at houses at hallowe'en with the threat of pranks if they are not given a small gift. Trick out (or up) dress or deck out. [french]
Trickery n. Deception, use of tricks.
Trickle —v. (-ling) 1 (cause to) flow in drops or a small stream. 2 come or go slowly or gradually (information trickles out). —n. Trickling flow. [probably imitative]
Trickle charger n. Electrical charger for batteries that works at a steady slow rate.
Trickster n. Deceiver, rogue.
Tricksy adj. (-ier, -iest) full of tricks; playful.
Tricky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 requiring care and adroitness (tricky job). 2 crafty, deceitful. ~ trickily adv. Trickiness n.
Tricolor n. (brit. Tricolour) flag of three bands of different colours, esp. The french or irish national flags. [french: related to +tri-]
Tricolour n. (us tricolor) flag of three bands of different colours, esp. The french or irish national flags. [french: related to +tri-]
Tricot n. Knitted fabric. [french]
Tricycle n. Three-wheeled pedal-driven vehicle similar to a bicycle.
Trident n. Three-pronged spear. [latin dens dent- tooth]
Tridentine adj. Of the council of trent, held at trento in italy 1545–63, esp. As the basis of roman catholic orthodoxy. [medieval latin tridentum trento]
Tried past and past part. Of +try.
Triennial adj. Lasting, or recurring every, three years. [latin annus year]
Trier n. 1 person who perseveres. 2 tester, esp. Of foodstuffs.
Trifle —n. 1 thing of slight value or importance. 2 a small amount, esp. Of money. B (prec. By a) somewhat (a trifle annoyed). 3 dessert of sponge cake with custard, jelly, fruit, cream, etc. —v. (-ling) 1 talk or act frivolously. 2 (foll. By with) treat or deal with frivolously; flirt heartlessly with. [originally trufle from french = truf(f)e deceit]
Trifling adj. 1 unimportant, petty. 2 frivolous.
Triforium n. (pl. -ria) gallery or arcade above the arches of the nave, choir, and transepts of a church. [anglo-latin]
Trig n. Colloq. Trigonometry. [abbreviation]
Trigger —n. 1 movable device for releasing a spring or catch and so setting off a mechanism (esp. That of a gun). 2 event, occurrence, etc., that sets off a chain reaction. —v. (often foll. By off) set (an action or process) in motion; precipitate. ~ quick on the trigger quick to respond. [tricker from dutch trekker from trekken pull]
Trigger-happy adj. Apt to shoot on the slightest provocation.
Trigonometry n. Branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles. ~ trigonometric adj. Trigonometrical adj. [greek trigonon triangle]
Trig point n. Reference point on high ground, used in triangulation.
Trike n. Colloq. Tricycle. [abbreviation]
Trilateral adj. 1 of, on, or with three sides. 2 involving three parties. [latin: related to +tri-]
Trilby n. (pl. -ies) soft felt hat with a narrow brim and indented crown. [trilby, name of a character in a novel by g. Du maurier]
Trilingual adj. 1 able to speak three languages. 2 spoken or written in three languages.
Trill —n. 1 quavering sound, esp. A rapid alternation of sung or played notes. 2 bird's warbling. 3 pronunciation of r with vibration of the tongue. —v. 1 produce a trill. 2 warble (a song) or pronounce (r etc.) With a trill. [italian]
Trillion n. (pl. Same) 1 a million million (1012). 2 (now less often) a million million million (1018). ~ trillionth adj. & n. [french or italian: related to +tri-, +million, after billion]
Trilobite n. A kind of fossil marine arthropod. [from +tri-, greek lobos lobe]
Trilogy n. (pl. -ies) group of three related novels, plays, operas, etc.
Trim —v. (-mm-) 1 a make neat or of the required size or form, esp. By cutting away irregular or unwanted parts. B set in good order. 2 (foll. By off, away) cut off (unwanted parts). 3 ornament, decorate. 4 adjust the balance of (a ship or aircraft) by arranging its cargo etc. 5 arrange (sails) to suit the wind. 6 a associate oneself with currently prevailing views, esp. To advance oneself. B hold a middle course in politics or opinion. 7 colloq. A rebuke sharply. B thrash. C get the better of in a bargain etc. —n. 1 state of readiness or fitness (in perfect trim). 2 ornament or decorative material. 3 trimming of a person's hair. —adj. (trimmer, trimmest) 1 neat or spruce. 2 in good order; well arranged or equipped. [old english, = make firm]
Trimaran n. Vessel like a catamaran, with three hulls side by side. [from +catamaran]
Trimeter n. Prosody line of verse of three measures. [greek: see +tri-, +-meter]
Trimming n. 1 ornamentation or decoration, esp. For clothing. 2 (in pl.) Colloq. Usual accompaniments, esp. Of the main course of a meal.
Trinitarian —n. Believer in the trinity. —adj. Of this belief. ~ trinitarianism n.
Trinitrotoluene n. (also trinitrotoluol) = +tnt.
Trinity n. (pl. -ies) 1 state of being three. 2 group of three. 3 (the trinity or holy trinity) theol. The three persons of the christian godhead (father, son, and holy spirit). [latin trinitas from trinus threefold]
Trinity sunday n. Sunday next after whit sunday.
Trinity term n. University and law term beginning after easter.
Trinket n. Trifling ornament, esp. A piece of jewellery. ~ trinketry n. [origin unknown]
Trio n. (pl. -s) 1 group of three. 2 mus. A composition for three performers. B the performers. [french and italian from latin]
Trip —v. (-pp-) 1 a (often foll. By up) (cause to) stumble, esp. By catching the feet. B (foll. By up) (cause to) make a slip or blunder. 2 a move with quick light steps. B (of a rhythm etc.) Run lightly. 3 make an excursion to a place. 4 a operate (a mechanism) suddenly by knocking aside a catch etc. B automatically cut out. 5 slang have a hallucinatory experience caused by a drug. —n. 1 journey or excursion, esp. For pleasure. 2 a stumble or blunder. B tripping or being tripped up. 3 nimble step. 4 slang drug-induced hallucinatory experience. 5 device for tripping a mechanism etc. [dutch trippen skip, hop]
Tripartite adj. 1 consisting of three parts. 2 shared by or involving three parties. [latin partior divide]
Tripe n. 1 first or second stomach of a ruminant, esp. An ox, as food. 2 colloq. Nonsense, rubbish. [french]
Triple —adj. 1 consisting of three usu. Equal parts or things; threefold. 2 involving three parties. 3 three times as much or many. —n. 1 threefold number or amount. 2 set of three. —v. (-ling) multiply by three. ~ triply adv. [latin triplus from greek]
Triple crown n. Winning of all three of a group of sporting events, esp. In rugby.
Triple jump n. Athletic contest comprising a hop, step, and jump.
Triplet n. 1 each of three children or animals born at one birth. 2 set of three things, esp. Three equal notes played in the time of two of the same value.
Triplex adj. Triple, threefold. [latin]
Triplicate —adj. 1 existing in three examples or copies. 2 having three corresponding parts. 3 tripled. —n. Each of a set of three copies or corresponding parts. —v. (-ting) 1 make in three copies. 2 multiply by three. ~ in triplicate in three copies. ~ triplication n. [latin: related to +triplex]
Tripod n. 1 three-legged stand for a camera etc. 2 stool, table, or utensil resting on three feet or legs. [greek, = three-footed]
Tripos n. (at cambridge university) honours examinations for primary degrees. [related to +tripod]
Tripper n. Person who goes on a pleasure trip.
