The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year. Once upon a time there lived an able king, Robert Bruce in Scotland. He fought many battles but he was nobody defeated him in the battle. Once he was defeated by an cruel king. He ran away from the battle field. He hid himself in a cave situated in a big forest.

There was a spider in that cave. It was trying to reach the roof of the cave. It failed again and again. After every fall, the spider tried again. It did not lose heart. The spider reached its cobweb in the several attempt.

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

The spider taught King Bruce a great lesson. It filled him with new hope and courage. He came out of the cave and gathered his forces. This time he fought bravely. He was successful in making his country free.

Moral: Try, try again till you succeed.

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year 2
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year 3

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year 4

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year 5

The king and the spider story in english for 1st year
The king and the spider story in english for 1st year

Story of King Bruce and the Spider in English:

King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, pursued after defeat in the battle, hid in a lonely cave.  King Bruce tried to plan the future but was tempted to despair.  King Bruce had lost heart and had decided to give up when his eye was caught by a spider. The insect (Spider) was making carefully and painfully its way up a slender thread to its web in the corner above. 
King Bruce watched as it made several unsuccessful attempts and thought as it fell back to the bottom repeatedly how it typified his own efforts.  Then at last the spider made it. King Bruce took courage and persevered and the example of the spider brought its reward.

King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, pursued after defeat in the battle, hid in a lonely cave.  King Bruce tried to plan the future but was tempted to despair.  King Bruce had lost heart and had decided to give up when his eye was caught by a spider. The insect (Spider) was making carefully and painfully its way up a slender thread to its web in the corner above. 

King Bruce watched as it made several unsuccessful attempts and thought as it fell back to the bottom repeatedly how it typified his own efforts.  Then at last the spider made it. King Bruce took courage and persevered and the example of the spider brought its reward.

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King Bruce and the Spider Images, Bruce and the Spider Images, King Bruce and the Spider Short Story with Moral Images, King Bruce and the Spider Story Images,  The King and the Spider Story Images, Robert Bruce and the Spider Images, King Bruce and the Spider Story with Pictures Images, King and Spider Images, Robert the Bruce Spider Poem Images, King Bruce and the Spider Images, Bruce and the Spider Images, King Bruce and the Spider Short Story with Moral Images, King Bruce and the Spider Story Images,  The King and the Spider Story Images, Robert Bruce and the Spider Images, King Bruce and the Spider Story with Pictures Images, King and Spider Images, Robert the Bruce Spider Poem Images, 

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