Growing online job opportunity is way to make money online by teaching or tutoring online. Tutoring jobs are nothing new. Everyone with necessary qualifications and experience could teach a large variety of subjects from either school or university to teenagers, college students, and even an elderly people interested in studying new things such as foreign language.
Tutoring is usually done in your own house or in the student’s homes, but now tutoring can be also done online. All you would need to be an online tutor is a computer connected to Internet. Through online tutoring you can make less money than traditional tutoring, but then you should consider there are not commuting and time and expenses associated with it to get a complete picture. It is really a great way to make money online.
Ways to Make Money Online by Tutoring or Teaching |
Subjects to Teach or Tutor Online:
You can teach almost anything depending on your qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience. Music, foreign languages, Math, Science, whether it’s a school or university level, online you can find tutoring opportunities about all these and other subjects.
Working as an online tutor, you will be giving classes one-on-one or to a larger groups of 10, 15, 20 or more people. Thanks to Internet you can now reach clients worldwide and you are not constrained to your town or neighbourhood. Think beyond and make money online by tutoring and teaching online.
Own Website or Blog:
This is an excellent way to find clients. You can start a blog or website and write useful tips and articles about the subjects you intend teach, and offer your tutoring service to those interested to learn more. The more lessons and videos you add to your blog or website, the more you make money online.
Online Tutoring Agencies:
You can also join one or more online tutoring agencies. There are large numbers of online agencies you can join to make money online by teaching and tutoring .
The purpose of online tutoring agencies is to match tutors with their clients. Some of them are specialized and are looking for tutors for particular fields such as Spanish language, other accept tutors for a wide variety of subjects such as all university departments of study.
Sending Applications to Online Tutoring Agencies:
Before sending your application, make sure you check their FAQ section and their requirements for a tutor position. They may require degree (Masters, PhD, Bachelors from an accredited university); they may accept applicants from all over the world or from certain countries. They may require a minimum of two or three years of teaching experience.
Some Tutoring Agencies You can Join:
· BrainMass – accepts applicants with a graduate level (masters or PhD) degree from an accredited university. Applicants from all university departments of study are accepted by BrainMass.
· Aim for a tutoring – accepts applicants from all over the world with a Bachelors degree in the subject they want to teach. You can teach English language, Math, Science.
· Bilingual America – Accepts Spanish and English Instructors from Georgia and Florida.
· English Everywhere – accepts applicants who can teach English with a TEFL/TOEFL qualification.
· eduwizards – offers flexible part-time hours and accepts qualified tutors for one-on-one instruction using whiteboard and voice technology.
· TutorVista, e-tutor, SmartThinking and are some of the sites you can enroll with. If you gain a good reputation as a coach, you could even conduct Webinars-lectures or seminars transmitted over the Net. College and university students are willing to pay to gain entry to a well-respected Webinar.
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