Triptych n. Picture or relief carving on three panels, usu. Hinged together at the sides. [after +diptych]
Trip-wire n. Wire stretched close to the ground to trip up an intruder or to operate an alarm or other device when disturbed.
Trireme n. Ancient greek warship, with three files of oarsmen on each side. [latin remus oar]
Trisect v. Divide into three (usu. Equal) parts. ~ trisection n. [latin seco sect- cut]
Trite adj. (of a phrase, observation, etc.) Hackneyed. ~ tritely adv. Triteness n. [latin tero trit- rub]
Tritium n. Radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a mass about three times that of ordinary hydrogen. [greek tritos third]
Triumph —n. 1 a state of victory or success (returned in triumph). B a great success or achievement. 2 supreme example (a triumph of engineering). 3 joy at success; exultation (triumph in her face). 4 processional entry of a victorious general into ancient rome. —v. 1 (often foll. By over) gain a victory; be successful. 2 (of an ancient roman general) ride in triumph. 3 (often foll. By over) exult. ~ triumphal adj. [french from latin]
Usage triumphal, meaning ‘of or used in celebrating a triumph’ as in triumphal arch should not be confused with triumphant meaning ‘victorious’ or ‘exultant’.
Triumphalism n. Excessive exultation over the victories of one's own party etc. ~ triumphalist adj. & n.
Triumphant adj. 1 victorious, successful. 2 exultant. ~ triumphantly adv.
Usage see note at triumph.
Triumvirate n. Ruling group of three men, esp. In ancient rome. [latin tres three, vir man]
Trivalent adj. Chem. Having a valency of three. ~ trivalency n.
Trivet n. Iron tripod or bracket for a pot or kettle to stand on. [apparently from latin tripes three-footed]
Trivia n.pl. Trifles or trivialities.
Trivial adj. 1 of small value or importance; trifling. 2 (of a person etc.) Concerned only with trivial things. ~ triviality n. (pl. -ies). Trivially adv. [latin trivialis commonplace, from trivium three-way street corner]
Trivialize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make or treat as trivial; minimize. ~ trivialization n.
Trochee n. Prosody metrical foot consisting of one long followed by one short syllable (&trochee.). ~ trochaic adj. [greek, = running]
Trod past and past part. Of +tread.
Trodden past part. Of +tread.
Troglodyte n. Cave-dweller. [greek trogle hole]
Troika n. 1 a russian vehicle with a team of three horses abreast. B this team. 2 group of three people, esp. As an administrative council. [russian]
Trojan —adj. Of ancient troy in asia minor. —n. 1 native or inhabitant of troy. 2 person who works, fights, etc. Courageously. [latin troia troy]
Trojan horse n. 1 hollow wooden horse used by the greeks to enter troy. 2 person or device planted to bring about an enemy's downfall.
Troll1 n. (in scandinavian folklore) fabulous being, esp. A giant or dwarf dwelling in a cave. [old norse]
Troll2 v. Fish by drawing bait along in the water. [perhaps related to french troller to quest]
Trolley n. (pl. -s) 1 table, stand, or basket on wheels or castors for serving food, transporting luggage etc., gathering purchases in a supermarket, etc. 2 low truck running on rails. 3 (in full trolley-wheel) wheel attached to a pole etc. Used for collecting current from an overhead electric wire to drive a vehicle. [dial., perhaps from +troll2]
Trolley bus n. Electric bus using a trolley-wheel.
Trollop n. Disreputable girl or woman. [perhaps related to archaic trull prostitute]
Trombone n. Brass wind instrument with a sliding tube. ~ trombonist n. [french or italian tromba +trumpet]
Trompe-l'œil n. (often attrib.) Painting etc. Designed to give an illusion of reality. [french, literally ‘deceives the eye’]
-tron suffix physics forming nouns denoting: 1 elementary particle (positron). 2 particle accelerator. [from +electron]
Troop —n. 1 assembled company; assemblage of people or animals. 2 (in pl.) Soldiers, armed forces. 3 cavalry unit under a captain. 4 unit of artillery or armoured vehicles. 5 grouping of three or more scout patrols. —v. (foll. By in, out, off, etc.) Come together or move in large numbers. ~ troop the colour transfer a flag ceremonially at a public mounting of garrison guards. [french troupe]
Trooper n. 1 private soldier in a cavalry or armoured unit. 2 austral. & us mounted or state police officer. 3 cavalry horse. 4 troop-ship.
Troop-ship n. Ship used for transporting troops.
Trope n. Figurative use of a word. [greek tropos from trepo turn]
Trophy n. (pl. -ies) 1 cup etc. As a prize in a contest. 2 memento or souvenir of success in hunting, war, etc. [greek tropaion]
Tropic —n. 1 parallel of latitude 23°27´ north (tropic of cancer) or south (tropic of capricorn) of the equator. 2 each of two corresponding circles on the celestial sphere where the sun appears to turn when at its greatest declination. 3 (the tropics) region between the tropics of cancer and capricorn. —adj. = +tropical. [greek trope turn]
Tropical adj. Of or typical of the tropics.
Troposphere n. Lowest layer of atmosphere extending about 6–10 km upwards from the earth's surface. [greek tropos turn]
Trot n. Colloq. Usu. Derog. Trotskyite. [abbreviation]
Trot —v. (-tt-) 1 (of a person) run at a moderate pace. 2 (of a horse) proceed at a steady pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately. 3 colloq. Walk, go. 4 cause (a horse or person) to trot. 5 traverse (a distance) at a trot. —n. 1 action or exercise of trotting (proceed at a trot; went for a trot). 2 (the trots) slang diarrhoea. ~ on the trot colloq. 1 in succession (six days on the trot). 2 continually busy (kept me on the trot). Trot out 1 colloq. Introduce (an opinion etc.) Tediously or repeatedly. 2 cause (a horse) to trot to show his paces. [french]
Troth n. Archaic 1 faith, loyalty. 2 truth. ~ pledge (or plight) one's troth pledge one's word, esp. In marriage or betrothal. [old english: related to +truth]
Trotskyism n. Political principles of l. Trotsky, esp. As urging worldwide socialist revolution. ~ trotskyist n. Trotskyite n. Derog.
Trotter n. 1 (usu. In pl.) Animal's foot as food. 2 horse bred or trained for trotting.
Troubadour n. 1 singer or poet. 2 french medieval lyric poet singing of courtly love. [provençal trobar find, compose]
Trouble —n. 1 difficulty or distress; vexation, affliction (had trouble with my car). 2 a inconvenience; unpleasant exertion; bother. B cause of this (she was no trouble). 3 perceived failing (the trouble with me is that i can't say no). 4 dysfunction (kidney trouble; engine trouble). 5 a disturbance (crowd trouble; don't want any trouble). B (in pl.) Political or social unrest, public disturbances, esp. (the troubles) in n. Ireland. —v. (-ling) 1 cause distress or anxiety to; disturb. 2 be disturbed or worried (don't trouble about it). 3 afflict; cause pain etc. To. 4 (often refl.) Subject or be subjected to inconvenience or unpleasant exertion (sorry to trouble you; don't trouble yourself). ~ ask (or look) for trouble colloq. Invite trouble by one's actions, behaviour, etc.; be rash or indiscreet. In trouble 1 involved in a matter likely to bring censure or punishment. 2 colloq. Pregnant while unmarried. [latin: related to +turbid]
Troublemaker n. Person habitually causing trouble. ~ troublemaking n.
Troubleshooter n. 1 mediator in a dispute. 2 person who traces and corrects faults in machinery or in an organization etc. ~ troubleshooting n.
Troublesome adj. Causing trouble, annoying.
Trough n. 1 long narrow open receptacle for water, animal feed, etc. 2 channel or hollow like this. 3 elongated region of low barometric pressure. [old english]
Trounce v. (-cing) 1 defeat heavily. 2 beat, thrash. 3 punish severely. [origin unknown]
Troupe n. Company or band, esp. Of artistes. [french, = +troop]
Trouper n. 1 member of a theatrical troupe. 2 staunch colleague.
Trousers n.pl. 1 two-legged outer garment reaching from the waist usu. To the ankles. 2 (trouser) (attrib.) Designating part of this (trouser leg). ~ wear the trousers (esp. Of a wife) dominate in a marriage. ~ trousered adj. [in pl. After drawers: irish and gaelic triubhas trews]
Trouser suit n. Woman's suit of trousers and jacket.
Trousseau n. (pl. -s or -x) bride's collection of clothes etc. [french: related to +truss]
Trout n. (pl. Same or -s) fish related to the salmon, valued as food. [latin tructa]
Trove n. = +treasure trove. [anglo-french trové from trover find]
Trowel n. 1 small flat-bladed tool for spreading mortar etc. 2 scoop for lifting small plants or earth. [latin trulla]
Troy n. (in full troy weight) system of weights used for precious metals and gems, with a pound of 12 ounces or 5,760 grains; 1 oz. Troy = 31.1035 g. [probably troyes in france]
Truant —n. 1 child who stays away from school. 2 person who avoids work etc. —adj. Shirking, idle, wandering. —v. (also play truant) be a truant. ~ truancy n. (pl. -ies). [french, probably from celtic]
Truce n. Temporary agreement to cease hostilities. [originally trewes pl.: old english, = covenant: related to +true]
Truck1 n. 1 lorry. 2 open railway wagon for freight. [perhaps from +truckle]
Truck2 n. Dealings. ~ have no truck with avoid dealing with. [french troquer]
Trucker n. Esp. Us long-distance lorry-driver.
Truckle —n. (in full truckle-bed) low bed on wheels, stored under a larger bed. —v. (-ling) (foll. By to) submit obsequiously. [latin trochlea pulley]
Truculent adj. Aggressively defiant. ~ truculence n. Truculently adv. [latin trux truc- fierce]
Trudge —v. (-ging) 1 go on foot, esp. Laboriously. 2 traverse (a distance) in this way. —n. Trudging walk. [origin unknown]
True —adj. (truer, truest) 1 in accordance with fact or reality (a true story). 2 genuine; rightly or strictly so called. 3 (often foll. By to) loyal, faithful. 4 (foll. By to) accurately conforming to (a type or standard) (true to form). 5 correctly positioned or balanced; upright, level. 6 exact, accurate (a true copy). —adv.
True-blue —adj. Extremely loyal or orthodox. —n. Such a person, esp. A conservative.
True-love n. Sweetheart.
True north n. North according to the earth's axis, not magnetic north.
Truffle n. 1 edible rich-flavoured underground fungus. 2 sweet made of a chocolate mixture covered with cocoa etc. [probably dutch from french]
Trug n. Shallow oblong garden-basket usu. Of wood strips. [perhaps a dial. Var. Of +trough]
Truism n. Statement too hackneyed to be worth making, e.g. ‘nothing lasts for ever’.
Truly adv. 1 sincerely (am truly grateful). 2 really, indeed (truly, i do not know). 3 loyally (served them truly). 4 accurately (is not truly depicted). 5 properly (well and truly). [old english: related to +true]
Trump1 —n. 1 a playing-card of a suit temporarily ranking above the others. B (in pl.) This suit (hearts are trumps). 2 colloq. Generous or loyal person. —v. 1 defeat (a card or its player) with a trump. 2 colloq. Outdo. ~ come (or turn) up trumps colloq. 1 turn out better than expected. 2 be greatly successful or helpful. Trump up fabricate or invent (an accusation etc.) (trumped-up charge). [corruption of +triumph in the same (now obsolete) sense]
Trump2 n. Archaic trumpet-blast. [french trompe]
Trump card n. 1 card belonging to, or turned up to determine, a trump suit. 2 colloq. Valuable resource, esp. Kept in reserve.
Trumpery —n. (pl. -ies) 1 worthless finery. 2 worthless thing; rubbish. —adj. Showy but worthless; trashy; shallow. [french tromperie deceit]
Trumpet —n. 1 brass instrument with a flared bell and bright penetrating tone. 2 trumpet-shaped thing (ear-trumpet). 3 sound of or like a trumpet. —v. (-t-) 1 a blow a trumpet. B (of an enraged elephant etc.) Make a trumpet-like cry. 2 proclaim loudly. ~ trumpeter n. [french diminutive: related to +trump2]
Trumpet-call n. Urgent summons to action.
Truncate v. (-ting) cut the top or the end from; shorten. ~ truncation n. [latin: related to +trunk]
Truncheon n. Short club carried by a police officer. [french tronchon stump: related to +trunk]
Trundle v. (-ling) roll or move, esp. Heavily or noisily. [var. Of obsolete or dial. Trendle: related to +trend]
Trunk n. 1 main stem of a tree. 2 body without the limbs and head. 3 large box with a hinged lid for luggage, storage, etc. 4 us boot of a car. 5 elephant's elongated prehensile nose. 6 (in pl.) Men's close-fitting shorts worn for swimming etc. [latin truncus cut short]
Trunk call n. Long-distance telephone call.
Trunk line n. Main line of a railway, telephone system, etc.
Trunk road n. Important main road.
Truss —n. 1 framework supporting a roof, bridge, etc. 2 surgical appliance worn to support a hernia. 3 bundle of hay or straw. 4 compact terminal cluster of flowers or fruit. —v. 1 tie up (a fowl) for cooking. 2 (often foll. By up) tie (a person) up with the arms to the sides. 3 support (a roof or bridge etc.) With a truss or trusses. [french]
Trust —n. 1 firm belief in the reliability, truth, or strength etc. Of a person or thing. 2 confident expectation. 3 responsibility (position of great trust). 4 commercial credit (obtained goods on trust). 5 law a arrangement whereby a person or group manages property on another's behalf. B property so held. C body of trustees. 6 association of companies for reducing competition etc. —v. 1 place trust in; believe in; rely on the character or behaviour of.
Trustee n. Person or member of a board managing property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified. ~ trusteeship n.
Trustful adj. Full of trust or confidence. ~ trustfully adv.
Trusting adj. Having trust; trustful. ~ trustingly adv.
Trustworthy adj. Deserving of trust; reliable. ~ trustworthiness n.
Trusty —adj. (-ier, -iest) archaic or joc. Trustworthy (a trusty steed). —n. (pl. -ies) prisoner given special privileges for good behaviour.
Truth n. (pl. Truths) 1 quality or state of being true. 2 what is true. ~ in truth literary truly, really. [old english: related to +true]
Truthful adj. 1 habitually speaking the truth. 2 (of a story etc.) True. ~ truthfully adv. Truthfulness n.
Try —v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make an effort with a view to success (often foll. By to + infin.; colloq. Foll. By and + infin.: tried to be on time; try and be early). 2 make an effort to achieve (tried my best). 3 a test by use or experiment. B test the qualities of. 4 make severe demands on (tries my patience). 5 examine the effectiveness of for a purpose (try cold water; have you tried kicking it?). 6 ascertain the state of fastening of (a door, window, etc.). 7 a investigate and decide (a case or issue) judicially. B (often foll. By for) subject (a person) to trial (tried for murder). 8 (foll. By for) apply or compete for; seek to reach or attain (try for a gold medal). —n. (pl. -ies) 1 effort to accomplish something. 2 rugby touching-down of the ball behind the opposing goal-line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at the goal. ~ try one's hand test how skilful one is, esp. At the first attempt. Try it on colloq. Try to get away with an unreasonable request etc. Try on put on (clothes etc.) To see if they fit etc. Try out put to the test, test thoroughly. [originally = separate, distinguish, from french trier sift]
Usage use of the verb try with and (see sense 1) is uncommon in negative contexts (except in the imperative, e.g. Don't try and get the better of me) and in the past tense.
Trying adj. Annoying, vexatious; hard to endure.
Try-on n. Colloq. 1 act of trying it on or trying on (clothes etc.). 2 attempt to deceive.
Try-out n. Experimental test.
Tryst n. Archaic meeting, esp. Of lovers. [french]
Tsar n. (also czar) (fem. Tsarina) hist. Title of the former emperors of russia. ~ tsarist n. (usu. Attrib.). [latin caesar]
Tsetse n. African fly feeding on blood and transmitting esp. Sleeping-sickness. [tswana]
T-shirt n. Short-sleeved casual top having the form of a t when spread out.
Tsp. Abbr. (pl. Tsps.) Teaspoonful.
T-square n. T-shaped instrument for drawing right angles.
Tsunami n. (pl. -s) long high sea wave caused by underwater earthquakes etc. [japanese]
Tt abbr. 1 tourist trophy. 2 tuberculin-tested. 3 a teetotal. B teetotaller.
Tub —n. 1 open flat-bottomed usu. Round vessel. 2 tub-shaped (usu. Plastic) carton. 3 colloq. Bath. 4 colloq. Clumsy slow boat. —v. (-bb-) plant, bathe, or wash in a tub. [probably low german or dutch]
Tuba n. (pl. -s) low-pitched brass wind instrument. [latin, = trumpet]
Tubby adj. (-ier, -iest) short and fat. ~ tubbiness n.
Tube —n. 1 long hollow cylinder. 2 soft metal or plastic cylinder sealed at one end and holding a semi-liquid substance (tube of toothpaste). 3 hollow cylindrical organ in the body. 4 (often prec. By the) colloq. London underground (went by tube). 5 a cathode-ray tube, esp. In a television set. B (prec. By the) esp. Us colloq. Television. 6 us thermionic valve. 7 = +inner tube. 8 austral. Slang can of beer. —v. (-bing) 1 equip with tubes. 2 enclose in a tube. [latin]
Tuber n. 1 thick rounded part of a stem or rhizome, usu. Found underground and covered with modified buds, e.g. In a potato. 2 similar root of a dahlia etc. [latin, = hump, swelling]
Tubercle n. Small rounded swelling on the body or in an organ, esp. As characteristic of tuberculosis. ~ tuberculous adj. [latin tuberculum, diminutive of +tuber]
Tubercle bacillus n. Bacterium causing tuberculosis.
Tubercular adj. Of or having tubercles or tuberculosis.
Tuberculin n. Sterile liquid from cultures of tubercle bacillus, used in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.
Tuberculin-tested adj. (of milk) from cows shown to be free of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis n. Infectious bacterial disease marked by tubercles, esp. In the lungs.
Tuberose n. Plant with scented white funnel-like flowers.
Tuberous adj. Having tubers; of or like a tuber.
Tubing n. Length of tube or quantity of tubes.
Tub-thumper n. Colloq. Ranting preacher or orator.
Tubular adj. 1 tube-shaped. 2 having or consisting of tubes. 3 (of furniture etc.) Having a tubular framework.
Tubular bells n.pl. Orchestral instrument of vertically suspended brass tubes struck with a hammer.
Tubule n. Small tube in a plant or animal body. [latin tubulus, diminutive: related to +tube]
Tuc abbr. Trades union congress.
Tuck —v. 1 (often foll. By in, up) a draw, fold, or turn the outer or end parts of (cloth or clothes etc.) Close together so as to be held; push in the edge of (a thing) so as to confine it (tucked his shirt into his trousers). B push in the edges of bedclothes around (a person) (came to tuck me in). 2 draw together into a small space (tucked its head under its wing). 3 stow (a thing) away in a specified place or way (tucked it in a corner; tucked it out of sight). 4 make a stitched fold in (cloth etc.). —n. 1 flattened usu. Stitched fold in cloth etc. 2 colloq. Food, esp. Cakes and sweets (also attrib.: tuck box). ~ tuck in colloq. Eat heartily. Tuck into (or away) colloq. Eat (food) heartily (tucked into their dinner; could really tuck it away). [low german or dutch]
Tucker —n. 1 hist. Piece of lace or linen etc. In or on a woman's bodice. 2 austral. & nz slang food. —v. (esp. In passive; often foll. By out) us & austral. Colloq. Tire.
Tuck-in n. Colloq. Large meal.
Tuck shop n. Small shop selling sweets etc. To schoolchildren.
-tude suffix forming abstract nouns (altitude; solitude). [latin -tudo]
Tudor adj. 1 of the royal family of england 1485–1603 or this period. 2 of the architectural style of this period, esp. With half-timbering. [owen tudor, name of the grandfather of henry vii]
Tues. Abbr. (also tue.) Tuesday.
Tuesday —n. Day of the week following monday. —adv. 1 colloq. On tuesday. 2 (tuesdays) on tuesdays; each tuesday. [old english]
Tufa n. 1 porous limestone rock formed round mineral springs. 2 = +tuff. [italian: related to +tuff]
Tuff n. Rock formed from volcanic ash. [latin tofus]
Tuffet n. Clump of grass; small mound. [var. Of +tuft]
Tuft n. Bunch or collection of threads, grass, feathers, hair, etc., held or growing together at the base. ~ tufted adj. Tufty adj. [probably french tofe]
Tug —v. (-gg-) 1 (often foll. By at) pull hard or violently; jerk. 2 tow (a ship etc.) By a tugboat. —n. 1 hard, violent, or jerky pull. 2 sudden strong emotion. 3 small powerful boat for towing ships. [related to +tow1]
Tugboat n. = +tug n. 3.
Tug of love n. Colloq. Dispute over the custody of a child.
Tug of war n. 1 trial of strength between two sides pulling opposite ways on a rope. 2 decisive or severe contest.
Tuition n. 1 teaching, esp. If paid for. 2 fee for this. [latin tueor tuit- look after]
Tulip n. 1 bulbous spring-flowering plant with showy cup-shaped flowers. 2 its flower. [turkish tul(i)band +turban (from its shape), from persian]
Tulip-tree n. Tree producing tulip-like flowers.
Tulle n. Soft fine silk etc. Net for veils and dresses. [tulle in france]
Tum n. Colloq. Stomach. [abbreviation of +tummy]
Tumble —v. (-ling) 1 (cause to) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. 2 fall rapidly in amount etc. (prices tumbled). 3 (often foll. By about, around) roll or toss to and fro. 4 move or rush in a headlong or blundering manner. 5 (often foll. By to) colloq. Grasp the meaning behind an idea, circumstance, etc. (he quickly tumbled to our plan). 6 overturn; fling or push roughly or carelessly. 7 perform acrobatic feats, esp. Somersaults. 8 rumple or disarrange. —n. 1 sudden or headlong fall. 2 somersault or other acrobatic feat. 3 untidy or confused state. [low german tummeln]
Tumbledown adj. Falling or fallen into ruin; dilapidated.
Tumble-drier n. (also tumble-dryer) machine for drying washing in a heated rotating drum. ~ tumble-dry v.
Tumbler n. 1 drinking-glass with no handle or foot. 2 acrobat. 3 part of a lock that holds the bolt until lifted by a key. 4 a kind of pigeon that turns over backwards in flight.
Tumbrel n. (also tumbril) hist. Open cart in which condemned persons were taken to the guillotine in the french revolution. [french tomber fall]
Tumescent adj. Swelling. ~ tumescence n. [latin: related to +tumour]
Tumid adj. 1 swollen, inflated. 2 (of style etc.) Inflated, bombastic. ~ tumidity n.
Tummy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Stomach. [a childish pronunciation]
Tummy-button n. Navel.
Tumor n. (brit. Tumour) a swelling, esp. From an abnormal growth of tissue. ~ tumorous adj. [latin tumeo swell]
Tumour n. (us tumor) a swelling, esp. From an abnormal growth of tissue. ~ tumorous adj. [latin tumeo swell]
Tumult n. 1 uproar or din, esp. Of a disorderly crowd. 2 angry demonstration by a mob; riot. 3 conflict of emotions in the mind. [latin: related to +tumour]
Tumultuous adj. Noisy; turbulent; violent.
Tumulus n. (pl. -li) ancient burial mound. [latin: related to +tumour]
Tun n. 1 large beer or wine cask. 2 brewer's fermenting-vat. [old english]
Tuna n. (pl. Same or -s) 1 large edible marine fish. 2 (in full tuna-fish) its flesh as food. [american spanish]
Tundra n. Vast level treeless arctic region with underlying permafrost. [lappish]
Tune —n. Melody. —v. (-ning) 1 put (a musical instrument) in tune. 2 a adjust (a radio etc.) To the frequency of a signal. B (foll. By in) adjust a radio receiver to the required signal. 3 adjust (an engine etc.) To run efficiently. ~ in (or out of) tune 1 having (or not having) the correct pitch or intonation (sings in tune). 2 (usu. Foll. By with) harmonizing (or clashing) with one's company, surroundings, etc. To the tune of colloq. To the considerable sum of. Tuned in (often foll. By to) colloq. Acquainted; in rapport; up to date. Tune up 1 bring one's instrument to the proper pitch. 2 bring to the most efficient condition. [var. Of +tone]
Tuneful adj. Melodious, musical. ~ tunefully adv.
Tuneless adj. Unmelodious, unmusical. ~ tunelessly adv.
Tuner n. 1 person who tunes musical instruments, esp. Pianos. 2 a part of a radio or television receiver for tuning. B radio receiver as a separate unit in a high-fi system. 3 electronic device for tuning a guitar etc.
Tungsten n. Dense metallic element with a very high melting point. [swedish, = heavy stone]
Tunic n. 1 close-fitting short coat of police or military etc. Uniform. 2 loose often sleeveless garment reaching to the knees. [latin]
Tuning-fork n. Two-pronged steel fork giving a particular note when struck.
Tunnel —n. 1 underground passage dug through a hill or under a road, river, etc., esp. For a railway or road. 2 underground passage dug by an animal. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 (foll. By through, into, etc.) Make a tunnel through. 2 make (one's way) by tunnelling. [french diminutive of tonne +tun]
Tunnel vision n. 1 vision which is poor or lost outside the centre of the normal field of vision. 2 colloq. Inability to grasp a situation's wider implications.
Tunny n. (pl. Same or -ies) = +tuna. [greek thunnos]
Tup —n. Ram. —v. (-pp-) (of a ram) copulate with (a ewe). [origin unknown]
Tupi —n. (pl. Same or -s) 1 member of an american indian people of the amazon valley. 2 their language. —adj. Of this people or language. [tupi]
Tuppence n. = +twopence. [phonetic spelling]
Tuppenny adj. = +twopenny. [phonetic spelling]
Tupperware n. Propr. Range of plastic containers for storing food. [tupper, name of the manufacturer]
Turban n. 1 man's headdress of fabric wound round a cap or the head, worn esp. By muslims and sikhs. 2 woman's hat resembling this. ~ turbaned adj. [persian: cf. +tulip]
Turbid adj. 1 (of a liquid or colour) muddy, thick; not clear. 2 (of style etc.) Confused, disordered. ~ turbidity n. [latin turba crowd]
Usage turbid is sometimes confused with turgid which means ‘swollen, inflated; pompous’.
Turbine n. Rotary motor driven by a flow of water, steam, gas, wind, etc. [latin turbo -in- spinning-top, whirlwind]
Turbo n. (pl. -s) = +turbocharger.
Turbo- comb. Form turbine.
Turbocharger n. Supercharger driven by a turbine powered by the engine's exhaust gases.
Turbofan n. Jet engine in which a turbine-driven fan provides additional thrust.
Turbojet n. 1 jet engine in which the jet also operates a turbine-driven air-compressor. 2 aircraft powered by this.
Turboprop n. 1 jet engine in which a turbine is used as in a turbojet and also to drive a propeller. 2 aircraft powered by this. [from +prop3]
Turbot n. (pl. Same or -s) large european flat-fish prized as food. [french from swedish]
Turbulent adj. 1 disturbed; in commotion. 2 (of a flow of air etc.) Varying irregularly. 3 restless; riotous. ~ turbulence n. Turbulently adv. [latin turba crowd]
Turco- comb. Form (also turko-) turkish; turkish and. [medieval latin: related to +turk]
Turd n. Coarse slang 1 lump of excrement. 2 contemptible person. [old english]
Tureen n. Deep covered dish for soup. [from +terrine]
Turf —n. (pl. -s or turves) 1 a layer of grass etc. With earth and matted roots as the surface of grassland. B piece of this cut from the ground. 2 slab of peat for fuel. 3 (prec. By the) a horse-racing generally. B general term for racecourses. —v. 1 cover (ground) with turf. 2 (foll. By out) colloq. Expel or eject (a person or thing). ~ turfy adj. [old english]
Turf accountant n. Bookmaker.
Turgescent adj. Becoming turgid. ~ turgescence n. [latin: related to +turgid]
Turgid adj. 1 swollen, inflated. 2 (of language) pompous, bombastic. ~ turgidity n. [latin turgeo swell]
Usage turgid is sometimes confused with turbid which means ‘muddy, not clear; confused’.
Turk n. 1 a native or national of turkey. B person of turkish descent. 2 member of a central asian people from whom the ottomans derived, speaking a turkic language. 3 offens. Ferocious or wild person.
Turkey n. (pl. -s) 1 large orig. American bird bred for food. 2 its flesh as food. 3 us slang theatrical failure; flop. ~ talk turkey us colloq. Talk frankly; get down to business. [originally of the guinea-fowl, imported from turkey]
Turkeycock n. Male turkey.
Turki —adj. Of a group of languages and peoples including turkish. —n. This group. ~ turkic adj. [persian: related to +turk]
Turkish —adj. Of turkey, the turks, or their language. —n. This language.
Turkish bath n. 1 hot-air or steam bath followed by washing, massage, etc. 2 (in sing. Or pl.) Building for this.
Turkish carpet n. Wool carpet with a thick pile and traditional bold design.
Turkish coffee n. Strong black coffee.
Turkish delight n. Sweet of lumps of flavoured gelatine coated in powdered sugar.
Turkish towel n. Towel made of cotton terry.
Turko- var. Of +turco-.
Turk's head n. Turban-like ornamental knot.
Turmeric n. 1 e. Indian plant of the ginger family. 2 its powdered rhizome used as a spice in curry etc. Or for yellow dye. [perhaps from french terre mérite]
Turmoil n. 1 violent confusion; agitation. 2 din and bustle. [origin unknown]
Turn —v. 1 move around a point or axis; give or receive a rotary motion (turned the wheel; the wheel turns). 2 change in position so that a different side, end, or part becomes outermost or uppermost etc.; invert or reverse (it turned inside out; turned it upside down). 3 a give a new direction to (turn your face this way). B take a new direction (turn left here). 4 aim in a certain way (turned the hose on them). 5 (foll. By into) change in nature, form, or condition to (turned into a frog; turned the book into a play). 6 (foll. By to) a set about (turned to doing the ironing). B have recourse to (turned to drink; turned to me for help). C go on to consider next (let us now turn to your report). 7 become (turned nasty). 8 a (foll. By against) make or become hostile to (has turned her against us). B (foll. By on, upon) become hostile to; attack (suddenly turned on them). 9 (of hair or leaves) change colour. 10 (of milk) become sour. 11 (of the stomach) be nauseated. 12 cause (milk) to become sour or (the stomach) to be nauseated. 13 (of the head) become giddy. 14 translate (turn it into french). 15 move to the other side of; go round (turned the corner). 16 pass the age or time of (he has turned 40; it has turned 4 o'clock). 17 (foll. By on) depend on; be determined by. 18 send or put; cause to go (was turned loose; turned the water out into a basin). 19 perform (a somersault etc.). 20 remake (esp. A sheet) putting the less worn outer side on the inside. 21 make (a profit). 22 divert (a bullet). 23 blunt (a knife etc.). 24 shape (an object) on a lathe. 25 give an (esp. Elegant) form to (turn a compliment). 26 (of the tide) change direction. —n. 1 turning; rotary motion. 2 changed or a change of direction or tendency (took a sudden turn to the left). 3 point at which a turning or change occurs. 4 turning of a road. 5 change of direction of the tide. 6 change in the course of events (a turn for the worse). 7 tendency or disposition; facility of forming (is of a mechanical turn of mind; has a neat turn of phrase). 8 opportunity or obligation etc. That comes successively to each of several persons etc. (my turn to pay). 9 short walk or ride (took a turn in the park). 10 short performance, variety act. 11 service of a specified kind (did me a good turn). 12 purpose (served my turn). 13 colloq. Momentary nervous shock (gave me a turn). 14 mus. Ornament consisting of the principal note with those above and below it. ~ at every turn continually. By turns in rotation; alternately. In turn in succession. In one's turn when one's turn comes.
Turn-about n. 1 turning about. 2 abrupt change of policy etc.
Turn-buckle n. Threaded device for tightly connecting parts of a metal rod or wire.
Turncoat n. Person who changes sides.
Turner n. Person who works with a lathe.
Turnery n. 1 objects made on a lathe. 2 work with a lathe.
Turning n. 1 a road that branches off another. B place where this occurs. 2 a use of a lathe. B (in pl.) Chips or shavings from a lathe.
Turning-circle n. Smallest circle in which a vehicle can turn without reversing.
Turning-point n. Point at which a decisive change occurs.
Turnip n. 1 plant with a globular root. 2 its root as a vegetable. ~ turnipy adj. [dial. Neep (old english from latin napu)]
Turnip-top n. Turnip leaves as a vegetable.
Turnkey n. (pl. -s) archaic jailer.
Turn-off n. 1 turning off a main road. 2 colloq. Something that repels or causes a loss of interest.
Turn-on n. Colloq. Person or thing that causes (esp. Sexual) excitement.
Turnout n. 1 number of people attending a meeting, voting at an election, etc. 2 set or display of equipment, clothes, etc.
Turnover n. 1 act of turning over. 2 gross amount of money taken in a business. 3 rate at which goods are sold and replaced in a shop. 4 rate at which people enter and leave employment etc. 5 small pie made by folding pastry over a filling.
Turnpike n. 1 hist. A toll-gate. B road on which a toll was charged. 2 us motorway on which a toll is charged.
Turn-round n. 1 a unloading and reloading between trips. B receiving, processing, and sending out again; progress through a system. 2 reversal of an opinion or tendency.
Turnstile n. Gate with revolving arms allowing people through singly.
Turntable n. 1 circular revolving plate on which records are played. 2 circular revolving platform for turning a railway locomotive.
Turn-up n. 1 turned up end of a trouser leg. 2 colloq. Unexpected happening.
Turpentine n. Resin from any of various trees. [latin terebinthinia]
Turpentine substitute n. = +white spirit.
Turpitude n. Formal depravity, wickedness. [latin turpis disgraceful]
Turps n. Colloq. Oil of turpentine. [abbreviation]
Turquoise —n. 1 semiprecious stone, usu. Opaque and greenish- or sky-blue. 2 greenish-blue colour. —adj. Of this colour. [french, = turkish]
Turret n. 1 small tower, esp. Decorating a building. 2 low flat usu. Revolving armoured tower for a gun and gunners in a ship, aircraft, fort, or tank. 3 rotating holder for tools in a lathe etc. ~ turreted adj. [french diminutive: related to +tower]
Turtle n. 1 aquatic reptile with flippers and a horny shell. 2 its flesh, used for soup. ~ turn turtle capsize. [alteration of earlier tortue: related to +tortoise]
Turtle-dove n. Wild dove noted for its soft cooing and affection for its mate. [latin turtur]
Turtle-neck n. High close-fitting neck on a knitted garment.
Tuscan —n. 1 inhabitant of tuscany. 2 form of italian spoken in tuscany; standard italian. —adj. 1 of tuscany or the tuscans. 2 archit. Of the plainest of the classical orders. [latin]
Tusk n. Long pointed tooth, esp. Protruding from a closed mouth, as in the elephant, walrus, etc. ~ tusked adj. [old english]
Tussle —n. Struggle, scuffle. —v. (-ling) engage in a tussle. [originally scots and northern english, perhaps diminutive of touse: related to +tousle]
Tussock n. Clump of grass etc. ~ tussocky adj. [perhaps from dial. Tusk tuft]
Tut var. Of +tut-tut.
Tutelage n. 1 guardianship. 2 being under this. 3 tuition. [latin tutela: related to +tutor]
Tutelary adj. 1 a serving as guardian. B of a guardian. 2 giving protection. [latin: related to +tutelage]
Tutor —n. 1 private teacher. 2 university teacher supervising the studies or welfare of assigned undergraduates. —v. 1 act as tutor to. 2 work as a tutor.~ tutorship n. [latin tueor tut- watch]
Tutorial —adj. Of a tutor or tuition. —n. Period of undergraduate tuition individually or in a small group. [latin tutorius: related to +tutor]
Tutti mus. —adj. & adv. With all voices or instruments together. —n. (pl. -s) such a passage. [italian, pl. Of tutto all]
Tutti-frutti n. (pl. -s) ice-cream containing small pieces of mixed glacé fruit. [italian, = all fruits]
Tut-tut (also tut) —int. Expressing disapproval or impatience. —n. Such an exclamation. —v. (-tt-) exclaim this. [imitative of a click of the tongue]
Tutu n. Ballet dancer's short skirt of stiffened frills. [french]
Tu-whit, tu-whoo n. Representation of the cry of an owl. [imitative]
Tux n. Us colloq. = +tuxedo. [abbreviation]
Tuxedo n. (pl. -s or -es) us 1 dinner-jacket. 2 suit of clothes including this. [tuxedo park in us]
Tv abbr. Television.
Tvei abbr. Technical and vocational educational initiative.
Twaddle n. Silly writing or talk; nonsense. [earlier twattle, alteration of +tattle]
Twain adj. & n. Archaic two. [old english, masculine form of +two]
Twang —n. 1 sound made by a plucked string or released bowstring. 2 nasal quality of a voice. —v. (cause to) emit this sound. ~ twangy adj. [imitative]
'Twas archaic it was. [contraction]
Twat n. Coarse slang 1 female genitals. 2 contemptible person. [origin unknown]
Tweak —v. 1 pinch and twist sharply; jerk. 2 make fine adjustments to (a mechanism). —n. Act of tweaking. [probably dial. Twick, +twitch]
Twee adj. (tweer; tweest) derog. Affectedly dainty or quaint. [a childish pronunciation of +sweet]
Tweed n. 1 rough-surfaced woollen cloth, usu. Of mixed flecked colours. 2 (in pl.) Clothes made of tweed. [alteration of tweel (scots var. Of +twill)]
Tweedy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or dressed in tweed. 2 characteristic of country gentry; heartily informal.
'Tween prep. Archaic = +between. [abbreviation]
Tweet —n. Chirp of a small bird. —v. Make this noise. [imitative]
Tweeter n. Loudspeaker for high frequencies.
Tweezers n.pl. Small pair of pincers for taking up small objects, plucking out hairs, etc. [originally tweezes pl. Of obsolete tweeze, a case for small instruments]
Twelfth adj. & n. 1 next after eleventh. 2 each of twelve equal parts of a thing. [old english: related to +twelve]
Twelfth night n. 5 jan., eve of epiphany.
Twelve adj. & n. 1 one more than eleven. 2 symbol for this (12, xii, xii). 3 size etc. Denoted by twelve. 4 twelve o'clock. 5 (the twelve) the apostles. [old english]
Twelvefold adj. & adv. 1 twelve times as much or as many. 2 consisting of twelve parts.
Twelvemonth n. Archaic year.
Twenty adj. & n. (pl. -ies) 1 product of two and ten. 2 symbol for this (20, xx, xx). 3 (in pl.) Numbers from 20 to 29, esp. The years of a century or of a person's life. ~ twentieth adj. & n. [old english]
Twenty-twenty vision n. (also 20/20 vision) 1 vision of normal acuity. 2 colloq. Good eyesight.
'Twere archaic it were. [contraction]
Twerp n. (also twirp) slang stupid or objectionable person. [origin unknown]
Twice adv. 1 two times; on two occasions. 2 in double degree or quantity (twice as good). [old english: related to +two]
Twiddle —v. (-ling) twirl, adjust, or play randomly or idly. —n. Act of twiddling. ~ twiddle one's thumbs 1 make them rotate round each other. 2 have nothing to do. ~ twiddly adj. [probably imitative]
Twig1 n. Very small thin branch of a tree or shrub. ~ twiggy adj. [old english]
Twig2 v. (-gg-) colloq. Understand; realize. [origin unknown]
Twilight n. 1 light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, esp. In the evening. 2 period of this. 3 faint light. 4 period of decline or destruction. [from +two, +light1]
Twilight zone n. 1 decrepit urban area. 2 undefined or intermediate zone or area.
Twilit adj. Dimly illuminated by twilight.
Twill n. Fabric so woven as to have a surface of diagonal parallel ridges. ~ twilled adj. [old english, = two-thread]
'Twill archaic it will. [contraction]
Twin —n. 1 each of a closely related or associated pair, esp. Of children or animals born at a birth. 2 exact counterpart of a person or thing. 3 (the twins) zodiacal sign or constellation gemini. —adj. Forming, or being one of, such a pair (twin brothers). —v. (-nn-) 1 a join intimately together. B (foll. By with) pair. 2 bear twins. 3 link (a town) with one in a different country, for friendship and cultural exchange. ~ twinning n. [old english: related to +two]
Twin bed n. Each of a pair of single beds. ~ twin-bedded adj.
Twine —n. 1 strong coarse string of twisted strands of fibre. 2 coil, twist. —v. (-ning) 1 form (a string etc.) By twisting strands. 2 weave (a garland etc.). 3 (often foll. By with) garland (a brow etc.). 4 (often foll. By round, about) coil or wind. 5 refl. (of a plant) grow in this way. [old english]
Twin-engined adj. Having two engines.
Twinge n. Sharp momentary local pain or pang. [old english]
Twinkle —v. (-ling) 1 (of a star or light etc.) Shine with rapidly intermittent gleams. 2 (of the eyes) sparkle. 3 (of the feet) move lightly and rapidly. —n. 1 sparkle or gleam of the eyes. 2 twinkling light. 3 light rapid movement. ~ in a twinkle (or a twinkling or the twinkling of an eye) in an instant. ~ twinkly adj. [old english]
Twin set n. Woman's matching cardigan and jumper.
Twin town n. Town twinned with another.
Twirl —v. Spin, swing, or twist quickly and lightly round. —n. 1 twirling motion. 2 flourish made with a pen. [origin uncertain]
Twirp var. Of +twerp.
Twist —v. 1 a change the form of by rotating one end and not the other or the two ends in opposite directions. B undergo such a change. C wrench or pull out of shape with a twisting action (twisted my ankle). 2 a wind (strands etc.) About each other. B form (a rope etc.) In this way. 3 a give a spiral form to. B take a spiral form. 4 (foll. By off) break off by twisting. 5 misrepresent the meaning of (words). 6 a take a winding course. B make (one's way) in a winding manner. 7 colloq. Cheat. 8 (as twisted adj.) Derog. (of a person or mind) neurotic; perverted. 9 dance the twist. —n. 1 act of twisting. 2 twisted state. 3 thing formed by twisting. 4 point at which a thing twists or bends. 5 usu. Derog. Peculiar tendency of mind or character etc. 6 unexpected development of events, esp. In a story etc. 7 (prec. By the) popular 1960s dance with a twisting movement of the hips. ~ round the twist slang crazy. Twist a person's arm colloq. Coerce, esp. Using moral pressure. Twist round one's finger easily persuade or dominate (a person). ~ twisty adj. (-ier, -iest). [related to +twin, +twine]
Twister n. Colloq. Swindler.
Twit1 n. Slang foolish person. [originally dial., perhaps from +twit2]
Twit2 v. (-tt-) reproach or taunt, usu. Good-humouredly. [old english]
Twitch —v. 1 (of features, muscles, etc.) Move or contract spasmodically. 2 pull sharply at. —n. 1 sudden involuntary contraction or movement. 2 sudden pull or jerk. 3 colloq. State of nervousness. ~ twitchy adj. (-ier, -iest) (in sense 3 of n.). [probably old english]
Twitcher n. Colloq. Bird-watcher seeking sightings of rare birds.
Twitter —v. 1 (esp. Of a bird) emit a succession of light tremulous sounds. 2 utter or express in this way. —n. 1 act of twittering. 2 colloq. Tremulously excited state. ~ twittery adj. [imitative]
'Twixt prep. Archaic = +betwixt. [contraction]
Two adj. & n. 1 one more than one. 2 symbol for this (2, ii, ii). 3 size etc. Denoted by two. 4 two o'clock. ~ in two in or into two pieces. Put two and two together infer from known facts. [old english]
Two-bit attrib. Adj. Us colloq. Cheap, petty.
Two-dimensional adj. 1 having or appearing to have length and breadth but no depth. 2 lacking substance; superficial.
Two-edged adj. Double-edged.
Two-faced adj. Insincere; deceitful.
Twofold adj. & adv. 1 twice as much or as many. 2 consisting of two parts.
Two-handed adj. 1 having, using, or requiring the use of two hands. 2 (of a card-game) for two players.
Twopence n. 1 sum of two pence. 2 (esp. With neg.) Colloq. Thing of little value (don't care twopence).
Twopenny attrib. Adj. 1 costing two pence. 2 colloq. Cheap, worthless.
Twopenny-halfpenny attrib. Adj. Cheap, insignificant.
Two-piece —adj. (of a suit etc.) Consisting of two matching items. —n. Two-piece suit etc.
Two-ply —adj. Of two strands or layers etc. —n. 1 two-ply wool. 2 two-ply wood.
Twosome n. Two persons together.
Two-step n. Dance in march or polka time.
Two-stroke —attrib. Adj. (of an internal-combustion engine) having its power cycle completed in one up-and-down movement of the piston. —n. Two-stroke engine.
Two-time v. Colloq. 1 be unfaithful to (a lover). 2 swindle. ~ two-timer n.
Two-tone adj. Having two colours or sounds.
'Twould archaic it would. [contraction]
Two-way adj. 1 involving two directions or participants. 2 (of a radio) capable of transmitting and receiving signals.
Two-way mirror n. Panel of glass that can be seen through from one side and is a mirror on the other.
-ty1 suffix forming nouns denoting quality or condition (cruelty; plenty). [french from latin -tas -tatis]
-ty2 suffix denoting tens (ninety). [old english -tig]
Tycoon n. Business magnate. [japanese, = great lord]
Tying pres. Part. Of +tie.
Tyke n. (also tike) 1 unpleasant or coarse man. 2 small child. [old norse]
Tympani var. Of +timpani.
Tympanum n. (pl. -s or -na) 1 middle ear. 2 eardrum. 3 archit. A vertical triangular space forming the centre of a pediment. B similar space over a door between the lintel and the arch. [greek tumpanon drum]
Tynwald n. Parliament of the isle of man. [old norse, = assembly-field]
Type —n. 1 sort, class, or kind. 2 person, thing, or event exemplifying a class or group. 3 (in comb.) Made of, resembling, or functioning as (ceramic-type material; cheddar-type cheese). 4 colloq. Person, esp. Of a specified character (a quiet type; not my type). 5 object, conception, or work of art, serving as a model for subsequent artists. 6 printing a piece of metal etc. With a raised letter or character on its upper surface for printing. B kind or size of such pieces (printed in large type). C set or supply of these (ran short of type). —v. (-ping) 1 write with a typewriter. 2 typecast. 3 esp. Biol. & med. Assign to a type; classify. [greek tupos impression]
Typecast v. (past and past part. -cast) assign (an actor or actress) repeatedly to the same type of role.
Typeface n. Printing 1 inked surface of type. 2 set of characters in one design.
Typescript n. Typewritten document.
Typesetter n. Printing 1 person who composes type. 2 composing-machine. ~ typesetting n.
Typewriter n. Machine with keys for producing printlike characters one at a time on paper inserted round a roller.
Typewritten adj. Produced on a typewriter.
Typhoid n. (in full typhoid fever) infectious bacterial fever attacking the intestines.
Typhoon n. Violent hurricane in e. Asian seas. [chinese, = great wind, and arabic]
Typhus n. Infectious fever with a purple rash, headaches, and usu. Delirium. [greek, = stupor]
Typical adj. 1 serving as a characteristic example; representative (a typical english pub). 2 (often foll. By of) characteristic of a particular person, thing, or type (typical of him to refuse). ~ typicality n. Typically adv. [medieval latin: related to +type]
Typify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 be typical of. 2 represent by or as a type or symbol. ~ typification n. [latin: related to +type]
Typist n. Person who types, esp. For a living.
Typo n. (pl. -s) colloq. Typographical error. [abbreviation]
Typography n. 1 printing as an art. 2 style and appearance of printed matter. ~ typographer n. Typographical adj. Typographically adv. [french: related to +type]
Tyrannical adj. Despotic; unjustly severe. ~ tyrannically adv. [greek: related to +tyrant]
Tyrannize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) (often foll. By over) treat despotically or cruelly. [french: related to +tyrant]
Tyrannosaurus n. (pl. -ruses) (also tyrannosaur) dinosaur with very short front legs and a long well-developed tail. [from +tyrant, after dinosaur]
Tyranny n. (pl. -ies) 1 cruel and arbitrary use of authority. 2 a rule by a tyrant. B period of this. C state ruled by a tyrant. ~ tyrannous adj. [greek: related to +tyrant]
Tyrant n. 1 oppressive or cruel ruler. 2 person exercising power arbitrarily or cruelly. [greek turannos]
Tyre n. (us tire) rubber covering, usu. Inflated, placed round a wheel to form a soft contact with the road. [var. Of +tire2]
Tyrian —adj. Of ancient tyre in phoenicia. —n. Native or citizen of tyre. [latin tyrus tyre]
Tyrian purple see +purple n. 2.
Tyro var. Of +tiro.
Tzatziki n. Greek side dish of yoghurt with cucumber. [modern greek]
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